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The scandalous Pepsi advertisement for Kardashian's sister was seen through the storm in Merezh. Scandalous advertising: Pepsi was inspired by the video and played in front of Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner starred in a pepsi commercial

The creators of the video vybachilis, scho got to tsoy Kendal Jenner.

Not long ago young sister Kim Kardashian, model Kendal Jenner to his spіvrobіtnitstvu with the brand of gassed drink Pepsi.

Zakrema peeps have slandered the video exploitation to the image of protesters against racial nervos (social militia against violence against the black-haired population has the #BlackLivesMatter tag), write to Variety.

Deyakikh koristuvachiv became overwhelmed that the main heroine of the video was a model

"The Pepsi company tried to create a global message about unity, peace and mutual understanding. It's clear that it's an important moment.

Fahivets z marketing Mike Jackson explaining that Pepsi, yak "does not have a good history of popularizing racial problems," does not varto vzagali deal with those.

"SOUTH, SHO Pepsi Singles lowered. Vona SUBBILE SUPERMODEL ІCONY RUCH BLACK LIVES MATTER. ZNOW TACKI, KOMPANIY NOT MAYS OF VLANNY INSTRUMENIA MOST POSSIBLE DRIMIKI! Yakschko wants to pіdnati Tsennya at your advertisment, then Potrebno Bete ", - Upevneniy Jackson.

Through a storm of criticism, the company was stunned to remove Jenner's ads from their website and YouTube. However, copies of the video have already expanded across Merezha.

Guessingly, on the 3rd of April, PepsiCo released an advertisement for Kendall Jenner. Behind the plot, Kendal makes his way through the natovp youth, which protests, and cooks one of the policemen to drink, as if to keep order at the street action.

21-year model Kendall Jenner (Kendall Jenner) became the protagonist of the new Pepsi commercial, the main idea of ​​which is no doubt that the next generation lives by the principle of "here and now."

At the video, Kendal is guarded for a peaceful demonstration of protesters during the hour of his photo session. She rushes to young people - defiantly picks up the blonde's hand, wipes off her lipstick and leans on the bushes. Dali Kendal makes his way through the crisis and treats the policeman to Pepsi at the jar. Pravokhoronets rob the kovtok and laugh, and at the same time all the protesters radiate from it.

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The video was published on the day of the assassination of Martin Luther King, as it was in 1968, when thousands of protesters appeared on the streets. Ale, the peeping eyes were drenched in the roller-blade. You know that Pepsi is exploiting the fight against racial and gender inequality.

Madonna also lied to the support of everyone who did not praise the video. Spivachka hooted a sign at Instagram, for whom she showed up on the red kilim road with a can of Coca-Cola in her hands.

After such harsh criticism, representatives of the Pepsi company removed the video from Youtube and said: “We could not convey our idea, and we vibache. We didn't want to underestimate the importance of serious serious problems. We see a video that is not permissible yogo distant rozpovsyuzhennya. We also salute Kendal Jenner for those who stooped in such a position.

Kendal on Tizhnya Modi in Paris.

The Pepsi company was inspired by the launch of a new commercial on the eve of the anniversary. Tse became through those who viklikav oburennya and a flurry of criticism.

"We tried to convey a message about unity, peace and mutual understanding. Understandably, we missed and vibache. We didn't want to raise such a serious problem.

With whom in the company, they also hung out in front of the American model Kendall Jenner, as if she starred in a scandalous video.

It is noteworthy that Kendal saw all the materials from the commercial, which she posted on her Instagram.

Previously, it was mentioned that, as it happened, the style of the protest actions took place.

The commercial shows how the 21st model takes part in the photo session, but also respects the group of protesters. Behind the plot, Kendal goes to the activists, because of which she shows up all the time with the police officers and props up your can of Pepsi.

A few days ago, Kendal Jenner was celebrating the laying down of a contract with Pepsi, as she hired the model as the main heroine of her commercial, and today, through the video, she was in the center of the scandal. On the right, the huge people of America called Pepsi in an ill-conceived exploitation method against the violence of some black-haired population, like in Merezh vikoristova tag #BlackLivesMatter. In addition, the Internet corystuvants did not praise the choice of the main heroine - a successful white fashion model, as she took away a richly million-dollar fee for rent.

Fahivets marketing Mike Jackson stating that the company started a non-problem pardon, virushivshi zrobiti emphasis on the social problems of the community. “It's such a blunder in Pepsi. The stench took the bіlu supermodel as a symbol of the Black Lives Matter roc. Aje company does not have a good connection with the history of the popularization of racial problems, but here it raptly lied about the food! If you want to talk about this topic in your advertisement, then we need to expand, think over it later,” Mike said.

Pepsi, after the scandal, brought their own citation for the choice of the heroine of the video, and then they cleaned up the video from their official site. “The Pepsi company tried to create a stronger message about unity, peace and mutual understanding. It's quite obvious that we didn't swindle an important moment. The company did not intend to address this as a serious problem. We ask you to sing in front of us, who, having hooked our video, for getting to Kendall Jenner's employment, ”Pepsi announced in the official announcement. The very same model, who stumbled in the center of the scandal, has not yet commented on the situation that has developed.

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