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Articulation gymnastics 4 5. Right for the tongue. Attach notes to take

Articulation (movement) gymnastics for children of 3-4 years old

Right "Watch"
- Show the year with a pendulum or take such a picture.
- Open your mouth wide. With the tip of the tongue on the cheeks, stick one little bit of lips, the other. The bottom crack is not to blame.

Right "Girka"
- Show a picture of a snowy steep mountain.
- Mouth open wide, with the tip of the tongue to stick into the cleft behind the lower teeth, the tongue to ignite with a “girkoy”.
- Now try the little ones. Keep the move in the "girka" position for no more than 5-7 seconds.
- Like a tongue restlessly spinning in your mouth, help you: squeeze a teaspoon lightly with live bait, stroke it. Let's put a live spoon for the lower teeth: “Take a spoon. Nazdozheni її tongue and do not let in. Malyuk is guilty of resting his tongue on the spoon and trimming the position for 5-7 seconds.
- Carefully remove the petiole of the spoon, and the tongue is guilty of getting behind the teeth.

Right "Shovel"
- Show a small picture with a shovel.
- Show the little ones, as it is necessary to put the tongue on the lower lip with a “shovel”: the mouth is filled with smiles, the language is wide and calm, lying on the lower lip.
- Now try the little ones.
- It is necessary to trim the tongue in this position for 30 seconds. Make sure that the lower lip does not clench.

Right "Bunny on a string"
Prepare: a bag with a diameter of 3-4 cm or a plastic figurine with a hand, for example, a bunny. Insert a thread into the hole, tie it.
- Trim the thread for the end so that the bunny hangs freely from the bottom.
- Malyuk widely opens the company and with the tongue of a bunny's tongue so that he is "stringing".
- Now pull the thread on the offending hands so that the bunny hangs on the stretched thread and easily along it.
- The little tongue of the baby is moving left-handed-right-handed, rushing the bunny in one of your hands to the other.

Right "Snizhinki"
Prepare; shmatochki white wool.
- Put small pieces of white cotton wool on the palm.
- Ask the child to easily see through the mouth - and the axis of your drops flew!
- Breathe cotton wool with short series of vidihivs.
- Blow cotton wool for the help of different sounds of the mov: for example, with the sounds of P or T.

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and summaries

Articulation (moving) gymnastics for children of 2-3 years

It is right to use practical material for forming the correct way of articulation when staging sounds.

Articulation gymnastics - the whole complex is right, some of them help to improve the fragility of the organs of articulation, others - to increase the contraction and strength of the hand, and the third to vibrate the accuracy of the position of the lips, tongue, and the necessary improvement of that sound.

Articulation gymnastics - right for training the organs of articulation, necessary for the correct sound.

Reasons why it is necessary to do articulation gymnastics:

1. Zavdyaks of their own occupations with articulation gymnastics and with the right to develop their own hearing, children themselves can learn to speak cleanly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with foldable injuries of sound can better fix their own defects, if a speech therapist takes care of them more often: they will already be prepared.

3. Articulation gymnastics is also familiar to children with the correct, ale mlyavy sound and sound, about which it seems that they have "porridge in their mouths."

It is necessary to remember that, more precisely, vim's sound is the basis for writing a letter to the cob stage.

The right shoulder needs to be victorious enough in front of the mirror, so like a child the necessary control of the mind. Korisno put the children on the food. For example: why bother ruining? what to rob the tongue? de vin to be known (above and below)?

Then the pace is right, you can increase and win over their faces. Ale, when you follow him, so that you can rightly wink exactly and smoothly, otherwise it’s busy not to feel sense.

It’s better to do it 2 times a day (in the evening and in the evening) with a stretch of 5-7 strands, fallow for the sake of the child’s perseverance.

If you take care of a child of 3-4 years of age, be sure that the child has acquired the main ruhi.

Until the child is 4-5 years old, they move forward: the ruhi is due to become more and more clear and smooth, without smirking.

At 6-7 years, the child wins the right at the Swedish pace, and at the same time, the camp is moved to the day without change.

REMEMBER! Articulation gymnastics only prepares the current apparatus of your child to the right way, but you cannot replace a fahivtsa-speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics for children 2-3-4 years old.

For small children, articulation gymnastics is a serious job, even though it was easy for you to do it right for you. So that the child didn’t wake up and didn’t wake up, turn this robot into a fun game.

Complex of articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds [С], [С'], [З], [З'], [Ц].

