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Among the sensi, the Sumerian culture is characterized by a historian. The sensi Sumerian culture is characterized. Electronic educational resource "Historical recession of ancient civilizations". Irrigation farming as the basis of civilization

The development of astronomy and astrology has a special place for the Sumerians and the Babylonians. About the Sumerians and their highly differentiated culture, the world recognized in the 19th century - the beginnings of archaeological excavations, yak were found in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal (668-626 pp. BC) hundreds of thousands of clay “manuscripts”, which were formed from new records, so and from copies of texts in early hours.

Usі znachnі temples regularly overpowered the tsarevі zvіti z tlumachennyam those that remained in the sky. The library of Ashshurbanipal was a scientific center of its own, deconcentrated tsі zvіti.

For example, XIX century. French archaeologists unearthed the magnificent archives of the state documents of the ancient Sumerian town of Lagash with incoming records, plans of land plots from the designations of the settlements and the area of ​​the pidrakhunk. Tsei archives are also a collection of the social history of the Sumerians.

No less significant for the history of architecture, mathematics and astronomy were the cuneiform tablets from the library at the Temple of Enlil in Nippur. The library occupied over 80 rooms. At the temple, schoolchildren were revealed, and the primary aids and texts were saved for the right to study at the sheet, grammar, mathematics and astronomy.

Deciphering that reading of ancient texts became a sensation of a century and shed light on the forgotten era of human culture five thousand years ago. It became clear that Mesopotamia was inhabited by the Sumerians on the pivdni and the Akkadians on the pivnoch. In the III thousand years to the stars. e. Sumerian great places on the pivdnі (beyond the sea of ​​Eridu, on the cordons with the wasteland of Ur, Nippur, Lagash, Uruk, Larsa) have reached the greatest rosette. The stench was not isolated from the ancient civilizations of Mohenjo-Daro at the descent and Egypt at the entrance, between them they established trade and economic contacts.

In the places of Mesopotamia (Babylon, Agadi, Sitari, Borsippi), the Akkadians adopted the culture of the Sumerians. Close to 2500 BC e. Acadians occupied the territory of the entire country. Tsієї pori viysk forces were formed from Akkadziv, also by copyists, sovereign officials and priests of the temples of the Sumerians. The peninsular camp near the advancing capital turned to a new day: the rulers of Ur and Lagash called themselves "the kings of Sumer and Akkad." Nadali Babylon became the capital and cultural and economic center of the country.

S. N. Kramer on the basis of the cuneiform manuscripts at the book of his "Sumer's origins in history" visviting so the nutrition of the history of the culture of the old class society, as enlightenment, international innocence, the political system, social reforms, cryptic natural philosophy, ethics, religious look: paradise, the flood, the first legend about the resurrection of the dead, the sweating world, epic literature - the saying about Gilgamesh.

It's easy to reconsider the food of the history of culture of Sumer, destroyed by Kramer, to tell about the breadth and depth of the author's legacy.

Great achievements of the Sumerians before the people and in the sphere of development of mathematics and astronomy. The Sumerian mathematical culture was rich-tonational: it developed in the process of cultural integration and international overseas trade with Egypt and India (Mohenjo-Daro), the social and cultural development of such exchanges on the same level with Sumer.

Astronomical science developed in the native valleys of the Indus, Nile, Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In these valleys of different natural-geographical minds, rivers flow in a different way. Prote їх odnuє duzhe іstotny factor - іdsutnіst protyazh bagatioh ієsyatsіv іn rotsі atmospheric opadіv. In the wake of this, at the dawn of the strong earth-growing culture, the corn-growers were littered with bottling rivers, piece-by-piece powdering of the soil. Cob sіlskogospodarskih robіt stale od hour tanennya snіgіv in the mountains, an hour bottling rіchok, od svoєchasnogo schorіchnogo purified kanalіv that zroshuvalnoї MEREZHI od nanosіv scho obchislyuyutsya bagatma tisyach kubometrіv mule od vlashtuvannya that repair Grebel, od organіzatsії correct that svoєchasnogo rozpodіlu Vod in іrigatsіynіy MEREZHI.

Raznoridnі sіlskogospodarskі robots owe vykonuvatysya in sevnіy poslіdovnost protyazh a whole fate, being vzaєmopov'yazanі in all the valley that grows. Such a work could not be organized by other princedoms. Out of the sovereign's need, centralized powers were created, united for the entire expansive valley, with the union of the gods of the other tribes at the pantheon; zhertsі created calendars, which is necessary for the coordination of the agricultural production; For whom zdіysnyuyutsya astronomical caution. Calendars were also needed by nomadic and overpowered cattlemen to regulate the vipasu of thinness in the valleys and to go to the mountain pastures, shearing sheep at the right time for lambing and richly other.

Religions of the peoples of Mesopotamia in the Sumerian era on the cob of the III millennium BC. e. - tse shanuvannya of the gods Anu, Ea that Enlil.

Anu's vcheni pohodzhenya pov'azyuyut іz insperations of Heaven (an sky). Enlil (lil wind) - with the wind, to bring boards with gir, and Ea - with the water element. Whom the whole pantheon of the gods of the Sumerians is prone to isolate the forces of nature, that head deity - Heaven. In the Semitic era (from the middle of the 3rd millennium AD), the old Sumerian gods were saved, but new ones appeared.

Presenting Babylon as a cultural, economic, commercial and political center of the country to bring Marduk as the head deity to the naked. First up is the idea of ​​monotheism. The Babylonian priests are trying to create a vchennya about those who have only one god Marduk, and the reshta - show only a difference. Whom was given signs of the policy of centralization of power in the country.

The idea of ​​deification of the kings of Babylon, ruling over the peoples in the name of the heavenly god Sonts Shamash, which is handed over to the kings of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC ..) suviy іz laws. Babylonians will be temples dedicated to the Sun, built and ziggurati - piece mountains, designated for prayer from their peaks.

The inhabitants of the Nile Valley worshiped the patron deities (sacred creatures). On this cult, the taming of brown creatures from the prehistoric minuloma was noted - a cow (the goddess Hathor), who gave people milk, an oxen, having lightened the grain harvest, guts (the goddess Bastet), who blamed grizuniv, a crocodile (the goddess Sobek), who cleared the Nil from the zabrudnen , levitsі (goddess Sokhmet), queens of animals, thin.

During the first unification of Egypt, for example, the IV millennium BC. i.e. under the rule of the vihіdtsіv from the region of Edfu, the tribal deity of the ciєї region was transformed into the Egyptian god Sontsya. In the era of the birth of Memphis (about 3700 BC), the Memphis god Ptah became the head god of Egypt. At the link with the relocation of the center of Egypt to Heliopolis, the mystic god Atum (Ra) reincarnates on the supreme deity of the land (about 2700 BC. E ..). Political changes in the country lead (about 2100 rubles) to the center of the state at Thebes. The cult of the mystic deity Amun of Thebes is close to the cult of the god Ra. Through the war, the god Amon-Ra became the supreme deity of the new unification of Egypt.

Vcheni prostzhuyut creation of many pantheons of the gods of Egypt: the Theban triad - Khonsu, Mut, Amon; Memphis - Ptah, Sokhmet, Nefertum and Yennead (nine gods), among them the bula of heliopolis is especially popular, which was formed from chotirioh pairs of gods on choli from Ra, tse - Shu and Tefnut, Ge and Nut, Set and Neftida, Osiris and Isida .

The architecture of the Egyptian temples is the core of the idea of ​​the eternity of light. The wealthy part of the Mesopotamian ziggurati spoke of the idea of ​​joining people with the Cosmos, yak, having risen above the vast expanse, became closer to the sky.

The architecture of the Indian steps symbolized the daylight of the svetobudovi, founded on the sides of the dome covered with a sphere.

In proportions and architectural proportions, the achievements of priestly mathematics, often clothed in a mystical shell, grew out of the practice of the state administration of power, calculation of the hour, earthly mysticism. Mathematical knowledge became the basis for harmonization in architecture and order in everyday life.

The architects of Mesopotamia and Egypt were master geometers, and in the established proportions, they were like arithmetic vodnosin, and geometric pobudov. It is confirmed by a low number of non-contradictory facts.

For example, Herodotus (5th century BC), basing on the roses of the Egyptian victims, reminds that “the area of ​​the face of the Cheops Pyramid is close to the square, which was placed on the height of the pyramid”. The story of the historian was confirmed by the analysis of the natural worlds of the pyramid of Cheops.

Zeberezhni in Stinov Khramіv Epochi of the older kingdom Relєfni Sobrezhennia Budіvelnikіv-Kamenotesіv, and Torzozhnya Proplemonary Pam'yatok of the older єGype did not hurt Sumanіvіv, Shaho for wakes of the Architectural Forma-Zodchi is widely crossed by forgiveness by Malich magnifies, the "sacred" of Tsіlimi 3 4: five; 5:12:13; 20:21:29, as well as irrational values: the diagonal of a square, the diagonal of two squares, one half and one in.

The rulers, the nobility, saw the appearance of the lane with temples. For the recognition of the one to whom, skilki and what belonged, they came up with special little signs. Pictography - the most recent sheet for the help of little ones.

In Mesopotamia, cuneiform letters were written for 3 thousand years. However, then we won't be forgotten. Dozens of hundreds of cuneiforms saved their secret, until 1835 G. Rawlinson. English officer and amateur starovin. without deciphering її. On the strimky rock in Iran, however, was preserved wrote three old-fashioned language, including old-Persian. Rawlinson read the writing on the back of my hand, and then zoomed in and sorted it out in the other writing, deciphering it over 200 characters in cuneiform.

Vinahid writing is one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Writing gave the opportunity to save knowledge, made them accessible to a great number of people. In the past, it has become possible to save memory in records (on clay tablets, on papyrus), and not only in verbal retelling, which is transmitted from generation to generation "by word of mouth." Until what hour is writing overwhelmed by the head collection information for the people.

2. People of literature.

The Sumerians had created the first poems, which they knew the ancient retellings of and stories about the heroes. Writing has made it possible to bring them to our time. This is how literature was born.

The Sumerian poem about Gilgamesh tells about a hero who dares to throw a cry to the gods. Gilgamesh was the king of the city of Uruk. Vin, boasting before the gods of his might, and the gods were angry with the proud. The stench created Enkidu - napіvluda-napіzvіra, like a mav of great strength, and sent Yogo to fight with Gilgamesh. Prote the gods blew up. The forces of Gilgamesh and Enkidu were equal. Recently, the enemies have turned into friends. The stench broke at the roadside and survived the immeasurable benefits. At once, the stench overcame the terrible storm, which protected the cedar forest, and performed many other feats. Ale was angry at Enkidu, the god of sleep and the spirit of yogo to death. Gilgamesh silently mourned the death of a friend. Understand Gilgamesh, who can overcome death.

Virushiv Gilgamesh shukati immortality. At the bottom of the sea, I know the grass of eternal life. Ale, just like a hero, having fallen asleep on a birch, the evil serpent slayed the enchanting grass. Thus, Gilgamesh could not create his own dream. Ale was created by the people of the poem about the new, yogo was made an immortal image.

In the literature of the Sumerians, we have a clear interpretation of the myth about the flood. People stopped bowing to the gods and called out their wrath with their behavior. And the gods blew to the misfortune of humankind. And among the people, there was a man named Utnapishtim, who heard the gods in everyone and led a righteous life. God guide Ea, looking over him and ahead of the flood, which is rushing. Utnapishtim having awakened the ship, navantazhiv on his new family, his own creature, that mine. Six days and nights the ship rushed through the winds. On the seventh day the storm blew up.

Todi Utnapnshtim released the raven. And the raven did not turn around until the new. Zrozumіv Utnapіshtim, that the raven plowed the ground. That was the top of the mountain, to which the ship of Utnapishtima pried itself. Here vin made a sacrifice to the gods. The gods beat the people. The gods granted immortality to Utnapnshtim. Lead the flood entered. From that hour, the human race began to multiply again, conquering new lands.

The myth about the flood was founded by rich peoples long ago. Vіn uvіyshov to the Bible. Navіt ancient inhabitants of Central America, in vіdіrvanі vіd tsivіlіzаtsіy of the Ancient Descent, also created a saying about the All-World's Flood.

3. Knowledge of the Sumerians.

The Sumerians learned to watch for the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. The stinks virahuval їhnіy way across the sky, marked a rich suzіr'їv and gave them names. It was given to the Sumerians that the stars, їх rukh and roztashuvannya signify the shares of the people of that powers. The stench made the belt of the Zodiac - 12 suzir'їv, which make a great ring, like the Sun zdіysnyuє its path stretching rock. Vcheni zhertsі folded calendars, counted the terms of monthly obscurations. In Sumer, the beginning of one of the most ancient sciences, astronomy, was laid.

In mathematics, the Sumerians were happy for dozens. Ale was especially stunned by the numbers 12 (a dozen) and 60 (five dozen). Mi dosi koristuєmosya with the fall of the Sumerians, if we take a year for 60 hvilin, hvilina - for 60 seconds, rіk - for 12 months, and colo - for 360 degrees.

The first schools were created in the places of Ancient Sumer. Less than lads studied with them, the girls were given homely training. The lads were breaking on the busy day of the sun. Schools were organized at temples. The teachers were priests.

Busy spent the whole day. It was not easy to learn to write in cuneiform, rahuvat, rozpovidat the saying about gods and heroes. For the filthy knowledge, that destruction of discipline was severely punished. The one who successfully graduated from school, instantly took the place of a copyist, an official, and became a priest. Tse gave the ability to live without knowing the vigilance.

Regardless of the severity of discipline, the school in Sumer was likened to the motherland. The teachers were called "dad", and the students - "the sons of the school". And in those distant hours, children were left without children. The stinks loved to pograti and beshketuvati. Archaeologists knew the games and toys that children played with. Young people played just like modern children. The stinks were carrying toys on bells behind them. Tsіkavo, that the biggest fault - the wheel - was stuck in toys.

V.I. Ukolova, L.P. Marinovich, History, Grade 5
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bottling wine

Sumerian ceramics

First schools.
The Sumerian school of vinyl and developed to the appearance of writing, the very cuneiform, the perfected vinyl that became the most important contribution of Sumer to the history of civilization.

The first written memos were revealed among the ruins of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk (biblical Erech). Here they knew about a thousand small clay tablets, covered with a pictographic sheet. From a large number of the government and administrative records, in the middle of them, a piece of initial texts appeared: lists of words for memorization to remember. Tse to tell about those who are less than 3000 years before c. e. The Sumerian copyists were already busy with the food of the school. With the advance of the advancing century, Erech on the right developed in full, prote until the middle of the III millennium BC. c), for Sumer). Imovirno, it was the basis of a string of schoolchildren for the systematic study of reading that letter. At the ancient Shuruppak-pa of the Sumerian batkivshchina ... at the hour of excavations 1902-1903 pp. a significant number of tablets were found from school texts.

From them, we know that the number of professional clerks in that period reached a few thousand. The squeaks were divided between the young and the older: they were copying tsar’s and temples, copying with a higher specialization in one region and copying with high qualifications, they occupied important state estates. All the same, let me imagine that all over Sumer it was scattered impersonally to collect great schools for copying and that these schools were given chimale significance. However, even from the tablets of the thієї epoch, they still do not give us a clear statement about the Sumerian schools, about the system and methods of teaching in them. In order to take such information, it is necessary to turn to the tablets of the first half of the II millennium BC. e. From the archeological ball, which confirms this epic, hundreds of initial tablets with strong instructions, written by the students themselves for an hour of lessons, were scribbled. Here you can see all stages of training. Such earthenware "zoshiti" allows you to read a little about the system of teaching, adopted in Sumerian schools, that about the program, as it was taught there. Fortunately, the vikladachi themselves loved to write about school life. A lot of these records were also saved, even in urivkas. To write down the notes and the headings of the tablets, to complete the information about the Sumerian school, about the task of that number, about the teachers and teachers, about the program and teaching methods. In the history of humankind, there is only one trend, if we can find out so much about the schools of the past era.

First of all, the school of education in the Sumerian school was, so be it, purely professional, so that the school is guilty of preparing rewrites, which are necessary for the state and administrative life of the country, the head rank for the palaces and temples. Tse zavdannya was left with the central broach of the last line of Sumer. With the development of a merezhі shkіl. and also, in the world, the expansion of the primary programs of the school step by step becomes the center of Sumerian culture and knowledge. Formally, the type of a universal "scientist" is a specialist in the fields of knowledge of that era: in botany, zoology, mineralogy, geography, mathematics, grammar, and linguistics, rarely appearance. poog^shahi knowledge of one's own ethics. and not epochs.

Nareshti, on the basis of the current primary foundations, the Sumerian schools were their own literary centers. Here they did not lose much time and rewrote the literary memos of the past, and they created new things.

Most of the uchniv, yakі finished qі schools, became scribes at palaces and temples, or in the dominions of rich and noble people, however, one part of them devoted their life to science and writing.

Similar to the university professors of our days, a lot of these ancient scientists earned their living by vikladatsky activity, devoting their free time to achievements and literary practice.

The Sumerian school, which is a bit of vinyl, maybe, like an appendage to the temple, has been cremated for a year in a new way, and її the program has been nabul in the main day of the secular character. For this reason, the teacher's teacher's work was paid for the salary of foreign students.

Zrozumіlo, in Sumeri, there is no vulgar, no obov'yazkovy navchannya. Most of the scholars looked like rich and varied families - even if it was not easy for the poor to know the hour and pennies for a trivalent scholar. Although the Assyriologists long ago made such a vision, it was more than a hypothesis, and less in 1946. The German Assyriologist Nikolaus Schneider zoomed in on strong proofs that are grounded on the documents of that era. On thousands of published gospodars and administrative tablets, which lie until about 2000 p. BC That is, about five hundred names of clerks are guessing. Bagato from them. In order to hide pardons, they put their father in the order of their names and showed them their profession. Having resolutely sorted out all the tablets, N. Schneider, having established that the fathers of these were rewritten, - and all the stinks, as you understand, began in schools, - there were rulers, "fathers of the city", envoys, as if they were guarding temples, military leaders, captains of courts, other taxes, officials, priests of various ranks, contractors, illustrators, rewriters, savers of archives, rachivniki.

In other words, the fathers of the copyists were the most possible citizens of the city. Tsikavo. that in the same fragments the name of the female clerk is not mentioned; maybe. In Sumerian schools, only lads started.

On the top of the school, standing ummia (significant teacher), who was also called the father of the school. The teachers were called "the sons of the school", and the teacher's assistant was called the "big brother". Before yoga obov'yazkіv, zokrema, included the preparation of calligraphic plates-zrazkіv, as if later they rewrote the texts. Vіn same perevіryav vіryav vіvіvі zavdannya zmushuvav uchіnіv rozpoіdati vіvcheni them lessons.

Among the vikladachivs, they were also a teacher of painting and a teacher of the Sumerian language, a mentor, a kind of scolding for excellence, and so titles of volodiyat and a “leaf” (obviously, a visualizer, a kind of a teacher of discipline at school). It is important to say who among them is more respected by rank. We only know that the "father of the school" was the actual director. We don’t know anything about dzherel іsnuvannya school personnel. Mabut, "father of the school" paid a piece of skin yoga for the top sumi, which came up to pay for the education.

If there are school programs, then here, before our services, the richest information gleaned from the school tablets themselves is a fact, truly unique in the history of old. To us, we have a mute to the indirect Svіdchen Abo to the creative of the older car: Mi Maєmo in his own Rosophyadenn, Children's Schedule, Pershoklasnichi Vіd Karakulіv "Perschoklasnikіv" І Zakіnchuyi "Vipusnikіv" robots, Skіlki, Scho ї ї Ski, Vіdrizni Vіd sign, written by Viklands.

Qi robots allow you to establish that the course of study is for the two main programs. The first was hard for science and technology, it was a literary friend, it developed creativity.

Speaking about the first program, it’s necessary to add that it wasn’t already pointed out by a burning desire to know, to the truth. Tsya program step by step was formed in the process of writing, the main meta was similar to the teaching of the Sumerian writing. For the purpose of the main task, the Sumerian teachers created a system of teaching. based on the principles of linguistic classification. The lexicon of the Sumerian language was subdivided by them into groups, supporting the words and using the language of the tongue. Tsі ґruntі slіv were memorized and ієrenuvalys doti, the docks of the uchnі did not sound out independently. Ale up to III thousand years before stars. school texts began to gradually expand and gradually changed into more and less stable textbooks, accepted by all the schools of Sumer.

In some texts, there are long lists of tree names and outlines; in others - the names of all pkivikh istot (creatures, comakhs and birds): in the third - the names of the country, town and villages; in the fourth - name stones and minerals. Similar lists tell about the significance of the information of the Sumerians in the gallery "botany", "zoology", "geography" and "mineralogy" - an arcane and small fact. who have only recently turned back the respect of the scientists, who are engaged in the history of science.

Sumerian educators also created all kinds of mathematical tables and compiled collections of tasks, accompanying skin-related decisions and recommendations.

Speaking about linguistics, it should be noted that special respect, judging by the numerical school plates, was attached to grammar. The majority of such tablets are old lists of collapsible names, descriptive forms, etc. It is not worth talking about those that the grammar of the Sumerians was well broken up. Late, in the last quarter of the III millennium BC. That is, if the seven of Akkad gradually conquered Sumer, the Sumerian teachers created the first "dictionaries" for us. On the right, in the fact that the seven conquerors adopted not only the Sumerian writing: they also highly valued the literature of ancient Sumer, took away that vivchali її monuments and inherited them, if Sumerian became a dead language. Tsim i bula viklikana is needed by the "dictionaries". de davavsya translation of the Sumerian words and viraziv into the language of Akkad.

Let's go back now to another initial program, like a little literary trick. The study of this program was mainly in memorization and rewriting of literary works of the other half of the 1000 BC. That is, if the literature was especially rich, as well as among the inherited ones. There were hundreds of such texts, and maybe all the stinks were created in a range of 30 (or less) up to 1000 rows. Judging by the silence of them. yakі far away folded and deciphered. These creations fell to different canons: myths and epic sayings of the verses that glorify songs; Sumerian gods and heroes; laudatory hymns to the gods; kings. cry; zruynovanyh, bible places.

Sered Literary tablets and їх іїlomkop. vityagnutyh from the ruins of Sumer, richly hto є shkіlnі piї, rewritten by the hands of scholars.

We still know little about the methodology and technique of writing in the schools of Sumer. Vranci, having come to school, the students took apart the tablet, which they wrote in advance.

Potim - the elder brother, who was the assistant to the teacher, preparing a NEW tablet, as the scientists began to sort out and rewrite. Older brother. and also the father of the school, maybe, the last time they went after the robot of the uchniv, pereviryayuchi, chi stink correctly rewrite the text. Undoubtedly, that the successes of the Sumerian scholars of the significant world lay in their memory, and those of their helpers were not able to accompany the dry lists of words with their explanations. tables and literary texts that are rewritten by scholars. Ale tsі lektsії, yakі could give us an inestimable help when cultivating the Sumerian scientific and religious thought and literature, maybe, they were not written down, and then spent forever.

One thing is undoubted: the teaching at the schools of Sumer at the presence of nothing sleepy from the modern system of education, if the knowledge gained by the significant world is acquired through initiative and independent work; the teacher himself.

Good discipline. it could not do without a club on the right. As much as possible, scho. not being concerned about the students' desire for success, the Sumerian teachers nevertheless relied more on the zhahliva deya club, as they punished the mitt as much as not heavenly. I went to school today and just there from early morning until evening. Singingly, like a vacation ruled the rock, then we can’t get any good information. Navchannya was terrified of fates, the child caught up to pretend to be a young man. tsіkavo boulo would marvel. chi small Sumerian scientists can choose a robot for another specialization. and that's how it is. then what a world and at what stage of learning. However, about tse, yak and about a lot of other details. dzherela shut up.

One at Sippar. otherwise, in Ur. Ale so. that a great number of tablets were found in the skin s of cih budіvel, the stench may not be disturbed by anything in the splendid living budinkіv, and that our zdogad can be pardoned. Tilki vzimku 1934.35 p. French archaeologists have discovered two stones near the city of Mary on the Euphrates (at the entrance to Nippur), yak for their roztashuvannyam and features clearly є shkіlnimi classes. The stench was saved by rows of donkeys with scorched caegles, rozrohovani one, two or two students.

But what did the scientists themselves think about that school? What would give the food, if I wanted to, I would not be sure. Let's go back to the onset of division, in which a text about the school of life in Sumer, writing mayzhe chotiri thousands of years, and more recently, selections from numerical urivkіv and arreshti translations are introduced. This text is given, zokrema, it is clear about the recognition between teachers and teachers that is the first unique document in the history of pedagogy.

Sumerian schools

reconstruction of the Sumerian oven

Baby seals-2000-1800


Sribna model chovna, shashkova gra

Ancient Nimrud

Pobut Sumer, rewriters

Boards for writing

Cool room near the school

Plow-sowalka, 1000 BC

Vinny lyoh

Sumerian literature

Epos about Gilgamesh

Shumer ceramics






Ubeid culture

Medium relief with images of birds Imdugud from the temple in El-Ubeid. Sumer

Fragments of fresco paintings at the Palace of Zimrilim.

Mary. XVIII Art. to the sound e.

Sculpture of the professional spivak Ur-Nin. Mary.

Ser. III yew. BC e

Miraculously with a lion's head, one of the seven evil demons, who was born in the Mountains of the Skhodu and lives in the pits and ruins. Vіn viklikaє rozbrat and ailments among people. Genii, both evil and good, played a great role in the life of the Babylonians. І yew. BC e.

Kam'yana carved bowl with Ur.

III yew. BC e.

Silver heels for donkey harness. Tomb of Queen Pu-Abi.

Lv. III yew. BC e.

The head of the goddess Ninlil - the squad of the god Misyatsya Nanna, the patron of Ur

Terracotta figure of a Sumerian deity. Tello (Lagash).

III yew. BC e.

Statue of Kurlil - head of the granaries of Uruk. Early dynastic period, ІІІ yew. BC e.

Vessel from the images of creatures. Susie. Kin. IV yew. BC e.

Stoneware with colorful inlays. Uruk (Varka). IV yew. BC e.

"Biliy temple" in Urutsi (Vartsi).

The outlines of living houses of the Ubeid period. Modern reconstruction. National park of m. Ktesifona

Reconstruction of a private booth (inner courtyard)

Ur-royal grave



Sumer bring the lamb for sacrifice


The culture of Babylon is little developed through parts of the ruin.
The central part of Babylonia roztashovuvala downstream of the Euphrates in the city, de Euphrates and the Tigris are approaching. The ruins of Babylon are located 90 km from the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. About Babylon in the Bible it is said: "The place is great... the place is mitzne." At VII Art. BC Babylon was the largest and richest place of the Ancient Skhod. This area was covered by 450 hectares, straight streets with two-topped houses, a water supply system and sewerage, a stone bridge across the Euphrates. The place otchuvalo podvіyne kіltse fortechnyh walls zavtovshki up to 6.5 m, through the yakі in the place led vіsіm vorіt. The most important were the twelve-meter gates of the goddess Ishtar, which inspired the shape of a triumphal arch, folded from a turquoise glazed chain with an ornament of 575 lions, dragons and bugs. All the place was crossed by the road of processes that went through the pivnіchnu gate, consecrated to the goddess Ishtar. She went from the walls of the citadel to the walls of the temple of Marduk. In the middle of the fence, there was a 90-meter-high staircase, which went down in history under the name "Babylonian Vezh". The won was formed from seven different-colored surfaces. She had a golden statue of Marduk.
Following the order of Nebuchadnezzar for Yogo, Amltis’s squads broke up “hanging gardens”. The palace of Nebuchadnezzar was built on a piece platform, on the sloping terraces there were built hanging gardens. The tops of the gardens rose up in ledges and rolled up in gentle slopes.
The greatness of Babylon was large, so that after the residual spending of the independence of the New Babylonian state in Zhovtny 539 r. BC after being occupied by the Persians, having taken the camp of the cultural center, it became one of the most important places in the world. Navіt Oleksandr the Great, who has conquered more than one capital, having seen that Babylon is in Mesopotamia, the order of Oleksandrіy in Egypt, which is worthy of becoming the capital of this majestic empire. Here Vin made a sacrifice to Marduk, having crowned himself and punished the rebuilding of ancient temples. Here, at Babylon, this conqueror died on the 13th chervnya 323 BC. In the meantime, the beauty of this Mesopotamian place did not cause Alexander the Great to build one of the most important Babylonian architectural ensembles - the seven-tiered ziggurat of Etemenanki (“Vezha of Babel”), as if the flooring struck the creators of the Old Testament and suffocated them. . “Commentators, maybe, talk about the walkie-talkie, attributing the similarity of what was said to that deep hostility, like a great place celebrated on the simple-hearted nomadic Semites, like they drank here right from the water-kremlin and silent desert. The stench was hostile to the noiseless noise of the streets and bazaars, blinded by a kaleidoscope of farb at the restless NATO, deafened by the trifles of human talk with incomprehensible language for them. They lapped high temples, especially majestic terrace-like temples with dahas, which vibrated with a glazed whole and rested, as if it seemed to them, against the very sky. It is not surprising that the simple-hearted inhabitants of the kurens claimed that the people who climbed long-term descents to the top of the majestic stovp, the stars of the stench were made in dots, that they were collapsing, they effectively judged the gods.
Babylon became famous in the ancient world for its science, and especially for mathematical astronomy, having risen to the 5th century. BC, if there were schools in Urutsi, Sippari, Babylon, Borsippi. The Babylonian astronomer Naburian was able to create a system of destination of the monthly phases, and Keden created a sleepy precession. Most of what can be seen without a telescope was marked on the star map itself near Babylon, and already the stars were taken to the Mediterranean. The second version is about those that Pythagoras posited his theorem with the Babylonian mathematicians.

The topic, as I have chosen, is still relevant and doninі. The history of ancient Babylon has been occupied until our time; To reach the required result, I was helped by the works of the following authors: Klochkov I.G. 1, showing the culture of that life to Babylon; Kramer S.M. 2, which is a report on the topic of victims and illustrators in Sumer; Oganesyan O.O. 3, the beginnings of a robot, which I recognized about the vindication of writing; Mirimanov V.B. 4, that he saw the central image of the painting of the world; Petrashevsky O.I. 5 , which deeply revealed the themes of the Sumerian pantheon; Turaev B.A. 6, Hook S.G. 7 robots, like them, have given outside spriynyattya and the formation of all the pictures that panuvala in Ancient Babylon, their culture, mythology and everyday life.

Chapter 1. Sumerian culture

1.1. Chronological framework

The Sumerian culture (ranked after the Egyptian one) is the oldest culture that came to us in the monuments of its writing. Vaughn literally bled into the people of the entire Bible-Homeric world (Close Exodus, the Mediterranean, Western Europe and Russia), and in such a rite laid the cultural foundations not only of the Dvorichcha, but appeared, at the singing sensi, the spiritual support of the Judeo-Christian type culture.
Today's civilization spread the world for four seasons, 12 months, 12 signs of the zodiac, vimiryuє hvilin that six seconds by dozens. First of all, we know about the Sumerians. Suzir'ya mayut Sumerian names, translated by Greek or Arabic language. The first school, a vіdoma z іstorії, vinikla near m. Urі on the cob 3 yew.
Jews, Christians and Muslims, turning to the text of the Holy Scriptures, read the stories about Eden, the fall of the storm and the flood, about the wake-up callers in the Babylonian Vezhі, my Lord, who attack the Sumerian dzherel, robbed by Jewish theologians. Vіdomy z Babylonian, Assyrian, Jewish, Greek, Syrian dzherel tsar-hero Gilgamesh is a character of Sumerian epіchnyh sings, who to vouch for Yogo's feats, like a god and a long-time ruler. The first legislators of the Sumerians adopted the development of legal relations in all parts of the ancient region. 8
The adopted ninth chronology is as follows:
Protopisemny period (XXX-XXVIII centuries BC). The hour of the arrival of the Sumerians, the building of the first temples, and the place and wines of writing.
Early dynastic period (XXVIII-XXIV centuries BC). Formation of sovereignty of the first Sumerian places: Ur, Uruk, Nippur, Lagash and in. Formation of the main institutions of Sumerian culture: a temple and a school. International wars of the Sumerian rulers for winning over the region.
The period of the dynasty of Akkad (XXIV-XXII centuries BC). Formation of a single power: the kingdom of Sumer and Akkad. Sargon I fell asleep in the capital of the new state of Akkad, which brought together in his own cultural heritage: the Sumerians and the Semites. Rules of the kings of the Semitic campaign, departure from Akkad, Sargonides.
The era of kutiev. Wild tribes attack the Sumerian land, like they attack the countryside with a strong stretch.
Epoch of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur. The period of centralized administration of the country, dominating the oblіkovo-bureaucratic system, the hour of the school of verbal and musical mysticism (XXI-XX centuries BC). 1997 BC - the end of the Sumerian civilization, which perished under the blows of the Elamites, but the main institutions and traditions continue to exist until the coming to power of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (1792–1750 BC).
Approximately in fifteen hundred years of its history, Sumer created the basis of civilization in Mesopotamia, depriving the recesses of writing, monumental arguments, the idea of ​​justice and law, the root of the great religious tradition.

