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How to close the lichniks at the bathrooms. Decoration of installed sewer pipes

Every hour spent in the bathroom is often blamed for food: how to work at once and beautifully and functionally. From the beauty of everything, nothing has been invented more beautiful than ceramic tiles for the bathroom and the toilet. Tile maє dovgovіchnіst, vodostіykіst, vіdminnі sanitary-gіgієnіchі akostі. Zavdyaki number of virobniks, іsnuіє majestic variability in the choice of color, size and shape of the tile. And besides that, to be just a side room, the sanitary vuzol sche vikonu technical functions, and be it a technique for regular maintenance. Here you will find food as a way to gain access to pipes and plumbing communications easily and beautifully at once. In most cases people sacrifice the health of the service for the sake of beauty. For example, they tightly lay the wall under the bathroom, flooding, at the same time, it is small at the end of the siphon. As a result, whether there is an injustice or a sm_chennya, the anger is threatening with a new overhaul. The plumber may simply not be able to fix it through the small end. How mirobimo bathroom screen you can marvel at the tiles. All the more said, one should hang out and the back wall behind the toilet bowl at the toilet to the confused bathroom. You can look down through the hatch through the hatch, but you can’t see anything. Whether or not injustice is threatening with the prospect of demounting or destroying structures that you care about. It will be more difficult to pick up such a tile for renovation. From now on, at the beginning of the overhaul of the sanitary facility, it’s better to call for a podbat about the security of easy and painless access to the pipes. In order to preserve the glaring look of that style of application, it is easier to look at the way of different ceramic tiles:

  • Close the doors, which open, or the hatch.
  • Zrobiti panel that is easy to remove.
  • Combination of these methods. Like on our butt - a door for the beast for frequent use, a panel at the bottom for an accident.

Three tiles provide a secure access to communications and, if necessary, look pleasantly, without disturbing the design of the bathroom in any way. Ale stink to finish the folding at the ready. The tile is an arch and the maximum allowable expansion of the doors is enclosed. It is easier to make a panel from a tile. As access to pipes is needed infrequently, only in the event of an accident, best option. Znіmnu panel can be zrobiti great expansion, even if you know її not often, but only in an extreme mood. For cooperation, you can also go free of charge, the panel can be built from scratch, and more often for water-resistant drywall or GVL. What kind of good for an hour of overhaul may be too much. I can see the panel behind the toilet bowl easily, which is known, but I can see it like a monolithic wall of tiles.

It is better to build the base of the panel from GVL, so that the shape is trimmed more quickly. If the expansion of the panel is not too great, then it can be made from green, water-resistant drywall. In order to prevent the panel from deforming during operation, it is possible to screw a sprat of strong straight lines from the inside of the arch to the arch. For the cob, it is necessary to use drywall, the workpiece is suitable for expansion. Vaughn is guilty easily, without a hitch, that skewness is restored to her place. Virizaemo vіrazu vіdrazu vіdnі vіdnі open for pipes іz а deakim stock. Now it is necessary to work the reinforcement of the panel, so that it will be well trimmed on the spot and easily removed if necessary. For which it is screwed with screws to our sheet of direct braces for gypsum board PP27x28 with a guided scheme. It is also attached to parts of the vіdpovіd to the pіdlogi. It is necessary to make sure that, when installing the lower guide panels, they pulled on those, which were attached to the underlays and stuck behind them, preventing the panels from falling out from below. You can bend them a little for regulation. Then the upper part moves forward and is fixed with long screws through the main wall frame directly, or the hatch frame. The order of closing is the same for the turning sequence: twisting the double screws, pulling the top of the panel on itself and moving uphill, moving the bottom straight out of the hook.

Only after we have changed, that our panel is easy and free to install and remove, we can cover it with tiles. It is recommended to vikoristovuvaty as a glue for rare flowers, or else plastic glue, to build a structure that is lightweight and easy. At the edges of the panel, we fill gaps three times wider than the tile joint. It is possible to close it with a humovy thickener or lay it down for a tile, which means that the panel is planned to be less in extreme weather.