3. Cherguvat right "Collection" and "Elephant". The lower slit does not collapse; Repeat 5-6 times.

4. “Clean your teeth” - open your mouth wide, laugh, showing your teeth. Then, with the tip of the tongue, "brush your teeth" in the middle, rushing to the left and right (lower, then upper). Kіnchik tongue is guilty of buti for the teeth. Lips smile for the whole hour, the lower crack does not collapse. Repeat 5-6 turns on the skin side.

5. "Sick finger" - put a wide flat tip of the tongue between your lips (to make the lips lightly trim the tip of the tongue) and blow on your finger. You can again walk in the middle of the movement through a small gap between the tongue and the upper lip. Robiti deep inhalation and long-term smooth vision. Cheeks do not inflate. Repeat 4-5 p.

6. "Girka" - open your mouth wide, laugh, show your teeth. With the tip of the tongue, screw into the lower teeth. The back of the tongue rises to the top. Mova is firm, not "waving" on the teeth. Take up to 5 rows in this position. Repeat 4-5 p.

7. "Krizhana gіrka" - rob the "gіrka" and press the child's finger on the "gіrka" with a smart finger. Mova can be firm and repair the finger's grip, do not give up. Take up to 5 rows in this position. Repeat 4-5 p.

8. “The girka curls up - cries out” - start the “girka”, and then, without picking up the tongue from the lower teeth, clench your teeth (lip - in a laugh, you can see the teeth), then open the company again (mova rests on the lower teeth all the time). Vikonuvat pіd rahunok up to 5. Repeat 4-5 p.

A complex of articulation gymnastics for hissing sounds [Ш], [Ж], [Ч], [Ш].

1. "Selection" - laugh broadly, show clenched teeth (upper teeth stand evenly on the lower ones). Utrimuvati such a camp 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

2. "Elephant" - vityagnut ruin forward with a tube (clenched teeth). Trim like this for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

3. "Non-hearing tongue" - a wide flat tongue of the tongue splash with your lips, moving "five-five-five ...". Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Mlynets on a plate” - put a wide flat tongue of the tongue on the lower lip, saying once “pya” (“they baked a mlynets and put yogo ostigati on a plate”). Mova is not guilty of collapse. The mouth of the troch is open. Utrimuvati such a camp for 3-10 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

6. "Indik" - open the mouth and with a wide flick of the tongue swish on the upper lip back and forth, making a sound close to "bl-bl-bl ...". Pull this sound for 5-7 s. Zrobivshi cob deep inhaled.

7. "Blow on the forelock!" - Hang a wide tip of the tongue, lift it up to the upper lip and blow up the hill. Turn around in the middle of the move, the cheeks do not inflate. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. "Cup" - open your mouth wide, laugh, show your teeth. Hang your tongue out of your mouth, lifting up your front and side edges, making a “cup”. Trim like this for 5-10 s

Repeat 4-5 p.

Complex of articulation gymnastics for sounds [Л], [Л'], [Р], [Р'].

1. "Selection" - laugh broadly, show clenched teeth (upper teeth stand evenly on the lower ones). Utrimuvati such a camp 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

2. "Elephant" - fight forward with a "tube" (clenched teeth). Trim like this for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

3. Cherguvat right "Collection" and "Elephant". The teeth do not collapse, they ruin more than ruin. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. “Clean your teeth” - open your mouth wide, laugh, showing your teeth. Let’s use the tip of the tongue to “brush your teeth” in the middle, ruhayuchi him left-handed-right-handed (lower, then upper). Kіnchik tongue is guilty of buti for the teeth. The lips smile for the whole hour, the teeth (lower crack) do not collapse. Repeat 5-6 turns on the skin side.

5. "Delicious brew" - lick the upper lip of the beast to the bottom with a wide flat tongue tip. In case of any fault, the lower teeth are visible (the lower lip is pulled down, the teeth do not bite the tongue). Repeat 3-5 times.

6. "Malyar" - open your mouth wide, smile, showing your teeth. With the tip of the tongue “farbuvati stele”, rushing back and forth across the hard sky (to the teeth and stretched to the neck). Mova is not guilty of viskakuvati by the teeth, vіdrivatisya vіd steli i ruhatisya to the left and to the right. The teeth (lower slot) do not collapse. Repeat 5-6 turns on the skin side.

7. "Konika" - open your mouth, laugh, showing your teeth. Tsokati my povіlno-shvidko-shvidko-povіlno with short pauses for the repair. The wide tip of the tongue leans up to the sky, and then freely sloshes down. Try to marvel at the language and do not collapse with the lower slit.

