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Light design of living quarters: norms, concepts, implementation, applications

Visvіtlennya zhitla is one of the first principles of yoga design. I can say that the design of the lighting of the apartment is the first of the first principles of the project. A competent project of a life is just like that and starts from the improvement of lighting: if on the right you go to stone, concrete and metal, it will be more difficult to correct pardons, otherwise it’s impossible.

Prote "lighting design" - understandable and richly complex. Light may be healthy and comfortable, showing the appearance of the place and the individuality of the yogo hairdresser. In general, the design of lighting is composed of three winding one of the other disciplines:

  • Illuminated lighting design, or just lighting, or light design. Vin creates a physiologically priming background, on which the reshta is laid. By analogy with everyday life, the construction that carries, or rather, a hall with scaffolds and acoustics, in the same way, a violin quartet, and a rock group can perform with equal success.
  • Light architecture podkreslyuє conceptual directness of the implication that influences the mind of yoga bagmen. Svіtlova arkhіtektura buvaє zvnіshnya that vnutrіshnya, inter'єrna. Actual styles of the interior, for example, modern and high-tech, without any kind of lighting in the heat of unrealization: the interior is striking in variety.
  • I for example, light design in the interior, or light design in the interior- an analogue of furniture and decor: wine shows the individuality of the hairdresser. On the view of the first two, light design of the interior is plastic, just like furniture, figurines and pictures can be changed and moved.

Such a podіl zovsіm not conjectures, vinkaє vinikaє nayprirodnіshim rank. Take a look at the little ones: it’s clear without explanation that the left hand is the design of lighting, the center is light architecture, and the right hand is light design interior.

The overall design project of lighting includes all three components, but it is impossible to describe them in one article, so in the reference language guide about the first and most important: the grand design of the lighting of an apartment. About the elements of light architecture and light design of the interior will be discussed if necessary, if without them it is impossible to complete the main task of lighting.

See lighting

All three types of light design are practiced with natural lighting, glowing (fonov), mistsevim, robotics and decorative. It’s natural to be brought like this, like є, between the light direction (div. below): help, revitalization, roses. For other global rules are as follows:

  1. The background is to blame buti yakomoga beztinovim, which is poured. Our old instincts are waking up to a deep darkness of insecurity that creates psychological discomfort. In practice, for the sake of simplicity, those savings reach the scents and openwork shades.
  2. Mіstseve svіtlennya can add details to the interior and decor, that's why it's a big help to the new - vіdpovіdny spectrum, div. talked about the power of the world.
  3. Robotic lighting is also local, but not directed at the object, but at the eye: the brightness and spectrum are optimal at the physiological boundaries of the spray.
  4. Before decorative lighting (for example, lighting the walls) there is only one way: she is not guilty of hurting her health.

Note: є informal variety of lighting - background lighting. There is more to be said about her, but before her, there is obscurity when looking at the call.

Rules and norms

Visvіtlennya can sympathetically infuse on the mind, the psyche and the ardent camp of health, this is due to the sanitary and hygienic vimog. The rules for lighting an apartment are regulated by physical parameters and “Natural and piece lighting”; SanPіN 1278-03 are filled with chinni for old budіvel, but for designing new ones. Aesthetics is nowhere to be punished. The main benefits are as follows:

  • illumination of open living rooms, kitchens and gym - 150 lx; child - 200 lux; work room - 300 lux; restroom, toilet, confused bathroom - 50 lux; bathrooms, saunas, swimming pool - 100 lx;
  • coefficient of natural lighting KEO with outdoor lighting for high living rooms, kitchens, swimming pools and gyms - 0.5; child - 0.7; work office - 1.0; restroom, toilet, confused bathroom, bathroom, sauna - not regulated;
  • for a swimming pool with a gym, signs of psychological discomfort UGR permissible 60 with piece lighting pulsations up to 20% For bathrooms and toilets, wines are not regulated; to solve the application UGR=0.


  1. Values ​​must be the minimum allowable. Let’s frown on an autumn day, just lighten up the sky over 10,000 lux, so you don’t have to be afraid of “brute force” - there are no electric wires in the wire.
  2. KEO for the upper natural vision is not considered; vimіryuєєt′s аbіchny KEO at the horizontal plane pіdlogi.

But what about KEO and UGR? We marvel, start from KEO, win the simplest. To take up UGR, to get a little bit of rozіbratisya at the authorities of the world.