In the photo below, there are more extrusion panels made of tiles at the bottom with an aluminum hatch for access to pipes.

Replace top and bottom panels with tiles.

Everyone liked the idea of ​​a lower hinged panel for access to pipes so much that it took away a further development from a visible upper panel. Sound access to the upper part of the sewer risers is not needed, but there will be falls, if the wine is necessary. For example, it might be so, that you will still be held in the booth overhaul and replace the old pipes of the risers with new ones, or ask you to secure proper access to the risers. For the obviousness of the visible panels, it is easy to build and nothing to ruin and rework. This design provides the best access to pipes for repair and maintenance. Below is a list of examples from our practice. Significant upper and lower panels with tiles at the same separate bathroom.

Vіdkritі kanіzаtіynі pipes іn аnіy kіmnati neabiyak psyut esthetics pіsіshchennya. It’s even more nasty to look at the gray structures on the white aphids;

Є without any options for processing sewer darts. Can there be traditional solutions or non-violent ones? design ideas. To the most popular and simplest, but the most original ways are as follows:

  • Mosaic decoration - unimaginative, beautiful, but not more foldable. For help, you can turn the pipes into an element of bathroom decor.
  • Drapery with stucco molding to fit into the room, vikonan into classical style. This option is best suited for decorating vertical structures.
  • Playing roles is a great way to add communications to the bathrooms with typical modern style paintings.
  • Metal bars will help to lay vertical pipes in a modern modern bathroom.
  • False walls are the only way, how to grab not one sewer pipe, but a sprat.

Є th more standard version of the power supply, how to bury the sewer pipe near the bathroom.

Hide pipes at the toilet

A lot of vlasnikiv at the hour of carrying out repair work at the bathroom kіmnati often go to such a decision, like laying pipes against the wall. This is a simple, nadіyny and economical option, like attaching sewer pipes. Vikonati robot can be hands-on. For whom a perforator is needed, to lay furrows in the walls.

Get respect! It is not possible to gouge the walls, to lay sewer pipes in them, like the stench of wickedness from the panels. The wall is guilty of buti tovstoy and nadiya, otherwise you can blame the emergency situation.

This variant is to walk in quiet weathers, if the houses are only awakened and they are conducted repair robots. As a rule, they tried to attach sewer pipes to the wall, it was necessary to work so that they would have uninterrupted access to the ventilators, and also so that at the time of the leak it would be possible to build the system without serious intrusion.

Vikoristannya plastic

Plastic is the best option for a bathroom. Wines are characterized by such domineering qualities as mіtsnіst, vologostіykіst. It is easy to watch him, he just brushes with a sponge. Plastic does not deform due to high temperature in the application.

On the market, plastic panels are presented in a wide range of colors and colors. Tse mozhe buti material, imitation of natural wood and stone. Become a solution garnish embellishment for a bath room, vikonan at any style. For the yakіsny vykonannya, the next thing is to finish the singing sequence.

  1. It is repaired from the reinforcement of direct bars.
  2. Sheathed frame plastic panels. When they were cut, there were lines of stitches, so that the little ones ran away.
  3. We add details from plastic with a frame for additional flowers or screws.
  4. The sticks are scalded with silicone sealant to prevent water from getting in.

Decor sewer pipes plastic panels do not affect the reports of particular zusil. All robots are fast and simple. The priority of the design is those who need access to communications.

Decor of sewer pipes with plastic panels

Sleeve for vertical pipes

A simple way to mask the sewer pipes at the bathroom, after installing a shafka. Vіn dopomozhe not only to attach communications, but also to take access to them. Have tsіy shaftsі you can shovat і lichilniki. Rinok proponuє great model range structures, in which you can attach sewer pipes. The stench is reminiscent of roses, design, functionality. Є hats with the police or just small handy mites.

Install such a wardrobe near the bathrooms of the room in a difficult warehouse. For whom you need the construction itself, a hacksaw, hinges or a frame. For the cob it is necessary to die, de bude will be installed virib, rozrahuvat rozmіri. Now you can crepe on the wall of the loop or frame, on which the construction will be installed.