8. "Fungus" - open your mouth, show your teeth. Having clicked with the tongue, I again look at the wide flat of the language until the bottom and trim it for 5-10 seconds (the bridle of the tongue is the “bottom of the fungus”, the language itself is yogo “droplets”). Repeat 2-3 times.

9. "Accordion" - grow the "fungus" and stretch the tongue, sip your bridle, open your mouth wide, and then clench your teeth. Repeat 6-8 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 1 day, spring

The hippo mouth is crooked,

After eating. Let's finish it.

Let's tease me hippo -

Zhartuvat over him polyuvannya.

and shut your mouth.

right 3-4 times.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

right 3-4 times.

Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 2nd day of spring

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.


Vchimosya de

slip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Koshenya love milk:Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

child's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 3rd day of spring

like a cup, deep.

3-4 times.

More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

Take a look atside:

Complex articulation gymnastics 4th day of spring

Mova, like a pendulum of the year,.

in the wake of that relaxation,right 3-4 times.

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya de

proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

Vigni tongue, like a back.

3-5 seconds.straighten tongue,right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 5th day of spring

The squirrel clicks the peasReportedly, no hurry.We rest the tongue.Livoruch-right-handed, on the side.

child's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmo.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 1 day Zhovten

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 2nd day of the day

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look atside:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 3rd day of June

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 4th day of June

The hippo mouth is crooked,

After eating. Let's finish it.

Let's tease me hippo -

Zhartuvat over him polyuvannya.

Vchimosya widely and calmlyand shut your mouth.

Repeat right 3-5 times. We give a child an hour for repairthat relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. I repeat againright 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 1st day of leaf fall

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 2nd day of leaf fall

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.

More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look atside:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 3rd day of leaf fall

Mova, like a pendulum of the year,Rock again and get ready again.Koshenya laughs, Vin, like you, smacks.

Vchimosya robiti right "Pendulum".

Opening the company, stretching out the ruin in a laugh, moving the language,tenaciously yogo, sticking with a warm tongue of the tongue of either the left, or the right fold of the lips. Stezhimo, so that the tongue collapsed all over,and not along the lower lip, so that the lower slit did not go down. Vikonuemo6-8 times. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. Give the child an hour forright 3-4 times.

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

Vigni tongue, like a back.Having bent the rudiy kit. Look at the picture: Vіn according to the place.

Vchimosya robiti right "Bridge".

Open the company. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest the yoga kіchik at the lower teeth in the middle of the mouth. We take away from such a position3-5 seconds.Povіlno zblizhuєmo that stiskaєmo teeth, zakrivaєmo mouth."Bridge" to stand behind closed teeth. Potіm proponuєmo childrenstraighten tongue,loosen up, sling your back. repeatableright 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 4th day of leaf fall

The squirrel clicks the peasReportedly, no hurry.We rest the tongue.Livoruch-right-handed, on the side.

Let's work for the right "Gorishok".

When the mouth is closed, it is possible to stress the tongue tipto the left, then to the right of the shock. Wicked 6-8 times. Let's sweatchild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 1 day of breast

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 2nd day of breastfeeding

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look atside:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.

Complexes of gymnastics of articulation 3rd day of the chest

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.

The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 2nd day of the month

The hippo mouth is crooked,

After eating. Let's finish it.

Let's tease me hippo -

Zhartuvat over him polyuvannya.

Vchimosya widely and calmlyand shut your mouth.

Repeat right 3-5 times. We give a child an hour for repairthat relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. I repeat againright 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 3rd day of the month

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 4th day of September

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.


More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look at side:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 1 day of fierce

Mova, like a pendulum of the year,Rock again and get ready again.Koshenya laughs, Vin, like you, smacks.

Vchimosya robiti right "Pendulum".

Opening the company, stretching out the ruin in a laugh, moving the language,tenaciously yogo, sticking with a warm tongue of the tongue of either the left, or the right fold of the lips. Stezhimo, so that the tongue collapsed all over,and not along the lower lip, so that the lower slit did not go down. Vikonuemo6-8 times. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. Give the child an hour forvodpochinku that razslablennya, proponuєmo pokatnut sleen. repeatableright 3-4 times.


Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatable right 3-4 times.


Vigni tongue, like a back. Having bent the rudiy kit. Look at the picture: Vіn according to the place.

Vchimosya robiti right "Bridge".