1.2. State structure

The organization of a network of main canals became the beginning for the history of the country, as it woke up without root changes until the middle of another thousand years. The main centers of the enlightenment of the powers - the place - are located in the middle of the channels. The stench of the vineyards of the houses of the cob earthworks settlements, yakі concentrated on drained and grown areas, doubled in the pain and empty space in front of the thousand.
In one neighborhood, three-chotiri vines were tied together by a place, and one of them was the leader of the head of the head (Uru). The new town has an administrative center for residential cultures. The Sumerian district was called ki (earth, place). Kozhen okrug having created its own main canal and, docks vin pіdtremuvavsya in the old camp, establishing the okrug itself as a political force.
The center of the Sumerian place was the temple of the head mіsk deity. The high priest of the temple stood on the choli of the administration and on the choli of the irrigators. The temples of the great earth-working, cattle-farming and remіsniche gospodarstvo, as if allowed to create stocks of bread, tinder, textiles, stone and metal wares. Tsі temporal warehouses were necessary for the fall, I didn’t grow up or wars, their values ​​served as an exchange fund for trade and, more importantly, for sacrifices. At the temple, writing first appeared, which was created by the needs of the gospodar's appearance and the appearance of the victims. nine
The Mesopotamian district, kі (nom, by analogy with the Egyptian territorial unit), the place and the temple were the main structural subdivisions, which played an important political role in the history of Sumer. They can see some of the rightful stages: the super-nation between the nomes and the nationality of the genial-tribal military-political union; semitic test of absolutization of power; zahoplennya vlady kutiyami and paralysis of ovnіshnyoї activity; the period of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization and the political death of the Sumerians.
As if talking about the social structure of the Sumerian suspenst, it, like all the most recent suspenstories, is divided into chotiri main strata: communal diggers, craftsmen-merchants, warriors and priests. The ruler (en, pan, volodar, or ensі) of the place in the pochatkovy period of the history of Sumer, the functions of the priest, the military leader, the head of the place and the elder of the community. Before yoga obov'yazkіv included: worship of a cult, especially in the rite of the sacred shlyub; kerіvnitstvo budіvelnym robots, especially іrigаtsiynimi and z budіvnitstva temples; Vedennya vіysk, scho is formed from osіb, fallow vіd to the temple and vlasne vіd ny; golovvannya in the collections of the community and in the hands of the elders. En and the nobility (the head of the temple administration, priests, a council of elders) allowed the guilty to be fed on the songs of the community, which was formed from the "junaks of the city" and "the elders of the city". Since then, in the world of concentration of power in the hands of one group, the role of national elections has begun to take place.
Okrim plant the heads of the place, from the Sumerian texts we introduce the title “lugal” (“great people”), which is translated as a king, a ruler of the land. Back on the cob tse buv the title of a military leader. Vіn vybiravsya z-pomіzh enіv by the supreme gods of Sumer at the sacred Nippur for victories of a special rite and timchasov occupied the camp of the ruler of the land. In the past, they became kings not by choice, but by the recesses, for the preservation of the Nipuri rite. In this rank, one and that very person was the enom of such a place, and the lugal of the country, so that the struggle for the royal title went through the history of Sumer. 10
For an hour of panuvannya kutіїv zhoden en have the right to bear the title, the shards called themselves zagarbniks lugal. And at the hour of the III dynasty, Ura en (ensi) were officials of the mіsk administrations, who supported the will of the lugal. But, perhaps, an early form of rule in the Sumerian places-powers was more like a rule of representatives in the sudan temples and lands. It’s also worth talking about the fact that the term itself for the term true onion means “cherga”, and, moreover, some mythological texts testify about the blackness of the true gods, which can also be an indirect confirmation of this vysnovka. Aje mythological manifestation is an uninterrupted form of fermentation of a suspense butt. On the lower square of the hierarchical gatherings stood slaves (noise. "Descents"). The first slaves in history were Viysk-filled. This practice was victorious in private states or in churches. Poloneny having become ritually driven in and part of the one to whom he lay down. eleven

1.3. picture of the world

Sumerian shutters to the world are reconstructed from anonymous texts in various genres. If the Sumerians talk about the wholeness of the world, the stench will live in the warehouse word: Heaven Earth. On the back, Heaven and Earth were a single body, like all spheres of the world. Divided, they did not waste their power to fight one in one: with this heavens give to the seven heads of the underground world. After the resurrection of Heaven and the Earth, the deities of the earth begin to be endowed with the attributes of the world order: share (to us) - those who are in the form; ritual and order. The light of the rock is described by the colo, "turning in your own place." 12
Tse means for the Sumerian-Babylonian culture a radical renewal of the world, as if turning around “back to square one”, - not more than turning to a big camp (for example, forgiveness of barmen, permission for evil-doers from v'yaznits), and restoration and restoration of old temples, seeing new royal decrees and often calling for a new hour. Moreover, the novelty may be sensible in the context of the development on the basis of the principles of justice and order. From the region of the whole sky descend from the world of the essence of all forms of culture: the attributes of royal power, professions, the most important deeds of people, drawing character. The skin of a person can show his essence as much as possible, and then he can take a “friendly share”, and the shares can be given by the gods on the basis of the name of a right person. In this manner, the cyclicity may sense correction of its share.
The creation of a person is an offensive crucible at the development of a light-bud. In Sumerian texts, there are two versions of the human journey: the creation of the first people from the clay by the god Enki and about those that people made their way from the ground, like grass. The skin of a person comes to the world for work and for the gods. At the time of the people, the children were given an object to hand: the boy had trimmed the chick to the hand, the girl - the spindle. Because of whom I didn’t know, and the “share of the people”, as if diligently weaving their bindings and did not reduce the “share of the king” (namlugal), nor the “share of the clerk”.
"King's share". At the very beginning of the Sumerian sovereignty, the king was robbed from the sacred Nippur at the sight of magical procedures. In the royal writings, it is said about the hand of God, like a swirl of meadows-la from the bagats of the bulk of Sumer. Years of election in Nippur became a formal act and succession to the throne became the norm of state policy. Under the hour of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur, the kings were recognized by the equal gods and small divine relatives (the brother of Shulga and the famous Gilgamesh).
The second letter is "the share of the rewriter". From five to seven years, the future copyist began at the school (“dim tablets”). The school was a great destination, rozgorodzhene in two parts. At the first class, at the yakim the scientists sat, trimming the clay tablet in the left hand, and the right hand with the outline style. At the other part of the place, a vat of clay was roztashovuvavsya for new tablets, as if preparing an assistant to the teacher. Krim of the teacher of the class was a present observer, a kind of having beaten a teacher for any kind of fault. 13
For school, thematic lists of signs were formed. It was necessary to write them correctly and know their meaning. Translated from the Sumerian language into Akkadian and back. Learn how to use words for the life of various professions (my priests, shepherds, sailors, jewelers). To know the subtlety of spivatskogo mystetstva that calculation. After finishing school, the student took off the title of copying and went to work. Sovereign copyist, having been in the service of the palace, setting the royal inscriptions, indicate that law. Temple clerk in the state revival, writing down the priest's texts of the theological character. A private clerk worked at the state of the great nobleman, and a clerk-translator worked at diplomatic negotiations, at war only.
Zhertsі were sovereign servicemen. Before the obov'yazkіv included the maintenance of statues at the temples, the conduct of mіsk rituals. Women-priests took part in the rites of the sacred shlubu. The priests passed on their newcomers by word of mouth and the commoner was unwritten. fourteen

1.4. Ziggurat

The most important symbol of the institution of the priesthood is the ziggurat of the temple spore at the stepped pyramid. The upper part of the temple was the seat of the deity, the middle part was the seat of the cult of people, the lower part was the afterlife. Zikkurati were on three or so surfaces, in the rest of the skin, representing one of the seven head astral deities. The three-surface ziggurat can be aligned with the different sacred expanses of the Sumerian culture: the upper sphere of the planets and stars (an), the sphere of life (kalam), the sphere of the lower world (ki), which consists of two zones - the area of ​​underground waters (abzu) and the area of ​​the world of the dead ( Kur). The number of heavens of the upper world was seven. 15
The upper light is ruled by the deity An, who sits on the throne of the sky, there is a mist, the stars come out of the law of the light. The average light of the wines is shaking as a standard of stability and order. The middle world is formed from “our land”, “steppe” and foreign lands. Vіn znahoditsya volodіnі Enlіlіy - the god vіtrіv vіtrіv i svogo expanse. “Our land” is the territory of the place-power with the temple of the mystical deity in the center and with an iron wall that oozes the place. Behind the boundaries of the wall, the “step” stretches (open the space or empty space). Alien lands, which lie in the “steppe” pose, are called like i, like the land of the dead of the lower world. So, perhaps, to those who do not law the world of others, nor the laws of the lower world are not accessible to understanding in the boundaries of the mіskoї stіni, however, lie beyond the borders of the sensible of our land.
The area of ​​underground waters of the lower world is ordered by Enki, the god-creator of people, saving crafts and mysticism. Pokhodzhennya spravzhnya Sumerian knowledge po'yazuyut іz deep underground dzherelami, even wells and arichnі vody bring taєmniču force, mіts that help. 16

1.5. Cuneiform and clay tablets

The reasons for the vindication of writing are created in VII-V yew. That is, if the "subject sheet" is declared. On the territory of Mesopotamia, archaeologists discovered small objects made of clay and stone of geometric shape: bags, cylinders, cones, disks. Possibly, there were chips. The cylinder instantly means "one wind", the cone - "oil glider". Rakhunkov chips began to be placed in ceramic envelopes. In order to “read” the posted information, it was necessary to break the envelope. For this reason, the shape of that number of chips began to be depicted on the envelope. On the thought of the clergy, by this very rank, I passed from the “subject sheet” to the first signs on clay - to the little sheet. 17
Writing vinikaє for example IV yew. BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Elami. The Dvorichchi wrote in Sumeria. The first state documents were stored at the temple of the city of Uruk. The stinks were pictograms - signs of a written sheet. On the back of the head, objects were depicted accurately and guessed Egyptian hieroglyphics. But on clay, it is important to depict real objects quickly, and step by step the pictographic sheet is transformed into abstract cuneiform writing (vertical, horizontal and worn-out drawings). Leather sign of writing letters combined with kіlkoh cuneiform rice. Figures were embossed like a trihedral stick on tablets of gray clay mass, the tablets hung or, more likely, were scorched similarly to ceramics.
Cuneiform is composed of approximately 600 characters, leather of which may have up to five conceptual meanings and up to ten warehouse meanings (word-warehouse sheet). Until the Assyrian hour, only rows were seen at the leaves: letters of words and signs of roses. Writing became a great achievement of the Sumerian-Akkadian culture, it was retconned and developed by the Babylonians and expanded widely throughout Asia Minor: they were written in cuneiform in Syria, Persia, and other ancient powers, and they knew that the Faroese were victorious.
Ninі vіdomo close pіvmiliona tekstіv - from a few signs to thousands of rows. Tse - state, administrative and legal documents that were kept at the palaces, sealed in clay vessels or piled in cats. The texts of the religious secrecy were rebuked at the school premises. A catalog was added to them, in which leather Tvir was named in the first row. Budіvelni and dedicatory tsar's inscriptions were rebuyed at inaccessible sacred places of temples. eighteen
Monuments of writing can be divided into two great groups: the Sumerian monuments of writing (royal inscriptions, temples and royal hymns) and post-Sumerian noise-making (texts of the literary and ritual canon, the two Sumerian-Akkadian dictionaries). In the texts of the first group, the constant ideological and economic life is fixed: the sovereign's blues, the kings' calls to the gods about vikonan's work, the praise of the temples and the deification of the kings as the foundation of the light. The texts of the other group were not created by the Sumerians themselves, like assimilated baubles that would legitimize the coming of the throne, preserve the fidelity of tradition.
In the post-Sumerian hour, the Sumerian language becomes my temple and school, and the old tradition, in which wisdom a person is called “respectful” (in the Sumerian language, “intelligence” and “vouho” is one word), that you can hear, and that means create and convey, step by step vtrachay his sacral-taєmniy, scho vyslizaє vіd fixatsiї glibinny zv'yazok.
The Sumerians compiled the world's first library catalogue, a collection of medical prescriptions, they made it and wrote down the farming calendar; the first reports about planting that idea of ​​​​creating the first in the world of the fish reserve are known to be fixed by them. On the thought of the great Sumerian language, the language of the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Akkad, one can think of the Semitic-Hamitic language group. 19

Section 2. Culture of Babylonia

2.1. Right

Aligned with the ancient law of Sumer and the legislator's activity of the kings of the III dynasty of Ur, the right of the Babylonian state was ahead of the singing sensi croc. In the early history of the Sumerians, it is a collective tradition to rule the elders of the community. The leader is chosen by those who emerge from his special qualities. At the same time, the biosocial nature of the structure of the soul is fixed. The future leader is long-awaited, the gods ask about the new one, and then we’ll slander him about his divine protection, even a knowledgeable and enlightened leader, such a good understanding of tradition is the basis of the life of the team.
Less in the era of the early state, one can talk about the recessionary principle, if the problem of survival becomes less important, the problem of the stability of life (in the future, the accent of survival is transferred from natural to socio-cultural), Changes in the social structure of Sin yak sprymach, the father is not insured by nature in the presence of new necessary capacities, but the mav of victims-consultants, always ready to come to the rescue. For example, the category “turning to the mother” in the inscriptions of the tsar Enmeteni and Urukagini in the Old Sumerian hour eloquently confirms the biosocial structure of the early suspenst: Mother turned to blue, blue turned to mother. Turning to the mother to pay the borgos for grain on the growth of the wines by setting up (calling the borgo's goiter to pay the barley with the vineyards). Todi Enmetena to the god Lugalemush the temple of Emush at Bad-Tibіru... having awakened, turning on the same place (remembrance of the old temple). For the blues of Uruk, the blues of Larsi, the blues of Bad-Tibir, turning to the mother having installed ...
From the point of view of rational thought, the metaphor of "turning" into the womb of the mother is truly a universal principle in the hour again, from scratch, from the rest of the world, tobto. turn round and round. At the hour of the III Dynasty of Ur, a set of laws was needed to be written. Saved 30 - 35th position of the crypt of the laws of Shulga. Shvidshe for everything, the stench of the stars of the miserable gods about the vikonan robot. The need to create a new set of laws for the Babylonian state, having already seen another king of the I Babylonian dynasty - Sumulauli, about the laws of which the documents of the yogo priymachiv guess. twenty

2.2. Law Code of Hammurabi

King Hammurabi, with his legislation, having tried to formalize and consolidate the suspіlnіy ustrіy of the state, with panіvnoy force in such Mali will appear drіbnі and middle slaves. What great significance, having given Hammurapi to his legislating activity, it is evident from the fact that he had started to her at the very beginning of his rule; another river of reign of names by fate, if you have established the right of the country. Truth is, this early selection of laws did not reach us; In the light of science, the laws of Hammurabi can be seen already until the end of his reign.
Qi laws were enhanced by the great black basalt stomp. On the top of the front side there are images of the kings, who stand before the god Sontsa Shamash - the patron of the court. Shamash sit on his throne and hold on to his right hands the attributes of power, and on the other side of his shoulders there is a half-light. Under the relief, the text of the laws is written, which zapovnyuє the offending sides of the stovp. The text is divided into three parts. With the first part, there is great confusion, I deafen him to Hammurabi, that the gods handed over the kingdom to him, "so that the strong did not crush the weak." Then let us follow the resurrection of blessings, as if they were giving Hammura to the places of their state. Among them are the places of the extreme pivdnya on the island of Larsoy, as well as the place beyond the middle flow of the Euphrates and the Tigris - Mary, Ashur, Nineviya and іn. Tiger, tobto on the cob of the 30s of the yogo rule. One can guess what copies of the laws were prepared for all the great places of the yogo kingdom. After the introduction, the statutes of the laws follow, yak, at their own pace, will end with a primer visnovk.
The monument was saved by a blaze of good. Only the remaining articles of the front side were erased. Obviously, the whole thing was destroyed by the order of the Elamite king, who moved after his invasion of the Palace of this monument from Babylonia to Susi, de yogo i knew. On the basis of the traces that were saved, it is possible to establish that 35 articles were baptized on the scraped mіstsі, and in total there are 282 articles in the monument to the law of civil, criminal, administrative law. On the basis of various copies, found in the excavated ancient libraries of Nineveh, Nippur, Babylon, etc., one can recognize a greater part of the articles written by the Elamite conqueror. 21
The legislation of Hammurabi does not avenge vkazіvok on vtruchannya gods. Blame to become less statti 2 and 132, which allow, by age, to a man, called in chaklunstvo, or to a foreign woman, called in love, zastosuvannya of the so-called "God's judgment." Until the distant past, decrees about punishment for tilesnі ushkodzhennia zgidno with the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" go down. The legislation of King Hammurapi expanded the zastosuvannya principle to a doctor for a short time in case of an unexpected operation, and to a wake-up call for a sudden delay; like, for example, a budinok, which collapsed, driving in the ruler, then driving in the alarm clock, and if in this fall, having fallen the son of the ruler, then driving in the son of the alarm clock.
Laws of King Hammurabi follow one of the most significant reminders of the legal thought of the long-standing Suspіlstva. The first thing we see at home in all-world history is the collection of laws that protected private power and established rules for mutual relations between the structures of the Old Babylonian society, which are made up of full-fledged citizens; legally free, but with full rights; that slave.
The enactment of the laws of Hammurabi at the link with the royal and private lists that were saved, as well as the private legal documents of that hour, gives the opportunity to signify directly entering the royal power.
This ship's worker permits the production of whiskers about the social structure of the Babylonian suspense. Three categories of people are seen in the new one - rightful citizens, muskenums (deposited royal people), slaves - the guilt of those for evil deeds was punished in a different way. The Code of Hammurabi recognized authority as an institution, regulating the mind of hiring and yogo, pay, rent, make the lane. Punishment for evil deeds was more suvorim (“If a son hit his father, then his hands will be shaken up by you”) and the evil-doer often was punished with death. The main validity of the laws of Hammurabi from the ancient Mesopotamian codes is that the main principle of recognition of punishment is talion: 22
"196. If someone has screwed up the eye of a son’s son, then screw up the eye of you yourself.
197. If you break a sin's brush, then you break your brush.
In the laws of Hammurabi, the Maynovian character of the legislation of the Babylonian kingdom is clearly visible. For the body's ushkodzhennya, zapodіyane to someone else's slave, it's necessary, like a hundredth of thinness, the blowing of a beaten yogo hairdresser. Vinny at the vbivstvі of a slave giving natomіst to the yogi lord of another slave. Slaves, similar to thinness, could be sold without any borders. The family camp of a slave was not guarded by his own. Under the hour of the sale of a slave, the law would be more than enough for him to steal the purchase in the face of deceit from the side of the seller. Legislation protected slaves from theft of slaves and from the acquisition of slaves-vtikachiv.
Make Hammurabi know the qualified death penalty - a bedroom for incest with a mother, imprisoned for the fate of killing a person and that other. The zhorstok punishment threatened the same way with the sign of slavery on the slave. In the okremіy slavovlasnitskiy sіm'ї sing bulo in 2 to 5 slaves, and in the wake of the fall, if the number of slaves reached a few dozen. Private legal documents talk about different things, tied to slaves: purchases, donations, exchanges, rents and transfers on demand. Slaves popovnyuvalis under Hammura at the warehouse of "zlochintsiv", at the warehouse of the military, and make purchases from the dry regions. The average wage of a slave was 150-250 rubles. 23

2.3. art culture

In the pre-episode period, the Mesopotamian culture had cylindrical seals, which had miniature images, then such a signet was worn out by clay. Qi round seals are one of the greatest achievements of Mesopotamian art.
The Nairanish letters were scribbled at the looking little ones (pictographs) with an outlined stick on a clay tablet, which then was recognized by the fire. On these tablets, the records of the economic character, saved the pieces of literature.
The last story in the world is the whole epic about Gilgamesh.
The two main centers of Pivdenny Dvorichcha from the beginning of the early dynastic period were Kish ta Uruk. Uruk became the center of the military union of the city. The most recent inscriptions that have come down to us are inscriptions in three-chotiri rows of the Kish lugal: “Enmebaragesi, lugal Kisha”.
and etc.............

Mystery of the Sumerians

The diyal, productive nature of the Sumerian people, which virіs in the post-yny struggle with important natural minds, deprived the people of the impersonal miraculous reach in the sphere of art. However, among the Sumerians themselves, as well as in other peoples of pre-Greek times, the understanding of "mystery" did not winklo through the suvor functionality of any kind. All creations of Sumerian architecture, sculptures and glimpses had three main functions: cult, pragmatic and memorial. The cult function included the fate of the temple at the royal temple rituals, and its symbolic sympathy with the light of dead ancestors and immortal gods. A pragmatic function allowed a virob (for example, a friend) to take part in the social life of the day, showing the high status of the yogi Vlasnik. The memorial function of the animal was almost like a reminder from the call to remember your ancestors forever, to make sacrifices to them, to remember their names and shanuvati their days. In such a rank, be it a tvir of the Sumerian mysticism, the exclamations of the exclamations would function in all the expanses of the house and hours, creating symbolic successes between them. Well, the aesthetic function of the art was not seen at that time, and in the texts, the aesthetic terminology is not in any way connected with the minds of beauty like that.

Sumerian art begins with the painting of ceramic tiles. Already on the butt of ceramics from Uruk and Suz (Elam), which was dated from the end of the 4th millennium, you can use the main drawings of the Western Asian art, for some characteristic geometrism, vitriman ornamentation, rhythmic organization of creation and subtle form. In some cases, the vessel is embellished with a geometrical aborosline ornament, in some ways we stylized the images of goats, dogs, birds, and bring them into the sanctuary. All the ceramics are painted with chervonim, black, brown and purple visor on light aphids. There is no more blue color (when it appears only at Phenikia II thousand years, if you start to take indigo farba from sea algae), there is only less color for lapis lazuli stone. Greens in a clean look are also not taken away - the Sumerian language knows “yellow-greens” (salad), the color of young spring grass.

What does the image on early ceramics mean? Nasampered, bazhannya people, slander the image of the worldly world, order it yourself and stick to your earthly mind. People want to contain themselves, as if they were "in" for the help of memory, those newcomers who won't get it. Apparently, the ancient artist does not allow even thoughts about the mechanical rendering of an object; navpaki, at once turn them on in the light of their emotions and thoughts about their life. This is not just a volodinnya that appearance, but a practically one-hour systemic appearance, placed in the middle of “our” manifestation of the world. The object will be symmetrically and rhythmically placed on the vessel, you will be shown the place in the order of the arrangement of speeches and lines. With all the specialty of the object, for the slightest bit of texture and plasticity, one should not take it to the point of respect.

The transition from the ornamental painting of the vessels to the ceramic relief is taken on the cob of the 3rd millennium of creation, known as the “alabaster vessel of Inanni from Uruk”. Here I try to pershu try to move from the rhythmic and unsystematic rasterization of objects to some kind of prototype of explanation. The vessel is divided by transverse smugs into three registers, and “opovidnya”, representations into new, it is necessary to read in registers, from the bottom up. At the very bottom of the register - as a sign of the city of diy: a river, depicted by clever wrinkled lines, and spikelets that are cherguyutsya, leafing and palm trees. The next row is the passage of domestic animals (double-haired rams and sheep) and then a row of naked human figures with vessels, bowls, grasses, fresh fruits. The upper register depicts the final phase of the walk: give the folds before the vvtar, the order of them is the symbols of the goddess Inanni, the priestess in the old dress in the role of the nanny stuns the process, and before her the direct priest in clothes with a long train, I am a man, with him, with him, in short. .

In the sphere of architecture, the Sumerians are seen, more importantly, as active temple workers. It is necessary to say that in the Sumerian language of the houses the temple is called the same, and for the Sumerian architect "to wake up the temple" sounded the same, like "to call the houses". God, the Lord of the place, demanded a life, which made people aware of their inexhaustible power, great family, military and labor prowess and wealth. To this, there was a great temple on a high platform (as if the world could have been protected from ruins, which are caused by belts), to which two ramps led down from two sides. In the early architecture, the sanctuary of the temple was pushed up to the edge of the platform and there was little opening of the inner courtyard. Near the sanctuary there was a statue of a deity, to whom the temple was dedicated. From the texts it is clear that the sacred center of the temple was the throne of God (Bara) what a need was to repair and protect everything from ruin. Unfortunately, the thrones themselves were not spared. Until the beginning of the 3rd millennium, there was free access to all parts of the temple, but later, at the sanctuary, that courtyard ceased to let in the uninitiated. As much as possible, that in the middle of the temples were painted, but near the damp climate of the courtyard, it was impossible to paint. In addition, in Mesopotamia, the main building materials were clay and molded from it the oxford cegla (with a house of reeds and straw), and the age of the oxford spore was not very good, to that, in the oldest Sumerian temples, to this day, there were only ruins, for which we are trying to reconstruct temple.

Until the end of the III millennium, another type of temple was seen in Dvorichchi - a ziggurat, which was built on several platforms. The reason for blaming such a dispute is unknown, but it can be assumed that the favorability of the Sumerians to the sacred place played its role here, as a result of which there was a post-renovation of the non-degenerate Sirts temples. The renewal of the temple was built at home for the old savior of the colossal throne, the new platform hung over the old one, and during the life of the temple, such renovation was repeated more than once, as a result, the number of temple platforms increased to seven. But, however, there is another reason for the existence of high platform temples - the astral orientation of the Sumerian intellect, the love of the Sumerian to the upper world as the bearer of the powers of the greater that immutable order. The number of platforms (no more than seven) could symbolize the number of the Sumerian heavens - from the first sky of Inanni to the seventh sky of Ana. The best butt of the ziggurat is the temple of the king of the 3rd dynasty Ur Ur-Nammu, which miraculously survived to this day. The majestic pommel of yoga and dosi is 20 meters high. The upper, equally low tiers spire on the majestic truncated pyramid of the crown, about 15 meters high. The flat niches were divided into thinner surfaces, and they hindered the damage to the massiveness of life. Processes collapsed along wide and long gatherings, which converge. Sutsilnі sirtsevі terasi boulli raznogo koloru: bottom - black (coated with bitumen), middle tier - chervoniy (facing with scorched whole) and upper - vibrations. At the last hour, when the semi-overhead ziggurati began to appear, yellow and black (“lapis lazuli”) colors were introduced.

From the Sumerian texts dedicated to everyday life and the consecration of temples, we know about the foundation in the middle of the temple of the rest of the god, the goddess, their children and servants, about the “pool of the Abzu”, in which the water was consecrated, about the courtyard for offering sacrifices, about the suvor of the decor of the thieves of thought , which were protected by images of a lion-headed eagle, snakes and dragon-like monsters. It’s a pity, for rare vinyatts, nothing can be done at once.

Living for people was not exactly laid out, it was thought out. Zabudova was carried out spontaneously, among the houses there were weaknesses, crooked and narrow passages and hopelessness. Budinki zdebіlshego boules were straight-cut at the plan, without veins, illumined through the door open. Obov'yazkovim buv vnutrishnіy yard. The ringing of the budinok otochuvavsya adobe wall. There was a sewage system at the rich boudinkas. The settlement was surrounded by a forte wall, which reached a significant community. For the first, for instructions, the settlers, we will enclose with a wall (tobto vlasne “mistom”), the old Uruk, like in the Akkadian epic, having removed the constant epithet “Uruk of fences”.

Let us follow the meanings of this development by the appearance of the Sumerian mysticism bula gliptika - carving on seals of a cylindrical shape. The shape of the cylinder, drilled through, was found by Pivdenny Dvorichchi. On the cob of the III thousandth place, it becomes wider, and rіzbyarі, improving its art, spreading on a small area to a friend to finish folding compositions. Already on the first Sumerian seals, we have a bachimo, surrounding traditional geometric ornaments, trying to tell about the realities of life, something like a beating of a group of naked people (possibly, full), or a shepherd in front of the sacred flock of the goddess. Crimean scenes of everyday life are adorned with images of the moon, stars, solar rosettes and navіt dvorіvneі izobrazhennia: the symbols of astral deities are placed at the upper level, and the figurines of creatures are placed at the bottom level. Pіznіshe vinikayutsya plots, scho suyuyutsya ritual and mythology. Nasampered tse "frieze is quiet, who is fighting" - a composition that depicts the scene of the battle of two heroes with a monster. One of the heroes may be a human sight, the other one is a crazy creature and a dikun. It is quite possible that we have before us one of the illustrations of epic songs about the exploits of Gilgamesh and his servant Enkidu. Widely seen is the image of a deity that sits on a throne in tour. The number of interpretations of this plot should be broader - from the hypotheses to the cost of a monthly god in the sky to the traditional hypothesis for the Sumerian ritual gods to the price of a father. The image of a bearded, long-haired wailer, who holds a vessel in his hands, from which two streams of water are thrown off, is a great mystery for the doslidniks. The image itself was transformed by the year into the image of the suzir of Aquarius.

In a glimpse of the plot, the master has unique vipadkovy poses, turning the same gestures, but conveying the most poignant, charismatic characterization of the image. Such a characteristic of the figure of a person was revealed by a new or three-quarter turn of the shoulders, an image without a face and a face in profile, an eye full face. With such a towering river landscape, it was logically conveyed by wagging lines, birds - in profile, but with two wings, creatures - also in profile, but with some details of the face (eye, horns).

Cylindrical to the friend of the Ancient Dvorichcha, the buildings are rich in stories about the science of science, and the history of society. On some of them, krіm images, there are inscriptions that are made up of three or three rows, de povіdomlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє ’’’’’’ for the friend of the singing person (called him’’), as є’’slave’’ of such a god (follow the name of the god). Cylindrical druk in the name of the sergeant was applied to be a legal chi administrative document, violating the function of a special signature of that certificate about the high social status of the sack. People of the poor and the innocent were surrounded by an additional fringed edge of their clothes, or a bit of nothing.

Sumerian sculpture originates for us from statuettes from Dzhemdet-Nasr - an image of marvelous figures with halopon-like heads and great eyes that look like amphibians. The appointment of these statuettes is unknown, and the widest of the hypotheses is the link between the cult of kinship and creation. In addition, you can guess small sculptural figurines of creatures at the right time, which are even more striking and exactly repeat nature. Deep relief characteristic of early Sumerian art, rich relief, mayzhe high relief. Of the works of the early family, perhaps, the head of Inanni Urukskoy. With rosemary, the head was a little less than a human, flatly cut in the back and opened small for mounting on the wall. It is quite possible that the figure of the goddess was depicted on the square in the middle of the temple, and the head protruded directly from the one who prayed, creating the effect of glare, calling the goddess out of her image among the world of people. Looking at Inanni's head, we see a great nis, a great mouth with thin lips, a small stump of eyes, in which if there were majestic eyes - a symbol of universality, penetratingness and wisdom. M'yakim, the most catching model of the support armchair nasolabial lines, which give the whole look of the goddess a viraz of pride and a little frown.

The Sumerian relief of the middle of the 3rd millennium was a small palette or a plaque made of soft stone, sporuzhenu for the honor of being a tract of land: overcome the gate, lay the foundations for the temple. Sometimes such a relief is accompanied by writing. Vin, like the early Sumerian period, is characterized by horizontal segmentation of the plane, register-by-registration, vision of the central positions of the rulers of the townships, moreover, the expansion of them lies in the stage of the character’s suspense significance. A typical butt for such a relief is the stele of the king of the city of Lagash, Eanatum (XXV century), sporuzhen for the honor of defeating the fortune-teller Umma. One side of the stele is occupied by a large image of the god Ningirsu, which holds in his hands a merezh with small figurines of full horns that struggle in him. From the other side - chotyrireistrov rozpovid about Eanatum's death. The apology begins with a sum of money - mourning for the dead. Two offensive registers depict the king on a lightly armored, and then an important armored soldier (possibly, it is connected with the order of the gentle military battle). The upper scene (mostly saved) - swindlers over the abandoned battlefield, who are dragging the corpses of enemies. All the figures in the relief, perhaps, are embroidered according to one stencil: however, tricots are in appearance, horizontal rows of spears, which are clenched in fists. For the warnings of V.K.

Ale, let's turn to the Sumerian sculpture. She is experiencing her own rightful development only after the Akkadian dynasty. At the hour of the Lagash ruler Gudea (died bl. 2123), who stood on the spot three centuries after Eanatum, the impersonal statues of monumental statues, adorned with diorite, became impersonal. Statues in different places reach the limits of human growth. The stench depicts a person in a round hat, who sits with their hands clasped in a prayer position. On the knees of the vins, there is a plan, as if arguably, and below, on the sides of the statue, there is a cuneiform text. Having written on the statues, we know that Gudea is renovating the main temple of the Lagash god Ningirsu and that statues are to be placed at the temples of Sumer at the place of commemoration of dead ancestors - for Gudea’s day of eternal sweating and commemoration.

You can see two types of statues of the emperor: one is larger, with slightly shorter proportions, the other - larger strings and thinning. Deyakі mystekststvoznavtsi vvazhut that the difference in types of pov'azana with the difference in craftsmanship technologies among the Sumerians and accadziv. On a thought, the Akkadians nicely cut the stone, more precisely, they adjusted the proportions of the body; Well, the Sumerians practiced the stylization of that intelligence through the inevitable good practice on imported stone and accurately convey nature. Knowing the difference between the types of statues, it is hardly possible to come up with these arguments. The Sumerian images are stylized and mentally for their very function: the statue was placed in the temple in order to pray for the person that she put up, for whom the stele was recognized. There are no figures like that - є pouring in the figures, praying worship. There is no such thing as such - є viraz: great vuha - a symbol of innocent respect for the elders, great eyes - a symbol of a sawing glance of invisible secrets. Magical vimog similitudes of sculptural images from the original letters; the transfer of the internal value was important for the transfer of the form, and the form was shattered by less of the world, which gave it to the inner task (“think about the sense, and the words will come by themselves”). The Akkadian mystotecstvo, on the cob, was consecrated to the development of the form and, apparently, tsim boulo vykonati u kamenі slejі be-yaky zapozitionny plot. This is how you can explain the difference between the Sumerian and Akkadian types of statues of Gudea.

The jewelry art of Sumer is seen mainly for the richest materials of the excavations of the tombs of the city of Ur (I Dynasty of Ur, approx. XXVI century). Creating decorative wreaths, crown-strings, namistos, bracelets, various hairpins and pendants, majstry victorious, a combination of three colors: blue (lapis lazuli), red (carnelian) and yellow (gold). When vikonannі svogo zavdannya stench reached such vyshukanosti and subtlety of forms, such an absolute manifestation of the functional recognition of the object and such virtuosity in technical devices, that tsі virobí can rightly be considered as masterpieces of jewelry art. In the same place, at the tombs of Ur, a beautifully sculpted head of a whip with inlaid eyes and an lapis lazuli beard was found - embellishment of one of the musical instruments. It is important that in the jewelry art and the inlays of musical instruments, the masters were free in the ideological oversight, and many monuments can be healed to the point of displaying free creativity. Imovirno, but it's not like that. Aje innocent bichok, which embellished the Ursian harp, was a symbol of the shrill, greedy tightness and longevity of the sound, which fully confirms the wild Sumerian manifestations of the bika as a symbol of power and uninterrupted creation.

Sumerian statements about beauty, as already mentioned above, did not match ours. The Sumerians could give the epithet "beautiful" (croc) vіvtsyu, attached to the sacrifice, or a deity, with few necessary totem-ritual attributes (clothes, ubir, make-up, symbols of power), or vibrib, vykonaniya vіdpovіdno to the ancient canon, but the word, said to please the royal ear. The most beautiful among the Sumerians are those who are the most beautiful accessory for the vikonnanny of the singing factory, who show their essence (me) and your baptism (Gish-khur). To look over the great number of monuments of Sumerian mysticism, to see that all the stench has been prepared to such a rosy beauty.

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MISTA-POWERS OF SHUMERIV U III TIS. BC 1a. population of Pvdenny Mesopotamia; glowing look. 2. Proto-writing period (2900-2750). 2a. Writing. 2b. social structure. 2c. Ekonomichni vіdnosiny. 2y. Religion and culture. 3. Early dynastic period I (2750-2600).

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Religion of the ancient Sumerians Next to Egypt, the fatherland of another ancient civilization was the downstream of two great rivers - the Tigris and the Euphrates. The region was called Mezhirichchya (Mesopotamia in Greek), or Dvorichchya. Wash the historical act of the peoples of Mesopotamia buli

bottling wine

Sumerian ceramics

First schools.
The Sumerian school of vinyl and developed to the appearance of writing, the very cuneiform, the perfected vinyl that became the most important contribution of Sumer to the history of civilization.

The first written memos were revealed among the ruins of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk (biblical Erech). Here they knew about a thousand small clay tablets, covered with a pictographic sheet. From a large number of the government and administrative records, in the middle of them, a piece of initial texts appeared: lists of words for memorization to remember. Tse to tell about those who are less than 3000 years before c. e. The Sumerian copyists were already busy with the food of the school. With the advance of the advancing century, Erech on the right developed in full, prote until the middle of the III millennium BC. c), for Sumer). Imovirno, it was the basis of a string of schoolchildren for the systematic study of reading that letter. At the ancient Shuruppak-pa of the Sumerian batkivshchina ... at the hour of excavations 1902-1903 pp. a significant number of tablets were found from school texts.

From them, we know that the number of professional clerks in that period reached a few thousand. The squeaks were divided between the young and the older: they were copying tsar’s and temples, copying with a higher specialization in one region and copying with high qualifications, they occupied important state estates. All the same, let me imagine that all over Sumer it was scattered impersonally to collect great schools for copying and that these schools were given chimale significance. However, even from the tablets of the thієї epoch, they still do not give us a clear statement about the Sumerian schools, about the system and methods of teaching in them. In order to take such information, it is necessary to turn to the tablets of the first half of the II millennium BC. e. From the archeological ball, which confirms this epic, hundreds of initial tablets with strong instructions, written by the students themselves for an hour of lessons, were scribbled. Here you can see all stages of training. Such earthenware "zoshiti" allows you to read a little about the system of teaching, adopted in Sumerian schools, that about the program, as it was taught there. Fortunately, the vikladachi themselves loved to write about school life. A lot of these records were also saved, even in urivkas. To write down the notes and the headings of the tablets, to complete the information about the Sumerian school, about the task of that number, about the teachers and teachers, about the program and teaching methods. In the history of humankind, there is only one trend, if we can find out so much about the schools of the past era.

First of all, the school of education in the Sumerian school was, so be it, purely professional, so that the school is guilty of preparing rewrites, which are necessary for the state and administrative life of the country, the head rank for the palaces and temples. Tse zavdannya was left with the central broach of the last line of Sumer. With the development of a merezhі shkіl. and also, in the world, the expansion of the primary programs of the school step by step becomes the center of Sumerian culture and knowledge. Formally, the type of a universal "scientist" is a specialist in the fields of knowledge of that era: in botany, zoology, mineralogy, geography, mathematics, grammar, and linguistics, rarely appearance. poog^shahi knowledge of one's own ethics. and not epochs.

Nareshti, on the basis of the current primary foundations, the Sumerian schools were their own literary centers. Here they did not lose much time and rewrote the literary memos of the past, and they created new things.

