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Rules for writing a business electronic sheet. Business listing: rules you need to know about. How to write a business letter

I am very impressed by the approach of the Deer to the nutrition of business leafing, so I believe more short form We included these principles, omitting obscene constructions. I hope you will find it difficult and you will not understand the same principles in your work.

Mikhailo Terentyev

Chief Mailfit

First rule: if a listing can become public

Whether browsing on the Internet, including by e-mail, you can become public on most of the same pages. In addition, it may have legal force and vikoristan at different points of view. For example, in internal investigations. The recommendation is simple: for any business correspondent, behave decently and think about those you write.

Friend rule: file us first

Start any sheet from file attachments. This is to save time in the future, if the list of attachments, but the files are not attached. Try to use illegally accessible file formats such as .doc or .xls, and also call them Latin and without spaces - so your files can be read by 99.9% of people without any problems.

Author's note: you can quickly use crazy tricks, for example, Google Drive + Google Docs and attach all documents at sight. It is very easy to edit, but this situation has a major formatting problem - the document created in Microsoft Word does not look 100% the same as Google Docs. Be nice.

Rule of third: the topic of the sheet can be mixed together

After you have attached the files and written the text of the sheet in the appropriate form, then go to those sheets. It is your responsibility to use keywords that are then easy to find on the page. The topic of the sheet may be vague: What is this? Force Majeure? Request for payment? Documents? Operationally convenient? What is the situation with the emergency regime? It is not advisable to write single-warehouse constructions such as “Agreement” or “Terminove” in the subject of the sheet - such topics can be very dense, and your sheet will simply be ruined by the leaflet.

Rule Four: Be Careful with Your Mailing List

Once the files, text, and topic of the sheet are ready, the time has come to determine who we will power the sheet with. If you need a number of people to cut the sheet, then in the “To” field you insert the head, and in the “Copy” field - the people. If you want the sheet to be torn off, otherwise it is not your fault that other participants in the list can help you, feel free to put it in the “Received Copy” field. If you find a sheet with a number of recipients in the copy, use the “Notify everyone” button. Because the discussed meals at the table can be replicated by a number of people.

Rule of thumb: one workable meal - one topic of the sheet

Save your browsing history in one page from now on. If you discuss a number of business matters with one addressee, please create a number of leaflets on different topics. Be careful not to get lost in the details that are being discussed, and not to miss important details. Write briefly: long pages are much less likely to be read to the end.

All work and important food must be completed by mail, and always not in a chat (Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) - so in a chat a person may not receive important information about many other special communications.

Mosta rule: write briefly and to the right

Your lists, whether you are a client, whether you are a hired worker, whether you are a freelancer, whether you want Volodymyr Volodymyrovich, are already often copied directly or often with a simple action Ctrl+C Ctrl+V and transferred as a command to the next step . For example, you describe any changes to the text, website or banner. Write it in such a way that people can calmly copy it and send it to the designer or editor without harming anyone. Don’t write “the designer is an asshole, don’t let him stick the logo in your stupid place,” so you sit and edit your sheet in a notepad, and then send the normal working version to the designer.

Family rule: write correctly

Start writing worksheet correctly:

  1. new proposition from the great literature;
  2. paragraph 3 of the new row;
  3. all with lumps and specks at the end;
  4. nourishment, as you nourish.

Rule eight: check what you control and overpower

Never overwhelm the contributions of other people who have not downloaded or looked at them. The consequences can be fatal. You can easily send internal breakdowns to the client and, for example, everyone will know about your margin of 300%. You can send the wrong message and then you won’t get your money back. Always open and check files that you have transferred.

Rule nine: touch all the leaves with a stretch of your hand

Everything is even worse for the Shvidka Dovkola. Once you get it, your testimony will no longer be needed by anyone. In two - that's more. How important it is folding food- the stench is quickly preserved and becomes indestructible, the leaves drown under the balls of new leaves. And it's all pennies.

Rule ten: get through the list, saying that you need to write inappropriate speeches

All people migrate from office to office, from business to business, from journalists to homeless people, from publicists to journalists, from brood to princes, from hirelings to bosses. Today you are in love with people, and tomorrow you will really need him, and it will be extremely difficult to spill the mail, and there will be a low chance that he will turn around to help you.

Don’t stir up the leaves at night - this means that you either work at work, or hang out in clubs or bars, or you don’t have a special life at all.

After how you process the mail, how you draw up the sheets, inserts, you can immediately see your reason. It is immediately obvious that you cannot work with files.