Kahlem Rest

Razbіrna konstruktsіya z kahlyu - not only more beautiful and stylish solution, but even more practical. All the advantages of this method of decorating sewer pipes are considered in case of emergency, if the sewer is leaking.

A decorative sewer pipe made of kahel tile is especially harmoniously visible in quiet rooms, where the walls are lined with the same tile. Vikonati obsyag robit can be done without third-party help, go to the trouble to get the recommendations of professionals, and work diligently and carefully.

  1. We need to install a frame from metal profiles.
  2. Now it is necessary to make the rosemary of the possible rosemary construction and to cut the kahli, protecting the frame.
  3. In quiet places, where the cachelon tiles are fastened to the frame, timidly open for help a drill with piercing drills.
  4. Vikoristovuyuchi screws, krіpimo kahel.
  5. Decorate the construction with plastic wraps.
  6. We take away the leftovers, clean, miёmo kahelnu tile.

Decorative sewer pipe from kahel tile

Kahelna tile is one of the most suitable options for finishing a bathroom. Vaughn was victorious for the past century, but now it has not lost its relevance. Until then, this material is released from various variations. At the bathroom, you can create a unique interior for an additional cough. It is necessary to choose an option, how to decorate a sewer pipe, let the roof of a kachelnі tile.

wooden box

Vykoristovuyuchi wooden box, you can prihovat komunikatsiy at the bathroom kіmnati, scho psyuet esthetic characteristics of the accommodation. In addition, the box can be embellished with mosaics, tiles or other materials, creating original, beautiful designs.

For vikonannya robots need the following attachments:

  • wooden boards and corks;
  • material for processing (mostly kahelna tiles);
  • flowers, hammer;
  • drill, hacksaw;
  • olive, roulette.

wooden box

For the cob, it is necessary to designate the size of a wooden box and prepare a board 1, the dovzhina can be the same, as you can climb the wall to the front side of the sewer pipe. Dovzhina doshki 2 high-rise bathrooms. Doshka 3 can curl up with doshka 2.

If the elements of the box are ready, we need to design the main complex of robots. Z'ednuyemo doshki 2 and 3 with flowers, open at the wall with a small wooden cork. We bring the box up to the wall, hanging by the cork. The box made of wood is ready, її you can make it with mosaic or kahl.

Improvement of pipes with farboi

Tsej sposіb vіdmіnno pіdіyde vіdіde vіdіdku, yakshcho vіdіnі kіmnatі іn still installed old, good metal sewer pipes, ale stink tіlk priadnі іnіnіynoї ekspluatatsії. Farba will help to prevent corrosion, to add a fresh look to the bathroom. You can not just farb the pipes, but beautifully blow them with different little ones and little ones. There is no room for fantasy here, in the inter'єri bathroom' you can see everything that is worthwhile. Farbuvannya zastosovuyut importantly in quiet places, where stіni are enriched with farboi, the same is created whole, even more original and original composition.

Improvement of pipes with farboi

For visualization, the robotic complex needs to be prepared:

  • farba (recommended to bathe a water mullet, but it is also good to use olijna);
  • emery paper;
  • anticorrosive primer;
  • mittens;
  • wake-up hair dryer and spatula.

Let's get to the vikonannya roboti. The next step is to prepare the sewerage pipes and the farbuvannya. For whom it is necessary to thoroughly clean them, take out an old farba, refinish with an emery paper. In order to continue the operational term of the pipes, it is recommended to apply them with an anti-corrosion primer. Now, the surface of the sewer pipes is carefully covered, starting from the important places.

Decorate beautifully

And the most original, extravagant and unsuitable ways to decorate a sewer pipe.

