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The minimum number of recommendations blew the dash. Kut nahilu dahu: choose the optimal one

Yes, one of the biggest important elements be-like budіvlі аbo budіvlі, scho zazpechu nadіyny zahist vіd zvіshnіkh plіvіv dovkilla, zokrema - in the form of atmospheric fallout Correctly designed construction of the water supply and waterproofing and the introduction of wood waters, which will help, schob rozrahunok kuta nahilu dahu buv conduction competently and precisely, about what and timeetsya at this article.

  • Wind. The greater kuta nahilu dahu, the greater opir blowing the wind, and the too great significance of kuta nahilu can also be unsafe for protection. For example, windward winding on the daks, kut nahil to become 45 °, 5 times more navazhennia on the cover with a stubble of 11 °, but with a small kutі nahil, it is possible to see the dahu with a strong blow of the wind.
  • Fall down at the sight of the snow and the plank. It dawned on me that the greater the kut of the nahilu dahu, the more quickly we would descend from the snow under the dew of the vlasnoy vaga. For example, kut, scho shifting 45 °, ensuring roaming with cover of all snow masses. In addition, a greater cut of the air is safer, I improve the tightness of the coating of the wind to the fact that the wind pollutes the atmospheric water under the roofing sticks, but the increase in the winding of the winding reduces the penetration of the water and the sticks of the materials that cover the roof.

Introduced factors help to understand, like rozrahuvat kut nahil daha. In regions where there are strong winds, it is recommended to have a cold temperature of 15-20°, and for areas where wind is not so strong - 35-40°.

If so, do not forget that the resurfacing is carried out for skin care individually.

When rozrahunku moreover, yakim maє buti uhil daha, it is also necessary to protect the peculiarities of the design of the future alignment with the climatic features of the mass.

Ways of vikonanny rozrakhunkiv

Coating with slate coating

Rozrahunok hilu dahu є important warehouse process of designing and constructing. Most of the time, the cuts are boldly selected in the range of 11 to 45 °, but other values ​​are measured.

Bigger kuta nahily changing the snow rush to cover, but stronger, pouring in the streams of the wind, which makes the strength of the crocks and the solution of that priday for that more expensive budmaterials, which increases the livelihood of everyday life.

It is important: if you want to lay a lot of materials needed for this building. The movement of the kut to the cheek is signified by the movement of the cover.

The minimum amount of time was taken to lie down in the form of climatic minds, and according to the material chosen for the covering. In the region with a great number of falls, the next step is to choose a larger kut for the sake of it.

When її rozrahunka, two ostentatious persons are insured:

  • Masa designs, scho zvoditsya;

The resurfacing is carried out as follows: for the skin ball, specify the mass of one square meter, omitting the values ​​​​for all the positions of the balls are added together. For obsessions, the result is multiplied by a factor of 1.1.

Butt of rozrahunka uhilu dahu

Zrazkov's scheme for rozrahunka kuta nakhil

We will direct the butt of that, how to rozrahuvati nahil daha, as if the community is reshetuvannya 2.5 cm, and 1 sq. covering meter is 15 kg. It is planned to lay a 10 cm insulating jacket, the weight of a square meter is about 10 kg. In addition, if you cover the vikoristany ondulin, the weight of which is more expensive is 3 kg per one square meter.

Rozrahunok looks like this: (15 + 10 + 3) x1.1 \u003d 30.8 kg / sq.m. For average statistics, the need to cover the living quarters should be no more than 50 kg per square meter, if you want an admissible priority for rich coverage of the suttєvo zavishchenie, which is also a trace of vrakhovuvati.

Korisno: the reserve coefficient, which is 1.1, to serve in order to change the mother’s ability to change the cover, after which we will become important.

Bradis table for rozrahunku uhilu dahu

The coefficient for the snow potential is to lie down in the form of the kuta uhilu chosen for the dahu. If the wine does not exceed 25 °, then the cost factor is 1; with a value of kuta nahilu vіd 25 to 60 °, a coefficient is chosen, which is more expensive 1.25. With a greater kutі nahil dahu snow, the venture is not guaranteed.

