Registration of the flow of literature.
Culturology and anthropology
Subscribe and read

Dzherela literature with guest online.

good Vidminno Written whatever it is scientific robots Either a course work, an essay or a diploma, conveys a collection of information from various sources.

At the final stage of writing the work, in order registration of the list of references

, from which information was collected during the investigation.

This process can be operational a priori, because

it is necessary to complete a number of nuances and obligatory understandings. Bibliography– promoter of the author’s knowledge of the topic of scientific research and the truth of his research. Qualified accountants can easily determine how new and relevant the work is, as well as find out the essence of the development and conduct its analysis. Let's take a look at the report formatting parameters, including descriptions of the main types of equipment.

Application of registration of normative legal (legislative) acts in the list of references

Correct formatting and updating of the list of references for abstracts, coursework, and dissertations

  • In Russia, the nuances of the design of scientific work are prescribed in a single Interstate standard -
  • GOST 7.1-2003.

On the stand

normative document

The flow of literature may take shape.

Or for a course robot, title the list of references - the first task is how you can compare the creation of a pure text document.

  1. All collected information must be put into a single list, first of all, it is important to understand what kind of literature can be lost there.
  2. Looking at the bibliography from the position of a member of the commission, who revises scientific work, one has to pay respect to the following points: Most daily (not older than 3-4 days after the investigation). Dzherela remaining 10-20 years of age – no more than 30% zhalnye kіlkosti at the list of references.

Specifically, the investigation may

  • current history
  • , then it is unwise to use old information.
  • When they are included in the list of references, please note a few nuances:
  • It has been a long time since we decided to stand together with the current minds, so that their replacement is in line with the themes of the investigation.

The skin will be difficult to understand with help (bibliographical mail).

  • Detailed information can be found in the statistics.
  • The maximum scientific value for research should be: journal articles, monographs, samples of statistics and other specialized materials on the topic of work.
  • Companions and accomplices are of less value in this plan.
Any laws and acts must be submitted in their original edition according to the designated date and date of their first publication.

Before completing the list of references, Kalkisna conveys the following:

10 and more dzherel at ,

20 and more dzherel at , 40 and more per . Dzherela is assigned to the Abbet.

Additional washing facilities are presented in GOST 7.1-2003.

By placing the elements in alphabetical order, it is possible to include the nuances of the division of literature in the list according to their typical affiliation.

Regulatory and legal acts come first.

Then enter

nakovi dzherela

, initial aids and postings on Internet resources.

Correct design of the list of references according to GOST-2018, 2019

Next, the main types of literary texts will be presented using the original form, which can be followed by a bibliographical description of each of them.

Since at the time of writing, many other authors were vikorized, they can be read from the official re-examination, or added to the square arms as the edged parts.

Look around (analytics)

RF Patent Number, date of issue

Conference materials


Conference topic, location, release date.

Number of pages.

Internet documents
URLs, date of publication of the resource.

Chief aides


  • Other nuances of designing a bibliographic list
  • Also, if you have a diploma, pay attention to the following nuances:

If you know how many volumes are available, you need to insert in the description the number of that book, so that information is taken for tracking.

The electronics had to grumble in the pit, otherwise it was not their fault to cover the entire list of literature with themselves.

VNZ should be used in large quantities, so that instead of the URL in the bibliography, it does not exceed 1/3 (2/3) of the number of submissions.

For any recommendations, please refer to the following values.

The generally accepted idea is that the material in the article, for which the bibliographical submission has been compiled, is not affected by plagiarism.

Mindlessly copying and pasting materials is not good. In proper order, rewrite the material in your own style, preserving the topic of the report. With the correct preparation of the bibliographic list, you can reach positive thoughts about it in your scientific work.

In order to evaluate the work, all you need to do is access the “Entry”, “Reference” and “Bibliography” items. In connection with this, it is clear to work on coursework and diploma works, giving the utmost respect not only to the text, but also to the compiled list of references. Follow the methodical recommendations and points of GOST 7.1-2003 and your scientific work will receive the highest ratings. Until now, information about the criteria can be provided to the VNZ, and individuals can evaluate the work. factual and statistical information (in some cases, subcontractors and in-text bibliographical messages are not prepared).