Most of the uchniv, yakі finished qі schools, became scribes at palaces and temples, or in the dominions of rich and noble people, however, one part of them devoted their life to science and writing.

Similar to the university professors of our days, a lot of these ancient scientists earned their living by vikladatsky activity, devoting their free time to achievements and literary practice.

The Sumerian school, which is a bit of vinyl, maybe, like an appendage to the temple, has been cremated for a year in a new way, and її the program has been nabul in the main day of the secular character. For this reason, the teacher's teacher's work was paid for the salary of foreign students.

Zrozumіlo, in Sumeri, there is no vulgar, no obov'yazkovy navchannya. Most of the scholars looked like rich and varied families - even if it was not easy for the poor to know the hour and pennies for a trivalent scholar. Although the Assyriologists long ago made such a vision, it was more than a hypothesis, and less in 1946. The German Assyriologist Nikolaus Schneider zoomed in on strong proofs that are grounded on the documents of that era. On thousands of published gospodars and administrative tablets, which lie until about 2000 p. BC That is, about five hundred names of clerks are guessing. Bagato from them. In order to hide pardons, they put their father in the order of their names and showed them their profession. Having resolutely sorted out all the tablets, N. Schneider, having established that the fathers of these were rewritten, - and all the stinks, as you understand, began in schools, - there were rulers, "fathers of the city", envoys, as if they were guarding temples, military leaders, captains of courts, other taxes, officials, priests of various ranks, contractors, illustrators, rewriters, savers of archives, rachivniki.

In other words, the fathers of the copyists were the most possible citizens of the city. Tsikavo. that in the same fragments the name of the female clerk is not mentioned; maybe. In Sumerian schools, only lads started.

On the top of the school, standing ummia (significant teacher), who was also called the father of the school. The teachers were called "the sons of the school", and the teacher's assistant was called the "big brother". Before yoga obov'yazkіv, zokrema, included the preparation of calligraphic plates-zrazkіv, as if later they rewrote the texts. Vіn same perevіryav vіryav vіvіvі zavdannya zmushuvav uchіnіv rozpoіdati vіvcheni them lessons.

Among the vikladachivs, they were also a teacher of painting and a teacher of the Sumerian language, a mentor, a kind of scolding for excellence, and so titles of volodiyat and a “leaf” (obviously, a visualizer, a kind of a teacher of discipline at school). It is important to say who among them is more respected by rank. We only know that the "father of the school" was the actual director. We don’t know anything about dzherel іsnuvannya school personnel. Mabut, "father of the school" paid a piece of skin yoga for the top sumi, which came up to pay for the education.

If there are school programs, then here, before our services, the richest information gleaned from the school tablets themselves is a fact, truly unique in the history of old. To us, we have a mute to the indirect Svіdchen Abo to the creative of the older car: Mi Maєmo in his own Rosophyadenn, Children's Schedule, Pershoklasnichi Vіd Karakulіv "Perschoklasnikіv" І Zakіnchuyi "Vipusnikіv" robots, Skіlki, Scho ї ї Ski, Vіdrizni Vіd sign, written by Viklands.

Qi robots allow you to establish that the course of study is for the two main programs. The first was hard for science and technology, it was a literary friend, it developed creativity.

Speaking about the first program, it’s necessary to add that it wasn’t already pointed out by a burning desire to know, to the truth. Tsya program step by step was formed in the process of writing, the main meta was similar to the teaching of the Sumerian writing. For the purpose of the main task, the Sumerian teachers created a system of teaching. based on the principles of linguistic classification. The lexicon of the Sumerian language was subdivided by them into groups, supporting the words and using the language of the tongue. Tsі ґruntі slіv were memorized and ієrenuvalys doti, the docks of the uchnі did not sound out independently. Ale up to III thousand years before stars. school texts began to gradually expand and gradually changed into more and less stable textbooks, accepted by all the schools of Sumer.

In some texts, there are long lists of tree names and outlines; in others - the names of all pkivikh istot (creatures, comakhs and birds): in the third - the names of the country, town and villages; in the fourth - name stones and minerals. Similar lists tell about the significance of the information of the Sumerians in the gallery "botany", "zoology", "geography" and "mineralogy" - an arcane and small fact. who have only recently turned back the respect of the scientists, who are engaged in the history of science.

Sumerian educators also created all kinds of mathematical tables and compiled collections of tasks, accompanying skin-related decisions and recommendations.

Speaking about linguistics, it should be noted that special respect, judging by the numerical school plates, was attached to grammar. The majority of such tablets are old lists of collapsible names, descriptive forms, etc. It is not worth talking about those that the grammar of the Sumerians was well broken up. Late, in the last quarter of the III millennium BC. That is, if the seven of Akkad gradually conquered Sumer, the Sumerian teachers created the first "dictionaries" for us. On the right, in the fact that the seven conquerors adopted not only the Sumerian writing: they also highly valued the literature of ancient Sumer, took away that vivchali її monuments and inherited them, if Sumerian became a dead language. Tsim i bula viklikana is needed by the "dictionaries". de davavsya translation of the Sumerian words and viraziv into the language of Akkad.

Let's go back now to another initial program, like a little literary trick. The study of this program was mainly in memorization and rewriting of literary works of the other half of the 1000 BC. That is, if the literature was especially rich, as well as among the inherited ones. There were hundreds of such texts, and maybe all the stinks were created in a range of 30 (or less) up to 1000 rows. Judging by the silence of them. yakі far away folded and deciphered. These creations fell to different canons: myths and epic sayings of the verses that glorify songs; Sumerian gods and heroes; laudatory hymns to the gods; kings. cry; zruynovanyh, bible places.

Sered Literary tablets and їх іїlomkop. vityagnutyh from the ruins of Sumer, richly hto є shkіlnі piї, rewritten by the hands of scholars.

We still know little about the methodology and technique of writing in the schools of Sumer. Vranci, having come to school, the students took apart the tablet, which they wrote in advance.

Potim - the elder brother, who was the assistant to the teacher, preparing a NEW tablet, as the scientists began to sort out and rewrite. Older brother. and also the father of the school, maybe, the last time they went after the robot of the uchniv, pereviryayuchi, chi stink correctly rewrite the text. Undoubtedly, that the successes of the Sumerian scholars of the significant world lay in their memory, and those of their helpers were not able to accompany the dry lists of words with their explanations. tables and literary texts that are rewritten by scholars. Ale tsі lektsії, yakі could give us an inestimable help when cultivating the Sumerian scientific and religious thought and literature, maybe, they were not written down, and then spent forever.

One thing is undoubted: the teaching at the schools of Sumer at the presence of nothing sleepy from the modern system of education, if the knowledge gained by the significant world is acquired through initiative and independent work; the teacher himself.

Good discipline. it could not do without a club on the right. As much as possible, scho. not being concerned about the students' desire for success, the Sumerian teachers nevertheless relied more on the zhahliva deya club, as they punished the mitt as much as not heavenly. I went to school today and just there from early morning until evening. Singingly, like a vacation ruled the rock, then we can’t get any good information. Navchannya was terrified of fates, the child caught up to pretend to be a young man. tsіkavo boulo would marvel. chi small Sumerian scientists can choose a robot for another specialization. and that's how it is. then what a world and at what stage of learning. However, about tse, yak and about a lot of other details. dzherela shut up.

One at Sippar. otherwise, in Ur. Ale so. that a great number of tablets were found in the skin s of cih budіvel, the stench may not be disturbed by anything in the splendid living budinkіv, and that our zdogad can be pardoned. Tilki vzimku 1934.35 p. French archaeologists have discovered two stones near the city of Mary on the Euphrates (at the entrance to Nippur), yak for their roztashuvannyam and features clearly є shkіlnimi classes. The stench was saved by rows of donkeys with scorched caegles, rozrohovani one, two or two students.

But what did the scientists themselves think about that school? What would give the food, if I wanted to, I would not be sure. Let's go back to the onset of division, in which a text about the school of life in Sumer, writing mayzhe chotiri thousands of years, and more recently, selections from numerical urivkіv and arreshti translations are introduced. This text is given, zokrema, it is clear about the recognition between teachers and teachers that is the first unique document in the history of pedagogy.

Sumerian schools

reconstruction of the Sumerian oven

Baby seals-2000-1800


Sribna model chovna, shashkova gra

Ancient Nimrud

Pobut Sumer, rewriters

Boards for writing

Cool room near the school

Plow-sowalka, 1000 BC

Vinny lyoh

Sumerian literature

Epos about Gilgamesh

Shumer ceramics






Ubeid culture

Medium relief with images of birds Imdugud from the temple in El-Ubeid. Sumer

Fragments of fresco paintings at the Palace of Zimrilim.

Mary. XVIII Art. to the sound e.

Sculpture of the professional spivak Ur-Nin. Mary.

Ser. III yew. BC e

Miraculously with a lion's head, one of the seven evil demons, who was born in the Mountains of the Skhodu and lives in the pits and ruins. Vіn viklikaє rozbrat and ailments among people. Genii, both evil and good, played a great role in the life of the Babylonians. І yew. BC e.

Kam'yana carved bowl with Ur.

III yew. BC e.

Silver heels for donkey harness. Tomb of Queen Pu-Abi.

Lv. III yew. BC e.

The head of the goddess Ninlil - the squad of the god Misyatsya Nanna, the patron of Ur

Terracotta figure of a Sumerian deity. Tello (Lagash).

III yew. BC e.

Statue of Kurlil - head of the granaries of Uruk. Early dynastic period, ІІІ yew. BC e.

Vessel from the images of creatures. Susie. Kin. IV yew. BC e.

Stoneware with colorful inlays. Uruk (Varka). IV yew. BC e.

"Biliy temple" in Urutsi (Vartsi).

The outlines of living houses of the Ubeid period. Modern reconstruction. National park of m. Ktesifona

Reconstruction of a private booth (inner courtyard)

Ur-royal grave



Sumer bring the lamb for sacrifice

The Sumerians are an ancient people who inhabited the territory of the valley of the Tigris River and the Euphrates on the modern state of Iraq (Pivdenna Mesopotamia or Pivdenne Dvorichchya). On the pivdni, the cordon of their dwelling reached the banks of the Perskaya zatok, on the pivnich - to the latitude of modern Baghdad.

With a stretch of a whole thousand, the Sumerians were the leading diyovim persons on the Ancient Near Skhodі. According to the accepted ninth chronology of their history, the proto-letter period, the Early Dynastic period, the period of the dynasty of Akkad, the epoch of Kutіїv and the epoch of the kingdom of the III dynasty of Ur. Protopisemny period (XXX-XXVIII centuries) * - the hour of the arrival of the Sumerians on the territory of the Pivdenny Dvorichchya, the building of the first temples and the place and wine of writing. The early dynastic period (short RD) is divided into three subperiods: RD I (c.2750-c.2615), if the sovereignty of the Sumerian places is only being formed; RD II (bl.2615-c.2500), if the establishment of the main institutions of Sumerian culture (temple and school) begins; RD III (ca. 2500-ca. 2315) - the beginning of inter-communal wars of the Sumerian rulers for gaining the upper hand in the region. Let's sweat over the century three reigns of the kings of the Semitic campaign, departure from the city of Akkad (XXIV-poch. XXII century). Seeing the weakness of the remaining Acadian rulers, the wild tribes of the Kutivs attacked the Sumerian land, as if they were guarding the countryside with a long stretch. The rest of the century of Sumerian history is the epoch of the III dynasty of Ur, the period of centralized administration of the country, dominating the oblіkovo-bureaucratic system and paradoxically the hour of the development of the school of verbal and musical arts (XXI-XX centuries). Pіsl Padinnya Hurray Pіd blows of Eldetov 1997 ROK ISTORІYA SHEMERSKOZAYA ZIVILIZATSIKI SKIRCHUE, WINDING THE BASIC INSTRUCTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF TRADITSIA SHEMUMARY SHUMERS OVERATE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ROBOTING, DO BLIZOVATE FOOT TILE IN MESOPOTAMIA TO VLAD HAMURAPPI (1792-1750).

Sumerian astronomy and mathematics were the most accurate at the entire Close Ascent. Mi dosi dilimo rіk for chotiri seasons, twelve months and twelve signs of the zodiac, vimiryuemo kuti, whilini that second in sixty dozens - so, as the Sumerians began to work first. We are called suzir'ya by Sumerian names, translated by Greek or Arabic mine and through it they drank into ours. Astrology is also visible to us, as at once with astronomy it appeared in Sumeria and for a long time did not waste its influx on the human mind.

Let's talk about enlightening that harmony of children - even the first school in the world, in which they taught sciences and sciences, vikla on the cob of the III thousand years - at the Sumerian city of Ur.

When going to the doctor, we all ... take the recipes of the likiv or the breed of the psychotherapist, absolutely not worrying about those that herbalism, and psychotherapy have grown up and reached the highest level among the Sumerians. Taking into account the order of the court and investing in the justice of the judges, we also do not know anything about the founders of judiciary - the Sumerians, the first legislators who took the development of legal certificates in all parts of the Old World. Nareshti, wondering about the smallness of the share, narrating those who under the people deprived us, we repeat those words themselves, as if the Sumerian philosophical scribes had first brought to the clay, but it’s unlikely that you will guess about it.

But, perhaps, the most important contribution of the Sumerians to the history of light culture is wine writing. Writtenness has become an arduous progress in the past years of activity: from її to the aid of benefits, the appearance of mine and control over virobnitstv, the planning of the state became possible, the system of enlightenment appeared, to the canon of the letter text. Writing and enlightenment changed people's attitudes to one writing tradition and a value system connected with it. The Sumerian variety of the leaf - cuneiform - was victorious in Babylonia, Assyria, the Khetian kingdom, the Hurrian state of Mitannia, in Urartu, in Old Iran, in the Syrian cities of Ebla and Ugarit. In the middle of the 2nd millennium, the pharaohs of the New Kingdom (Amenhotep III, Akhenaten) used cuneiform writing as a sheet of diplomats and yogo vikoristovuvaly at their old political listing. Vіdomostі, scho dіyshli z cuneiform dzherel, at that chi іnshоmі vyglyаdіl koristuvali stacking books of the Old Testament and Greek philologists from Oleksandria, scribes of the Syrian monasteries and Arab-Muslim universities Vіdomi vonichnі і in Іranіy, і in the middle. In Europe of the Middle Ages, the Revival of “Chaldean wisdom” (the ancient Greeks called astrologers and doctors from Mesopotamia Chaldeans) was at the great shoulder of the mystics of the hermetic shtibu, and then at the theologians-ascendants. Ale with a plan to make pardons at the transmission of ancient traditions unbeneficially accumulated, and the Sumerian mova and cuneiform letters were laid on the ground, so that the knowledge of people happened to be suddenly discovered ...

Note: For the sake of justice, it is necessary to say that at the same time with the Sumerians writing was found among the Elamites and the Egyptians. Ale, adding the Elam cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics to the development of writing and enlightenment in the Old World did not go in the same way as the meanings of cuneiform.

the author hoots at his own hoarded Sumerian writing, in the first place, omitting the facts of obviousness richly earlier than writing, like in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, and in Europe. And in a different way, as if to see Amenhotep III and Akhenaten (as if they were “calm beavers” and after such Egypt turned to the old traditions), then it would be more than just one thing, to finish the encirclement of the region ...

in front of the author, the author absolutely leaves aside all the more or less important records in the field of linguistics for the rest of the five hundred years before the release of this book (acknowledge to the Territory knowers, to tell about the presence of writing back to the Sumerians, here already from 50 years)

… more father of Assyriology Raulinson in 1853 [AD], calling my language guilty of writing, calling Yogo "Scythian or Turkic"... In a certain hour, Raulinson was already chilfully introducing the Sumerian language from the Mongolian one, but until the end of the life of Turkic on the inconsistency of the Sumero-Turkic controversy for linguists, this idea is still gaining popularity in the Turkic lands, among the families, occupied with jokes by noble old relatives.

After the Turkic Sumerian language was compared with the Finno-Ugric (also agglutinative mode), Mongolian, Indo-European, Malay-Polynesian, Caucasian, Sudanese, Sino-Tibetan language. The rest of the day, the hypothesis was raised by I.M. Dyakonovim y 1997 [n.e.]. According to the opinion of the St. Petersburg scientist, the Sumerian language can be disputed with the language of the peoples of the Munda, who live at the brewery meeting of the Hindustan and the oldest pre-Aryan substratum of the Indian population. Dyakonov, having revealed the signs of the borrowers of the 1st and 2nd individuals alone for the Sumerian and Mund, the sign of the genus vіdminka, as well as the deacons of similar terms of sporidness. This allowance can be often confirmed by the reports of the Sumerian dzherels about contacts from the land of Aratta - a similar point of population is also found in the ancient Indian texts of the Vedic period.

The Sumerians themselves do not say anything about their journey. The most recent cosmogonical fragments begin the history of the Svetobudov from other places, and the place that created the text (Lagash), the sacred cult centers of the Sumerians (Nippur, Eredu). The texts of the ear of the 2nd millennium are called the birthplace of the life of the island of Dilmun (now Bahrain), but the stench was accumulated during the era of active trade and political contacts with Dilmun, so as a historical coincidence they should not be accepted. There are a lot of serious tributes, like those of the most recent epic “Enmerkar and Vladika Ararti”. Here there is a story about the super-price of two rulers for the settlement at their place of the goddess Inanni. Offending the rulers, however, shun Inanna, but one lives on the pivdni Dvorichcha, near the Sumerian city of Urutsi, and the other - at the gathering, in the land of Aratta, which is famous for its master masters. Under what circumstances did the rulers wear Sumerian names – Enmerkar ta Ensukhkesdanna. Why not talk about facts about the shidne, Iranian-Indian (well, pre-Aryan) adventure of the Sumerians?

One more note to the epic: the Nipuri god Ninurta, fight in the Iranian nagir with some kind of monsters, to try to usurp the Sumerian throne, call them “children of Ana”, and at the same time it’s good to see that An is the most important and oldest god of the Sumerians, Nіnurta is formed with its opponents in controversy. In this way, the epic texts allow us to designate not the very area of ​​the Sumerians' migration, but rather the adopted Iranian-Indian direct migration of the Sumerians near Pivdenne Dvorichcha.

tse allow fixing only the fact that the war of the gods was among relatives. Only and everything. As if the “ancestral home” of the Sumerians is here to what? ..

Until the middle of the 3rd millennium, when the first cosmogonical texts were being created, the Sumerians completely forgot about their journey and cast their authority on other inhabitants of the Dvorichcha. The stinks themselves called themselves Sang-ngig - "black-headed", and just like that they called themselves their own and Mesopotamian families. Like a Sumerian, he wanted to support his journey, calling himself "the blue of such a place", that he was a great hulk of the place. Yakshto vіn hotіv protistate your country to foreign lands, її naming the word kalam (etymology is unknown, it is written with the sign “people”), and a stranger with the word kurei (“mountain, potoybіchny svіt”). In this rank, the national identity of a self-appointed person at that hour was a day; Important was the belonging of the territory, as in most cases the trip of a person with his social status.

The Danish Sumerologist A. Westenholts propagates the understanding of “Sumer” as a creation of the word formation ki-eme-gir - “land of the noble language” (this is how the Sumerians themselves called their language).

"gentry" in the old-fashioned way - persh for everything "providing his journey to the gods" or "might be a divine journey" ...

Lower Mesopotamia has a lot of clay and maybe no stone. People learned how to make vicor clay not only for making ceramics, but also for writing sculpture. In the culture of Mesopotamia, molding prevails over carved for solid material.

Lower Mesopotamia is not rich in growth. There is practically no good forest (for it you need to go on a hike, near Zagros Mountain), then a lot of reeds, tamarisks and date palms. Ocheret growth along the shores of swampy lakes. The bundles of reeds often vicorated in the veins like a seat, from the reeds they were the veins themselves, and pens for thinness. It is good to endure tamarisk sintered on dry land, because of its growth in these places in a great number. From the tamarisk, handles were made for various items of work, most often for motifs. The Fenіkov palm tree was a good source of prosperity for the rulers of palm plantations. Dozens of herbs were prepared from її fruits, including shortbreads, porridge, and savory beer. From stovburiv and palm leaves, a variety of homemade stuffing was prepared. І reeds, tamarisks, and finnish palm were sacred trees in Mesopotamia, they were spawned in incantations, hymns to the gods and literary dialogues.

Lower Mesopotamia may not have brown copalins. It was necessary to deliver goods from Asia Minor, gold and carnelian - from the Hindustan breeding island, lapis lazuli - from the regions of the lower Afghanistan. By a paradoxical rank, this total fact played an even more positive role in the history of culture: the inhabitants of Mesopotamia were constantly in contact with the land peoples, not knowing the period of cultural isolation and allowing the development of xenophobia. The culture of Mesopotamia, for all ages, was accommodating to the reach of others, and it gave her a permanent incentive to the full.

transcribed "korisnі" copalini for a primitive person does not have any practical value (from the position of survival and food safety). So what could be a special incentive here?

Another feature of the landscape is the great number of deadly fauna. Mesopotamia has close to 50 species of brittle snakes, faceless scorpions and mosquitoes. It is not surprising that the characteristic rice culture is the development of herbal and smart medicine. Before us, there was a great number of spells against snakes and scorpions, which are sometimes accompanied by recipes for magic spells or herbalism. And in the temple decor, the snake is the most powerful amulet, which all demons and evil spirits are afraid of.

The founders of the Mesopotamian culture lay down to different ethnic groups and spoke indisputable language among themselves, allegiance to the single state order. The stinks were most importantly engaged in animal husbandry and irrigation farming, as well as fishing and farming. Bestiality played a significant role in the culture of Mesopotamia, vplinuv on images of sovereign ideology. The cow is given the greatest chance here. From the outside of the sheep they robbed a miraculous warm robe, as if vvazhavshis a symbol of speed. The unsafe was called "no wool" (well-sik). On the stove of the sacrificial lamb, they tried to find out about the share of the state. Above those, the king’s fast epithet buv epithet “righteous sheep shepherd” (sipa-zid). Vіn vinik іz guarding the flock of sheep, which can be organized only for the sweet straight from the side of the shepherd. The cow was not less valued, as it gave milk to that dairy product. They yelled on the oxen of Mesopotamia, hooted with the productive power of the beak. Nevipadkovo deities of the tsikh mіsts wore a horned tiara on their heads - a symbol of power, generosity and life status.

don’t forget about those who turn III-II thousand years - change from Taurus to Aries!

Cultivation in Lower Mesopotamia could only produce a seed for piece-by-piece crops. Water with a mule was brought to specially induced canals, so that it could be supplied to the fields at times. The work on the daily life of the canals saw a great number of people of that emotional upheaval. That is why people here have learned to live in an organized way and, if necessary, to sacrifice themselves. The skin locally vibrated and developed near its canal, which created a change of mind for an independent political development. Until the end of the III millennium, it was not possible to formulate a sovereign sovereignty ideology, the shards of the skin were placed by the power of its cosmogony, the calendar and the peculiarities of the pantheon. The meeting was held for less than an hour of difficult hard times, or for the execution of important political tasks, if it was necessary to convert the military leader and representatives of various cities were gathered in the cult center of the Dvorichcha - the Nippur district.

The anthropological type of the Sumerians can be judged by the singing world from the remains of bones: the stench lay down to the Mediterranean minor race of the European great race. The Sumerian type and dosi zustrіchaєtsya in Iraq: they are smart people of low stature, with a straight nose, curly hair and blond hair on the face and on the body. Their hair was shaved off in order to protect themselves from the sight of lice - that is why in Sumerian statues and reliefs there are so rich images of shaven-headed and beardless people. It was necessary to golitsya bulo and in cult purposes - zokrema, the priests walked with their shins. On the quiet images, there are great eyes and a great breath, but there is no more stylization, which is also explained by the cult (great eyes are like a container of wisdom).

maybe someone else can have a booty ...

Neither men nor women of Sumer wore white. Then, until the end of their days, the stench did not know from the waist of the body, wrapped around the neck, a magical lace, which protected life and health. The main clothes of a man were a shirt-sleeveless jacket (tunic) with a sheep's outside, a thicker collar, and a bandage on the quilts at the look of a linen cloth with a fringe on one side. The fringed edge is instantly applied to legal documents and the seal is replaced, as the person was not well known and the special seal is not small. In even more speculative weather, a person will instantly turn up at people in one pov'yaztsi, and often we'll be naked.

The woman’s clothes were dressed a little, looking like a man, but the women never went without a tunic and did not show up in one tunic, without another robe. A woman's tunic could reach the knee and lower, sometimes it was small on the side. The bula was visible and the back was sewn from a few horizontal panels, and the upper one was gorged into a harness-belt. The traditional attire of noble people (as a man, so a woman), crim tunics and bandages, was a “twist” from a cloth covered with sewn ensigns. Proportions qi, perhaps, nothing else, like a fringe with colorful yarn and fabric. She crooked the same, as if the woman’s veil would be crooked, Sumer didn’t have it. From the headdresses they knew round hats, caps and kovpak. Zuttya - sandals and shoes, but always came barefoot to the temple. When the cold days of late autumn came, the Sumerians gorged themselves in a cloak - a straight-cut cloth, at the upper part of which, on both sides, one or two straps were attached, which would tie a knot on their chests. But there were not many cold days.

The Sumerians also loved jewelry embellishments. Rich and noble women wore a embossed "comir" with namist threads, which leaned one to one, from the top to the tunic. Expensive ones were made from carnelian and lapis lazuli, cheap ones were made from color cladding (Hurrians), cheaper ones were made from ceramics, shells and brushes. Both men and women wore a cord on their shoulders with a great silver bronze ring-pectoral and metal hoops on their arms and legs.

It has not yet been found sweetly, for washing and for pranny they planted roslin, ash and sand. Pure fresh water without a mule was a great price - її were worn from wells, viritih at a few places (often on high hillocks). That її was cherished and stained most often for washing hands after the sacrificial meal. The Sumerians knew and anointed, and plowed. The resins of coniferous trees for the preparation of arable land were imported from Syria. The women filled their eyes with black-green antimony powder, which protected the bright dormouse light. The planting also had a small pragmatic function - the stench dreaded the supernatural dryness of the skies.

What would not be the clean fresh water of the mіsk wells, it would not be possible to drink it, but they still did not see clear waters. Tim was more unable to drink the water of the rivers and canals. Barley beer was left behind - the drink of the common people, finnish beer - richer for people and grape wine - even for the noblest. Zha Sumerіv, in our current relish, bouldered meager. Mainly shortcakes made with barley, wheat and spelt, dates, dairy products (milk, olive oil, tops, sour cream, syrah) and various varieties of ribi. M'yaso їli only at the great saints, doїdayuchi those that were lost in the sacrifice. The malt was prepared from boroshna and date molasses.

A typical hut of an average city dweller is single-surfaced, zbudovanim from a cegli-sirtsyu. The stones near the new one were rotting around like an open inner courtyard - the month of offering sacrifices to the ancestors, and even earlier the month of their consecration. Zamozhny Sumerian booth buv on top of a vishche. Archaeologists have up to 12 rooms in New York. Downstairs, there was a vіtalnya, a kitchen, a toilet, a human being and a small house, in a sort of roztashovuvavsya home vіvtar. At the upper version, there were special rooms for the master's house, including a bedroom. There was no vicon. At the rich boudinkas, there are stilts with a high back, outlined mothers and wedges of kilimki on the bottom, at the bedrooms - a large bed with carved wooden backs. The souls were contented like sitting with the bundles of reeds and slept on mats. Maino was taken from clay, stone, copper and bronze vessels, where they squandered the plates of the home gospodar archive. The wardrobe, maybe, was not there, then there were dressing tables in the master's chambers and large tables, behind which they ate. This is an important detail: at the Sumerian booth, the rulers and the guests at the meal did not sit on the bed.

From the early pictographic texts, like they came from the temple of the city of Uruk and deciphered by A.A. Vayman, we recognize the zmist of the ancient Sumerian state. We are helped by the signs of the leaf itself, as if nothing else disturbed the little ones. At the great number of birds, images of barley, spelt, wheat, sheep and outside, date palms, cows, donkeys, kiz, pigs, dogs, various kinds of ribs, gazelles, deer, turіv and levіv are depicted. It was understood that the growths were cultivated, that they bred some of the creatures, but they loved them in others. I will focus on the objects in particular parts of the image of vessels for milk, beer, arable land and for dry bodies. There were also special judges for sacrificial vilivs. The painting sheet for us is an image of metal firearms and a forge, spinning wheels, shovels and a motor with wooden handles, a plow, a sled for pulling vantage through swampy areas, chotyric-wheeled carts, ropes, rolls of cloth, outlined chovniv with high-curved noses, outlined bends , the outline emblems of gods-ancestors and richly others. This hour has the sign of the emperor, signs for priestly settlements, and special signs for the sign of a slave. All the most significant records of writing indicate, first, the land-farming and cattle-farming nature of civilization with surplus fields of watering; in a different way, the foundation in Urutsi of the great temple state; thirdly, on the presence of the social hierarchy and the presence of slavery. The data of archeological excavations are evidence of the use of two types of irrigation systems on the pivdni Dvorichchya irrigation system: pools for the accumulation of spring flood waters and main canals of the great stretch with permanent rowing knots.

zagalom, mustache about the formation of the suspense in that one looks, which one is afraid of and far away ...

Shards of all the state archives of early Sumer came to us from temples, the science of vinyl and thought about those that the very Sumerian place was a place-temple and that all the land in Sumer lay exclusively for the priesthood of those temples. At the dawn of Sumerology, the German-Italian scholar A. Daimel expressed his opinion, and in the other half of the twentieth century [n.e.] A. Falkenshtein did the same. It became clear to the work of I.M. Dyakonov praised the number of the city's population and balanced it with the number of temple personnel. Let's sweat the wines, having so self-destroyed the sacred area of ​​the temple lands from the sacred area of ​​all the lands of Pivdenny Dvorichchya. Por_vnyannya vyyshli to the reproach of the temple. It appeared that the Sumerian economy knew two main sectors: the dominion of the community (uru) and the dominion of the temple (e). About pozahramova communal land, krіm numerical spіvvіdnoshen, say the same documents about the purchase and sale of land, completely ignored by Daimel's hoarders.

The picture of the Sumerian arable volatility is best seen from the docu- mentation of zoning that came from the Lagash area. Based on the temple gospodar documents, there were three categories of temple land:

1. The land of the priest (ashag-nіn-ena), like it was cultivated by the temple's strong priests, who celebrated the thinness of that znaraddya, who are seen as a temple. For the tse stinks they took away land grants and natural vidachs.

2. The land of the year (ashag-kur), yak luna at the sight of the okremy nadіlі v posadovy persons of the temple administration and various craftsmen, as well as the elders of the groups of rural workers. This category began to include fields that were especially seen by the ruler of the place as a settlement.

3. The land was processed (ashag-nam-uru-lal), as it was seen from the temple land fund with the same amount of money, but not for service to the robot, but for a share in the harvest. They took її temple servicemen and practitioners for an addition to their service alder or rations, as well as relatives of the ruler, members of the staff of other temples, and, perhaps, indignantly, be some kind of large city dweller, which might be the hour for the processing of the additional alder.

Representatives of the communal nobility (including the priests) donated money to the temple, but they didn’t pay less, or they didn’t give too much, more importantly, work on the earth. From the documents of purchase and sale, we know that these individuals, like the relatives of the emperor, are small in size of the land, as they take away directly from the community, and not from the temple.

About the basis of the post-church land, they are reminded of various types of documents, which can be seen by science before purchase and sale agreements. Here and clay tablets with a lapidary statement of the main aspects of the court, and inscriptions on the obelisks of the rulers, dedicate sales of great land grants to the king and describe the procedure itself. For us, without a doubt, all the information is important. In that number, it is said that the greater community has led the post-Church land. Under this term, it is possible to take care of the collectives, to cover the family’s journey along the Batkivska line, the community of the ruler’s life and the land volodin, and include more and more one family-slubny center. Such a team looked like a patriarch, who organized the procedure for transferring land to a purchase. Tsya procedure developed from the advancing parts:

1. the ritual of introducing a pleasing - driving a shackle into the wall of a booth and waving an oliї instruct them, transferring the rod to the purchase as a symbol of the territory that is for sale;

2. payment by the buyer of the price of a land plot in barley and srіbli;

3. surcharge for the purchase;

4. "gifts" to relatives of the seller and low-income members of the community.

The Sumerians cultivated barley, spelt and wheat. Rozrahunki from the purchase and sale were at the entrances of barley grain chi srіbli (like a silver bruhta behind a vaga).

Bestiality in Sumer was a sight: thinness lived in folds and sheds and ran on pastures every day. From the texts, goat herders, shepherds of cow herds, and most of all sheep herders.

Craft and trade in Sumeria developed early. The most recent lists of the names of temple craftsmen have saved terms for the professions of farrier, coppersmith, craftsman, jeweler, saddler, shiryannik, potter, weaver. Mustache remіsniki were temple practitioners and otrimuvali for their work as natural breeders, and dodatkovі donated lands. However, on the ground, the stench rarely worked, and every hour they spent it with a huge amount of farming, be a real link. From the most recent lists, there are trade agents, and shipbuilders who transported the goods of the Persk Zatoka for trade in other lands, but the stench was also sent to the temple. To the special, privileged part of the remiseniks, there were copyists, who worked at schools, at the temple or in the palace and took away great natural artists for their work.

Why is there no situation here, similar to the postal version of the earth belonging to the temple only?

Zahal and the whole Sumerian economy can be like a land-farming and cattle-farming with a support camp for crafts and trade. In the basis of її - natural statehood, as if only the inhabitants of the place of that yogo government were born, and more than a little, they delivered their products to the sudan places of that region. The exchange of ishov is important for imports: the Sumerians sold surpluses of agricultural products, importing wood and stone to their homeland, expensively threw and arable land.

On the whole, the structure of the Sumerian economy, in the diachronic plan, was not recognizable as a whole. With the rise of the despotic rule of the kings of Akkad, ruled by the monarchs of the III Dynasty of Ur, Daedalus, more land was drunk at the hands of insufferable rulers, but all the land of Sumer was not due to it. Even though the community had already spent its political power before this hour, the Akkadian or Sumerian king was still guilty of taking the land from her, scrupulously completing the described procedure. As time went by, the craftsmen were more and more secured by the king and temples, which led them to the camp of slaves. The same was observed with sales agents, with all their children of the kings. On the aphids of the robot, the copyist invariably looked like a free and well-paid labor.

... already in the early pictographic texts from Uruk and Dzhemdet-Nasr, signs are used to identify administrative, priestly, military and remist settlements. Later, no one saw anyone, and people of different social status lived in the first rocks of the newest civilization.

... the population of the Sumerian place-power was like this:

1. Know: the ruler of the city, the head of the temple administration, priests, members for the sake of the elders of the community. These people are small in the order of the family-community chi tribal, and often іndivіdualnogo volodinnya tens and hundreds of hectares of communal land, exploiting clients and slaves. The emperor, moreover, was often coryed for the special purpose of enriching the temple with land.

2. Transitional community members, who made the villagers of the communal land in the order of the family-community volodin. The stench has become over half the population.

3. Clients of the temple: a) members of the temple administration and clerics; b) people helped them. How many community members who have spent communal links.

4. Slaves: a) servants of the temple, as they did not care much for the lower categories of clients; b) slaves of private houses (the number of slaves was small).

In such a manner, Bachimo, that the social structure of the Sumerian suspense should be clearly divided into two main economic sectors: the community and the temple. The nobility depends on the amount of land, the population either cultivates its wealth, or to work for the temple and the great landlords, the artisans are attached to the temple, and the priests to the communal land.

The ruler of the Sumerian place in the pochatkovy period of the history of Sumer was buv en ("pan, volodar"), or ensі. Vіn poddnuvav at his functions as a priest, viysk leader, mayor and the head of the parliament. Before yoga obov'yazkіv included the following:

1. Kerіvnitstvo community cult, especially at the rite of the sacred shlubu.

2. Construction of life-giving robots, especially church-building and irrigation.

3. Provіdnitstvo vіyskomu z osіb, yakі lie in vіd khrіvіv i vіd nygo osobyso.

4. Golovuvannya among the people's gatherings, especially among the elders of the community.

En ta yogo people, following the tradition of guilt, were allowed to eat at their own expense at the national gatherings, which were formed from the “young places” and the “old men of the place”. We know about the basis of such selections, from the hymno-poetic texts. How to show the deeds of them, having not taken away the laudation of the collections, or having taken them off in one of the chambers, the ruler of the moment is still proud of his risky admission. Now, in the world of concentration of power in the hands of one political grouping, the role of the people's assemblies has begun to take over.