For calculating the kuta uhilu dahu, a table of tangents (Bradis table) can be fixed: the height of the dahu in the conic is divided by half the length of the pediment, after which the tables are kut, which confirms the taken value.

The height of the forge is calculated by the approaching path:

  1. Rozrahunok the width of the span;
  2. The span width is divided by 2;
  3. Otrimane values ​​are multiplied by an individual value for a kut.

Korisno: kut nahely that height of the horse can also be razrahuvat for additional help.

For example: let the width of the door be 8 meters. Half of this value becomes 4 m, it is necessary to expand the height of the crucible with a good dahu, which is 25 °. The table has a significant indicator, which is 0.47.

It is possible to multiply half the width of the bud on the bottom of the table of values: 4x0.47 = 1.88, that is. krokvi slid up to a height of 1.88 meters.

Choice of material for covering with a breathable finish

Materials that are victorious for covering are grouped according to such signs as physical and technical parameters, as well as price characteristics.

When choosing a material for covering, you can make the following recommendations:

  • With a slight suffocation of the coating, which becomes from 2.5 to 10 °, most often vicory is covered with coarse-grained stone chips or gravel. The thickness of the top ball is 3-5 mm for stone chips and 10-15 mm for gravel.
  • Yakshcho nahil dahu perevishuє 10 ° and beat the bituminous base waterproofing, the upper ball vikonuetsya from coarse-grained materials. As a rule, a rolled plіvkovy material was chosen, for the sake of slid vikoristovuvaty an additional ball of zabarvlennya.
  • It’s like sloppy in such a design, like it doesn’t exceed 20 °, but it’s covered with corrugated board or asbestos cement, all the sticks are to be sealed.
  • When vugilli nahilu, which does not exceed 60 ° and cover the cover with steel or medium sheets, it is also necessary to seal the sticks, as before that, they must be subdued.

Vykoristannya vsіh vіh vіdіh vysche vymоlіdatіy іn rozrahunі konstruktsії pokrіvlі allow zvesti naіyna, zdatnu servіt іlka іїlka roіv roіv.

The process of being a dahu can be frozen for an hour when such food is taken, as if you choose the necessary material for covering it and kut uhilu shilu dahu. At the same time, scho nі nіtnаnja dіtіn tіsno vаєmopov'yazanі, hаvеvаtіvаt kind оf thе material wіth rozrahunku kuta nakhily pitched pokrіvlі.

The amount of uhilu dahu to lie down depends on the number of slopes and according to the type of covering material.

It is important to remember that the cover can be buti chotiri-, two-and one-scheme. Depending on how many stingrays for wet dahu will be chosen, the size of the stingrays will be determined.

Officials who pour into the kut nahea skhila cover

Vihodyachi from what has been said, varto respect that vibirat kut nakhil is guilty of the skin gospodar zamіskogo booth, or dachas independently. However, the obov'yazkovo trace of the mother on the uvazі pevnu zalezhnіst: yes, the mother is guilty of the possibility of vitrimuvat postiyni that timchasі vantazhennya. To others, the roof of the roofing structure and the roofing material is brought up, and to the first ones - different atmospheric fall, wind, their air, as if you would fix a vice on the roofing of the roof.

The more you will be smart, the more the material will need.

From the board that snow the people are protected by a parasol, a hood or a droplet. Budinka is needed. With this, it is not only to protect the surface from the negative influx of atmospheric fallout, but also to put a beautiful finishing touch on the booth. The skin has its own understanding of beauty, and this can be improved by different visions.

Behind the design features, the stinks are straight and frail, one-, two-skinned (gabled), chotiriskhilimi (mansard), tent-like or combined. As a covering material, slate, tile (ceramic, gnuchka or cement-sand), copper, aluminium, slate and others.

