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Klasna godina "our president". Klasna year on the topic "President of my country Klasna year the president is a symbol of the world and evil

A lesson to the world that villain, dedication to the Day of knowledge. Tsіlі: (Slide number 2)
1. Familiarity with the main provisions of the speeches of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev at the XVIth party "Nur-Otan" "A modern power for all: Five institutional reforms" and at the XXII session of the Assembly to the people of Kazakhstan "Mangilik El: one country, one share".
2. Formation of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the students, Kazakh patriotism, the development of tolerance and mutual intercourse in the minds of intercultural and intercultural communication.
3. Expanding horizons, destroying knowledge of learning about the reach and success of modern Kazakhstan on the butts of the "Plan of the Nation - 100 specific steps for the implementation of five institutional reforms."
expand your understanding of "friendship", "dnannya", "community solidarity", "tolerance" and so on;
pinch the teachings of honor to the values ​​of friendship;
to adopt the development of tolerance and correctness in the case of splintering with otochyuchimi, sponukati uchnіv become good and respectful one to one;
to form a hromadian position, to develop internationalism, international and intercultural understanding
Ownership: multimedia installation, electronic presentation, musical phonograms, state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Friendship Map, quiz, national costumes and folk instruments, exhibition of small prints "The World and Friendship of the Peoples of the Earth"
Attributes of Kazakhstan (sound the Anthem of Kazakhstan) (Slide No. 3)
The word of the teacher.
Dear learners, fathers! Today is such a wonderful day - Holy Knowledge! Zovsіm recently - 30 sick days - the Republic of Kazakhstan has been designated sacredly to the sovereign - the Day of the Constitution. Our Constitution gives a guarantee of the impeccable development of the state and supremacy, instills hope in the vast people of the land, vikhova patriotic honor to their own Fatherland, creating a culture to reach the law and honor to the rights of the people.
All day long, people pray for one world, happiness, goodness. The first spring is checked for impatience and praised, obviously, all, but most of all, those who go to school first are our first graders.
The Day of Knowledge is a peaceful day, necessary, As a symbol of kindness and purity, For a long time and just a bit of swearing, and generous for laughter and that kind.
Literary composition (read academics)
If we change the autumn time of summer, and we bring joy to the earth, On the whole planet, the first day of autumn is honored as the red day of the calendar. I school zustrіne classes open space with the first iridescent ringing. Dzvinkom, scho vіdkrivaє rіk navchalny. And it’s not a gift to him. Let the call itself instill you in the Day of Knowledge! From the First Veresny!
The world has such powers - The sun shines on the lands, With hemp birds, With horns on the Svitanka Tse our Batkivshchyna, friends
Marveling at the black sky There, the eagle is widening high To descend the sun of gold Above the bird, nibi halo To the pain of me I know Bachenny the crisis of the peaks of the mountain, There was no more to add from the side Our national vizerunok
The coat of arms and ensign is our proud Power given to the people Let's never take freedom Our sovereign Kazakhstan! Above us, like an eagle, hovering Free proud spirit. People's friendship means Nadiyne gossip of hands. The gossip of hands is our unity. other countries are not visible to me. A new one entered our independence, and 20 years of our independence.
Marvel, my zholdas, marvel, In the pure semi-clear dawn, Before the masters of the sovereign All riches have opened up the country! Karatau gives lead, Kokshetau gives sheep to his wife. Pull Altai's hands for gold, Mid clearly gives Karsakpay. Bila bavovna bestows Chimkent, Promotes the fleece of Zharkent, Gold, like a Kazakh bread, Growing Aktobe for the people ... Days and nights to try to pull, Black gold Karaganda. Stand proudly in Embi Vezhi, Boil the naphtha waterfall. At the Kizilorda steppe, rice is ripening, In Alatau, the gardens have risen, And in the gardens, malting for sleep and dreams, Alma-Ati apples are drunk. Everything that generously blooms and sings, Tse is ours - yours and mine!
Above us, like an eagle, hovering Free proud spirit. People's friendship means Nadiyne gossip of hands. The gossip of hands is our unity. other countries are not visible to me. A new one entered our independence, and 20 years of our independence.
My kohannya, my Vitchizna, My land, my bright earthly spirit! My Kazakhstan - free, clean, Kviti under the sun and moon!
The word of the teacher. (Slide number 4-7)
The basis of the foundations of our state is peace and prosperity, unity and stability.
In the midst of social upheavals in the rich lands of the world and the growing global instability, Kazakhstan is developing steadily and steadily.
Prominent initiatives of the Head of Power: "Strategy-2050", new industry, "Nurli Zhol", Five institutional reforms, "Mangilik El", invested in a lot of years ahead of and launch their building-wide, more difficult nationwide mechanism. Thus, the nation of a single future may become. Lishe Natsiya єdin Maybatnoye, Satisfied on the subsidence of ZMіцненьі карсанский, Ідентичностійна торность простовий, и и ідениють стойнові казі и ідаїния молілік каза, Реуский тровик тродності Мов, SEREDNIY CLASS YAK BASIS OF PAZYAKHI NATSIA FUT NALYNEYNEY FOUNDATEMENT STAYA THAT OF SUDSYNE DEPORT.
“Mangilik El” is the price of the energy of our unity.
"Mangilik El" is the ultimate spiritual support of our Independence, as a common ground for all Kazakhstanis.
"Mangilik El" is a fundamentally popular idea that shows the historical depths of Kazakhstan's sovereignty.
“Mangilik El” is a special love for one's own country, a high rіven of Kazakh patriotism, strength of mind, fidelity of the Batkivshchyna, gratitude to the people, hromadyansky obov'yazok.
Basic understanding (Slide No. 8-9)
Kazakhstani patriotism is the spirit of all the inhabitants, who inhabit the rich-national Kazakhstan, in an integrated way, based on a deep connection to the traditional national culture and spirituality of the Kazakh people and other ethnic groups of the land, as the strife brought about the formation of a huge city.
Intercultural communication is a combination of various forms of intercultural communication and intercultural communication between individuals and groups that overlap with different cultures.