Sewer pipe decor

  • Birch. A more stylish, non-standard variant of the pipe fitting, which runs vertically. In order to vikonaty harn the composition at the bathroom kіmnati or toilets, it is necessary to prepare bіlu and siru farba, piece by leaf green color. Farbuyemo sewer pipe white farboy. If the ball is dry, robimo siri badges, like a birch tree near a stovbur, leafing with special glue to the beast. Everything, the composition is ready. Simple, stylish, original.
  • Kvіtkov gіlka. This option is to add bathroom style, completeness, improve aesthetic characteristics. There is no need to carry out serious installation work. To make the pipe beautifully, you need piece of paper, glue, short brown fabric, building to maintain a high temperature. We wrap it with a fabric pipe, fasten it with threads or with glue, glue the flowers.

Get respect! The above descriptions of the options for the non-small decoration of sewer pipes do not work, as hot streams constantly drain from the communications. Ale is not drained so often, because in the sewerage system, it is most likely to consume already cooled drains.

14 lipnya, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and external work (plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, scorching, electrics, moreover, cladding and expansion of balconies. Tobto, the repair at the apartment chi booth was shying "under the key" from the usima with the necessary types of work.

The bagats of bagatians with richly superficial buds early in the morning will tell you about those who close the sewer riser at the toilet. But, obviously, it’s not enough for everyone, so that the fan pipe can go through in the courtroom, but if you don’t, then you went for the address. With such a need, I want to tell you about two ways of decorating and ask them all before reviewing the video from this article.

Decorating pipes

First method - decoupage

The word "decoupage" looks like the French "découper", which translates as "virizati".
In fact, it means decorating any object with a path to the new (sticking) some kind of little ornament.

One clumsy, but even more effective option, which you can do with your own hands, is decoupage:

  • decoupage technique is available whether you are a human being, if you have a bigger, smaller normal size, if you want to have a fantasy and if you need to work;
  • I'll tell you that vikonati taku decorative decoration on the riser of the sewer from a technical look, it’s easier, be it;
  • This pipe may not change the temperature of the surface of the fallow water in the place, and practically does not make contact with it, so that the mechanical damage to the surface there is minimal;
  • for finishing, you can zastosuvat yak-nebud, painting a vertical pipe under a stovbur of a tree, or drawing on a new fantastic image;
  • In addition, you can apply the decoupage technique in a straight-forward way - stick it on the riser like a virizan by you, or get ready for the element to be implanted (three applications of such a piece you can see in the photo above);
  • in the ranks consumable material here you can put cloth, cardboard, foil, metal, slo, plastic and wind paper - everything is stale according to your imagination.

Another method - false wall and drywall box

The most effective way to lay a sewer pipe in the toilets is to install a plasterboard box next to it with ceramic tiles facing it. But here you can close with two options for laying vertical sewers - the pipe can pass through the communication niche at the same time from the water supply, or be fixed to the surface wall.

Technological advancement does not have any significant significance, but changes to the installation technique of the box like a geometric figure.

Frame for false walls: 1 - bar; 2 - water; 3 - sewer riser; 4 - water reservoir

Also, if the riser at your toilet and bathroom (for confusing bathrooms) is in a niche, then you can build a false wall with drywall, lined with ceramic tiles. As you know, for GKL, the instruction recommends mounting a frame from metal profiles.

However, here it is most convenient to twist a wooden bar 50 × 50 mm (I, at every time, have been working like this for a long time, and the result of the distortions is a rich proof). You need to fix the slats around the perimeter and put jumpers, blocking the space for access to the reservoir - the principle of indications on the diagram above.

Ale and one important mind- You need to install the GKL on one level with plaster, so that you can lay the tiles on the flat without overfalls. And here you can drink two ways:

  1. The first way is in the offensive: you can build a frame with small wine schob potim gypsum board acting like a beacon. You should do it manually, but you will need singing practice, so that there is a chance to have mercy at the rozrakhunks.
  2. Another way is to plaster the walls in the first black, and then to work on the plaster to mount the frame with drowning on the tovshchina of a gypsum board - so simpler and more efficient.

The bars to the walls are fixed with plastic dowels and screws (the dowels are not shock!), and between them the slats are fastened with screws. At this stage, I would like to say about the type of drywall, so the axis, you need a moisture-resistant sheet (GKLV) - the wine may be green on the surface.

