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American archaeologists have announced the revelation of biblical places of Sodom and Gomori. US archaeologists said about the manifestation of sodom and gomori

Abba. One of the ancient places that rose up near Babylon, in translation means "desolate". Defeated by the Assyrians, they transported a part of the population to zruynovanuyu them in 722 BC Samaria. In the Bible, the figures are the same under the name Ivvi (4 Kings 17:24, 18:34, 19:13). Having settled in the kingdom of Israel, part of these people adopted the religion of the True God. But the greater number continued to worship false gods, the head of which were Nivkhaz and Tartak (4 Kings 17:31).

Avvim. The place from time immemorial lay with the Canaanite tribe Abbeyiv (at the crossroads - “they linger at empty places”). Close to the 15th century BC, Philistine tribes invaded the earth, also called by the Bible as captorites on the name of the island of Caphtor (Crete), their peaceful fatherland (Repetition of the Law 2:23). After the capture of Palestine by the Israelites, under Joshua Nun, the place went as far as Benjamin's Colin (Josus Nun 18:23).

Abel Beth Maach. One of the most powerful places of ancient Israel, the names of 2 Kings 20:19 are “mother of places in Israel”. Since under the earth under Jesus Navin, the place went as far as the tribe of Naphtalimov, after which a sprig of times in the course of its history became an object of attack by the army of fortune-tellers: so for Vaasa, the devastation of Benhadad, the king of Syria - 3 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Feglafelassar, king of Assyria (4 Kings 15:29). The city played an important role in the international war, which saved for King David after the rebellion of Savey. In the wake of that pіvtsarstvo, the appearance of David burst forth. Ale shvidki and rіshuchi dії yogi commander Joab led after the baked war to the shock of the shacklers - their leftovers closed in Abel-Beth-Maaha on the choli from Saveym. It is important to say what happened to the place, yakbi, one of the yogo sacks did not enlist her fellow countrymen to kill Savey and they themselves vryatuvat the place in the rout (2 Kings, 20 chapter).

Avelmehol. One of the Canaanite places, near which Gideon led the beggarly defeat of the Midianites of all three warriors (book Suddiv, chapter 7). The name of this place is also associated with the people of the new one of the most important prophets - Elisha (3 Kings 19:16).

Abel-Keraim. One of the Amonites' places, near some Israeli judge Ieftay, having given the Amonites a great defeat. I will name myself Abel-Keraim, which in translation means “valley of vineyards”, having cut off the crowns of the majestic amount of grapes that grow here (Book of Judgment 11:39).

Avets. One of the places that befell the Colin of Issachar (Josus Nun 19:20).

Avif. One of the oldest capitals of the Kingdom of Edom, after the ruler of Gadad, close to XIX-XVIII centuries. BC Nadali, the capital of the Bula was transferred to Seli (Petra), and Avif became the great city (Butya 36:35).

Adami-Nekev. The place that came after the division of Palestine to the tip of Naphtali (Joshua 19:33).

Adam. One of the ancient Canaanite places, near which the Israelites, led by Josus Nun, about 1410 BC crossed the miraculous order of Jordan (Jesus Nun 3:16). At perekladі means "red earth".

Adoraim. Israeli city-fortress, strengthened for King Rehoboam the First (2 Chronicles 11:9). After the defeat of the kingdom of Judah, 586 the rock went to Edom. In the period of the Maccabean War near the Other Capital BC, near the place there were battles between the youth and the Syrian warriors under the military leader Tryphon. At this hour, I will not name a place

Adora. In our time, there is a place called Dura in this city.

Adifam. The place that happened during the expansion of Palestine in the XIV century BC the Colin of Judi. At the translation, it means underwire embellishment.

Adramit. Old Greek place, roztashovane in the province of Misia, in Asia Minor. Being famous as one of the best port places of old. On one of the ships, the Apostle Paul, already a Roman sailor, sailed to Rome for judgment before the emperor (Dії 27:2). The place has been used until the present hour, but it has spent too much value.

Endor. The ancient Canaanite place, which has woken up to our time, is full of all sorts of legends. Under Jesus Navin, the place, although territorially and was placed up to the Isachar Colin, but in the course of the division was given to the tribe of Manasia. The Jews were guilty of vignati of the Canaanites from the place, having again subjugated their own power, but through the indolence of the Jews in Canaan they were deprived of living there, wanting to be embarrassed then to recognize the supreme power of the Israelites (І11:13). A decade later, the Jewish judges Barak and Deborah were devastated by the Canaanite king Yavin (Book of Suddiv, chapter 4).

Nitrogen. One of the largest, commissioned by Ascalon, Gaza, Gath, Akkaron, Philistine places, royal titles (the stench was founded by the Philistines in the XV-XIV centuries BC). During the division of Palestine, the place went as far as the tribe of Judi, as it is not enough to reproach your own power. But the Israelis entered the city of God after the death of Joshua Nun, signified by the weakened military power of Israel, and the plans for raising the roots of the Philistine places did not work out. For ten years, Azot became one of the outposts of pagan aggression against the Jewish state. On the eve of one hour of the war, the Philistines, having defeated the Jews, buried the Ark of God and, as a sign of their victory, they placed Yogo at the temple of the god Dagon in Azoth. Alya the True God did not allow the ark to be left in the hands of the pagans. Judge God, sent to the Azoth, tormented the priesthood and the inhabitants of the Azoth, moving into the floor of the ark, which was received for them, and renounce the yogo mist of Gath (1 Book of Kings 5:1-8). Until the 8th century BC, Azot wasted his great power, which did not bypass the rise of the youth in the reign of Tsar Ozia (787-735). The war, rozpochata їm against the Philistines, ended with the final rout and destruction of Gath and Azoth (2 Chronicles 26:6). Near Azot, Oziya sporadzhuє kіlka fortets, yakі mali strimuvat mozhlivі agresії philistines. Zavdyaki to the weakening of the Kingdom of Judea coming after him. Nitrogen is reborn, but not for a long time. In the reign of the Assyrian king Sargon (722-705 pp.), Azoth knows the taxes and ruin (Isaiah 20:1). It seemed that the place of science pinned down its reason, but God's prophecies to speak about something else:

1. In Azoth will be the guilt of the Philistines, but a place to be saved (Amos 1:8). 2. A third people live in Azoth (Zechariah 9:6). 3. The lands will be given to the Jews (Zephaniah 2:7).

History again confirmed the qi of the prophecy. Azot, having lived up to our time, regardless of the turbulent history and the numerical collapse, and at once perebuє in the state of Israel, bearing the name of Ezdud. At the translation "Azot" means "fortified place".

Ayalon. A long-standing Canaanite settlement, near Tim, near 1400 B.C. Under the hour of the battle at the time of the prayer of Nun, God created a miracle, having continued the doba for the 23rd year of 20 hvilin. It is marvelous, as it was called by the atheists to protract the riches, it is confirmed by history and astronomy (Josus Nun 10:12). At the ruler of Ahaz, the settlement was taken by the Philistines. In translation "Ayalon" means "valley of gazelles".

Ayalon. (2) At the same time in front of the place, which is found in the colony of Zebulun, is guessed in the Bible in the book. Judgment 12:12 through being buried in the new judgment of Elon.

Ayn. The old place, which was located near Hebron, when Palestine was divided, was given to the tribe of Yudin, then it was transferred to the tribe of Simeon and the Levites (Josus Nun 15:32). Wu translation means "dzherelo".

Accaron. One of the royal Philistine places. With the help of riches, to become the gate of the kingdom of Israel, which is written in the chronicles of David, Okhozia, Ozia and Yossia. The place was destroyed by the prophet Amos 1:8 and the prophet Zephaniah 2:4. These prophecies knew their own exact vikonannya іstorії. Archaeologists revealed near the village of Akir, the remains of the houses and the temples of the place, which testify about the greatness of the greatness. In translation "Akaron" means "victorion".

Temple of the goddess Hathor Dendera (private reconstruction).
Budіvnitstvo completed I in n. e.

Acre. Synonym - Ptolomaida.

Oleksandria. One of the largest places of the Old World, founded by Oleksandr the Great in 332 years BC, on a spit between Lake Mareotis and the Mediterranean Sea. For more than two hundred years, Oleksandriya became the capital of the Hellenistic state of Ptolemy-Lagidiv, which had settled after the collapse of the empire of Oleksandr the Great.

The rulers of which kingdom were:

1. Ptolemy the First "Laga" (304-283) 2. Ptolemy the Other "Philadelphus" (283-247) 3. Ptolemy the Third "Everget" (247-221) 4. Ptolemy the Fourth "Philopater" (221-205) Ptolemy P 'yatiy "Epіfan" (205-181) 6. Ptolemy Shostius (181-145) 7. Ptolemy Somiy "Tovstiy" (145-117) 8. Ptolemy the Eight (117-107) 9. Oleksander the First (117-88) Cleopatra Persha (117-88) 11. Ptolemy the Nine "Lafur" (116-107) 12. Ptolemy the Decimal (107-101) 13. Ptolemy the Nine "Lafur" (89-81) 14. Oleksander the Other (81) 15. Ptolemy Eleven "Avlet" (80-80) 16. Ptolemy Twelve "Dionis" (80-52) 17. Cleopatra Druga (52-48) 18. Ptolemy Thirteen (52-47) 19. Ptolemy Chotirnadtsyaty (47-) 20. Ptolemy Fifteen (45-30)

For Ptolemy the Other, a translation of the Greek Greek Bible was made. On the right, having found out about the greatness of the Bible, Ptolemy sent the list to the Jerusalem high priest Eleazar, in which he asked for translations, as if he knew both Greek and Jewish language. The translators in Oleksandriya came to the vlastovaniya food reception, after which the stench was delivered to the palace on the island of Pharos, near Oleksandria. There, the skin of them was seen along the okremіy kіmnati (there were 72 translations in total), de stink, one and the same, one could see the translation of the Pentateuch of Moses. After the completion of the work of Ptolemy, calling on their translations, sighing with a smile, that they stinks are identical. First of all, the Bible is one of the middle books of the world when translating, be it my own sense. Nadali, Egypt translated those other books of the Old Testament. Zagalom tsey translation of uvіyshov into history under the name of the Septuaginty, that is the translation of 70 tlumachіv. In a short time, Oleksandriya became a worldly political and cultural center. For the whole world there was a library of the city, which consists of 500 thousand volumes. Until our time, it didn’t go out, part of її died at 47 years BC. up to seven wonders of the world of the Ancient world. The population of the place in ancient times approached a million. At Alexandria III-IV Art. the great religious leaders lived for that hour: Clement, Origen, Arii. From 30 BC to 395 Rome, then Byzantium - until the 7th century. Then Muslim powers rose on this territory: the Arab Caliphate, the power of Tulunids (871-972), the power of Fatimids (972-1171), the power of Eyyubidiv (1171-1259), the power of Mamluks (1259-1526), ​​Turechchina (1259-1526), ) then, until now, it’s time to enter the warehouse of the state of Egypt. The Bible tells us a double riddle about Alexandria. First, in the book Di 18:24, we know a call about those that Apollos, one of the most famous preachers of Christ's vchennya, from that place; another - at the book. Dee 27:6, for it is said that on the ship of Alexandria the Apostle Pavlo made his way to Rome, while being ill.

Amphipol. Athenian colony in the mouth of the Strymon river in Macedonia. In the sight of that great fortified place, founded in the VI century BC, the ruins were left behind, and a small place was built up. In the Bible we speak with him in the book. Di 17:1, it is appointed that the apostle Paul, passing through this place, rang out a message about Christ.

anathoph. Ninі tse mistechko Anat. Roztashovans near Jerusalem, the place in ancient times lay with the synams of Levi, as they celebrated the religious service. For wickedness, the place recognized God's judgements, voted through the prophets Jeremiah 11:19-22 and Isaiah 10:30 and will definitely be compared in history. Zamіst if there is a rich and rich place today, there is a small place. In the Bible, there is a place for a zv'yazku z tim, that it became the mass of the high priest Aviathar, who was thrown off by King Solomon, and also that the prophet Jeremiah was born in this place (Jeremiah 1: 1). Wu perekladі means “return to prayer”.

Anaf. From the ancient history of the place, only those are seen that, close to the 17th century BC, the place was taken by the tribe of the Anak family (Josus Nun 11:21). Late, around 1410 BC, the place was taken by Josus Nun; during the division of Palestine, they crossed to Yuda's Colin (Josus Nun 15:50). In perekladі means "the place of grape yagid".

Antipatriads. Foundations on the site of the ancient settlement of Karf-Sabi by Irod the Great (37-4 pp.). In the middle of the 1st century AD, in the same place, the Apostle Paul was imprisoned (Dії 23:31). The place took the name in honor of Father Irod Antipater.

Antioch of Syria. One of the richest and great places of the ancient world, the largest capital of the Seleucid state - Syria, established after the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great. The place was founded by Seleucus the First, and named yoga in honor of his father. After the establishment of the kingdom of the Seleucids by the Romans in 64 years BC, the place saved its camp. In 395 rotations during the expansion of the Roman Empire, the place went as far as Byzantium. Antioch played a great role in the history of Christianity, being the residence of the Patriarch of Antioch and the venue for many church cathedrals. A theological school was founded in the new one, it was called Antiochian and it put on the first place the remembrance of the Holy Letter, illustrating the popular allegorical clouding. In 538 roci according to R. Kh., the place was ruled by the Persian king of the Sassanid dynasty Khozroy the First (529-579 pp.). After this place, the kіlka has once known renewal and ruin, zaznayuchi numerical disasters (before, epidemics). In 1098, as a result of the first crusade, the city was conquered by the Christians and became the capital of the Antioch princedom.

Rulers of the Antioch princedom:

1. Bohemond the First (1098-1111) 2. Tancred (1111-1112) 3. Roger (1112-1119) 4. Bohemond the Other (1119-1130) 5. Raymond the First (1130-1163) 6.1 1201) 7. Bohemond the Quarter (1201-1215) 8. Raymond the Other (1215-1220) 9. Boemund Quarters (1220-1233) 10. Boemund P'yatiy (1233-1252) 11.2 Boem5 Siomiy (1275-1287)

In 1268 the city was destroyed by Muslims. The small town of Antakia is located in the small town of Antakia. For the followers of Jesus Christ, the place is famous for it, that in the new stink itself “before they began to be called Christians” (Dії 11:26).

Antioch Pisidia. Place in Asia Minor, Sporudzhen Seleucus of Syria. The gospel call has reached the place for the apostle Paul, who once from Barnabas donis її people (Dії 13:16-41).

Apollonia. One of the Macedonian towns, named after the ancient Greek god Apollo. Apostle Paul saw the place (Dij 17:1 and 16:12-15).

Arad. A long-ago-chanaanish place, like it repaired the baked opir to the viysks of Josus Nun, like, having taken the place, it recognized the yogo of total humiliation (book of Numbers 21:1-3 and book of Judgment 1:16). Ninі zamіst mіsta znahoditsya pagorb Tel Arad. In perekladі means "place of wild donkeys".

Arvad. One of the Finnish places, sporudzhene on one of the islands near the Mediterranean Sea. For a long time to build one of the richest ports in the Mediterranean, the docks were not blasted by the Arabs for the hours of the Umayyad Dynasty (660-750), which was cherished by the Arab Caliphate. At perekladі means "misce vtikachiv". The Bible guessed at the book. Ezekiel 27:8-11.

Arpad. One of the cities of the Syrian Kingdom of Damascus, rooted by Sennacherib of Assyria (705-681), at the crossroads - “pidpore”.

Ar-Moab. The ancient capital of the Kingdom of Moab, was destroyed by the king Sigon of Amor, after the arrival of the Reuben Colon and it was destroyed in 342 rotations for the R.H.

Azor. One of the 3 capitals of the numerous Canaanite kingdoms, destroyed in 1410 BC by Jesus Nun. After ten years, the Canaanites made a place, the king of Yavin, who gave birth to the Israeli tribes and led them twenty lives. Nezabar tsgogo place to cross at the Volodinnya of the Israelis, like to slay yogo miraculous fortress in the 10th century BC. Tim himself came up with the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:33, as if it spoke about the destruction of the place and its deprivation by the inhabitants. In the Bible, Hazor is guessing at the book. Joshua 11:1, 13; book. Judgment 4:2-17; 3 book. Kings 9:15; 4 books Kings 15:29. Wu perekladі means "castle".

Astarof. The capital of Og, King Bashan, defeated by the Israelites in the XV century BC. Divination at the book. Repetition of Law 1:4; book. Joshua 9:10; 1 book Chronicles 11:44.

Ashterof-Karnaim. The ancient place, as if rotting between two hillocks, became famous for its population, which was vilified by the unbelievable growth and physical strength. The Bible guessed at the book. Buttya 14:5; book. Joshua 12:4. At the translation - “the mistress of the goddess goddess” (goddesses - that is, Astarti, who wandered around at that place; the dvorogy - after two humps).

Athens. One of the oldest and most beautiful places in the world; Yogo was called the "eye of Helladi" for a long time. The greatest development of the place reached the 5th century BC, if science, art, crafts, trade flourished, and the Athenians did not know their equals either on earth or on the sea. There was a place of miraculous beauty; the ruins of the Acropolis, which have been preserved today, the sculptures and the remnants of the columns are amazing in scope and grandeur. Ale Peloponeska war (431-404 pp.), robbery of the place by the Roman dictator Sulla, repeated wars with the Turks, attacking the "hornbeams" of the place by possible people, as if they were buying up for a beztsin and transported them to their fatherland (America, Europe) Athens is a great middle place in Europe. In Athens, the apostle Paul - at the book. Di 17:15 reads: "You, who accompanied Paul, performed yoga until Athens..."

At that hour, Athens was rightfully respected by the pagan capital of the world, having accepted the palm tree of the first place in Old Babylon: not only in the pagan center of the Acropolis, but on the skin square, the streets and the streets, on the skin crossroads, bagatih - you can see large and small sculptures and statues of pagan gods, such as there were impersonal ones. Don’t be surprised that “Paul was overwhelmed with spirit, having tended the place, and pouring idols” (Dij 17:16). At that time, different philosophical schools directly flourished in Athens, as if they united one thing: the glorification of human wisdom, the warmness and the hospitality of language. “The Athenians, though foreigners, who live with them, did not spend an hour in anything they liked, as if they were talking to someone who heard new things” (Dії 17:21). It is not surprising that the stench of Paul’s sermon about Jesus Christ did not stink, as even today people, overwhelmed by their corporeal mind, do not consider the need for the Savior of the world, and respect the Bible in the best memory of the world - literature, and in public.


The history of the lower places is represented by only one or two propositions, and therefore there is no more translation of the name of the place of the Holy Letter, where to go about the place.

Beester. At the translation - “dim Astarti”, in the Bible it is guessed in the book. Joshua 21:27; book. Chronicles 6:71.

Bila. At the translation - “blame”, guess in the book. Buttya 14:2, 8; book. Jeremiah 48:34.

Berof. At the translation - "kiparis". Guessing at 2 books. Kings 8:8; book. Ezekiel 47:16.

Beth Arbel. At the translation - “setting place”. Guessing at the book. Hosea 10:14.

Beth Hamul. At the perekladі - "camel booth". Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 48:23.

Bet-Divlafaim. At the perekladі - "booth of two horns". Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 48:22.