Crimea planted a city governor, familiar with Sumerian texts and the title lugal - "great man", which in different situations is transferred either as a "king", or as a "lord". I.M. Dyakonov at the book “Ways of History” proponed to translate it with the Russian word “prince”. The title of this title is usually mentioned in the inscriptions of the rulers of the city of Kish, the stars of wine, as much as possible, and pishov. On the back of the head was the title of the leader of the Viysk, which was chosen by the supreme gods of Sumer in the sacred Nippur (or at his place for the fate of the Nippur gods) and timchas occupying the camp of the ruler of the country with the reinstatement of the dictator. A year later, they became kings not for choice, but for recessions, although during the enthronement they still continued to follow the old Nipuri rite. In this rank, one and that very person at once became the enom of such a place, and the lugal of the country, so the struggle for the title of lugal went on for all hours of the history of Sumer. It is true that the difference between the Lugal and the European titles became obvious without a hitch. Under the hour of the slaughter of Sumer with kutiyas, it was possible to have the right to bear the title of lugal, the shards of lugals called themselves occupants. And at the hour of the III Dynasty of Ur, ensі were officials of the miserable administrations, who mostly bowed to the will of the lugal.

Documents from the archives of the city of Shuruppak (XXVI century) show that in this place people ruled according to their will, and the ruler changed his mind. The skin black, maybe, fell on the foal not only on that other person, but on the same territorial yard of the temple. Tse vkazau on the basis of a collegiate governing body, the members of which, by virtue, embraced the village of the elder-eponym. In addition, there are references to mythological texts about the blackness of the ruling gods. Nareshti, and the term for the ruling lugala ballu - literally means "cherga". Chi does not mean that the early form of government in the Sumerian places-powers was the same style of government representatives in court temples and territories? As much as possible, but it’s important to finish it.

As the ruler of the social drabin, having occupied the upper gathering, then the servants were standing on the ground of their gatherings. In the Sumerian translation, "slave" means "descents, omissions." We fall into the thought of the current jargon of the word "lower", tobto "to allow someone to have a suspense status, subordinating one's own authority". But it is also possible to vrakhovuvat and that historical fact that the first slaves in history were Viysk-filled, and the Sumerian Viysko fought with its opponents in the mountains of Zagros, to which the word of a slave can be known as a sense of “descents from the lost weights”. Only women and children took the bag full, but the escapades were incomplete and the convoys of the full people were very important. The next time they were driven in full of them. A year later, with the appearance of a bronze medal, the people also saved their lives. Pratsya slaves-viysk-captured victors were cast in private states and churches ...

The Crimean slaves of the last century of Sumer appeared and slave laborers, slaughtered by their creditors to pay the borg with hundreds of dollars. The fate of such slaves was much easier: in order to change their own status, it was necessary for them to redeem themselves. Slaves-poloneniki, having mastered the language and having acquired a family, could rarely secure freedom.

At the turn of IV and III, thousands of people on the territory of the Pivdenny Dvorichya were stranded and began to live as a joint state, three absolutely different for the adventures of my people there. The first to come here were the bears of the movie, mentally called “banana” because of the great number of words from warehouses that are repeated (such as Zababa, Huvava, Bunene). The very їхної movi Sumerians buli goiter's knowledge of terminology in the gallery of crafts and metalwork, as well as the names of such places. The noses of the "banana" language did not deprive them of the memory of the names of their tribes; Ale їхні materialіnі traces to archaeologists: zokrema, stinks were the founders of the earthworks settlement, like ninі maє the Arabic name El-Ubeyd. Masterpieces of ceramics and sculpture, found here, testify to the high development of this worldless culture.

Shards at the early stages of writing were pictographic and were not oriented towards the sound of the word (or rather on yoga sense), then it is simply impossible to reveal the "banana" structure of the movie for such writing.

Other Sumerians came to Dvorichya, who fell asleep on the pivdni of the settlement of Uruk and Dzhemdet-Nasr (also the Arabic name). In the first quarter of the 3rd millennium, seven people came from Pivnichnoy Syria, who settled down more importantly at the pivnichnoy zakhodki krayni. Dzherela, who lived in different epochs of Sumerian history, shows that all three peoples lived compactly on the sleeping territory, with the same retail, that the Sumerians lived mainly on the pivnі, the seven - on the pіvnіchny entrance, and the "banana" people - on, pіvdі and on the pivnochi edge. There was nothing similar in national discord, and the reason for such a peaceful settlement was believed to be that all three peoples were living on this territory, however, they experienced difficult life in Mesopotamia and respected it as an object of peaceful development.

The author's arguments are even weaker. As it shows, not so distant historical practice (mastering Siberia, Zaporizhky Cossacks) for adaptation to the new territory, thousands of people do not need it. Even after a hundred or so years, people vvazhayut themselves again as "their own" on this land, where their fathers came not so long ago. It’s better for everything, like “resettlement” here they went up to nothing. Їх vzagalі could b i not buti. And the "banana" style of the movie can often be found among primitive peoples all over the world. So їх “slid” are just leftovers of a long-standing movable population ... It would have been like wondering for yourself at the vocabulary warehouse of “banana” mov and newer terms.

The beginning for the history of the country was the organization of a network of main canals, which woke up without fundamental changes until the middle of the 2nd millennium.

Mіzh іnhim, more tsіkavy fact. Come out, that the people have come near this territory; none of that, none of which had built a line of canals and dams; and for a long time for a thousand years (!) the system did not change at all !!! Why then should historians suffer from the joke of the Sumerians’ “pro-batkivshchina”? You only need to know the traces of a similar irrigation system, and that’s it!.. with these newcomers! in the old school of wines maw “train” and “develop your own beginners”!.. There is nowhere to go! The axis of why is there one more clue for the official version of history ...

The main centers of the enlightenment of the powers - the place - are located in the middle of the channels. The stench grew at home of cob groups of agricultural settlements, yakі concentrated on okremih drained and zroshennyh areas, doubled in the form of pain and empty space in front of the millennium. The places were established as a path of settlements of the inhabitants of the trees, which are abandoned, to the center. However, the complete resettlement of the whole district in one place on the right most of the time did not reach, the fact that the inhabitants of such a place could not cultivate fields in a radius greater than 15 kilometers and already master the land that lies behind these boundaries, I had to throw. To that, in one neighborhood, sing vinikalo three-chotiri, or more po'yazanі mizh itself mist, but one of them zavzhd buv smut: here the center of scorched cults and the administration of the entire district were roztashovulysya. I.M.Dyakonov's skin to the district, behind the butt of egyptologists, pronouncing the naming number. The Sumerian won was called ki, which means "earth, place". The very place, the largest center of the district, was called uru, which sounds like “place”. However, the Akkadian language word vіdpovidає alu – “mass”, to which one can allow the very first sense of the Sumerian term. Tradition secured the status of the first fenced settlement (tobto vlasne mista) beyond Uruk, which is quite impressive, shards archaeologists found fragments of a high wall, which otochuval tse settlement.

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The basis of the Sumerian economy was agriculture from a developed system of agriculture. It dawned on me why one of the main reminders of the Sumerian literature became the "Zemlerobsky almanac", to take revenge on the practice of agriculture - how to save the generosity of the soil and the uniqueness of its salting. Important meaning is not enough bestiality.metallurgy. Already on the cob III yew. BC The Sumerians began to prepare bronze stars, and for example II yew. BC entered the flood vіk. From the middle of III yew. BC at the place of manufacture, the dishes are zastosovuetsya pottery kolo. Successfully developed other crafts - weaving, stoneworking, forging. Wide trade and exchange can be found both between the Sumerian places, and with other lands - Egypt, Iran. India, the powers of Asia Minor.

Slid especially substantiated meaning Sumerian sheet. The cuneiform found by the Sumerians was the most effective in the distance. Improved at II yew. BC fіnіkіytsy, she laid the foundation for rich modern alphabets.

System religious and mythological manifestations and cults The Sumerians are often confused with the Egyptians. Zokrema, there is also a present myth about the dying and resurrecting god, as the god Dumuzi acts. Yak and Egypt, the emperor of a place-power, having been stunned by the baton of God, and having embraced like an earthly god. At the same time, between the Sumerian and Egyptian systems, there was a memory of memory. So, among the Sumerians, the funeral cult, belief in the sweating world did not gain great significance. In the equal world, the Sumerians did not become a special ball, which played a great role in the supple life. In general, the Sumerian system of religious beliefs is less foldable.

As a rule, a skin place-power has little of its patron god. At one time there were gods, like they were moving around all over Mesopotamia. Behind them stood those forces of nature, the significance of which for farming was especially great - the sky, the earth and water. Such were the sky god An, the earth god Enlil and the water god Enki. Deyakі gods pov'yazanі z okremi zіrki chi suziryami. It is noteworthy that in the Sumerian leaf of the pictogram, the zirki meant the understandable “god”. Of great importance in the Sumerian religion is the small goddess-mother, the patron of agriculture, kinship and childbirth. There were a lot of such goddesses, one of them was the goddess Inanna. patron of the city of Uruk. The ancient myths of the Sumerians - about the creation of the world, the all-world flood - stuck in the mythology of other peoples, including the Christian ones.

In the artistic culture of Sumer, the bula architecture. At the sight of the Egyptians, the Sumerians did not know the life of stone and all the spores were created from cegli-since. Through the swampy territories, spores were raised on piece platforms - nasips. From the middle of III yew. BC The Sumerians are the first to begin widely victorious in the life of arches and crypts.

The first monuments of architecture were two temples, Biliy and Chervoniy, revealed in Urutsi (late 4th century BC) and consecrated to the main deities of the place - the god Anu and the goddess Inanna. Offending temples - rectangular in plan, with ledges and niches, embellished with relief images in the "Egyptian style". The second significant monument is the small temple of the goddess of birth Ninhursag in Ur (XXVI century BC). Vіn buv pobudovaniya s vokoristannymi quiet architectural forms themselves, ale embellishments are not only relief, but round sculpture. At the niches of the walls there were midi figurines of whips, and on the friezes there were high reliefs of recumbent whips. By the entrance to the temple - two statues of lions made of wood. Everything robbed the temple of Svyatkov and shattered.

Sumer had its own type of cult spore - zikkurag, which is a step-like, straight-cut in plan, vezhey. On the upper Maidanchik of the ziggurat, there was a small temple - "the life of God". A ziggurat stretching a thousand graves is approximately the same role, like an Egyptian pyramid, but on the vіdmіnu vіd ostannyi not bv potoybіchny temple. Nayvidomishim became a ziggurat (“temple-mountain”) in Ur (XXII-XXI centuries BC), which was included in the complex of two great temples and a palace and three platforms: black, red and white. The lower, black platform was saved less, but to inspire such a ziggurat to cope with a grandiose defeat.

Sculpture Sumer had a smaller development, lower architecture. As a rule, there is a small cult, "sacred" character: a believer placing a small prayer on yoga, mostly small for roses, a statue in the temple, as if she prayed for yoga's share. Ludina was depicted mentally, schematically and abstractly. without dotrimanny proportions and without portrait similarity to the model, which is often in the position to pray. As a butt, you can make a woman figurine (26 divs) from Lagash, which can be more important than ethnic rice.

In the academic period, the sculpture is constantly changing: it becomes more realistic, it fills with individual drawings. The most famous masterpiece of this period is the midi-portrait of Sargon the Ancient One (XXIII century BC), as if miraculously conveys the unique character of the king: masculinity, will, virility. Tsej rіdkіsnіy vіrraznіstі tvіr mіzhe іnіchi іnіchimіnієєєє vіd suchasnyh.

Sumerians reached the high level Literature. Krіm zgadannogo vishche "Zemlerobskogo almanac" became the most important literary memento "Epos about Gilgamesh". In this epic poem, it is told about a person, that she kept everything, watched everything, knew everything, and that she was close to unraveling the mystery of immortality.

Until the end of III yew. BC Sumer gradually fell, and yogo vreshti-resht podkoryuє Babylonia.

Mystery of the Sumerians

The diyal, productive nature of the Sumerian people, which virіs in the post-yny struggle with important natural minds, deprived the people of the impersonal miraculous reach in the sphere of art. However, among the Sumerians themselves, as well as in other peoples of pre-Greek times, the understanding of "mystery" did not winklo through the suvor functionality of any kind. All creations of Sumerian architecture, sculptures and glimpses had three main functions: cult, pragmatic and memorial. The cult function included the fate of the temple at the royal temple rituals, and its symbolic sympathy with the light of dead ancestors and immortal gods. A pragmatic function allowed a virob (for example, a friend) to take part in the social life of the day, showing the high status of the yogi Vlasnik. The memorial function of the animal was almost like a reminder from the call to remember your ancestors forever, to make sacrifices to them, to remember their names and shanuvati their days. In such a rank, be it a tvir of the Sumerian mysticism, the exclamations of the exclamations would function in all the expanses of the house and hours, creating symbolic successes between them. Well, the aesthetic function of the art was not seen at that time, and in the texts, the aesthetic terminology is not in any way connected with the minds of beauty like that.

Sumerian art begins with the painting of ceramic tiles. Already on the butt of ceramics from Uruk and Suz (Elam), which was dated from the end of the 4th millennium, you can use the main drawings of the Western Asian art, for some characteristic geometrism, vitriman ornamentation, rhythmic organization of creation and subtle form. In some cases, the vessel is embellished with a geometrical aborosline ornament, in some ways we stylized the images of goats, dogs, birds, and bring them into the sanctuary. All the ceramics are painted with chervonim, black, brown and purple visor on light aphids. There is no more blue color (when it appears only at Phenikia II thousand years, if you start to take indigo farba from sea algae), there is only less color for lapis lazuli stone. Greens in a clean look are also not taken away - the Sumerian language knows “yellow-greens” (salad), the color of young spring grass.

What does the image on early ceramics mean? Nasampered, bazhannya people, slander the image of the worldly world, order it yourself and stick to your earthly mind. People want to contain themselves, as if they were "in" for the help of memory, those newcomers who won't get it. Apparently, the ancient artist does not allow even thoughts about the mechanical rendering of an object; navpaki, at once turn them on in the light of their emotions and thoughts about their life. This is not just a volodinnya that appearance, but a practically one-hour systemic appearance, placed in the middle of “our” manifestation of the world. The object will be symmetrically and rhythmically placed on the vessel, you will be shown the place in the order of the arrangement of speeches and lines. With all the specialty of the object, for the slightest bit of texture and plasticity, one should not take it to the point of respect.

The transition from the ornamental painting of the vessels to the ceramic relief is taken on the cob of the 3rd millennium of creation, known as the “alabaster vessel of Inanni from Uruk”. Here I try to pershu try to move from the rhythmic and unsystematic rasterization of objects to some kind of prototype of explanation. The vessel is divided by transverse smugs into three registers, and “opovidnya”, representations into new, it is necessary to read in registers, from the bottom up. At the very bottom of the register - as a sign of the city of diy: a river, depicted by clever wrinkled lines, and spikelets that are cherguyutsya, leafing and palm trees. The next row is the passage of domestic animals (double-haired rams and sheep) and then a row of naked human figures with vessels, bowls, grasses, fresh fruits. The upper register depicts the final phase of the walk: give the folds before the vvtar, the order of them is the symbols of the goddess Inanni, the priestess in the old dress in the role of the nanny stuns the process, and before her the direct priest in clothes with a long train, I am a man, with him, with him, in short. .

In the sphere of architecture, the Sumerians are seen, more importantly, as active temple workers. It is necessary to say that in the Sumerian language of the houses the temple is called the same, and for the Sumerian architect "to wake up the temple" sounded the same, like "to call the houses". God, the Lord of the place, demanded a life, which made people aware of their inexhaustible power, great family, military and labor prowess and wealth. To this, there was a great temple on a high platform (as if the world could have been protected from ruins, which are caused by belts), to which two ramps led down from two sides. In the early architecture, the sanctuary of the temple was pushed up to the edge of the platform and there was little opening of the inner courtyard. Near the sanctuary there was a statue of a deity, to whom the temple was dedicated. From the texts it is clear that the sacred center of the temple was the throne of God (Bara) what a need was to repair and protect everything from ruin. Unfortunately, the thrones themselves were not spared. Until the beginning of the 3rd millennium, there was free access to all parts of the temple, but later, at the sanctuary, that courtyard ceased to let in the uninitiated. As much as possible, that in the middle of the temples were painted, but near the damp climate of the courtyard, it was impossible to paint. In addition, in Mesopotamia, the main building materials were clay and molded from it the oxford cegla (with a house of reeds and straw), and the age of the oxford spore was not very good, to that, in the oldest Sumerian temples, to this day, there were only ruins, for which we are trying to reconstruct temple.

Until the end of the III millennium, another type of temple was seen in Dvorichchi - a ziggurat, which was built on several platforms. The reason for blaming such a dispute is unknown, but it can be assumed that the favorability of the Sumerians to the sacred place played its role here, as a result of which there was a post-renovation of the non-degenerate Sirts temples. The renewal of the temple was built at home for the old savior of the colossal throne, the new platform hung over the old one, and during the life of the temple, such renovation was repeated more than once, as a result, the number of temple platforms increased to seven. But, however, there is another reason for the existence of high platform temples - the astral orientation of the Sumerian intellect, the love of the Sumerian to the upper world as the bearer of the powers of the greater that immutable order. The number of platforms (no more than seven) could symbolize the number of the Sumerian heavens - from the first sky of Inanni to the seventh sky of Ana. The best butt of the ziggurat is the temple of the king of the 3rd dynasty Ur Ur-Nammu, which miraculously survived to this day. The majestic pommel of yoga and dosi is 20 meters high. The upper, equally low tiers spire on the majestic truncated pyramid of the crown, about 15 meters high. The flat niches were divided into thinner surfaces, and they hindered the damage to the massiveness of life. Processes collapsed along wide and long gatherings, which converge. Sutsilnі sirtsevі terasi boulli raznogo koloru: bottom - black (coated with bitumen), middle tier - chervoniy (facing with scorched whole) and upper - vibrations. At the last hour, when the semi-overhead ziggurati began to appear, yellow and black (“lapis lazuli”) colors were introduced.

From the Sumerian texts dedicated to everyday life and the consecration of temples, we know about the foundation in the middle of the temple of the rest of the god, the goddess, their children and servants, about the “pool of the Abzu”, in which the water was consecrated, about the courtyard for offering sacrifices, about the suvor of the decor of the thieves of thought , which were protected by images of a lion-headed eagle, snakes and dragon-like monsters. It’s a pity, for rare vinyatts, nothing can be done at once.

Living for people was not exactly laid out, it was thought out. Zabudova was carried out spontaneously, among the houses there were weaknesses, crooked and narrow passages and hopelessness. Budinki zdebіlshego boules were straight-cut at the plan, without veins, illumined through the door open. Obov'yazkovim buv vnutrishnіy yard. The ringing of the budinok otochuvavsya adobe wall. There was a sewage system at the rich boudinkas. The settlement was surrounded by a forte wall, which reached a significant community. For the first, for instructions, the settlers, we will enclose with a wall (tobto vlasne “mistom”), the old Uruk, like in the Akkadian epic, having removed the constant epithet “Uruk of fences”.

Let us follow the meanings of this development by the appearance of the Sumerian mysticism bula gliptika - carving on seals of a cylindrical shape. The shape of the cylinder, drilled through, was found by Pivdenny Dvorichchi. On the cob of the III thousandth place, it becomes wider, and rіzbyarі, improving its art, spreading on a small area to a friend to finish folding compositions. Already on the first Sumerian seals, we have a bachimo, surrounding traditional geometric ornaments, trying to tell about the realities of life, something like a beating of a group of naked people (possibly, full), or a shepherd in front of the sacred flock of the goddess. Crimean scenes of everyday life are adorned with images of the moon, stars, solar rosettes and navіt dvorіvneі izobrazhennia: the symbols of astral deities are placed at the upper level, and the figurines of creatures are placed at the bottom level. Pіznіshe vinikayutsya plots, scho suyuyutsya ritual and mythology. Nasampered tse "frieze is quiet, who is fighting" - a composition that depicts the scene of the battle of two heroes with a monster. One of the heroes may be a human sight, the other one is a crazy creature and a dikun. It is quite possible that we have before us one of the illustrations of epic songs about the exploits of Gilgamesh and his servant Enkidu. Widely seen is the image of a deity that sits on a throne in tour. The number of interpretations of this plot should be broader - from the hypotheses to the cost of a monthly god in the sky to the traditional hypothesis for the Sumerian ritual gods to the price of a father. The image of a bearded, long-haired wailer, who holds a vessel in his hands, from which two streams of water are thrown off, is a great mystery for the doslidniks. The image itself was transformed by the year into the image of the suzir of Aquarius.

In a glimpse of the plot, the master has unique vipadkovy poses, turning the same gestures, but conveying the most poignant, charismatic characterization of the image. Such a characteristic of the figure of a person was revealed by a new or three-quarter turn of the shoulders, an image without a face and a face in profile, an eye full face. With such a towering river landscape, it was logically conveyed by wagging lines, birds - in profile, but with two wings, creatures - also in profile, but with some details of the face (eye, horns).

Cylindrical to the friend of the Ancient Dvorichcha, the buildings are rich in stories about the science of science, and the history of society. On some of them, krіm images, there are inscriptions that are made up of three or three rows, de povіdomlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє ’’’’’’ for the friend of the singing person (called him’’), as є’’slave’’ of such a god (follow the name of the god). Cylindrical druk in the name of the sergeant was applied to be a legal chi administrative document, violating the function of a special signature of that certificate about the high social status of the sack. People of the poor and the innocent were surrounded by an additional fringed edge of their clothes, or a bit of nothing.

Sumerian sculpture originates for us from statuettes from Dzhemdet-Nasr - an image of marvelous figures with halopon-like heads and great eyes that look like amphibians. The appointment of these statuettes is unknown, and the widest of the hypotheses is the link between the cult of kinship and creation. In addition, you can guess small sculptural figurines of creatures at the right time, which are even more striking and exactly repeat nature. Deep relief characteristic of early Sumerian art, rich relief, mayzhe high relief. Of the works of the early family, perhaps, the head of Inanni Urukskoy. With rosemary, the head was a little less than a human, flatly cut in the back and opened small for mounting on the wall. It is quite possible that the figure of the goddess was depicted on the square in the middle of the temple, and the head protruded directly from the one who prayed, creating the effect of glare, calling the goddess out of her image among the world of people. Looking at Inanni's head, we see a great nis, a great mouth with thin lips, a small stump of eyes, in which if there were majestic eyes - a symbol of universality, penetratingness and wisdom. M'yakim, the most catching model of the support armchair nasolabial lines, which give the whole look of the goddess a viraz of pride and a little frown.

The Sumerian relief of the middle of the 3rd millennium was a small palette or a plaque made of soft stone, sporuzhenu for the honor of being a tract of land: overcome the gate, lay the foundations for the temple. Sometimes such a relief is accompanied by writing. Vin, like the early Sumerian period, is characterized by horizontal segmentation of the plane, register-by-registration, vision of the central positions of the rulers of the townships, moreover, the expansion of them lies in the stage of the character’s suspense significance. A typical butt for such a relief is the stele of the king of the city of Lagash, Eanatum (XXV century), sporuzhen for the honor of defeating the fortune-teller Umma. One side of the stele is occupied by a large image of the god Ningirsu, which holds in his hands a merezh with small figurines of full horns that struggle in him. From the other side - chotyrireistrov rozpovid about Eanatum's death. The apology begins with a sum of money - mourning for the dead. Two offensive registers depict the king on a lightly armored, and then an important armored soldier (possibly, it is connected with the order of the gentle military battle). The upper scene (mostly saved) - swindlers over the abandoned battlefield, who are dragging the corpses of enemies. All the figures in the relief, perhaps, are embroidered according to one stencil: however, tricots are in appearance, horizontal rows of spears, which are clenched in fists. For the warnings of V.K.

Ale, let's turn to the Sumerian sculpture. She is experiencing her own rightful development only after the Akkadian dynasty. At the hour of the Lagash ruler Gudea (died bl. 2123), who stood on the spot three centuries after Eanatum, the impersonal statues of monumental statues, adorned with diorite, became impersonal. Statues in different places reach the limits of human growth. The stench depicts a person in a round hat, who sits with their hands clasped in a prayer position. On the knees of the vins, there is a plan, as if arguably, and below, on the sides of the statue, there is a cuneiform text. Having written on the statues, we know that Gudea is renovating the main temple of the Lagash god Ningirsu and that statues are to be placed at the temples of Sumer at the place of commemoration of dead ancestors - for Gudea’s day of eternal sweating and commemoration.

You can see two types of statues of the emperor: one is larger, with slightly shorter proportions, the other - larger strings and thinning. Deyakі mystekststvoznavtsi vvazhut that the difference in types of pov'azana with the difference in craftsmanship technologies among the Sumerians and accadziv. On a thought, the Akkadians nicely cut the stone, more precisely, they adjusted the proportions of the body; Well, the Sumerians practiced the stylization of that intelligence through the inevitable good practice on imported stone and accurately convey nature. Knowing the difference between the types of statues, it is hardly possible to come up with these arguments. The Sumerian images are stylized and mentally for their very function: the statue was placed in the temple in order to pray for the person that she put up, for whom the stele was recognized. There are no figures like that - є pouring in the figures, praying worship. There is no such thing as such - є viraz: great vuha - a symbol of innocent respect for the elders, great eyes - a symbol of a sawing glance of invisible secrets. Magical vimog similitudes of sculptural images from the original letters; the transfer of the internal value was important for the transfer of the form, and the form was shattered by less of the world, which gave it to the inner task (“think about the sense, and the words will come by themselves”). The Akkadian mystotecstvo, on the cob, was consecrated to the development of the form and, apparently, tsim boulo vykonati u kamenі slejі be-yaky zapozitionny plot. This is how you can explain the difference between the Sumerian and Akkadian types of statues of Gudea.

The jewelry art of Sumer is seen mainly for the richest materials of the excavations of the tombs of the city of Ur (I Dynasty of Ur, approx. XXVI century). Creating decorative wreaths, crown-strings, namistos, bracelets, various hairpins and pendants, majstry victorious, a combination of three colors: blue (lapis lazuli), red (carnelian) and yellow (gold). When vikonannі svogo zavdannya stench reached such vyshukanosti and subtlety of forms, such an absolute manifestation of the functional recognition of the object and such virtuosity in technical devices, that tsі virobí can rightly be considered as masterpieces of jewelry art. In the same place, at the tombs of Ur, a beautifully sculpted head of a whip with inlaid eyes and an lapis lazuli beard was found - embellishment of one of the musical instruments. It is important that in the jewelry art and the inlays of musical instruments, the masters were free in the ideological oversight, and many monuments can be healed to the point of displaying free creativity. Imovirno, but it's not like that. Aje innocent bichok, which embellished the Ursian harp, was a symbol of the shrill, greedy tightness and longevity of the sound, which fully confirms the wild Sumerian manifestations of the bika as a symbol of power and uninterrupted creation.

Sumerian statements about beauty, as already mentioned above, did not match ours. The Sumerians could give the epithet "beautiful" (croc) vіvtsyu, attached to the sacrifice, or a deity, with few necessary totem-ritual attributes (clothes, ubir, make-up, symbols of power), or vibrib, vykonaniya vіdpovіdno to the ancient canon, but the word, said to please the royal ear. The most beautiful among the Sumerians are those who are the most beautiful accessory for the vikonnanny of the singing factory, who show their essence (me) and your baptism (Gish-khur). To look over the great number of monuments of Sumerian mysticism, to see that all the stench has been prepared to such a rosy beauty.

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1. 3. An example: the chronology of the Sumerians An even more complicated situation was formed next to the list of kings compiled by the Sumerian priests. “It’s a piece of history in its own way, similar to our chronological tables ... But, unfortunately, there weren’t many short stories in such a list ... Chronology

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World and people in the manifestations of the Sumerians Sumerian cosmogonic manifestations of the spread of anonymous texts in various genres, but in general, you can paint the coming picture. There is no way to understand “all-world”, “cosmos” in Sumerian texts. If there is a need

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The riddle of the Sumerians’ journey through the decipherment of the two first types of cuneiform was nevertheless revealed as a rubbish in a pair of these folds, like a winkle when reading the third part of the writing, inscribed, as it was written, with the Babylonian ideographic and warehouse

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DE BATKIVSCHINA SHUMERIV? In 1837 p. On the eve of one of the service days, the English diplomat and linguist Henry Rawlinson roamed on the upright rock of Behistun, beating the ancient road to Babylon, like a wondrous relief, sharpened with cuneiform signs. Rawlinson painting and reliefs, and

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Relying on the results of the analysis of the Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform writing, philologists more and more changed their minds about the fact that behind the backs of the mighty kingdoms of Babylonia and Assyria, having created an ancient and highly revered people, who created the cuneiform sheet,

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The “vsesvit” of the Sumerians Sumerian-Acadian civilization of Lower Mesopotamia was founded in a far from “unrestricted expanse”, reminiscent of peripheral barbarian tribes. Navpaki, with a wide array of trade, diplomatic and cultural contacts, the bula was tied up with

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MISTA-POWERS OF SHUMERIV U III TIS. BC 1a. population of Pvdenny Mesopotamia; glowing look. 2. Proto-writing period (2900-2750). 2a. Writing. 2b. social structure. 2c. Ekonomichni vіdnosiny. 2y. Religion and culture. 3. Early dynastic period I (2750-2600).

From books author Karamazov Voldemar Danilovich

Religion of the ancient Sumerians Next to Egypt, the fatherland of another ancient civilization was the downstream of two great rivers - the Tigris and the Euphrates. The region was called Mezhirichchya (Mesopotamia in Greek), or Dvorichchya. Wash the historical act of the peoples of Mesopotamia buli

The vindication of the Sumerian ethnos is a riddle. Tsya culture bula river. The main occupation of the population of Sumer was agriculture. It was necessary to unite the susilla to improve the order of the folding zroshuvalnoy system. The unification of the population of Sumer was further enforced by political goals. The appearance of public power caused an increase in taxes. There were more frequent rebellions on this soil, after which the Sumerian state woke up unhappily. Sumeri under the influx of the Semitic city of Akkad. The Akkadian king Sargon, who created the first army in the history of mankind, in which there were over 5000 warriors, having united all Mesopotamia under his power. Significance of the Akkadian period of history Sumer was vagomim, the deacons of the author call the entire culture of this period Sumerian-Akkadian.

A short rozkvit of the Sumerian-Acadian kingdom (II-I tys. BC) brought new elements of civilization to the world: a penny unit of the sribla appeared - the sikl. At once, from the installation of commodity-penny vіdnosin viniklo borgo slavery and first laws. Vinicate the court. The state was a bula with centralized power, the fields of the victims and the kings were turned into slaves.

The basis of the Sumerian economy was agriculture and animal husbandry. In the Sumerians, metallurgy was developed, bronze stars were made, and the last century II yew. to the sound e. entered at the entrance of the vіk. At the maker's, the pottery kolo was stuck in the pottery. Weaving, stoneworking, and forging crafts develop successfully. Between the Sumerian places and other lands - Egypt, Iran, India - trade is developing. Sumeri vinaishli leaf. The cuneiform found by the Sumerians was the most effective in the distance. Improved at II yew. BC e. Phoenicians, she laid the foundation of the Mayzha leaf of all modern alphabets.

Sumer used the system of mist-powers, standing on the choli of the skin as a patron, equated to God. In the system of religious and mythological systems, the head myth about the dying and resurrecting god (such is the god Dumuzi) is believed. The Sumerians were animated by the forces of nature, behind which stood the god of the sky - the sky (An), the earth (Enlil), the water (Enki). Of great importance in the Sumerian religion is the small goddess-mother, the patron of agriculture, kinship and childbirth. The ancient myths of the Sumerians - about the creation of the world, about the all-world flood - stuck in the mythology of other peoples. It is noteworthy that in the Sumerian leaf of the pictogram, the zirki meant the understandable “god”.

In the artistic culture of Sumer, architecture was the leading art. All spores were spores not from stone, but from chains. Arches and crypts were widely victorious at everyday life. The temples were built in honor of the gods, decorated with reliefs. In Sumer, there was a special type of cult spore - ziggurat, which is like a stepped vezha, rectangular in base. On the upper Maidanchik of the ziggurat there was a “living life of God”. Sculpture has become a great development in Sumeria. As a rule, there is a small cult, “holy” character: a believer placing a statue in the temple, crushed on yoga, as if praying for his share. During the Acadian period, sculpture became more realistic, filled with individual drawings. The greatest masterpiece of this hour is the portrait head from the midi of King Sargon. Let's read the book of Sumerian literature by becoming the Epos about Gilgamesh. In this epic poem, it is told about a person, that she tried everything, tried everything, knew everything, and that she was close to unraveling the mystery of immortality.

The basis of the Sumerian economy was agriculture from a developed system of agriculture. It dawned on me why one of the main reminders of the Sumerian literature became the "Zemlerobsky almanac", to take revenge on the practice of agriculture - how to save the generosity of the soil and the uniqueness of its salting. Important meaning is not enough bestiality.metallurgy. Already on the cob III yew. BC The Sumerians began to prepare bronze stars, and for example II yew. BC entered the flood vіk. From the middle of III yew. BC at the place of manufacture, the dishes are zastosovuetsya pottery kolo. Successfully developed other crafts - weaving, stoneworking, forging. Wide trade and exchange can be found both between the Sumerian places, and with other lands - Egypt, Iran. India, the powers of Asia Minor.

Slid especially substantiated meaning Sumerian sheet. The cuneiform found by the Sumerians was the most effective in the distance. Improved at II yew. BC fіnіkіytsy, she laid the foundation for rich modern alphabets.

System religious and mythological manifestations and cults The Sumerians are often confused with the Egyptians. Zokrema, there is also a present myth about the dying and resurrecting god, as the god Dumuzi acts. Yak and Egypt, the emperor of a place-power, having been stunned by the baton of God, and having embraced like an earthly god. At the same time, between the Sumerian and Egyptian systems, there was a memory of memory. So, among the Sumerians, the funeral cult, belief in the sweating world did not gain great significance. In the equal world, the Sumerians did not become a special ball, which played a great role in the supple life. In general, the Sumerian system of religious beliefs is less foldable.

As a rule, a skin place-power has little of its patron god. At one time there were gods, like they were moving around all over Mesopotamia. Behind them stood those forces of nature, the significance of which for farming was especially great - the sky, the earth and water. Such were the sky god An, the earth god Enlil and the water god Enki. Deyakі gods pov'yazanі z okremi zіrki chi suziryami. It is noteworthy that in the Sumerian leaf of the pictogram, the zirki meant the understandable “god”. Of great importance in the Sumerian religion is the small goddess-mother, the patron of agriculture, kinship and childbirth. There were a lot of such goddesses, one of them was the goddess Inanna. patron of the city of Uruk. The ancient myths of the Sumerians - about the creation of the world, the all-world flood - stuck in the mythology of other peoples, including the Christian ones.

In the artistic culture of Sumer, the bula architecture. At the sight of the Egyptians, the Sumerians did not know the life of stone and all the spores were created from cegli-since. Through the swampy territories, spores were raised on piece platforms - nasips. From the middle of III yew. BC The Sumerians are the first to begin widely victorious in the life of arches and crypts.

The first monuments of architecture were two temples, Biliy and Chervoniy, revealed in Urutsi (late 4th century BC) and consecrated to the main deities of the place - the god Anu and the goddess Inanna. Offending temples - rectangular in plan, with ledges and niches, embellished with relief images in the "Egyptian style". The second significant monument is the small temple of the goddess of birth Ninhursag in Ur (XXVI century BC). Vіn buv pobudovaniya s vokoristannymi quiet architectural forms themselves, ale embellishments are not only relief, but round sculpture. At the niches of the walls there were midi figurines of whips, and on the friezes there were high reliefs of recumbent whips. By the entrance to the temple - two statues of lions made of wood. Everything robbed the temple of Svyatkov and shattered.