Open the company. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest the yoga kіchik at the lower teeth in the middle of the mouth. We take away from such a position3-5 seconds. Povіlno zblizhuєmo that stiskaєmo teeth, zakrivaєmo mouth."Bridge" to stand behind closed teeth. Potіm proponuєmo childrenstraighten tongue, loosen up, sling your back. repeatable right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 2nd day of fierce

The squirrel clicks the peasReportedly, no hurry.We rest the tongue.Livoruch-right-handed, on the side.

Let's work for the right "Gorishok".

When the mouth is closed, it is possible to stress the tongue tipto the left, then to the right of the shock. Wicked 6-8 times. Let's sweatchild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 3rd day of fierce

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 4th day of fierce

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look at side:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 1st day of the month

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatable right 3-4 times.


The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 2nd day of the month

The hippo mouth is crooked,

After eating. Let's finish it.

Let's tease me hippo -

Zhartuvat over him polyuvannya.

Vchimosya widely and calmlyand shut your mouth.

Repeat right 3-5 times. We give a child an hour for repairthat relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. I repeat againright 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 3rd day of the month

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 4th day of the month

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.


More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look at side:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 5th day of the month

Mova, like a pendulum of the year,Rock again and get ready again.Koshenya laughs, Vin, like you, smacks.

Vchimosya robiti right "Pendulum".

Opening the company, stretching out the ruin in a laugh, moving the language,tenaciously yogo, sticking with a warm tongue of the tongue of either the left, or the right fold of the lips. Stezhimo, so that the tongue collapsed all over,and not along the lower lip, so that the lower slit did not go down. Vikonuemo6-8 times. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. Give the child an hour forvodpochinku that razslablennya, proponuєmo pokatnut sleen. repeatableright 3-4 times.


Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatable right 3-4 times.


Vigni tongue, like a back. Having bent the rudiy kit. Look at the picture: Vіn according to the place.

Vchimosya robiti right "Bridge".

Open the company. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest the yoga kіchik at the lower teeth in the middle of the mouth. We take away from such a position3-5 seconds. Povіlno zblizhuєmo that stiskaєmo teeth, zakrivaєmo mouth."Bridge" to stand behind closed teeth. Potіm proponuєmo childrenstraighten tongue, loosen up, sling your back. repeatable right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 1 day

The squirrel clicks the peasReportedly, no hurry.We rest the tongue.Livoruch-right-handed, on the side.

Let's work for the right "Gorishok".

When the mouth is closed, it is possible to stress the tongue tipto the left, then to the right of the shock. Wicked 6-8 times. Let's sweatchild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 2nd day

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 3rd day

The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look at side:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics 4th day

Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatable right 3-4 times.


The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 1st day of the day

The hippo mouth is crooked,

After eating. Let's finish it.

Let's tease me hippo -

Zhartuvat over him polyuvannya.

Vchimosya widely and calmlyand shut your mouth.

Repeat right 3-5 times. We give a child an hour for repairthat relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. I repeat againright 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I would have just zmig, Os, marvel. Nini.

Vchimosya de

Let's work right,

as a speech therapist is called "Smishka". Widely spread the folds of the lips, baring the clenched teeth.Let us destroy at a calm camp. Give the child an hour forkind of relaxation. Proponuemo prokovtnut slin. repeatableright 3-4 times.


The proboscis of an elephant tyagne, Vin axis-axis banana distance.Fold the sponges into a tube. Ishow the elephant.

Vchimosya robiti right "Proboscis".

Vityaguimo destroy forward, like for a kiss, trymaemo in suchposition 3-5 seconds. Let us destroy at a calm camp.We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation. proponedsling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex of articulation gymnastics 2nd day of May

Hamster inflates cheeks

May the grain be in little bags.

We inflate cheeks,

Let's help the hamster at once.

Vchimosya robiti right "Hamster".

It is advisable to puff up the cheeks with the closed mouth and take itin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then see, relax,sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little dog is exhausted and groaning, exhausted. I didn’t become rich for the gut. A wide tongue to help, to lie down, I will again live a dog for a gut.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti right "Shovel".

Widely open mouth. Put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. Take 3-5 seconds. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


Koshenya love milk:Nallesh - and there are no drops to take.Lakaє shvidko that easily"Shovel" hanging tongue.

Let's work right

"Mowing laps milk."