The Internet is not only a new place for posting information and not just a global network of sites, but a new philosophy of life. There's a lot of new stuff on the Internet. Therefore, if you transfer to the Internet the method of meeting with clients that you have offline, then you will be considered inappropriate. On the Internet, you need to connect with clients differently. If you do not follow these simple rules, you will have difficulties and problems in work.

Well, a short recap of the rules for sharing on the Internet.

  1. Avoid rude text. For some people, it’s wrong to “pour water.” It’s true that your company has a lot of success in the market, it’s not good to repeat the history of its foundation unknown people. If you are interested, take a look at the company’s website and read it. Give the essence of the message to the messenger. Many business people rarely re-read five sides of a text. Get ready for the holiday with the car.
  2. Please call for power promptly, do not hesitate to explain. Since the person put the question in question, give me a confirmation on the new story. If you cannot prove it, write the truth. Insignificance is the greatest thing that is possible.
  3. Return to the emergency room carefully, as it indicates a rough form. You are not the only company in the world. People can produce dozens of identical sheets. If you want your sheet to be read, then please indicate in the subject the reason for the brutality.
  4. If you are not in compliance with the spivozmovnik – look for information about this activity at the level. First of all, take a look at your social networks. Not only may be indicated there Secret information about the company, as well as the real experiences of clients. The company's reputation may not be crystal clear.
  5. Try to look at your email several times a day. Bazhano, for the beginning of the working day, that’s it. Also, check your Spam folder every now and then, as the system will automatically send lists there. You can spend more money. Before speaking, recently it has become possible to read RSS feeds via email, as described in the article.
  6. Don’t make fun of familiar beasts. So, when you’re browsing on the Internet, you don’t wait for your spivrozmovnik, so you’ll have time to turn to someone else in your own way: “Hello man, how’s that?”, etc. Such a method of brutality is unacceptable, because it provokes a reverse reaction, and we don’t want to get into trouble with you. Start in the most imaginative way possible, and then, in the world of dating, you can learn the special words for the beast. If you go to a company that, for example, deals with the creation of websites and familiarizes with them, then you will be perceived as a dubious money manager. What will cause further difficulties when talking to you?
  7. Introduce yourself clearly. This simple rule of splicing is often ignored on the Internet. People began to flock to social boundaries, and it was immediately obvious who was flocking. Ale leafing through e-mail is subject to social security measures.

And, most importantly, try to get everything in order. Plutanina may have a negative impact on your work.

It would also be interesting to learn about the rules of official listing.

Success in the activity of any organization, commercial firm or business is inextricably linked with the culture of behavior and etiquette. All ceremonial workers are responsible for following the rules of good manners and being aware of the situation.

One of the most important parts of etiquette is business listing

It’s safe to say that up to 50% of the time at work you get to know paper workers and mail. However, this is necessary, since competent business listing can significantly increase the turnover of a company and speed up the interaction of various services and branches.

Of course, the song templates here and the discussion about them will certainly be in this regard. The rules for business listing have long been standardized. The current STATE STANDARD R.6.30-2003 will help you correctly place the text on the frames, showing you how to create indents, margins, and fonts. Business correspondence is characterized by the novelty and repetition of its movements.

Prote some kind of individual sheet. A great burden is placed on him by the person of the director, his position, the situation and the addressee. What I mean by business leafing is the reward of creativity and smart practice.

Types of business listing

Documentation is carried out on paper and via additional electronic mail.

All correspondence for business can be mentally divided into the following groups:

Official/informal listing;

Internal and external.

Before the official listing, commercial proposals, liability and guarantee lists, trading areas, business regulations, Posadovy ob'yazki, drink, benefits, claims

Informal listing – a wide range of greetings to business partners, assistants, and volunteers; spіvchuttya, vibachennya, requested and podyaky.

Internal documents may only circulate between departments of the same enterprise, while external documents may cross borders.

Rules of business listing: internal location

The main benefit is the consistency and capacity of the sheet. Do not spread the text over many pages. Shorter option- Invest in one.

The rules of business writing include the exclusion of complicated, stupid, foreign and highly specialized words and expressions from the text. All propositions are short, with the main thoughts of the author and without “leader”.

Avoid the double shadows of the leaf, otherwise with a guilty superechek, it is easier to stand your point of view and convey that you are respected under the song phrase.

The rules for registering a business letter of application require that the addressee be called by his name or father’s name, before which the name “Shanovniy (a)” is indicated. І obov'yazkovo on "V", navіt yakscho with the owner of the leaf garni of a friend's centenary.

At the intro, in addition to inserting the nickname and name, the main meta message is written. For business sheeting, you need to know enough templates and stamps for the following types: “In connection with the front sheet...”, “We remind you...”, “We will put it before you know...” and others.