Sumer had its own type of cult spore - zikkurag, which is a step-like, straight-cut in plan, vezhey. On the upper Maidanchik of the ziggurat, there was a small temple - "the life of God". A ziggurat stretching a thousand graves is approximately the same role, like an Egyptian pyramid, but on the vіdmіnu vіd ostannyi not bv potoybіchny temple. Nayvidomishim became a ziggurat (“temple-mountain”) in Ur (XXII-XXI centuries BC), which was included in the complex of two great temples and a palace and three platforms: black, red and white. The lower, black platform was saved less, but to inspire such a ziggurat to cope with a grandiose defeat.

Sculpture Sumer had a smaller development, lower architecture. As a rule, there is a small cult, "sacred" character: a believer placing a small prayer on yoga, mostly small for roses, a statue in the temple, as if she prayed for yoga's share. Ludina was depicted mentally, schematically and abstractly. without dotrimanny proportions and without portrait similarity to the model, which is often in the position to pray. As a butt, you can make a woman figurine (26 divs) from Lagash, which can be more important than ethnic rice.

In the academic period, the sculpture is constantly changing: it becomes more realistic, it fills with individual drawings. The most famous masterpiece of this period is the midi-portrait of Sargon the Ancient One (XXIII century BC), as if miraculously conveys the unique character of the king: masculinity, will, virility. Tsej rіdkіsnіy vіrraznіstі tvіr mіzhe іnіchi іnіchimіnієєєє vіd suchasnyh.

Sumerians reached the high level Literature. Krіm zgadannogo vishche "Zemlerobskogo almanac" became the most important literary memento "Epos about Gilgamesh". In this epic poem, it is told about a person, that she kept everything, watched everything, knew everything, and that she was close to unraveling the mystery of immortality.

Until the end of III yew. BC Sumer gradually fell, and yogo vreshti-resht podkoryuє Babylonia.

The earliest settlements were known to people until the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. and roztashovani at the various places of the Dvorichchya. One of the settlements of the Sumerians was built under the tell el-Ubeyd hillock, on the name of which they took away the name and the whole period. (Similar to the pagorbi, called the modern mystic inhabitants of the Arab "tell", hid themselves in the presence of accumulated budding surpluses.)

The Sumerians were round veins, but they were straight in plan, from the stems I’ll line or line, the tops of them were tied in a bunch. Hatini was coated with clay to save heat. Images of such budіvel are embossed on ceramics and on seals. A number of cult, consecrated stone boats vikonanie at the lookout khatin (Baghdad, Iraqi Museum; London, British Museum; Berlin Museum).

Primitive clay figurines, which can be seen until this period, depict the goddess-mother (Baghdad, Iraqi Museum). Clay stucco boats are embellished with geometrized painting of birds, goats, dogs, palm leaves (Baghdad, Iraqi Museum) and subtle decorations.

The culture of the Sumerians of the other half of the 4th millennium BC. e.

Temple in Al-Ubaid

A bright temple life is a small temple of the goddess of birth Ninhursag in al-Ubaid, in front of the city of Ur (2600 BC). entrance doors. The walls of the temple and the platforms, following the ancient Sumerian tradition, were divided into shallow vertical niches and ledges. The lower walls of the platform were smeared with black bitumen in the lower part, and in the mountains they were whitewashed and in such a rank they were also articulated horizontally. This horizontal rhythm was echoed by the lines of the frieze on the walls of the sanctuary. The cornice of embellishments with beaten flowers made of scorched clay with droplets as symbols of the goddess of birth - flowers with red-white pelyustki. At the niches above the cornice there were midi figurines of whips, with 55 divas hanging down. inlaid on black slate aphids with mother-of-pearl. On one of them there is a scene: the priests are at their long backs, milking cows and beating olives with their shins on their heads (Baghdad, Iraqi Museum). On the upper frieze, on such a black slate aphid, there are images of white pigeons and cows, which are shown up to the entrance to the temple. In this order, the color scheme of the friezes was bouldered by the temple's zabarvlennyam platform, becoming a single color solution.

On the sides of the entrance were placed two statues of lions (Baghdad, the Iraqi Museum), carved from wood, covered with a ball of bitumen with middle carburized sheets. The eyes of the movable lion were shattered from the colored stone, which chewed the sculpture and created the barista's nasichenіst.

Above the entrance doors are the doors of the premises with a medium high relief (London, the British Museum), which passes through the passages into a round sculpture, from the images of the fantastic lion-headed eagle Imdugud, which is seen in the azures of two deer. The heraldic composition of this relief is completely formed, which is repeated with small changes in the lower monuments of the middle of the III millennium BC. e. (Siberian vase of the ruler of the place of Lagash, Entemeni - Paris, Louvre; seals, dedicatory reliefs, for example, palettes, Dudu from Lagash - Paris, Louvre), and bula, maybe, the emblem of the god Ningirsu.

The columns that hung over the entrance were also inlaid, some with colored stones, mother-of-pearl and shells, others with metal plates, attached to the wooden base with flowers with rose-colored droplets. The chablis of the descents were made of white vape, and the sides of the descents were lined with wood.

New in the architecture of the temple in al-Ubaid, it was as if the scenery of the round sculpture in relief, the colony as a supporting part. The temple, representing a small, scarlet spore.

Temples, analogous to the temple in al-Ubaid, were built near the settlements of Tell-Brak and Khafaji.


Sumer has a unique type of cult spore - ziggurat, which stretches out a thousand graves, like a pyramid in Egypt, and plays a great role in the architecture of all Western Asia. The whole stairway of the vezha is rectangular in plan, lined with a large masonry of sirtsyu. Sometimes there was a small presence at the front part of the ziggurat. There is a small temple on the upper Maidan, so called "the life of God." When the ziggurat was made, sound at the temple of the head mischievous deity.


Sculpture in Sumer did not develop as intensively as architecture. Budinkiv funeral cult, due to the need to convey a portrait likeness, like in Egypt, did not exist here. Small cult dedicated statues, not recognized for singing in the temples or tombs, depicted a person in a pose to pray.

The sculptural posts of the pvdenny Dvorichcha are inspired by ice-marked details and sensible proportions (the head often sits without a neckline on the shoulders, the whole block of stone has few dismemberments). With bright butts and two small statues: found in al-Ubaydі was the figure of the head of the granary of the city of Uruk on the name of Kurlil (height - 39 cm; Paris, Louvre) and the figure of an invisible woman, which resembles from Lagash (height - 26.5 cm; Paris , Louvre) . These statues have no individual portrait likeness. Tse typical images of the Sumerians from sharply reinforced ethnic rices.

At the centers of the pivnіchny Dvorіchchya, plasticity was developed in a blaze by the way itself, but it was small and its specific features. For example, statues of Eshnunni, depicting adorants (pray), god and goddess (Paris, Louvre; Berlin Museum) are more similar, for example. They are characterized by large slender proportions, a short robe, which leaves the legs open and often one shoulder, and majestic inlaid eyes.

For all the cleverness of the consecration, the statues of the ancient Sumer are awakened by a great and original vibrancy. So just like in the reliefs, here the same rules for the transfer of figures, postures and gestures were established, how to move from century to century.


In Urі ta Lagashі, low votive palettes and steles were found. The most important of them, the middle of the III millennium BC. e., є Palette of the ruler of Lagash Ur-Nanshe (Paris, Louvre) and this is the name of the “Style of the Shulika” of the ruler of Lagash Eannatum (Paris, Louvre).

The Ur-nowadays palette is even more primitive for its artistic form. Ur-Nanshe himself has two images, in two registers: on the upper one I go to the urochist laying the foundation stone for the temple on the choli of the process of my children, and on the lower one - indulge in the middle of the proximity. The high-gromadske camp of Ur-Nanshe and the main role of the composition is reinforced by this great opposition to other growths.

"The style of the shulika".

In an opportune form, the verse also has the “Stila of the Shulika”, as it was created in honor of the victory of the ruler of the city of Lagash Eannatum (XXV century BC) over the judicial city of Umma and his ally, the city of Kish. The height of the stele is only 75 cm, but it copes with monumental damage to the features of the relief that curve its sides. On the front side, it is majestic to place the god Ningirsu, the supreme god of the place of Lagash, who keeps a distance between small figures of overpowering enemies and a club. On the other side, in several registers, there are a few scenes, which consequently tell about the campaigns of Eannatum. The plots of the reliefs of ancient Sumer, as a rule, are either religious and cult, or Viysk.

Artistic craft of Sumer

In the sphere of artistic craft in the period of the development of the culture of ancient Sumer, there are significant achievements, developing the traditions of Uruk - Jemdet-Nasr. The Sumerian masters already made not only copper, but also gold, and smelt, alloyed various metals, carved metal chips, encrusted them with colorful stones, and made chips with filigree and grain. Work miracles, which give a statement about a high rіven to the development of an artistic craft at that hour, they gave excavations near the city of Urі "Royal Tombs" - the burial place of the rulers of the city of XXVII-XXVI centuries BC. e. (I dynasty of the city of Ur).

The tombs are large rectangular pits. At once from honored noble persons in the tombs of richly driven members of their mail or slaves, slaves and warriors. A great number of various objects were laid at the grave: sholomi, sokiri, daggers, copies made of gold, sribla and midi, embellished with karbuvannyam, engraving, grain.

Among the speeches of the funeral inventory, there are the titles of “standard” (London, British Museum) - two doska, strengthened on a holder. They admit that yoga was worn at the march in front of the warrior, perhaps over the head of the leader. On this wooden base, with the technique of inlay on the asphalt ball (shells - figures and lapis lazuli-background), a scene of a battle and a benguet of permutations was made. Here is the same postrokovіst, opportunistic in roztashuvannі figures, singing Sumerian type of osіb and a lot of details, which documented about the life of the Sumerians in that hour (clothing, dressing, vіzki).

With miraculous jewelery found in the "Royal Tombs" a golden dagger with a hilt of lapis lazuli, with golden pikhvakh, covered with grain and filigree (Baghdad, Iraqi Museum), golden sholom, vicutia in the shape of a picnic zachurіski (London, British Museum), figurine zі alloy of gold that srіbla, і figurine of a goat that plucks flowers (from gold, lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl).

The harp (Philadelphia, Museum of the University) is reminiscent of the high-artistic solution, which was inspired by the noble Sumerian woman Shub-Ad. The resonator and other parts of the instrument are adorned with gold and inlaid with mother-of-pearl and lapis lazuli, and the upper part of the resonator is crowned with a head of a beak made of gold and lapis lazuli with an eye from a white shell, which copes with supra-linguistically lively damage. The incrustation on the front side of the resonator stores a few scenes on those folk operas of the Dvorichchya.

The art of the hour of another rozkvit of Sumer XXIII-XXI to centenary to the star. e.

The end of the rozkvit of the Akkadian mysticism was laid in bulk by the Gutians - tribes, who conquered the Akkadian state and panowed in Dvorichchi for about a hundred years. Navala, with a smaller world, bumped into the pivden Dvorichchya, and the deacons of the ancient city of the district experienced a new expansion, foundations on the trade exchange, which expanded widely. You should go to the places of Lagash and Uru.

Lagash hour Gudea

How to celebrate the cuneiform texts, the ruler (so called "ensi") of the place of Lagash Gudea in the great work of life, as well as taking up the inspiration of ancient architectural memos. Ale, following the tsієї diyalnostі, the donina was saved a little. Natomіst yavlennya about rhubarb development and stylistic peculiarities of mysticism at this hour give to finish the numerical monuments of sculpture, in which most often there are drawings of Sumerian and Akkadian mysticism.

Sculpture to Cha Gudea

During the excavations, over a dozen of dedicated statues of Gudea himself were found (most of them are in Paris, in the Louvre), which cost or sit, often in a prayerful position. The stench exudes a high level of technical vikonnanny, they show knowledge of anatomy. The statues are subdivided into two types: the figures are attached, which are reminiscent of early Sumerian sculpture; However, all the figures have a softly modeled bare body, and the heads of all the statues are portraits. Moreover, the cicave of the pragnennya should not only convey the imitation, but also the signs of the vіku (the deuce statues depict young Gudea). It is also important that a lot of sculptures be finished with dimensions, up to 1.5 m in height, and with hard diorite, brought from far away.

Naprikintsі XXII century to the stars. e. gutії buli vignani. The court was united once under the ceremonies of the city of Ur, the hour of rule in the new Third Dynasty, as if having established a new Sumerian-Akkadian state. A low monument was tied to the names of Ur-Nammu, the ruler of Ur. One of the earliest tombs of the laws of Hammurabi was created by him.

Architecture of Ur III dynasty

During the reign of the III dynasty of Ur, especially for Ur-Nammu, a wide range of temples was built. Better than the others, a great complex was saved, which is built up from the palace, two great temples and the first at the city of Ur, the great ziggurat, a kind of spores in the XXII-XXI centuries BC. e. The ziggurat was formed from three ledges from the weak profile of the walls and maw at a height of 21 m. The rectilinear base of the lower terrace is small with an area of ​​65 × 43 m. Give way to the terrace of the ziggurat with a boulevard color: the lower one is filled with black bitumen, the upper one is beaten, and the middle red one is scorched with natural color. Possibly, the terraces were landscaped. Є pripuschennya, scho zіkkurati vikoristovuvalis priests guarding the heavenly bodies. Suvorist, clear and monumental forms, as if with a deep outline, the ziggurat is close to the pyramids of ancient Egypt.

The burkhliviy development of the temple everyday life was recognized and on one of the significant reminders of this hour - the stele of the images of the scene go to the ritual bookmark of the temple of Emperor Ur-Nammu (Berlin Museum). In this creation, the characteristic drawings of Sumerian and Akkadian mysticism have disappeared: the constructional articulation resembles more like monuments like the Ur-Nanshe palette, and the correctness of the proportions of the figures, subtlety, softness and the realism of the plastic interpretation are the decay of Akkad.


  • V.I. Avdiev. History of the Ancient Gathering, view. II. Derzhpolitvidav, M., 1953.
  • C. Gordon. The most recent Skhid at the light of new excavations. M., 1956.
  • M. V. Dobroklonsky. History of the Mystics of Foreign Countries, Volume I, Academy of Mystics of the SRSR. Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Є. Repina., 1961.
  • I. M. Loseva. Mystery of Ancient Mesopotamia. M., 1946.
  • N. D. FLITTNER. Culture and the art of Dvorichya. L.-M., 1958.

The culture of Babylon is little developed through parts of the ruin.
The central part of Babylonia roztashovuvala downstream of the Euphrates in the city, de Euphrates and the Tigris are approaching. The ruins of Babylon are located 90 km from the capital of Iraq, Baghdad. About Babylon in the Bible it is said: "The place is great... the place is mitzne." At VII Art. BC Babylon was the largest and richest place of the Ancient Skhod. This area was covered by 450 hectares, straight streets with two-topped houses, a water supply system and sewerage, a stone bridge across the Euphrates. The place otchuvalo podvіyne kіltse fortechnyh walls zavtovshki up to 6.5 m, through the yakі in the place led vіsіm vorіt. The most important were the twelve-meter gates of the goddess Ishtar, which inspired the shape of a triumphal arch, folded from a turquoise glazed chain with an ornament of 575 lions, dragons and bugs. All the place was crossed by the road of processes that went through the pivnіchnu gate, consecrated to the goddess Ishtar. She went from the walls of the citadel to the walls of the temple of Marduk. In the middle of the fence, there was a 90-meter-high staircase, which went down in history under the name "Babylonian Vezh". The won was formed from seven different-colored surfaces. She had a golden statue of Marduk.
Following the order of Nebuchadnezzar for Yogo, Amltis’s squads broke up “hanging gardens”. The palace of Nebuchadnezzar was built on a piece platform, on the sloping terraces there were built hanging gardens. The tops of the gardens rose up in ledges and rolled up in gentle slopes.
The greatness of Babylon was large, so that after the residual spending of the independence of the New Babylonian state in Zhovtny 539 r. BC after being occupied by the Persians, having taken the camp of the cultural center, it became one of the most important places in the world. Navіt Oleksandr the Great, who has conquered more than one capital, having seen that Babylon is in Mesopotamia, the order of Oleksandrіy in Egypt, which is worthy of becoming the capital of this majestic empire. Here Vin made a sacrifice to Marduk, having crowned himself and punished the rebuilding of ancient temples. Here, at Babylon, this conqueror died on the 13th chervnya 323 BC. In the meantime, the beauty of this Mesopotamian place did not cause Alexander the Great to build one of the most important Babylonian architectural ensembles - the seven-tiered ziggurat of Etemenanki (“Vezha of Babel”), as if the flooring struck the creators of the Old Testament and suffocated them. . “Commentators, maybe, talk about the walkie-talkie, attributing the similarity of what was said to that deep hostility, like a great place celebrated on the simple-hearted nomadic Semites, like they drank here right from the water-kremlin and silent desert. The stench was hostile to the noiseless noise of the streets and bazaars, blinded by a kaleidoscope of farb at the restless NATO, deafened by the trifles of human talk with incomprehensible language for them. They lapped high temples, especially majestic terrace-like temples with dahas, which vibrated with a glazed whole and rested, as if it seemed to them, against the very sky. It is not surprising that the simple-hearted inhabitants of the kurens claimed that the people who climbed long-term descents to the top of the majestic stovp, the stars of the stench were made in dots, that they were collapsing, they effectively judged the gods.
Babylon became famous in the ancient world for its science, and especially for mathematical astronomy, having risen to the 5th century. BC, if there were schools in Urutsi, Sippari, Babylon, Borsippi. The Babylonian astronomer Naburian was able to create a system of destination of the monthly phases, and Keden created a sleepy precession. Most of what can be seen without a telescope was marked on the star map itself near Babylon, and already the stars were taken to the Mediterranean. The second version is about those that Pythagoras posited his theorem with the Babylonian mathematicians.

The topic, as I have chosen, is still relevant and doninі. The history of ancient Babylon has been occupied until our time; To reach the required result, I was helped by the works of the following authors: Klochkov I.G. 1, showing the culture of that life to Babylon; Kramer S.M. 2, which is a report on the topic of victims and illustrators in Sumer; Oganesyan O.O. 3, the beginnings of a robot, which I recognized about the vindication of writing; Mirimanov V.B. 4, that he saw the central image of the painting of the world; Petrashevsky O.I. 5 , which deeply revealed the themes of the Sumerian pantheon; Turaev B.A. 6, Hook S.G. 7 robots, like them, have given outside spriynyattya and the formation of all the pictures that panuvala in Ancient Babylon, their culture, mythology and everyday life.

Chapter 1. Sumerian culture

1.1. Chronological framework

The Sumerian culture (ranked after the Egyptian one) is the oldest culture that came to us in the monuments of its writing. Vaughn literally bled into the people of the entire Bible-Homeric world (Close Exodus, the Mediterranean, Western Europe and Russia), and in such a rite laid the cultural foundations not only of the Dvorichcha, but appeared, at the singing sensi, the spiritual support of the Judeo-Christian type culture.
Today's civilization spread the world for four seasons, 12 months, 12 signs of the zodiac, vimiryuє hvilin that six seconds by dozens. First of all, we know about the Sumerians. Suzir'ya mayut Sumerian names, translated by Greek or Arabic language. The first school, a vіdoma z іstorії, vinikla near m. Urі on the cob 3 yew.
Jews, Christians and Muslims, turning to the text of the Holy Scriptures, read the stories about Eden, the fall of the storm and the flood, about the wake-up callers in the Babylonian Vezhі, my Lord, who attack the Sumerian dzherel, robbed by Jewish theologians. Vіdomy z Babylonian, Assyrian, Jewish, Greek, Syrian dzherel tsar-hero Gilgamesh is a character of Sumerian epіchnyh sings, who to vouch for Yogo's feats, like a god and a long-time ruler. The first legislators of the Sumerians adopted the development of legal relations in all parts of the ancient region. 8
The adopted ninth chronology is as follows:
Protopisemny period (XXX-XXVIII centuries BC). The hour of the arrival of the Sumerians, the building of the first temples, and the place and wines of writing.
Early dynastic period (XXVIII-XXIV centuries BC). Formation of sovereignty of the first Sumerian places: Ur, Uruk, Nippur, Lagash and in. Formation of the main institutions of Sumerian culture: a temple and a school. International wars of the Sumerian rulers for winning over the region.
The period of the dynasty of Akkad (XXIV-XXII centuries BC). Formation of a single power: the kingdom of Sumer and Akkad. Sargon I fell asleep in the capital of the new state of Akkad, which brought together in his own cultural heritage: the Sumerians and the Semites. Rules of the kings of the Semitic campaign, departure from Akkad, Sargonides.
The era of kutiev. Wild tribes attack the Sumerian land, like they attack the countryside with a strong stretch.
Epoch of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur. The period of centralized administration of the country, dominating the oblіkovo-bureaucratic system, the hour of the school of verbal and musical mysticism (XXI-XX centuries BC). 1997 BC - the end of the Sumerian civilization, which perished under the blows of the Elamites, but the main institutions and traditions continue to exist until the coming to power of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (1792–1750 BC).
Approximately in fifteen hundred years of its history, Sumer created the basis of civilization in Mesopotamia, depriving the recesses of writing, monumental arguments, the idea of ​​justice and law, the root of the great religious tradition.

1.2. State structure

The organization of a network of main canals became the beginning for the history of the country, as it woke up without root changes until the middle of another thousand years. The main centers of the enlightenment of the powers - the place - are located in the middle of the channels. The stench of the vineyards of the houses of the cob earthworks settlements, yakі concentrated on drained and grown areas, doubled in the pain and empty space in front of the thousand.
In one neighborhood, three-chotiri vines were tied together by a place, and one of them was the leader of the head of the head (Uru). The new town has an administrative center for residential cultures. The Sumerian district was called ki (earth, place). Kozhen okrug having created its own main canal and, docks vin pіdtremuvavsya in the old camp, establishing the okrug itself as a political force.
The center of the Sumerian place was the temple of the head mіsk deity. The high priest of the temple stood on the choli of the administration and on the choli of the irrigators. The temples of the great earth-working, cattle-farming and remіsniche gospodarstvo, as if allowed to create stocks of bread, tinder, textiles, stone and metal wares. Tsі temporal warehouses were necessary for the fall, I didn’t grow up or wars, their values ​​served as an exchange fund for trade and, more importantly, for sacrifices. At the temple, writing first appeared, which was created by the needs of the gospodar's appearance and the appearance of the victims. nine
The Mesopotamian district, kі (nom, by analogy with the Egyptian territorial unit), the place and the temple were the main structural subdivisions, which played an important political role in the history of Sumer. They can see some of the rightful stages: the super-nation between the nomes and the nationality of the genial-tribal military-political union; semitic test of absolutization of power; zahoplennya vlady kutiyami and paralysis of ovnіshnyoї activity; the period of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization and the political death of the Sumerians.
As if talking about the social structure of the Sumerian suspenst, it, like all the most recent suspenstories, is divided into chotiri main strata: communal diggers, craftsmen-merchants, warriors and priests. The ruler (en, pan, volodar, or ensі) of the place in the pochatkovy period of the history of Sumer, the functions of the priest, the military leader, the head of the place and the elder of the community. Before yoga obov'yazkіv included: worship of a cult, especially in the rite of the sacred shlyub; kerіvnitstvo budіvelnym robots, especially іrigаtsiynimi and z budіvnitstva temples; Vedennya vіysk, scho is formed from osіb, fallow vіd to the temple and vlasne vіd ny; golovvannya in the collections of the community and in the hands of the elders. En and the nobility (the head of the temple administration, priests, a council of elders) allowed the guilty to be fed on the songs of the community, which was formed from the "junaks of the city" and "the elders of the city". Since then, in the world of concentration of power in the hands of one group, the role of national elections has begun to take place.
Okrim plant the heads of the place, from the Sumerian texts we introduce the title “lugal” (“great people”), which is translated as a king, a ruler of the land. Back on the cob tse buv the title of a military leader. Vіn vybiravsya z-pomіzh enіv by the supreme gods of Sumer at the sacred Nippur for victories of a special rite and timchasov occupied the camp of the ruler of the land. In the past, they became kings not by choice, but by the recesses, for the preservation of the Nipuri rite. In this rank, one and that very person was the enom of such a place, and the lugal of the country, so that the struggle for the royal title went through the history of Sumer. 10
For an hour of panuvannya kutіїv zhoden en have the right to bear the title, the shards called themselves zagarbniks lugal. And at the hour of the III dynasty, Ura en (ensi) were officials of the mіsk administrations, who supported the will of the lugal. But, perhaps, an early form of rule in the Sumerian places-powers was more like a rule of representatives in the sudan temples and lands. It’s also worth talking about the fact that the term itself for the term true onion means “cherga”, and, moreover, some mythological texts testify about the blackness of the true gods, which can also be an indirect confirmation of this vysnovka. Aje mythological manifestation is an uninterrupted form of fermentation of a suspense butt. On the lower square of the hierarchical gatherings stood slaves (noise. "Descents"). The first slaves in history were Viysk-filled. This practice was victorious in private states or in churches. Poloneny having become ritually driven in and part of the one to whom he lay down. eleven

1.3. picture of the world

Sumerian shutters to the world are reconstructed from anonymous texts in various genres. If the Sumerians talk about the wholeness of the world, the stench will live in the warehouse word: Heaven Earth. On the back, Heaven and Earth were a single body, like all spheres of the world. Divided, they did not waste their power to fight one in one: with this heavens give to the seven heads of the underground world. After the resurrection of Heaven and the Earth, the deities of the earth begin to be endowed with the attributes of the world order: share (to us) - those who are in the form; ritual and order. The light of the rock is described by the colo, "turning in your own place." 12
Tse means for the Sumerian-Babylonian culture a radical renewal of the world, as if turning around “back to square one”, - not more than turning to a big camp (for example, forgiveness of barmen, permission for evil-doers from v'yaznits), and restoration and restoration of old temples, seeing new royal decrees and often calling for a new hour. Moreover, the novelty may be sensible in the context of the development on the basis of the principles of justice and order. From the region of the whole sky descend from the world of the essence of all forms of culture: the attributes of royal power, professions, the most important deeds of people, drawing character. The skin of a person can show his essence as much as possible, and then he can take a “friendly share”, and the shares can be given by the gods on the basis of the name of a right person. In this manner, the cyclicity may sense correction of its share.
The creation of a person is an offensive crucible at the development of a light-bud. In Sumerian texts, there are two versions of the human journey: the creation of the first people from the clay by the god Enki and about those that people made their way from the ground, like grass. The skin of a person comes to the world for work and for the gods. At the time of the people, the children were given an object to hand: the boy had trimmed the chick to the hand, the girl - the spindle. Because of whom I didn’t know, and the “share of the people”, as if diligently weaving their bindings and did not reduce the “share of the king” (namlugal), nor the “share of the clerk”.
"King's share". At the very beginning of the Sumerian sovereignty, the king was robbed from the sacred Nippur at the sight of magical procedures. In the royal writings, it is said about the hand of God, like a swirl of meadows-la from the bagats of the bulk of Sumer. Years of election in Nippur became a formal act and succession to the throne became the norm of state policy. Under the hour of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur, the kings were recognized by the equal gods and small divine relatives (the brother of Shulga and the famous Gilgamesh).
The second letter is "the share of the rewriter". From five to seven years, the future copyist began at the school (“dim tablets”). The school was a great destination, rozgorodzhene in two parts. At the first class, at the yakim the scientists sat, trimming the clay tablet in the left hand, and the right hand with the outline style. At the other part of the place, a vat of clay was roztashovuvavsya for new tablets, as if preparing an assistant to the teacher. Krim of the teacher of the class was a present observer, a kind of having beaten a teacher for any kind of fault. 13
For school, thematic lists of signs were formed. It was necessary to write them correctly and know their meaning. Translated from the Sumerian language into Akkadian and back. Learn how to use words for the life of various professions (my priests, shepherds, sailors, jewelers). To know the subtlety of spivatskogo mystetstva that calculation. After finishing school, the student took off the title of copying and went to work. Sovereign copyist, having been in the service of the palace, setting the royal inscriptions, indicate that law. Temple clerk in the state revival, writing down the priest's texts of the theological character. A private clerk worked at the state of the great nobleman, and a clerk-translator worked at diplomatic negotiations, at war only.
Zhertsі were sovereign servicemen. Before the obov'yazkіv included the maintenance of statues at the temples, the conduct of mіsk rituals. Women-priests took part in the rites of the sacred shlubu. The priests passed on their newcomers by word of mouth and the commoner was unwritten. fourteen

1.4. Ziggurat

The most important symbol of the institution of the priesthood is the ziggurat of the temple spore at the stepped pyramid. The upper part of the temple was the seat of the deity, the middle part was the seat of the cult of people, the lower part was the afterlife. Zikkurati were on three or so surfaces, in the rest of the skin, representing one of the seven head astral deities. The three-surface ziggurat can be aligned with the different sacred expanses of the Sumerian culture: the upper sphere of the planets and stars (an), the sphere of life (kalam), the sphere of the lower world (ki), which consists of two zones - the area of ​​underground waters (abzu) and the area of ​​the world of the dead ( Kur). The number of heavens of the upper world was seven. 15
The upper light is ruled by the deity An, who sits on the throne of the sky, there is a mist, the stars come out of the law of the light. The average light of the wines is shaking as a standard of stability and order. The middle world is formed from “our land”, “steppe” and foreign lands. Vіn znahoditsya volodіnі Enlіlіy - the god vіtrіv vіtrіv i svogo expanse. “Our land” is the territory of the place-power with the temple of the mystical deity in the center and with an iron wall that oozes the place. Behind the boundaries of the wall, the “step” stretches (open the space or empty space). Alien lands, which lie in the “steppe” pose, are called like i, like the land of the dead of the lower world. So, perhaps, to those who do not law the world of others, nor the laws of the lower world are not accessible to understanding in the boundaries of the mіskoї stіni, however, lie beyond the borders of the sensible of our land.
The area of ​​underground waters of the lower world is ordered by Enki, the god-creator of people, saving crafts and mysticism. Pokhodzhennya spravzhnya Sumerian knowledge po'yazuyut іz deep underground dzherelami, even wells and arichnі vody bring taєmniču force, mіts that help. 16

1.5. Cuneiform and clay tablets

The reasons for the vindication of writing are created in VII-V yew. That is, if the "subject sheet" is declared. On the territory of Mesopotamia, archaeologists discovered small objects made of clay and stone of geometric shape: bags, cylinders, cones, disks. Possibly, there were chips. The cylinder instantly means "one wind", the cone - "oil glider". Rakhunkov chips began to be placed in ceramic envelopes. In order to “read” the posted information, it was necessary to break the envelope. For this reason, the shape of that number of chips began to be depicted on the envelope. On the thought of the clergy, by this very rank, I passed from the “subject sheet” to the first signs on clay - to the little sheet. 17
Writing vinikaє for example IV yew. BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Elami. The Dvorichchi wrote in Sumeria. The first state documents were stored at the temple of the city of Uruk. The stinks were pictograms - signs of a written sheet. On the back of the head, objects were depicted accurately and guessed Egyptian hieroglyphics. But on clay, it is important to depict real objects quickly, and step by step the pictographic sheet is transformed into abstract cuneiform writing (vertical, horizontal and worn-out drawings). Leather sign of writing letters combined with kіlkoh cuneiform rice. Figures were embossed like a trihedral stick on tablets of gray clay mass, the tablets hung or, more likely, were scorched similarly to ceramics.
Cuneiform is composed of approximately 600 characters, leather of which may have up to five conceptual meanings and up to ten warehouse meanings (word-warehouse sheet). Until the Assyrian hour, only rows were seen at the leaves: letters of words and signs of roses. Writing became a great achievement of the Sumerian-Akkadian culture, it was retconned and developed by the Babylonians and expanded widely throughout Asia Minor: they were written in cuneiform in Syria, Persia, and other ancient powers, and they knew that the Faroese were victorious.
Ninі vіdomo close pіvmiliona tekstіv - from a few signs to thousands of rows. Tse - state, administrative and legal documents that were kept at the palaces, sealed in clay vessels or piled in cats. The texts of the religious secrecy were rebuked at the school premises. A catalog was added to them, in which leather Tvir was named in the first row. Budіvelni and dedicatory tsar's inscriptions were rebuyed at inaccessible sacred places of temples. eighteen
Monuments of writing can be divided into two great groups: the Sumerian monuments of writing (royal inscriptions, temples and royal hymns) and post-Sumerian noise-making (texts of the literary and ritual canon, the two Sumerian-Akkadian dictionaries). In the texts of the first group, the constant ideological and economic life is fixed: the sovereign's blues, the kings' calls to the gods about vikonan's work, the praise of the temples and the deification of the kings as the foundation of the light. The texts of the other group were not created by the Sumerians themselves, like assimilated baubles that would legitimize the coming of the throne, preserve the fidelity of tradition.
In the post-Sumerian hour, the Sumerian language becomes my temple and school, and the old tradition, in which wisdom a person is called “respectful” (in the Sumerian language, “intelligence” and “vouho” is one word), that you can hear, and that means create and convey, step by step vtrachay his sacral-taєmniy, scho vyslizaє vіd fixatsiї glibinny zv'yazok.
The Sumerians compiled the world's first library catalogue, a collection of medical prescriptions, they made it and wrote down the farming calendar; the first reports about planting that idea of ​​​​creating the first in the world of the fish reserve are known to be fixed by them. On the thought of the great Sumerian language, the language of the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Akkad, one can think of the Semitic-Hamitic language group. 19

Section 2. Culture of Babylonia

2.1. Right

Aligned with the ancient law of Sumer and the legislator's activity of the kings of the III dynasty of Ur, the right of the Babylonian state was ahead of the singing sensi croc. In the early history of the Sumerians, it is a collective tradition to rule the elders of the community. The leader is chosen by those who emerge from his special qualities. At the same time, the biosocial nature of the structure of the soul is fixed. The future leader is long-awaited, the gods ask about the new one, and then we’ll slander him about his divine protection, even a knowledgeable and enlightened leader, such a good understanding of tradition is the basis of the life of the team.
Less in the era of the early state, one can talk about the recessionary principle, if the problem of survival becomes less important, the problem of the stability of life (in the future, the accent of survival is transferred from natural to socio-cultural), Changes in the social structure of Sin yak sprymach, the father is not insured by nature in the presence of new necessary capacities, but the mav of victims-consultants, always ready to come to the rescue. For example, the category “turning to the mother” in the inscriptions of the tsar Enmeteni and Urukagini in the Old Sumerian hour eloquently confirms the biosocial structure of the early suspenst: Mother turned to blue, blue turned to mother. Turning to the mother to pay the borgos for grain on the growth of the wines by setting up (calling the borgo's goiter to pay the barley with the vineyards). Todi Enmetena to the god Lugalemush the temple of Emush at Bad-Tibіru... having awakened, turning on the same place (remembrance of the old temple). For the blues of Uruk, the blues of Larsi, the blues of Bad-Tibir, turning to the mother having installed ...
From the point of view of rational thought, the metaphor of "turning" into the womb of the mother is truly a universal principle in the hour again, from scratch, from the rest of the world, tobto. turn round and round. At the hour of the III Dynasty of Ur, a set of laws was needed to be written. Saved 30 - 35th position of the crypt of the laws of Shulga. Shvidshe for everything, the stench of the stars of the miserable gods about the vikonan robot. The need to create a new set of laws for the Babylonian state, having already seen another king of the I Babylonian dynasty - Sumulauli, about the laws of which the documents of the yogo priymachiv guess. twenty

2.2. Law Code of Hammurabi

King Hammurabi, with his legislation, having tried to formalize and consolidate the suspіlnіy ustrіy of the state, with panіvnoy force in such Mali will appear drіbnі and middle slaves. What great significance, having given Hammurapi to his legislating activity, it is evident from the fact that he had started to her at the very beginning of his rule; another river of reign of names by fate, if you have established the right of the country. Truth is, this early selection of laws did not reach us; In the light of science, the laws of Hammurabi can be seen already until the end of his reign.
Qi laws were enhanced by the great black basalt stomp. On the top of the front side there are images of the kings, who stand before the god Sontsa Shamash - the patron of the court. Shamash sit on his throne and hold on to his right hands the attributes of power, and on the other side of his shoulders there is a half-light. Under the relief, the text of the laws is written, which zapovnyuє the offending sides of the stovp. The text is divided into three parts. With the first part, there is great confusion, I deafen him to Hammurabi, that the gods handed over the kingdom to him, "so that the strong did not crush the weak." Then let us follow the resurrection of blessings, as if they were giving Hammura to the places of their state. Among them are the places of the extreme pivdnya on the island of Larsoy, as well as the place beyond the middle flow of the Euphrates and the Tigris - Mary, Ashur, Nineviya and іn. Tiger, tobto on the cob of the 30s of the yogo rule. One can guess what copies of the laws were prepared for all the great places of the yogo kingdom. After the introduction, the statutes of the laws follow, yak, at their own pace, will end with a primer visnovk.
The monument was saved by a blaze of good. Only the remaining articles of the front side were erased. Obviously, the whole thing was destroyed by the order of the Elamite king, who moved after his invasion of the Palace of this monument from Babylonia to Susi, de yogo i knew. On the basis of the traces that were saved, it is possible to establish that 35 articles were baptized on the scraped mіstsі, and in total there are 282 articles in the monument to the law of civil, criminal, administrative law. On the basis of various copies, found in the excavated ancient libraries of Nineveh, Nippur, Babylon, etc., one can recognize a greater part of the articles written by the Elamite conqueror. 21
The legislation of Hammurabi does not avenge vkazіvok on vtruchannya gods. Blame to become less statti 2 and 132, which allow, by age, to a man, called in chaklunstvo, or to a foreign woman, called in love, zastosuvannya of the so-called "God's judgment." Until the distant past, decrees about punishment for tilesnі ushkodzhennia zgidno with the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" go down. The legislation of King Hammurapi expanded the zastosuvannya principle to a doctor for a short time in case of an unexpected operation, and to a wake-up call for a sudden delay; like, for example, a budinok, which collapsed, driving in the ruler, then driving in the alarm clock, and if in this fall, having fallen the son of the ruler, then driving in the son of the alarm clock.
Laws of King Hammurabi follow one of the most significant reminders of the legal thought of the long-standing Suspіlstva. The first thing we see at home in all-world history is the collection of laws that protected private power and established rules for mutual relations between the structures of the Old Babylonian society, which are made up of full-fledged citizens; legally free, but with full rights; that slave.
The enactment of the laws of Hammurabi at the link with the royal and private lists that were saved, as well as the private legal documents of that hour, gives the opportunity to signify directly entering the royal power.
This ship's worker permits the production of whiskers about the social structure of the Babylonian suspense. Three categories of people are seen in the new one - rightful citizens, muskenums (deposited royal people), slaves - the guilt of those for evil deeds was punished in a different way. The Code of Hammurabi recognized authority as an institution, regulating the mind of hiring and yogo, pay, rent, make the lane. Punishment for evil deeds was more suvorim (“If a son hit his father, then his hands will be shaken up by you”) and the evil-doer often was punished with death. The main validity of the laws of Hammurabi from the ancient Mesopotamian codes is that the main principle of recognition of punishment is talion: 22
"196. If someone has screwed up the eye of a son’s son, then screw up the eye of you yourself.
197. If you break a sin's brush, then you break your brush.
In the laws of Hammurabi, the Maynovian character of the legislation of the Babylonian kingdom is clearly visible. For the body's ushkodzhennya, zapodіyane to someone else's slave, it's necessary, like a hundredth of thinness, the blowing of a beaten yogo hairdresser. Vinny at the vbivstvі of a slave giving natomіst to the yogi lord of another slave. Slaves, similar to thinness, could be sold without any borders. The family camp of a slave was not guarded by his own. Under the hour of the sale of a slave, the law would be more than enough for him to steal the purchase in the face of deceit from the side of the seller. Legislation protected slaves from theft of slaves and from the acquisition of slaves-vtikachiv.
Make Hammurabi know the qualified death penalty - a bedroom for incest with a mother, imprisoned for the fate of killing a person and that other. The zhorstok punishment threatened the same way with the sign of slavery on the slave. In the okremіy slavovlasnitskiy sіm'ї sing bulo in 2 to 5 slaves, and in the wake of the fall, if the number of slaves reached a few dozen. Private legal documents talk about different things, tied to slaves: purchases, donations, exchanges, rents and transfers on demand. Slaves popovnyuvalis under Hammura at the warehouse of "zlochintsiv", at the warehouse of the military, and make purchases from the dry regions. The average wage of a slave was 150-250 rubles. 23

2.3. art culture

In the pre-episode period, the Mesopotamian culture had cylindrical seals, which had miniature images, then such a signet was worn out by clay. Qi round seals are one of the greatest achievements of Mesopotamian art.
The Nairanish letters were scribbled at the looking little ones (pictographs) with an outlined stick on a clay tablet, which then was recognized by the fire. On these tablets, the records of the economic character, saved the pieces of literature.
The last story in the world is the whole epic about Gilgamesh.
The two main centers of Pivdenny Dvorichcha from the beginning of the early dynastic period were Kish ta Uruk. Uruk became the center of the military union of the city. The most recent inscriptions that have come down to us are inscriptions in three-chotiri rows of the Kish lugal: “Enmebaragesi, lugal Kisha”.
and etc.............