Water resistance here is needed not for the one who lays the tile on the glue, it is possible to build it on the wall sheet (GKLS), but for the one who will collect condensate from the temperature drops between the pipes.

You also can’t close the niche, or the back wall in the toilets, you can close only the lower part, and install roller blinds or horizontal blinds in the mountains. This option will allow you to install the end for access to the water house - raise the blinds and secure access to all pipes.

More than that, you can create a false wall for mounting the boiler over the toilet bowl, but for which you, obviously, will need a special frame. Boilers have two, and є іz chotirma with brackets, and in the rest of the fall, two lower ones are more needed for support, lower for support. To that, put your respect on the platform under the upper console.

Structure with metal profile 60×40 mm

Particularly, I sound the part of the frame from the metal profile 40 × 60 mm. I cook the figure, as I specially painted on the upper scheme, for the width of the false wall I fix it with anchors along the plane of the frame.

Extreme vertical profiles can be screwed up to the wall - just handy for installation in niches, and then weld on them the other part of the structure. And if you move to the right with a toilet, you need to close the entire wall there, there will be more space for the vikonnanny, which allows you to pick up the structure for the required dimensions of the room and not delay the entry into the room.

And then close the sewer pipe in the toilet, so that it won’t pass along the wall, then with a box made of drywall. Yogo can be built both from wood and from metal profiles.

But I’ll tell you again, what’s the best way to beat the CW and UW profile with a width of 50 mm, so that the bars clumsily screw together - there’s not enough space for a screwdriver or a drill. And in the case of metal, you will need to fasten UW directly to the black wall, and then fasten CW with jumpers from the same profile (CW or UW) for additional metal screws.

At the box of shoes, it is necessary to deny access to the water domir and for which they specially open the door, not only to take the indication of the water lichnik, but also to replace it at different times. Deyakі shatter for this metal frame with doors and fasten її to the frame. There are no special samples for such designs, so you can work on the skin, if you want.

In my opinion, the doors look on the box or the false wall is too bulky, so I will work to open the ceramic tile, which is a facing wall (the price of the construction can be less). Tilki obov'yazkovo it is necessary to expand the height of the reservoir during the first installation, and then we will install the tiles behind the rosemary, so that the tiles were opened on the opening, and the access to the middle, with which the buv is handy.

For large tiles, you need to install magnets between tiles and drywall, as shown in the top photo, and the magnets themselves can be used practically in any government store.

Metal plates are glued onto the tiles with silicone, just don't forget about those who are guilty in their position. You can screw the furniture handle behind the bazhannya on the znimny element, although it’s not obov'yazkovo - everything is laid out in the form of the zamovnik's bazhanya.

I will not describe the process of installing tiles and gypsum board - it’s a big topic, before then, just screwing the panels to the frame or making large doors from them.
But in any case, the essence of such decorating does not change - you will need to build a frame.


I am convinced that you also know how to decorate sewerage risers, or you can, most likely, foresee themselves as exclusive. If it’s true, then I’ll be your friend, if you share your secrets in the comments.

Sewerage plumbing pipes at the toilet there were no embellishments, and at the same time people learned how to disguise them far away.

Singingly, those who got stuck with the repair of the premises, zamislyuvalis, and how to bury the sewer pipe in the toilet.

For which there are impersonal methods, but before that, how to go to the choice of something specific, we will not think about the details.

Lock pipes at the toilet

It is especially important to ensure free access to the pipeline for different needs.

If this detail is not thought out, the situation is blamed, if in case of an accident the entire structure is destroyed.

The best way to escape is to minimize the severity of force majeure situations as much as possible.

It is necessary to review the sewerage system for any defects, the presence of which can be traced.

It is the fault of the buti to ensure the tightness of the seal, as well as the transitional elements of the same material with the pipes.

Revision hatches at the bath room

Modern ways of masking pipes

Thinking about it, how to close the sewer pipe in the toilet, you are guilty of understanding that the main difference is the main methods used in materials that are victorious for this.