It is unpalatable for the prevailing view (as a proposition, as a supposition) to soften it with phrases: “It’s a pity, we can’t speed up the process with our own minds...” or similar ones.

New documentation on paper papers

Any business sheet may include writing on letterhead with company details and all contact information.

Obov'yazkovo put down the exact date of the document.

The upper right corner of the arch is occupied by the initials of the addressee and the address of the owner enterprise.

Break the text into meaningful paragraphs so that it is easier for the people reading it to understand and understand. No more than 4-5 rows.

To write all the words by great (great) writers is a vile tone.

Documents can be added to the sheet. For this type of plant, cover them in an adjacent row at the bottom left part of the sheet. For business etiquette, the confirmation sheet may be processed within 10 days. If the problem requires more time to resolve, the addressee must inform about it.

After writing the following, it is important to check the text again for the presence of errors, both spelling and grammatical. When it’s time, just put the sheet back and turn it again later. As a rule, inaccuracies are revealed that are not noted initially. This is the most important pleasure when it comes to the client’s money. It’s no longer good to bully people with a non-written folded sheet.

If the document has been written and verified several times, print it out on an A4 paper. This size is standard for any correspondence, since the text only takes up half of the box.

Before using, turn the mixture over in the printer to ensure that the output is uneven and uneven.

In such cases, you can attach your business card to the document, and insert your business card into the document itself.

It is good form to respect a branded envelope with the company logo.

The rules for conducting business communication in an informal setting are often more emotional than those of business papers, and less clichéd. Here is the pre-river shorthand, the vikoristanya of barvy anecdotes, for example, among the convalescents: marvelous, sensitive, kind.

Business electronic sheets

Those who do not send correspondence in an envelope through the postal border cannot relax. Rules for business listing zastosovny y vypadkakh.

Competent and correct electronic business messages create a positive image of both a business and a specific person. The reputation of a business is worth a lot!

Basic rules for listing by e-mail

To my email address, vikorist for confessions.

Return respect to the name of the mail screen. Please do not allow incorrect names such as "krichta", "superman" as they appear in the English transcription.

Please fill in the “subject” column first, otherwise your list may end up as spam. Descriptions like “plan”, “list”, “commercial proposition”, “sound” will not work. There may be similar sheets of paper in your possession's box. Please be more specific about what your message is about. Do not post more than 5 words. Write a topic from the great literature. There is no need to make a point.

If you are adding a response to the copy sheet, be sure to remove the “Re” from the subject.

Spilled style

Keep the paper format in business format. Take away the threatening, punitive tone.

The rules of electronic business messaging do not allow the use of emoticons, a large number of food signs or nicknames in the text.

Be attentive. Obov'yazkov's battle on the cob and farewell to the spring breaker for the most part - a somber tone. For example, “By the way...” or like this: “Shiro yours...”.

Business electronic mailing and the “golden rule”: do not mix a number of different topics in one message. It is better to send a row of sheets.

The electronic sheet is twice as short as the paper one.

Working with deposits

If there is too much information to transmit, do not put it near the body of the sheet, but attach it with other documents to the insert.

For your convenience, change the prepared documents to a different name. This will show your obsession and grow to itself. Think about how many working folders there are on the computer in the recipient and in the middle of your worksheet.

Be sure to inform about the files that you are trying to get hold of so that they are not affected by the virus. Archive large documents.

And it is best to transfer large deposits (over 200 kbytes) in other ways, for example, through an FTP server.

Such formats as COM, EXE, CMD, PIF and others are not allowed or blocked by mail servers.

If your leaf was possessed by a splinter, do not worry about immediately removing all the evidence about the mass exile. Such application information is not required by the addressee. The “copy received” command will help you.

The rules for conducting business listings by electronic mail transmit information to the other party about the withdrawal of correspondence. Since at the moment there is no possibility of reconciliation, report about this spivrozmovnik. Save your browsing history to avoid future views.

If the line is important and difficult, it is allowed to additionally inform the addressee by phone, Skype or ICQ. If you haven’t achieved any positive results yet, think to yourself again.

Occasionally, when you write down a document, you end up with a blank sheet of paper from the attached file. This is unacceptable. Business listing applications transfer binding information in the body of the document. For example, this: “I am adding the necessary tributes to your request.”

Don’t forget to indicate the coordinates at the end of the sheet: all available contacts, contacts, company website, mailing on social networks.

When writing the contact details of the organization, provide the most information - telephone number with location code, address with index. Even your spilkuvaniya will be received not only from the people of your region. For the clarity of all data, it will be easier for us to contact you.