Under these circumstances, buti vikonans are guilty of such a rank, in order to secure the shvidka of the descent from the snow, or the drain of the water to the drainage systems. Otherwise, the water would penetrate more deeply under the cover of the mountain. Tse, at your own heart, can bring the framework of the daha and the very re-creation to ruin.

In order to get away from him, kut naughty daha, they signify clearly up to:

  • climatic minds of the region, kіlkіstyu and peculiarities of fall that fall (including snow pressure);
  • vikoristovuvannym pokrivelnym material and vagayu future designs.

Designated kuta nakhil fallow in the climate

Fahіvtsі vvazhayut, scho uhil dahu can kolivatsya from 10 to 60 °. Optimal kut skhil dahu is in the range of 11 to 45 °.

In sparse dry areas, the smallest amount of cover can be 2 to 5 ° (for covers from rolled materials). This is explained by the fact that such a vikonan area has a minimum Dahu. A little chilly and in areas where it is often cloudy with strong winds: about 15-20 degrees. For regions with light snowfall, the cover will be set to 45 °. It is practical to ensure the fastening of the sashzhennya snіgu i zveda to zero on the frame of the dash.

Lowering the kuta to the wind, pulling at oneself is changing in the wind. If, for example, if you change the scale from 45 to 11 degrees, then the wind pressure on the cover will decrease by 5 times, which will allow you to save money on the purchase of covers, boards for slatting and the cover material itself. With all the work, it’s not necessary for the small ones to cut, for the one who blows the strongest wind can save them from the frame.

Designated kuta nakhil in the fallow in the type of materials

Through the great vaga tiled see dahiv obshtovyat with a shanks not less than 40 °.

Covering of metal materials with visible light and due to the mother's body fell no less than 30°.

Even if they are prepared from piece materials, the sickness is not to blame, but less than 22 °.

Nuances about Dahi

  • The improvement of the kuta will change the pressure of the snow on the dachas.

    Ale! On the top of the steep cover, more material is needed, lower on the back of the flat.

  • Most of the snow is accumulated on the windy parts of the windmills, where the temperature can be as low as 30°.

    So, when designing, there are a few things to keep in mind, so that on the finished day the months are not settled, in which snow accumulates or water stagnates. Vaughn can flow without interruption.

  • Rozrakhovuvati kut nakhil is necessary for a specific skin booth.

    For the accuracy of the survey carried out, the following should be trusted to specialists. The stench vrahuyut її zagalnu vaga, navantazhennya snіgu, material and professionally designate the optimal kut.

Yakshcho you correctly robbed rozrahunki kuta nakhila dahu, vikoristovuyte yakіsnі materials And save the listed more nuances, yours will serve for a long time and not be troublesome.

Possibly, this element in the life of a house is not the most important for anyone. Tim is not less, as a matter of fact, the building of the house plays a great role for further manual exploitation.

Wait a little more respectfully at home for safety and comfort. At this statute mi vіdpovimo on the following nutrition:

  1. What kind of materials are most often victorious for everyday life?
  2. What kind of kut is insanely better for that other region?
  3. How do you see dahiv?

nakhil dahu

On the side you can get away, but there is nothing folding in it. What a desire, such a desire. A truly literate choice will help to cover up a lot of inaccuracies. When choosing a nakhil dahu, such factors are taken to respect:

  1. The design idea of ​​a well-looked-for booth.
  2. Material vibranium for pokrіvlі. The skin maker can be covered with a number of recommendations.
  3. Features of the climate in the region of residence.

Possibly, you live in the mist, de fall over too large a number of falls. In such a time, it is better to work with a thin coat of 45 to 60 degrees.

It is necessary to fight so that a lot of snow does not accumulate on the surface, in order to allow the decrease in the pressure on the dachas, the shards of atmospheric fall under the vlas of the vlasnaya vaga to fall on the ground.