KEO, more simply kazhuchi - a piece of natural light, which is necessary to reach the destination. For example, the light meter on the bottom of the open balcony showed 400 lux, but in the bottom near the center of the total room from it 250 lux, then KEO would be 250/400 = 0.625. Vitrimano Norma.

How to designate KEO?

In domestic minds, KEO is simply indicated by a camera, as it is not known to be a mill:

  • We take a white arkush paper (not plastic or plіvki) with a larger format, on a clear noon we put it on the balcony or on the ground under the window, set the camera to aperture priority (mode A) and vimіryuєmo vitrima on new.
  • Those same robimo in the room, standing in disguise until the end. Vіtremok vіdnoshenja (and modern cameras mіryayut їх s accuracy to 1/3 - 1/4 shablі) and give KEO.

Butt: window display paper on the yard - 1/60 z, and kіmnati - 1/40 z. KEO will be 40/60 = 0.67.


The discomfort coefficient UGR is based on the formula of the international standard EN 12464-1. At the yogo basis - this is the name of the lightness of the light, as in the normative documents, what should I call the bliss (and who is only such a n_senitnitsa vigadav, if in Russian it is simple and understood the word? Sacral-corporate mova, chi yak?) and amiable for dawn, and dark, zhorst - dratuvati ta psuvati yogo.

The lightness of the light depends on three parameters of the light flow: polarization steps, coherence and spectrum. The flow of light is composed of a majestic number of elementary particles from the class of bosons - photons, which are instantaneous and quanta of electromagnetic vibration with a singing frequency, phase and directions of the electric and magnetic vectors. UGR is changed at the borders from 0 to 100.


The degree of polarization shows that in some part of the photons, the vectors of the field are shifting. In a gloomy sky, those lamps of burning, the polarization is close to zero, in a clear sky, and fluorescent lamps - only a few, up to 20%; glare from mirror surfaces and light from quantum tubes - lasers, light diodes - can be 100% polarized. Light is respected by the light for polarization up to 10%. Straightened out, that bending of the light increased its polarization.

You can reverse the polarization of light with a photographic polaroid filter: a polaroid, marveling through it, rotates 180 degrees. Even though the bright lightness does not change, the light is taken into account by the handy, and in case of the disappearance of the weakened one, it is possible to make the light stronger.


The degree of coherence is indicated, at some part of the quanta of light, their phases are shifted. The lightness of the light is determined by the long coherence train - the longest lot of the light flow, for which the coherence level exceeds 50%. Itself through dosit high coherence of light photographs with a dream come out inanimate. It is impossible to determine the magnitude of the train of coherence in domestic minds, but in the case of extreme lightness, the magnitude of the minus polarization should be noted about the miserably small train of coherence. Vinyatok - the same quantum dzherel: the coherence of this light can reach 100% on the size of a sprat of meters.


The eye easily adapts to the effective color temperature of lighting: on a clear day it’s 5700 K outside the sleepy light, then it’s 6300 K when it’s gloomy, and at sunset the sun drops to about 2000 K. ) , that for the dawn is best suited for thermal lights: lamps for roasting zvichaynya, xenon, krypton, freon, halogen. It's a pity, the stench is not economical, because today the illumination of life is more and more often on the most fluorescent lamps.

The luminescent spectrum (in the middle of the figure) is pseudobility, and in the luminous spectrum there are commemorative dips. Objects of color, which escape from failures, are dark when pieced out, dark, which creates disharmony. In addition, the use of pseudo-white light has the effect of increasing the intensity of the spectral zones, which is not good for the dawn.

Tim is not less than that, among engineers, they work on improved fluorescent lamps, and modern models with a trispherical phosphor give light, as they practically do not compromise a sony pink one for comfort.

How can I reverse the brightness of the light?

At home, the lightness of the light in the form of an economy light bulb can be roughly defined, as in the state it is less powerful for living in the form of a sony battery: a calculator, a primer. The procedure is like this:

  • “Calibrated” with a light bulb lit by 40-60 W: check, on any kind of station, the battery will give a working strum and will increase.
  • Let's bring it to a fluorescent lamp: it's like when you see it, the battery "died" on it, it changed no more than 2.5 times lower, it's lighter and more comfortable. The intensity of the light bulb, which is being changed, may be in the range of 13-24 W; for 9-11 W, the battery requirement changes by a factor of 1.5.