International benefit - a type of international processes, the reach of mutual understanding, mutual support, mutual admiration and mutual modality of different nationalities, unity of peoples.
Patriotic vihovannya - shaping the young generation of love for the Fatherland, defending that self-sacrifice for the self-sacrifice of the Fatherland.
Batkivshchyna is a single land, unique for the skin people, a native land, given to them by their share, which was born in the form of their ancestors, which evoke from the spiritual culture of their people that yogo historical past.
Tolerance - tolerance to a different light-gazing, way of life, behavior and zvichaїv, religion, nationality.
Values ​​- suspіlno-significant individuals, social coherence, suspіlstva zagal material, social objects, praised and podіlyayutsya more people manifested in someone who is so good, justice, patriotism.
Assembly to the People of Kazakhstan (Slide No. 10-24)
(Slide with photos from the XXII session of the Assembly to the people of Kazakhstan)
Kazakhstani model of supremacy and national unity
Unity is the strength, the building is to overcome all the difficulties. Virishuyuchi sleeping tasks, skin brightening life. Only a group of people can be inspired by tomorrow. A single nation is strong - a guarantee of prosperity for any historical minds. With all the recognition of success to a successful state, it gave rise to the solidarity of skin Kazakhstan for the world, that stability.
At the Messenger of the Head of the State M.O. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Norli Zhol - a way for the future" was especially encouraged: "In order to pass the global test for maturity, we can be grouped. We may commend the trust between us Kazakhstani people! Be tolerant one to one! These are the keys to future Kazakhstan. Mizhetnіchna zgoda is a wholesome kissen.
From the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan has formed a unique, and never repeated, model of unity for the people. The Assembly to the people of Kazakhstan, with the help of twenty years of speeches, has adopted the mechanism of harmonization of prosperity, in which the ideas of friendship, tolerance and the development of cultures and traditions of the Kazakh ethnic groups are embedded.
The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan itself initiated a nationwide referendum to commend the new Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 20th of March, which is also marked by this fate. For a short time, the Assembly turned into a constitutional body with the right to rob deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Law “On the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” was adopted, which has no analogues in the world, and is super important for our future country, because of which the norms form the basis of our international policy.
The Kazakh model took away the most valuable assessment of the entire international trade union. The bula was successfully presented at the UN and translated by 60 mov. For the whole world, won became a vision of sustainable stability, an example of saving and zmіtsnennya balance of interests of 100 ethnic groups and 17 confessions.
The Republic of Kazakhstan has 88 shillings, and some of them are trained in Uzbek, Tajik, Uighur and Ukrainian languages. In 108 schools, 22 ethnic groups in Kazakhstan are taught as an independent subject. In addition, 195 specialized linguistic centers have been called out to develop the language of 30 ethnic groups.
Over 35 ethnic newspapers and magazines are actively working on the information field. The largest 6 ethnic republican newspapers are awarded for sovereign support. Newspapers and magazines are published in 11 mov, radio programs in 8, and television in 7 mov.
It is important to know (Slide number 25)
1. It is necessary to further elucidate Kazakhstani identity. Vaughn can be grounded on the principles of enormity. The mustache of the bulk is guilty of acquiring one obligation of rights, carrying one load of capacity and mothers access to equal opportunities.
2. The key to the all-Kazakhstan identity, the nation of a single future and all-Kazakhstan culture.
3. Golovne dzherelo Kazakh national spirit - unity of the people on the basis of common spiritual and moral values.
4. Be-yak a nation-power - tse її unique sovereign mova. The development of the Kazakh language in history has never known such a scale and pace. In this Kazakhstani, the Russian language is widely spoken. The State decides about the development of new ethnic groups of Kazakhstanis. In the countryside, the pace of stagnation of trimovnosti is growing. 20 thousands of Kazakhs are already living in English language. Knowing three languages ​​is the ticket to a global life.
Quiz (Slide number 26)
1. What does the image on the shanirak coat of arms symbolize?
2. Date of adoption of the remaining anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Author of the national emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
4. Name the date of praise for the law on the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. When is the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrated?
6. As sacred to me, 30 sickles are celebrated.
7. How holy is the 7th of May?
8. What astronomical phenomenon is associated with the signing of Nauriz?
9. How many people have adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
10. What does the date mean - 16th December 1991?
11. Why was the national currency tenge issued?
12. If the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was elected?
13. Name the day of the people of independent Kazakhstan?
14. The basic law of our state?
15. Who is the supreme commander of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
6. When did the OSCE summit take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan?
Pobazhannya for a new head office.
Dear lads, once again I will take you out of New Beginning Rock! I hope that today's day will bring you a lot of radiant whims from classmates and friends, a lot of unforgettable thoughts from the exchange of hostility and rhetoric about summer. We are with you - one friendly family, independent of nationality.
Voting for the initiative of the Head of the State of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed the assembly under the sign of the inviolability of the policy to the world and the blessings, stability, guiding the people to achieve the well-being and prosperity of our Batkivshchyna - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
We are guilty of loving our Batkivshchyna - the Independent Republic of Kazakhstan, become good citizens, save up for that stability in the household. Of particular importance can be given the celebration of the performances and speeches of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.
Happy day to the world that villain! The future of our country is in our hands!