In robots of a retrospective and circumspect nature, there is a need to remember what has been seen.

In this case, when the list includes bibliographical records about things that are not immediately known, the bibliographic record indicates the list of records from which the data about the thing was taken (in the form: “Quoted by...” or "Aim at" ..").
The list of literature must be compiled following the following rules: Get literature.
Literature and literature for the preparation of work are indicated.. Opis dzherel

A record about a book or article is a short bibliographic record that includes the main information:

Rich volumes of sights
Author. Title of the publication: information about the title (div. title) / Information about the evidence (authors);
Up-to-date information about collaboration (editors, translators, teams).

– Place of sighting: Vidavnitstvo, Rik of the beginning of the sighting – Rik of the end of the seeing. – (Series)./FONT>

Designated volume number: Volume name: information, as indicated by the name.

- I'm sorry about that.

- About `em;

Designated volume number: Volume name: information, as indicated by the name.- I'm sorry about that.

- About `em. etc.


Author. Title of the publication: information about the title (div. title) / Information about the evidence (authors);

Up-to-date information about collaboration (editors, translators, teams).

  1. – Place of sighting: Vidavnitstvo, Rik of the beginning of the sighting – Rik of the end of the seeing.

- I'm sorry about that.

- Number of volumes.

Kozakov, N.A.

Late recognition [Text]/N.A.

Kozakov // At the combat post.

- I'm sorry about that.

- 2000. - No. 9. - P. 64-67;

No. 10. - P. 58-71.

Statta z vidan, scho prodovzhuyutsya.

Author. Title of the article: information about the name / information about the reliability (authors of the article) // Title of the article.


Series title.

Up-to-date information about collaboration (editors, translators, teams).

  1. - Rick vidannya. - Issue number: Name of the issue.

- I'm sorry about that.

– Roztashuvannya statti (story).

Bilokh, N.V. Income, proposition and prices - the problem of balance [Text] / N.V. Bilokh, N.Ya.

Petrakov, V.P.

Rusakov // News of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. Syria.
economical When compiling a list of literature on skin lesions, the name and initials of the author (authors), the exact title, place of publication, title of publication, river of publication, number of pages are indicated. For a journal article, indicate the name and initials of the author, title of the article, name of the journal, issue date, journal number, pages on which the article occupies. The list of references may include more than anything seen, followed by work, etc.
those that were quoted, where the messages were sent and which served as the basis for the formulation of the student’s view. All numbers, quotes and chairs, are placed from literary sources, ensure the obligatory instructions on the basis from in full detail

Seen from the list of wikilists. The list of selected literature is compiled in strictly priority order, starting with regulatory legal acts of the federal level, individual and collective monographs,:
scientific articles
Hierarchy list of literature
1. Regulatory acts;

2. Practice materials; 3. Literature and periodicals; 4. Literature in foreign languages;

5. Internet dzherela.

If the robot did not vikorize, be it any kind of dzherel, you can skip it.
For example, as in
control robot
There are no practical materials, then after normative and legal acts comes literature.
Regulatory legal acts are located in the list of literature with legal authority:
· international legislative acts - with chronology;
· Constitution of the Russian Federation;
· Codes - by alphabet;
· Laws of the Russian Federation - with chronology;

· Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - with chronology; · Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - with chronology;· Acts of ministries and departments in sequence - punishments, decrees, regulations, instructions of the ministry - by name, acts - by chronology.

· Laws of subjects of the Russian Federation; · Decisions of other state bodies and bodies of local self-government. Resolutions of the plenums
Supreme Court
That the normative and legal acts have lost their importance, they are arranged along the lines of the list of normative and legal acts, and are of equal importance.
In this case, it is obligatory to indicate at the arms that the normative legal act has lost its integrity.

Documents of equal legal significance are grouped in chronological order based on the dates of their publication.:

Application of registration of regulatory legal acts based on DSTU, 2015
1. "Constitution of the Russian Federation" (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (with amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 200 8 N 7-0K4.2. -FKZ) // “Laws of the Russian Federation”, 04/14/2014, N 15, art. 1691. 2. “The Declaration of Human Rights” (adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948) // “
Russian newspaper
", 12/10/1998.