Beth Anaf. At the translation - "budinok vіdpovіdі". Guessing at the book. Joshua 19:38; book. Judgment 1:33.

Beth Arava. At the perekladі - "houses are empty". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:6; 18:22.

Beth-Bireya. At the perekladі - "budinok folded". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 4:31.

Beth Vaal Meon. At the translation - "the life of Baal." Guessing at the book. Joshua 13:17; book. Jeremiah 48:23.

Bethwar. At the translation - “pass the cross”. Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:24; Gospel of Ivan 1:28.

Befgader. At the perekladі - "budinok fenced". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 2:51.

Beth Garai. At the translation - "pіdnesené mіsce". Guessing at the book. Numbers 32:36; book. Joshua 13:27.

Beth Dagon. At the perekladі - "Dagon's booth". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:41.

Bef Eked. At the translation - "shepherd's booth". Guessing at 4 books. Kings 10:12, 14.

Bef-Ієshimof. At the perekladі - "houses are empty". Guessing at the book. Numbers 33:49; book. Joshua 12:3.

Bethcarem. At the perekladі - "budinok grapes." Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 6:1; book. Nehemiah 3:14.

Beth Nimra. At the perekladі - “booths for the barsu”. Guessing at the book. Numbers 32:36; book. Joshua 13:23.

Bef Patz. At the perekladі - "budinok ruynuvannya". Guessing at the book. Joshua 19:21.

Beth Rafa. At the perekladі - "budinok lykuvannya". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 4:12.

Beth Rehov. At the perekladі - "booth of latitude". Guessing at the book. Judgment 18:28; 2 book. Kings 10:6-8.

Beth Sun. At the perekladі - "calm house". Guessing at 1 book. Kings 31:10; book. Joshua 17:11.

Beth Tappuach. At the perekladі - "budinok apple". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:53.

Beth Pegor. At the translation - "Fegor's dim". Guessing at the book. Repetition of Law 3:29; 4:46.

Beth Hogla. At the perekladі - "chicken's booth". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:6.

Beth Tzur. At the perekladі - "budinok skele". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:58.

Befshitta. At the translation - “misce of acacia”. Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:22.

Bubast. At the translation - "Misse Basti". Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 30:17.

Vaal Gad. At the translation - "Volodar happiness." Guessing at the book. Joshua 12:7; book. Judgment 3:3.

Vaal Gamon. At the translation - “multiple place”. Guessing at the book. Song Song 8:11.

Baal Parasim. At the translation - "volodar shock". Guessing at 2 books. Kings 5:20.

Waal Pegor. At the translation - "open". Guessing at the book. Numbers 25:3, 5; Psalm 105:28.

Vaal Famar. At the crossroads - "a place of palm trees". Guessing at the book. Suddiv 20.33.

Bethhor. At the perekladі - "booths of lambs". Guessing at 1 book. Kings 7:11.

Virsaviya. On the back of the mist, there was a well of inducements, for whom Abraham and Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, swore an oath. After that, in a deaky hour, the place viniklo was named after the well of Virsavi, tobto "the well of the oath." The Bible will guess at the book. Buttya 21:31; 33; 26:32; 33; book. Joshua 15:28; book. Judgment 20:1; 1 book Kings 8:2; book. Amos 5:5; 8:14.

Bethlehem-Jewish, or Bethlehem-Efrafa. One of the most important places that were told by the Holy Letter. The names of the heroes of the Bible are connected with Bethlehem. Butya 35:19: "... Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath, that is Bethlehem." Slide to explain that Ephrafa is the old name of Bethlehem, which in translation means "fruitful". The place belonged to the colony of Yudin, who was called Bethlehem-Yudeisky (there are traces of Bethlehem-Zebulonov, who lay down the Colina of Zebulun and was in Galilee). Bethlehem was well known to Ancient Israel - the place lay on the road to Egypt: “I went and stumbled in the village of Khimam, beat Bethlehem, and drank to Egypt” (Book of Eremiya 41:17). Naomi straightened herself to Bethlehem with her bride Ruth: “I turned Noomi, and with her the bride Ruth the Moabite woman ... and the stench came to Bethlehem on the cob of barley reaping” (Rut 1:22). This place was also called the city of David, to that David was born in the new, and in this place there is also Josip from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the place of David, called Bethlehem, more than the fault of the house of that kind of David. enroll with Mary...” (Gospel in Luke 2:4, 5). At this place the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, was born: “I gave birth to Sin of her first child, and she sang Yogo, and laid Yogo in a manger, for there was no month for him in the hotel” (Gospel in Luke 2:7). On the fields of Bethlehem, the Angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds with a radiant double-pointed call: “For you were born to you at the place of David, the Savior, who is Christ the Lord ...” (Gospel of Luke 2:11). From the early childhood of Bethlehem-Ephrath, knowing well the skin of the Israeli children, like at home, and at school, and in the synagogue, and knowing well the prophecy, is written in the book of the prophet Mіhey 5:2: between thousands of Yudinim? For you will become Meni That, Who can be Vladikoy in Israel, and what a journey in the cob, in the days of eternity. At the translation of Bethlehem, it means a bunch of bread.

Vifsaida-Julia. Roztashovuvavsya near the Tiberias lake, and in honor of the daughter of the Roman emperor Octavian-August, taking off another part of the name. Not far from the place Jesus Christ nurtured 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two ribs (Gospel of Mark 6:41-45). We see and see that in the new the Lord healed the blind man (Gospel in Mark 8:22-25). U perekladі means "fishing booths".

Vifsaida Galileiska. Place, roztashovane of the lake of Galilee near Capernaum and Chorazin. Bethsaida gave birth to the apostles Peter, Andriy, and Pilip. In this place, our Lord Jesus repeatedly said: “Woe to you, Chorazine! Woe to you, Vifsaido! For the yakbis in Tire and Sidon were strong, manifested in you, then long ago the stench of that nonsense repented ”(Gospel of Matthew 11:21).

Vosor. One of the largest and richest places in the Kingdom of Edom, which rose up in the crevices of impregnable skel. For an hour of its foundation, the place was repeatedly conquered by the Moabites and the Ammonites, but every now and then it was rebuilt, saving its power. Prote godlessness, which was panwing at the city, ruined the spirit of Yogo Meskants, crying out to judge God. Book. Prophet Jeremiah 49:13: “For I swear, say the Lord, God, with a flicker, a smile, Vosor will become empty of curses, and all places of yoga will become eternal deserts.” Book. Prophet Amos 1:12: "I will send fire on Teman, and I will burn the halls of Bozor."

The numbers of the prophecies were accurately engraved, and the evil ruins of the fortifications and the pagan temples of Vosor vividly illustrate the truth of the prophetic word of the Bible. At the translation, Vosor means "sheep pen."

Vosor. (2) The place, one in front, belonged to the kingdom of Moab. Book. Jeremiah 48:24: "And to Keriot, and to Bosor, and to all the places of Moab, far and near..."

Gavaon. The place that belonged to the Canaanite tribe of Eve. At the Holy Letter, book. Josus Nun, in the ninth section, the history of the inhabitants of Gibeon is described, and those behind such conditions the union between them and the Israelites was laid. In the course of time, the place, freed up for self-reliance, began to belong to Benjamin's Colin (Josh 18:20, 25), and then to the Levites (Josh 21:17).

Gavaon, having gained popularity and tim, that in the new bula the tabernacle with a vvtar for the burning: which is written in the law of the Lord, which Vin punished Israel...” (1 Book of Chronicles 16:39, 40). Gibeon of injunctions and in the name of King Solomon: I send the king to Gibeon to offer a sacrifice there; for there was the head altar ... the Lord of Solomon appeared at Gibeon in the night, and God said: ask, what to give you ... grant, then, to your servant who is understanding in heart ... ”(1 Kings 3:4, 5, 9). This place became a testament to the valor and accessibility of Joab (2 Kings 2:12-17; 2 Kings 20:8-10). U perekladі means "delivery".

Gava or Giva. The ancient place that belonged to the Col of Benjamin, the small settlement of Zhebay. The Philistines themselves recognized the blows of the Philistines in the presence of David the Great (2 Kings 5:25). The Bible has a place in 4 books. Kings 23:8; book. Isaiah 10:29. At the translation - "pagorb".

Gadar. One of the leading places in the Gadarinsky region, which is often guessed at the Holy Letter. Today in the city, the place was left with less than ruins, so much beauty and power can be said about it. The Bible speaks in the Gospel Matthew 5:1; 20:7, 31; Gospel of Luke 8:26-40. In the Bible, it is not Gadar that is guessing, but the land of Gadarinska, which is made up of dekilkoh places, the leading one of which is the bula Gadar. There was the Savior, and this mysticism was glorified by a miracle, as if the Lord had created, healed the besnuvaty, who was in trunks (caves, de hovali died).

Ghazi. Wu perekladі means "stronghold".

Gazer. Canaanite place, guess in the Bible at the book. I. Joshua 10:33; having lain down for the Ephraimites for a year, they did not vikon the command of the Lord, for “... the Ephraimites did not drive out the Canaanites, who lingered in Gazer; To this the Canaanites lived in the midst of Ephraim until this day, paying them a tribute” (Book of I. Joshua 16:10). Nadali Gazer is guessing at 3 books. Kings, de in 9 divisions, 16 and 17 verses, we read about those that the Egyptian pharaoh, after burning down Gazer, having found the Canaanites, lived there, and having taken his daughter, Solomon’s retinue, into the place, who re-introduced yoga. Thus, the command of the Lord, which the Ephraimites resisted, was beaten by the hands of a pagan Egyptian. At the translation "Gazer" means "clothing".

Guy. One of the Canaanite places, at the crossroads, means “guru of the ruins”. I will name which place we will write first in the book of Butte 12:8, so we can read what Abraham will designate between Bethel and Haym.

Gaf-Hefer. An ancient place that befell the tribe of Zebulun (Joshua 19:13). Gaf-Hefer abo Gafhefer was the fatherland of the prophet John (4 Kings 14:25). At the translation, it means - "grindstone".

Gedera. The place that was due to Yudin's Colin (Joshua 15:36). The Bible will guess 1 book. Chronicles 12:4; 27:28. In translation, it means “koshara”.

Gerard. Ancient Canaanite place, as if guessing in the book. Buttya 10.19, and book. Butya 20:1-2 we read that Abraham is in this place. “I said to Abraham about Sarah, his squad: my sister is out. I sent Abimelech, king of Gerar, and took Sarah. At Gerari, during the hour of hunger, the son of Abraham Isaac lives: “... I send Isaac to Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, to Gerar. The Lord appeared to you and said: Do not go to Egypt; live in the land, I will tell you about the yak... Isaac settled in Gerar” (Book of Buttya 26:1-6). U perekladі means "district".

Gath. At the translation - "grindstone".

Gilo. An ancient place that belonged to the tribe of Yudin. In this place, the guardian of King David, Ahitophel the Gilonian, is alive, who saved his king, who crossed to the bek of Absalom and sighed against David. The whole story can be read in another book of Kings 15 chapters from 12 verses to 17 divisions 23 verses.

Gimza. The old place, which enters the warehouse of Yudeya, with the inhabitants of which there is also a story about history. The place of Gimzo was slaughtered by the Philistines, and the Jews were partly beaten, partly taken into captivity. Gimzo at the translation - "sycamore bowl".

Gur-Vaal. An ancient place, roztashovane not far from Arabia. The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Chronicles 26:7. In translation, it means “Baal's dwelling place”.

Dabeshefa. An ancient place that befell the tribe of Zebulun. The Bible guessed at the book. Joshua 19:11. U perekladі means "camel's hump".

Davir. The ancient Canaanite place, as scientists respect it, could possibly become the center of the pagan priesthood, because the other name of the place is Kiriath-Sefer, which in translation means "place of books" or "book place", and another name is Bulo - Kiriath-Sanna " vivacity". The very name Davir is translated as an oracle. From the book of Josus Nun, 10 divisions, 38 verses, it is clear that the Israelis with Josus Nun fought against the other place. “I took yogo, and the tsar yogo ... no one was left behind, who would have survived ...” H 11 chapters, 21 verses of the book. I. Navina is known to him that Davir lay in bed with the Canaanite tribe of the Enakims. In the course of time, the place began to lie with the tribe of Yudina, and then “They gave the synagogues of Aaron the same place of treasures: Hebron and Lvna ... Davir and the transfer of yoga ...” (1 Book of Chronicles 6:57, 58).

Damascus. At the translation, it means - "the place of trouble."

Dan. The ancient Canaanite place was called earlier Lais abo Las. At the book. Joshua 19:46:47 reads about those who “... the border of Dan's blue is small for them. And the blues of Danov went to war on Lasem, and took Yogo ... and settled in the new, and called Lasem Dan in the name of Dan, his father. The book of Suddiv, chapter 18, added the story of Micah, as it ended with him, that the blues of Dan were taken from him "" bovvan, ephod, teraphim and lithium idol ... and they went to Lays ... they called them the place Dan ... and set up the blues of Danov's bovvan ... and small bovvans, crushing Mihai, for the whole hour, if we have God's bov near Silomy. At this place, King Yeroboam, looking forward with special cunning miraculous, setting up a golden calf “and saying to the people: You do not need to go to Jerusalem; the axis of your gods, Israel, as they showed you from the Egyptian land. I put one in Beth-Elі, and the other in Danі... and it led to sin...” (3 Books of Kings 12:27-30). So Israel, cherishing not God's cherubs, but the words of the godless king, all went on entering the sight of God. In translation, Dan means “judge”.

Thought. The place that befell Colin Yudin is guessed in the book. Joshua 15:52. At the translation, it means “moving”.

Euro. An ancient place, belonged to the Colin of Asher (I. Joshua 19:28). The translation means “transition”.

Eden. At the perekladі - "satisfied booths". Roztashovuvavsya in Syria, and, like vvazhayut, being one of the royal residences. Otherwise called - Edeniv dіm (Amos 1:5).

Eleali. One of the ancient Canaanite places, after the division of Palestine, was the Col of Reuben. In the book of Numbers 32:2-5, we read about those who the tribes of Hadov and Reuben, who led the majestic herds, turned away from the passages to Moses: Volodinnya; don't take us through the Jordan." After a century, for the hours of the prophets Jeremiah and Isaї buv conquests by the Moabites. The ruins of the place, which were saved until this day, to talk about his great glory and wealth. Divination in the Bible in the book. Jeremiah 48:34; that book. Isaiah 15:4. Translator means “Great God”. Insha named the place - Єlale.

Elaf. Ancient port place, founded by Idumeans. For David, the place was conquered by the Israelis, as if they spent the first time and conquered again, the docks of the wines were not left behind by the Syrian king Rezin. The wealth of the place was brought by maritime trade, which can be judged from the ruins of the port. The Bible will guess at the book. Repetition of Law 2:8, 11; 4 books Kings 14:22; 16:6; 3 book. Kings 9:26-28.

Elteka or Eleika. The place at the division of Palestine was given to the tribe of Dan. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:44. At the translation - "God is terrible."

Enhazor. During the division of Palestine, I went to the synams of Naphtali (Book I. Joshua 19:37). At the translation - "dzherelo village".

En-Rimmon. Lying down on Yudin's kolіn. The Bible will guess at the book. Nehemiah 11:29; book. Zechariah 14:10. At the perekladі - "dzherelo pomegranate apples."

En-Tappuakh. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 17:7,8, the stars are seen that “Between Manasses went from Asher ... to the inhabitants of En-Tappuakh. The land of Tappuakh was separated from Manasiya, and the place of Tappuakh at the border of Manasiya is synam Efremovim. It is translated like “Jerelo of an apple”.

En-Haddah. Leaning on the Isachar Colin (Book of I. Navin 19:17-21). At the perekladі there is a “Swidky strum”.

En Shemesh. The place belonged to Yudin Kolin (book I. Joshua 15:7). At the translation - "dzherelo sun".

Yesewon. The capital was the capital of the terrible Amorite kingdom, the rulers of which chose this place from the Moabites. When Palestine was divided under Jesus Navin, it turned to the blue of Levi. After that, with a stretch of riches, dozens of centuries, the place changed the rulers of the Moabites from the VI century BC to the Arabs. Ninі vіd mіsta spared no more than great ruins. Guessing at the book. Numbers 21:26-34; book. Repetition of Law 2:24-25. At the translation - "vinahid".

Ephesus One of the most beautiful places of the Old World, roztashovane in Asia Minor (on the territory of modern Turkey) and founded close to the XII century BC. The Temple of Artemis brought special glory to the place, which brings up to the seven wonders of the Old World. At this place, the silversmith Dimitry provoked a stabbing, directing against the Apostle Paul, that yoga, and bagmen of the place “for about two years they shouted: great Artemida Efeska!” I am hearing about a similar story, as one single person herself saw the light, sent by the Lord, those others were robbed of themselves, and as a result, “according to the revolt brought by Pavlo ... viyshov and pishov to Macedonia” (Dії 19 chapter і 1 vіrshіl ). At the course of archeological excavations near the city, a temple, dozens of palaces, a square, a term (baths), an ancient theater were discovered, which hosted about 25 thousand people.

Ether. During the division of Palestine, the place was given to Yudin's Colin (book I. Navin 15:42). Ale in 19 divisions, from 1 to 7 vertices, we know that Simeon, to whom another foal fell, having removed the fall of the middle blues of Yudin, and including the place of Ether. At the translation, it means - "great number".

Ivva chi Abba. The place was on the territory of the Assyrian Empire. Guessing from the Bible in 4 books. Kings 18:34. U perekladі means "ruins".

Icons. One of the oldest places in Asia Minor, which was the capital of Lakaon. A special place was reached in the XI-XII centuries. according to R. Kh., if it became the center of the Seljuk empire, one of the most difficult and most aggressive powers of the middle ages. After the collapse of the Seljuk state, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick Barbarossa took the place of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, then the city of Volodymyr Volodya of the Muslim princedoms, the Mongols, and, Nareshti, the Ottoman Turks, panuvannya of them were lost. After preaching in the place of the Apostle Paul and Barnavi, a great Christian community was organized there, representatives of the Bishop Evlaly and Amphilochius took part in the ecumenical councils of 325 and 381 years. The Bible will guess at the book. Di 13:51; 14:1-6.

Ifla. During the division of Palestine, the place was given to Dan's tribe (Book I. Joshua 19:42). U perekladі means "delivery".

Yagur. It took place during the division of Palestine to Kolіnu Yudin, it was spread at the cordon from Idumea (Edom), about which we are aware of the book. I. Joshua 15:21.

Jerusalem. The most recent name of the most famous place is Yevus, named after the head of the tribe of Yevuseiv (book I. Joshua 18:28). They admit that the oldest names of Jerusalem are Salim (at the book Buttya 14:18: "... Melchizedek, king of Salem"). The place was taken by David: “I send the king and the people of Yogo to Jerusalem against Eubusia (2 Books of Kings 5:6). Solomon built a famous temple, a palace. Rusalim repeatedly recognized the ruins as foreigners: Nebuchadnezzar (586 BC); Ptolemy (320 r); Antioch Yepifan (169 r); Titus (70 rubles per R. Kh.) and quickly resurrected again.