And the remaining rule: whoever opens the page can end the electronic dialogue.


Dilove leafing - thin on the right. Sometimes one glance is enough to formulate a song about the people and the organization that it represents. Knowing the rules of the business sheet can greatly help your career.

The rules of business leafleting, such a number of cunning maneuvers to establish good relationships for each sheet of information, do not deprive those whose every working day email is updated with incoming correspondence, and a number of leaflets and messages are included in the plans, the initiator of any duties you. Volodicate the magic of beeches and brown skin current woman. At a minimum, you will need to do some work at the right time - sending resumes, supporting sheets, supplementary information about yourself and test assignments, as well as extra effort to meet the deadline for the conversation.

Literacy is the basis of business communication and your exposure

Those who may be popular bloggers with dyslexia on the Internet are not guilty of making excuses for your corrections and typos. Don’t console yourself with the fact that things didn’t work out with the Russians at school. Be as empowering as possible. Especially during the hour of business leafing, it is incorrect to write words from your professional field. A specialist may have doubts about your competence.

1. Bookmark the website in your Internet browser.

2. Do not copy-paste words whose exact meanings you cannot date (check with Wikipedia).

3. Please be aware that these specific words are rare and may not be known to the spy, but they may make you happy or may be mildly discolored. If a professional needs to be familiar with your terminology, then, in accordance with the rules of etiquette, provide an explanation of the terms and abbreviations that are used.

4. Make sure you don’t take too long to make timid propositions. Folding and cunning designs are reserved for writing a novel, and not for conducting business listings.

5. It is recommended that you type the information not directly from the bottom of the sheet, but from the file on your computer. First of all, the spelling and punctuation of word will help you. Otherwise, you can turn off the unpleasant situation of accidentally overwriting a business sheet or spending it through closing the browser, etc. (when typing text in Word, set the icon to click on the “save” icon more often and set auto-saving settings in small settings). hour intervals). Please remember that predictive typing on tablets and mobile devices has dates that do not correspond to your words.

6. First put the sheet on the bottom, re-read it several times. If it’s time not to burn (before speaking, one of the important basic rules of business leafleting is not to drag on with terms, so it’s better to take up the sheet at the last moment), then re-read the typed text an hour after typing - after every year, switching to Yakis Deal with others.

Competently conduct business listings. Important details

Respect to the details when conducting and formalizing a business listing to talk about respect and allows you to save time

7. Don’t forget to fill out the fields of the “topic” sheet . If you are sending the first “cold” sheet, the title can be effective, non-standard and intriguing. If your sheet is already being scanned or you are promoting the content of every hour, then the topic must be presented briefly, clearly and concisely. You can quickly find out your sheet (both for you and for the owner) in the mail if necessary.

8. Long lances "Re: Re: Re:" create hostile attention. Don’t be afraid to start a new business with your partner, quote only those information that may be relevant to nutrition (and so, they need to be “pulled along with you” when, for example, you are discussing the details of a specific project, adjusting the budget /prices/service packages - in whose case the quotation is more direct and in which business etiquette is emphasized).

9. If the person at the entrance has a chance to ask for you, then contact them, quoting the skin carefully. If you add text to a sheet of paper, add numbering, break the text into paragraphs. Aim for a clear structure.

10. At the bottom of the sheet, comment on all attachments before posting. Sign all files that you attach so that you can immediately read information about them instead .

11. Signature – a very important detail business sheet. With customized postal services, you can install automatic signatures for all your sheets. A well-formed signature is equal to a hand of business cards, good business cards. In addition to your name and nickname, check the signature for your location, contact information (phone, skype), and company logo. As the most important thing is to pay attention to creative business cards that are remembered and associated with a person or company, so the signature can be “with a chip”, which indicates your connection with the company Well, or talk about your love until the end, what are you doing? For example, the activists of the publishing house “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber” at the signature of the vikoryst’s statement add the additional proposition “Now I’m reading...” (and inserting the name of the publishing house’s new item). Representatives of companies in Galuzia can finish the list with the suggestions of a “tasty day” or something. Sometimes, the design of a business listing should be done with care.

12. To conduct business listings, NameWoman recommends creating a proper mailing address. It is important that everyone displays the name of the company or the domain of the company’s website, your name (outside, without alternating forms) and your nickname. Do not misuse numbers in the name of the post as they indicate your age or age of nationality. The expression in the name of the post office of your plantation is entirely acceptable, but this is unique because you plan not to change the post office screen, getting through more career gatherings.

To strengthen resumes and business sheets, you also do not need to use mailing addresses of a playful or incredibly creative nature. Especially since you were applying for a serious position with a great company.