3. “Civil Code of the Russian Federation” dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2014) // “Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation”, 01/13/1997, No. 2, Art.


4. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 776, Ministry of Defense of Russia N 703, FSB of Russia N 509, FST of Russia N 507, FMS of Russia N 1820, SZR of Russia N 42, FSVP of Russia N 535, FSKN of Russia N 398, SK Rossii N 68 ed 27.0. 2013 r. “On the approval of the Instructions on the procedure for submitting the results of operational-sound activity to the investigative body, investigation or before the court” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 12/05/2013 N 30544) // “Rosiyskaya Gazeta”, N 282, 12/13/2013 The flow of normative and legal acts in the list of literature is followed by the flow of specialized literature and periodicals.
The list of references is compiled directly from the published literature or from catalogs and bibliographical displays in its entirety, without over-stuffing any elements, or headings, etc.

  • Vihodachi z
  • GOST literature list
  • is drawn up in the form of insertion of obligatory elements in the description of the bibliographic document.
  • The main elements of the description of the literary genre are:
  • PIB of the author (authors/editor);
Name of the work (title of the book); Name of type; Rik vidannya;

There are a lot of pages in the video.

GOST also transmits
optional elements
, Zastosuvannya yak do not forget obov'yazkov.
The optional elements of the description of the bibliographic body include, for example:
Parallel to the name
Vidomosti, what is the name of the fuss?

Vidomosti about the function of seeing, distributing everything, etc. Rosemary- deserves special respect.
It is important to note that there are many different visual ways to design a bibliography.
On the other hand, this optional element is stagnant in these cases, if from the obvious elements of the bibliographic record the characteristics of the physical body of the document are not visible (for example, a description of the database, installed on a local computer, etc.).
The element is indicated in square arms immediately after the name without any signs of punctuation (for example: [Electronic resource], [Audio recording], etc.).
For primary books, the following icon has been transferred: [Text].

If it is clear from other elements of the bibliographic record what physical meaning is involved, it is permissible to omit this element. In this instruction, we will not review this element, unless you need it, then simply add to yourself the rules for formatting the list of references below for the obligatory inclusions after the title of the book of this element in the square arms. In some way, the obov'yazkovo element of the description of the literature is directed
What is the mystery in GOST.
But here it is clear that the inclusion of these and other elements of the description should be included in the target list.

Where there is no need to identify literature in the international documentary stream, it is not obligatory to specify an ISBN.
There are lists of coursework and diploma papers, dissertations, etc. Thus, an ISBN is not required for the list of literature for a course work (similarly to a diploma thesis). The order of registration of the literature was to contain a number of authors who took part in his writing.

Along with the rules of transfer for books from 1, 2-3 and a large number of authors.

Let's look at the order

registration of the list of literature for the guest
to include additional books from a different number of authors.

Design of books with 1 author
Zhabina S.G.

Fundamentals of economics, management and marketing in a huge food service / S.G.

– K.: Academy, 2016. – 336 p. It is immediately clear how places are designated. In practice, there have been short-lived appointments of great places (including the capital and regional centers).
Let's decrypt: Name of the place
Named in the bibliography list Comment
Moscow M. Saint Petersburg
St. Petersburg Rostov-on-Don
Rostov n/a. Often there is a distinction between RND and R/ND - but that’s not the case. Nizhny Novgorod

N. Novgorod.

L. For literature published by the USSR. Similar for foreign countries: Paris - R., New York - N.Y., Berlin - St., London - L. To restore respect, a dot is placed after the abbreviated name.
After her


write the space immediately


it indicates the name of the type.
M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc., For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. If the book was written by a team of authors of 2-3 people, then the name and initials of one (first) author are indicated on the beginning of the bibliographic description./ For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc., After the nickname there is a dot.. The following is the title of the book.. - Then put “slash” and repeat these authors, and then start with the initials, and then the nickname..: After the remaining nickname there is a dot, followed by a dash., 2016. - 155 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..

After the dash we write a dash, followed by the number of pages this book has, the letter “c” and the dash. Butt:


it indicates the name of the type.