The Sumerian civilization is the newest on our planet. The other half of the 4th thousand won a vinyl record, nache z nіzvіdki. Behind the Zvichai, move the people of this far away from the Semitic tribes, they settled Pivnichnu Mesopotamia with a little bit of life. The racial belonging of the ancient Sumerian is not assigned to the doss. The history of the Sumerians is mysterious and marvelous. The Sumerian culture gave the people writing, the ability to work metal, the wheel and the pottery kolo. With an unfailing rank, people who have little knowledge, have recently become the leaders of science. The stinks have deprived themselves of such a number of mysteries and mysteries that rightfully occupy the first place in the midst of these marvelous paths in our life.

The turns of the Mesopotamian culture date back to the 4th millennium BC. i.e., if the place became vinikati. The first stages of the Mesopotamian culture were marked by the wine-growing of their own leaf, which changed into cuneiform writing a little later. If the cuneiform writing is left with a residual obscurity, the Mesopotamian culture perished from it at once. However, the most important values ​​were adopted by the Persians, Arameans, Greeks and other peoples, and as a result of the collapsible and not fully z'yasovany lanyard of transfers, they were taken to the treasury of modern light culture.

Writing. The back of the Sumerian leaf was pictographic, i.e., green objects were depicted like little ones. The most recent texts written in such a sheet date back to about 3200 BC. e. Prote pictography can only mean the simplest facts of the state's life. However, with such a sheet it was impossible to fix the names of the authorities, or to convey abstract understanding (for example, grim, repeat) of human emotions (joy, grief, too thin). To that, strictly seeming, the pictography was not yet a reference sheet, the shards of it did not convey a coherent message, but rather fixed the level of the vіdomosti or helped memorize the qi of the vіdomostі.

Step by step, in the process, the pictography was transformed into a verbal-folding sheet. One of the ways for the transition of pictography to a list of letters of association with small words.

leave a leaf to feed your little ones. Instead of a little one, for the purpose of identifying that other object, they began to depict a characteristic detail (for example, the deputy of a bird is a wing), and then it is schematic. Shards wrote with a stick on soft clay, painting on it was unhandy. In addition, when the leaves were turning to the right, the little ones had a chance to turn 90 degrees, after which the stench wasted whether it was similar to the objects depicted and step by step bulged the forms of horizontal, vertical and edging wedges. So at the result of the bagatovik's development of little ones, the leaf turned into cuneiform. However, neither the Sumerians, nor other peoples, who conceived their leaves, did not advance it to the alphabet, that is the sound sheet, where the sign conveys only one chi-voiced sound. The Sumerian sheet should be avenged with logograms (ideograms), so that they can be read as a whole word, signs for the recognition of vowels, and also at the same time from vowels (although not just one okremo). At XXIV Art. to the sound i.e. the first texts, written in Sumerian language, are revealed to us.

The Akkadian language was recorded in Pivdennia Mesopotamia beginning in the first half of the 3rd millennium BC. i.e., if the noses of the movi posed like the Sumerians in cuneiform writing and began to greet it widely in their everyday life. At this hour, intensive processes of interpenetration of the Sumerian and Akkadian language begin, from the result they learned one rich word. Ale, we’ll overestimate the dzherel of such a backward bula of the Sumerian mova. In the last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC i.e., the most recent dvomovnі (Sumero-Akkadian) dictionaries were compiled.

Naprikintsi XXV cent. to the sound e. The Sumerian cuneiform became victorious and in Ebla, the most ancient power on the territory of Syria, a library and archives were found, which are composed of thousands of tablets,

Sumerian writing was backward and rich by other peoples (Elamites, Hurrians, Khetians, Piznishe and Urartians), as they stuck to their own language, and step by step until the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. that is, the whole of Asia Minor began to shrivele with a Sumerian-Akkadian leaf.

Of particular importance for the Mesopotamian civilization were few natural minds. In Mesopotamia, there was no stone on the sight of other cremations of ancient cultures, without seeming about papyrus, on which one could write. Then there was a lot of clay there, which gave unimaginable opportunities for writing, without any stains. At one time, clay became a long-term material. The clay tablets did not crumble even as they were, but, instead, they accumulated even more spirituality. Therefore, the main material for writing in Mesopotamia was clay. At the 1st millennium to the stars. e. the Babylonians and the Assyrians began to get used to write the same shkir and imported papyrus. At the same time, in Mesopotamia, they began to coristuate and narrow long planks of wood, covered with a thin ball of wax, on which cuneiform signs were applied.

Library. One of the greatest achievements of Babylonian and Assyrian culture was the creation of libraries. In Ur, Nippur and other places, starting from the 2nd millennium BC. That is, for hundreds of years the copyists collected literary and scientific texts, and in this rank they blamed great private libraries.

The library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanapal (669-bl. 635 BC) was among the most famous libraries on the Ancient Skhod, and was chosen with great wisdom in the Yogi Palace of Nineveh. For her, throughout Mesopotamia, copyists made copies of books from official and private collections, or they took the books themselves.

Archives. Ancient Mesopotamia was the edge of the archives. Nayranishi archives date back to the first quarter of the III millennium BC. e. During the whole period of adoption, archives were saved, nothing was taken away from the great rooms. Later, the plates began to be stored in boxes and boxes, covered with bitumen, in order to save their vіdminnіst vіd vіdkostі. Prior to the koshiki, labels were attached to the assigned documents for that period, until such a stench can be seen.

Schools. Most of the clerks took away enlightenment at school, although often the knowledge of scribes was passed on in sim'ї, from the father to the blue. The Sumerian school, which was born in Babylon, was the head rank of preparing copies for the sovereign and temple administration. The school has become a center of education and culture. The program of education was the light of the world, that religious enlightenment was not included in the number of schoolchildren. The main subject of study was Sumerian language and literature. Uchnі senior klasіv zalezhno vіd vіzkoї spetsіalіzії, scho nadbachalas nadalі, otrimuvali grammatical, mathematical and astronomical knowledge. Those who chose to dedicate their lives to science, spent a lot of time studying law, astronomy, medicine and mathematics.

Literature. We saved a lot of singing, lyrical works, myths, hymns, legends, epic sayings and collections of adjectives, as if they became rich Sumerian literature. The most famous monument of Sumerian literature is a cycle of epic tales about the legendary hero Gilgamesh. In the most recent view, the cycle was taken from the latest Akkadian revision, the known library of Ashshurbanap-la.

Religion. In the ideological life of ancient Mesopotamia, religion played a role. More between IV-III thousand to stars. i.e., the theological system was reportedly broken up in Sumer vinikla, as it was later posited by a significant world, and it was further vindicated by the Babylonians. The skin of the Sumerian place shook its patron god. In addition, there were gods who roamed all over Sumer, wanting their own special place of worship for their skin, ring out there, devine their cult. Tse buli the sky god Anu, the earth god Enlil the Akkadians called Yogo so Belomili Ea. The deities distinguished the elemental forces of nature and were often identified with cosmic bodies. Special functions were attributed to the skin deity. Enlil, the center of which was the ancient sacred place of Nippur, being the god of the valley, the creator of the places, and also the winemaker of the motika and the plow. The god of the sun Utu (in Akkadian mythology of wines to wear the name Shamash), the god of the month Nannar (in Akkadian Sin), who was inspired by the son of Enlil, "the fire of love and generosity Inanna (in the Va-Zelonian and Assyrian pantheon) were of great popularity. the living nature of Du-muzі (Babylonian Tammuz), which made the planet Mercury the Supreme god of Assyria, the tribal god of the kingdom Ashur.

On the back Marduk was one of the most important gods. And yet, the role of Yogo began to grow at once from the political influences of Babylon, the patron saint of such wines.

The cream of the deities, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, also swayed the numerical demons of goodness and tried to propitiate the demons of evil, who were respected by the cause of various ailments and death. Against evil spirits, they jumped to turn around for additional spells and special amulets.

The Sumerians and the Akkadians believed in the sweating world. Behind these manifestations, there was a kingdom of shadows, de merci forever suffered from hunger and help and turmoil, they ate clay and saw. To that child of the dead, make sacrifices to them.

Science knowledge. The people of Mesopotamia achieved the best successes from the scientific knowledge of the world. Particularly great were the achievements of Babylonian mathematics, which were a little bit of a winkle from the practical needs of vimiryuvannya watering, arranging canals and other budivels. Even from ancient times, the Babylonians sporudzhuvali bagatotopoverho (sound seven overhead) vezhi-zikkurati. From the upper surfaces of the ziggurativ vcheni rіk y rіk led guard for the ruins of heavenly bodies. In such a rank, the Babylonians chose that they wrote down empirical guards for the Sun, the Moon, the roztashuvannyam of the different planets and suzir'їv. Zokrema, astronomers marked the camp of the Moon with a hundred planets and step by step established the periodicity of the revolution of the heavenly bodies, visible to the simple eye. At the process of such Bagatov's guardians of vinyl, Babylonian mathematical astronomy.

A large number of Babylonian medical texts were preserved. It can be seen from them that the doctors of Ancient Mesopotamia took good care of both and the breaks of the ends. However, about the life of the human organism, the Babylonians were even weaker, and they did not reach the commemorative successes of the exalted internal ailments.

More III thousand years before the stars. e. the inhabitants of Mesopotamia knew the way to India, and I thousand to the stars. e. - also to Ethiopia and Spain. The cards, which have been preserved until our time, reflect the Babylonians' attempts to systematize and refine their great geographical knowledge. At the II thousand years to the stars. e. Travelers were formed in Mesopotamia and the summary lands, recognized for merchants, as they were engaged in domestic and international trade. The library of Ashshurbanap-la found maps that cover the territory from Urartu to Egypt. Some maps depict Babylonia and the dry land. The cards also contain the text with the necessary comments.

Artistic. The artistic traditions of the Sumerians were of great importance to the distant development of the art of ancient Mesopotamia. At the IV thousand years before the stars. That is, even before the vindication of the first sovereign chambers, the space of the Sumerian art was occupied by painted ceramics with a geometric ornament characteristic of it. From the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC e. A great role was played by the nabula carving on stone, yak nevdovz brought to the boisterous development of glіptics, which continued to the development of cuneiform culture between the 1st century. n. e. Cylindrical seals depicted mythological, religious, and mythical scenes.

XXIV-XXII Art. to the sound If Mesopotamia turned into a single state, the sculptors began to create idealized portraits of Sargon, the founder of the dynasty of Akkad.

Significant successes of the population of Ancient Mesopotamia were reached at the arranged palaces and temples. The stinks, like the houses of private houses, were made of lilac cegli, but on the vіdmіnu from the rest they were sporadzhuvalis on high platforms. A characteristic spore of this kind was the famous palace of the kings of Mary, awakening on the cob of the 2nd millennium BC. e.

The development of technology, crafts and commodity-penny vodnosin produced in the 1st millennium BC. e. to the vindication of the great cities in Mesopotamia, which were administrative, craftsmanship and cultural centers of the country, and until the reduction of living minds. The largest place in Mesopotamia was the Nineveh Boulevard, which was founded on the birch of the Tigris, most importantly under Sinakhcherib (705-681 BC) as the capital of Assyria.

In Mesopotamia early rozpochalos vorobnitstvu skla: the first recipes for yoga preparation can be dated back to the 18th century. to the sound e.

Proteza zalizny vіk in tsіy kraїnі nastave equally pіzno - in the XI century. to the sound i.e., it’s wider to win the hall for the znaryad pracі and zbroї it started to be less than a century later.

Completing the characterization of the culture of Ancient Mesopotamia, it should be noted that the access of the inhabitants of the Tigris Valley and the Euphrates in architecture, art, writing and literature, in the sphere of scientific knowledge is rich in which they played the role of a standard for the entire Close Descent into antiquity.

The middle of the residence and features of the Sumerian culture

Be-yak culture is in the open space and in the hour. Pochatkovy expanse of culture є mistse її vyniknennya. Here you can find all the points of development of culture, to which one can see geographic growth, particular relief and climate, the presence of water dzherel, camps of gruntiv, korisnі kopalini, a warehouse of flora and fauna. From these foundations, a century and a thousand years ago, a form of culture is formed, so that specific expansion and spiving of її components. You can boldly say, the skin of the people is gathering the forms of the tієї mіstsevosti, de vin the trivaly hour is alive.

The human suspense of archaic antiquity can speed up in its activity with less objects, which are within the boundaries of visibility and are easily accessible. Constantly close with some of the very same objects, for a year, you determine the habits of reason for them, and the number of beginners - the emotional setting to these objects, that yoga tsіnnіsnі characteristics. Later, through the material-objective operations, the main elements of the landscape form the main features of social psychology. In its own way, formed on the basis of operations from the first elements, social psychology becomes the basis of the ethno-cultural picture of the world. The landscape expanse of culture is dzherelom revealed about the sacral expanse with both vertical and horizontal orientation. In this sacred space, a pantheon is located, and the laws of light are being established. Henceforth, the form of culture inevitably develops as a result of the parameters of the objective geographic expanse, and from a quiet glance at the expanse, which is blamed on the development of social psychology. The main statements about the form of culture can be taken away from the formal features of the monuments of architecture, sculpture and literature.

Well, before the establishment of culture at the hour, then here it is also possible to see two kinds of viables. Nasampered, this hour is historical (or ovnishnіy). Whether culture wins at the singing stage of social, economic, political and intellectual development of people. She will fit in with all the main parameters of the stage and, moreover, she carried information about the hour, which is before her adoption. Stage-typological drawings, related to the nature of the interruption of the main cultural processes, when combined with a chronological scheme, can give an accurate picture of the cultural evolution. However, in order with the historical hour, it is necessary to protect the hour of the sacred (or internal) phenomena in the calendar and other rituals. This inner hour is already closely associated with natural and cosmic phenomena, which are repeated, such as: change of day and night, change of seasons, terms of sivbi and ripening of cereal crops, the hour of love in creatures, different phenomena of the dawn sky. All appearances do not just provoke people to be put before them, but, being the first in equal lives, they succumb to succession that similarity to themselves. Developing in the historical hour, a person tries to consolidate his foundation at the lowest natural cycles to the maximum, to wake up in their rhythms. Zvіdsi vinikaє zmіst kul'tury, yak vyvoditsya from the main features of the religious and ideological svіtovidchtya.

The Mesopotamian culture originated in the middle of empty swampy lakes, on a boundless flat plain, one-man and seemingly familiar Syria. On the pіvnі the river is shaved by the salty Persian flood, on the pіvnіchі to cross at the wasteland. Tsey sumny relief is stunned by a person, either to run out, or to active activity in the fight against nature. On the plain, all great objects look the same, the stench stretches in a straight line to the horizon, predicting the mass of people who are organized to collapse to a single point. The one-manitness of a plain relief will already relieve the tension of the emotional states, which can withstand the image of an overwhelming space. At the thought of ethnopsychologists, the people, who live on the river, are rejoiced by the great agility and pragmatism to unity, steadfastness, pragmatism and patience, but at the same time, they are weak to unmotivated depressive states and vippleskіv aggressiveness.

Mesopotamia has two fresh water rivers - the Tigris and the Euphrates. The stench is poured out on the spring, near the birch - in the air, if the mountains of Vrmenia begin to sing. When the rivers are blown, they carry a rich mule, which will serve as a good fertilizer for the soil. Ale povin is harmful to the human team: they will wear out lives and blame people. The Crimea of ​​spring wind often sets the season for people (leaf fall - fierce), at some hour it is cloudy with wind from the tributaries and channels are poured. From the method of survival, it is necessary to build booths on high platforms. Influence in Mesopotamia is terrified of sintering and dryness: from the end of the wormwood in the spring, the raindrops do not spill on the wood, and the temperature again does not fall below 30 degrees, and there is no fog anywhere. Lyudina, as if you are constantly alive in ochіkuvanni, threaten from the side of the mysterious outer forces, pragmatically understand the law of the їhnої dії, so that you can protect yourself from death in the face of death for yourself and your family. Therefore, most of the faults of serendipity are not so on the basis of self-knowledge, but in the wake of the post-life foundations of the hellish butt. Thus, the foundations of the wines to succumb to the suvorih ruhs of the objects of the dawn sky and the same there, on the mountain, bringing all the nourishment to the light.

Lower Mesopotamia has a lot of clay and maybe no stone. People learned how to make vicor clay not only for making ceramics, but also for writing sculpture. In the culture of Mesopotamia, the film prevails over the carvings for solid material, and it is not enough to talk about the peculiarities of the light perception of the inhabitants. For the maister-potter and sculptor, form the light of the world already prepared, they need only to take it out of the shapeless mass. In the process of robotics, the design of an ideal model (or a stencil), which was formed at the head of the maestro, on the external material, is created. As a result, the illusion of the presence of such a germ (or the essence) of the form in the objective world is born. Thus, it seems to be passively set to effectiveness, the exercise does not impose on the authoritative constructions, but demonstrates the manifest ideal prototypes of the existent.

Lower Mesopotamia is not rich in growth. There is practically no good forest (for it you need to go on a hike, near Zagros Mountain), then a lot of reeds, tamarisks and date palms. Ocheret growth along the shores of swampy lakes. The bundles of reeds often vicorated in the veins like a seat, from the reeds they were the veins themselves, and pens for thinness. It is good to endure tamarisk sintered on dry land, because of its growth in these places in a great number. From the tamarisk, handles were made for various items of work, most often for motifs. The Fenіkov palm tree was a good source of prosperity for the rulers of palm plantations. Dozens of herbs were prepared from її fruits, including shortbreads, porridge, and savory beer. From stovburiv and palm leaves, a variety of homemade stuffing was prepared. І reeds, tamarisks, and finnish palm were sacred trees in Mesopotamia, they were spawned in incantations, hymns to the gods and literary dialogues. Such a meager collection of growth stimulates the guilt of the human team, the ability to achieve great goals with small means.

Lower Mesopotamia may not have brown copalins. It was necessary to deliver goods from Asia Minor, gold and carnelian - from the Hindustan breeding island, lapis lazuli - from the regions of the lower Afghanistan. By a paradoxical rank, this total fact played an even more positive role in the history of culture: the inhabitants of Mesopotamia were constantly in contact with the land peoples, not knowing the periods of cultural isolation and allowing the development of xenophobia. The culture of Mesopotamia, for all ages, was accommodating to the reach of others, and it gave her a permanent incentive to the full.

Another feature of the landscape is the great number of deadly fauna. Mesopotamia has close to 50 species of brittle snakes, faceless scorpions and mosquitoes. It is not surprising that the characteristic rice culture is the development of herbal and smart medicine. Before us, there was a great number of spells against snakes and scorpions, which are sometimes accompanied by recipes for magic spells or herbalism. And in the temple decor, the snake is the most powerful amulet, which all demons and evil spirits are afraid of.

The founders of the Mesopotamian culture lay down to different ethnic groups and spoke indisputable language among themselves, allegiance to the single state order. The stinks were most importantly engaged in animal husbandry and irrigation farming, as well as fishing and farming. Bestiality played a significant role in the culture of Mesopotamia, vplinuv on images of sovereign ideology. The cow is given the greatest chance here. From the outside of the sheep they robbed a miraculous warm robe, as if vvazhavshis a symbol of speed. The careless was called "what can't be wrong" (Nu-sіki). On the stove of the sacrificial lamb, they tried to find out about the share of the state. The constant epithet of the king buv epithet "righteous sheep shepherd" (Sipa-zid). Vіn viník zі vinik zі vigilant for the flock of sheep, as if you could organize yourself only for the sweet direct from the side of the shepherd. The cow was not less valued, as it gave milk to that dairy product. They yelled on the oxen of Mesopotamia, hooted with the productive power of the beak. Not vipadkovo deities tsikh mіsts wore a horned tiara on their heads - a symbol of power, generosity and life status.

Cultivation in Lower Mesopotamia could only produce a seed for piece-by-piece crops. Water with a mule was brought to specially induced canals, so that it could be supplied to the fields at times. The work on the daily life of the canals saw a great number of people of that emotional upheaval. That is why people here have learned to live in an organized way and, if necessary, to sacrifice themselves. The skin locally vibrated and developed near its canal, which created a change of mind for an independent political development. Until the end of the III millennium, it was not possible to formulate a sovereign sovereignty ideology, the shards of the skin were placed by the power of its cosmogony, the calendar and the peculiarities of the pantheon. The meeting was held for more than an hour of serious hardships, or for the execution of important political tasks, if it was necessary to convert the military leader and representatives of various cities were gathered at the cult center of the Dvorichcha - the city of Nippur.

Svіdomіst lyudiny, yak live by farming and animal husbandry, was pragmatic and magical. The tendrils of intellectual susilla were directed to the appearance of the lane, to the prospect of the possibility of increasing the number of lanes, to the thorough knowledge of the practice of learning to work with them. The light of human beings felt rich in that hour: the person saw her connection with the superfluous nature, with the light of heavenly beings, with the dead ancestors of that relatives. However, the mustache seemed to be subordinating yoga to everyday life and robots. And nature, and heaven, and ancestors were guilty of helping people to take a high harvest, growing more children in the world, grazing thinness and stimulating fertility, protruding uphill with huge gatherings. For whom it was necessary to share with them grain and thinness, praise them at the hymns and pour them into them for the help of various magical deeds.

All the objects of that phenomenon of the navkolishny world were either intelligible, or unintelligible people. You can not be afraid of the sensible, it is necessary to protect him, like the power of a woman. Nezrozumile does not fit in with the whole, the shards of the brain cannot react correctly to the new one. Depending on one of the principles of physiology - the principle of "Sherrington's funnel" - the number of signals that are found in the brain, always outweigh the number of reflex signals on qi signals. The mustache is unreasonable in looking at metaphorical transferences, transforming into images of mythology. With the images of those associations, the old-time people thought of the world, not understanding the degree of importance of logical links, not raising the causal link in the form of associative-analogue. Therefore, at the stage of early civilizations, it is not possible to discriminate logically motivated ideas from magic-pragmatic ones.

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IV thousand years before the stars. e. to be famous for the development of the culture of the Sumerians, who live near the Tigris and Euphrates on the territory of present-day Iraq. The culture of the Saggigivs (black-headed - that's what the Sumerians called themselves) became the basis for the development of the Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations, and also plunged into the development of all people. For two thousand years, the Sumerian culture fell into oblivion, the language ceased to get used to everyday life (having become more priests for liturgical services) and gradually became oblivious.

The Sumerian civilization developed in the old equal places-powers:

  • Akkad,
  • Kish,
  • Lagash,
  • Nippur,
  • ummo,
  • Uruk;
  • Babylon, the youngest and most famous.

The rise of the Sumerians was significantly greater, lower in other modern civilizations, the people were a great trading partner for wealthy peoples.

The main achievements of the civilization of the Sumerians:

  1. wineyshli deyaki ways of metal processing;
  2. vigadali pottery kolo;
  3. created the first wheel of carts;
  4. they came up with astrology and spivvens carried their gods from the planets, 12 suzir'їv that yogo with a splash to get the share of the people;
  5. learned how to be richly overhead, beautiful temples and places (as if they were without any system, they were surrounded by a hard wall);
  6. there were aqueducts for supplying water to the city;
  7. they learned how to do it in dozens, and then they learned how to do it better in dozens (12 each), they divided the doba for years, hvilini, seconds;
  8. the first to write down people's language. On the back they transmitted information by knots and notches on trees. Then they blamed the pictography, or the little ones, de spochatka one symbol meaning one word, but the step-by-step stylization, the simplification and the unification of the little ones, shrugged off the sharpness of the letter, as if it turned into an ideographic-rebus. So, clay tablets and special sticks were used for records, then symbols appeared at the sight of wedges, and such a sheet began to be called cuneiform. Itself on such ceramic tiles, scho to m_stat vіdomosti about the rіznu gospodarsku dіyalnіst, and dіyshli donіnі original vіdomostі about the culture of the Sumerians. Step by step, the little ones began to be replaced by the phonetic principle: they invented signs for the recognition of sounds and warehouses, and the cuneiform itself became international;
  9. 9. wrote first sings, elegies, sayings about gods;
  10. created the first libraries and systematized them in catalogs.

Important!Until what hour in the evening they talk about the adventures of the Sumerian clerk: there were no such things in the other civilization of the world.

Religious manifestations of saggigov

The ancient Sumerians respected the gods as their patrons and were with them in line with the principle “I am you, you are me”, so that the gods are the essence of life, which could bring a gift, and the stench of anatomy gave like life benefits. the wins at the wars are too much. Temples (ziggurati) were not like a dwelling for the deities, but like a place of sacrifice, but as intermediaries for people and the gods were the priests.

Tsіkavo know! The temples were located in the center of the settlement on the mist of the front spores and were a high rich complex, on top of which gifts for God were left. Than the deity could be better, the temple was more powerful, and the way to the mountain was more important.

Usіh Sumerian gods can be divided into 2 groupie:

  1. mіstsevі patrons of small territories;
  2. can guardians of great places.

The peculiarity of the deities is that their power did not expand beyond the borders of their settlements. The gods were filled with human rice, at the bright hour they were busy with the shares of their children, and at night they slept.

The main Sumerian deities:

  • an (Annu) - the god of heaven and the ancestor of the entire Sumerian pantheon, he could help both people and other gods, but with an evil vdacha. Guardian of Uruk.
  • Enlil was respected by the god of the winds and the entire expanse of the whole expanse, who, without respect for the nekhtuvannya by people, gave him a motive and an instant increase in the yield of the soil, being the patron of Nippur.
  • Nanna (Sin) is the smut deity of Ur.
  • Utu (Shamash) was the son of Nanni, standing up for Sippar and Larsa, being the god of the sun.
  • Inanna (Ishtar), the patroness of Uruk, the goddess of kohannya and victories.
  • Dumuzi (Tammuz) is the man of the goddess of the kohannya, who was the god of the leader of all the roslins. Having died and resurrected the shoroka.
  • Nergal was venerated by the Volodar of the sweating world.
  • Thunderstorms and storms were raped by Ishkur (Adad).
  • Women-goddesses were the squads of the head gods and servants of the underground light.

The Sumerians respected that people were spending a short time with the world of the living, and then we would go to the gloomy sweating world of Kurs, on the way there were three servants (bramnik, servant of the underground river, and chovnyar). After the court, he died, prikavsya on the hopelessness of the base of the darkness, chomping on dust and clay. The Sumerians themselves respected the reasons why they needed to live a happy earthly life, and in order to brighten up a gloomy sweaty reason, then forget about yourself here. For whom there were various cultural reminders, deeds from which they have lived to this day.

In this rank, the civilization of the Sumerians was high-ranking, wealthy with the achievements of the people, they are crowned with dos.

The Sumerian civilization is considered one of the most ancient in the world, however, why did such a civilization grow up in the present? Today, we will tell about the details of the deacons, and I will ask the Sumerians about those who adopted them.

It is for good reason that the hour and the month of the march of the Sumerian civilization dosie are deprived of food for scientific discussion, it is unlikely that it will be found, even if the number of gerel, that they have saved, is marginalized. Until then, through today's freedom of speech, that information on the Internet is filled with conspiracy theories, which complicate the process of searching for the truth with scientific knowledge. Behind the data accepted by the greater part of scientific development, the Sumerian civilization was already founded on the cob of the VI millennium BC in Pivdenniy Mesopotamia.

The main source of information about the Sumerians is cuneiform tables, and science, as they are known, is called Assyriology.

As an independent discipline, the won took shape only until the middle of the 19th century with the improvement of English and French explorations in Iraq. From the moment of the birth of Assyriology, the scientists had to fight with non-government and nonsense, like specialties, like they could advance to science, and with their powerful colleagues. Zokrema, the book of the Russian ethnographer Platon Akimovich Lukashevich "Charomutia" tells about those that the Sumerian language resembles the common Christian language "istotnoi" and the great Russian language. We'll try with you to try to find nasty evidence of extraterrestrial life and spirituality on specific works of contributors Samuel Kramer, Vasyl Struve and Veronika Kostyantinivna Afanasiev.


Let's start from the foundations of everything - from the enlightenment of that history. Sumerian cuneiform is the largest contribution to the history of modern civilization. Interest in learning the Sumerians is from III yew. BC In the other half of III yew. BC rozkvіt shkіl, yah, there are thousands of transcripts. Schools, okrіm osvіtnіh, boules and literary centers. The stench was cremated in front of the temple and was an elitist mortgage for the boys. The teacher stood on the choli, or “father of the school” - ummia. Botany, zoology, mineralogy, grammar, and even looking at the lists were taught, so that the support was robbed on cramming, and not on the vibration of the system of thought.

Sumer tablet, Shuruppak

Among the practitioners, the schools were so, that they “would use the whip”, maybe, for the motivation of the students, they were guilty of obov'yazkovo to keep the day busy.

Until then, the readers themselves had not been beaten by assault and punished for a skin pardon. It’s good that you can always buy it, even the readers won a little and were not against “gifts”.

It is important that the training in medicine took place practically without the introduction of religion. So, on the knowledge of the table with 15 prescriptions for medical preparations, there is also a magical formula of religious access.

Everyday life is that craft

If we take as a basis a number of stories about the life of the Sumerians, then we can make whiskers, that labor activity was in the first place. It was important that you are not working, but walking in parks, then you are not only a person, but not a person. That is why the idea of ​​practicing as the main official of the evolution was accepted by the innermost inspiring ancient civilizations.

It was customary for the Sumerians to respect their elders and help their family in their activities, such as work in the field, or trade. The fathers were small enough to wag their children correctly, so that you would tell about them in old age. For this very reason, the message (through the song and the saying) was so valued, that letter transmission of information, and at the same time, the transmission of information from generation to generation.

Sumerian gleck

The Sumerian civilization was agrarian, through which the state power and agriculture developed at a remarkably fast pace. They founded special "calendars of the landowner", as if they avenged themselves for the sake of the correct state, the order and management of the practitioners. The document itself was written by a digger, the shards of the stink were unwritten, later, vin visions from illuminating purposes. There are a lot of thoughts that the motif of an outstanding dredger was not less honored than the plow of the city dwellers.

Crafts gained great popularity: the Sumerians made use of the technology of the potter's stake, forged tools for the silskogo state, were glassware, led the art of casting and soldering of metals, as well as the inlay of expensive stone. Before women's crafts, it was time to weave a master, brew beer and take up gardening.


The political life of the ancient Sumerians was even more active: intrigues, wars, manipulations and the introduction of divine powers. New recruitment for a gargantuan historical blockbuster!

In the modern politics, few plots were saved, connected with wars between places, which were the most political center of the Sumerian civilization. Of particular interest is the discussion about the conflict between the legendary ruler of the city of Uruk En-Merkhar and his opponent from Aratti. I will win in the war, which I didn’t grow up like that, far away to take care of the additional help in the psychological struggle against the victorious threats and the manipulation of the svidomistyu. The skin ruler, having guessed riddles to another, trying to show that the gods are on his side.

The internal policy was not less cirque. Іsnuє proof that in 2800 roci BC. the first elections of the bicameral parliament, which was formed for the sake of the elders of that lower chamber - from the bulk of the human status. On the new one, the food of the war was discussed for the world, what to talk about the key meaning for the life of the place-power.