Open your mouth wide, work 4-5 ruhіv with my wide mouth,yak bi lakayuchi milk. We close the mouth. Let's take the tongue. Give mechild's hour for repairing that relaxation, proponuєmoslip. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 3rd day of May

Let's bend the tongue to the edge, Robie is the same, like me. The tongue lies wide. Ilike a cup, deep.

Vchimosya robiti right "Cup".

Widely open the mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a “cup” and correctly lift it by the upper teeth. Then let's proponuemo child lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, sling your sling. Repeat right3-4 times.


More oak, more yalini

We were attacked by goidals.

And say, you would be crazy

Tongue "swing


Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti rightfully "Goydalka".

Widely open mouth, put on the lower lip calmloosen the language, transfer it to the upper lip, turn itto the lower one, I’m moving again to the upper one. Wicked 6-8 times.We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.


The little bird has a sharp dziobik

І thin, gostry, like a head.

Take a look at side:

My tongue is like a bird's jaw.

Vchimosya robiti right "Golochka".

The mouth is wide open, the thin tongue is lifted and pulled forward. Fixing the station for 3-5 seconds. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. We give the child an hour for recovery and relaxation, we propagate the sling. Repeat to the right 3-4 times.

Complex articulation gymnastics 4th day of May

Mova, like a pendulum of the year,Rock again and get ready again.Koshenya laughs, Vin, like you, smacks.

Vchimosya robiti right "Pendulum".

Opening the company, stretching out the ruin in a laugh, moving the language,tenaciously yogo, sticking with a warm tongue of the tongue of either the left, or the right fold of the lips. Stezhimo, so that the tongue collapsed all over,and not along the lower lip, so that the lower slit did not go down. Vikonuemo6-8 times. We take the tongue, we close our mouth. Give the child an hour forvodpochinku that razslablennya, proponuєmo pokatnut sleen. repeatableright 3-4 times.


Know all the people:

Love the vedmedic savory honey.

Tongue lip licker

I'm closer to honey.

Vchimosya de

Vchimosya robiti is right "Delicious honey".

Widely open your mouth, gostrimy tongue tongueon the upper lip it is angry to the right and back. Stezhimo for tim, schobthe bottom slot did not collapse. Wicked 6-8 times. We pick up the tongue,we close the mouth. We give the child an hour to recover and relax,proponuєmo prokuvtnut slin. repeatable right 3-4 times.


Vigni tongue, like a back. Having bent the rudiy kit. Look at the picture: Vіn according to the place.

Vchimosya robiti right "Bridge".

Open the company. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest the yoga kіchik at the lower teeth in the middle of the mouth. We take away from such a position3-5 seconds. Povіlno zblizhuєmo that stiskaєmo teeth, zakrivaєmo mouth."Bridge" to stand behind closed teeth. Potіm proponuєmo childrenstraighten tongue, loosen up, sling your back. repeatable right 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulation gymnastics

For children 4-5 years old

middle group

Articulation Organs Necessary Correct Vimovy Sounds. Zavdyaki їх forces we speak with a strong flow of language, but we do not vibrate around the sounds. Zmalku people are creating impersonal manipulations of the articulation apparatus, the reason for which is the development of a movement novice. Sometimes children are blamed for problems with vimova slіv. I will help you to come articulation gymnastics - a complex of rights, contributions to the development of promotion.

The meta articulation gymnastics is a development of the power apparatus, the exposition of the upper limbs of the organs, the important clear sound and sound, the words, the sound of the single stream of promotion.

Articulation gymnastics for children is made up of impersonal complexes, leather from some straightening, or on the head of the molding of the mov, or the elimination of the current defects. Correctly fold the complex can be a speech therapist. Ale, before the new one, they turn, as a rule, less when they are revealed, whether they are short-lived.

Respect! For example, defects and vimovie are given to you even stronger, speech therapist, varto see a neurologist doctor. Nedolіki can be symptoms of serious pathologies.

How healthy I am, the fathers can take care of a child in their home minds. Articulation has the right for children to develop a m'yazimovy apparatus and stimulate active and correct language.

Articular gymnastics will be core, so follow these recommendations:

  • Articulation is right for children to be served in a playful style. Little boys are not yet convinced that gymnastics is necessary for them. That’s why it’s necessary to swear that it’s right to pick up the bastards of the fathers, they will stink, as if it’s cicavo.
  • If you are busy, you can arrange bariste pictures, and the interest of the little one will be even greater.
  • The child should not be fooled by her appearance, so it’s better to put a mirror in front of her.
  • If the little one cannot cope with the right move, help him varto. For this yogo, it is necessary to direct the language to the necessary side for an additional spoon or another careless object.
  • As long as the little one is not yet occupied, the complex can have no more than 2-3 right. Step by hour, you can add 1-2 right for the lesson.