Today's economy

A.V Sidorov design with an element designated to the type of type For which, in the designation of the rules for designing books, immediately after naming the type, put a double check mark and write the type of type.

it indicates the name of the type.
M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc., For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. Modern economics: a basic guide / For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc.. - Then put “slash” and repeat these authors, and then start with the initials, and then the nickname..: After the remaining nickname there is a dot, followed by a dash., 2014. - 225 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..

Otherwise, the vikoryst is used for the purpose of the material

M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc., For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. Today's economy [Text]: initial handbook / For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. M.: _____ St. Petersburg: _____ etc.. - Then put “slash” and repeat these authors, and then start with the initials, and then the nickname..: After the remaining nickname there is a dot, followed by a dash., 2014. - 225 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..

Formatting of assistants and initial assistants as edited

To format the initial handbook edited by one author, so as to combine many authors, you need to first write the title of the publication, then the double entry and the type of the article (podruchnik / navch. aidnik), then “suffix” and phrases and “edited.” After which initials are indicated first, and then the editor's nickname. What follows

standard order

it indicates the name of the type.
design, guidance more.: GOST list of literature. Pharmaceutical chemistrylet's get startedadditional help. For/ studiouniversities. І. under. edit. - For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names)..: N, 2014. - 323 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..

it indicates the name of the type.
design, guidance more.: GOST list of literature. Pharmaceutical chemistrylet's get startedadditional help. For/ Sovenko. under. Rior., For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names).. І. L, Protasova; studioIvanov. under. edit.. - For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names)..: N, 2014. -323 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..

A.A. Sidorov ed.

it indicates the name of the type.
I, Forunder. many volumes of booksIt is necessary to indicate the volume number that was published in the work..2. And immediately after the name of the video there is a postscript “T.1.”, where 1 is the volume number.[ Bokiv] / A. I. - For other places in the list of references, their names are indicated, after which there is a double paragraph (and not a dot, as in the section with short names)..: Economics, 2015. - 532 After the dash it is indicated: place, double, name of the species, coma, river of the species, speck..



it indicates the name of the type.
I, Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. Text. O.M / Design of books with 2 and 3 authors. Text. I// Norm. -2014. - 4 (11). - Registration of articles from journals and periodical collections in the list of literature. 32-36.

For the description of articles from periodical publications, the following order of insertion of elements in the description of the bibliographic device is followed: the author’s nickname and initials;

name statti;, “slіsh” and I know the author’s name, firstly the initials, and then the nickname;. “slіsh” and I know the author’s name, firstly the initials, and then the nickname;. then two braids of rice;[ the name of the periodical or collection in which the article is placed (the legs are not tampered with);dash, rik vidannya;followed by a dot, number (the date in the arms may be indicated);dot, dash;:// then the numbers of the first and remaining pages of the article.. Before. Hut/ Reasons for the crisis of the US economic model. RBC- Z

Registration of electronic mail Krokhin

Restoration of architectural monuments


resource ], -h ttp www architechosі restovrat"Bibliographical sending. Foreign benefits and rules of folding".
It is possible to offend the DSTU data read and download lower.

GOST 7.1 2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. open close


GOST 7.1-2003

System of standards for information, libraries and references



those folding rules

ISS 01.140.20

Date of introduction 2004-07-01


Goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work with interstate standardization established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. " Vidomosti

about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Book Chamber of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on the right hand, television and radio broadcasting and mass communications, the Russian State Library and the Russian National Library Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization TK 191 "Scientific and technical information, library and publication on the right"

2 INTRODUCED by Derzhstandart of Russia

3 ACCEPT by the Interstate Council for standardization, metrology and certification (protocol No. 12 dated 2 June 2003)

Short name of the region

for MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code By

MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Short-term appointment of a national body

zі standardization





State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Russian Federation

Derzhstandart of Russia




Government service "Turkmenstandartlari"




Derzhspozhivstandart of Ukraine 4 By decree State Committee

Russian Federation on standardization and metrology since November 25, 2003. N 332-st interstate standard GOST 7.1-2003 introductions in front of the national standard of the Russian Federation since 1 June 2004.