Butt: prilad turned on in 0.6 m, the lamp is lit, and in 15 cm, it is 11 W in the economy. 60/15 = 4, and 2.5 x1, 5 = 3.75. The lamp is rotten "alternative"; pіde hіba scho for mіstsevogo osvіtlennya.

Addition to SNiP 23-05-95 allow the installation of light fixtures for the minds of up to the sanitary standards, but for the overhead lighting of the room, the stench is not suitable only for the polarization of coherence, but for the spectrum: synthetic synthetic. On the right, it’s not stіlki in the fact that the objects that they squandered in the deafness of yoga failed, they will turn out to be black.

The main shkidlivost of the island spectrum is the high concentration of energy in the peaks of the outgoing light, the necessary creation of the necessary bright whiteness. Peaks of energy overwhelm the eyes of the eyes, which psuє zіr that zdorov'ya vzagali. For an analogy: a blow to the head with a pillow is enough to break up, but with a whole one you can kill it.

Therefore, the main spheres of svetosuvannya svіtlodiodіv at illuminated zhitla - the design of illuminating steles and pіdsvіchuvannya / illuminating, moreover, on the edge of the square light lines are roztashovuvat behind cornices, so that polarization and coherence in the case of diffused light are improved.

About superficial clearness

According to sanitary standards, the surface brightness of the dzherel light can be changed to 200 cd / sq.m. Halogens, which give a thermal spectrum that is more friendly to the dawn, go far beyond this threshold, being a point of light. That is why, when the working area is illuminated, it is necessary to use a visor or drown it in furniture, and for a bright light it is necessary to use lamps with matte caps or a diffuse transformation of the light, directing it to the white of the bed or walls.

Video: pardon at the lighthouse

Pishov light design

The design of the lighting of the city is based on the light design of natural lighting. Let's wait until the new KEO can be tied to the piece: the light shock when the bright light is switched on is also shkidlivy. Binding to fight for the necessary tightness of the light.

Let's choose the type and nomenclature of lighting fixtures and their technical characteristics after the original layout. With this, the layout is often brought to completion.

The next stage - and after this, the electrical circuit of the apartment lighting is expanded. And just a little bit of this light "glue" into the future project, which can again help different kinds of dorobok.

About the concept of light

Є two zagalnі go to visvetlennya: European and American.

  1. The basis of the European is like an element that unites people, then the most quieter brightly illuminated place, like sumuvav Heminguey.
  2. The American concept is economical and individual, with a sconce. To the bіsa all sorts of gatherings there, I'll snuggle at my kut with a glass of whiskey, and I'm less likely to reel the lichnik.

The first one, and the second pidhіd allow you to take off the background may be without shade lighting, and the plafond or throwing on the stele of the halogen light instead of the chandelier allow you to put in the synthetic pidhіd: the stella is light section by section through the underwire vimikach, and the sconces - with іndivіdual. The problem of impersonal wires when the sheathing of the walls and the stele is broken, under it, electrical cords are hovering.

Self-sufficiently correct lighting of the apartment is brought up to її lighting in the room, we will take care of it.

Video: an alternative subjective look at vision lighting

natural light

Passing through the slopes or looking into the mirror, the natural light can become quite harsh. In addition, the light of the night is not guilty of buti and too sharp, superciliously straightened.

It helps to keep it firm and light on the windows, or openwork pereskodi - tulle, organza. The stink and rose light, which has been victorious for a long time to optimize natural lighting.

At our hour, it’s worth it, which allows, moreover, to direct the light wherever necessary, without scorching mirrors, which can be polarized: vertical fabric blinds. At the same time, I will change the stitching of their ruffled cloths, for the diffraction rahun, beat the lightness of the light to an acceptable value. The turn of the panels gives a diffuse airflow to the required direct, and crushing-rozsuvayuchi їх, you can cross over a part of the light stream and direct it to the dark kut. At the sale, you can already use “intelligent” blinds, which automatically adjust the optimal lighting mode for the room, but for self-reliant people who are familiar with electronics, there is a great field of neorane.

Piece lighting

Global rules

To link the design of the interior with a light frame of memory like this:

  • Light that color gives space, like the stench of the spectrum: the lightening of the blue of the red will give only a failure.
  • The flats visibly expand at the straight streams of light.
  • The use of a bright light tone for the design needs to be done step by step, and black - by zones.
  • Zones hang step by step.
  • More light can be buti bіlim.
  • Mіstseve svіtlo for kolorovyh ob'єktіv tezh need more, but for more can be kolorov.
  • Glibokі tinі nebazhanі at razі.