Rick: 2013

Teacher of corn classes
Tyurina Katerina Volodymyrivna
Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
region, m. Balkhash
KDU "OSSH No. 4 im.

Klasna godina

"First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation"

Target: give a notice about the activity of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.O. - Guarantees of stability, good luck, improvement of international unity.

Development of knowledge activity, expansion of knowledge about the work of the President
Adopt a molded statement about our state, about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Develop ideas, language, creativity.
Show love to the Fatherland, povagu to the sovereign symbols, patriotism, goodness and goodness in mutual intercourse between teachings.

1. Organizational moment.
Slideshow "Nature of Kazakhstan"
Like a picture stood in front of you. What did you know about this picture, dear? How can you name those places that are dear to you? (Batkivshchyna).
2. Talk about the Fatherland.
- Boys, what does the word "Batkivshchyna" mean to you? Batkivshchyna is a great country with a great history and people.
Batkivshchyna is the place, de mi were born, grew, live, de mi we say dear to me and everything is dear to us here.

What is another word - a synonym we can pick up to the word "Batkivshchyna"? (vіtchizna, fatherland, mother)
How to name a person, how to love your Batkivshchyna? (patriot)
Do you know about Batkivshchyna?
How is the country called, de mi live?
Versh read Latipova Anzhelika
I love Kazakhstan, my country.
I love mandruvati krainami,
Wander around different villages, places.
Ale, it’s not good in other people’s lands,
I will hurry to turn to my Kazakhstan.
Walking the Swiss Alps
Beautiful, shaky fox fur.
Ale n_koli їm not zvnyatis,
From the bottom of the Zaіlіysk mountains.
The canals of the Buja so calm me down,
The gondolas are sounding near Venice.
Ale steppes of Kazakhstan, rivers,
It’s stronger to yourself and beckon, and pull.
Be at London, at the Royal Park,
Bov at the park I am French queens,
Ale, what in the world can be beautiful,
Chim kind of fluffy curtained steppes.
Beautiful and pribrary lis nіmetsky,
Vibliskuє vin sterile purity.
Ale yak beautiful Kazakh,
Our commanding forest, dear.
In Europe, the crocodile zrobish crocodile, even the cordon,
And the eye wants mother space.
And my Kazakhstan is not a cordon to you,
Bezbezhny and great wine.

3. Prapori SRSR
Reader: Our Kazakhstan is a very young state. Who knows how many of the fates of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan? On 21 other occasions our Batkivshchyna entered the warehouse of the Union of the Radian Socialist Republics. The SRSR has 15 friendly republics. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Vіrmenіya, Azerbaijan comrade with each other. (A slide will go to the skin republic, if I call)
Navit at once, if the skin power has become independent, friendship is not attached.

