Converging Europe from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century Converging Europe 20 21 centuries
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Presentation on the history of “Europe from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century.”

Vidminno Looked at the period of letters for the countries Western Europe

The United States has been peaceful and stable since the first half of the century, as a result of several European wars, two world wars, and two series of revolutionary movements. The dominant development in the other half of the 20th century was the importance of significant progress in scientific and technological progress, the transition from industrial to post-industrial partnership . However, throughout the ten years, the edges of the setting world collided with everything nearby.

In the conservative camp from the mid-40s, the parties that supported the representation of the interests of great industrialists and financiers with Christian values ​​as non-transitive and as There are different social beliefs and ideological foundations.

Before them lay: the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) in Italy, the People's Republic of France in France, the Christian Democratic Union in Germany.The names of the parties tried to withdraw broad support from marriage and voted for adherence to the principles of democracy. After the end of the war most of the western European countries have established coalition orders, in which the leading role was played by representatives of the leftist forces-socialists and in a number of semi-communists.

Main approaches

These orders included the renewal of democratic freedoms, the purification of the state apparatus from members of the fascist movement, people who cooperated with the occupiers. The most significant achievement in the economic sphere was the nationalization of low-level government and enterprises. in the 50s, prices moved up by an average of 5% per river, with prices increasing by 3% per river.

So, in France until the end of the 50s. A crisis situation arose, caused by the frequent change of orders of socialists and radicals, the collapse of the colonial empire (loss of Indochina, Tunisia, Morocco, the war in Algeria), and the deterioration of the working population.

This development was more strongly supported by the idea of ​​“strong power,” of which Charles de Gaulle was an active supporter. In the fall of 1958, the command of the French troops in Algeria decided to submit to the order, until Charles de Gaulle would not turn back.

The general declared that he was “ready to take over power in the republic” for the minds of the Constitution of 1946 and giving him new importance.

For example, 70-cob 80 r.r. The conservatives came to power in the rich lands of Zahod.

In 1979, the Conservative Party won the parliamentary elections in Great Britain, and M. Thatcher defeated the government (the party lost its leadership until 1997).

In 1980, Republican R. Reagan was elected President of the United States. . The leaders who came to power during this period were not for nothing called the new conservatives.

In most regions, communities were estranged from government.

The ruling parties dissolved themselves and became social democratic.

Elections were held, in which a lot of oppositionists won.

These ideas were called “oxamite revolutions”.

However, it was not because of the revolutions that they were “oxamite”.

In Romania, opponents of the head of state Nicolas Ceausescu began in 1989. The rebels ruled, as a result of which a lot of people perished.

Ceausescu and his squad were killed.

After political changes, all similar European countries began to transform the economy and other areas of married life.

Everyone was convinced of the planned economy, which had moved on to the renewal of market stocks.

Privatization was carried out, the central position of the economy was taken away from foreign capital.

The first transformations went down in history under the name “shock therapy,” and some of them were associated with the decline in production, mass unemployment, inflation, etc.

  • Particularly radical changes to this plan were obtained from Poland.
  • Social disruption has become stronger here, malice and corruption have grown.
  • Until the end of the 90s.
  • The situation in most countries has stabilized.

Inflation subsided and economic growth began.

The Czech Republic, Ugorshchina, and Poland achieved great success.

Foreign investments played a great role in this. Traditional mutual ties with Russia and other Western powers were gradually renewed. However, the global economic crisis that began in 2008 is small for the economies of similar European countries with ruinous legacies. In modern politics, all parts of Converging Europe are oriented towards the Sunset, most of them towards the beginning of the 21st century. joined before NATO and the EU.

The internal political situation in the regions is characterized by a change in power between right and left parties.

After many years of troubles, Europe's existence in the shadow of the United States began a strong upsurge.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.

The countries of the European Union, with a population of approximately 350 million, generate goods and services worth a little more than 5.5 trillion dollars per river, while more than the United States (a little less than 5.5 trillion dollars, 270 million ib).

These achievements became the basis for the revival of Europe as a special political and spiritual force, the formation of a new European solidarity. This led the Europeans to reconsider the positions of the United States: to move from a relationship of the “younger brother - older brother” type to an equal partnership. Skhidna Europe Russia Surrounding Europe, a majestic influx to share

today's world

reports the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asia-Pacific region, which is developing dynamically, is growing from the Russian Far East and Korea on the day to Australia on the day and Pakistan on the way.