About halogens

Halogen lamps create a decent light-free illumination with a small amount of exhaustion, which is cool, because. evenly distributed along the stele, satisfying the semblance of a vibrating surface. Ale tint under the furniture appears to be deep, so in the living rooms of the halogens it is necessary to add accuracy, as described above. In small rooms (kitchen, front rooms) you are not particularly surprised, and there halogen lamps for bright lighting can be stastosovuvat without water.

We signify the power of light

For a support, we take a light bulb-economy, I turn it into a light. In order to signify the deep darkness for the illumination of the room, vimiryuemo created by it alone, raised to the stele, the illumination on the underside in the center. There is no way to speed up with a luxmeter, or to submit an application to the CEC for lighting control, to check that camera itself: we put it in S mode (vitrimka priority), and we control the exposure on a white arc. A value of approximately 100 lux is 0.5 s at aperture A=2.8, 1 s at A=4 and 2 s at A=5.6.

Butt: camera lens with the maximum "dirkoy" 4. Vimir gave a video window 4 s. Illumination - trochs more (1/4)x100=25 lux. To create a deep illumination of 150 lux, at least 6 such bulbs are needed.

Vibir dzherel

The overcast design of the lighting of the room is distinguished not only by the power of the light, but also by the diagrams of the directness of DN, div. rice. Cardiovascular DN is more important for general lighting, whether it is a place for an average size.

One lamp is given to the cardioid, or their group is in a ceiling. If the bulbs of the lamps are turned horizontally, the cardioid will be pulled down; yakscho vertically with the flasks down, the DN will stretch out ub_k. First, it is more important for a room with dark furniture; the other - for the light.

Vіs_mka go out of the cardio, as if the lamp could have a lower reflector (“pіddon”). It is similar in terms of power to cardio, but it is most suitable for lighting great squares or rooms with high steles.

Vialov DN to light the lamps in the reflectors. Chim already th deepest reflector, tim less rozkrivshi blew. Vykoristovuyutsya for mіstsevoy, robotic and zonal lighting. Luminaires with a high DN, which are adjustable in height, allow you to solve the problem of lighting a bright one-room apartment far away: by lifting them up and down, you can lightly adjust the zones.

DN-pelyustka give a sconce. "Vuho" pellets can be straight uphill or down, marveling at the lighting of the lamp: with a flask uphill or down it’s obvious. At the horizontal plane of the DN there is a sconce - cardioid. In the American system, sconces are accepted to vicorist with a high DN on the mountain; in European - upside down that less tightness, for timchasovy working lighting.

Cosecant-square (beacon, radar) DN is the most important thing: at the borders of light patches, illumination is theoretically ideal, but practically equal. Reaching KK DN is technically smooth, and even more so, give a floor lamp with a light bulb uphill and a great spherical lampshade-reflector above it. Chi bachili on the little ones laying the lamp of Lenin? Kim bi wins not buv, but all life reworks burn documents, consume in eyepieces without seeing.

About raster lamps

Raster lamps are attached to great communal dwellings from high steles. Living quarters have the same vipadok, if it is optimal for lightness, the light appears unacceptably zhorst.

Placement of lamps

Placement of luminaires is selected from applications, because it is impossible to give a universal recipe for any tastes and needs. There is only one more spicy - European enlightenment. American light nowhere, in the region of the utilitarian USA, did not take root, and in Puritan England, too.


Illumination is primed on the center of the stele, div. rice left hand and in the center. DN for light vitals - cardioid; for large, folding forms and dark ones - vіsіmka; tse allow you not to stain the tightness of the tightness of the walls and kuti. A light plasterboard stele (right-handed) is also covered with light, an even more economical shadeless background can be achieved with halogens, and decorative light lighting can be added to the new one.


- A single room, de not only acceptable, but also recommended: changing the color, you can change the mood of the accommodation and sleep, sleep, or else they are busy in the bedroom. For the “lizhkovoї” zone, sufficient lighting is provided by sconces or floor lamps at the corner (div. Fig.), and the axis of the lamp should be placed in the center of the non-sleeping zone. Even better pіdіyde vіyalovy with a wide rozkryvom, regulation in height: rozmіr zone of unsleeping can be changed vіdpovіdno to vikoristannya dormitory at a time.