In 1991, the whole world was circulated by a message about the people of an independent state, which is the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Through chimali, the Kazakh people were tested, how to win the right to the state symbols - the Anthem, the Coat of Arms and the Flag.

The sovereign coat of arms and ensign are the symbols of our life, which accompany our skin on the whole life path. They are depicted on state seals, penny signs, state papers
4. Presentation "My Fatherland Kazakhstan".
Reveal that you are a participant in the youth international forum. For a long time, you quarreled with young people from different lands, made friends, but many people know little about your country, but you want to know more about it. You wished to make a presentation "My Batkivshchyna-Kazakhstan".
You have been given an hour to prepare. How and what do you tell about your country?
Otzhe, "My Batkivshchyna - Kazakhstan"
5. Leader of the nation.
Today day and night were looking up.
Mitya equal paraffia.
And at the meeting they called yoga -
Nauriz meiram abo Novy Rik.
Kazakhs, Turks and Uzbeks,
Well, all the Muslims
Already skilki razіv, already in yakі povіki
Nauriz was celebrated by hanging.
Praise be to the gods, everything has changed dramatically,
The country has gained sovereignty,
Spreading wings our eagle pokirny,
And Kazakhstan has gained authority.
Now we seem to be holy,
Cultural values ​​that creative dzherelo.
Shkira Nasir, Aldar Kose Pustun
Smishat the people, lead the people's sweat.
At what saint did all the cultures laugh!
Adzhe in Kazakhstani nationality is rich, you can’t worry about them.
People are not organized into structures,
People zgurtovuyut peace, love is an honor.
Our president, God bless you,
Vikonav colossal pratsy!
Raising the country from the knee on the basis,
Well, after him, follow the rhythm!
- What is the name of our president? (Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev)
President Nazarbaєv - Garant Stab_lnosti, Zgoditsky, Zmіznennya Mіzhnatsіoniali єDnosti, Shaho positively published on the Dynamic Distivators in Kazakhstan, invented by the Visokorozhinenih Powered by Svitu, about Scho Schydychi in Astani Samіt OSCE, and Torzhi Mizhti Sports Zmagan in 2011 in Astana Ta Almaty.

The reach of Kazakhstan as in the internal politics, and in the international arena, by right, is associated with the specialty of the President.

From yogo іnіtsіativi conducted low global reforms to thoroughly osviti that science. For the rest of the years, students may be able to get European education for the Presidential program "Bolashak", so that they can acquire knowledge in their native land.
(short biography slide film)

The mission and dedication of the pioneer to Kazakhstan, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, is a hope for the rapid development of the country.

Finish the proposition: “I love my Batkivshchyna and my place, more…”.

7. Indulgence.
On a great canvas of white paper, a skin child in a group describes his valley and write on it in honor of his country.
8. Reflection.
1. As a lie, you go to school with joy, wave your right hand.
2. As you value honesty and orderliness in people, work ahead.
3. If you are confident in your strength, blunt your foot.
4. If you care that it is our fault to respect the rights of people, regardless of their national and social affiliation, work a little back.
5. If you are turbulent share of your country, clap at the valley.
6. As you respect yourself as patriots, raise your offending hands uphill.
7. If you believe in those that your country is borrowing a good place from the world, stretch your offending hands forward.
8. If you believe that the future lands lie in front of you, then join hands

Classic year. " Together with the President for a peaceful Kazakhstan!»

Target: give a notice about the activity of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. - guarantees of stability, success, strengthening of international unity.


Lesson type: good time

Methods: naochny, verbal, chastkovo-shukovy.

Forms: collective, group.

Hid lesson.

Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

teacher – It is a marvelous legend about the creation of Kazakhstan. Vaughn says: “At the day of creation of the world, God created heaven and earth, sea and oceans, all lands, all continents, and Kazakhstan forgot. Guessing in the rest of the memory, but the material is no longer available. In different places, swishing on a piece of cloth - the edge of America, the edge of Italy, the desert of Africa, the wife of the Caucasus, clave and sticking there, where Kazakhstan should be. It’s impossible not to believe in this legend, because in our marvelous land one can know everything: and eternally barren expanses of anhydrous salt marsh, and the greatest contrast of the sea, and the glare of the sky, and the vast expanse of the seas, and the miraculous foxes.

1 student
Oh, Kazakhstan, my Republic -
I'm in love, like I'm happy
What are you born - My Fatherland
I in sleepy days and in bad days.

2 students
I love your steppes,
I love and your high burn
Lakes, rivers, seas,
Tse ti rіdna land.

Vershi about Batkivshchyna.

3 school
Otan degen Atameken!
Otan degen tugan zher!
Otan ana, otan olken!
Kazakhstan tuan yiv!