If the region of the planned life is overwhelmed by heavy winds, then you need to choose the minimum amount of wind. Tse allow me to change the sailing cover. And, otzhe, change the focus on the bearing construction of the booth. Choose rіven nakhil from 9 to 20 degrees.

If the rocks in our country of weather are not transferable, then most often, during everyday life, choose a range of 20 to 45 degrees.

He himself managed to allow you to wink for covering practically all modern materials, including i.

Various coverings

Modern budinki wash themselves different forms. It is important to know two the same in the design of life. The starry look of the Dahu is also different. When choosing the type of cover, it is necessary to protect the beauty of life as well as functional features.

Corisna information! Along the coddle, the cover is subdivided into a sprat of views. Kozhen maє і perevagi, і nedolіki.

One-sheath cover. The simplest form for building. It is possible that the evocative look of this Dahu will be too banal, but the price will definitely please you. Such a cover does not require great financial investments, this is popularization. Її vikoristovuyut for the flooring of households and the government's life.

Whose kind of covering is a different equal wall, on which the covering material is laid.

The oskіlki gospodarskie pomіshchennya do not require mountain space, then you can choose the minimum rіven nachila - from 9 to 25 degrees. Ale, all the same, do not forget about the ventilation of the expanse under the breath. For flooring, you can vikoristovuvat any material.

Vaughn is two slopes, connected by one line. The most common type of Dahu. Skati roztashovanі pіd kutom according to vіdnoshnyu one to one.

At the ends of the white dahu, the walls at the looking trikutnik are established. The stench is called tongs or else pediments. There is a possibility to obshtuvat under fire the mountain. Ventilation zdіysnyuєtsya for help vіkon on shilah or at the pediments. Such windows are called auditory.

Valmovii chotiriskhiliy dakh. This type of cover allows the designer's imagination to create the right masterpieces.

The ends were sewn on her in the form of a tricot, as they stretch from the forge to the eaves. Other two slopes form a trapeze.

Zalezhno vіd zadumu that relish of the designer, which rozrobljaє project boudinka, naughty pokrіvlі may well be-yakim. When you send the cover material, you can ask for your judgment.

Even more often vykoristovuetsya itself chotirischily hippokrivlya, with which insults were shed trikutni.

Irrespective of those who have to do such a thing, a labor worker and the road on the right, it’s compensated for you by a blind with a sultry look at home.

When you are working, you can beat the booth attic dah. The whole troch is folded with a variation of the hip covering. This kind of dahu is victorious for a full-scale vikoristan of the city's intermediary. With proper insulation, this space can be victorious as a living accommodation. Thermal insulation, in the opinion of fahivtsiv, is an important stage in the life of attic roofing.

For the rahunok of the lamano, the forms of schiliv and the height of the kutiv are established space, the ranks of the attic are on top. For adequate ventilation, the attic vicorous wind vents. The stinks also provide the necessary natural illumination and act as an adornment to the Dahu and the booth from the outer side.

Corisna information! In order to choose the optimal rіven for a good cover, insure not only a design project, but also the climate of the region of everyday life. When choosing a design, it is very important to cover the materials that are victorious.

Inflow of climatic features to the region of everyday life

In order to escape the increased vanity on the unsustainable life in the regions, which are blown by heavy winds, it is necessary to beat the minimum rive to the full. Tse to fight in order not to be a bad boy.

Well, how can we help the vanity on the design of the booth, which will lead to the advancement of financial investments. So it’s better to win the optimal rіven nahil pokrіvlі.

If in your region there are parts of that light snowfall, then it’s more likely to raise the rhine on the sickly, then fall off, as you fell, you can fall to the ground behind the rahunka of the vlasnoy vaga. Tse dopomozhe to escape the purchase of snow for cover, vіdpovіdno, and vanity for it.

Important! Win a flat day with a minimum heating level, as your region has a large number of sunny days.