5 VZAMIN GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.18-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82

1 Zastosuvannya area

The standard is expanded to cover the description of documents compiled by libraries, scientific and technical information bodies, government bibliography centers, publishers, and other institutions that produce bibliography.

The standard is not applied everywhere to bibliographical submissions.

This standard has references to the following international standards:

GOST 7.0-99 System of standards for information, library and reference work.

Information and library activities, bibliography.

terms and meaning GOST 7.4-95 System of standards for information, library and reference work.


Weekend news


OST 7.5-98 System of standards for information, library and reference.

Magazines, collections, information publications.

Types of materials to be published

GOST 7.9-95 System of standards for information, library and reference work.

Abstract and annotation.

Note - When applying this standard, it is necessary to thoroughly check the current standards when sending to the territory of the state for a corresponding indicator of standards, based on the 1st day of the production line, and for the corresponding information indicators, published Forged in a continuous process.

If a document is requested (changes), then if it is specified by this standard, the trace will be replaced (changed) by the standard.

If the sent document is folded without replacement, then the provisions in which the sending is given to the new one will stagnate in part, since the sending is not valid.

3 Terms and meanings

This standard includes terms from GOST 7.0, GOST 7.76, GOST 7.83. 4 Zagalni provisions 4.1 Bibliographical description Place bibliographical records about a document, following the rules that establish a new order of passage of areas and elements, and values ​​for identification and

flamboyant characteristics


The bibliographic description is the main part of the bibliographic record.

A bibliographic record may also include a title, indexing terms (classification indexes and subject headings), abstract (abstract), document storage code, additional bibliographic records, completion date timidity of the document, information of an official nature.

The formation of the title of a bibliographic record is regulated by GOST 7.80.

A rich-part object is a document that represents the totality of several physical units on the same or different physical entities, a rich-volume document, a complete document, a serial or other resource that concerns.

4.2.2 The object can also be warehouse a single-part document or a single multi-part document.

4.3 In the structure of the description, it is important to separate the same-level and multi-level bibliographic description.

4.3.1 One-level description contains one level.

This is put on a single-part document, completing the multi-part document with a lead, defining a physical unit, as well as a group of physical units of the multi-part document (division 5).

4.3.2 A rich description should include two or more equal parts.

It is compiled into a multi-part document (a multi-volume or complete document as a whole, a serial or other resource that will last as a whole) or on a separate physical unit, as well as a group of physical units of a rich-part document - one or several volumes (issues) in, numbers, parts) rich volume, complete document, serial or other resource (division 6).

4.4 The library inventory includes the following areas:

1 - area for the name of information about the reliability;

2 – Vidannya region;

3 - area of ​​specific displays;

4 - output data area;

5 - sphere of physical characteristics;

6 – series area;

7 - marking area;

8 - area of ​​standard number (or other alternative) and availability.

4.5 The areas of the description are made up of elements that are divided into mandatory and optional. The description may have some obligatory and optional elements. 4.5.1 Obligatory elements provide bibliographic information to ensure document identification.

I'd like to make an inventory for anyone.

In the greatest detail, optional elements are included in the descriptions of state bibliographic displays, library catalogs (in card and electronic form), databases of great universal scientific libraries and centers of the state. Ibliography.

4.6 Areas and elements are guided by the establishment of the sequence as presented in section 5. Around the areas and elements can be repeated.

Bibliographic information that contains different elements, or is grammatically linked in one sentence, should be written at the first element.

GOST 7.0.5 2008 Bibliographic sending.

The rules of folding open and close

System of standards for information, libraries and references
Bibliographical message.

Zagalni vymogi and rules of folding
System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing.

Date of introduction 2004-07-01

Bibliographic reference.

Goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work with interstate standardization established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. " General requirements and rules of making
GKS 01.140.30
Date of introduction 2009-01-01
The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law dated 27 April 2002 N 184-FZ “On technical regulation”, and the rules for establishing national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2 004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"
about the standard
1 DISSOLVED by the Federal State Establishment "Russian Book Chamber" of the Federal Agency together with mass communications

5 VZAMIN GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.18-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82
2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 191 “Scientific and technical information, library and publication on the right”
The standard is expanded to include bibliographical submissions that appear in published and unpublished documents on any medium.
The standard is intended for authors, editors, and producers.