Joppa. An ancient Jewish city-port, which played an important role in the economy of the ancient Jewish state. Surviving the numerical heap that dashing, the place lived up to the current hour and is called Jaffa. The Bible guessed at the book. I. Joshua 19:46; book. John 1:3; 2 book. Chronicles 2:16; book. Ezri 3:7; book. Ruth 4:2; Gospel of Ivan 1:3; book. Di 10:9-20. In translation - "beautiful".

Kavul. The place that happened during the division of Palestine to Colin Asirov (book I. Joshua 19:27). This year, at the warehouse of twenty places of the land of Galilee, King Solomon gave Hiram, the king of Tirsky - for payment for cedars and cypress trees, and gold, like Hiram, delivering Solomon to the life of the Lord's house and the king's house, but the city was not worthy of it: "... for a place, like you... giving me? And calling them the land of Cabul…” (3 Kings 9:10-13). Kavul at the crossroads - "dry land".

Kademof. During the division of Palestine, I went to Reuben's synams (book I. Joshua 13:18). In translation - "old".

Kalah. From the book of Butte 10:11 we know that Assur, that viishov from the land of Shinar, "... having awakened Nineveh, Rehobofir, Kalah." At the translation - "zrіlіst".

Kalhe abo Kalke abo Halne. The place, prompted by Nimrod, is guessing at the book. Buttya 10:10; book. Isaiah 10:9.

Capernaum. This place is haunted in the Gospels, to that here our Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly said: on the seaside path, beyond the Jordan, Galilea is a yazichnitska, the people who sit by the pіtmі, shaking the great light ... ". Let us note here that “From that hour Jesus began to preach and say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Lord has done a lot of miracles in this place: “If Jesus has gone to Capernaum, the centurion has gone to New and asking Yogo: Lord! My servant is to lie at home… I suffer horribly…”. The end of the miracle story is good to know: I dressed Yogo's servant at that hour. In this place, the Lord Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law, bіsnuvatih. Capernaum began to be called “Yogo Mistom”: “Tody Vin ... having arrived at His place” (from the land of Gergesinsky, more was said about it). At this place, Jesus, calling Matvey before the service, immediately reciting a few parables. At the crossroads - "Naum's settlement".

Carchemis. One of the most ancient nearby places, the early history of a distant past, to the Aramaean tribes, as if they were one of their main places. The name of the place may be guessed in all ancient annals, which testifies to its great significance. Ale naybіlshoї populyarnostі in іstorії Misto Nabul zavdyaki fact scho nearby Demba 605 rotsі vibuhnula strong battle scho virіshuvala maybutne svitu: mіzh recently vіdtvorenim Novovavilonskim kingdom i takozh neschodavno vіdrodzhenim Єgipetskim, mіzh vіyskami Nebuchadnezzar i Pharaoh Necho, yaky pragnuv zavoyuvati Palestine. The fight ended with the defeat of Neho and the strongholds of the Palestine hegemony of Babylon; The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Chronicles 35:20; book. Isaiah 10:9; book. Jeremiah 46:2. At the translation - “Misto Khamosu”.

Keila. During the division of Palestine, I went to Yudin's Colin (Book I. Joshua 15:44). At the translation - “smіtsnennya”.

Caesarea. Jewish place, sponsored by Irod the Great, in honor of the Roman Caesar (Caesar) Octavian Augustus, on the site of an ancient settlement. For 1300 years, regardless of the frequent change of the rulers, the place played an important role in the political life of Palestine, until it fell into darkness and was abandoned by the inhabitants. The place is repeatedly guessed at the Holy Letter, at the book. Di 3:30; 8:40 a.m.; 10:1; 11:17; 12:19-23; 18:22. Ninі houses are places of rozkidanі majestic ruins of vezh, temples, budinkov.

Kesil. During the division of Palestine, becoming the liege of Yuda's Kolіn (Book I. Navin 15:30). In the translation - "reckless".

Kefir. During the division of Palestine, I went to Benjamin’s Colin (Book I. Joshua 18:26). Divination in the book of Ezra 2:25; book. Nehemiah 7:29. At the translation - "village".

Kiriafaim. Location; the promptings of the sinami Reubenim (Book of Numbers 32:37). At the translation - “double place”.

Kirinei chi Kyreni. Place roztashovane on the territory of Libya, near Pivnichniy Africa. For Ptolemy, a significant part of the Jews was relocated to the same place, as if, zreshtoyu, they built the majority of the population there. First of all, I will name the places we are writing on the sides of the Gospel in Matthew 27:31: Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of our Lord to Golgotha. The name of the place I zustrіchaєmo is the same in the book. Di 2:10; 6:9; 11:20; 13:1.

Kiriath-Baal. The place belonged to Yudin Kolin (Book of I. Joshua 15:9). At the translation - “forest place”.

Corinth. One of the oldest places in Greece, if it was the capital of an independent kingdom. I carried the name of Efiry on my back, and the mother of the two harbors - Lekheiska and Kenkhreyska. On the isthmus, which connects the Peloponnese with the mainland, stood the fort of Acrocorinth. The moral state of the inhabitants of the city shocked the Romans, as they did not quarrel with high morality. And it’s true, watching the history of that place, falling into the vіchі rіdkіsna, shouting the debauchery of the yogo bagmen, don’t go to Sodom. Numerous temples of the place were real huge houses, moreover, they were called upon to shackle with shoes. The temples of Poseidon - the god of the seas, Apollo - the god of mysteries and Aphrodite - the goddess of kohanna were especially popular.

The rulers of Corinth Kipselidi (657-582) ruled for 75 years:

1. Kipsel (657-627) 2. Periander (627-585) 3. Psammentikh (585-582)

Cana Galileiska. During the division of Palestine, the colony of Asirov was displaced (Book of I. Joshua 19:28). The place starts at 2 branches of the Gospel of John, from 1 verse, where the well-known story about the miracle was written down, as the Lord Jesus created, at the very beginning of his service, turning water into wine on the oars in Cani of Galilee. And in Cani, where the Lord came again, he healed the son of the court in absentia (Gospel of Ivan 4:46-54). I will name this place mi zustrіchaєmosya in 21 divisions of 2 verses of the Gospel in the form of John, de read about those who Nathaniel was born in Kanya of Galilei.

Lays. At the translation Laiss - “like to the left”.

Laodicea. One of the possible places of Asia Minor, founded by the king of Syria from the Seleucid dynasty Antiochus the Other (262-246 pp.) on the border of trade routes. Zavdyak to the rest, the place was famous for its richest great trade, miracle houses. We can talk about the wealth of the place and the fact that after the terrible earthworker (60 years AD) the inhabitants were inspired to help the imperial center, recognizing the place for the sovereignty. Laodicea was also one of the most famous resorts in Ancient Rome, the dawn of the presence of warm puddles. For the Roman riches, who were raised in the place, there were numerically arranged mortgages. Mandrivniki said that the people, as if they had eaten to the mist, forgot about everything, zanuryuyuchisya at the camps of licorice contentment that mist. Under Diolectian (285-305 rr.), the place became the center of the Roman province of Phrygia, an independent kingdom, which was established after the collapse of the empire of Oleksandr the Great.

Lasey. Place to guess at the book. Di 27:8. In translation, it means “suvory”.

Lidda chi Lod. The place was founded by the sons of Benjamin (1 Book. Chronicles 8:12), then the place was destroyed, and the inhabitants were led into the Babylonian full, and with the year of their sack they turned and repopulated and repopulated and repopulated Lidda (Book of Ezri 2:33; ). 11:35). At the translation - "podіl".

Listra. With a riddle about this place, we are told on the sides of the book Di 14: 6-22, near which place Paul and Barnabas were preached, here Paul was healed of the cult, and the inhabitants of the place, having sipped their wonders, took Paul and Barnabas for the pagan gods, small us sacrifice. ...the stench led the people not to bring sacrifice to them ... "In this place"...if the apostles boldly preached ... they beat Paul with stones and stood for the place, we will die in honor of him. I saw Pavlo again when I saw Listra, if a church was organized in that city, “... there was a teacher, named Timothy ... having encouraged Pavlo to take with you ...” (Book of Di 16: 1-3). Timothy, having become a vіddanim, we will teach, before the new address, two letters of the Apostle Paul.

Magdali. The place, roztashovane not far from Capernaum, is guessing in the Gospel in Matthew 15:39. Mary lived with Magdala for an hour, nicknamed for the name of the place Magdalene, who became a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. At the translation - "vezha".

Makeda. The ancient Canaanite place is conjured up in the book. Josus Nun in 10 divisions. Near this place, the people of Israel fought for the five kings of the Amorites, “Jesus called to the Lord ... I chimed the sun, and stood for a month, the docks, taking revenge on the people of their enemies ... Chuv bi human voice. For the Lord fights for Israel.” Five kings of the Amorites were buried at the oven in Makedi. At the translation - "shepherd's place".

Me-Іarkon. The Canaanite place, at the time of the division of Palestine, went to the downfall of Dan (book I. Joshua 19:46). At the perekladі - "water of pale color".

Mephaaf. The place that saw the Col of Reuben (Book 1. Joshua 13:18), and in the course of time the place became to lie with the Levites (Book 1. Joshua 21:37). At the translation - "descent".

Mikhmas. The place, roztashovane not far from Jerusalem, belonged to Colin Veniaminov. Guessing at 1 book. Kings 13:2 - at the same place there was a part of the war on the island of Saul during the hour of war with the Philistines. Inhabitants of the place were in the midst of the Babylonian flood, the stars turned like slats at the warehouse 122 osib (Book of Ezri 2:27). Place to guess at the book. Isaiah 10:28. At the translation - "butt".

Naas. The place that befell Yuda's Colin (1 Book of Chronicles 4:12). At the translation - "serpent".

Nagaliv. The place that befell the tribe of Zebulun (Book 1. Joshua 19:15), the year saw the Levites (Book 1. Joshua 21:35). At the translation - "shepherd".

Nazareth. The place of Galilee, which belonged to the tribe of Zebulun. Where did the childhood of our Savior pass? The inhabitants of the city were irritated by the badness and low morality. Reading in the Bible in the Gospel in Matthew 2:23; 21:11; Gospels in Luke 1:26; Gospel of Ivan 1:45; Di 10:38. At the crossroads - "galuz, otherwise the fenced area."

Nivshan. The place that was due to Yuda's Colin (Joshua 15:62). At the translation - "kindred".

Nikopol. As the messenger of the Apostle Paul says before Titus 3:12, de Pavlo mav let us spend the winter. They admit that the place was near Macedonia. At the translation - "place of victory."

Nofa chi Nova. The place was near the warehouse of ancient Moab, then - at the Colin of Reuben. Guessing at the book. Numbers 21:30 that book. Judgment 8:11. At the translation - "breath".

Odollam chi Adollam. I will name which ancient place is written on the sides of the book Buttya 38:1, 20; 2 book. Kings 23:13; at the book Micah 1:15. The place was in the old residence of one of the Canaanite kings, then the tribe of Yudin moved away. At 1 book. Kings 22:1 we read about those who were in the cave of Adollam, David, in the presence of King Achish of Gath.

Vin chi Iliopol. At the translation - "sun".

Oronaim. Ancient Moabite place; zustrіchaєmosya from the riddle about the new one in the book. Jeremiah in 48 divisions, in the prophecy about Moab. At the translation - "two ovens".

Paf. The place that was known in Cyprus, zestrichaєmosya with a riddle about the new one in the book. Dії in 13 divisions, de read the story about those, like Pavlo and Barnabas preached the word of God to proconsul Sergius Pavl, and like Elima, like an opponent of him, but a blind enemy.

Pergamon. The capital of the ancient Pergamon kingdom; The place of Pergamon proudly bore its name - "the high castle". Vіn proudly towers over the places and peoples of the Old World, not only in the political and economic, but also in the spiritual sense. And it’s not surprising, because the place respected itself as an offender of the Ancient Babylon - the golden head, the great capital of the world.

She herself in Pergamum after the defeat of Babylon, having moved the center of the holy priesthood, the center of the divine forces. In the same place, in the future, a temple will be built in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus in the 29th century BC, which was supposed to elevate a person to the equal of God, raising the equal of Yoma. Tim himself affirmed that, be it a man, he could become early equal to God. The place was the center of worship for such pagan deities, like Zeus - the god of thunder, Athena - the warrior goddess, Dionysus - the god of winemaking, Asclepius - the god of mysticism of glee. Miraculous temples were built for the skin of these gods. Before the speech, the current sign of the doctors, the serpent, that cup led its journey towards the symbol of Asclepius.

The leftovers of the Persian capital of Persepolis save less than a bliss of a lot of writing

Ale, the temple of Zeus was especially popular, adding up to the seven wonders of the ancient world. The place was in the house and the library, which has thousands of the most important manuscripts. For Tsar Eumenes, famous paprias were found, names in honor of the place with parchment.

The rulers of the Kingdom of Pergamon Attalidi (282-133) ruled for 149 years.

1. Phileter the First (282-263) 2. Eumenes the First (263-241) 3. Attalus the First "Savior" (241-197) 4. Eumenes the Other (197-159) 5. Attalus the Other "Philadelph" (159-138 ) ) 6. Attalus the Third (138-133)

Pefor. Crying out at the book of Numbers 22:5; the place where Valaam lives, until the time when the King of Moab, Balak, ruled after the curse of the people of Israel. Tsyu velmy pochalnu іstory re-read more than once, it has a lesson for us, like one single sin - greed, having stocked the stake of God's prophet Balaam (Numbers 22, 23, 24 chapters and 31: 1-8). At the translation - “vitlumachennya dream”.

Rabbit. A long-standing Canaanite place that lay after the division of Palestine to the tribe of Issachar (Book of I. Joshua 19:20). In translation - "great".

Rama chi Ramafa, chi Ramafaim. Dekilka mist bore the name. The place of Rama lay with Benjamin’s Colin, nearby Deborah lived under a palm tree: “At that hour Deborah was a prophetess to the judge of Israel…” (Book of Judgments 4:4-5). I’ll call the place I’ll name: the place that belonged to the Colin of Naphtalimov; the place of the tribe of Efremov, where the prophet Samuel was born; the place of Colina Asirov; the place of Simeonov's colony, which was in the borders of Yudin's colony, is guessed in the Bible: book. I. Joshua 18:25; 19:36; 19:29; 19:8; 1 book Kings 1:1. At the translation - "high".

Resny. To be guessed at the book Buttya 10:12. In translation - "strong".

Recef chi Retsev. Guessing from the Bible in 4 books. Kings 19:12; book. Isaiah 37:12. At the translation - "stronghold".

Ribla abo Rivla. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. Numbers 34:11; at 4 books. Kings 23:33. At the translation - "fruitful".

Rimmon. The place of the colony of Zebulun, as if by a year the Levites began to lie down. It is important that another name of the place is DIMNA. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:13; 1 book Chronicles 6:77. At the crossroads - "pomegranate tree".

The life of the aqueducts of Rome had a lot to do with the development of civilization and hygiene in the era of antiquity. Pont du Gard, throwing one of these plumbing lines across the river into the city of Rome, de water, which came along the new, went to the huge lazne, fountains and dzherela, and also to the courtyards of the townspeople

Roglim. Guessing from the Bible in 2 books. Kings 17:27; 19:31. At the translation - "a place of felting cloths".

Salha. The place that lay half the colony of Manasia. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. Repetition of Law 3:10; book. I. Joshua 12:5. At the translation - "mandrivka".

Sevina chi Zafon, chi Zafon. Place, yak befitted the tribe of Dan. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. I.Navina 13:27; book. Judgment 12:1.

Sivoim. The place was blamed at once from Sodom and Gomorrah; guess at the book. Repetition of Law 29:23; book. Hosea 11:8.

Ziklag or Ziklag. Guessing from the Bible in 1 book. Kings 27:6. At the translation - "oppressions".

Marmur statue at the Vatican

Sela (Petra).

History passed for centuries by the rise of Peter. Ale, if the place was a junction point for caravan routes between the Persian inflow and the Chervonim Sea.

Separvaim chi Sifara. From this Syrian place, part of the population was resettled to Samaria after the conquest of the place by the Syrian king Shalmaneser (4 Kings 17:24).

Sidon. At the crossroads - "ribny fishing".

Silom. Place of Colina Efremov. Here the bula was erected the Tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant, and it was there until Illy that Samuil, who was waving at her. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. I. Joshua 18:1; book. Judgment 18:31; Psalms 77:60. At the translation - "calm".

Syracuse. The old place, founded in 735 BC and for a long time became the capital of an independent state, in which the periods of republic and tyranny changed. Mayuchi a wonderful port, the place controlled the Mediterranean trade.

Excavations carried out in the area, talking about yogo suprawichine wealth. In 214 districts, the place was destroyed by the Romans, after which it lost political independence. The great popularity of Syracuse was brought by the famous mathematician Archimedes, who was born in the same place, and died in the new hands of the Roman war. The Bible guessed at the book. Dee 28:12.

Rulers of Syracuse:

1. Gelon (485-477), 2. Hieron the First (477-467) 3. Dionysius the First Elder (406-367) 4. Dionysius the Other Younger (367-357) (346-343) 5. Dion (357-346) ) ) 6. Timoleon (343-337) 7. Agafolk (317-289) 8. Hierokles (289-270) 9. Hieron the Other (270-215) 10. Ieronim (215-214)

Shechem chi Sihar. One of the most ancient Canaanite places, under Jesus Navin, went to the warehouse of Israel. The Bible guessed at the book. Buttya 12:6; 37:12-14; book. I. Joshua 20:7; 21:21; 24:1-25; book. Judgment 8:31; 3 book. Kings 12:1; Gospel of Ivan 4:5. At the translation - "shoulder".

Skіfpol abo Bef San abo Scіfsky Grad. The place belonged to the colony of Manasia, but it was located on the territory of the colony of Issachar. Guessing at the book. Judgment 1:27. At the translation - "Misto of the Scythians".

Marmur statue at the Vatican

Smyrna. One of the oldest places in Asia Minor, the history of which can be divided into two periods. The first, until 627 BC - napіvlegendarny, the docks of the place were not destroyed by the Middle East; the other, who stood up for Oleksandr the Great, who rekindled the place, turned it into the largest commercial and political center of the Old World. At the approaching sweat, the stormy capital of Smyrna is resting with the battleships of Rome, which, zreshtoy, subordinating its recent capital. Mandrivnik's place opposed the great number of temples and palaces that hung in all parts of it. At the sight of riches of other places of Asia Minor, Smyrna not only was not buried in the crucible of history, but on the other hand, it always took on an important economic value, which is still important in our hour. Ninіtse the great Turkish port of Izmir.

Sodom. At the translation - "burning".

For a rough plan, inspired by G. Renlender

Soho. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 15:48. The place belonged to Colin Yudin. At the translation - "chagarnik".

Sonam chi Sunem. Place of Colin Issakharov. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:18. At the translation - "ner_vne mistse".

Suwa chi Owl. Ancient Canaanite place. Guessing at 1 book. Kings 14:47. At the translation - "podstava".

Sur. The place on the road from Palestine to Egypt is also called a desert. Guessing at the book. Buttya 16:7. At the translation - "wall".

Tyutyun. Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:22. At the translation - "signs".

Tenis. The history of the place was added by us at the book “The All-World History and Prophecy of the Bible”.