Articulation gymnastics for children may be held regularly. It is important to follow these rules:

  • Busy varto spend the day. The optimal option is 3-4 times a day for 3-5 quills. With a greater ambition, the little ones get tired.
  • The skin on the right can be repeated no less than 5 times.
  • As if there is a static pressure on the surface, it is necessary to complete the task with a stretch of 10-15 seconds.
  • On the cob of a busy child, it is necessary to propagate the most simple right, and then step by step translate yoga to folding.
  • Yakshcho podopіchniy cannot be residually mastered as a right, not varto introduce into the complex schos new. It is necessary to check, as long as the little ones can be vikonuvat already present in the complex are right.
  • It is not possible to enter into the complex over 1 new right. For example, as busyness adds up to 2 right, then you can enter more than one at a time, so that the sum of them was 3, but not more.
  • The optimal posture for victoria is right - sitting, arms relaxed, back straight. But if the child does not sit handily, it is necessary to allow her to stand.
  • Malyuk is guilty of miraculous bachiti not only in his own guise, but in the person of the father. To that, in front of the looking-glass, there can be not less than wines, but also mature.
  • Batko is guilty of showing how to work correctly in the right, that buv control the correctness of vikonannya.

On the back of the right gymnastics of articulation can be given by force, but in an hour I will master the little ones again.

Articulation gymnastics for children of 3-4 years old

Children of such age are not capable of concentrating on something that lasts an hour. The stench is very fast-moving, so it is necessary to include 2-3 right in the complex. Axis of optimal dynamic employment for children under 4 years of age:

  • "Snake". Tell the child, hanging out the tongue and stretching it ahead of you. When choosing a wine, it can be as narrow as possible, so that we inspire a small snake.
  • "Tisto". The child is guilty of relaxing the tongue, putting yoga on her lower lip. Then we need to twist, then close your mouth. Mova is guilty of being in that very position.
  • "Tooth cleaning". The tip of the tongue is guilty of tying along the upper and lower rows of teeth to the right. It is right to repeat 2 times from the top and bottom rows.
  • "Anniversary". Malyuk is guilty of helping me to imitate the pendulum of the year. For whom it is necessary to open the mouth, and then with the tip of the tongue stick out either the right or the left fold.
  • "Goydalki". Tsya is rightly similar to the front, only the tongue is guilty of either going uphill, or going down, mimicking goydalki.
  • "Hamster". The child may inflate insults, showing a hamster, which is what it is. Then we need to inflate the right, then the left shock.
  • "Kulki". As in the last moment, the child is guilty of puffing up his cheeks as much as possible. Let's ask Yogo, sob the veins with a light hand hitting them, sob it will be more clear.

The dynamic mustaches have the right to be vigilantly up to the recommendations that are made in the front section. The axis of the kіlka of the brown static ones should be taken. Nagaduєmo, the static rights of the child are guilty of sitting for 10-15 seconds:

  • "Behemoth". Malyuk is guilty of opening his mouth wide and being left in such a position.
  • "Smile". Ask the child to laugh a lot, but when he does not show his teeth, he dies in this position.
  • "Trunk". The child is guilty of twisting her lips into a tube, like a pitching, and die in such a position.
  • "Mlynets". I will need to re-relax the m'yazi of the tongue, putting yoga on the lower lip, and die in such a position.
  • "Hungry hamster". Povna protilezhnist to the right "ham'yachok". The child can retract the shocks as much as possible.

For maximum effect, static and dynamic employment needs to be changed. Draw them, show the little ones on your butt, in parallel, make logical associations. For example, the right "Trunk" can be associated with a small baby elephant.

Articulation gymnastics for children aged 5-7

Children of the age of 5 years, as they were engaged in them earlier, already well prepared until the vikonanny is right, then you can take an hour to continue for 3-5 minutes. It is right from the front of the complex as a whole to go for the tsієї vіkovoї categorії, but it is necessary to supplement them postiyno. I can work for the help of such rights:

"Selection". As in one of the front rights, the child is guilty of laughing widely. Vіdminnіst in that, now the teeth can be as bare as possible.

Vitrilo. The child is guilty of resting the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth, having died in this position.

"Painter". Malyuk is guilty of revealing that his tongue is a penzlik, for the help of such a wine I can turn the sky. It is necessary to draw the end of the tongue across the sky from the throat to the teeth.

