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How to glue trellises in the corners of the room correctly?

Yakbi all surfaces were equal, it would be so simple and easy to glue the tapestries on the wall! Prote, everything is not so simple, if on the right side of the trellises are pasted at the corners. At this right, skin exfoliation is important. In this article, you can get priceless information about how to glue the tapestries in the room, how to correctly stick the cuts of non-woven and vinyl tapestries. You know how to glue those inner kuti, you can confirm your knowledge of books by looking at the video lessons we have prepared.

Navit newcomers under the force of sticking tapestries on the wall. With the right glue, which matches the type of trellis, you can easily fit into the even wall, relieved of the folds and cuts. However, among the rich, the difficulties are called out, and the axis here is repaired by various difficulties, connected with the set tasks. Skіlki majstrіv, sіlki th dumok, at power like glue tapestries in kuta.

How to properly glue the interior and exterior walls of the room

Internal: The skin is standard kіmnata maє schonaimshe chotiri kuti. What kind of kuta glue the trellis? If you are new to the world of repair, zokrema, gluing tapestries, then repair from that kuta, which is not in the most prominent place. We recommend that you practice in the less memorable places of your donkey.

In order to achieve the ideal result, then glue the trellis in the coils so that the trellis canvas, which sticks to the wall, goes on the lying surface no less, lower by 3 cm, otherwise it is possible to open the trellis near the room after hanging, but not more by 5 cm, otherwise the smuga lay down to wrinkle.

The bending of that turn of the trellises on the adjacent area must be carefully smeared with glue, gently pressing the canvas for more superficial fixation. The further algorithm is simple: you are to blame for the width of the canvas, stitched on the sum wall. Sound out to become close to 53 cm. The marker for the allowance of glued smog of the trellis is to be fixed on the width of about 2 cm from the kuta, through it, for an additional shield, draw a vertical line. This badge will be the edge of the canvas to be glued.

Zovnishni: Like at your kіmnati є zvnіshnі kuti - whether it be all the strong ones, step in the walls, then information, how to correctly glue the zvnіshnі kuti with trellises, you will come even more. There are two methods of gluing:

The process of gluing the trellis with pіdіzuvannyam kutku kіmnati video lessons

  1. Having perekonavshis, scho ovnishnіy kut maє ideally equal texture and do not require additional polishing and putty. For the spadix, it is necessary to lay a panel on the whole space of the trellis. For help, it is necessary to freeze the edge of the smuga so that the advancing canvases are glued evenly.
  2. For the analogy of the inner and outer walls of the stone, it is necessary to glue the trellis with an offensive rank: to bring a smogu streak 4-5 cm behind the kut, and to glue the beast with an overlap, the smugu will come. We’ll use a paper knife for an additional line (better than a slick line - there’s a thick one, and don’t hesitate to kill) robimo cut two balls of material vertically.

How to properly stick kuti with vinyl tapestries

Vinyl trellises are more suitable, prote, to glue them, to learn about the characteristics of drawings of this type of material.

In another way, at the hour of gluing you will not be able to fold all the cloth at the mistiku walls. In order to glue the tapestries in bundles, fakhivtsi z vinyl tapestries to make sure not to bend the whole cloth for pasting into the wall space.

A characteristic feature of the vinyl itself is the lack of space between two solid panels in one kutka. The best option for this is gluing a thick smog with an overlap of 3-5 centimeters.

How to glue kuti kіmnati with non-woven tapestries

How to glue the tapestries in kuta, how does your choice fall on such a material, like non-woven fabric? In order to properly glue the inner kut in the application, it is necessary to have a canvas that goes on a new one, to cut it with an allowance of 1-1.5 cm, which is guilty of overlapping on the wall. lie down wider, as if along the edge of the grove, there are small gaps along the entire length of the valley and on a straight wall after 4-5 cm, and firmly press the canvas to the wall.

The lying wall can be glued from the protilazhny kut, and if all the swirls are glued, the rest of the smuga needs to be dried with an overlap of 2-3 mm, gluing with an overlap.

Thin when gluing tapestries video lessons

The peculiarity of how the glue is of the kuti lies in the fact that the trellis is swarthy, that it lies down to the ground, it is the responsibility of buti to cut it so that it will stand between the seam of the kut about 1.5-2 cm, it will be necessary to turn the kut. Along the edges, like in the pasting of the inner kutіv, nip the trellises, and when the smog comes, glue the trellis over it, putting the edge on the kutіv.

If you see, then insulting the smuga is to blame, but prirazan for the help of a sharp knife on the kutku, and after gluing on the sticks at the kutovіy part, it is necessary to walk with an emery paper, and only a little bit more after that farbuvati.

Kuti ta little one

The simplest way is to the right with trellises without a visor. However, how to glue the trellis in the huts of the room with a baby pick, how does your choice fall on the trellis with a visor? It is important to think over everything, first to bathe the trellis. There is such an important factor as the unevenness of the walls near the room, that the wine can be directly affected by the final result. The simplest in robotic trellises with a vertical little one, however, even if you have uneven walls, you can only voice on the curvature of the walls. It’s not too bad to give priority to tapestries with little ones - great and friable quilts, as well as folding ornaments.

How to glue the trellis in the kuta with a vizerunk correctly? Do not hurry to cut the tapestries on the line of the required height. Spend an hour on those, to straighten all the vizerunki on the trellises, and then start the repair more than once. In order to preserve the integrity of the little one in the bushes, the smuga that follows the kuta, it is necessary to support, to care for the little ones of the finished line.

Mothers are more familiar, you can look at the video lessons on our website. The stench will help you to work out at all thin walls, to repair the walls and to glue the trellises of the outer and inner kutivs.

How to create an internal cut video lessons

In addition, neatly decorate the kuti kіmnati, stale as the logical completion of your repair. Take a look at the pleasures given to these articles, and you won’t have any problems when gluing vinyl and non-woven trellises, and the thought about how to properly glue trellises in kuta will not catch you.

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