4 school
Otan menin - ata - anam,
Otan dosi, bauirim!
Otan Elken - Astana.
Otan tugan - auilim!

5 school
In our land, you can’t get enough of the great lakes,
In our region, you can’t get enough of the leafy gir.
There are no two people in our region,
They inhabited the steppe space long ago.

Dear lads, today our best year is dedicated to our Fatherland, our President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.

How do you understand the word president?

The president (Vid lat. Praesidens, ancestral vіdminok Praesidentis - sit in front, on the choli) - the head of the state in the lands with the republican form of government.

Submitted to the group "I choose"

Power supply:

1. Who is the head of our state?

3. The capital of our Fatherland?

We pass the work in groups:

"Bolashak" - "Maybutnє"

"Muragerler" - "Spadkoєmets"

"Patriottar" - "Patriot"

Leather tour is rated with a star

(short rozmov about the choice of team names)

brainstorming (group work) Write associations before the word "president" vlada, power, stability, image, lord, .... obov'yazki.
Reader: Obov'yazki є at all - from me, from you, your fathers and, of course, from the President.


  1. Kazakhstan – tse……. (Power)
  2. Capital of Kazakhstan - Astana)
  3. Head of state ... .. (president)
  4. What is the name of the president of our country? (N.A. Nazarbayev)
  5. Yaka mova є sovereign? (Kazakh)
  6. How many years does the president get in our country? (7 years)
  7. What song is standing up? (hymn)
  8. What fate was born N.A. Nazarbayev? (6 lipnya 1940 roku)
  9. The fundamental law of the state (Constitution
  1. childishness . On June 6, 1940, on the zhailau Ushkonir near the Zailiisky Alatau, in the family of Abish and Alzhan Nazarbayev, a long-term lad was born, whom the father called Nursultan.
  2. Yunist . At the school, Nursultan began to learn more diligently that z tsikavistu. Then I graduated from a vocational technical school and became a metallurgist.
  3. Youth . The youth of N.A. Nazarbayev passed through the Temirtau metro station, demonstrating his squad Sara Alpysovna.
  4. Seeing the fates. Since 1972, he has been taking key posts.
  5. 1 breast 1991 rockthe first election of the President of the Kazakh SSR took place.
  6. December 10, 1991The Verkhovna Rada of the Kazakh RSR adopts the law on renaming the Kazakh RSR from the Republic of Kazakhstan and inaugurating the President of Kazakhstan.
  7. December 16, 1991the independence of the republic was voted and Nursultan Nazarbayev became the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  8. family . Like all great people, N. Nazarbayev has a family. Druzhina Sara Alpisivna Nazarbaeva and 3 daughters: Dariga, Dinara and Aliya. He has 8 onucivs and 2 great-grandchildren. Tse loving father that didus.


The skin team accepts the crossword puzzle. KeywordsKazakhstan, Nazarbayev, There are different understandings, depending on the number of people.

Why words from different areas? What do you say?

1.State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ensign, coat of arms, anthem)
2. National currency (Tenge)
3. Kazakh warrior - hero (Batir)
4. Who is the 1st President of Kazakhstan? (N. A. Nazarbaev)
5. Hero of humorous descriptions and anecdotes of Kazakh folklore, folk tales (Aldar Kose)
6. What is the name of the Residence of the President? (Akorda)
3. command:

1. National sports games (Baiga, kokpar)

2. Do you like the sport of our president?

3. Misto - the center of space exploration (Baikonur

4. Holy unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (1 day)
5. What symbolizes shanir (Shanirak is the heart of the coat of arms.
6. The date of the first presidential election?

International knowledge.Kazakhstan buv vyznaniy svetovym spіvtovaristvom zavdyaki yogo leader.

People's President together with the people

"Vin wiyshov іz narod" - so they say about the President of Kazakhstan. Nursultan Nazarbayev responded to the needs of simple people and is well aware of the needs of ordinary people.

All social and economic reforms of the country are carried out for the benefit of the people.
- How mi, at your place Bachimo vykonanny tsikh reforms? (Schools, children's gardens, booths, likarni, roads will be repaired, cleanliness, calm near the city.)

M. Nazarbayev's skin working in the regions knows the hour of cooperation with the inhabitants of the country.

Hobi. Regular pauses in the work of N. Nazarbaev are dedicated to the beloved occupations, as for the new one, a reprieve, and a rose.

Tse splkuvannya with nature, sports, music and reading books.

Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Near the residence of the Head of State M. Nazarbayev, the whole museum has been opened. The new one has over 60 thousand exhibits, as they reveal the most important stages of the formation of sovereign Kazakhstan, tell about the life of that diyalnist of the president.

Astana is the place of the future, the main symbol of independent Kazakhstan

What is the name of the capital of our state?