Business listing etiquette

13. The style of business leafing does not necessarily leave it dry. But the seriousness and seriousness of the design is an obligatory rule. Be aware of the alternating pessimistic suffixes and slang, common expressions.

14. Underwater rocks can become emoticons. The first sheets of business acquaintance have them in principle. With good contact, smiling bows are still permissible, but do not overdo it and do not become the initiator of such “fine colors” of the sheet. Doubts and any creative animated emoticons when conducting business correspondence (and especially in situations where you are “down below”) are under strict guard.

15. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovaya is more important than the veterinary and animal kingdom on im'ya, im'ya and on the father's head on the cob of the sheet and further behind the text, as it is correct. This is not lacking in the ethics of business listing, which allows you to advance the interest of your partner until your knowledge and loyalty until further notice. Before the address sheets are always more important, try to find out in advance how to call the one to whom you should write, and how the brutality gives precedence (to their name or to their father’s name).

Following the rules of business listing, in emergency situations, the answer may be sent by a length of work, a maximum of two. If you remove the sheet during the remaining working day before a long weekend or vacation, then you do not need to submit a report date on a non-line sheet. However, according to the etiquette of business leafing, it would be reasonable to write a short statement about those that you have selected and a comment about those that you are currently receiving and reporting in detail after such a date or not later than such a term inu. In the same way, you should also find that in order to confirm, you need to clarify any information, remove it from a third person or have carried out groundwork in collecting data, and preparing materials.

In your case, if you need a sheet from the epidemiologist, you can duplicate your request in 3 business days. If you need a terminology, then it is correct to write about it on your first page (explaining the reasons, if possible), asking for confirmation about your removal. Before speaking: regularly (every three days) check your spam folder.

And a little more about what a green leaf looks like. Registration of business listing

The sheet should be easy to read and easy to grasp. Short propositions, a minimum of adjectives dієprislіvnikovyh revolutions- Simple designs are the basis of business layout. What else can help you identify the ideal leaf symbol with all the rules?

16. The paragraphs in your page will not reach 7-10 rows.

17. The text of the business sheet will be more beautiful and visually pleasing, as there are more intervals between paragraphs, and fewer intervals between rows in one paragraph.

19. Words, and more importantly phrases and speeches, written by great writers are perceived as a cry, a pressure and an enemy. This style is not available for business listings. Don’t allow yourself to inflict an outburst, as you are the boss, who will cause dissatisfaction with your own.

Business sensitivity and ways to improve joints

20. Allow the spivozmovnik to comment on your proposition, to express his thought, to make you happy, to leave a comment or to supply a question. The simplest way to use the following phrases: “What do you think about this drive?”, “If any food is missing, then I will write about them,” “write to me about your decision.”

21. Be respectful of signals before reaching the addressee. Pay attention to the style of the sheet of your spivrozmovnik, to those, as it unfolds to you. Remember the psychological rule of the mirror. It’s great if your page is in the same style (not written with edits, I understand). If you have any special information, please accept it with respect. Be attentive and correct, imagining the joy, joy, and happiness hovering among the saints.

22. Until the word about holy. If your business listing is carried out around the dates of official saints, then greet your friend on the past/maybe. Important clients and quiet ones with whom you maintain the importance of business formalities following the rules of etiquette are required to be covered with a thick sheet. It will be interesting to know that if it is your birthday, this information can be easily removed from social networks.

Maintain a client base and a database of professional contacts. Also, call names and phone numbers, send to accounts in social networks and email, write down and special data, note the projects and meals that you have already followed in the business listing.

23. The etiquette of business leafing is apparently elementary attentiveness: do not forget about the words podyaky. For information, pleasure, clarification, request, informational supply, prompt response from your spivozmovnik from business listing.

Milena Just

What is electronic mail? For the current business world:

  • Your denunciation. With the help of an additional email, you can create a positive image in the eyes of the counterparty and avoid hostility.
  • Your working tool. Even more fusion from external light is available via email. So, with the help of this tool, you can make your life easier.
  • Pushing factor. The outer world is trying to reach you, get you out of the right way via email.

From this position, I am amazed at the work with electronic mail. Let's make it simple.

Formatting of the sheet

I use the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client, which is similar to my application. Let's create a new leaf and send the beast down for a list of fields.

To whom. Copy. A copy has been received

Perhaps, you don’t know, but “To” in Mozilla can be changed to “Copy” or “Copy received”.