Select the type of document being quoted.

You can register your message on the website with a title, a web page, an on-line book or part, an online magazine or something else.

I will describe the type of document to store the warehouse.

I'll send it to the original first.

For example, when quoting an article from an American online magazine, please use my own information about it.

Information for describing the document must be taken from elsewhere.

It is important to read the home page of the site and the web section where the publication is posted. If I didn’t know what element to describe, I could skip it. Remember the basic information that you need to indicate when sending a message to the Internet account:

1. Author of the publication.

In the description, indicate the name and initials without decoding, for example: Ivanov I.I.

The author is guilty of being the creator of the text you quoted, and not of the Internet site.

8. Email addresses and dates are prior to the document.

Indicate the URL abbreviation that replaces the Russian phrase “Access mode”.

Next, navigate to the http address of the site or adjacent page. Write the date on the arms if you have visited this Internet resource, for example: “(Date of issue: 12/25/2011).” The specific quantity must be indicated first, because

Electronic documents often change their registration or disappear altogether.

Please note below the most extensive messages on online documents.

Fold the description of the quoted document, wrapping around one of them.


national university


M.V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource].

  • M., 1997-2012.
  • URL:

(Date of publication: 02/18/2012).


Information for applicants: [Electronic resource]// Moscow State University named after.

If the definition of normative acts is included, then in the list first indicate the name of the document, the date of its adoption, and the name of the body that adopted it.

Obv'yazkovo indicate the date in which this normative act was published.

In this case, if a bibliographical body has one author, then his nickname and initials should be indicated on the cob, called monographs or articles without paws through a coma.

After this, put a dot and a dash.

If the book is a monograph, then indicate the place where the book was published, put a double checkbox and indicate the name of the book and the number of pages in this book.

Since this is a collective exercise, first indicate the name and initials of the author who comes first on the list, then the name of the monograph and after the sign “/”, select other authors. If there are more than five, then after the first nickname you can write “that other one.” In this case, as indicated by the editor, then after re-examining the authors, write the phrase “For the editor.”


and enter the editor's nickname.
Then put a dot and a dash and rearrange the other data.
If an article is indicated in the column, before the dot and dash, put the sign “//” and write the name of the journal where it was published, and after the dot and dash – the author of the publication, that is the page number.

If you are looking at the published materials of a scientific conference, then after the name of the author and the title of the article, put a box indicating the name of the collection of articles and the conference, the place where it took place, Please note the page numbers on which article was published.
Application: Occupational health for operational personnel of the AES: methods of support and renewal/V.I.

Evdokimov, G.M.
Roddutin, V.L.

Marishchuk, B.M.
Ushakov, I.B.

M.; Voronezh: Vitoki, 2004. 250 p. Newspapers are designed according to the same principle as a book (which also includes a number of authors).

M.V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource].

  • The only difference is that the name of the article and the name of the species are divided into two rows of rice, and you also need to indicate the number of the species.

Example: Latinina Yu. L. Budget for militants // Novaya Gazeta. 2011. No. 85. Z. 9-10.


If you are a vikorist, you have seen a lot of things, then you need to indicate the sent ones, which you yourself have vikoristed.

Example: Solovyov U. Z. Beauty in nature: op.

2 vols. M: Progress, 1998. T.1.

To add a book to the list, first enter the nickname of the author and his initials (if there are several authors, then the nickname and initials of the first of them).

Then write the name of the book again and place the braid between (/).

M.V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource].

  • restovrat

After this, indicate all the authors of the book, but no more than three.


If there are more authors, then put “ta in”.

Through the dot, indicate under whose editors the book was published (if such information is included). Then add a dash, write the location (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other actions are indicated briefly) and indicate the type through the double box. Next, put a dot, a dash, and indicate the number of sides you have seen. I'll tell you the ISBN of the book through a dash. To be included in the list of an electronic resource, first indicate the author of the material, then name it, then write “Electronic resource.” If the author is unknown, start with a meaningful name. Then, through two braids of rice (//), enter the name of the device, indicating that the material has been taken.

Label the cards with special symbols and provide comments.