N. Nazarbayev is rightfully considered the head architect of the place.

Today Astana is the political, economic, cultural and spiritual center of the Republic.

What is the name of the Presidential Residence? (Akorda)

Monumental-sculptural composition "Kazakhstan"

In Almaty, near the park named after the first president of Kazakhstan, on the 11th leaf fall, 2011, this monument was erected, dedicated to the 20th century of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

United Vitchizna - Independent Kazakhstan

We are Kazakhstanis, and we are talking about tse with great pride.
To love Vitchizna is the first sign of the Gromadyan's maturity.

How can you already show your social maturity? (Love the Batkivshchyna, be the ruler of your land, cherish the memory of your ancestors, be illumined, healthy, courageous, cherish the future, ...)

The unity of the people is the nayvischa of honesty

What symbol to say that all the people of our state live as one friendly family? (shanir)

Did you make this sign? (On the coat of arms of the country)

Ridna mova - a mirror of the nation

Yaka mova є sovereign?

What is the language of international communication?

To whom should you speak your dear mother? Father, we have the right to say whether it is mine.

Why is it important to know, to win the sovereign mova? Otzhe, it is necessary to approach the lessons of the Kazakh language.

“Know, value and honor native language - the blue binding of a skin hulk”

(Reading the homework "I am the President"

4. tour Creativity activity

Group work - fold collage "My Batkivshchyna"

(Sound the song “I, ty, vin, out - at once, friendly with me”)

Vistup vіd gurtіv: What did you picture with your robot?


Pidrahunok zirok.

Let the stars shine, as you have set fire to this day, to become greater in your life and hang your way, let it brightly shine over you over our Batkivshchyna.


As if you were lying, you go to school with joy, wave your right hand.
2. As you value honesty and orderliness in people, work ahead.
3. If you are confident in your strength, blunt your foot.
4. If you care that it is our fault to respect the rights of people, regardless of their national and social affiliation, work a little back.
5. If you are turbulent share of your country, clap at the valley.
6. As you respect yourself as patriots, raise your offending hands uphill.
7. If you believe in those that your country is borrowing a good place from the world, stretch your offending hands forward.
8. If you believe that the future lands lie in front of you, then join hands

Class of the year "Sovereign symbols of national pride".
1. Take the form of a declaration about our state, about symbols
Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Develop mindfulness, movement, fine motor skills of hands, creativity.
3. Bring love to the Fatherland, go to the sovereign symbols, patriotism,
goodness and kindness in return among the scholars.
doshka svyatkovo is embellished with povitryanymi sacks, that map of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cards with ensigns,
coats of arms of the krajn SND, a card with phrases (Choose the text of the national anthem), presentation on
topic: "Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan", audio recording of the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, childish dog.
On the desks of the children lie arkush paper, olives, “dolonka” (the dolonka is circled on
paper and virizana), "pomіchnitsi - leaflets (for transferring groups)" .
It's the end of a great year.
I. People choose the place of their people on the Earth. The stench can live in different countries,
mother of a different color shkiri, speak with different language. Ale words "Batkivshchyna", "Batkivshchyna",
"Fatherland" is holy for their skin. For us, all of you understand everything in one
1) Read children (2 readers)
We give you
Our sleepy one
Our proud Kazakhstan!
Let's sleep in your expanses of wind,
you in the future, a great route is given!
We give you
Our sleepy one
Our proud Kazakhstan!
My kokhannya, my Vitchizna,
My land, my bright earthly spirit!
My Kazakhstan - free, clean,
kvity under the sun and the moon!
Kazakhstan is the wind of the steppes,
Tear down the sides of the zoshita,
Tse song to fly over me,
I smooth over the plain.
Plіd іstorії in our mouths
Kozhen is a feat of life of applause.
Tse my Kazakhstan!
My great aul and alive
2) Let me commend the year for the fact that you have to become the pride of any state.
Brainstorming (These priyom manually vikoristovuvaty under the hour of discussing the methodology
passage, be it those for the solution of any problem).
Learned division into 3 groups, skin z yih visuvaє their own versions of the problem.

3) Work in groups (A captain is selected from the skin team, which
zagalna vіdpovіd. Skin team moon cards, which have designated nutrition,
discussion of 23 hvilini):
Find out the ensigns of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Find the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the representations of the coats of arms.
Choose the text (the text of splitting into words, splitting, learning to pick “parts”).
Vin calls to friendship that day in im'ya
to humanism, that peace is welcome on our ancient and beautiful land.
When vikonannі anthem on official
in attendance ceremonies, get up and put the palm of your right hand to your left
sides of the breasts.
Vidpovidi dermal commands are heard before our class. What is pride
be some kind of power?
The teacher will clarify the theme of the class year. Sound the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A) Children read verses.