"Indicator". Malyuk is guilty of ruhati with his tongue on the upper lip, right-handed and levoruch at the swedish pace.

"Cup". The child is guilty of opening her mouth wide, raising her tongue uphill, but with it, her teeth won’t get wet.

"Varinnya". The child is guilty of revealing that her upper lip is wandering around the barn. Tongue is required to lick the salmon. For a more creative approach, that cloggedness of a little one's lip can rightly be made at the boil.

"Woodpecker". The child is guilty of revealing that її tongue is a woodpecker's dziob. It is necessary to knock on the upper row of teeth at a swedish pace.

"Konika". Malyuk is guilty of “clattering” with his tongue, imitating the clatter of the Kinsky hoards. For the first time, I may not be right, but after an hour I will master it again.

"Fungus". Little can "glue" the tongue to the sky and stay in this position for a few seconds.

"Harmonic". On the back of the child, you can take a pose from the front position. Then you need a sprat once you open your mouth and close your mouth.

In 3-4 years, it is already possible to understand, how actively and correctly the child's articulation apparatus develops, which is the child's breath. Articulation gymnastics is a way to speed up the development of a movie, preventing the appearance of shortcomings.

Ale, even if it stinks already, the best option would be to visit the child to the doctor. In the warehouse, take an individual program, take the optimal right, explain what you can do at home, or rather, take the initiative to the hands of teachers-speech therapists.

Rights for children from 7 years old

The development of articulation is connected with the constant consolidation of the forward results and the development of new rights. For this, you can add new tasks to the previous program:

  1. "Rabbit". The child is guilty of strongly closing her teeth, raising her upper lip, to open the cuts. In such a position, you need to die.
    You can draw right "Smishka" and "Tube".
  2. "P'yatachok". It is necessary to writhe the lips with a tube, like a pitching, and then wrap the stake in different sides with sharply stooling lips.
  3. "Ribka". The child can imitate the ruhi with the lips of the rib. For whom wine is guilty, silently caress your lips.
  4. "Evil Kin". It is necessary to depict the “firkannya” of the horse. For whom it is necessary to inhale as much as possible again and with the power to see yoga with your mouth, without opening yoga. Lips start vibrating, imitating cognac. The child is guilty of opening the company wide, and then pulling in the ruins in the middle of the yaknaidal.
  5. "Intestine". The tongue of the child is guilty of imagining the intestines, as if to be angry and that she buckled her back. For this little one, the mouth is to blame, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, so that the back of the tongue marvels uphill.
  6. "Polyuvannya". It is necessary to shut your mouth tightly, with the tip of your tongue pricking one or the other shock.

Meta articulation gymnastics - tse viroblennya correct mov. If there are no problems in children, then such a technique will suffice in a grown-up child. If you want to have more defects in curable defects in older people, you can help only a little more medicine.
The effectiveness of victories will be right to remember already 2-3 months in advance of regular borrowing. Ale, with whom, it’s important, so that the child would win them over with interest, that’s right.

Articulation gymnastics is actively played in logopedic robots. Specially given the right to allow the robot to polypshit m'yaziv, to take part in the movement, to put down the i, vidpovidno, to help the correct setting of the sounds, or to correct the pardon.

Can you do speech therapy gymnastics with children on your own? In that case, since the child does not have serious damage to the movement, it is right for the development of the articulation apparatus to help the active formation of the movement. As soon as the fathers are turbulent, if there are problems, it’s better to consult with a specialist. Speech therapist pіdbere nebhіdny complex pravі і nadast recommendations ї schodo korektsії.

How to do articulation gymnastics

  1. In occupations, there is obov'yazkovoy regularity. Get back as soon as possible. However, it is not varto to overwhelm the child, the trivality of employment is not to blame for revisiting 10-15 whilins. As a matter of fact, you can spend the complex navit 2 times - in the evening and in the evening - but after an hour of the lesson up to 5-7 minutes.
  2. When the hour is busy, the child is obliged to sit at the table. Vikonanny has the right to require vigilance and control; The result of such activity of “our vidkuruch” will not only be positive, but may be negative.
  3. In order for the child of the vikonal to be the head of the office, she could learn how to control the m'azimov's apparatus, and it is important for you to control yourself. For whom, put a handy mirror on the table.
  4. Keep track of it so that the skin is on the right lined up correctly. Sometimes you can "help" move with a special speech therapy spatula, with a clean spoon or just with your finger.
  5. Don't forget that negativity doesn't motivate! Tse mozhe zdavatis, scho robiti right easily and simply. For a child, the stinks seem to be finished off by folding heads. Obov'yazkovo lust and pidrimuyte yogo. Zrobіt lessons cheerful thunder. Not a gift for rich similar complexes of vigadans “fairy tales about a little tongue”. Choose a free verse for the right or write a story.
  6. On the cob of mastering the skin, you can spend it at a moderate pace, fixing on the correctness of the vikonannya, and only then encourage the children to try to work more quickly.