Place of the Sumerians

By the way, he was either a secular, or a religious emperor, who, for the existence of parliamentary power, himself virishuvav key nutrition: vigilance of war, lawmaking, collection of taxes, struggle against mischief. However, this power was not respected by the sacred and could be knocked down.

The legislative system, for the knowledge of the current judges, including a member of the US Supreme Court, was already enforced and fair. The Sumerians respected law and justice as the basis of their suspense. The very stench of the first replaced the barbaric principle of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” with a penny fine. Krim of the ruler, the judge of the accused could gather the bulk of the locality.

Philosophy and ethics

As Samuel Cramer wrote, he sent those orders "the best way to break the shell of cultural and buttovyh groping of the soul." On the basis of Sumerian analogs, one can say that food, that they are turbulent, did not worry about ours: vitrati and saving money, real money and wine shopping, wealth and wealth, moral virtues.

There is a need for natural philosophy, among the Sumerians until the III millennium, having developed a number of metaphysical and theological ones to understand that the religions of the ancient Jews and Christians were deprived of traces, there were no leaks of clearly formulated principles. The main manifestations were the food of the light. So, the Earth seemed to him a flat disk, and the sky - an empty expanse. And the light rises from the ocean. The Sumerians had little sufficient intellect, but they didn’t get scientific data and critical thought, so the stench took their look at the world as correct, without placing any doubts on it.

The Sumerians recognized the creative power of the divine word. For dzherel about the pantheon of gods, a barvysta is characteristic, but the manner of rozpovidi is illogical. The Sumerian gods themselves are anthropomorphic. It was important that the people were created by the gods from clay to satisfy their needs.

Divine forces were recognized as ideal and honest. Well, the evil caused by people was inevitable.

After their death, they drank the stench in the sweat, called Kur in Sumerian wine, and the “man of the chute” transported them to it. You can clearly see a tight link from Greek mythology.

In the creations of the Sumerians, one can catch clues of biblical motives. One of these is the idea of ​​a heavenly paradise. The Sumerians called paradise Dilmun. Especially tsіkaviy zv'yazok z bіblіynim creations of Eve from the ribs of Adam. Goddess Nin-Ti explained what can be translated as “the goddess of the rib”, and as “the goddess who bestows life”. Wanting to understand that due to the similarity of the motives of the goddess’s name, it was wrongly translated, the shards “Ti” mean at the same time “rib”, and “that bestows life”. So in the Sumerian legends there was a great flood and the mortal man Ziusudra, as if the majestic ship was behind the gods.

A part of them succumbed to the Sumerian plot of the dragon's driving in, the zvez'yazyk zv St. Georgiyem, who pierces the serpent.

Ruins of ancient Sumerian m.Kish

The invisible contribution of the Sumerians

What is it possible to make a visnovok about pobut ancient Sumerians? The stench not only made an inestimable contribution to the further development of civilization, but behind some aspects of their life they fully understood modern people: they stink a little about morality, honor, love and friendship, a little good and fair judicial system, today they stuck together with a lot of knowledge.

Today's rise to the culture of the Sumerians, like to a richly faceted and unique phenomenon, which transmits a detailed analysis of the signs and decay, giving the opportunity to take a different look at our current sight, to understand the significance of that greatness, the richness.

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Sumero-Akadsk culture

Historian S. Kremer named his book about ancient civilizations "History begins in Sumer" and in such a manner he made his contribution to the super river about those, as the territory gave the world the first center of sovereignty: Mesopotamia (Dvorichcha or Mіzhrіlіachchya Nilu) or . In the present hour, we are trying more and more proofs that all the same, the palm of the hand was traced to Sumer itself, a small, albeit hostile to the point of dawn, the reach of various galuzahs of culture and power, the history of which for the rest of the tribute began already in the 6th millennium. Sumer having united the significant centers of the Russian culture of the Dvorichcha (Ur, Eridu, Lagash, Uruk, Kish) and, judging by the evidence, waking up to about 2294, if the king of Akkad, the second sovereign establishment of Mesopotamia, Sargon I, was the whole of Sumer. As a result, a single power was established with its deep cultural traditions. The Akkadians, the cultural achievements of which were signifi- cantly sacrificed to the Sumerians, gladly took on the various influences of the Sumerian culture. Later, the Sumerian-Akkadian culture was more important than the Sumerian culture.

The Sumerian kingdom was the greatest power. To the wealth of its own goiter, the most intensive development of the strong state, crafts (especially related to the processing of metal) and trade. The Sumerians with pride noted in their epic that “the stink - praise the gods - they went far into the wildness, that they have a motika with a mid-tip, like a stench to dig up the stubble, so that the mid-lemish can go deep into the ground to the plow, the midna juice - cut bushes , medium sickle - squeeze bread; є they have barges, which shvidko forge on the water, oarmen, on command, trim the required pace; є ports, embankments, where merchants from overseas lands bring wood, wool, gold, silver, tin, lead, copper, stone for life and expensive stone, resin, gypsum; є maisternі in them, beer is brewed, bread is boiled, flax is sticky and weaves from new robes, we forge bronze, weddle and sharpen templates, sokiri; є in them sheds and cattle-sheds, de shepherds milk thinness, churn butter; є in them ribnі rates, in some povno koropіv and perch; є canals, including water pumps, which transfer water to the fields; rilli, which grow spelt, barley, millet, peas, buds; The stench of the threshing floor, the high ground, the green gardens...”. It is not surprising that the Sumerians themselves came up with the first piece of everyday material - ceglas, shards of stone and wood were very few. Vshanovuyuchi gods and zvertayuchis before them with prayers, the Sumerians did not share in blessings alone, they themselves continued, experimented, tried to know the best way to win, be it. For whom the Sumerians were truly a great people.

They gave the Sumerians the opportunity to win and imaginative art of conveying important moments in their history. The axis, for example, is the image of the Sumerian warrior near the march, which was saved for digging in the mosaic slab of Ur. Twіr is created by an unparalleled technique reliefі mosaics. (Relief is the name of the type of sculpture, in which the image is reminiscent of the background to the plane.) War is depicted on one side, and on the other - a benguet of victory. On the basis of these images, one can easily show what the Sumerian military was. The Sumerian warriors did not yet put on their bows, but the stench still small shkiryan sholomy, shkiryan shields and harnessed with kulans of fighting visor on the saddle wheels, and the musicians with lyres in their hands unfailingly accompanied the holy day.

Sumerians created cuneiform, The oldest type of writing, a different type of ideographic, meaningful writing Step by step convey information little (pictography) used similarity with the object that is depicted, with a mentally-symbolic meaning. In this way, cuneiform was born from pictography, which is cuneiform signs, which are applied to tablets from water clay. The Sumerians were the first to write down the miraculous dream sayings in cuneiform writing, becoming the founders of literature. One of the most famous literary works of the ancient Sumerians is the immortal epic poem “The Song of Gilgamesh”. Її hero, Gilgamesh- The Sumerian king, who tried to bestow immortality on his people.

The art of cuneiform meant great mastery and long-term thorough understanding of yoga fundamentals. It is quite natural that the Sumerians were the first to create schools, they transferred the school systems of the Greeks, Romans, and Middle Europe. Tsі Sumerian schools, the first svіdomih osvіtnі laid the foundations of the history of culture, were called " booths of signs". Maybutnіh clerks - children "in the house of tablets" - teachers of trimals at suvorost, about which we can judge by the text, revealed on one tablet, to avenge the numerical scarga of learning for the hard school life. But all the same, happy were those who, having finished the “booths of the tablets”, the same stench occupied even a high, huge camp and became rich and spitting people.

On the Mesopotamian culture, a strong influence was imposed by Dovkil, nature. Here, at the sight of Egypt, which is developing in parallel, the people constantly stuck with the fortune-telling manifestations of nature. The Tigris and the Euphrates are not similar to the Nile: the stench can be poured out quickly and unperturbed, rowing rowing and flooding the soil. Here there is a haze of specious winds that hoot the people with a saw and threaten to strangle them. Here go angry, to wrap the solid surface of the earth in the sea with a grove and allow the person to move freely. Here, in Mesopotamia, nature is impoverished and angered by the people, giving it to everyone, it’s worthless.

The peculiarities of nature forced the Sumerians to form pictures of a new world. The great rhythms of the cosmos with its powerful majestic order were overwhelmed by the posture of respect; but this order is not safe and calm. To this very reason, the swindler of Sumer gradually realized the need for the day that zakhistu. Social institutions, such as a family, a community and especially a power, virazed their own kind. The power here was a variant of primitive democracy, and the ruler could become the ordinary person behind the social adventures. The Sumerian "List of Kings" envisions among the rulers a shepherd, a fisherman, a shipbuilder, a stonemason and to build a cherubal for a hundred (!) Rokiv taverns. The drawings of collectivism are strong in the Sumerian culture, which in their mythology inspire the gods to accept decisions collegially, by way of the vote of the most powerful gods.

Sumerian mythology is oriented on the earth, miraculously harmonizing with rational, logical ideas, ruling over the people. Practicality and intellect among the Sumerians dominate over simple sabbons. The whole universe is looked upon by them like a power, in such a rumor it can invariably act as the greatest honesty. It is not surprising that among the Sumerians "good life" looked like "early life". The Sumerian hymn was saved, which describes the Golden Age as a century of hearing, like “days, if one did not fight differently, if the son was shanuvav the father, days, if the lady lived in the country, if the little one sang the great, if the younger brother sang the elder brother, if the elder son instructing the young son, if the young one followed the order of the elder.” Life wisdom suggested that otherwise they simply could not survive. The person in the manifestations of the Sumerians was created for service. The practician of the zavzyat and hearing of the instant rozrokhovuvat on prosuvannya, on the signs of mercy that hedges from the side of his master. In this rank, the path to the obedience of that good service, the path to the well-being of the defender, and also the path to earthly success, an honorable camp in the welfare of those other blessings.

Another fundamental problem that occupied the ancient Sumerians was the rightfulness of death, as they saw it as an evil punishment. Why is the person guilty of dying, because she didn’t do anything nasty? Tim more, that the realism and rationality of the Sumerians' light-gazer included whether they were hopeful for a happy sweaty life. In the famous epic about Gilgamesh, the hero seems to be: “... Only the gods with the Sun will live forever, and the people are blessed with yoga rock, even if they are robbed, it’s all wind!” As a result, the dream about eternal glory replaces the dream about immortality. Gilgamesh chimalo the light of the world, hoping to know for his people that he was dying of immortality and eternal youth, but knowing the blows. And now the main task is to celebrate yoga heroic acts. We have a thought that death is evil, but it can’t re-baptize the value of life. Death, even if it marks the end of life's way, but nebi nibi nіbi nіbi nіbі nіbі tоbuє people live wisely and comprehended, in order to deprive the memory of yourself from the hearts of people. Slid to die in the fight against evil, build up in the fight against death. The city for the price - "im'ya" that vdyachna memory nashchadkіv. At whom the Poles, from the look of the Sumerians, are immortal people. Whom has a sense of life. People to rob the first try to morally fix death, start a rebellion against death. Not in the same way in Sumerian mythology, dreams about the golden age of humankind and the paradise of life sounded in the past, but later they knew the development of biblical sayings.

They oppose the sciences of the Sumerians. Sumerian priests systematically carried out guarding over nature. For example, in Ur, a register of astronomical signs was revealed, as they were seen for 360 years. On the basis of these, a warning was inserted that the river is 365 days, 6 years, 15 hvilin, 41 seconds. Sumerian astronomers were familiar with these celestial bodies, which are collapsing in their mighty orbits. This number gave him the eternal order of the world. Our day itself is there for this, and not for nine days. 7 was one of the sacred numbers of ancient Sumerians. Such numbers were 12, 60, 360 for them, and it’s not unusual that today we have 60 minutes in a year, and 60 seconds in a quarter. Not vipadkovo th those scho mi dilimo kolo 360 degrees outside, but more already on the scale of that second. The Sumerian doba was divided into 12 years, and on our anniversary, the numbers, as a rule, are less than 12. The successes of the Sumerians in mathematics are opposed to the dos: they knew the steps in the foot, they saw the root, they were shot with a shot, they praised in the middle of the tenth row of numbers. The stench of the geometrical laws knew perfectly well: all Euclidean geometry is either a retelling of the Sumerians’ evidence from this gallery, or a confirmation of what the stench knew.

The stench was sure to mark the day of the month of that sleepy rock, the hour of the spring and autumn eve. Well, obviously, behind the camp of the stars, behind the ruin of the planets, the stench tried to find out about the future. They had a deep faith that nothing on earth could exist without it not being in heaven. Without knowing it themselves, they became the founders of astrology.

Truly majestic in the Sumerian culture was the role of the priest - the mediator between the people and the god. In the old days, the priests, judging by the reliefs and the images on the signets, served the gods with golim. Later, the stench began to dress up at the Vilna llan’s shati. The headline obov'yazkom shodo bogiv was the sacrifice. At the hour of the sacrifice, prayers were offered for the well-being of the sacrificer. Chim generous buli give, Tim urochishy ceremonial. Specially trained priests accompanied thunder to pray on lyres, harps, cymbals, flutes and other instruments. Priestesses roamed about with priests, as if they did not always give the house of purity. Navpaki, before їх obov'yazkіv included "serving the goddess with the body." Temple prostitution was sharpened with a halo of holiness, and profits from it increased the riches of the “house of God”.

To deserve respect and to spread by the Sumerians the legal norms that govern all spheres of life. The Sumerian laws, clearly formulated and based on tradition, were the innovation of quiet hours. Exactly those who were responsible for these laws were to be taken care of by all the hulks.

The first legislator and champion of justice in the history of Sumer was the ruler of Uruinimgin (the last third of the 4th millennium), the first king-reformer of human history. By the power of the established laws of the wines, it was brought about that the priest "did not get into the garden of the mother of the poor," that, like "I throw down the blue of the poor, no one will take away the fish". Became the king on behalf of Shulga as a follower of Uruynimgin. Shulga clave and vvіv at the diyu vlasne zvedennya zakonіv. Vin also tried to make justice the basis of life, to overcome lawlessness and lawlessness, saying about those that “the orphan did not become a victim of riches, the widow - the victim of the strong.” In the opinion of the doslidnikov, the zvedennya zakonіv Shulgi served as a sign for the latest legislators and us for the king of Babylon, Hammurabi (XVIII century BC).

The citations about the family life of the Sumerians were saved. The head of this vvazhavsya father, whose word is of little virishal significance. Batkivska vlada was a miniature copy of the tsar’s sovereignty, with a singing world, she portrayed the stosunki between the gods and those piddanim. And yet the role of the mother was even more honorable. As a norm, a monogamous club, a de cholovik and a team, could be equal partners, protected by a club contract. They were too great: the middle one had two or four children. The Sumerians loved children, talked about them, respecting them with their holy bindings, and continued to victorious and navit that, if the child turned into a faggot.

The culture of the Sumerians cannot be revealed without art. For us, it is necessary to signify access to the gallery of the place. The Sumerians began the life of fortified places, honed walls, richly overlaid bundings and richly stepped parts. ziggurativ- temples-vіvtarіv (nadals - typical temple spores of Ancient Mesopotamia), yak became a part of the complex of sacred budіvels, honed by the wall and inaccessible to people. Zikkurati were built from chains, lined with glazed tiles. For its construction of the ziggurat of the bula, the Babylonian tower is famous, the life of which ended already in the Babylonian period. Zikkurati were often victorious for the needs of priests, as they were engaged in mathematics and astronomy.

The Sumerians are an artistically gifted people. Regardless of those who had little stone in the country, the stench created an original stone sculpture. Statues of kings, victims, warriors were erected in temples. At the last hour there are statues made of diorite, such as, for example, images of the famous king Gudea (bl. 2300 BC). Tsya sculpture, which looks like simplicity and uncomplicatedness, is even more striking, to speak about the great mastery of the creator. The Sumerians also made plastics in metal, earlier victorious gold in combination with lapis-black, silver, mother-of-pearl and bronze. In Ur, in the royal tomb, where seventy courtiers were buried by the king at once, the English archaeologist L. Buli revealed maisterno vikonnі koshtovnostі, zbroi, high-quality musical instruments, chotiricolіsnі vіzki, metal figurines thinly.

The Sumerian sayings, which over the years have grown to the latest epic literature, including those in the Bible, were a simple retelling of podias. Prote, having gone through a few stages, until the end of the III millennium BC. Sumerian literature has already taken its toll on modern literature. The diversity of the genres and poetic devices, the emotional motivation of the heroes, the original metrical form of the works, the wide spread of the effects of the tragic and the comic, the philosophical depths of the deep - all this is to talk about the talent and innovation of the nameless authors. They are in order of epic and first in the history of lyrical creations. The Sumerians themselves are respected by the authors of the first elegies.

The cultural reach of Mesopotamia was richly assimilated and creatively transformed by land peoples, including the Greeks and ancient Jews. Acts of the legend of the Sumerian epic became the basis of the Bible. The human being, inspired by the Sumerian epic, was made of clay, just like the biblical human being. The biblical paradise of rotting in the territory of Mesopotamia. In the Sumerian epic, there are news about the all-world flood, about Noah with Sim'eyu (of course, in the Sumerian epic, a new name was born - Utnapishti), about the place of Yerichon, about Babylonian I tell only. The life of Sargon I even guesses the story of the prophet Moses: the stinks of insults were found in childhood near the coastal chagars, insults became great kings not without divine will.

The list of examples can be continued, like, vtim, and rozpovid about the culture of the Sumerians in a flash. The goal was the greatest culture, the achievement of which was born by other civilizations of Mesopotamia: Babylonian, Assyrian and Chaldean.

The transition to farming and animal husbandry, having moved us in front of the region of the Near Skhod. There, already at 6,000, great settlements were founded, and the Meshkants led them with the secrets of farming, pottery weaving and weaving. Until the turn of the 3rd yew. in this region, the first civilizations began to take shape.

As it was intended, the founder of anthropology, L.R. Morgan, won the concept of "civilization" for the purpose of identifying the highest stage of the development of society, lower barbarism. Science understands civilization victoriously for the recognition of the stage of the development of society, de іsnuit: place, class society, power right, writing.

These rices, like revitalizing civilization in the first era, originated in 4 thousand years. and completely manifested themselves in the 3rd yew. BC e. in the life of people who have mastered the valleys of the rivers, who flow in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Late, in the middle of 3 yew. Civilizations began to take shape in the valley of the river Ind (on the territory of present-day Pakistan) and in the valley of the river Huanghe (China).

The process of the formation of the first civilizations from the butt of the Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer is easy.

Irrigation farming as the basis of civilization

Mesopotamia (Mizhrichchiam) the Greeks called the lands between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, like on the territory of modern Iraq flowing parallel one to one. In Mesopotamia, the people who were called the Sumerians, having created the first civilization in this region. Vaughn woke up the rest of the 3rd yew. and became the base for the development of other civilizations in the region, we will give way to the Babylonian culture of the 2nd and 1st yew. to the sound e.

The basis of the Sumerian, like all other similar civilizations, was agricultural agriculture. The rivers brought a mule from the upper pits. Grains, thrown into a mule, gave high vrozha. Ale, it was necessary to learn how to water too much for the hour of bottling and to supply water for the hour of dryness, that is, to dry the fields. Irrigation is called irrigation. In the world, the growth of the population, people have had to add additional land plots, establishing foldable irrigation systems.

Іrigatsіyne farming became the basis for civilizational development. One of the first results of the development of the industry was the increase in the number of people living in the same city. Now, dozens of ancestral communities, that is, a few thousand people, lived together, having created a new cohesion: a great territorial community.

In order to improve the folding system of irrigation and secure peace and order in the environment of a large population, we needed special organs. Thus, the vinikla power - the institution of government and government, which stood above the usual ancestral communities of the district and overcame two internal functions: the state government and the socio-political government (support for the community order). For the administration, knowledge of that knowledge was needed, that of the clan nobility, which accumulated the skills of administration within the clan, a category of people was formed, which established the functions of state administration on a permanent basis. The sovereign power expanded over the entire territory of the district, and this territory was full of song. Zvіdsi viniklo and іnshe meaning of the understanding of the power - the singing of the territorial conscience. It was necessary to defend its territory, so the main function of the state became the defender of its territory in the face of foreign threats.

Appearing in one of the settlements, management bodies, whose power expanded throughout the entire district, turned the settlement into the center of the district. The center became visible among other villages with rosemaries and architecture. Here were the most buddіvlі secular and religious nature, the most actively developed craft and trade. So the places appeared.

In Sumeria, a place with an adjacent rural district was founded for a long time independently like a place-power. On the cob of the 3rd yew. such Sumerian places-powers, like Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Kish, had up to 10 thousand. residents In the middle of the 3rd yew. the size of the population grew. For example, the population of the state of Lagash exceeded 100 thousand. chol. In the other half of the 3rd yew. a number of mist-powers were united by the ruler of the city of Akkad, Sargon the Ancient, in the kingdom of Sumer and Akkad. Prote ob'ednannya buv mіtsnim. The largest metropolitan areas were founded in Mesopotamia only in the 2nd and 1st yew. (Old Babylonian kingdom, Assyrian state, New Babylonian kingdom, Persian state).

Suspіlny device

Yak was ruled by the city of Sumer in the 3rd yew. The emperor stood on the top (en abo ensі, then lugal). The power of the ruler was surrounded by folk gatherings and a bunch of elders. The postupovo settlement of the ruler from the elective stage of the recession, wanting to take a long time, the procedures were taken to confirm the right of the son to take over the post of father by popular elections. The formation of the institution of the recessionary government was due to the fact that the ruling dynasty had a small monopoly on the proper administration.

An important role is played by the formation of the recessionary power of the engraving process of the sacralization of the emperor's special features. Vіn stimyuvavsya tim, shcho іmperator poddnuvav svіtskі sіlіgіynіnіnіnіnії, oskolki religiіv vіbіvіvі closely intertwined with virobnichоu magicіy. The main role of engraved is the cult of family, and the emperor, as the head order of the state robits, having victorious rites, calling for a good harvest. Zokrema, having repaired the rite of the “sacred shroud”, which was carried out in advance of the day's work. As if the deity of the place was a smut, it was like a cob of cob, then the ruler himself entered the priesthood from it, as if a man - then the daughter of the ruler's squad. Tse gave the emperor's sim's special authority, її respected the nearest and god's god, lower sim'ї. The deification of rulers for the Sumerians was atypical. Only for example 3 yew. rulers wanted to honor themselves with living gods. They called them so officially, but they don’t cry out that people believed in those that they were ruled by the living gods.

The unity of the secular and religious authorities was sealed by this furnishing, that the community had a single administrative, gospodar and spiritual center - a temple, a house of God. At the temple, the temple state was established. At the new one, they saved up stocks of grain for insuring the bulk of the population against the sudden birth. On the temple grounds there were seen little houses of garden houses. Most of them were replaced by administrative and religious functions, so they are called priests.

From the temple reserves there was another category of people, who were seen in the masses - professional craftsmen, who created their products. Weavers and potters played an important role. The rest were shaping pottery on a potter's stake. Livarniks melted copper, smelted gold, flooding them with sweat in clay forms, crushed bronze, but it was not enough. Significant part of the production of remіsnikіv and surplus grain went to sales. The centralization of trade in the hands of the temple administration allowed vigidnishe to purchase those goods, which were not in Sumer itself, that tree was thrown ahead of us.

At the temple, a group of professional warriors was also molded - the germ of a standing army, like small daggers and write-offs on the armored midi. The Sumerians built battle chariots for the leaders, harnessing donkeys to them.

Іrigatsiyne agriculturism, even though it did not take place collective work to create a zroshuvalny system, at one time allowed the main lord's center to grow the support of the patriarchal family. Kozhna sіm'ya practiced on the vіdvedenomu їy dilyantsі zemlі, іnshі relatives didn't lessen the right to the result of pracі tsієї sim'ї. The family's power to vibrate the product vinified that which the skin family could produce on its own, and that did not need to be determined by the re-spreading of the product within the genus. The presence of private power on the vibration of the product of work was lowered from the daily total private power on the ground. Behind the manifestations of the Sumerians, the earth lay in wait for the god - the patron of the community, and people were no longer quarreled with it, offering sacrifices for it. Thus, the religious form retained collective authority over the earth. The communal land could be leased for a fee, but there are no firmly established options for the sale of the community to private power.

The appearance of family power has taken away the guilt of Mayne's nervousness. Through dozens of life reasons, some of them became richer, others became poorer.

The most important source of nervousness was professional differentiation in the household: wealth was concentrated in front of us in the hands of the administrative elite. The economic basis of this process was the appearance of a supplementary product - excess in food products. The more superfluous, the more it fit into the managerial elite to attract one part, having created their own chi and other privileges. Before the singing world, the elite has little right to privileges: managerial practice is more qualified and more qualified. Ale step by step, otrimane according to merit, became a source of income, inconspicuous merit.

The emperor's family was seen to be rich with its wealth. About tse svіdchat pohovannya middle 3 yew. in Ur. Here is found the tomb of the priestess Puabi, interred with a retinue of 25 people. At the tomb, miraculous fillings were found and embellished with gold, sribl, emeralds and lapis lazuli. Among them there is a crown made of golden flowers and two harps, decorated with sculptural images of a beak and a cow. The bearded wild bik is the specialization of the Ursk god Nanni (the god Misyatsya), and the wild cow is the specialization of the squad of Nanni, the goddess Ningal. Tse allow me to think that Puabi was a priestess, a participant in the ritual of the sacred slub with the god Month. Pohovannya zі retinue - rіdkіst і pov'yazanі z yakoyu already significant podієyu.

The nature of embellishment shows that the nobility already lived in other lives. Forgive me, people at this time were satisfied with something small. The clothes of a man were folded up with bandages on the quilts, the women wore backs. Vzimku up to tsyogo adding a cloak. I was idle: barley shortbread, beans, dates, riba. The meat was eaten by the saints, tied from the sacrificed creatures: people did not dare to eat meat without sharing with the gods.

Social razsharuvannya gave rise to conflicts. The most serious problems were blamed on the same, if the community members lost their land and dragged them into bondage to the rich through hardship to turn the borg. In quiet valleys, if the masses were threatening great conflicts, maddened by Borg bondage, the Sumerians zastosovuly sounded, calling it “turning to the mother”: the ruler, turning the land plots of bondage, turning the foundations of the land plots of the land to the first slaves, the slaves.

Later, the Sumerian society had mechanisms, like they stole the members of the community in the exercise of their will and the means for the foundation. However, in a new category of ill people, slaves. The first and main source of slavery were inter-community wars, so that people who were strangers to the community became slaves. Less than women were taken in full. People were killed, more importantly they were trimated by the submissive (there are few slaves in the hands of those who acted against the list). Women-rabbins worked at the temple state, and they gave birth to children, as they became temple workers. They were wrong people, but they couldn’t be sold, they were trusted with their own. Vіd vіlnyh stink vіdznyalis tim, scho could not take away allotted communal lands and become full members of the community. In the world, the growing number of people began to take in full that people. The stinks practiced at the temples and near the family states. So the slaves were sold, but the stench, as a rule, did not recognize the zhorstkoї exploitation, the shards of the won gave rise to the insecurity of the insurrection that caused them to waste. Slavery in Sumer is not much more important than the patriarchal character, so that the slaves were looked at as young, illegal members of the family.

These were the main figures of the suspіlnogo arrangement of the Sumerian mist-powers of the first half of the 3rd yew.

spiritual culture

Writing. We know about the Sumerians because they blamed writing. The growth of the temple dominion having grown the important appearance of the earth, the reserves of grain, thinness. bud. Qi consumption became the reason for the creation of writing. The Sumerians began to make records on clay tablets, which hung on the sun and became more numb. Tablets were given to the Donin by the great kilkost. The stench has been deciphered, at least for an hour or so.

On the back of the sheet, the maw looked like stylized small pictograms, which signified the most important objects of that day. Foot sign meaning "go", "stand", "bring" thinly. Such a sheet is called pictographic (little) or ideographic, shards a sign conveying the whole idea, image. Then signs appeared for the recognition of the root words, warehouses and other sounds. Shards of signs were seen on clay with a wedge-shaped stick from a reed, so the Sumerian leaf of a woman was called cuneiform or cuneform (cuneus - wedge). It was easier to see the signs of the Bulo, lower to paint with a stick on the clay. It took six hundred years for a sheet of badges to transform into a system for transmitting folded information. Tse became close to 2400 BC. e.

Religion. The Sumerians went from animism to polytheism (rich gods): from the spirituality of that shanuvannya of the natural phenomena to the belief in gods as greater essences, the creators of the world of that people. Skin is not enough of its head patron god. In Urutsi, the supreme god buv An is the god of the sky. In Urі - Nanna, the god of Moon. The Sumerians started to commemorate their gods in the sky, wondering what the gods themselves would watch over the light and guard them. Heavenly, or dawning (astral) character of the cult, promoting the authority of the deity. Step by step the Sumerian pantheon was formed. Yogo became the basis: An - the god of heaven, Enlil - the god of wind, Enki - the god of water, Ki - the goddess of the earth. The stench represented the chotiri of the brand, in the thought of the Sumerians, the elements of the all-world.

The gods of the Sumerians showed themselves as anthropomorphic characters. Special temples were consecrated to the gods, de zhertsy chanted the singing rites. Krіm khramіv kozhna sіm'ya small clay figurines of gods and trimala їх at the booth near special niches.

Mythology and literature

The Sumerians folded and wrote down a lot of myths.

On the back of the head, the myths were created in the dream form. Ale with the development of writing vinikli and writing variants of myths. Fragments of records that were saved can be seen until the other half of the 3rd yew.

Vіdomy kosmogonіchny myth about the creation of the world, zgіdno with some primary element of the world, like water chaos or the great ocean: Having done nothing, having created wine, I have created a law. At the top of the ocean, the sky god An was born, who is depicted with a horned tiara on her head, and the goddess of the earth Ki. Other gods came out of them. As can be seen from this myth, the Sumerians did not have little evidence about the Creator God, who created the earth and everything is alive on earth. Nature looked like water chaos forever, or, at the last stop, until the appearance of the gods.

An important role was played by myths, connected with the cult of kinship. Before us, there is a myth about the ruler on behalf of Dumuz, which is the reach of the love of the goddess Inanna and Tim, having secured the family of their land. Ale potim, Inanna drank to the underworld, and in order to get out of it, she sent Dumuzi to replace herself there. Six months on the river, sitting near the underground. At this month the earth became dry in the sun and did not give birth. And on the day of the autumn equal day, a holy new fate came: Dumuzi came out of the underground and entered the company of friends with a squad, and the earth gave a new harvest. Shchoroku at the places of Sumer was appointed sacred shlyub mіzh Іnanna and Dumuzi.

This myth gives a statement about the establishment of the Sumerians before the end. The Sumerians believed in those that after death their souls fall into the underground world, from which there is no way out, and it is richer there, lower on the earth. To that earthly life, the stench looked like a naive city, like the gods bestowed on people in exchange for the service of the gods. The Sumerians themselves created a statement about the underground river, as between the underground world, that about a carrier, who was to transport the souls of the dead there. The Sumerians had the beginnings vchennya about the fee: I drink pure water that is calm in the underground world, we take away the wars that perished in battle, and also the rich fathers Pollpshit their lives can be and the correct funeral rites.

An important role for the formation of the light-gazer of the Sumerians was played by the heroic chi epic myths - sayings about heroes. The biggest myth about Gilgamesh, the ruler of Uruk in the XXVII century. Five stories about Yogo's exploits were saved. One of them went to Lebanon for a cedar tree, at the hour of which Gilgamesh drove in the protection of the cedars of the command of Humbabu. Others evoke defeats over the stingy beak, the Veletensky bird, the enchanting snake, the intercourse with the spirit of his dead friend Enkidu, who spoke about the gloom of life in the underground world. At the onset, the Babylonian period of the history of Mesopotamia, a whole cycle of myths about Gilgamesh will be created.

Over a hundred and fifty monuments of Sumerian literature have been seen in the blink of an eye. Among them are the crime of myths, hymns, psalms, merry-love songs, funeral laments, laments about social hardship, psalms in honor of the kings. Povchannya, super-dialogues, tales, anecdotes, sayings are widely represented.


Sumer is called the civilization of clay, more in architecture, as the main material, victorious clay was used. There are few sums of heritage. In the Sumerian civilization, there was not a long-awaited monument of architecture that was saved. The architecture can only be judged by the fragments of the foundations and the lower parts of the walls that have been preserved.

The most important tasks were the life of the temples. One of the early temples of excavations near the Sumerian city of Eredu and lie down to the end of the 4th yew. This straight-cut spore with cegli (clay with straw), at the ends of which there were, on one side, a statue of a deity, and on the other side, a steel for sacrifice. The walls are embellished with protruding shoulder blades (pilasters) to make the surface articulated. The temple was placed on a platform with a stone, the shards of the mіstsevіst bula swampy and the foundation was sagging.

The Sumerian temples quickly collapsed, and just like the stones of the ruined temple they robbed the platform and put a new temple on it. So step by step until the middle of the 3rd yew. having built a special Sumerian type of temple - a skhіdchasta vezha. ziggurat). The biggest sight is the ziggurat in Ur: the 21-meter-high temple of the zavvishka standing on three platforms, embellished with kahls and with ramps (XXI century BC).

Sculpture is most importantly represented by small figurines made of soft stone, which were placed at the niches of the temple. Few statues of deities were saved. The largest view of the house is the head of the goddess Inanni. From the statues of the rulers, a few sculptural portraits of Gudeya, the ruler of the city of Lagash, were preserved. The sprat of wall reliefs was saved. Relief on the stele of Naram-Suen, onuk of Sargon (circa 2320 BC), de king of images on the Choli Viysk. The figure of the king is larger than the figures of warriors, over his head the signs of the Son of that Moon shine.

Glіptika, carving stone - the form of applied art is loved. The carving worked on the druks, a bunch of flat ones, then cylindrical seals appeared, they burrowed through the clay and covered the friezes (a decorative composition in a seemingly horizontal smog).

On one of the seals there is a relief depicting King Gilgamesh at the sight of a mighty hero with a curly beard. The hero fights with the left, with one hand he streaks the left, which he is standing on, and the other one embeds the dagger of the hizhakov in the scruff of the neck.

About the high rіven, the development of jewelry, celebrate the fortune-telling, and embellish Puabi - a harp, a crown of golden colors.

painting represented mainly by painting from ceramics. Images allow you to judge canons. The person was depicted as follows: the face of that leg is in profile, the eye is in front, the toelub is 3/4 open. The figures are short. The eyes of that vuha are depicted as great.

The science. The masters of the Sumerians conceived the development of mathematical, geometrical, astronomical knowledge. To carry out the appearance of the temple reserves, the Sumerians created two systems of rahunka: ten and sixty-ten. I offended the donins. Sixty tenths of a year was saved at a counting hour: in 1 year 60 minutes, in 1 hour 60 seconds. The number 60 was taken to the fact that it was easily divided into many other numbers. It was easy to divide by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. Consume, connect with the laying of zroshuvalnyh systems, control the area of ​​​​irrigation, and life of the buds led to the creation of the foundations of geometry. Zokrema, the Sumerians vikoristovuvali Pіthagoras theorem for 2 yew. rokіv before, like її formulated by the Greeks. Ymovіrno, the very stench itself was the first to cut the stake at 360 degrees. They kept watch over the sky, showing the position of the light from the pouring rivers. We saw different planets and suzir'ya. Particularly respectfully followed these luminaries, tied with deities. The Sumerians made standards for entry into dovzhini, vaga, square and obsyagu, vartost.

Right. The order of the moment is less than that, as if it were the rule of all laws, i.e. obov'yazkovi vikonannya norms. The collection of obov'yazkovih norms, which are protected by the power of the state, is usually called law. The right to blame before the appearance of powers and in sight zvichaїv - norms formed from the improvement of tradition. Prote with the appearance of the power to understand the "right" zavzhd pov'yazane with the sovereign power, the shards of the power itself officially establish and protect the legal norms.