Great, mighty, dear
Kazakhstan - the center of the country,
Kazakhstan - the name of spring,
Kazakhstan - tse im'ya will,

Kazakhstan - tse krila overcame!
2. Adzhe not darma ensign of the country,
Nache sky without darkness.
At your pure blue
The sun is a scary promise.
Well, and the eagle's wings,
Nemov faceless hands

3. Coat of arms and ensign our proud
Given by the people of the state.

Our sovereign Kazakhstan.
The skin state has symbols of the anthem, coat of arms, ensign. I mi without special zusil
we can challenge one power in another country. Chi know you if, the Day is marked
Day of National Symbols of the State Symbols 4 chernya 1992.
Sovereign symbols - symbols of our life, which accompany the skin from us in everything
way of life.
b). Їx imagining ... (robot in groups)
Uchnі vyslovlyuyut pripuschennya: on sovereign seals, penny signs,
sovereign papers, etc.

Review of the presentation "Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
 If you are happy to walk to school, wave your right hand.
 As you value honesty and orderliness in people, work ahead.
 As if you were in your power, blunt your foot.
 You care that it is our duty to respect the rights of people, regardless of their national
that social belonging, grow a little back.
 Like you are praised by the share of our country, clear at the valley.
 As you respect yourself as patriots, raise your offending hands uphill.
 If you believe in those that our country is borrowing a good place from the world, stretch out your offending hands
 If you believe that the future lands lie ahead of you, then join hands.
You know that in the nayurochist mit for the country a black banner is raised and
sound the anthem of Kazakhstan Kozhen Kazakhstanets: i President, i fathers, vchitelі, i vi,
uchnі, vіdchuvaєmo povu to symbols, pride for their country, for our Kazakhstan.
If the athletes reach out on sports maidanchiks, stink to glorify the pershu
draw your country, and at the sign of honor, sound the anthem of the Power and raise the ensign at
the honor of the country, as it has grown such athletes, for the honor of the athlete, what achievement of such
G). Learners change in groups (behind an official sign: behind numbers,
geometric figures.)
 Guess the crossword puzzle, read the key word.
1. National sports gra (Baiga)
2. Zmagannya akiniv (Aitis)
3. Kazakh warrior - hero (Batir)
4. Basic law of the state (Constitution)
5.First pilot-cosmonaut of the Republic of Kazakhstan (T. Aubakirov)
6. Is the smell of some kind of steppe grass considered by Kazakhs as a symbol of the Fatherland? (Kovil)
7. Kazakh folk instrument (Dombra)
 Respond to the nutrition, vicarist literature. (For weak learners)
 Find out from the glossy dictionary what the word “nation, national” means. To skin
the first letter of the word national pіdbury prikmetnik, which describes
modern Kazakhstan
letters are necessary) (For strong learners).
NATION Historical cohesion of people that develops in the molding process
sleepiness of their territory, economic links, literary movies, ethnic
peculiarities of culture and character.
Digital, fluent

New, shabby
Consumable, charming
Yaskraviy, Yavny
E) Afishuvannya robit in front of the class. How to say key words 2 groups of men
Why call the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan national pride?
III. Reflection.
Surely, the history of the country is slandered by people. People of different nationalities. Have a look at us
class and Kazakhs, and Russians, and Germans, and Tatars, and Gypsies ...
saving the world that prosperity of our country is necessary for the stability of the middle
powers, friendship is a blessing between the peoples that inhabit them. Love to the Fatherland,
povaga to sovereign symbols, patriotism.
Read older children.
My Batkivshchina is the expanses of the steppes,
Lines graze on yaks.
Tse rivers, lakes, black rates,
There are places nearby.
My love is boundless to the steppe edge,
And there is nothing here for miles.
Aje Kazakhstan is my Batkivshchyna.
I live here, I bow down.
My Batkivshchyna is the beauty of nature,
Tse happiness, love the great ocean,
Tse is a symbol of wealth, a symbol of freedom.
My Batkivshchyna is my Kazakhstan.
What can we do for the Batkivshchyna? (Experimentation of children)
Give your “hands of gold”, diligence - practice, mriyu.
A panel is drawn from the bottom of the blank on whatman's paper (sun), wood stovbur, veselka,
budinok .. (Children write their dreams on the "dolontsi", rozfarbovuyut її and stick it on whatman paper
the tree is growing, we help the birds, we will be the houses)
Sound music "Balbiruin" ("By the way of goodness").