Tarsus. The Fatherland of Saul, who eventually became the Apostle Paul. Guessing at the book. Di 9:11; 21:39.

Tevets. To be guessed at the book of Judgment 9:50. At the translation - "syayvo".

Tel Aviv. Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 3:15. At the translation - “guru of spikelets”.

Tyr. At the translation - "skele".

Philadelphia. One of the lіdіyskih mіst, sporudzhenii king of Pergamum Attalus Another Philadelphus. The rest, having taken away his honor Philadelph, to “love his brother”, for those who lost their faith in their brother Eumen, if they had an important test. After the inclusion of the Kingdom of Pergamon to the warehouse of Rome in 133 BC, the place became one of the centers of grape cultivation. With the stretch of its foundation, Philadelphia, the flock of times, conceived the ruination of the earth cowards.

Faanakh. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 12:21; book. Judgment 5:19. At the translation - "pishchay grunt".

Fekoy. The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Kings 14:2; 4; nine; 23:26. At the translation - “attached”.

Thessalonika. Greek place; guess at the book. Di 17:1. Place, de preaching the Apostle Paul, de boulo organized the church. Guessing from the Bible book. Di 17:1; eleven; thirteen; Epistle to Philip 4:16; Another messenger to Timothy 4:10.

Fimnafa. In the history of the Israelite Judge Samson, one finds a place at the book of Suddiv 14:1.5. At the translation - "share".

Fitir. One of the richest trading places in Asia Minor, where pottery, copper smelting, Kravets and farbowal crafts flourished. The name of the place at the crossroads is “an indefinite sacrifice”

Hali. Place in the colony of Asirov, zgaduetsya in the book. I. Joshua 19:25. At the translation - "embellishment".

Hamaf. Place in the Colin of Neffadim, guess at the book. I. Joshua 19:35. At the translation - "hot dzherela".

Haroshef-Goyim. To be guessed at the book of Judgment 4:2. At the translation - "mystery".

Hebron. Guessing at the book. Numbers 13:23. At the translation - "zvyazok".

Helkaf. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 21:31. The place belonged to the Colin of Asirov, the last crossings to Levitiv. At the translation - "share".

Hifles. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:40). At the translation - "vіddіlennya".

Hub. Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 30:5.

Khutma. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:54). At the translation - "fortress".

Tsahir. Guessing at 4 books. Kings 8:21. In translation - "weak".

Cer. Place of the Colin of Naphtali (Book of I. Joshua 19:35).

Shaaraim. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:36). It is also guessed at 1 book. Kings 17:52; 1 book Chronicles 4:31.

Shagatsim. Place of Colin Issachar (Book of I. Joshua 19:22). At the translation - "pagorb".

Shamir. Guessing at the book. Judgment 10:1. At the translation - "turn".

Erix. A place in the kingdom of Nimrod (Book of Buttya 10:10). At the translation - "dovzhina".

Utah. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:55).

Yaats. Read at the book Repetition of Law 2:32. At the translation - "smooth place".

"I poured the Lord on Sodom and Gomorrah with a fire and fire from the Lord out of the sky, and throwing off the city of qi, and the whole outskirts of qiu, and all the meshchantsiv of the city of tsikh... , and pobachiv: axis, dim rises from the earth, like dim from the oven "
Numbers from the Bible (But. 19) already a few thousand years do not give peace to the drunken minds. To those who believe deeply, everything is clear: God knows certain miserable sinners and non-traditional sexual orientations - "fornicated and followed other flesh" (Jud. 1:7). And having taken the stars, that fire is not important. Yakos Strait. "What is hard for the Lord?" (But. 18), - speaking to himself, it’s true, from another drive.
Prote richly hto tsіkavitsya, chi dіysno іsnuvali zgadanі in the bіblії mіsta - Sodom and Gomorrah, inhabited by homosexuals?
Steven Collins - archaeologist from Trinity Southwestern University in New Mexico - note: you can now have no doubts about accepting from the foundation of Sodom. Vcheniy upevneniy, scho knows the legendary place.
The Bible approximately shows the time and hour of the Lord's punishment of homosexuals. Ale can be remembered for the hardness that was trapiling on the outskirts of the lower Dead Sea, called the "Salt Lake" approximately in the III millennium BC. And after that, the righteous came here - Abraham with his nephew Lot. They came from their families. And they settled in a kindred region, which was churned by water, like the garden of the Lord, like the Egyptian land.
The biblical retelling is also confirmed by ancient historians, who, it seems, especially visited the houses of the podium. Let's go after 3 thousand years.
- The area of ​​\u200b\u200bSodomitska bula lay down to the lake with a blessed land for its kindred and was embellished with richness in places, but now it’s gone, - write Josip Flavius, knowing with his witnesses about the birth of Jesus Christ. - Rozpovіdat, scho for the godlessness of її meshkantsіv won boulder filled with glitter. Navit dosі can bachiti deyaki surpluses of heavenly fire and follow five places; Ashes are established in the fruits themselves; according to the color of that color, the stench is given by the right fruits, but it’s better to strangle them with your hand, as the stench transforms into drank that ashes.

Echo Flavius ​​and Tacitus, also saying "I will burn the earth."
Nine, after 2 thousand years, is like the garden of the Lord, like before, guessing the inanimate moon landscape.
Archaeologists are not small about those who knew Sodom themselves. Periodically, beginning in the 20s of the last century, the stench unearthed reassuring ruins, scorched with charring. They knew the ruins to wind at the bottom of the Dead Sea, covering the yogo underwater channels. Hello, are you yourself? And at once from the places that have become symbols of dissolution, the Lord burned down two more - Admuta Sevoim.
Steven Collins was digging near the Tal-el-Hamman area, which proved to be a misfortune, described in the Bible. Dig up the walls of the curtains 10 meters and 5 comrades, in the middle of them - the ruins of numerical buds. Tobto, having revealed a great and solid place, like, in the air, and Sodom for the hours of his discovery.

The archeologists found utensils, armor, tools, embellishments and other artifacts, they confirmed that the townspeople - sodomites - actively traded. I didn't beat.
About Sodom, as about the great perdition of the place, Strabo wrote, the author of the famous antique "Geography":
- At the expense of the fact that the earth is full of fire ... show streams of scorched rocks and in rich places, rozkolini and similar drank soil, rivers that rose smoridzhuyut, and everywhere on the outskirts of the ruins of human inhabitants. Therefore, we will be able to expand even more among the masses of the inhabitants of the retellings, if there were thirteen inhabitants of the city, from some of the smut places - Sodom - a little close to 60 stages at the stake.
Installed: the ruins of the place, dug by Collins, can be seen until about 35 centuries BC. Life in the new thrived for about 700 years, and then raptly stumbled.
Ale, if Sodom was truly found, then how and why did you perish? Surprisingly, this riddle was solved 7 more years ago.

Hi, tse not an earthshaker
It was not necessary for the religious Strabo to let it go first, that the nest was littered not by God, but by brawls. Having written that "in the form of earthworks, the destruction of fire and hot asphalt and sirchistikh waters ... the fire has suffocated the rocks."
In 2001, the hypothesis of the ancient historian was confirmed by the British geologist and archaeologist Dr. Greim Harris. Having pointed out that in the area of ​​the Dead Sea, there are birthplaces of asphalt, tar, and underground guts filled with methane. Movlyav, the earth coward, provoking the wiki of that one. In the light of which the vlasne and vinik all-devouring fire.
It's logical. Yakby is not one big problem. In the Bible, yakіy, yakіy z'yasuvali, you can believe, it is said that "fire in the sight of the Lord" was from heaven. To the beast, and not from below.
Another evidence of the biblical catastrophe
Like the fate of rocket engines Alan Bond and Mark Hempsell, who lectures on astronautics at the University of Bristol (Great Britain), published a book that unambiguously linked the death of Sodom, that Gomorrah with the sky. Same with an asteroid that fell into the air. Moreover, they sing that they didn’t guess it themselves. And they deciphered the cuneiform on an old clay tablet. This artifact, known as the "Planisfera", is being stored in the British Museum under the number K8538.

The tablet was known to archaeologist Henry Layard in the middle of the 19th century in the ruins of the library of the royal palace in Nineveh, the ancient capital of the Assyrian state. Since that hour, the numerical successors have been unsuccessfully fighting over the її deciphering.
Knowing that they found the right key, Hempsell and Bond made a note: a cuneiform recording of a person's witness, who, perhaps, became an eyewitness to the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Earth. If the "Planisfera" itself is not one of the hands on the right - there is only an exact copy of the reports of a Sumerian astronomer.
Vcheni read about "a fiery coil that is approaching," like "rushing swiftly" across the sky. They knew the description of the trajectory that was made, how the suzir was ripped.
The data was deciphered by a computer program that allows creating pictures of the dawn sky of thousands of years ago. І z'yasuvalos: the asteroid fell at the New Year's Eve on 29 chervnya 3123 BC.
– The diameter of the celestial body became 800 meters to the second kilometer, – Hempsell told. - Head blow fell on the Tyrol region of the lower Austrian Alps. Then it became like this: otherwise, the asteroid’s tricks, having wobbled, rushed along the way, scorching and destroying everything on their way right up to the “land of Jordan”. Abo vinikla mushroom-like gloom, like a nuclear vibe, like dying, re-entered the atmosphere in the area of ​​the Dead Sea. Cloudy temperatures are over 400 degrees. It was enough for the bible places to grow up there. Among them are Sodom and Gomorrah.
Fire sack with a diameter of 5 kilometers
In the Alps, in the Tyrolean town of Köfels, there really is a marvelous landscape, like a long time ago for geologists: the mountain was blown away.
– Asteroid and znіs, – the British followers sing. - Ale without flooding the crater. That scho vrіzavsya at the Earth under the arc of a hostile kut - close to 6 degrees. Mayzhe shdotichno. I vibrated in the air, having made a fire sack with a diameter of 5 kilometers. Vіn, nache cumulative projectile, and throwing a five-kilometer mountain at the pill. I have emptied about a million square kilometers with my path.
- To the point, - even Hempsell, - catastrophic consequences, connected with the fall of an asteroid, not less pronounced in the Bible, but also in rich ancient myths. For example, at the very sight - about Phaeton, who did not run into the fiery chariot of his tata Helios and fell from the sky.
Or maybe aliens fired an atomic bomb?
Ufologists, obviously, also joke about the perpetrators of the biblical persecution. I suspect that the taemnichi men, called angels, that they foresaw Abraham and Lot before the catastrophe, were really aliens. Shards of small supernatural vibes: there were no signs, the inhabitants of Sodom spared the dawn. And they knew for sure that the place would be destroyed - they literally led New Lot out of the family by the hands.

Ufologists in their own way interpret the words from the Bible - "The sun has set over the earth." Movlyav, not rozvydnіlosya, but appeared sleeping in a nuclear vibe. The one on the clay tablet - "Planisferi" - is not an asteroid, but a spaceship.
And how to understand the wondrous vchinok of Lot, who huddled together in the safe town of Sigori, and then let us live in the oven at once from two bottoms? Yogo's squad, as it seems, pretended to be salty stovp - they did not listen to the "bumps", as if they were looking around at the vibuhs.
The Bible says: "...for being afraid to live in Sigor". And more: "... God... hanging Lot z-pomіzh guilt."
In the opinion of ufologists, the cause was deadly radiation. Її follow for five out of more than thousand fates, naturally, have arisen. Ale de-ne-de traplyatsya melted rock, far away similar to the one you know on the ruins of the ancient Indian city of Mohenjo-Daro. Behind the recitations of the wars of the blasting "with a tight single shell, we will load the whole world of the All-World. The gleaming stovp of the Dima and the fire, having burned down, like ten thousand sons... and nothing". Looks like Hiroshima, doesn't it?

Otherwise, now the aliens bombed Sodom and Gomorrah? Nevzhe through myst gays? It is obviously not symmetrical to put the summation of the underground version.
On my special thought, how sensible and humane the hypothesis looks, which unites everything at once. So, the bulls were aliens - they looked after the earthlings. We knew that asteroids were falling. I vryatulyalis after Lot, that having become worthy of them. Bov and a terrible blow near the Alps. Vіd ny becoming an earthshaker. But it’s similar, what caused the scourge of combustible materials - methane, tar, smut, native sirka - to her, as the historian Pliny wrote, there were riches on the outskirts of the Dead Sea: smut..."
Why is it safe to read the Bible?
Zbochenci - from young to old
The Bible (Buttya) does not have a direct reference to the Meshkans to Sodom and Gomorrah in homosexuality. Ale z opovіdі tsіlkom can zrobiti such an ambiguous visnovok. Receive some of the Sodomites.
These very human angels are like human beings, like they were vryatuly Lot, they spent the night in the new one. And here "... the stench has not yet gone to sleep, like the inhabitants of the city, Sodomlyans, from young to old, all the people ... have sharpened the houses." Vimagali to bring before them bulging, adding "we know it".
Pіd "pіznaєmo" zbochentsі mali on uvazі zovsіm not znajomstvo. The sense of this word is revealed by Lot, pronouncing to the townspeople: "... I have two daughters, they didn’t know a man; rather, I’ll see them before you, work from him, which is good for you, only people can’t work anything ... "
Prote Sodomites were always aware of all the same zayvih cholovikiv. What does not leave the everyday sums in their cheeks: it’s less ingrained homosexuality and foolishness to be forced into women.
In short, in the face of the attack, the people vryatuvalis them, that they "struck the blindness" of the attackers, like the lamati of the door were climbing. Vіd tsgogo stinks did not know її: "they were tormented, whispering at the entrance."
Visnovok: the people of Sodom are just not opposed to going "for other flesh." What did it take to bring.
It's wonderful, however: the Lord has mortally punished homosexuals, and otherwise - incest, as if in the eyes of the vastness, it looks much more disgusting, without judging. Adzhe yak vіdomo z the same Butt (19:31-38), the daughters of Lot, after the catastrophe, having settled from him at the stove, drank tata. According to one's will, they charged him - p'yanenkiy - with a state act and won one by one.
Vtim, other people were inaccessible to daughters - God is guilty. Chi became true? Chi for quiet hours of incest zagali not vvazhavshis sin? Mystery…

A group of archaeologists from Pivdenno-Zahidny Trinity University (New Mexico) voted about the ruins of the ancient biblical sites of Sodom and Gomorrhi, reminding of the messages on Christian Today. Prof. Steve Collins, a researcher for the project, said that after a serious investigation of 10 years at the site of the excavation of the ruins at Tell el-Hammam.

“We found the ruins of the ancient complex Bronze Doby and the ruins of a great place-power, as if we were not aware of our project to the very beginning”, - quoting S. Collins.

"Archaeological group has unearthed a reference "gold mine" from ancient monumental spores and artifacts", - specifying wine.

Professor vvazhaє, scho pіvnyannya tsikh ruins іz surpluses іnshih ancient places nearby allow you to talk about the maximum zbіg for a number of criteria, vіdomih about Sodom for the text of the Bible.

Zgidno from the Bible, for the hours of Abraham Sodom was cheering and rich in mist, ale, the shards of the inhabitants "were evil and sinful" (But. 13:13), then "the Lord poured on Sodom and Gomorrah with a fire that fire of the Lord from heaven, and having thrown off the places of qi, and the whole outskirts of qi, and all the sacks of these places, and [all] the tower of the earth ”(But. 19:24-25).

The Bible tells about the death of not two, but some of the five places that were scattered in the Dead Sea area, for example, the XVIII century BC. Five mist-powers Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma, Sevoim and Bela (Sigor) established a coalition, as if under the rule of the union of the kings of Mesopotamia, they severely punished their vassals for non-payment of tribute.

The Torah says that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, having fallen on the one who stench starved their zhenkiv, repaired an unjust judgment, and commanded the mandriving at the hotel.

The prophet Ezekiel says about it: “The axis of whom was lawless Sodomy, your sister and daughter її: at pride, crossed that ledarstvo, and out of the hands of the same poor marriage did not support ...” (16:49).

The Bible says that the wrath of the Lord was called out by the sins of the meshkants in these places. God, having declared to Abraham that Sodom would be wicked, after the prayers of Abraham, the Lord declared not to blame the place, as if there were ten righteous people. The righteous were not known, and after the salvation of the angels of this righteous Lot from the homeland of the place, it was destroyed by fire from heaven.

Viraz "Sodom" ("Sodom and Gomorrah") today allegorically means the place of dissolution, de znevazhayutsya moral podvaliny suspіlstva. In modern Russian rozmovnіy mov "sodom" they also call noise and turbulence.

Zgidno with the Bible, place, de-roztashovuvalis if Sodom, Gomorrah and other three places, it was like a Garden of Eden. The information about it called for the skepticism of those who knew about the inanimate lands that lay down to the Dead Sea, and about those that Mesopotamia and the Jordanian valley were not few ways to remember.

At the beginning of the 1920s, archaeologist Nelson Gluck discovered traces of the ancient road that Mesopotamia and the Dead Sea used to tell. Then the riddle about the zhvava road was found in the texts of the clay tablets from Mary.

Formerly, a confession about the "recession" of the biblical Sodom was said about a knowledge near the town of Bab-ed-Dra (Bab edh-Dhra). In 1960, archaeologists knew a long-standing treasury, which consists of five million graves. Tsya znahіdka allowed the production of visnovkas about rotting near the place with a highly developed culture.

Found in the vicinity of 3 million earthenware shards of ancient utensils with leftovers of wheat, rye, dates, plums, peaches, grapes, figs, pistachios, almonds, olives and other fruits, they were allowed to signify that the Bronze Table had a garden in their districts.

Another proof that the places were shown by them themselves, about how to say the Bible, the survivors worked in the middle mosaic, revealed in 1896 during the life on the ruins of the old Byzantine church of the Greek Orthodox monastery in St.

Mosaic, like a “map of Madabi”, made of millions of colored stones in a gigantic map of the Holy Land with an area of ​​93 square meters. To this day, 25% of the mosaic has been preserved, but in the middle it is depicted as a place, under which there should be a caption: “Bila, there is Sigor”. The place of roztashuvannya Bili on the map is exactly zbіgaєtsya s Safi - one of the five dead places found near the Dead Sea region.

The hypothesis about those that Sodom and Gomorrah was founded not on the Western (Israeli), but on the similar (Jordanian) shore of the Dead Sea, was raised by American scientists in the 90s of the XX century.

Zgіdno z accepted more vchenih hypothesis, the biblical Sodom roztashovuvavsya on pіvdenno-zahіdny shore of the Dead Sea.

During the years 1965-1967 and 1973-1979, five expeditions were carried out, after which there were no such expeditions to Sodom.

In 2000, a British archaeological expedition was carried out under the ceremonial work of the scientist Michael Sanders. Її participants care that they could determine the most accurate coordinates of the ruins of Sodom at the bottom of the Dead Sea. Poshuk swam in the pivnіchno-shіdnіy water area, which more often called for the theory that it was based on the Bible, that Sodom was at the pіvdenny edge of the Dead Sea. The evidence of the British scientists was grounded on the photographic materials of the American aerospace agency NASA, as they recorded anomalies on the days of the Dead Sea on the coast of Jordan.