This region is home to approximately half of the world's population and is home to such dynamic countries as Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand,

Pivdenna Korea

Latin America had a liberal economic policy in the 1980-1990s. led to economic growth..

At the same time, the adoption of harsh liberal recipes for modernization, which did not provide sufficient social guarantees during the market reforms, increased social instability, suppressed the apparent stagnation and growth y external burglary of the countries

Latin America

The very reaction to this stagnation is explained by the fact that in Venezuela in 1999. The “Bolivarians” won the elections along with Colonel Hugo Chavez. In addition, in a referendum, a constitution was adopted that guaranteed the population a large number of social rights, including the right to work and self-government, cost-free education and medical care. From today 2000 rub. The country has a new name - the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In addition to the traditional gates, two more solutions have been created here - electronic and civil.

With the new constitution of 1991, the Bulgarian People's Republic became the Republic of Bulgaria.

The new Constitution of Romania was approved at the fall of 1991. The Republic of Rumunia replaced the Rumanian People's Republic. Czechoslovakia ceased to exist, and on its basis the two independent powers of the Czech and Slovak Republic emerged. Nezabar adopted their constitution. In 1990, radical changes were made to the constitution of the Ugric People's Republic, which changed the nature and name of the state.

And the constitution of the Polish People's Republic was supplemented by two new constitutional laws.

This is the law about mutual relations between the legislator and the royal government of the Republic of Poland and the law about territorial self-government. The Constitution enshrines a republican, democratic state structure, which is formed on the basis of legal electoral law. They guaranteed pluralism, a real rich party system, and diversity in political life

huge movements


For example, the Bulgarian Constitution has a structure that protects against the forced assimilation of the Turks and other Slovenians who live with it.

However, there is a norm in the constitution that protects the creation of autonomous territorial entities.

In the constitutions of similar European powers, the transfer of rights and freedom to citizens is consistent with the norms of international humanitarian law. At the same time, great respect is given to the citizens of economic, social and cultural rights, and the right to child health. The object of constitutional regulation is the establishment of obligatory obligations, which are aimed at reducing the excess of the constitution to a minimum. The right of power is guaranteed, except for the singing restrictions.“Vlasnist” - walk at the station.

20 of the Slovak Constitution, - goiter. It cannot be used quickly to seize the rights of other people, or in other words

shared interests

The first outbreak of war in the regions of Europe became an hour of intense struggle for the power of the suspense system, political ambushes of the powers.

In a number of countries, for example, in France, it was necessary to pay off the legacy of the occupation and the activities of collaborationist orders.

The conservative camp grew up in the mid-40s. The most influential parties were those that promoted the representation of the interests of great industrialists and financiers based on Christian values ​​as intransigent and uniting different social beliefs ideological foundations. Before them were the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) in Italy (founded in 1943), the People's Republican Movement (PRR) in France (founded in 1945), the Christian Democratic Union (founded in 1945 - CDU, 1950 rub. - CDU/CSU bloc) at Nіmechchina.

The names of the parties tried to withdraw broad support from marriage and voted for adherence to the principles of democracy.

Thus, the first program of the CDU (1947) included the suppression of “socialization” of the low zeal of the state, the “spiritual participation” of workers in management enterprises, which reflected the spirit of the hour. In Italy, the hour was approaching the referendum of 1946. Most CDP members voted for a republic, and some not for a monarchy., The confrontation between right-wing, conservative and leftist, socialist parties formed the main line in, transport, around airlines, steel mills.

As a rule, these were important, but far from thriving and profitable businesses, however, they required significant capital investments. Before that, significant compensation was paid to numerous rulers of nationalized enterprises. Pro-nationalization and power regulation were seen by social democratic leaders as the best way forward to the “social economy.” Constitutions adopted by Western European countries in the other half of the 40s.- born in 1946 in France (constitution of the Fourth Republic), in 1947. in Italy (establishment of rank from 1st century 1948), in 1949. in Western Germany, they became the most democratic constitutions in the entire history of these countries.