Your task is to understand, as to be the most practical, more and more aesthetic in the minds of your apprenticeship.

Essential need for creation garnogo looking without pipes

Tim, who thinks how to close the sewer pipes at the bathrooms with plastic panels, you have to choose from such options, like:

Features of the roller shutters and blinds

Since the area of ​​your apartment is small, apparently, the bathroom cannot be called spacious, then the ideal option for laying pipes is the installation of roller shutters or blinds.

At first glance, the structure, which may look like a box, is being installed under the stele.

When it comes out, the roller shutters are wound on their own oval, apparently, this attachment does not mean a lot of space.

Tsim secures free access to plumbing communications.

Just talk about the mechanism of robotic construction, wine can be manual or mechanical. The current virobniks are proposing a sprinkling of options for selection.

Roller shutters, like jalousie, steel, aluminium, wood, armored, perforated, but for the toilet room are plastic.

To the point, if the width of the opening is less than 52 cm, then you can’t beat the mechanical shutters, you can replace them with manual winding.

Options for roller shutters are different

Roller blind installation

Wealthy people are allowed to turn around from the installation of this type of construction on their own.

You can choose the desired type of installation, vbudovaniya or combinations.

Who needs this tool:


Work everything with your own hands to help Pokrokov's instructions.

Roller shutter installation scheme

  1. The back of the hand needs to be moved diagonally to the opening; The verticality and horizontality of the cuts are checked, the maximum retraction is 1.5 mm per 1 meter of length. On the hay cuts, the fault is due to irregularities and chips.
  2. Preparing for direct fires at the openings. The stench is due to buti on the vіdstani 10-15 cm vіd obrіzіv direct tires with gaps 40-50 cm. Open to be drilled 8 mm in diameter.
  3. Preparing the box - a lid is applied to the new one, and in it it is drilled through 2 openings with a diameter of 4.2 mm, rivets will be installed in them. Let's shy away, open the fixed boxes, the opening of which depends on the type of installation. For example, for a consignment note - open the holes in the back, for the budded one - to the beast, and for the combined one - on both planes.
  4. Rozmіtka crepe openings. As a rule, overlays are installed for installation, all structural elements are due to lie on the wall, as well as indentations, then only on the side and upper slopes.
  5. Sverdlіnnya krіpilnyh vіdpіnіnі vіdpovіdno up to rozmіtki, rіplіnnya karіplennya і elementіv governіnnya.
  6. Installation of the roller shutter web - distance ring on the shaft of the hinged buti on a flat wall with a crop of 50 cm. Manual crossbars are mounted on the end profile. Wind up the canvas to the beast shaft. At the end, the traction springs are installed and they are fixed in the perforated openings of the shaft.

Roller blind installation

The lid of the finished box is closed behind the help of the riveting gun.

False wall installation

Another option is to close the sewer pipe in the toilet, without a false wall.

It is a simple construction to fight, as if it is sheathed with plastic or gypsum board with moisture-proof authorities.

You need:

False wall installation

The first stage of installation is marking on the walls, її depths can be fixed for attaching pipes. Profiles are directly screwed along this line, and intermediate ones are inserted into them. The optimal distance between them is 30-60 cm.

Scythe False-wall

Another option for installing a slanting false wall, the essence of which lies in the fact that it adjoins to the main wall, just like the opposite wall is attached to the singing wall behind the pipes.

Such a variant is similar to that, as all the pipes are concentrated in one place.

Additive methods of masking sewage systems and water supply

If roller shutters/blinds, false walls don't touch your soul, then you can choose another way of attaching pipes.

In order to choose how to install a sewer pipe in the toilet, not to make you look at the actual photo, as well as the video of the installation process.

As an alternative, you can see:

installation of a large plywood box.


Roblyachy repair near the apartment, leather, you want to take away the aesthetic and elegant interior. It's a pity, blow in the kitchen, the toilets are blowing by the bathroom old look acceptance. Mask unobtrusive details easily behind the help of drywall. Advantages of this material: durability, environmental friendliness, miracle soundproofing and low price.