  • To whom: writing to the main addressee or a number of addressees through a dot with whom
  • Copy: We are writing to someone who can get acquainted with the sheet, but from whom we are not expecting a reaction.
  • A copy has been received: we write to someone who may become familiar with the sheet, but may lose the unknown for deciding to remove the sheet. It is especially advisable to use it for mass distribution of business sheets, for example, to inform.

Wrong in mass distribution, indicate the possessors through the “Copy” or “To” fields. There are a number of sheets that are removed every time, for which 50–90 recipients in the “Copy” field have been overwritten. Privacy has clearly been violated. Not all of your recipients need to know who else you are dealing with similar topic. It’s good that these people know each other. Are there any competing companies on the list that are unknown to each other? At a minimum, you need to prepare them to the fullest extent possible, and at a maximum, until you are ready to use one of them. You don't need to do that.

Sheet Topic

They often write about the importance of leaf topics (sometimes reasonably) on their corporate blogs and professional services. But most often there is information about sheets that are sold, where the topic of the sheet is usually “email must be opened.”

We are discussing a good business listing. Here the theme is “the work of the author can be easily identified and then known.” Why is your diligence to turn to you in the form of karma of numerical sheets in the testimony, only with prefixes Re: or else FWD, Among those who happen to find a necessary sheet on the topic.

Twenty sheets are the only requirement for a one-day leafing session for a middle-market manager. I won’t say anything about business owners and business owners; their number of sheets per day goes beyond 200 or more per day. So again: do not force leaves with an empty theme.

How to correctly formulate the topic of the worksheet?

Pomilka No. 1 : Only the company name of the topic. For example, “Sky” and that’s it. First of all, you are not the only one in your company who is dealing with this counterparty. In other words, don’t add any sense to this topic, even though the name of your company is clear from the address. Thirdly, guess how your hair looks like when you approach leafing like this? Approximately so.

Is it okay to make jokes about these things?

Pomilka No. 2 : A flashy headline that sells. It's great that you can write headlines like this. Os chi dorechne zastosuvannya tsich navichok u dilovu listuvanni? Guess the meta topics of the business sheet: not to sell, but to ensure identification and search.

Sheet text

And without any help from the writing of texts for various episodes of life. For example, Maxim Illyakhov, Oleksandr Amzin and other masters of the word have a lot of interesting words. I would like to read these articles to improve the formal literacy and improve the formal style of written language.

In the process of writing a sheet, we can consistently make a few decisions.

Nutrition for kindness . On the beginning of the leaf you can spread love or instill tenderness in the spirit “My dear Rodya, it’s been more than two months now since I haven’t exchanged a letter with you, because of which I myself suffered and didn’t sleep last night, I think.” " It’s very expensive and it’s very expensive, like spending an hour on such an entry, and spending an hour on reading it. Listuvannya is a business, remember? It is not the epistolary genre for the competition and not the leaf of Mother Raskolnikov, but the business leaf.

Respect your time and power!

Introducing yourself and guessing about the circumstances of an acquaintance feels less like the first thing that is going on after the soon-to-be meeting at the exhibition. Since this is a continuation of spivpratsi or, more precisely, leafing, on the first page of the day we write: “Hello, Ivan”, on the next one: “Ivan, ...”.

Zvernennya . I have always wondered about food, to whom the leaves will be furious, as if they were possessed by the sprout. Recently, I wrote a sheet that was bestialized to three girls on the estate of Ganna. I didn’t hesitate at all, I wrote “Hello, Hanno” and didn’t worry. It's not like you'll ever be so kind again.

What is there to do if you are possessed by three people and not carry the same name? You can check the names: “Good afternoon, Rodion, Pulcheria, Avdotya and Petro Petrovich.” It takes a long time and takes an hour. You can write: “Hello, colleagues!”

I follow the rule of going by name to whoever is standing next to the “To” field. And until those who are in copy, do not go to hell. At the same time, it allows you to more accurately determine the (one!) addressee of the sheet and the entire sheet.

Tsituvannya . Often flipping through a bunch of leaves with rich information and evidence - in a word, a dialogue. It is good manners to avoid losing sight of the history of the reading and to write your own response to the beast of the quoted text, so that, turning back to that leaf through the day, you can easily read the dialogue of the beast down to the last date.

Mozilla's instructions include “Insert cursor after quoted text.” I recommend changing this in the “Tools” → “Options” menu regional registration» → “Folding and addressing.” It's a shame to be like that.

Purpose of the sheet . Business leaves come in two types:

  • when we simply inform the spyvrozmovnik (for example, news about Wikon’s work for a month);
  • And whenever we want what we want from the holiday. For example, you need to wait until you add money for payment.