Do not beat up dark rolled materials for covering dahu in these places, shards of stink are already heated from the sleepy areas. This time it is better covered with gravel. І scho it is important to raise a small nahil dahu for the fallout runoff in the region of 5 degrees.

Vibіr uhilu pokrіvlі in fallowness in the material

It is also important to be careful about the choice of covering material. Vivchіt main characteristics of the assortment offered for the market. Read for the sake of the virobnik. Tse help you choose the necessary material for covering the Dahu, which will serve you for more than a dozen years.

Type of material for covering the cover to lie down and kut її nahilu:

  1. If you choose slate or tile, the minimum cut of the sickle needs to be 22 degrees. Such a trick would help to hide the vogue in the middle of the dash, as well as the accumulation of її on the sticks of the cover. Might be a great warranty term of operation - 40 years.
  2. If you choose to vicorate the corrugated board, the foremen recommend to work with a thin covering of 12 degrees. If it is less, then it is necessary to coat the sticks with silicone sealant.
  3. Manufacturers of rolled materials are recommended to choose the cut for the first time, depending on the number of balls. If you have a three-ball cover, then it can be up to 5 degrees, two-ball up to 15 degrees.
  4. For tiles, the minimum cut may be 14 degrees.
  5. The minimum cut for the slate for ondulin is 6 degrees.
  6. When covering with soft tile, vikoristovyte no less than 11 degrees lower. Nezalezhno vіd kakiy kut vibryali nebhіdno zdіysniti zdіysniti installation sutsіlnoї reshetuvannya.
  7. For membrane coatings, the minimum winding can be up to 5 degrees.

When choosing a kuta, you need to cover it for a good amount of time, open up the potential of the load-bearing structure. You can blame it zovnіshі vplivi characteristic of the region.

Protect your sukupnu vaga dahu and seasonal fall, squally wind.

Laika is the main element of the cover construction. In order for the future to get away from the sagging dahu, it is necessary at once to talk about the mentality of the settlement. It is recommended to recommend a lot of virobnikiv for the choice of the type and the small scale of resolving the protection of the wounded cover. Yakscho kut small vikoristovy krok 350-450 mmіlіmetrіv. So pіdіyde i sutsіlna reshetuvannya.

If a flat dah is being designed, then the next memory is about a small sickness (up to 5 degrees) for the drain of atmospheric fallout.

important! When the cover is large, outside the varto area, organize an additional layer for the insurance of the main cover.

AT to the current world on private plots, as you can see, the coverings do not vicorate. The housekeeper can choose the type of cover and materials for the cover. The leather method of linking dahu may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing a cover for that kuta, you should focus not only on the design of the future life, but also on its functionality.

Materials for everyday life and repairs are expensive. To that, until the choice of cover for cover, I will be more serious. Follow all the minuses and pluses of the other option. Tse help robiti correct choice. To provide you with the right balance of "price - quality".

So everyday life should be covered with the right approach. A few small inaccuracies in the choice of kuta nakhil dahu can be brought not only to additional vitrates on її correction, but also to create a risk for your health and that life.

Butt of rozrahunku kuta nahilu dahu

As you remember, when rozrahunka kuta nahely, it is necessary to vrakhovuvat not only the materials, but also the climatic features of the city, where there will be houses. As there is a large number of atmospheric falls, it is necessary to increase the amount of sickness. For heavy winds - change. For optimal vitrification of the covering material, the best performance is in the range of 10-60 degrees.

For a rozrakhunka of the height of the krokv and a conic of the dahu, make a kosinets. You can also sort it out in an arithmetic way. For which the width of the span is divisible by 2 and multiplied by the required coefficient, which you can find in the guidance table.

butt. The width of the booth should be 8 meters, and the cut should be 30 degrees. Rozrahuyemo height, on the yak rise krokv. We divide the width of the booth (8 m) by 2 and multiply it by the coefficient of the table (0.59). We take 2.36 m. Yak bachimo, the height of the crock for our butt can be 2.36 meters.

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