This is necessary in order to guess the vikoryst and the book, otherwise it will appear like a mess.

For example, if you find an important quote, you can write it down on the card using the designated page numbers on which the text is located.

Organize your accumulated cards.

Most often, when compiling bibliographic lists, the following methods of grouping descriptions are used: alphabetical, chronological, thematic, in the order of the text, by type of appearance.

An alphabetic bibliographic list is the simplest and most comprehensive method of systematization.

In this case, all descriptions are organized according to a strict alphabet of authors and names.

Known foreign languages ​​are arranged at the end of the list in alphabetical order. Such a list is most often used for a small number of documents. In the chronological list, bibliographical records of documents are located in their order according to the history of the day, in the middle - according to the alphabet of authors and titles.


M.V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource].

  • In this case, if the robot has a large amount of literature from various galuzes known, it is necessary to compile a thematic list.

When working on any document, an article or a list of literature, you encounter such a problem as sending it to electronic resources.

An electronic resource takes into account any information posted on the Internet and browsed by you online.

  • How to create a post on an electronic resource?


You will need

- administrator rights.

If you work in the text editor Microsoft Word, you can put your message on an electronic resource in simple words.

To do this, select the “Insert” option in the command panel.

Then you will see the word that you are linking to the electronic resource. Click on the “Hyperpower” command on the toolbar. A window will open for you to enter an email address for the resource you are referring to.

From the list, left-handedly select the type of delivery by specifying the web page. Now your word will be linked to this address, as you indicate below.

  • Wikilist list;
  • list of wikis and literature;
  • bibliographic list;
  • bibliography

List structure

Alphabetical retouching

Inventories of books and articles are arranged in alphabetical order by author and title (as the author is not the author);

Works of one author are arranged in alphabetical order.

Chronological order

Allows submission of material in chronological order (in historical works) or after publication dates if it is necessary to show the history of science and nutrition.

At the boundaries of the skin area, robots are placed in alphabetical order.

Systematic development

Documents are grouped around specific topics, presented in a logical order.

Among the topics are arranged in alphabetical or chronological order. Removal of the material by sections of the work At the beginning of the list there is literature of a mysterious nature, that is, literature that will continue to the next chapters.

In the middle of the chapter - in alphabetical or chronological order.

Regardless of the chosen method, grouping on the top of the list is usually placed

official documents

(laws, decrees, decrees, etc.) that are granted legal force. A review of the legal force of documents - the date of adoption in the chronology:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal constitutional laws

4. Decide

Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Decrees of the President

4. Decide

9. Akti Uryad

a) praised

b) order

10. Acts of the Supreme and Great Arbitration Court

11. Regulatory acts of ministries and departments

b) punish

c) order

d) leaves 12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones) 14. SNiP, SP, ENIRi, TU and in.

Following the assigned documents, a list of literature is displayed: books, articles in alphabetical order and electronic publications.

Bibliographical inventory (Elements of a bibliographic directed in a strictly established sequence: and are reinforced by one type of mental divisional signs. Before and after mental signs, a space is placed on one other sign./ To blame (.) that (,). At whose end the clearing will become stagnant after them..– Scheme of the book description: Heading F.I. About the author) Main name: information about the name(Zb. art., Pidruchnik, dovidnik and in.) information about the availability.

(Authors, editors, etc.)

Vidomosti about seeing each other

1. Books by one, two or three authors described under the nickname of the first author:

Chaldayeva , L. A. Business Economics: a handbook for bachelors / L. A. Chaldayeva. - 3 types, processed.

and additional - M.: Yurayt, 2013.- 411 p. Nekhaev, G. A. Metal structures

at the butts and in charge: chief.

Pos_bnik / G. A. Nekhaev, I. A. Zakharova. - M.: View of the Association of Future Universities, 2010. - 144 p.

Akimov, A. P. Wheel work: monograph / A. P. Akimov, V. I. Medvedev, V.V. Chegulov. - Cheboksary: ​​ChPI (f) MGOU, 2011.

Information technology and electronics: assistant / G. G. Rannev [ta in]; ed.

R. R. Ranneva. - 3 types, stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 512 p.

Analysis and diagnostics of financial and government activity of an enterprise: handyman / ed.