In the III Dynasty of Ur, before us, deyshov, although not new, the most recent of the most important laws, folded by the ruler of Shulgi, the son of Ur - Nammu (XXI century BC. E ..). The laws protected the main and special rights of the citizens: the fields of the community members from flooding, from flooding with courts through non-balance, from the line order; handed over the compensation of the master for the brisket, the reward to his slave; they stole the right of the squad to a penny compensation from a separation from a person, the right of the betrothed to the betrothed after paying the father's gift to the other. It is obvious that these laws were spiraling on the trial of the legal tradition, which did not reach us. The legal tradition of the Sumerians is small in terms of religion: it was important that the gods themselves created a set of rules that they could follow.

The fall of the Sumerian civilization

Close to 2000, the III Dynasty of Ur fell under the blows of the new wind of the Semitic tribes. The Semitic ethnic element became dominant in Mesopotamia. The Sumerian civilization, as a matter of fact, all the main elements of its culture continue to live within the framework of the Babylonian civilization, which took the name of the name of Babylon - the head city of Mesopotamia in the 2nd and 1st yew. BC e.

The Babylonians took the system of the cuneiform sheet from the Sumerians and for a long time they victorious already dead Sumerian language like language, step by step transferring to the Semitic (Akkadian) language Sumerian scientific, legal, religious documents, as well as monuments of Sumerian literature. The Sumerian recession itself helped the most important king of the Old Babylonian kingdom, Hammurabi (1792 - 1750 BC) to create the most important laws of the Old World, which consist of 282 articles, which regulate in detail all the main aspects of life. The Babylonian tower is famous, which became a symbol of the New Babylonian kingdom, which was founded in the middle of the 1st yew. BC e., it was also a direct recession of the steps of the Sumerian ziggurats.

bottling wine

Sumerian ceramics

First schools.
The Sumerian school of vinyl and developed to the appearance of writing, the very cuneiform, the perfected vinyl that became the most important contribution of Sumer to the history of civilization.

The first written memos were revealed among the ruins of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk (biblical Erech). Here they knew about a thousand small clay tablets, covered with a pictographic sheet. From a large number of the government and administrative records, in the middle of them, a piece of initial texts appeared: lists of words for memorization to remember. Tse to tell about those who are less than 3000 years before c. e. The Sumerian copyists were already busy with the food of the school. With the advance of the advancing century, Erech on the right developed in full, prote until the middle of the III millennium BC. c), for Sumer). Imovirno, it was the basis of a string of schoolchildren for the systematic study of reading that letter. At the ancient Shuruppak-pa of the Sumerian batkivshchina ... at the hour of excavations 1902-1903 pp. a significant number of tablets were found from school texts.

From them, we know that the number of professional clerks in that period reached a few thousand. The squeaks were divided between the young and the older: they were copying tsar’s and temples, copying with a higher specialization in one region and copying with high qualifications, they occupied important state estates. All the same, let me imagine that all over Sumer it was scattered impersonally to collect great schools for copying and that these schools were given chimale significance. However, even from the tablets of the thієї epoch, they still do not give us a clear statement about the Sumerian schools, about the system and methods of teaching in them. In order to take such information, it is necessary to turn to the tablets of the first half of the II millennium BC. e. From the archeological ball, which confirms this epic, hundreds of initial tablets with strong instructions, written by the students themselves for an hour of lessons, were scribbled. Here you can see all stages of training. Such earthenware "zoshiti" allows you to read a little about the system of teaching, adopted in Sumerian schools, that about the program, as it was taught there. Fortunately, the vikladachi themselves loved to write about school life. A lot of these records were also saved, even in urivkas. To write down the notes and the headings of the tablets, to complete the information about the Sumerian school, about the task of that number, about the teachers and teachers, about the program and teaching methods. In the history of humankind, there is only one trend, if we can find out so much about the schools of the past era.

First of all, the school of education in the Sumerian school was, so be it, purely professional, so that the school is guilty of preparing rewrites, which are necessary for the state and administrative life of the country, the head rank for the palaces and temples. Tse zavdannya was left with the central broach of the last line of Sumer. With the development of a merezhі shkіl. and also, in the world, the expansion of the primary programs of the school step by step becomes the center of Sumerian culture and knowledge. Formally, the type of a universal "scientist" is a specialist in the fields of knowledge of that era: in botany, zoology, mineralogy, geography, mathematics, grammar, and linguistics, rarely appearance. poog^shahi knowledge of one's own ethics. and not epochs.

Nareshti, on the basis of the current primary foundations, the Sumerian schools were their own literary centers. Here they did not lose much time and rewrote the literary memos of the past, and they created new things.

Most of the uchniv, yakі finished qі schools, became scribes at palaces and temples, or in the dominions of rich and noble people, however, one part of them devoted their life to science and writing.

Similar to the university professors of our days, a lot of these ancient scientists earned their living by vikladatsky activity, devoting their free time to achievements and literary practice.

The Sumerian school, which is a bit of vinyl, maybe, like an appendage to the temple, has been cremated for a year in a new way, and її the program has been nabul in the main day of the secular character. For this reason, the teacher's teacher's work was paid for the salary of foreign students.

Zrozumіlo, in Sumeri, there is no vulgar, no obov'yazkovy navchannya. Most of the scholars looked like rich and varied families - even if it was not easy for the poor to know the hour and pennies for a trivalent scholar. Although the Assyriologists long ago made such a vision, it was more than a hypothesis, and less in 1946. The German Assyriologist Nikolaus Schneider zoomed in on strong proofs that are grounded on the documents of that era. On thousands of published gospodars and administrative tablets, which lie until about 2000 p. BC That is, about five hundred names of clerks are guessing. Bagato from them. In order to hide pardons, they put their father in the order of their names and showed them their profession. Having resolutely sorted out all the tablets, N. Schneider, having established that the fathers of these were rewritten, - and all the stinks, as you understand, began in schools, - there were rulers, "fathers of the city", envoys, as if they were guarding temples, military leaders, captains of courts, other taxes, officials, priests of various ranks, contractors, illustrators, rewriters, savers of archives, rachivniki.

In other words, the fathers of the copyists were the most possible citizens of the city. Tsikavo. that in the same fragments the name of the female clerk is not mentioned; maybe. In Sumerian schools, only lads started.

On the top of the school, standing ummia (significant teacher), who was also called the father of the school. The teachers were called "the sons of the school", and the teacher's assistant was called the "big brother". Before yoga obov'yazkіv, zokrema, included the preparation of calligraphic plates-zrazkіv, as if later they rewrote the texts. Vіn same perevіryav vіryav vіvіvі zavdannya zmushuvav uchіnіv rozpoіdati vіvcheni them lessons.

Among the vikladachivs, they were also a teacher of painting and a teacher of the Sumerian language, a mentor, a kind of scolding for excellence, and so titles of volodiyat and a “leaf” (obviously, a visualizer, a kind of a teacher of discipline at school). It is important to say who among them is more respected by rank. We only know that the "father of the school" was the actual director. We don’t know anything about dzherel іsnuvannya school personnel. Mabut, "father of the school" paid a piece of skin yoga for the top sumi, which came up to pay for the education.

If there are school programs, then here, before our services, the richest information gleaned from the school tablets themselves is a fact, truly unique in the history of old. To us, we have a mute to the indirect Svіdchen Abo to the creative of the older car: Mi Maєmo in his own Rosophyadenn, Children's Schedule, Pershoklasnichi Vіd Karakulіv "Perschoklasnikіv" І Zakіnchuyi "Vipusnikіv" robots, Skіlki, Scho ї ї Ski, Vіdrizni Vіd sign, written by Viklands.

Qi robots allow you to establish that the course of study is for the two main programs. The first was hard for science and technology, it was a literary friend, it developed creativity.

Speaking about the first program, it’s necessary to add that it wasn’t already pointed out by a burning desire to know, to the truth. Tsya program step by step was formed in the process of writing, the main meta was similar to the teaching of the Sumerian writing. For the purpose of the main task, the Sumerian teachers created a system of teaching. based on the principles of linguistic classification. The lexicon of the Sumerian language was subdivided by them into groups, supporting the words and using the language of the tongue. Tsі ґruntі slіv were memorized and ієrenuvalys doti, the docks of the uchnі did not sound out independently. Ale up to III thousand years before stars. school texts began to gradually expand and gradually changed into more and less stable textbooks, accepted by all the schools of Sumer.

In some texts, there are long lists of tree names and outlines; in others - the names of all pkivikh istot (creatures, comakhs and birds): in the third - the names of the country, town and villages; in the fourth - name stones and minerals. Similar lists tell about the significance of the information of the Sumerians in the gallery "botany", "zoology", "geography" and "mineralogy" - an arcane and small fact. who have only recently turned back the respect of the scientists, who are engaged in the history of science.

Sumerian educators also created all kinds of mathematical tables and compiled collections of tasks, accompanying skin-related decisions and recommendations.

Speaking about linguistics, it should be noted that special respect, judging by the numerical school plates, was attached to grammar. The majority of such tablets are old lists of collapsible names, descriptive forms, etc. It is not worth talking about those that the grammar of the Sumerians was well broken up. Late, in the last quarter of the III millennium BC. That is, if the seven of Akkad gradually conquered Sumer, the Sumerian teachers created the first "dictionaries" for us. On the right, in the fact that the seven conquerors adopted not only the Sumerian writing: they also highly valued the literature of ancient Sumer, took away that vivchali її monuments and inherited them, if Sumerian became a dead language. Tsim i bula viklikana is needed by the "dictionaries". de davavsya translation of the Sumerian words and viraziv into the language of Akkad.

Let's go back now to another initial program, like a little literary trick. The study of this program was mainly in memorization and rewriting of literary works of the other half of the 1000 BC. That is, if the literature was especially rich, as well as among the inherited ones. There were hundreds of such texts, and maybe all the stinks were created in a range of 30 (or less) up to 1000 rows. Judging by the silence of them. yakі far away folded and deciphered. These creations fell to different canons: myths and epic sayings of the verses that glorify songs; Sumerian gods and heroes; laudatory hymns to the gods; kings. cry; zruynovanyh, bible places.

Sered Literary tablets and їх іїlomkop. vityagnutyh from the ruins of Sumer, richly hto є shkіlnі piї, rewritten by the hands of scholars.

We still know little about the methodology and technique of writing in the schools of Sumer. Vranci, having come to school, the students took apart the tablet, which they wrote in advance.

Potim - the elder brother, who was the assistant to the teacher, preparing a NEW tablet, as the scientists began to sort out and rewrite. Older brother. and also the father of the school, maybe, the last time they went after the robot of the uchniv, pereviryayuchi, chi stink correctly rewrite the text. Undoubtedly, that the successes of the Sumerian scholars of the significant world lay in their memory, and those of their helpers were not able to accompany the dry lists of words with their explanations. tables and literary texts that are rewritten by scholars. Ale tsі lektsії, yakі could give us an inestimable help when cultivating the Sumerian scientific and religious thought and literature, maybe, they were not written down, and then spent forever.

One thing is undoubted: the teaching at the schools of Sumer at the presence of nothing sleepy from the modern system of education, if the knowledge gained by the significant world is acquired through initiative and independent work; the teacher himself.

Good discipline. it could not do without a club on the right. As much as possible, scho. not being concerned about the students' desire for success, the Sumerian teachers nevertheless relied more on the zhahliva deya club, as they punished the mitt as much as not heavenly. I went to school today and just there from early morning until evening. Singingly, like a vacation ruled the rock, then we can’t get any good information. Navchannya was terrified of fates, the child caught up to pretend to be a young man. tsіkavo boulo would marvel. chi small Sumerian scientists can choose a robot for another specialization. and that's how it is. then what a world and at what stage of learning. However, about tse, yak and about a lot of other details. dzherela shut up.

One at Sippar. otherwise, in Ur. Ale so. that a great number of tablets were found in the skin s of cih budіvel, the stench may not be disturbed by anything in the splendid living budinkіv, and that our zdogad can be pardoned. Tilki vzimku 1934.35 p. French archaeologists have discovered two stones near the city of Mary on the Euphrates (at the entrance to Nippur), yak for their roztashuvannyam and features clearly є shkіlnimi classes. The stench was saved by rows of donkeys with scorched caegles, rozrohovani one, two or two students.

But what did the scientists themselves think about that school? What would give the food, if I wanted to, I would not be sure. Let's go back to the onset of division, in which a text about the school of life in Sumer, writing mayzhe chotiri thousands of years, and more recently, selections from numerical urivkіv and arreshti translations are introduced. This text is given, zokrema, it is clear about the recognition between teachers and teachers that is the first unique document in the history of pedagogy.

Sumerian schools

reconstruction of the Sumerian oven

Baby seals-2000-1800


Sribna model chovna, shashkova gra

Ancient Nimrud

Pobut Sumer, rewriters

Boards for writing

Cool room near the school

Plow-sowalka, 1000 BC

Vinny lyoh

Sumerian literature

Epos about Gilgamesh

Shumer ceramics






Ubeid culture

Medium relief with images of birds Imdugud from the temple in El-Ubeid. Sumer

Fragments of fresco paintings at the Palace of Zimrilim.

Mary. XVIII Art. to the sound e.

Sculpture of the professional spivak Ur-Nin. Mary.

Ser. III yew. BC e

Miraculously with a lion's head, one of the seven evil demons, who was born in the Mountains of the Skhodu and lives in the pits and ruins. Vіn viklikaє rozbrat and ailments among people. Genii, both evil and good, played a great role in the life of the Babylonians. І yew. BC e.

Kam'yana carved bowl with Ur.

III yew. BC e.

Silver heels for donkey harness. Tomb of Queen Pu-Abi.

Lv. III yew. BC e.

The head of the goddess Ninlil - the squad of the god Misyatsya Nanna, the patron of Ur

Terracotta figure of a Sumerian deity. Tello (Lagash).

III yew. BC e.

Statue of Kurlil - head of the granaries of Uruk. Early dynastic period, ІІІ yew. BC e.

Vessel from the images of creatures. Susie. Kin. IV yew. BC e.

Stoneware with colorful inlays. Uruk (Varka). IV yew. BC e.

"Biliy temple" in Urutsi (Vartsi).

The outlines of living houses of the Ubeid period. Modern reconstruction. National park of m. Ktesifona

Reconstruction of a private booth (inner courtyard)

Ur-royal grave



Sumer bring the lamb for sacrifice

More IV thousand years before the stars. That is, near the middle part of Mesopotamia on the territory of present-day Iraq, between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, a temple is formed at that hour the culture of the Sumerians (the self-name of the people of Saggig is black-headed), yak potim bula was subdued by the Babylonians and the Assyrians. At the turn of the III-II millennium BC. e. Sumer fell, and in an hour the Sumerian mova was forgotten by the population; Yogo was known only by the Babylonian priests, ce bula mova of sacred texts. On the cob II millennium BC e. the first place in Mesopotamia to go to Babylon.


In the midst of Mesopotamia, where the state power was widely held, the ancient places-powers of Ur, Uruk, Kish, Umma, Lagash, Nippur, Akkad sprang up. The youngest of the cities of Babylon, awakening on the birch of the Euphrates. The greater part of the city was founded by the Sumerians, and the ancient culture of the Dvorichya was usually called Sumerian. Ninі їх are called the "great-grandfather of the modern civilization" The rose of the mist-powers is called the golden age of the old power of the Sumerians. This is true both in the literal and figurative meaning of the word: here objects of the most attractive butt-marking and armor were made from gold. The culture of the Sumerians already pushed into the further progress not only Mesopotamia, but also the whole of mankind.

Tsya culture viperedzhala development of other great cultures. Nomads and trade caravans carried news about her from us.


The cultural contribution of the Sumerians is not limited by the methods of processing metals, preparing wheeled carts and a potter's stake. The stench became the culprits of the first form of human movement recording.

At the first stage, there was a pictography (little ones), that is a sheet, which was formed from small ones and, more, symbols, which meant one word or understood. The combination of these little ones conveyed the information in the letter form. In the meantime, Sumerian orders to talk about those that, before the disappearance of the little leaf, there was an even more ancient way of fixing the thought - tying veins on the motuz and notches on the trees. At the next stages, the stylization of the little ones was introduced (for the most part, to complete the report plate of a solid image of objects in the Sumerians, step by step to move to the current non-pure, schematic or symbolic image), which made the process of writing sad. The whole place ahead of time, the protégés of such writing, like before, became obscured. Zavdyaki okremi okremi symbols can be victorious sprat times. So, for rich folds to understand, they didn’t have their own signs and navit, in order to recognize such a sight, like a tree, the rewriter had to drop the symbol of the sky - the star and the symbol of the water - the breeze. Such a sheet is called ideographic-rebus.

Historians are aware that the very formation of the management system led to the appearance of writing in the temples and royal palaces. This ingenious wine has been traced, perhaps, to the merit of the Sumerian temple officials, who, for the sake of simplification of the registration of the state's visits, have perfected pictography for trading purposes. Records were scattered on clay tiles or tablets: rectangular sticks were pressed onto the soft clay, the lines on the tablets were small, the characteristic appearance of wedge-shaped depressions. In general, the entire writing was written with a mass of cuneiform marks, and therefore Sumerian writing is usually called cuneiform. The most recent tablets with cuneiform writing, which became the number of archives, avenged the records of the temple state: contracts for rent, documents about control over the vikonuvannaya robot and registration of comrades that were found. Tse found in the world of writing memos.

Over time, the principle of pictorial writing became replaced by the principle of transferring the sound side of the word. Hundreds of signs appeared, which signify warehouses, that splinter of alphabetic signs, which signifies letters. The stench was victorious mainly for the purpose of identifying service words and particles. Writing was a majestic achievement of the Sumero-Akkadian culture. The Vaughn was thrown back and rolled by the Babylonians and expanded widely throughout the whole of Asia Minor: cuneiform was written in Syria, ancient Persia, and other powers. At the II thousand years to the stars. e. cuneiform becoming an international system of writing: її knew that the Egyptian pharaohs were victorious. At the I thousand years to the stars. e. cuneiform becomes an alphabetical sheet.


For a long time, they considered that the language of the Sumerians was not similar to the life of living and dead people living and dead, so the food about the journey of which people became a mystery. Until the present time, the genetic links of the Sumerian language dossi have not been established, but more of them are allowed, which is the language, just like the language of the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Akkad, lie down to the Semitsko-Khamitskoї movnoї group.

Close to 2 thousand. BC e.

Culture and religion

In ancient Sumer, the coils of religion were almost materialistic, but not "ethical", root. Early Sumerian deities 4-3 yew. BC acted in front of us as a giver of life's blessings and prosperity. The cult of the gods maw on the mark is not "cleansing and holiness", but the calls of the buv to secure a harvest, the successes of the future. - mere mortals moved for themselves, temples were built, sacrifices were made. The Sumerians insisted that everything in the world should belong to the gods - the temples were the place of the gods, the goiters sing about the people, and the granaries of the gods were the comoros. Most of the early Sumerian deities were established by the gods, whose power did not go beyond the borders of a small territory. Another group of gods was made by the patrons of the great places - the stench of the mighty, the lower mystical gods, and they scurried about the places. Nareshti gods, who knew those who were worshiped at all Sumerian places.

In Sumer, the gods were like people. In their mutual relations, wooing and fighting, anger and vengeance, deceit and anger. Significant among the gods were welding and intrigues, the gods knew love and hate. Like people, the stench took care of the right in the day - they saw the share of the world, and at night they moved away to the calm.

Shumer's hell - Kur - gloomy dark underground light, on the way where there were three servants - "the man of the doors", "the man of the underground river", "the carrier". Nagaduє ancient Greek Haid and Sheol of the ancient Jews. There, a person passed through the court, and on the new check there was a frown, a frown on the ground. People come to their world for a short time, and then we know at the dark pasture of Kura. In the Sumerian culture, for the first time in history, people tried to morally overcome death, to understand it as the moment of transition to eternity. All the inhabitants of the Dvorichcha were savage to the living: living, they wished well-being and health for a skin day, a progeny of that happy zamіzhzhya for daughters, far away car's for blues, and that at home "beer, wine, that all good was not consumed" . The posthumous share of the people was less and seemed to them to be total and unimportant: even the dead - dust and clay, the stench of "do not get light" and "live in darkness".

Sumerian mythology also has myths about the golden age of humankind and paradise life, which over the years have risen to the religious manifestations of the peoples of Western Asia, and later - to biblical plots.

The only thing that can brighten up the foundation of a person near the underground, keep the memory of the living earth. The people of Mesopotamia were stricken from the deep end, who needed to deprive himself of the memory of the earth. The memory of the found is saved from the sporudzhenih monuments of culture. The very stench, created by hands, by the thought of that spirit of a person, became the spiritual values ​​​​of the people, these lands, and rightly, they robbed their own hard historical memory. Take a look at the Sumerians, as seen by rich piznіshih religions.

Most powerful gods

An (in Akkadian transcription Anna) The god of the sky and the father of other gods, just like the people themselves, they asked Yogo for help when needed. Vіdomy is unimportant to them, and with evil windings.

Patron of the city of Uruk.

Enlil God of the wind, wind and the whole expanse of the earth up to the sky is also placed before people and the lower deities with knowledge, however, he wins the wind and gave її to people and wandering like the patron of the earth and family. Yogo head temple was known to the city of Nippur.

Enki (in the Akkadian transcription Ea) The protector of the place of Eredu, like a god of the ocean and fresh underground waters.

Other important deities

Nanna (Akkadian syn) God of the month, patron of the city of Ur

Utu (akkad. Shamash) Sin Nanna, patron of the town of Sippar and Larsi. Embracing the ruthless power of the hanging sleepy speck and at the same time sleepy warmth, without some kind of impossible life.

Inanna (akkad. Іshtar) Goddess of birth and carnal love, she bestowed victorious victories. Goddess of the place Uruk.

Dumuzi (Akkad. Tammuz) Cholovik Іnanni, the son of the god Enki, the god of the leader of that growth, died and resurrected.

Nergal Lord of the kingdom of the dead and the god of the plague.

Nіnurt Patron of valiant warriors. Sin of Enlil, who is not the mother of a wet place.

Ishkur (Akkadian Adad) God of thunder and storm.

The goddesses of the Sumerian-Akkadian pantheon sounded like the guards of the mighty gods, or like a deity that specializes the death of that underground world.

In the Sumerian religion, the most important gods, in honor of them, ziggurati temples were sporadzhuvali, represented in the human form of the gods of the sky, the sun, the earth, driving the storm. At the skin place, the Sumerians worshiped their god.

Priests acted as an intermediary between people and gods. For the help of witches, spells and magical formulas of the stink, they tried to touch the will of the celestials and convey it to the common people.

Stretch 3 yew. BC the setting to the gods gradually changed: new figures began to be attributed to them.

The significance of sovereignty at the Dvorichchi was marked by the religious manifestations of the inhabitants. The deities, as a special feature of the cosmic forces of nature, began to accept as great "heavenly leaders" and then, as the natural elements, that "giver of blessings." At the pantheon of gods, the secretary god appeared, the god who carried the throne of the lord, the gods-brahmniks. Important deities were spіvvіdnesі z different planets and suzirs:

Utu - from the Sun, Nergal - from Mars, Inanna - from Venus. To this, all the townspeople were stunned by the camp of lights in the sky, they were mutually roztashuvannya and especially the place of "their" stars: it was inevitable that the life of the city-state would change its population, that prospered and unfortunate. Thus the cult of the heavenly bodies was step by step formed, the astronomical thought and astrology began to develop. Astrology was born in the middle of the first civilization of mankind - the Sumerian civilization. It was about six thousand years ago. The Sumerians cherished the 7 closest planets to the Earth. Having poured them into the Earth, looking like the will of the Deity, who lives on this planet. The Sumerians first remembered that the change of the camps of the heavenly bodies in the sky calls out the change to the earthly life. Keeping track of the dynamics of the dawn sky, which is constantly changing, the Sumerian clergy constantly wept and continued to pour in the rush of heavenly bodies on earthly life. Tobto stench spіvvіdnosalis life on earth with the ruin of heavenly bodies. There, in the sky, there is harmony, harmony, consistency, legality. The stench made such a logical visnovok: if the earthly life will be more convenient by the will of the Gods, who live on the planets, then a similar order and harmony will be found on the Earth. The prophecies of the future were to be raised to the heights of the camp in the sky of stars and suzir'їv, to the weeds of birds, the guts of creatures, as if they were to be sacrificed to the gods. People believed in the wisdom of the human lot, in the power of the people to the greater forces; they believed in those that supernatural forces are always invisibly present in the real world and manifest themselves as a secret rank.

Architecture and everyday life

The Sumerians were blessed with richly-topped budinki and miraculous temples.

Sumer was the land of the mist-states. The greatest of their ruler, who was the head of the priest at the same time. The places themselves were forgotten without a proper plan and were surrounded by a golden wall, which reached a significant community. Zhitlovi budinki of the city dwellers were straight-cut, two-topped with an obov'yazkovy inner courtyard, and sometimes with hanging gardens. There was a sewage system at the rich boudinkas.

The center of the place is a folded temple complex. Vin including the temple of the head god - the patron of the city, the palace of the king and the temple garden of the state.

The palaces of the rulers of Sumer held their peace and fortress. The palace was covered in mud. To supply water, aqueducts were arranged near the palace - water was supplied by pipes, hermetically insulated behind additional bitumen and stone. The facades of the great palaces were embellished with carved reliefs, which, as a rule, depict scenes of watering, historical battles with the enemy, as well as the greatest battles for the strength of those creatures.

The early temples were small upright boudins on a low platform. In the world of that, as richly and prospered the places, the Daedals became bigger and more majestic temples. New churches were built at the houses of the old ones. That is why the platforms of the temples were constantly enlarged by the hour; vinik singing type of budіvlі – ziggurat (marvelous fig.) – a three-seven-step pyramid with a small temple on the mountain. All descendants were rozfarbovuvalis in different colors - black, white, red, blue. The building of the temple on the platform was guarded by yoga from the wind and the pouring of the river. To the upper vezhі there were wide descends, sometimes there were a few descents from different sides. The vezha could be topped with a golden dome, and the walls were lined with a glazed whole.

The lower tensile walls were concessions and ledges, which were swept away, which created a group of light and darkness, and brightly increased the wakefulness. At the sanctuary - the head place of the temple complex - there was a statue of a deity - the heavenly patron of the place. Less than zhertsі could enter here, and access to the people was strictly blocked. Under the stele, small windows were ruffled, and mother-of-pearl friezes and mosaics of red, black and white droplets of clay flowers, killed at the cellar wall, served as the head color of the interior. On the steps of the terraces hung trees and chagars.

The most famous ziggurat in history is the temple of the god Marduk near Babylon - the famous Babylonian tower, about everyday life, which is found in the Bible.

The local townsfolk lived at double-topped booths, like a folding interior. The bedrooms were refurbished on a different side, at the bottom there were stones for repairing that kitchen. All windows and doors opened at the inner courtyard, and only blank walls came out onto the street.

In the architecture of the Dvorichcha, colonies are already built from the most recent hours, as they did not play, in fact, a great role, as well as the crypt. Dosit early is the acceptance of the division of the walls with a path of ledges and niches, and navit ornamentation of the walls with friezes, imagining the mosaic technique.

The Sumerians have a stronger arch. This design was found in Mesopotamia. There was no fox here, and the alarmists thought up the power to replace the beam ceiling of the arch or crypt. The arches of that crypt also stagnated in Egypt (not surprisingly, the remains of Egypt and Mesopotamia had little contact), but in Mesopotamia the stinks were blamed earlier, stagnated more often and the stars expanded throughout the whole world.

The Sumerians established the triviality of sleepy fate, which allowed them to accurately orient their life on the other side of the world.

The courtyard was a bіdne stone, and the main budіvelnym material there was a sirec cegla, hung on the sun. An hour without sparing the sporudi. In addition, the places often recognized the fortune-tellers in bulk, in the course of such vshchens the lives of ordinary people, palaces and temples collapsed.

The science

The Sumerians created astrology, they blew the stars on the lot of people who were healthy. The medicine was predominantly homeopathic. Numerical clay tablets with recipes and magical formulas against demonic illnesses have been found.

The priests and magicians won knowledge about the rukh zirok, Mіsyatsya, Sontsya, about the behavior of the animals for the fortune-telling, transferring them to the state. The Sumerians succeeded in prophesying sleepy days and darkening of the months, they created a sleepy-monthly calendar.

The stench made the belt of the Zodiac - 12 suzir'їv, which make a great ring, like the Sun zdіysnyuє its path stretching rock. Vcheni zhertsі folded calendars, counted the terms of monthly obscurations. In Sumer, the beginning of one of the most ancient sciences, astronomy, was laid.

In mathematics, the Sumerians were happy for dozens. Ale was especially stunned by the numbers 12 (a dozen) and 60 (five dozen). Mi dosi koristuєmosya with the fall of the Sumerians, if we take a year for 60 hvilin, hvilina - for 60 seconds, rіk - for 12 months, and colo - for 360 degrees.

The largest early mathematical texts that have come down to us, written by the Sumerians in the 22nd century BC, show a high level of mysticism. The stench of sweeping the tables for multiplication, in some goodness the sixty-decade system has been blamed, to be united with the greater early tenth system. Schilnіst to mysticism was manifested in tsomu, who divided the numbers into lucky and unhappy - to find the sixty-decade system of numbers was a relic of magical manifestations: the number six was considered lucky. The Sumerians created a positional system of notation, in which figure it is accepted otherwise the value of the fallow in the month, if it is taken in a richly significant number.

The first schools were created in the places of Ancient Sumer. The rich Sumerians sent their blues there. Busy spent the whole day. It was not easy to learn to write in cuneiform, rahuvat, rozpovidat the saying about gods and heroes. For non-conforming lessons, the lads recognized the corporal punishment. The one who successfully graduated from school, instantly took the place of a copyist, an official, and became a priest. Tse gave the ability to live without knowing the vigilance.

Illuminated, the person was respected: I’ll be better with a leaf, I’ll sleep, I’ll be with musical instruments, I’ll accept reasonable legal decisions.


Their cultural achievements are great and unparalleled: the Sumerians created the first in human history, therefore, the “Golden Century”, wrote the first elegies, compiled the first library catalog in the world. Sumerians are the authors of the first and oldest medical books in the world - collections of recipes. The stench was the first to break it down, they wrote down the digger's calendar, they took away the first information about planting plantings.

Before us, there is a great number of memoirs of Sumerian literature, the main rank of copy, rewritten already after the fall of the III dynasty of Ur and which were saved in the temple library in the city of Nippur. It’s a pity, often after the difficult Sumerian literary movement, often after the filthy become of texts (these tablets were found broken into dozens of shmatkiv, which none of them are saved in the museums of different lands) and create only in the last hour of reading.

Most of them have religious hymns to the gods, prayers, myths, legends about the vindication of the world, human civilization and farming. In addition, lists of royal dynasties were kept at the temples for a long time. The lists written by my Sumerian priests of the city of Ur. Especially tsіkavimy є kіlka small sing, scho to avenge the legend about the guilt of farming and civilizations, the creation of which is attributed to the gods. In these poems, there is a note about the equal value of the people of farming and animal husbandry, which, perhaps, vindicates the fact of the recent transition of the Sumerian tribes to the farming way of life.

The myth about the goddess Inana, placed in the underground kingdom of death, that splendid star; at once, turning to the ground turns frozen life. In this myth, there was a change in the vegetation period and the “dead” period in the life of nature.

They also founded hymns, beasts to different deities, historical sings (for example, sings of the victory of the Uruk king over the Gutians). The greatest creation of the Sumerian religious literature has written my most cunningly wise poem about the visit of the ruler of Lagash Gudea to the temple of the god Ningirsu. Tsya poema bula is written on two clay cylinders, leather frills are about a meter long. We took a number of sings of a moral-primary nature.

Literary memoirs of folk art have not been rich before us. We lost such people's works, like fairy tales. Saved less than a sprat of tales and prisliv'їv.

The most important monument of Sumerian literature is a cycle of epic tales about the hero Gilgamesh, the legendary king of the city of Uruk, who, like a screamer from dynastic lists, ruled in the 28th century BC. The mantras of Gilgamesh are reportedly described by the world in search of the mystery of immortality, that friendship with the wild man Enkidu. The text of the great epic sing about Gilgamesh has been saved for the best-looking person to write down with my academician. But the records of the first okremikh bilin about Gilgamesh, which have reached us, cannot be compared to the epos about the Sumerian adventure.

The cycle of tales about Gilgamesh pressed a great infusion on the people of all. Yogo was adopted by the Acadian families, and among them the wines expanded in Pivnichny Mesopotamia and in Asia Minor. I founded the cycles of epic songs dedicated to different heroes.

An important place in the literature and light-gazing Sumerians was occupied by legends about the flood, as if the gods were alive all the time, moreover, the more pious hero Ziusudra, who was roused for the joy of the god Enki the ship, was vryatovany. The legends about the flood, which served as the basis for a biblical legend, took shape under an endless influx of words about catastrophic consequences, like in the 4th millennium BC. e. more than once they ruined a lot of Sumerian settlements.


A special place in the Sumerian cultural recession is to lay glіptitsі - carving on an expensive or expensive stone. The impersonal Sumerian printed seals in the form of a cylinder were preserved. Druk roamed over the clay surface and took off the wedge - a miniature relief with a great number of characters and a clear, carefully composed composition. For the inhabitants of Mezhirichchya, another sign is not just a sign of power, but an object that creates magical power. Signets were taken away like talismans, given to temples, placed at the burial place. On the Sumerian engravings, the most common motifs were ritual benqueti with figures to sit at the hedgehog and drink. Other motives were the legendary heroes Gilgamesh and yoga friend of Enkidu, who fight against the monsters, as well as the anthropomorphic position of the human-beak. In the meantime, this style has given way to an uninterrupted frieze with images of creatures, growing up or living that are being used.

There was no monumental sculpture in Sumer. Most often, small cult statuettes are made. The stench depicts people at the prayer position. All the sculptures have big eyes, the stink shards are small, all-seeing eye. Great wuha supported and symbolized wisdom, it’s not like “wisdom” and “wuho” in Sumerian language are denoted by one word.

The art of Sumer knew the development of numerical bas-reliefs, the main theme is the theme of the battles. Individuals in them were depicted at the front, and the eyes - at the profile, the shoulders at the three-quarter turn, and the legs - at the profile. The proportions of human posts were not trimmed. But at the compositions of bas-reliefs, the artists jumped to convey the movement.

Musical art insanely knew its development in Sumer. For more than three thousand years, the Sumerians laid down their song-spells, legends, lamentations, spring songs and others. The first strings of musical instruments - the lyre and the harp - also appeared among the Sumerians. So the stench of the small oboes, the great drums.

End of Sumer

Through the second thousand years, the Akkadian culture changed the Sumerian culture. On the cob II millennium BC e. hordes of Semitic tribes invaded Mesopotamia. The conquerors have conquered their own local culture, and yet they have moved into their own. Moreover, the academic language was turned into an official sovereignty, and the role of the religious cult of science was excluded from the Sumerian one. Progressively known and ethnic type: the Sumerians are divided among the numerous Semitic tribes. These cultural conquests were already carried on by the adversaries: Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Chaldeans.

After the appearance of the Akkadian Semitic kingdom, the religious manifestations also changed: there was a change of the Semitic and Sumerian deities. Literary texts and shkіlnі have the right, which were saved on clay tablets, to speak about the growth of the level of writing of the inhabitants of Akkad. In the reigning dynasty of Akkad (about 2300 BC), the simplicity and schematicity of the Sumerian style was changed by greater freedom of composition, embracing figures and portraiture of devils in front of the sculpture in reliefs.

In a single cultural complex, called the Sumerian-Akkadian culture, the main role was played by the Sumerians. The very stench, in the opinion of modern consciences, is the founders of the famous Babylonian culture.

Two and a half thousand years have passed since the fall of the ancient Mesopotamian culture, and until recently they knew about it only from the confirmation of ancient Greek writers and from biblical retellings. But in the past century, archeological excavations have revealed remembrances of the material and written culture of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon, and this era has stood before us at the entire barbarian glare of that gloomy greatness. The spiritual culture of the Sumerians was left with a lot of unsolved things.

List of victorious literature

  1. Kravchenko O. I. Culturology: Navch. help for universities. - M: Academic project, 2001.
  2. Emelianov V. V. Ancient Sumer: Drawings of culture. SPb., 2001
  3. History of the Old World Ukolova V.I., Marinovich L.P. (Internet vision) Culture of the Age of Renaissance
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