In early 2010, the Russian company allowed the rulers of the Hashemite Kingdom to carry out geological exploration work in the area designated as the transfer of the Sodom and Gomorrah mineral wealth. Vіn roztashovuvavsya on the outskirts of the ancient place of Bab-ed-Dra, de, from the photograph of NASA, perhaps, the ruins were concentrated. Since 2012, a joint Russian-Jordanian archaeological expedition was organized in 2012. The Russian company was selected for the project due to the stability of deep-sea waters up to the brackish water of the Dead Sea.

Given the reasons for the death of the place of worship in different hours, there were different versions of the death - from an earthworm to the fall of a great meteorite.

A group of archaeologists from Pvdenno-Zakhidny Trinity University (New Mexico) voted about the knowledge of the ruins of the ancient biblical places of Sodom and Gomorr, as if they recognized the will of the All-Vishish ruin for sin.

Prof. Steve Collins, a follower of the project, said that such a vysnovka was made after serious investigations, as it was carried out for 10 years at the excavation site near Tell el-Hammam.

Behind the words of Collins, archaeologists have found the ruins of the ancient Bronze Doby complex to lie with the great city-state, as if it were unknown to the project that had been kerned by him to the cob.

"Archaeological group has unearthed a true "gold mine" from ancient monumental spores and artifacts", - quote from Christian Today.

In Collins's opinion, the destruction of the ruins revealed by the remnants of other ancient places, planted nearby, allows us to talk about the maximum profit for a number of criteria, looking at Sodom for the text of the Bible.

Land of five places

Zgіdno z Old Zavitom, for the hour of Abraham Sodom bv vіtuchym and rich mist, ale, oskolki inhabitants "were evil and more sinners" (Book of Butt, chapter 13, vіrsh 13), then "the Lord poured on Sodom and Gomorrah with a sirka and fire in the Lord from the sky and having thrown off the place of qi, and the whole outskirts of qiu, and all the meshchantsiv of these places, and [all] the tower of the earth" (Book of Buttya, chapter 19, verses 24-25).

The Bible tells about the death of not two, but some of the five places that were scattered in the Dead Sea area, for example, the XVIII century BC. Five mist-powers Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma, Sevoim and Bela (Sigor) established a coalition, as if under the rule of the union of the kings of Mesopotamia, they severely punished their vassals for non-payment of tribute.

The Torah says that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, having fallen on the one who stench starved their zhenkiv, repaired an unjust judgment, and commanded the mandriving at the hotel.

The prophet Ezekiel says about it: "The axis of whom was lawless Sodomy, your sister and daughter її: with pride, persecution and coldness, and out of the hands of the wrong marriage did not support ..." (The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, section 16, vіrsh 49).

The Bible says that the wrath of the Lord was called out by the sins of the meshkants in these places. God rebuked Abraham that Sodom would be wicked, but after the prayers of Abraham, the Lord declared not to blame the place, as if there were ten righteous people in them. The righteous were not known, and after the salvation of the angels of this righteous Lot from the homeland of the place, it was destroyed by fire from heaven.

Viraz "sodom" ("sodom and gomora") today allegorically means the place of dissolution, de znevazhayutsya moral podvaliny suspіlstva. In today's Russian rozmovnіy movі sodom they call noise and turbulence, guess the portal

Poshuki of the Bible "Mista Griha"

Zgіdno z bіblієyu, mіsce, de koli perebuvali Sodom, Gomorrah and other three places, it was like a Garden of Eden. The information about it called for the skepticism of those who knew about the inanimate lands that lay down to the Dead Sea, and about those that Mesopotamia and the Jordanian valley were not few ways to remember.

At the beginning of the 1920s, archaeologist Nelson Gluck discovered traces of the ancient road that Mesopotamia and the Dead Sea used to tell. Then we knew the riddle about this road in the texts of the clay tablets from Mary.

Formerly, the story about the mystical knowledge of the biblical Sodom was hung after the discovery of an ancient tsvintar near the town of Bab-ed-Dra, which is made up of pivmillion of graves. This connoisseur, broken by archaeologists in 1960 on the day of Bab-ed-Dra, allowed the production of visnovkas about the cultivation near the place with a highly developed culture.

Found in the vicinity of three million earthenware shards of ancient utensils with leftovers of wheat, rye, dates, plums, peaches, grapes, figs, pistachios, almonds, olives and other fruits, it was allowed to signify that the Bronze Capital had a happy garden.

One more proof that they showed themselves, about how to say the Bible, the survivors worked in the middle mosaic, revealed in 1896 during life on the ruins of the old Byzantine church of the Greek Orthodox monastery in St. George in Madashov, Roztash

Mosaic, like a Map of Madabi, made of millions of colored stones in a gigantic map of the Holy Land with an area of ​​93 square meters. To this day, a quarter of the mosaic has been preserved, and in the middle of it, it is depicted as a place, under which there should be a signature: "Bila, there is Sigor." The place of roztashuvannya Bili on the map is exactly zbіgaєtsya s Safi - one of the five dead places found near the Dead Sea region.

The hypothesis about those that Sodom and Gomorrah was founded not on the Western (Israeli), but on the similar (Jordanian) shore of the Dead Sea, was raised by American scientists in the 90s of the XX century.

According to the adopted most recent hypothesis, the biblical Sodom roztashovuvavsya on the shore of the Dead Sea.

Remaining ten years

Between 1965-1967 and 1973-1979, five expeditions were carried out, but sodom was not discovered.

In 2000, the participants of the British archaeological expedition, under the guidance of Michael Sanders, decided that they could determine the most accurate coordinates of the ruins of Sodom on the days of the Dead Sea. Poshuk is near the pivnіchno-shіdnіy water area. Tse povnistyu asked for a theory that spires on the Bible, that Sodom rose up in the dead edge of the Dead Sea. The opinion of the British scientists was grounded on the photographic materials of the American aerospace agency NASA, as they recorded anomalies on the days of the Dead Sea on the coast of Jordan.

In early 2010, the Russian company allowed the rulers of the Hashemite Kingdom to carry out geological exploration work in the area designated as the transfer of the Sodom and Gomorrah mineral wealth. Vіn roztashovuvavsya on the outskirts of the ancient place of Bab-ed-Dra, de, from the NASA photograph, the ruins of the city could be concentrated. Since 2012, a joint Russian-Jordanian archaeological expedition was organized in 2012. The Russian company was selected for the project due to the stability of deep-sea waters up to the brackish water of the Dead Sea.

Given the reasons for the death of the place of worship in different hours, different versions hung - from an earthworm to the fall of a great meteorite.

Short vocabulary-dovidnik

Abba. One of the ancient places that rose up near Babylon, in the translation means "desolate". Defeated by the Assyrians, they transported a part of the population to zruynovanuyu them in 722 BC Samaria. In the Bible, the figure is the same for the name Іvvi(2 Kings 17:24, 18:34, 19:13). Having settled in the kingdom of Israel, part of these people adopted the religion of the True God. But the greater number continued to worship false gods, the head of which were Nivkhaz and Tartak (4 Kings 17:31).

Avvim. The place from time immemorial lay with the Canaanite tribe Abbeyiv (at the crossroads - "they linger at empty places"). Close to the 15th century BC, Philistine tribes invaded the earth, also called by the Bible as captorites on the name of the island of Caphtor (Crete), their peaceful fatherland (Repetition of the Law 2:23). After the capture of Palestine by the Israelites, under Joshua Nun, the place went as far as Benjamin's Colin (Josus Nun 18:23).

Abel Beth Maach. One of the strongest places of ancient Israel, the names of 2 Kings 20:19 "mother of places in Israel". Since under the earth under Jesus Navin, the place went as far as the tribe of Naphtalimov, after which a sprig of times in the course of its history became an object of attack by the army of fortune-tellers: so for Vaasa, the devastation of Benhadad, the king of Syria - 3 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Kings 15:20 Feglafelassar, king of Assyria (4 Kings 15:29). The city played an important role in the international war, which saved for King David after the rebellion of Savey. In the wake of that pіvtsarstvo, the appearance of David burst forth. Ale shvidki and rіshuchi dії yogi commander Joab led after the baked war to the shock of the shacklers - their leftovers closed in Abel-Beth-Maaha on the choli from Saveym. It is important to say what happened to the place, yakbi, one of the yogo sacks did not enlist her fellow countrymen to kill Savey and they themselves vryatuvat the place in the rout (2 Kings, 20 chapter).

Avelmehol. One of the Canaanite places, near which Gideon led the beggarly defeat of the Midianites of all three warriors (book Suddiv, chapter 7). The name of this place is also associated with the people of the new one of the most important prophets - Elisha (3 Kings 19:16).

Abel-Keraim. One of the Amonites' places, near some Israeli judge Ieftay, having given the Amonites a great defeat. I will call myself Abel-Keraim, which in translation means "valley of vineyards", having cut off the crowns of the majestic amount of grapes that are grown here (Book of Judgment 11:39).

Avets. One of the places that befell the Colin of Issachar (Josus Nun 19:20).

Avif. One of the oldest capitals of the Kingdom of Edom, after the ruler of Gadad, close to XIX-XVIII centuries. BC Nadali, the capital of the Bula was transferred to Seli (Petra), and Avif became the great city (Butya 36:35).

Adami-Nekev. The place that came after the division of Palestine to the tip of Naphtali (Joshua 19:33).

Adam. One of the ancient Canaanite places, near which the Israelites, led by Josus Nun, about 1410 BC crossed the miraculous order of Jordan (Jesus Nun 3:16). At perekladі means "red earth".

Adoraim. Israeli city-fortress, strengthened for King Rehoboam the First (2 Chronicles 11:9). After the defeat of the kingdom of Judah, 586 the rock went to Edom. In the period of the Maccabean War near the Other Capital BC, near the place there were battles between the youth and the Syrian warriors under the military leader Tryphon. At this hour, I will not name a place Adora. In our time, there is a place called Dura in this city.

Adifam. The place that happened during the expansion of Palestine in the XIV century BC the Colin of Judi. At the translation means underwire embellishment.

Adramit. Old Greek place, roztashovane in the province of Misia, in Asia Minor. Being famous as one of the best port places of old. On one of the ships, the Apostle Paul, already a Roman sailor, sailed to Rome for judgment before the emperor (Dії 27:2). The place has been used until the present hour, but it has spent too much value.

Endor. The ancient Canaanite place, which has woken up to our time, is full of all sorts of legends. Under Jesus Navin, the place, although territorially and was placed up to the Isachar Colin, but in the course of the division was given to the tribe of Manasia. The Jews were guilty of vignati of the Canaanites from the place, having again subjugated their own power, but through the indolence of the Jews in Canaan they were deprived of living there, wanting to be embarrassed then to recognize the supreme power of the Israelites (І11:13). A decade later, the Jewish judges Barak and Deborah were devastated by the Canaanite king Yavin (Book of Suddiv, chapter 4). And the greatest popularity of the place was brought by podії, which were played in a new example of the reign of Saul. Rest, stepping into his life, all far and far from the sight of the Lord, transforming himself from a wise and great king consecrated to God into a zhalyugid and self-sufficient person, nareshti, deyshov to the point that he turned for help to a chaklunka, a wicked maid. Saul, having come before her, ask the spirit of Samuel to call out, in the form of a demon standing in front of him (1 Kings, 28 chapter). This is one of the most recent spiritual seances recorded in history. Ale, as in ancient times, so it is today people, as if they try to get in touch with their dead loved ones, come into contact not with them, more after death, as if the Bible, "the dead do not know anything, and already there is no payment, oh memory Forgotten about them, and love їhnya, і hatred їhnya, and jealousy їhnya have already arisen, and there is no greater part of it for ever and ever, what to fight under the sun ... to that in the grave, where you go, no work , no peace, no knowledge, no wisdom” (Ecclesiast 9:5-6, 10). with Saul, evil spirits stand before people, as if in their time they called to the death of Saul, mriyuchi those same robit with us.

Nitrogen. One of the largest, commissioned by Ascalon, Gaza, Gath, Akkaron, Philistine places, royal titles (the stench was founded by the Philistines in the XV-XIV centuries BC). During the division of Palestine, the place went as far as the tribe of Judi, as it is not enough to reproach your own power. But the Israelis entered the city of God after the death of Joshua Nun, signified by the weakened military power of Israel, and the plans for raising the roots of the Philistine places did not work out. For ten years, Azot became one of the outposts of pagan aggression against the Jewish state. On the eve of one hour of the war, the Philistines, having defeated the Jews, buried the Ark of God and, as a sign of their victory, they placed Yogo at the temple of the god Dagon in Azoth. Alya the True God did not allow the ark to be left in the hands of the pagans. Judge God, sent to the Azoth, tormented the priesthood and the inhabitants of the Azoth, moving into the floor of the ark, which was received for them, and renounce the yogo mist of Gath (1 Book of Kings 5:1-8). Until the 8th century BC, Azot wasted his great power, which did not bypass the rise of the youth in the reign of Tsar Ozia (787-735). The war, rozpochata їm against the Philistines, ended with the final rout and destruction of Gath and Azoth (2 Chronicles 26:6). Near Azot, Oziya sporadzhuє kіlka fortets, yakі mali strimuvat mozhlivі agresії philistines. Zavdyaki to the weakening of the Kingdom of Judea coming after him. Nitrogen is reborn, but not for a long time. In the reign of the Assyrian king Sargon (722-705 pp.), Azoth knows the taxes and ruin (Isaiah 20:1). It seemed that the place of science pinned down its reason, but God's prophecies to speak about something else:

1. In Azoth will be the guilt of the Philistines, but a place to be saved (Amos 1:8).

2. A third people live in Azoth (Zechariah 9:6).

3. The lands will be given to the Jews (Zephaniah 2:7).

History again confirmed the qi of the prophecy. Azot, having lived up to our time, regardless of the turbulent history and the numerical collapse, and at once perebuє in the state of Israel, bearing the name of Ezdud. At the translation, "Azot" means "improved place".

Ayalon. A long-standing Canaanite settlement, near Tim, near 1400 B.C. Under the hour of the battle at the time of the prayer of Nun, God created a miracle, having continued the doba for the 23rd year of 20 hvilin. It is marvelous, as it was called by the atheists to protract the riches, it is confirmed by history and astronomy (Josus Nun 10:12). At the ruler of Ahaz, the settlement was taken by the Philistines. In translation "Ayalon" means "valley of gazelles".

Ayalon. (2) At the same time in front of the place, which is found in the colony of Zebulun, is written in the Bible in the book. Judgment 12:12 through being buried in the new judgment of Elon.

Ayn. The old place, which was located near Hebron, when Palestine was divided, was given to the tribe of Yudin, then it was transferred to the tribe of Simeon and the Levites (Josus Nun 15:32). Translated means "dzherelo".

Accaron. One of the royal Philistine places. With the help of riches, to become the gate of the kingdom of Israel, which is written in the chronicles of David, Okhozia, Ozia and Yossia. The place was destroyed by the prophet Amos 1:8 and the prophet Zephaniah 2:4. These prophecies knew their own exact vikonannya іstorії. Archaeologists revealed near the village of Akir, the remains of the houses and the temples of the place, which testify about the greatness of the greatness. In translation "Akkaron" means "victorion".

Temple of the goddess Hathor Dendera (private reconstruction).

Budіvnitstvo completed I in n. e.

acre. Synonym - Ptolomaida.

Oleksandria. One of the largest places of the Old World, founded by Oleksandr the Great in 332 years BC, on a spit between Lake Mareotis and the Mediterranean Sea. For more than two hundred years, Oleksandriya became the capital of the Hellenistic state of Ptolemy-Lagidiv, which had settled after the collapse of the empire of Oleksandr the Great.

The rulers of which kingdom were:

1. Ptolemy the First "Laga" (304-283)

2. Ptolemy the Other "Philadelph" (283-247)

3. Ptolemy III "Everget" (247-221)

4. Ptolemy Quarter "Philopater" (221-205)

5. Ptolemy P'yatiy "Epіfan" (205-181)

6. Ptolemy Shostius (181-145)

7. Ptolemy Somy "Tovstiy" (145-117)

8. Ptolemy the Eight (117-107)

9. Oleksandr the First (117-88)

10. Cleopatra Persha (117-88)

11. Ptolemy Nine "Lafur" (116-107)

12. Ptolemy the Ten (107-101)

13. Ptolemy Nine "Lafur" (89-81)

14. Oleksandr the Other (81-80)

15. Ptolemy Eleven "Avlet" (80-80)

16. Ptolemy the Twelve "Dionysus" (80-52)

17. Cleopatra Druga (52-48)

18. Ptolemy the Thirteen (52-47)

19. Ptolemy Chotirnadtsy (47-45)

20. Ptolemy Fifteen (45-30)

For Ptolemy the Other, a translation of the Greek Greek Bible was made. On the right, having found out about the greatness of the Bible, Ptolemy sent the list to the Jerusalem high priest Eleazar, in which he asked for translations, as if he knew both Greek and Jewish language. The translators in Oleksandriya came to the vlastovaniya food reception, after which the stench was delivered to the palace on the island of Pharos, near Oleksandria. There, the skin of them was seen along the okremіy kіmnati (there were 72 translations in total), de stink, one and the same, one could see the translation of the Pentateuch of Moses. After the completion of the work of Ptolemy, calling on their translations, sighing with a smile, that they stinks are identical. First of all, the Bible is one of the middle books of the world when translating, be it my own sense. Nadali, Egypt translated those other books of the Old Testament. Zagalom tsey translation of uvіyshov into history under the name of the Septuaginty, that is the translation of 70 tlumachіv. In a short time, Oleksandriya became a worldly political and cultural center. For the whole world there was a library of the city, which consists of 500 thousand volumes. Until our time, it didn’t go out, part of її died at 47 years BC. up to seven wonders of the world of the Ancient world. The population of the place in ancient times approached a million. At Alexandria III-IV Art. the great religious leaders lived for that hour: Clement, Origen, Arii. From 30 BC to 395 Rome, then Byzantium - until the 7th century. Then Muslim powers rose on this territory: the Arab Caliphate, the power of Tulunids (871-972), the power of Fatimids (972-1171), the power of Eyyubidiv (1171-1259), the power of Mamluks (1259-1526), ​​Turechchina (1259-1526), ) then, until now, it’s time to enter the warehouse of the state of Egypt. The Bible tells us a double riddle about Alexandria. First, in the book Di 18:24, we know a call about those that Apollos, one of the most famous preachers of Christ's vchennya, from that place; another - at the book. Dee 27:6, for it is said that on the ship of Alexandria the Apostle Pavlo made his way to Rome, while being ill.

Amphipol. Athenian colony in the mouth of the Strymon river in Macedonia. In the sight of that great fortified place, founded in the VI century BC, the ruins were left behind, and a small place was built up. In the Bible we speak with him in the book. Di 17:1, it is appointed that the apostle Paul, passing through this place, rang out a message about Christ.

anathoph. Ninі tse mistechko Anat. Roztashovans near Jerusalem, the place in ancient times lay with the synams of Levi, as they celebrated the religious service. For wickedness, the place recognized God's judgements, voted through the prophets Jeremiah 11:19-22 and Isaiah 10:30 and will definitely be compared in history. Zamіst if there is a rich and rich place today, there is a small place. In the Bible, there is a place for a zv'yazku z tim, that it became the mass of the high priest Aviathar, who was thrown off by King Solomon, and also that the prophet Jeremiah was born in this place (Jeremiah 1: 1). At perekladі means "return to prayer".