So, the French constitution was born in 1946. in addition to democratic rights, the rights to practice, as a result, were voted social security, awareness, workers’ rights to participate in managed enterprises, professional education political activity, a declaration about the strike “within the boundaries of laws” and others.

Likely before the constitution, systems were created in rich countries

social insurance

Particularly noteworthy is the economic growth of the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy.

During the war, domination here flourished more and more important than in other countries.

Against this background is the situation of the 50s.

was praised as an “economical miracle.”

It has become possible to develop industrial production on a new technological basis, the creation of new industries (petrochemicals, electronics, production of synthetic fibers, etc.), and the industrialization of agricultural areas.

So, in France until the end of the 50s.

A crisis situation arose, caused by the frequent change of orders of socialists and radicals, the collapse of the colonial empire (loss of Indochina, Tunisia and Morocco, the war in Algeria), and the deterioration of the working population.

This development was more strongly supported by the idea of ​​a “strong government”, of which General Charles de Gaulle was an active supporter. U travnі 1958 r. The command of the French troops in Algeria was inspired to submit to the order until Charles de Gaulle turned around., the stench quickly grew into mass demonstrations and a wild strike (the number of strikers in the country exceeded 10 million people).

Workers at the Renault automobile factories took up their jobs. A series of worries will influence actions. Participants in the strike achieved an increase in wages by 10-19%, increased unemployment, and expanded rights for professional workers.

These ideas were the result of serious testing for power. U kvitna 1969 r. President de Gaulle submitted to the referendum a bill on the reorganization of municipal self-government, but the majority of those who voted, approved the bill. After this, C. de Gaulle submitted an exhibition.

U Chernі 1969 r. A representative of the Gaullist party, J. Pompidou, was elected as the new president of the region. 1968 was marked by the stagnation of the situation in Northern Ireland , the active movement for civil rights. The clashes between representatives of the Catholic population and the police escalated into an intense conflict, to which both Protestant and Catholic extremist groups became involved. The order of military forces to Ulster. The crisis, sometimes growing worse, sometimes weakening, dragged on for three decades. power - private, sovereign and otherwise. The key pillar of their program was the idea of ​​state regulation of the economy. The pre-market strategy was expressed by the motto: “Competition is as possible, planning is as necessary.” Particularly significant

the “democratic participation” of workers was given to the supreme power of the organization of production, prices, and wages. In Sweden, where the Social Democrats were in power for several decades, the concept of “functional socialism” was formulated. It was stated that the private ruler does not need to be relieved of his power, otherwise the next step is to get to Vikonanny huge functions Shlyakh perezrozodilu profit.

Sweden accounted for about 6% of the total population, which accounted for a large part of the total population national product(GNP) for the beginning of the 70s.

was close to 30%. Social-democratic and socialist orders saw significant costs in lighting, health protection, and social security..

Particularly important terms were obtained directly from the Federal Republic of Germany.

The order that came to Vladi in 1969 together with Chancellor W. Brandt (SDPN) and Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs W. Scheel (FDP) a fundamental turn in the “convergence policy” was established in 1970-1973. bilateral agreements with the SR SR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, which confirmed the integrity of the cordons between the FRN and Poland, the FRN and the PDR.

In Spain after death in 1975. King Juan Carlos I became the head of the state under F. Frank. Thanks to his praise, the transition from an authoritarian regime to a democratic one began. The order under A. Suarez restored democratic freedoms, limiting the activity of political parties. Infant born 1978 A constitution was adopted, which declared Spain a social and legal power.

Born in 1982 The Spanish Socialist Labor Party was in power, with leader F. Gonzalez defeating the government.

I give special respect

It was necessary to approach the beginning of the production, the creation of workers in the place.

The leaders who came to power during this period were not for nothing called the new conservatives. The stench showed that they must marvel in advance, building on change. They were shocked by the political rigidity and stubbornness that infuriated the population to great extremes.

Thus, the British conservatives, opposed to M. Thatcher, came to the defense. valid values British matrimony,” to which they brought prudence and mercifulness;

ill-natured to frozen;

Like the 90s.

Born in 1997 In Great Britain, the Labor party came to power, consisting of E. Blair, and in France, following the results of the parliamentary elections, a series of representatives of the left parties was formed.
1998 r. The leader of the Social Democratic Party, G. Schröder, became Chancellor of Germany.
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