Illumination of the bedroom miraculously complements the light of the window. The lines are placed along the perimeter of the window opening so that the stench shines in the warehouse, and in the middle they hang with organza. On a bed in such a bedroom, you can, when it’s open in the open, speak naming, and the posters of nothing, cream, it’s possible, indistinct shadows, do not chatter.


In the eyes of a child, the light would be especially strong, so a matte ceiling or a halogen lamp with matte caps is needed on the stele. Lighting options show a baby; on the right - formally correct, but psychologically unacceptable. Psuyut mustache dark decorative cornices-gloomy. Who can live quietly under a stormy sky? Certainly not for children.


For displaying optimal halogens. Tіn_ p_d furniture here do not throw into the eyes, and halogen lamps do not only interfere with kitchen wiring (as it is so preoccupied in the apartment), but they self-clean in the form of children that are sitting, because. under an hour the robots get very hot. How to check the accuracy of halogens, described above; The butt of a distant light design of the kitchen of indications for the little levoruch - in the kitchen, according to the light, the work zone is to be dominated.


Illumination of the corridor may be us before equals: - disguising a booth, but, I ask, decent hulks with a skewed lance do not show themselves to people. Save light from the light through the cornice and transform it into a white matte stele, angry in the figure, completely true: at the front, they don’t trim for a long time, but they go and the starry matte plafonds, in the center.

And the axis of chimerical light solutions, like in fig. right-handed, next unique: at the visitor, rozmov z like for you, it is possible, important in principle, you can blame for the damage, that you have come not to a promising, suitable and potential partner, but to Dracula's castle.


Optimal lighting i - even, soft, practically without tint, like in fig. levoruch. Deep shades, vіdbliski, plyami, like two rice. on the right, and the pores of the shkiri will not be allowed to open like a trace when washing, and the peristalsis of the intestines will be crushed with muck. Virishuetsya tse, as a rule, with just one ceiling on the stele - bathtubs are made with light, kind materials.

At the lamps there are glowing lamps. It’s not light at the bathhouse, so that saving is not important, but there are more than enough glare on the surface. In addition, at the economy, protected from moisture-proof lamps, in case of overheating, it is easy to get out of the fret of the electronics.

The mirror is more illuminating with matte halogens (other levoruch poses are small), like a child’s, but the reason is already different: the bright eyes do not allow you to look at the tribni nedolіkі zvnіshnostі, yakі then will be memorable.

Studio apartment

The design of the studio apartments will be based on the principle of coherent zoning. In the distance, the butt is shown in Fig. Zliva. Rodzinka - placement near the center of the zone to repair the stele ceiling from the vіsіmkovoy DN. In the case of directing the flow of light from the sky, it is so brightly light to work with effective, whether or not other ways of zoning the premises.

About tension steles

The hanging of tension streaks is technically brought up to the selection of summaries in terms of thermal imaging and power flow (PPE) and the development of luminaires and the material of the stele, but it’s also a theme that cannot be brought up to light design. As far as this is concerned, then the tension steles were still invented for the sake of a new light self-expression (divine pic), therefore, the methods of their illumination are not regulated anywhere, and to let it be set would mean to loosen up the idea.

But one more time to give all the same is necessary: ​​turn on the vipadok of the inclusion of the beauty of the nevimovnoy in the space between the walls, faintly match the tone of the savage design, like on the trail. Rice. levoruch. Otherwise, if you see a stele, you can see the quiet calm of the room, as you can see right-handed there.

Video: apply lighting to the beds

What about warmth? Don't forget!

Navit the most economical light bulbs see little heat. Installation of luminaires should be carried out with the improvement of the furnishing. Instructions are added to the lighting fittings (otherwise you can know them for the brand names), for which the dimming of the lamps is allowed, reach the walls thinly. Tsikh vkazіvok need to be trimmed, but for economists there is a nuance: їhnє teplovidіlennya in cotton wool is okremo. The tension of the mesh is in the house, and the strums are shown on the plinth.

On the right, in that the electrical circuit of the economy can achieve great reactivity, and the indication of tension on the packaging shows an effective reduction in tension, the windings of the lighter are wound. The current hour after the heat is turned on, the economy sees more, and then we see less. Economies, which light up quickly, are the result of their placement in the deaf, tight plafonds, so give good light bulbs a break.

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