Anaf. From the ancient history of the place, only those are seen that, close to the 17th century BC, the place was taken by the tribe of the Anak family (Josus Nun 11:21). Late, around 1410 BC, the place was taken by Josus Nun; during the division of Palestine, they crossed to Yuda's Colin (Josus Nun 15:50). In perekladі means "the place of grape yagid".

Antipatriads. Foundations on the site of the ancient settlement of Karf-Sabi by Irod the Great (37-4 pp.). In the middle of the 1st century AD, in the same place, the Apostle Paul was imprisoned (Dії 23:31). The place took the name in honor of Father Irod Antipater.

Antioch of Syria. One of the richest and great places of the ancient world, the largest capital of the Seleucid state - Syria, established after the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great. The place was founded by Seleucus the First, and named yoga in honor of his father. After the establishment of the kingdom of the Seleucids by the Romans in 64 years BC, the place saved its camp. In 395 rotations during the expansion of the Roman Empire, the place went as far as Byzantium. Antioch played a great role in the history of Christianity, being the residence of the Patriarch of Antioch and the venue for many church cathedrals. A theological school was founded in the new one, it was called Antiochian and it put on the first place the remembrance of the Holy Letter, illustrating the popular allegorical clouding. In 538 roci according to R. Kh., the place was ruled by the Persian king of the Sassanid dynasty Khozroy the First (529-579 pp.). After this place, the kіlka has once known renewal and ruin, zaznayuchi numerical disasters (before, epidemics). In 1098, as a result of the first crusade, the city was conquered by the Christians and became the capital of the Antioch princedom.

Rulers of the Antioch princedom:

1. Boemund the First (1098-1111)

2. Tancred (1111-1112)

3. Roger (1112-1119)

4. Boemund the Other (1119-1130)

5. Raymond the First (1130-1163)

6. Boemund III (1163-1201)

7. Bohemond the Quarter (1201-1215)

8. Raymond the Other (1215-1220)

9. Bohemond the Quarter (1220-1233)

10. Boemund Pyatiy (1233-1252)

11. Boemund Shostius (1252-1275)

12. Boemund Somiy (1275-1287)

In 1268 the city was destroyed by Muslims. The small town of Antakia is located in the small town of Antakia. For the followers of Jesus Christ, the place is famous for them, that in the new stench "they began to be called Christians" (Dії 11:26).

Antioch Pisidia. Place in Asia Minor, Sporudzhen Seleucus of Syria. The gospel call has reached the place for the apostle Paul, who once from Barnabas donis її people (Dії 13:16-41).

Apollonia. One of the Macedonian towns, named after the ancient Greek god Apollo. Apostle Paul saw the place (Dij 17:1 and 16:12-15).

Arad. A long-ago-chanaanish place, like it repaired the baked opir to the viysks of Josus Nun, like, having taken the place, it recognized the yogo of total humiliation (book of Numbers 21:1-3 and book of Judgment 1:16). Ninі zamіst mіsta znahoditsya pagorb Tel Arad. In perekladі means "place of wild donkeys".

Arvad. One of the Finnish places, sporudzhene on one of the islands near the Mediterranean Sea. For a long time to build one of the richest ports in the Mediterranean, the docks were not blasted by the Arabs for the hours of the Umayyad Dynasty (660-750), which was cherished by the Arab Caliphate. At perekladі means "misce vtikachiv". The Bible guessed at the book. Ezekiel 27:8-11.

Arpad. One of the cities of the Syrian Kingdom of Damascus, rooted by Sennacherib of Assyria (705-681), at the crossbar - "pidpore".

Ar-Moab. The ancient capital of the Kingdom of Moab, was destroyed by the king Sigon of Amor, after the arrival of the Reuben Colon and it was destroyed in 342 rotations for the R.H.

Azor. One of the 3 capitals of the numerous Canaanite kingdoms, destroyed in 1410 BC by Jesus Nun. After ten years, the Canaanites made a place, the king of Yavin, who gave birth to the Israeli tribes and led them twenty lives. Nezabar tsgogo place to cross at the Volodinnya of the Israelis, like to slay yogo miraculous fortress in the 10th century BC. Tim himself came up with the prophecy of Jeremiah 49:33, as if it spoke about the destruction of the place and its deprivation by the inhabitants. In the Bible, Hazor is guessing at the book. Joshua 11:1, 13; book. Judgment 4:2-17; 3 book. Kings 9:15; 4 books Kings 15:29. Wu perekladі means "castle".

Astarof. The capital of Og, King Bashan, defeated by the Israelites in the XV century BC. Divination at the book. Repetition of Law 1:4; book. Joshua 9:10; 1 book Chronicles 11:44.

Ashterof-Karnaim. The ancient place, as if rotting between two hillocks, became famous for its population, which was vilified by the unbelievable growth and physical strength. The Bible guessed at the book. Buttya 14:5; book. Joshua 12:4. At the translation - "mіstseperebuvannya dvorogoї goddess" (goddesses - tobto Astarti, who roamed in this place; dvorogy - after two humps).

Athens. One of the oldest and most beautiful places in the world; For a long time, yoga was called the "eye of Helladi". The greatest development of the place reached the 5th century BC, if science, art, crafts, trade flourished, and the Athenians did not know their equals either on earth or on the sea. There was a place of miraculous beauty; the ruins of the Acropolis, which have been preserved today, the sculptures and the remnants of the columns are amazing in scope and grandeur. Ale Peloponeska war (431-404 pp.), robbery of the place by the Roman dictator Sulla, repeated wars with the Turks, attacking the "hornbeams" of the place by possible people, as if they were buying up for a beztsin and transported them to their fatherland (America, Europe) Athens is a great middle place in Europe. In Athens, the apostle Paul - at the book. Di 17:15 reads: "You, who accompanied Paul, performed yoga until Athens..."

At that hour, Athens was rightfully respected by the pagan capital of the world, having accepted the palm tree of the first place in Old Babylon: not only in the pagan center of the Acropolis, but on the skin square, the streets and the streets, on the skin crossroads, bagatih - you can see large and small sculptures and statues of pagan gods, such as there were impersonal ones. Don’t be surprised that “Paul was overwhelmed with spirit, having tended the place, he was full of idols” (Dії 17:16). At that time, different philosophical schools directly flourished in Athens, as if they united one thing: the glorification of human wisdom, the warmness and the hospitality of language. "The Athenians, though foreigners, who live with them, did not spend an hour in what they liked, as if they were talking or hearing new" (Dії 17:21). It is not surprising that the stench of Paul’s sermon about Jesus Christ did not stink, as even today people, overwhelmed by their corporeal mind, do not consider the need for the Savior of the world, and respect the Bible in the best memory of the world - literature, and in public.


It’s impossible to be blessed with God’s blessings, and the skin, who will have a bright plan in the future, is guilty of providing food for himself, so that the end of yoga will not be similar to the finale of an ancient beautiful place: ulamki, ruins, rosemary, death. "And woe to the lawless one: for there will be a payment for the work of Yogo's hands ... I will be zіthati and weep the gates of the capital, and I will sit on the earth empty" (Isaiah 3:11; 25).

The history of the lower places is represented by only one or two propositions, and therefore there is no more translation of the name of the place of the Holy Letter, where to go about the place.

Beester. At the translation - "Astarte's booth", at the Bible it is guessed at the book. Joshua 21:27; book. Chronicles 6:71.

Bila. At the translation - "blame", guess in the book. Buttya 14:2, 8; book. Jeremiah 48:34.

Berof. At the translation - "cypress". Guessing at 2 books. Kings 8:8; book. Ezekiel 47:16.

Beth Arbel. At the translation - "setting place". Guessing at the book. Hosea 10:14.

Beth Hamul. At the crossbar - "camel booth". Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 48:23.

Bet-Divlafaim. At the perekladі - "budinok two horns". Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 48:22.

Beth Anaf. At the translation - "budinok vіdpovidі". Guessing at the book. Joshua 19:38; book. Judgment 1:33.

Beth Arava. At the perekladі - "houses are empty". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:6; 18:22.

Beth-Bireya. At the perekladі - "budinok stvennya". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 4:31.

Beth Vaal Meon. At the translation - "the life of Baal". Guessing at the book. Joshua 13:17; book. Jeremiah 48:23.

Bethwar. At the crossroads - "pass the mist". Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:24; Gospel of Ivan 1:28.

Befgader. At the perekladі - "budinok fenced". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 2:51.

Beth Garai. At the translation - "pіdnesene mіsce". Guessing at the book. Numbers 32:36; book. Joshua 13:27.

Beth Dagon. At the crossbar - "Dagon's booths". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:41.

Bef Eked. At the perekladі - "shepherd's booth". Guessing at 4 books. Kings 10:12, 14.

Bef-Ієshimof. At the perekladі - "houses are empty". Guessing at the book. Numbers 33:49; book. Joshua 12:3.

Bethcarem. At the perekladі - "budinok grapes". Guessing at the book. Jeremiah 6:1; book. Nehemiah 3:14.

Beth Nimra. At the perekladі - "budinok to the leopard". Guessing at the book. Numbers 32:36; book. Joshua 13:23.

Bef Patz. At the perekladі - "budinok ruynuvannya". Guessing at the book. Joshua 19:21.

Beth Rafa. At the perekladі - "budinok likuvannya". Guessing at 1 book. Chronicles 4:12.

Beth Rehov. At the perekladі - "booth of latitude". Guessing at the book. Judgment 18:28; 2 book. Kings 10:6-8.

Beth Sun. At the perekladі - "budinok calm." Guessing at 1 book. Kings 31:10; book. Joshua 17:11.

Beth Tappuah. At the perekladі - "budinok apple". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:53.

Beth Pegor. At the translation - "Fegor's dim". Guessing at the book. Repetition of Law 3:29; 4:46.

Beth Hogla. At the perekladі - "chicken's booth". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:6.

Beth Tzur. At the perekladі - "budinok skele". Guessing at the book. Joshua 15:58.

Befshitta. At the translation - "misce acacia". Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:22.

Bubast. At the translation - "Misce Basti". Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 30:17.

Vaal Gad. At the translation - "Volodar happiness." Guessing at the book. Joshua 12:7; book. Judgment 3:3.

Vaal Gamon. At the translation - "multiple place". Guessing at the book. Song Song 8:11.

Baal Parasim. At the translation - "volodar shock". Guessing at 2 books. Kings 5:20.

Waal Pegor. At the translation - "open". Guessing at the book. Numbers 25:3, 5; Psalm 105:28.

Vaal Famar. At the perekladі - "myce of palm trees". Guessing at the book. Suddiv 20.33.

Babylon. The history of the place was presented by us at the distribution of 1 "Golden Babylon" book.

Bethhor. At the perekladі - "booths of lambs". Guessing at 1 book. Kings 7:11.

Virsaviya. On the back of the mist, there was a well of inducements, for whom Abraham and Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, swore an oath. After that, after a deaky hour, the place viniklo was named in honor of the well of Virsavie, tobto "the oath of the oath." The Bible will guess at the book. Buttya 21:31; 33; 26:32; 33; book. Joshua 15:28; book. Judgment 20:1; 1 book Kings 8:2; book. Amos 5:5; 8:14.

Bethlehem-Yudeisky, or Bethlehem-Efrafa. One of the most important places that were told by the Holy Letter. The names of the heroes of the Bible are connected with Bethlehem. Butya 35:19: "... Rachel died and was buried on her way to Ephrath, that's Bethlehem." Next, explain that Ephrafa - tse long ago called Bethlehem, which in translation means "fruitful". The place belonged to the colony of Yudin, who was called Bethlehem-Yudeisky (there are traces of Bethlehem-Zebulonov, who lay down the Colina of Zebulun and was in Galilee). Bethlehem was well known to Old Israel - the place lay on the road to Egypt: "I went and stumbled in the village of Khimam, beat Bethlehem, to drink to Egypt" (Book of Eremiya 41:17). Before Bethlehem, Naomi destroyed her own bride Ruth: "I turned Naomi, and with her the bride її Ruth the Moabite woman ... and the stench came to Bethlehem on the cob of barley" (Rut 1:22). This place was also called the city of David, to that David was born in the new, and in this place there is also Josip from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, the name of Bethlehem, more from the house of that family of David, sign up with Mary...” (Gospel in Luke 2:4, 5). In which place was born the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ: "I gave birth to Sina of her first child, and she spawned Yogo, and she laid Yogo in a manger, to him who did not have a month in a hotel" (Gospel in Luke 2:7). On the fields of Bethlehem, the Angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds with a radiant double-pointed call: "For you were born to you at the place of David, the Savior, who is Christ the Lord ..." (Gospel of Luke 2:11). From the early childhood of Bethlehem-Ephrath, knowing well the skin of the Israeli children, like at home, and at school, and in the synagogue, and knowing well the prophecy, written in the book of the prophet Mіhey 5:2: among thousands of people, you will become Me the One, Who can be Vladika in Israel, and what a journey in the cob, in the days of eternity.

Vifsaida-Julia. Roztashovuvavsya near the Tiberias lake, and in honor of the daughter of the Roman emperor Octavian-August, taking off another part of the name. Not far from the place Jesus Christ nurtured 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two ribs (Gospel of Mark 6:41-45). We see and see that in the new the Lord healed the blind man (Gospel in Mark 8:22-25). U perekladі means "fishing-house".

Vifsaida Galileiska. Place, roztashovane of the lake of Galilee near Capernaum and Chorazin. Bethsaida gave birth to the apostles Peter, Andriy, and Pilip. In this place, our Lord Jesus repeatedly said: “Woe to you, Chorazine! Woe to you, Vifsaido! :21).

Vosor. One of the largest and richest places in the Kingdom of Edom, which rose up in the crevices of impregnable skel. For an hour of its foundation, the place was repeatedly conquered by the Moabites and the Ammonites, but every now and then it was rebuilt, saving its power. Prote godlessness, which was panwing at the city, ruined the spirit of Yogo Meskants, crying out to judge God. Book. Prophet Jeremiah 49:13: "For I swear, say the Lord, God with a flicker, a smile, I will become empty, cursed will be Vosor, and all places of yoga will become eternal deserts." Book. Prophet Amos 1:12: "I will send fire on Teman, and I will burn the halls of Bozor."

The numbers of the prophecies were accurately engraved, and the evil ruins of the fortifications and the pagan temples of Vosor vividly illustrate the truth of the prophetic word of the Bible. At the translation, Vosor means "pen for sheep."

Vosor. (2) The place, one in front, belonged to the kingdom of Moab. Book. Jeremiah 48:24: "I to Kerioth, and to Bosor, and to all the places of Moab, far and near..."

Gavaon. The place that belonged to the Canaanite tribe of Eve. At the Holy Letter, book. Josus Nun, in the ninth section, the history of the inhabitants of Gibeon is described, and those behind such conditions the union between them and the Israelites was laid. In the course of time, the place, freed up for self-reliance, began to belong to Benjamin's Colin (Josh 18:20, 25), and then to the Levites (Josh 21:17).

Gibeon, having gained popularity and tim, that in the new bula tabernacle from the vvtar for the burning: which is written in the law of the Lord, that he punished Israel...” (1 Book of Chronicles 16:39, 40). ; for there was the head altar ... at Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in his dreams at night, and God said: Ask what to give you ... grant, but to your servant who is understanding in heart ... "(1 Kings 3:4, 5, 9) This place became a sign of Joab's valor and accessibility (2 Kings 2:12-17; 2 Kings 20:8-10).

Hawaii or Giva. The ancient place that belonged to the Col of Benjamin, the small settlement of Zhebay. The Philistines themselves recognized the blows of the Philistines in the presence of David the Great (2 Kings 5:25). The Bible has a place in 4 books. Kings 23:8; book. Isaiah 10:29. At the translation - "pagorb".

Gadar. One of the leading places in the Gadarinsky region, which is often guessed at the Holy Letter. Today in the city, the place was left with less than ruins, so much beauty and power can be said about it. The Bible speaks in the Gospel Matthew 5:1; 20:7, 31; Gospel of Luke 8:26-40. In the Bible, it is not Gadar that is guessing, but the land of Gadarinska, which is made up of dekilkoh places, the leading one of which is the bula Gadar. There was the Savior, and this mysticism was glorified by a miracle, as if the Lord had created, healed the besnuvaty, who was in trunks (caves, de hovali died). We read this story in the Gospel of Mark 5:1-17 and the Gospel of Luke 8:26-37, and it is important to read lines without regret about the inhabitants of the land of Gadarinska, as a herd of pigs was so unappreciably expensive, thrown into the lake, stink into the lake. Christ and asked Yogo pіti, hardly chi navit until the end usvіdomlyuyu, scho stink! We don’t do this with us, if we, like the inhabitants of Gadar, we see the material, sensible, involuntarily we are afraid of being separated from him, and we waste the smut - the Savior, and that world, love, joy and wisdom, as we can bestow only Win, and with whom it is likened, like the inhabitants of an ancient place, to that, on which it is important to marvel at better. And if it’s really important for us to donate, then it’s good to think in this way of the words of Deer White, for the sake of our skin, think about those who sacrificed for the sake of our salvation our Lord Jesus, and that’s a good sacrifice, that a day for the sake of our Lord we won’t give up too important.

Ghazi. Wu perekladі means "stronghold".

Gazer. Canaanite place, guess in the Bible at the book. I. Joshua 10:33; having lain down to the Ephraimites for a year, as if they did not vikon with the command of the Lord, more "... The Ephraimites did not drive out the Canaanites, who lived in Gazer; for that the Canaanites lived in the midst of Ephraim until this day, paying them a danin" (Book of Joshua 16:10). Nadali Gazer is guessing at 3 books. Kings, de in 9 divisions, 16 and 17 verses, we read about those that the Egyptian pharaoh, after burning down Gazer, having found the Canaanites, lived there, and having taken his daughter, Solomon’s retinue, into the place, who re-introduced yoga. Thus, the command of the Lord, which the Ephraimites resisted, was beaten by the hands of a pagan Egyptian. At the crossroads "Gazer" means "things".

Guy. One of the Canaanite places, at the crossroads, means "a pile of ruins." I will name which place we will write first in the book of Butte 12:8, so we can read what Abraham will designate between Bethel and Haym. The history of this place for the hours of Josus Navin is rich in why it is an epiphany for all and skin: on the sides of book I. Navina at 7th and 8th divisions was given the most important advance for us, like sin alone people can let the whole people bless God's blessing and bring it to shock and death - tse first; And, in a different way - like self-confidence, viklikana with previous success, you can take a reassessment of your strengths and do it without the Lord, the result of which is rozcharuvannya and again, the shock and death of riches. First of all, the fight against sin, hatred to sin, the curse of the viconate God will not cause pain, tears, death, but even more majestic joy and zavzhdi - I will overcome. Let's all at once, right at once, with prayer, re-read the chapters and honestly recognize ourselves, that there is no one from us by Achan, that there is no curse (someone else's, dishonestly, unfairly stuffed), that we are not self-sufficient, that God's guidance? Let our Lord help us to get rid of the faithful Yoma and glorify Yogo Im'ya with our lives. "So do not let your light shine before people, so that the stench will saturate your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven" (Gospel in Matthew 5:16).

Gaf-Hefer. An ancient place that befell the tribe of Zebulun (Joshua 19:13). Gaf-Hefer abo Gafhefer was the fatherland of the prophet John (4 Kings 14:25). At the translation, it means - "grindstone".