As a rule, there are many more leaves than other ones. If we want to achieve something before the outbreak, it is important to say about it in plain text. The call to the deed is obliged to accompany the beasts by name and go with the remaining proposition in the sheet.

Wrong : “Porfiria Petrovich, I know who hacked my grandmother to death”

Right : “Porfiria Petrovich, having killed the old woman, please, let me live after the arrest, tired of suffering!”

Why is the correspondent responsible for thinking about what to do with this sheet? Even if you can praise and make the wrong decision.

Signature of the text . Vaughn is to blame buti. Moreover, all mail clients allow you to set up an auto-subscription signature, for example, the classic “In return, …”. For Mozilla, go to the menu “Tools” → “Account Recording Options”.

Write or do not write contact information at the signature - special officer on the right side of the skin. Anything you want is connected with the sale - write clearly. However, if you don’t want to sign up for communications, it will be easy for you to sign up for your contacts.

Finally, one more feature of the body of the sheet for those spivrozmovniks who don’t like (can’t, don’t want, don’t have time) to look at your sheets. Indicate in the text of the sheet of promotion. For example, “Porfiria Petrovich, if you don’t come to arrest me before 12:00 on Friday, then I respect myself with an amnesty.” Of course, the term may be real (the text from the example should not be sent on Friday at 11:50). The owner is responsible for his physical ability and ability to read and make decisions on your sheet. This kind of “marriage” will make you responsible for not confirming your identity. As always, until the chips are frozen, they should fit reasonably. Since people constantly and regularly report to your pages, such an ultimatum may not be possible, but it will strain you a little or lead to a decision not to report to your pages right away, but will make you wait for Friday.


Sheets often come with attachments: resumes, business proposals, costs, graphs, scans of documents - a very handy tool and often a source of popular applications.

Pomilka : majestic size deposit. You often find sheets with insert sizes up to 20 MB. As a rule, scan any documents in TIFF format, with separate 600dpi. The correspondent's mail program hung melodiously on the kilka hvilin in March's attempts to attract the front view of his investment. And God forbid I try to read this entire sheet on a smartphone...

I especially see leaves like this right away. Don’t you want your sheet to get drunk before being read? Check the size of the deposit. It is recommended that it be no more than 3 MB.

What's the point of being afraid?

  • Try reconfiguring your scanner to a different format and it will work. For example, PDF and 300dpi produce completely readable scans.
  • Guess about such programs as WinRar archiver or 7zip. The files are squeezed well.
  • Why should you be afraid, since the investment is greater and you can’t squeeze it? For example, if the accounting database is empty, it needs 900 MB. A ghastly collection of information will come to your aid: Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Some services, such as, automatically create great investments in a crazy environment. If I wish to take care of my own information that is saved in the dark, then I do not enable automation in

І another not so obvious recommendation about investing – їх I'm . It may be reasonable and pleasant for the possessor. It seems that we in the company were preparing a commercial proposal in the name of... let it be Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. I selected from the manager the sheet from the draft CP for the future, and the attached file named “DlyaFedya.docx”. With the manager who directed me, a dialogue followed something like this:

Dear manager, are you especially ready to go to this important person and name her as Fedya?

It seems like a shady person, everyone calls them by their father’s name.

Why did you name the deposit “For Fedi”? I will immediately send it to you, do you think I can buy juice from us from whose CP?

I decided to change it later.

Are you now preparing to carry out an enhanced action – with a potential client – ​​and how to submit a request to the robot by renaming the file? Why not immediately name the investment correctly: “For Fedor Mikhailovich.docx” or more simply, “KP_Sky_Topori.docx”.

Well, from the email, the majority of the people were dissatisfied. Let's move on to consider electronic mail as a tool for effective work and talk about its warehouse, which is what it entails.

Work with sheets

Electronic mail is an important factor that adds value. As any factor that arises, it is necessary to fight against the harshness of the rules and the disproportion of the work schedule.

It is best to include all information about receiving mail. As soon as the postal client is ready for cleaning, you will be notified with a sound signal, and the icon will be highlighted with the receipt, and the first sheet will be shown. In a word, to collect everything in order to immediately confuse you with the hoard of robots, and then force you into a world of unread pages and unlooked-for connections - minus a year or two in your life.

Whoever has the willpower allows him not to go to the meeting, and for the most important people, it’s better not to bother with their share and turn them on. For Mozilla Thunderbird, go to the additional menu “Tools” → “Settings” → “Basic” → “Whenever there are new messages.”

How can you understand what the best leaf is?

Quite simply. You are aware that you will see the hour to sort the mail, open the mail client and read all unread notifications. You can work two days a day, for example, at lunchtime and in the evening, or during hours of significant downtime, for example, in traffic jams.