V. Ya. Pozdnyakova. - M.: Infra-M, 2010. - 617 p.


Description of articles from the journal .

When describing articles from journals, indicate the author of the article, its title, then, behind two lopsided lines, indicate the name of the journal in which it was published, the name, number, pages on which the article is posted.

Ledeneva, G. L. Before nutrition about the evolution in architectural creativity / G. L. Ledeneva // Industrial and civil life. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 31-33.

Shitov, V. N. A comprehensive approach to analyzing the competitiveness of an enterprise [Text] / V. N. Shitov, O. F. Zimbalist // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 13. - P. 59-63.

Zatsepin, P. M. Comprehensive safety of the operational characteristics of the buds / P. M. Zatsepin, N. N. Teodorovich, A. I. Mokhov // Promislove and civil life.

Marketing program in automobiles (VAT "AvtoVAZ") / / Russian marketing on the threshold of the third millennium: the practice of the largest companies / A. A. Braverman [ta];

per ed. A. A. Braverman. - M., 2001. - Goal.:

4.- pp. 195-272: table.


Articles from the collection of scientific works

Danilova, N. E. Modeling of processes in a drive with a final motor of a stationary jet with an independent wake-up / N. E. Danilova, S. N. Nissenbaum // Innovations in the lighting process: collection.



Conf. - Choboksari: ChPI (f) MGOU, 2013. - VIP.

11. - pp. 158-160.


Description of official appearances

per ed. Constitution of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on April 12, 1993. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 63 p.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Official text: the text of the Code will be established on June 23, 2013. – M.: Omega-L, 2013. – 193 p. On the implementation of the birth of youth in the Russian Federation: decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2008. No. 1383 // Newsletter of the Illumination of Russia. – 2008. – No. 20 (Oct.).

per ed. – pp. 13–14.

V. Description of regulatory and technical documents

per ed. GOST R 517721-2001.

Radioelectronic equipment manufactured by Butov.

Steel structures.

Zagalni technical vymogi [Electronic resource]: GOST 23118-2012.

- Enter.

2013-07-01. - Access mode: Codex-client system. About the confirmation of the form of notification about the processing of personal data [Electronic resource]: the order of the Federal Service for monitoring the sphere of communication and mass communications dated June 17, 2008. No. 08 (ed. dated February 18, 2009, No. 42).

– Access mode: System Garant

  • Bibliographical messages
  • Bibliographic mailing
  • - the totality of bibliographic information about citations, analyzes or understanding of the text of a document or another document.
  • The bibliographical sending is partly to the document’s proofreading apparatus and also includes bibliographical information about the documents - the objects of the sending.
  • After the document is processed, the bibliographical messages are separated:
  • After the document is processed, the bibliographical messages are separated:

internal texts contained in the text of the document; podryadkovi, inserted from the text to the bottom of the document (in the wine); behind the text, which is entered for the text of the document or its part (in wine). GOST 7.1-2.2003 GOST Internal text messages.

Internal text bibliographic messages contain information about the object of the message, not included in the text of the document. Internal text messages are placed near the round arms. For example:

(Economics of machine-building production / Zaytsev V. A. [ta in]. - M.: VID-vo MDIU, 2007)

. etc.

* After the letter is sent, quotations are then indicated in the round arms, including the publication date and page number.

For example: . Culture

Western Europe are issued as a transfer of bibliographic records, which are placed after the text of the document or its warehouse part.

  • The bibliographical sending is partly to the document’s proofreading apparatus and also includes bibliographical information about the documents - the objects of the sending. Linking a bibliography list with a text can be done by following the entry numbers in the list.
  • After the document is processed, the bibliographical messages are separated: 7.0.12-2011 Such numbers in the text of the work appear near the square arm, through which the pages are indicated, the quotation is detoxified.
  • After the document is processed, the bibliographical messages are separated: 7.82-2001 Indicate the numbers in them, and under which number you will find the required document in the bibliographic list.
Bibliographical description: Zagalni vymogi and rules of folding.”
Bibliographic record.
Bibliographical description of electronic resources.'янські Боги – хто вони?
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