Gedera. The place that was due to Yudin's Colin (Joshua 15:36). The Bible will guess 1 book. Chronicles 12:4; 27:28. At the translation, it means - "koshara".

Gerard. Ancient Canaanite place, as if guessing in the book. Buttya 10.19, and book. Butya 20:1-2 we read that Abraham is in this place. "I told Abraham about Sarah, his retinue: my sister is out. I sent Abimelech, the king of Gerars, and took Sarah." At Gerar, during the hour of hunger, the son of Abraham Isaac is alive: "... And Isaac comes to Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, to Gerar. The Lord appeared to you and said: Do not go to Egypt; live in the land, about Yak I will tell you... Isaac settled in Gerar" (Book of Buttya 26:1-6). U perekladі means "district".

Gath. At the translation - "grindstone".

Gilo. An ancient place that belonged to the tribe of Yudin. In this place, the guardian of King David, Ahitophel the Gilonian, is alive, who saved his king, who crossed to the bek of Absalom and sighed against David. The whole story can be read in another book of Kings 15 chapters from 12 verses to 17 divisions 23 verses.

Gimza. The old place, which enters the warehouse of Yudeya, with the inhabitants of which there is also a story about history. Let's guess the story that I became the Israelites during the capture of Gaius, I was tied by the greatest rank with the sin of only one person - Ahaz. Often, during the hour of reading, the scene of the destruction of this sinner, that yoga, this same dehto, opposes that bitterness, as the Lord allows it. Before us, the story that has become of the Jews is immediately similar: the godless king Ahaz "did not shy away from what was pleasing in the eyes of the Lord ..." Vignav. The Lord is before the eyes of Israel's blues... and offering sacrifices... on the heights and hillocks..." (2 Books Chronicles 28:1-4). One man, King Ahaz, having succumbed to the paths of the Lord, having chosen himself as a sign for the succession not of the Lord, but of the wicked people, pulling the people of the Jews with him, which was step by step loaded with vices, debauchery, zhorstokost, untruth, with which pagan rituals were accompanied. The Lord and Yogo's law were unclaimed. Ale "God does not eat lime" (Galativ 6:7). The people were reprimanded "for Ahaz, the king of Judea, to him who pissed off Judea and sinned grievously before the Lord" (2 Books Chronicles 28:19). So the sin of one building becomes a sin of riches, otherwise you will lose it on the back, and then you will voice your guilt, and overcome it - relying on God. The place of Gimzo was slaughtered by the Philistines, and the Jews were partly beaten, partly taken into captivity. That is why the Lord checks us with love for people, for sinners, intolerance for sin is not less than good, and for brothers and sisters. "Hiba am I my brother's keeper?" - thus saying Cain to the Lord. Ale, this is the thought of Kaina, and before us through the ages and today, the nourishment of our Lord will sound, to which we can’t have the right to be put, and to us, which can give evidence: "... de Abel, your brother?" (Book Buttya 4:9). Gimzo at the crossroads - "sycamore mist".

Gomorrah. The history of this place was presented at branch 7.

Gur-Vaal. An ancient place, roztashovane not far from Arabia. The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Chronicles 26:7. In translation it means "life of Baal".

Dabeshefa. An ancient place that befell the tribe of Zebulun. The Bible guessed at the book. Joshua 19:11. Wu translation means "camel's hump".

Davir. The ancient Canaanite place, as scientists respect it, could possibly become the center of the pagan priesthood, because the other name of the place is Kiriath-Sefer, which in translation means "place of books" or "book place", and another name is Bulo - Kiriath-Sanna " vivacity". The very name Davir is translated as an oracle. From the book of Josus Nun, 10 divisions, 38 verses, it is clear that the Israelis with Josus Nun fought against the other place. "I took yoga, and king yoga ... no one was left behind, who would have survived ..." H 11 chapters, 21 verses of the book. I. Navina is known to him that Davir lay in bed with the Canaanite tribe of the Enakims. For a year, the place began to lie with the tribe of Yudina, and then "The synagogues of Aaron were given the same place of treasures: Hebron and Lvnu ... Davir that yogo before the city ..." (1 book. Chronicles 6:57, 58).

Damascus. At the translation means "the place of trouble".

Dan. The ancient Canaanite place was called earlier Lais abo Las. At the book. Joshua 19:46:47 reads about those who "...between Dan's blues is small for them. And Dan's blues went to war on Lasem, and they took yoga ... and settled in the new, and they called Lasem Dan on im'ya Dan, his father". In the book of Suddiv, chapter 18, the story of Mikhi was written, as it ended with him, that Dan's blues took in a new "" bovvan, ephod, teraphim and lithium idol ... and they went to Lais ... they called it a place Dan ... and put in themselves the blue of Dan's bovvans ... and small bovvans in themselves, crushed by Mihai, all the hour, if God's bov was with Silom. At this place, King Jrovoam, looking out with special, ugly mirkuvannyami, setting up a golden calf "and saying to the people: It is not necessary for you to go to Jerusalem; Dan... and led to sin...” (3 Kings 12:27-30).

Thought. The place that befell Colin Yudin is guessed in the book. Joshua 15:52. At the translation, it means - "moving".

Euro. An ancient place, belonged to the Colin of Asher (I. Joshua 19:28). At translation means - "transition".

Eden. At the perekladі - "satisfied booths". Roztashovuvavsya in Syria, and, like vvazhayut, being one of the royal residences. Otherwise called - Edeniv dіm (Amos 1:5).

Eleali. One of the ancient Canaanite places, after the division of Palestine, was the Col of Reuben. In the book of Numbers 32:2-5, we read about those who the tribes of Hell and Reuben, who led the majestic flocks, turned back from the passages to Moses: "... i Eshevon, i Elealy ... the land is given for the flocks ... "Give the land to your servants near Volodin, do not take us through the Jordan. After a century, for the hours of the prophets Jeremiah and Isaї buv conquests by the Moabites. The ruins of the place, which were saved until this day, to talk about his great glory and wealth. Divination in the Bible in the book. Jeremiah 48:34; that book. Isaiah 15:4. Translator means “Great God”. Another name of the place - Elale.

Elaf. Ancient port place, founded by Idumeans. For David, the place was conquered by the Israelis, as if they spent the first time and conquered again, the docks of the wines were not left behind by the Syrian king Rezin. The wealth of the place was brought by maritime trade, which can be judged from the ruins of the port. The Bible will guess at the book. Repetition of Law 2:8, 11; 4 books Kings 14:22; 16:6; 3 book. Kings 9:26-28.

Elteke or Yeleike. The place at the division of Palestine was given to the tribe of Dan. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:44. At the translation - "God is terrible."

Enhazor. During the division of Palestine, I went to the synams of Naphtali (Book I. Joshua 19:37). At the crossroads - "dzherelo settlements".

En-Rimmon. Lying down on Yudin's kolіn. The Bible will guess at the book. Nehemiah 11:29; book. Zechariah 14:10. At the crossroads - "dzherelo pomegranate apples."

En-Tappuakh. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 17:7,8, the stars are seen that "Between Manasseh went from Asher ... to the inhabitants of En-Tappuakh. Perekladaєtsya like "dzherelo apple".

En-Haddah. Leaning on the Isachar Colin (Book of I. Navin 19:17-21). At the perekladі - "Swidky strumok".

En Shemesh. The place belonged to Yudin Kolin (book I. Joshua 15:7). At the crossroads - "dzherelo sun".

Yesewon. The capital was the capital of the terrible Amorite kingdom, the rulers of which chose this place from the Moabites. When Palestine was divided under Jesus Navin, it turned to the blue of Levi. After that, with a stretch of riches, dozens of centuries, the place changed the rulers of the Moabites from the VI century BC to the Arabs. Ninі vіd mіsta spared no more than great ruins. Guessing at the book. Numbers 21:26-34; book. Repetition of Law 2:24-25. At the translation - "vinahid".

Ephesus One of the most beautiful places of the Old World, roztashovane in Asia Minor (on the territory of modern Turkey) and founded close to the XII century BC. The Temple of Artemis brought special glory to the place, which brings up to the seven wonders of the Old World. At this place, the silversmith Demetrius, provoking stabbed, directing against the Apostle Paul, that yoga teacher, that inhabitants of the place "for about two years they shouted: great Artemida Efeska!" I am aware of a similar story, as one single person herself lit up the light, sent by the Lord, those others were robbed of the same, and as a result, "according to the riot caused by Pavlo ... vyishov and pishov to Macedonia" (Dії 19 razdіl і 20 razdil vіrsh ). At the course of archeological excavations near the city, a temple, dozens of palaces, a square, a term (baths), an ancient theater were discovered, which hosted about 25 thousand people. The Church Age of the Church (Announcement 2:1-7) covers the age from 27 to 101 years. for R. Kh. and is characterized by the purity of the Evangelical vchennya, which miraculously proves the translation of the name of the place - "bazhana".

Ether. During the division of Palestine, the place was given to Yudin's Colin (book I. Navin 15:42). Ale in 19 divisions, from 1 to 7 vertices, we know that Simeon, to whom another foal fell, having removed the fall of the middle blues of Yudin, and including the place of Ether. At the translation, it means - "great number".

IVVA or Abba. The place was on the territory of the Assyrian Empire. Guessing from the Bible in 4 books. Kings 18:34. U perekladі means "ruins".

Icons. One of the oldest places in Asia Minor, which was the capital of Lakaon. A special place was reached in the XI-XII centuries. according to R. Kh., if it became the center of the Seljuk empire, one of the most difficult and most aggressive powers of the middle ages. After the collapse of the Seljuk state, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick Barbarossa took the place of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, then the city of Volodymyr Volodya of the Muslim princedoms, the Mongols, and, Nareshti, the Ottoman Turks, panuvannya of them were lost. After preaching in the place of the Apostle Paul and Barnavi, a great Christian community was organized there, representatives of the Bishop Evlaly and Amphilochius took part in the ecumenical councils of 325 and 381 years. The Bible will guess at the book. Di 13:51; 14:1-6.

Iliopol. Div. Vin.

Ifla. During the division of Palestine, the place was given to Dan's tribe (Book I. Joshua 19:42). At perekladі means "delivery".

Yagur. It took place during the division of Palestine to Kolіnu Yudin, it was spread at the cordon from Idumea (Edom), about which we are aware of the book. I. Joshua 15:21.

Jerichon. The history of the place was posted at branch 2.

Jerusalem. The most recent name of the most famous place is Yevus, named after the head of the tribe of Yevuseiv (book I. Joshua 18:28). They admit that the oldest names for Jerusalem are Salim (at the book Buttya 14:18: "... Melchizedek, king of Salem"). The place was taken by David: “I send the king and the people of Yogo to Jerusalem against Eubusia (2 Kings 5:6). Ptolemy (320 r.) Antiochus Epiphanes (169 r.) Titus (70 r. AD) and quickly resurrected anew. , and people shouted uncontrollably: "Rose, rose Yogo!" (Gospel of Luke 23:21), "... Yogo's shelter is on us and on our children" (Gospel of Matvey 27:25). from these people having grown their vibіr, and, as it seems, "whatever a person sows, they will reap" (Galatians 6:7) at 70 roci according to R. Kh. "reaped" the result of thoughtless words. What an example for our skin! over it, like a stink to live, why stink to live, to whom stink to serve, like a fee for leather is taken away for example of earthly history, which is approaching till night...

Joppa. An ancient Jewish city-port, which played an important role in the economy of the ancient Jewish state. Surviving the numerical heap that dashing, the place lived up to the current hour and is called Jaffa. The Bible guessed at the book. I. Joshua 19:46; book. John 1:3; 2 book. Chronicles 2:16; book. Ezri 3:7; book. Ruth 4:2; Gospel of Ivan 1:3; book. Di 10:9-20. In translation - "beautiful".

Kavul. The place that happened during the division of Palestine to Colin Asirov (book I. Joshua 19:27). This year, at the warehouse of twenty places of the land of Galilee, King Solomon gave Chiram, the king of Tirsky - for payment for cedars and cypress trees and gold, like Hiram, delivering Solomon to the life of the Lord's house and the king's house, but the city was not worthy of yoma: "... what for the place, like you... having given me? And calling them the land of Cabul..." Kavul at the crossroads - "dry land".

Kademof. During the division of Palestine, I went to Reuben's synams (book I. Joshua 13:18). In translation - "old".

Kalah. From the book of Butte 10:11 we know that Assur, that viishov from the land of Shinar, "... having awakened Nineveh, Rehobofir, Kalah." At the translation - "zrіlіst".

Kalhe or Kalka or Halne. The place, prompted by Nimrod, is guessing at the book. Buttya 10:10; book. Isaiah 10:9.

Capernaum. This place is richly developed in the Gospels, to which our Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly spoke here: "... having emptied Nazareth, he came and settled in the seaside Capernaum, in the boundaries of Zebulun and Naphtali, let him be promoted through the prophet Isaiah, who would say: "Earth Zavulonov and the land of Nephtalimov, on the seaside path, beyond Jordan, Galilea pagan, the people who sit by the drink, shaking the great light ... ". Heaven" The Lord has created a lot of miracles in this place: "If Jesus takes us to Capernaum, the centurion goes to New and asks Yogo: Lord!" The end of the miracle story is good news: "... if you believe it, let it be you. And having dressed the servant of yoga at that hour." In this place, the Lord Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law, bіsnuvatih. Capernaum began to be called "Yogo Mistom": "Todі Vіn... having arrived at Your place" (from the country of Gergesinsky, more was said about the yak). , like the Lord has created near Capernaum, not caring about the rich parables, like they sounded in the new, the inhabitants of the place did not repent: Capernaum, when you rise to the sky, you will be thrown off to hell; for the yakbi in Sodom were strong, manifested in you, then you would have been left without wine until now; Ale I tell you that the land of Sodom will receive it on the day of judgment, lower you. Now, in the sight of the colossal Capernaum, only the ruins have been left behind, which tell about the colossal size of the place. The Bible has a clue in the Gospel in Matthew 4:13; 11:23; 9:1; 17:24; 8:14-15; 9:2-6; 9:9; 9:10-17; 15:1-20; Gospels in Mark 2:1; 1:29-31; 1:32-54 Gospels of Luke 7:1, 4:33, Gospels of Ivan 4:46, 6:22-71 etc.

Carchemis. One of the most ancient nearby places, the early history of a distant past, to the Aramaean tribes, as if they were one of their main places. The name of the place may be guessed in all ancient annals, which testifies to its great significance. Ale naybіlshoї populyarnostі in іstorії Misto Nabul zavdyaki fact scho nearby Demba 605 rotsі vibuhnula strong battle scho virіshuvala maybutne svitu: mіzh recently vіdtvorenim Novovavilonskim kingdom i takozh neschodavno vіdrodzhenim Єgipetskim, mіzh vіyskami Nebuchadnezzar i Pharaoh Necho, yaky pragnuv zavoyuvati Palestine. The fight ended with the defeat of Neho and the strongholds of the Palestine hegemony of Babylon; The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Chronicles 35:20; book. Isaiah 10:9; book. Jeremiah 46:2. At the translation - "the place of Chemos".

Keila. During the division of Palestine, I went to Yudin's Colin (Book I. Joshua 15:44). At the translation - "smіtsnennya".

Caesarea. Jewish place, sponsored by Irod the Great, in honor of the Roman Caesar (Caesar) Octavian Augustus, on the site of an ancient settlement. For 1300 years, regardless of the frequent change of the rulers, the place played an important role in the political life of Palestine, until it fell into darkness and was abandoned by the inhabitants. The place is repeatedly guessed at the Holy Letter, at the book. Di 3:30; 8:40 a.m.; 10:1; 11:17; 12:19-23; 18:22. Ninі houses are places of rozkidanі majestic ruins of vezh, temples, budinkov.

Kesil. During the division of Palestine, becoming the liege of Yuda's Kolіn (Book I. Navin 15:30). In the translation - "reckless".

Kefir. During the division of Palestine, I went to Benjamin’s Colin (Book I. Joshua 18:26). Divination in the book of Ezra 2:25; book. Nehemiah 7:29. At the translation - "village".

Kiriafaim. Location; the promptings of the sinami Reubenim (Book of Numbers 32:37). At the translation - "double place".

Kirine or Kyreni. Place roztashovane on the territory of Libya, near Pivnichniy Africa. For Ptolemy, a significant part of the Jews was relocated to the same place, as if, zreshtoyu, they built the majority of the population there. First of all, I will name the places we are writing on the sides of the Gospel in Matthew 27:31: Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of our Lord to Golgotha. The name of the place I zustrіchaєmo is the same in the book. Di 2:10; 6:9; 11:20; 13:1.

Kiriath-Baal. The place belonged to Yudin Kolin (Book of I. Joshua 15:9). At the translation - "forest place".

Corinth. One of the oldest places in Greece, if it was the capital of an independent kingdom. I carried the name of Efiry on my back, and the mother of the two harbors - Lekheiska and Kenkhreyska. On the isthmus, which connects the Peloponnese with the mainland, stood the fort of Acrocorinth. The moral state of the inhabitants of the city shocked the Romans, as they did not quarrel with high morality. And it’s true, watching the history of that place, falling into the vіchі rіdkіsna, shouting the debauchery of the yogo bagmen, don’t go to Sodom. Numerous temples of the place were real huge houses, moreover, they were called upon to shackle with shoes. The temples of Poseidon - the god of the seas, Apollo - the god of mysteries and Aphrodite - the goddess of kohanna were especially popular. Having preached the Apostle Pavlo in this place, and practiced little success. Pavlo sent two messengers to the Christians of Corinth, as if we could continue the year, watching the Bible. In the Bible, the place was foretold and in the book Di 18:1.

The rulers of Corinth Kipselidi (657-582) ruled for 75 years:

1. Kipsel (657-627)

2. Periander (627-585)

3. Psammentikh (585-582)

Cana Galileiska. During the division of Palestine, the colony of Asirov was displaced (Book of I. Joshua 19:28). The place starts at 2 branches of the Gospel of John, from 1 verse, where the well-known story about the miracle was written down, as the Lord Jesus created, at the very beginning of his service, turning water into wine on the oars in Cani of Galilee. And in Cani, where the Lord came again, he healed the son of the court in absentia (Gospel of Ivan 4:46-54). I will name this place mi zustrіchaєmosya in 21 divisions of 2 verses of the Gospel in the form of John, de read about those who Nathaniel was born in Kanya of Galilei.

Lays. place Dan. At the crossroads Laiss - "like to the left".