Wimogi to borrow for children 3, 4, 5, 6 years old

  • At 3-4 fates, it is the most important thing to stand in front of the child - to learn and learn how to control the robot moving apparatus. The main emphasis is on the correctness of the vision. The complex is being built up with a large set of static rights.
  • At 5 rocks, it is already necessary to stitch for smoothness and clarity of ruhiv, with the correct transition from one to the right to the other. Pick up a high pace, for the time being, we can fold up. Don't hurry baby.
  • Up to 6 years of notice, control over the minds of the articulation apparatus is already quite possible. Children can be at the right pace at the required pace and improve the correct position of the song hour.

Right for articulation gymnastics

  • "Smile". Tse is the basis of dermal offensive right. For the correct vikonannya, the child will need to trim the lips of a wide laugh. So let's have a laugh! The lips are wide stretched, the teeth are set. Options - with closed lips and open lips.
  • "Elephant". The elephant stretches its proboscis to the flower. Lips close and pull forward with a tube. We pulled hard. Increase the position to 5, incrementally increasing the hour to 10 seconds.
  • "Shovel". Robimo wide tongue. Trochs pull the tongue between the teeth, not pressing hard. The language itself can be relaxed and wide. The right shovel is great for collecting snow!
  • "Snake". And now you can change into a long-lived snake. Mova is also worn out between her teeth, but now she is guilty of being strained and buckled, thin. Let the child show, like a little tongue stretching forward, like a snake. Such a position, like in front, trim for 10 seconds.
  • As well as being well mastered, encourage the children to learn how to draw them at the singing tempo. You will be a charmer, with a wave of a charming wand, you will turn a shovel onto a snake and back. Or maybe you can come up with another story about chaklunstvo?
  • We pass from statics to diy. Roblyachi "Laughter" with closed teeth for a grown-up rahunok, a child is guilty of opening the teeth a couple of centimeters, to open the mouth. Doors are being opened - doors are being repaired. Think of whom the doors are being repaired?
  • "Right - left." Tongue out for a walk, but you don’t know where you should drink. Mouth open in a smile, tongue collapses from one corner of the lips to the other.
  • Does your kid love playing soccer? Right "M'yach". Let the child vpiraetsya with a kіchik move either one or the other shock. You can control the accuracy and the tension of the move, “shtovhayuchi” cheeks. It's more fun!
  • Another variation of football - only the ball will be inflatable. Teach the child to puff up one shock, then the other one. The task is not easy, but in order to raise your spirits, you can “shovel” a rubbed bag, pressing on an inflated sock.
  • Oh, tongue pishov go for a walk, ale vin still not vmivavsya! Clean tongue, moving yoga back and forth with closed teeth.
  • Now you need to clean your teeth - let the tongue talk about them. With a smooth hand, levoruch-to the right and navpak, draw the tongue along the outer surface of the upper teeth, then the lower ones.
  • We swing on goydaltsі. The tip of the tongue sticks into the bottom behind the upper teeth, and then - below, behind the lower teeth. Mouth napіvvіdkritiy have smirksі.
  • Shall we ride a horse? All children love to clatter. Let's take a look - who gave a jump, who is your child?
  • Another one is static to the right - "Fungus". It's good to draw a short bridle. Mova needs to be glued (“smoothed”) to the upper sky, like with a clatter of cognac and left in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Comfortable "Mushroom" - play on the harmonica. At the position of the “Fungus”, the child is guilty of the collapse of the lower slit uphill and down. Mova with whom is not allowed!

Right for an active robotic apparatus of articulation, you can know a lot. Guess yourself, play - more fun at the same time! If you borrow regularly, you will soon sing that your child is richer than you for you, humming language into a tube, rattling like a motor and - cheers! - shout like a tiger!

Do not forget only, so you can not go out without getting angry. Possibly, the child does not understand, how to correctly win that chi in the right. Possibly, consult a speech therapist and choose the most suitable complex for taking.

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