Drywall with tri-ball sheet: two balls of bud paper (cardboard), and between them a ball of hardened gypsum dough with special additives and fillings. The standard sheet size is 250 divs by 120 divs.

Close the pipes with drywall simply, for the bazhannya you can work on your own. Now let's move on to a detailed look at these topics.

Frame for plasterboard box

In kіmnatah z vіdvishchennoyu vologіstyu, vіnіy and lavіtsі nebhіdno vіkoristovuvat spetіalny vіlogostiyky gypsum board. Yogo vіdminnіst polygaє in special warehouse cardboard and additive antifungal and hydrophobic additives. Here are some ways to close the pipes in the toilet: prepare a box, a false wall, or a masquerade.

Ale persh lower at the toilet close the pipes with drywall, varto prepare:

  • check for the presence of breakdowns and defects in pipes;
  • turn over the pipeline for tightness;
  • clean pipes from irzhi, old farby, refarb if necessary;
  • to coat the wall behind the pipes with an antiseptic to prevent the appearance of fungus and flowers throughout the year;
  • to carry out the marking of the elements of the frame with the improvement, so that the passage from the pipes to the frame became less than 3 divas (for the marking of the vicorist, the splendid olive and the rive of everyday life);
  • before installation, plan the opening of the hatch, which is visible, to ensure access to pipes for different needs.
Bagator_vnevy box from drywall

After the completion of the preparatory work, proceed directly to the completion of the plasterboard box:

  • along the designated lines, a metal direct profile is installed;
  • picking up the frame, fastening it to the wall, supporting it and laying it behind the help of dowels;
  • fasten horizontal profiles with a crochet between them 60 cm;
  • for vimirs metal construction vyrіzayut gypsum board blanks;
  • fasten drywall blanks with screws to the profiles of the frame (the cut between the screws should be 25 cm);
  • build revision hatches at the municipality of ventilation openings, taps and water heaters;
  • put a ball of putty on the finished box;
  • the last stage is the processing of plasterboard with ceramic tiles, farboi and trellises.

Pіd hour repair vikoristovuyut priyomi contemporary design, mounting bagatorіvnevy box. Mayzhe happen to grow a succession of square boxes. For the help of such a design, they create additional supplements for the police.

False wall at the bathrooms

Masking pipes at bathrooms

The design of the room for the bathroom can be replaced with an additional false wall. Tsej sposіb additionally close the pipes with gypsum board and add the application of invisible elements.

How to install a false wall:

  • carry out a marking on the walls along the perimeter (for the help of olives, equals and roulettes, starting from the logs, gradually moving uphill);

Relief, scho between vertical profiles is guilty of adding half a sheet of drywall.

  • for additional dowels, straight profiles are screwed to the wall;
  • farther on the support and the stele, they mount the supporting profiles and connect with the direct ones;
  • for a shorter soundproofing under the profile, glue the soundproofing line;
  • after the installation of the profile, vertical supports are installed;
  • the first to mount the sheets of drywall, and then to fix the inserts (installation is carried out for additional screws through the skin 15-25 cm);
  • put a ball of putty on the leaf sticks.

In this order, the wall is ready for a little improvement, and the trumpets at the bathroom are superbly buried.

Gas pipe, disguised at the shafu

Masking pipes in the kitchen

In the kitchen, we may be on the right with plumbing gas pipes, yakі look unfriendly that psuyut zvnіshnіy vglyad kіmnati. It is not surprising that many lords are trying to win them over. An easy way to sew up pipes in the kitchen is to close them with a ready-made shafka, with the back panel removed.

Well, kitchen planning does not allow you to solve the problem with this way, correct the situation for help drywall constructions that znіmnyh shaf on hinges, yakі give an aesthetic looking occupancy.

Etapi masquerading trumpets with a winter coat:

  • mount the frame behind the armchairs;
  • fasten hooks on the wall;
  • install the frame without the back wall on the hooks, thus masking the pipe.

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For some of the selected options, you can always show individuality and add decorative elements to the masculine design.

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