Laodicea. One of the possible places of Asia Minor, founded by the king of Syria from the Seleucid dynasty Antiochus the Other (262-246 pp.) on the border of trade routes. Zavdyak to the rest, the place was famous for its richest great trade, miracle houses. We can talk about the wealth of the place and the fact that after the terrible earthworker (60 years AD) the inhabitants were inspired to help the imperial center, recognizing the place for the sovereignty. Laodicea was also one of the most famous resorts in Ancient Rome, the dawn of the presence of warm puddles. For the Roman riches, who were raised in the place, there were numerically arranged mortgages. Mandrivniki said that the people, as if they had eaten to the mist, forgot about everything, zanuryuyuchisya at the camps of licorice contentment that mist. Under Diolectian (285-305 rr.), the place became the center of the Roman province of Phrygia, an independent kingdom, which was established after the collapse of the empire of Oleksandr the Great. However, under Laodicea at the Book of the Announcement, on the 5th, there is a spiritual significance, which symbolizes the rest of the period in the history of the church, which was born in 1844. With a look of faith, the Apostle John, after shaking the church of our days with you, the members of which respected themselves spiritually rich: “I know you are right; you are not cold, not hot; cold, then I’ll take you out of My mouth, because you say: “I’m rich, rosy, and I can’t consume anything,” but you don’t know that you are unfortunate and miserable, and you are a marriage, and blind, and naked ": 15-17 ). People who shut themselves up in their pride, self-righteousness and self-complacency, are deprived without Christ! The Lord herself turns to such beasts in the rest of the hour, in which we live with you: "Raju you buy gold from me, purified by fire, so that you get rich, and a white robe, so that you dress up and so that your nakedness is not visible to the rags, then the full-time mazzyu anoint your eyes, sob bachiti” (Announcement 3:18).

1. With gold, with fire purified - that is with VIPI.

2. Have white clothes - that is in the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus Christ.

3. At eye ointment - tobto in the HOLY SPIRIT.

The Savior of the skin of us to say today: “Whom I love, I quietly curse and punish. by me on my throne...” (Announcement 3:19-21). The translation of the word Laodicea is the creation of a special sense, especially today for us - "the people of judgment" - for we live with you under the hour of the next judgment in heaven, if the share of the skin is violated forever, who respects himself as a Christian. May the Lord Jesus help the skin of us be deprived of Yoma until the end.

Lasya. Place to guess at the book. Di 27:8. At the translation, it means - "suvory".

Lydda or Lod. The place was founded by the sons of Benjamin (1 Book. Chronicles 8:12), then the place was destroyed, and the inhabitants were led into the Babylonian full, and with the year of their sack they turned and repopulated and repopulated and repopulated Lidda (Book of Ezri 2:33; ). 11:35). At the translation - "podіl".

Listra. With a riddle about this place, we are told on the sides of the book of Diy 14: 6-22, at which place Paul and Barnabas were preaching, here Paul was healed of the kulgavogo, and the inhabitants of the place, having succumbed miraculously, took Paul and Barnabas for the pagan gods, let us sacrifice " ...the stench led the people to the point of not offering sacrifices to them..." In whose place "...if the apostles boldly preached...they beat Paul with stones and stood for the place, respecting him for the dead." I saw Pavlo again when I saw Lestra, if a church was organized in that city, "... there was a great scholar, named Timothy ... having encouraged Pavlo to take with you ..." (Dії 16: 1-3). Timothy, having become a vіddanim, we will teach, before the new address, two letters of the Apostle Paul.

Magdala. The place, roztashovane not far from Capernaum, is guessing in the Gospel in Matthew 15:39. Mary lived with Magdala for an hour, nicknamed for the name of the place Magdalene, who became a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. At the translation - "vezha".

Maked. The ancient Canaanite place is conjured up in the book. Josus Nun in 10 divisions. Near this place, the people of Israel fought for the five kings of the Amorites, "Jesus called to the Lord ... The sun chimed, and stood for a month, and the people took revenge on their enemies ... And there was no such day "If the Lord felt the voice of the people like that, the Lord fought for Israel. At the oven in Makedі, then five kings of the Amorites were buried. At the crossroads," the shepherd's place.

Me-Іarkon. The Canaanite place, at the time of the division of Palestine, went to the downfall of Dan (book I. Joshua 19:46). At the crossbar - "water of pale color".

Mephaaf. The place that saw the Col of Reuben (Book 1. Joshua 13:18), and in the course of time the place became to lie with the Levites (Book 1. Joshua 21:37). At the translation - "pіdnesennia".

Mikhmas. The place, roztashovane not far from Jerusalem, belonged to Colin Veniaminov. Guessing at 1 book. Kings 13:2 - at the same place there was a part of the war on the island of Saul during the hour of war with the Philistines. Inhabitants of the place were in the midst of the Babylonian flood, the stars turned like slats at the warehouse 122 osib (Book of Ezri 2:27). Place to guess at the book. Isaiah 10:28. At the translation - "butt".

Naas. The place that befell Yuda's Colin (1 Book of Chronicles 4:12). At the translation - "serpent".

Nagaliv. The place that befell the tribe of Zebulun (Book 1. Joshua 19:15), the year saw the Levites (Book 1. Joshua 21:35). At the translation - "shepherd".

Nazareth. The place of Galilee, which belonged to the tribe of Zebulun. Where did the childhood of our Savior pass? The inhabitants of the city were irritated by the badness and low morality. Reading in the Bible in the Gospel in Matthew 2:23; 21:11; Gospels in Luke 1:26; Gospel of Ivan 1:45; Di 10:38. At the crossbar - "galuz, otherwise the place has been stolen."

Nivshan. The place that was due to Yuda's Colin (Joshua 15:62). At the translation - "kindred".

Nikopol. As the messenger of the Apostle Paul says before Titus 3:12, de Pavlo mav let us spend the winter. They admit that the place was near Macedonia. At the translation - "place of victory."

Nofa or Nova. The place was near the warehouse of ancient Moab, then - at the Colin of Reuben. Guessing at the book. Numbers 21:30 that book. Judgment 8:11. At the translation - "breath".

Odollam or Adollam. I will name which ancient place is written on the sides of the book Buttya 38:1, 20; 2 book. Kings 23:13; at the book Micah 1:15. The place was in the old residence of one of the Canaanite kings, then the tribe of Yudin moved away. At 1 book. Kings 22:1 we read about those who were in the cave of Adollam, David, in the presence of King Achish of Gath.

Vin or Iliopol. place Iliopol. At the translation - "sun".

Oronaim. Ancient Moabite place; zustrіchaєmosya from the riddle about the new one in the book. Jeremiah in 48 divisions, in the prophecy about Moab. At the translation - "two ovens".

paf. The place that was known in Cyprus, zestrichaєmosya with a riddle about the new one in the book. Dії in 13 divisions, de read the story about those, like Pavlo and Barnabas preached the word of God to proconsul Sergius Pavl, and like Elima, like an opponent of him, but a blind enemy.

Pergamon. The capital of the ancient Pergamon kingdom; The place of Pergamon proudly bore its name - "high castle". Vіn proudly towers over the places and peoples of the Old World, not only in the political and economic, but also in the spiritual sense. And it’s not surprising, because the place respected itself as an offender of the Ancient Babylon - the golden head, the great capital of the world.

On the little R. Bon at the signs about the Pergamon excavations

Image from Persepolis relief, Iran.

She herself in Pergamum after the defeat of Babylon, having moved the center of the holy priesthood, the center of the divine forces. In the same place, in the future, a temple will be built in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus in the 29th century BC, which was supposed to elevate a person to the equal of God, raising the equal of Yoma. Tim himself affirmed that, be it a man, he could become early equal to God. The place was the center of worship for such pagan deities, like Zeus - the god of thunder, Athena - the warrior goddess, Dionysus - the god of winemaking, Asclepius - the god of mysticism of glee. Miraculous temples were built for the skin of these gods. Before the speech, the current sign of the doctors, the serpent, that cup led its journey towards the symbol of Asclepius.

The leftovers of the Persian capital of Persepolis save less than a bliss of a lot of writing

Ale, the temple of Zeus was especially popular, adding up to the seven wonders of the ancient world. The place was in the house and the library, which has thousands of the most important manuscripts. For Tsar Eumenes, famous paprias were found, names in honor of the place with parchment. The period of the Pergamon Church (Book of Announcements 2:12-17) covers the period from 323 to 538 R.R. for R. Kh. and is characterized by the union of the church and the power, Christianity and paganism. Itself in this period of the Church’s church, such falsehoods penetrate that they take their cob in paganism, like a shanuvanna of a weekly day (a pagan day of sleep) instead of a biblical Sabbath, more "... having God blessed this day and sanctified it ..." (Prince Buttya) 2:3); bowing to the memorial sites, holy intercessors, the Virgin Mary, who super-say the truth, writings on the sides of the Holy Letter: "The only God, the only and mediator between God and people, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy 2:5) , "... as if we had sinned, then may we Intercede with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, Mercy for our sins, and not only for ours, but for the sins of the whole world" (First Messenger of the Apostle John 2: 1, 2 ) ; the introduction of the spiritual church service, the daily life of the spiritual temples - all this led to the access to the purity of Christ's vchennia and to the law of God: do not try, that liar, and do not know the truth in the new ... ”(First Epistle of the Apostle John 2:3-4).

The rulers of the Kingdom of Pergamon Attalidi (282-133) ruled for 149 years.

1. Fileter the First (282-263)

2. Eumenes the First (263-241)

3. Attalus the First "Savior" (241-197)

4. Eumen the Other (197-159)

5. Attalus the Other "Philadelph" (159-138)

6. Attalus III (138-133)

Pefor. Crying out at the book of Numbers 22:5; the place where Valaam lives, until the time when the King of Moab, Balak, ruled after the curse of the people of Israel. Tsyu velmy pochalnu іstory re-read more than once, it has a lesson for us, like one single sin - greed, having stocked the stake of God's prophet Balaam (Numbers 22, 23, 24 chapters and 31: 1-8). At the translation - "vitlumachennya dream".

Rabbit. A long-standing Canaanite place that lay after the division of Palestine to the tribe of Issachar (Book of I. Joshua 19:20). In translation - "great".

Frame or Ramafa, or Ramafaim. Dekilka mist bore the name. The place of Rama lay with Benjamin's Colin, nearby Deborah lived under a palm tree: "At that hour Deborah was a prophetess to the judge of Israel..." (Book of Judgments 4:4-5). I’ll call the place I’ll name: the place that belonged to the Colin of Naphtalimov; the place of the tribe of Efremov, where the prophet Samuel was born; the place of Colina Asirov; the place of Simeonov's colony, which was in the borders of Yudin's colony, is guessed in the Bible: book. I. Joshua 18:25; 19:36; 19:29; 19:8; 1 book Kings 1:1. At the translation - "high".

Resen. To be guessed at the book Buttya 10:12. In translation - "strong".

Recef or Retsev. Guessing from the Bible in 4 books. Kings 19:12; book. Isaiah 37:12. At the translation - "stronghold".

Ribla or Rivla. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. Numbers 34:11; at 4 books. Kings 23:33. At the translation - "fruitful".

Rimmon. The place of the colony of Zebulun, as if by a year the Levites began to lie down. It is important that another name of the place is DIMNA. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:13; 1 book Chronicles 6:77. At the crossroads - "pomegranate tree".

View from the Atrium through the tablinum to the peristyle

Part of the great ruins of Ephesus (near modern Turkey), for which one can judge the achievements of the architectural planning of the Greek and Roman cities

The life of the aqueducts of Rome had a lot to do with the development of civilization and hygiene in the era of antiquity. Pont du Gard, throwing one of these plumbing lines across the river into the city of Rome, de water, which came along the new, went to the huge lazne, fountains and dzherela, and also to the courtyards of the townspeople

Roglim. Guessing from the Bible in 2 books. Kings 17:27; 19:31. At the translation - "a place of felting felts".

Salha. The place that lay half the colony of Manasia. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. Repetition of Law 3:10; book. I. Joshua 12:5. At the translation - "mandrivka".

Sevina or Zafona, or Tzafon. Place, yak befitted the tribe of Dan. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. I.Navina 13:27; book. Judgment 12:1.

Sivoim. The place was blamed at once from Sodom and Gomorrah; guess at the book. Repetition of Law 29:23; book. Hosea 11:8.

Ziklag or Cyclag. Guessing from the Bible in 1 book. Kings 27:6. At the translation - "deprecations".

Marmur statue at the Vatican

History passed for centuries by the rise of Peter. Ale, if the place was a junction point for caravan routes between the Persian inflow and the Chervonim Sea.

Separvaim or Sifara. From this Syrian place, part of the population was resettled to Samaria after the conquest of the place by the Syrian king Shalmaneser (4 Kings 17:24).

Sidon. At the translation - "ribny fishing".

Silom. Place of Colina Efremov. Here the bula was erected the Tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant, and it was there until Illy that Samuil, who was waving at her. Gaduetsya at the Bible at the book. I. Joshua 18:1; book. Judgment 18:31; Psalms 77:60. At the translation - "calm".

Syracuse. The old place, founded in 735 BC and for a long time became the capital of an independent state, in which the periods of republic and tyranny changed. Mayuchi a wonderful port, the place controlled the Mediterranean trade.

Excavations carried out in the area, talking about yogo suprawichine wealth. In 214 districts, the place was destroyed by the Romans, after which it lost political independence. The great popularity of Syracuse was brought by the famous mathematician Archimedes, who was born in the same place, and died in the new hands of the Roman war. The Bible guessed at the book. Dee 28:12.

Rulers of Syracuse:

1. Gelon (485-477),

2. Hieron the First (477-467)

3. Dionysius the First Elder (406-367)

4. Dionysius Another Younger (367-357) (346-343)

5. Dion (357-346)

6. Timoleon (343-337)

7. Agafolk (317-289)

8. Hierokles (289-270)

9. Hieron the Other (270-215)

10. Ieronim (215-214)

Seachem or Sikhar. One of the most ancient Canaanite places, under Joshua Nvin, went to the warehouse of Israel. The Bible guessed at the book. Buttya 12:6; 37:12-14; book. I. Joshua 20:7; 21:21; 24:1-25; book. Judgment 8:31; 3 book. Kings 12:1; Gospel of Ivan 4:5. At the translation - "shoulder".

Skіfpіl or beth sun or Scythian Castle. The place belonged to the colony of Manasia, but it was located on the territory of the colony of Issachar. Guessing at the book. Judgment 1:27. At the translation - "Misto of the Scythians".

Marmur statue at the Vatican

Smyrna. One of the oldest places in Asia Minor, the history of which can be divided into two periods. The first, until 627 BC - napіvlegendarny, the docks of the place were not destroyed by the Middle East; the other, who stood up for Oleksandr the Great, who rekindled the place, turned it into the largest commercial and political center of the Old World. At the approaching sweat, the stormy capital of Smyrna is resting with the battleships of Rome, which, zreshtoy, subordinating its recent capital. Mandrivnik's place opposed the great number of temples and palaces that hung in all parts of it. At the sight of riches of other places of Asia Minor, Smyrna not only was not buried in the crucible of history, but on the other hand, it always took on an important economic value, which is still important in our hour. Ninіtse the great Turkish port of Izmir.

The period of the Church of Smyrna, descriptions by John in the Book of Announcement 2:8-11, describe the period from 101 to 323 pp. This is the hour of the greatest persecution, like Satan, through the Roman emperors, having brought down on the Christian church, pragmatically ruining it. Hundreds of thousands of Christians were given to non-human torturs, roses, bedrooms, zatskovani wild animals. Ale, cherished by the Holy Spirit, the church passed through the test, with honor carried your name - Smyrna, so "smelling".

Sodom. The history of the place was posted at the branch 7. At the crossroads - "hot".

Zagalny view of the ancient Athenian acropolis.

For a rough plan, inspired by G. Renlender

soho. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 15:48. The place belonged to Colin Yudin. At the translation - "chagarnik".

Sonam or Sunmo. Place of Colin Issakharov. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 19:18. At the translation - "ner_vne mistse".

Suva or Owl. Ancient Canaanite place. Guessing at 1 book. Kings 14:47. At the translation - "podstava".

Sur. The place on the road from Palestine to Egypt is also called a desert. Guessing at the book. Buttya 16:7. At the translation - "wall".

Tabafa. Guessing at the book. Judgment 7:22. At the translation - "signs".

Tanis. The history of the place was added by us at the book "The All-World History and Prophecy of the Bible".

Tarsus. The Fatherland of Saul, who eventually became the Apostle Paul. Guessing at the book. Di 9:11; 21:39.

Tevets. To be guessed at the book of Judgment 9:50. At the translation - "syayvo".

Tel Aviv. Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 3:15. At the translation - "gurus of ears".

Tyr. At the translation - "skele".

Ur. .

Philadelphia. One of the lіdіyskih mіst, sporudzhenii king of Pergamum Attalus Another Philadelphus. Rest having taken away his honor Philadelphus, to "love his brother", for those who have lost their loyalty to their brother Eumen, if they have drunk important tests. After the inclusion of the Kingdom of Pergamon to the warehouse of Rome in 133 BC, the place became one of the centers of grape cultivation. With the stretch of its foundation, Philadelphia, the flock of times, conceived the ruination of the earth cowards. The period of the Philadelphian church (Book of Announcements 3:7-13) covers the period from 1833 to 1844. and are characterized by hard voices of news about the arrival of Jesus Christ and the return to the apostolic church.

Faanach. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 12:21; book. Judgment 5:19. At the crossroads - "sounding soil".

Fekoyu. The Bible is guessing at 2 books. Kings 14:2; 4; nine; 23:26. At the translation - "attached".

Thessalonika. Greek place; guess at the book. Di 17:1. Place, de preaching the Apostle Paul, de boulo organized the church. Guessing from the Bible book. Di 17:1; eleven; thirteen; Epistle to Philipyan 4:16; Another messenger to Timothy 4:10.

Fimnafa. In the history of the Israelite Judge Samson, one finds a place at the book of Suddiv 14:1.5. At the translation - "share".

Thyatira. One of the richest trading places in Asia Minor, where pottery, copper smelting, Kravets and farbowal crafts flourished.

The period of the Fiatira Church (Book of Announcements 2:18-29) hovers the gap between 538 and 1798 RR. and are characterized by a new approach to the vchennya of Christ Jesus, papal terror and despotism, reading the bible under the fear of death, inquisition. The name of the place in the translation is "a vague sacrifice," which is the best example of this period in the history of the church.

Khali. Place in the colony of Asirov, zgaduetsya in the book. I. Joshua 19:25. At the translation - "embellishment".

Hamaf. Place in the Colin of Neffadim, guess at the book. I. Joshua 19:35. At the translation - "hot dzherela".

Haroshef-Goyim. To be guessed at the book of Judgment 4:2. At the translation - "mystery".

Hebron. Guessing at the book. Numbers 13:23. At the translation - "zvez'azok".

Hebron - a typical biblical place

Helkaf. Guessing at the book. I. Joshua 21:31. The place belonged to the Colin of Asirov, the last crossings to Levitiv. At the translation - "share".

hіflіs. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:40). At the translation - "vіddіlennya".

Hub. Guessing at the book. Ezekiel 30:5.

Khutma. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:54). At the translation - "fortress".

Tsahir. Guessing at 4 books. Kings 8:21. In translation - "weak".

Cer. Place of the Colin of Naphtali (Book of I. Joshua 19:35).

Shaaraim. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:36). It is also guessed at 1 book. Kings 17:52; 1 book Chronicles 4:31.

Shagacima. Place of Colin Issachar (Book of I. Joshua 19:22). At the translation - "pagorb".

Shamir. Guessing at the book. Judgment 10:1. At the translation - "Turn".

Erech. A place in the kingdom of Nimrod (Book of Buttya 10:10). At the translation - "dovzhina".

Utah. Place of Kolіna Yudin (book I. Joshua 15:55).

Jaats. Read at the book Repetition of Law 2:32. At the translation - "smooth place".

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