Ask often, what is the time of reaction and term sheets? I promise: you don’t have enough term sheets in your mail. If you do not provide customer support to this branch (this branch has its own rules for handling mail).

If there are term sheets, the sender will inform you about other channels - telephone, SMS, Skype. Then you are aware that you will go to the postal client and check out the postal term. All time management gurus (for example, Glib Arkhangelsky from his “Time Drive”) declare a standard for email up to 24 years. This is a normal rule of good tone - do not check the meeting's news release by email. If there is a term sheet, tell us about the connection between the closed channels.

Well, we inform you that we have turned on and are now turning on the postal client for its layout.

What should we do if we went to the post office and started doing something called “I’m sorting out electronic mail”? Where is the beginning and end of this robot?

I have a lot of feelings about the zero inbox system, but, unfortunately, I haven’t caught up with the thirsty people who are stagnant. I had a chance to walk my bike. Statistics from this topic on Lifehacker. For example, "". Below I will tell you about the zero inbox system from my interpretation. I will be happy, if the GTD guru appears in the comments, to add or improve the described system.

It is important to understand and accept that e-mail is not a task planner or archive for your business. That’s why the folder “Inputs” is always empty. Once you have started sorting out your input, don’t hesitate and don’t bother with anything until you empty the folder.

Why work on the sheets before the input? It is necessary to walk sequentially over the skin and remove it. So, just see and press Delete on the keyboard. If you can’t be bothered to figure out the sheet, you have to make a decision on what to do with it.

  1. Can you notify him in three hours? Do you need any more evidence? So, it is necessary to borrow no more than three coins, then please confirm immediately.
  2. This is required, but preparation of the test requires three minutes. If you are a task planner who allows you to change the task sheet, change the email to a task and forget about it for the moment. For example, I am a vikorist wonderful service It allows you to generate a personal email address: transfer the sheet to it, and it will be converted to the task. If you don’t have a planner, move the sheet to the “0_Visconati” subfolder.
  3. After you receive a confirmation message on the sheet, you need to change it to task or simply get acquainted with what you need to do next: delete it or put it in one of the folders on the saving page.

The axis is like a folder for saving waste.

  • 0_Viconati. I don’t have such a folder, but if you don’t have a planner, I repeat, you can put sheets here that require detailed processing. This folder also needs to be cleaned regularly, but also with a thoughtful approach to what is specially seen for that hour.
  • 1_Dovid. Here I put sheets with preliminary information: complete sheets with logins from various web services, receipts for future flights, etc.
  • 2_Projects. Here an archive of listings for partners and projects with which we interact directly is saved. Of course, for the skin project or partner, a folder has been created. In my partner’s folder, I put the sheets not only for his companions, but also for the “Sky” companions associated with his partner. Very manually: if necessary, all the browsing for the project is at hand in a couple of clicks.
  • 3_Museum. Here I throw in those leaves that look like harm, and the harm in them is not obvious. You can also move folders from closed projects from “2_Projects” here. In a word, the “Museum” is saving the first candidates for training.
  • 4_Documenti. Here lie sheets with electronic copies of documents that may be useful in the future for accounting, such as deposit reports with clients, receipts for trips that were taken. The folder has a lot in common with the “2_Projects” and “1_Help” folders, but it saves accounting information, and the “2_Projects” folder saves management information. “4_Document” has dead information, while “2_Project” has information that is alive.
  • 5_Knowledge. Here I put only the right brown rosettes that I want to return to in an hour to strain and find a solution.

Other postal client settings that are important for the operation of this system. First of all, behind the instructions of Thunderbird there is a sign “Mark the message as read”. I am willing to work, but I am informed, so the ensign should go! To do this, go to the menu “Tools” → “Settings” → “Additional” → “Reading and display”.

In a different way, vikoristuyemo filter . Previously, I actively disabled the filters, which automatically forwarded sheets to the subfolder at the sender address. For example, the sheets from the lawyer were moved to the “Lawyer” folder. I was inspired by this approach for a number of reasons. First: the lists from the lawyer in 99% of cases are transferred to each project or partner, and then move to the folder of each partner or project. Friend: after adding information. You can figure out where to save a specific sheet, and search for unobtained information only in one place - at the entrance. Use the filter only to separate folders of automatic regular sheets from different systems, such as sheets that do not fit into the solution. Mozilla Thunderbird filters can be configured in the “Tools” → “Filters” menu.

However, with the right approach to e-mail you can get from 10 to 60 dollars per day, depending on the duty of leafing.

Okay, one more. Have you already turned on notifications about the arrival of new sheets? ;)

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