Quiz "What do we know about our country?"
Description: This quiz can be held as a visit from a patriotic
Take the fate of the learned class. Can you organize a quiz with us?
learn the cob classes. Potim pіdbiti pіdbags.
Purpose: vihovannya a little like patriotism.
develop knowledge interest;
expand the horizons of learning;
attach love and respect to the Fatherland, the state, symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ownership: individual sheets for vouching for the quiz, you can
prepare a presentation and choose illustrative material for nutrition
Head of the quiz.
Introduce the word of the teacher.
My Kazakhstan, my land!
Sadi zbіgayut down with gіrskim skhilov.
There, de wheat, cornfields are earing,
De garden meadow lie green kilim.
Boys! Today we will hold a quiz "Who do we know our country?" to you
fifteen meals, on the skin food is given chotiri options. You need
choose the correct answer.
Quiz question.
1. What is the name of our Republic?
A. Russia
B. Kazakhstan
C. Turkmenistan
D. Uzbekistan
2. Name the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A. Karaganda

B. Almaty
C. Moscow
D. Astana
3. What color is the Sovereign Ensign of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
A. Blakytny
B. Chervonogo
C. Tricolor (white, blue, red)
D. Zhovtogo
4. Who is depicted on the Sovereign Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
A. Double-headed eagle
B. Tulpar (mythical kin)
C. Golub
D. Lyudina
5. What is the name of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
A. Putin V.V.
V. Nazarbaev N.A.
C. Pushkin A.S.
D. Nazarbaeva S.A.
6. Traditional life of the Kazakhs.
A. Hut
B. Castle
C. Yurt
D. Hatina
7. Kazakh musical instrument.
A. Dombra
B. Accordion
C. Balalaika
D. Gusli
8. Hero of Kazakh folk tales.
A. AldarKose
B. Ivandurak
C. Emelya
D. Pinocchio
9. What is Karaganda famous for?
A. Purity
B. Types of footwear
C. Riboi
D. Vapnyak
10. What is the ensign, coat of arms, anthem for the state?
A. Symbols of the state
B. Monuments of history
C. Coins
D. Museum exhibits

11. How many creatures are being seen in Kazakhstan?
A. Marmot
B. Elephant
C. deer
D. White Witch
12. Shim - tse ...
A. River
B. Place
C. Mountain
D. Lake
13. How can I not enter the Republic of Kazakhstan?
A. Omsk
B. Karaganda
C. Almaty
D. Aktobe
14. Groshova unity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A. Ruble
B. Tenge
C. Bunnies
D. Dolar
15. Pivdenna capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A. Astana
B. Karaganda
C. Almaty
D. Pavlodar
1. Kazakhstan
2. Astana
3. Blakytny
4. Tulpar (mythical kin)
5. Nazarbaev N. A.
6. Yurt
7. Dombra
8. AldarKose
9. Vydobuvannyam vugіllya
10. Symbols of the state
11. Marmot
12. River
13. Omsk
14. Tenge
15. Almaty
Under the hour of reviewing the skin nutrition quiz, a small amount of work is carried out. Boys
explain your opinions.

Great is our beautiful Motherland Republic of Kazakhstan! Love її, cherish i
multiply її wealth! May you all live and practice in your beautiful

The sovereign anthem is the spiritual ensign. At the hymni, the pragnennya was heard by the people before
freedom, deep root and understanding about the future.

beautiful lands.
Іsnuyut the rules of listening to the anthem.

1. National Sports Graph._________________________________________________
2. Zmagannya akiniv.

3. Kazakh warrior is a hero. ________________________________________________
4. The fundamental law of the state._____________________________________________
5.First pilot cosmonaut of the Republic of Kazakhstan._____________________________
6. Is the smell of some kind of steppe grass considered by Kazakhs as a symbol of the Fatherland? ______________
7. Kazakh folk instrument.
The sovereign anthem is the spiritual ensign. At the hymni, the pragnennya was heard by the people before
freedom, deep root and understanding about the future.
Vin calls to friendship that day in the name of humanism, the world that go to our old one
beautiful lands.
Іsnuyut the rules of listening to the anthem.
When vikonannі anthem at official ceremonies, the presence of duty to get up that
apply the palm of the right hand to the left side of the breasts.
1. On the map there is such a republic
Great, mighty, dear
Kazakhstan - the center of the country,
Kazakhstan - the name of spring,
Kazakhstan - tse im'ya will,
Kazakhstan is so bright,
Kazakhstan - tse krila overcame!
2. Adzhe not darma ensign of the country,
Nache sky without darkness.
At your pure blue
The sun is a scary promise.
Well, and the eagle's wings,
Nemov faceless hands
Quiet peoples who live in your country.
3. Coat of arms and ensign our proud
Given by the people of the state.
Come on, take your freedom
Our sovereign Kazakhstan.

Great year, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"The President is the leader of the nation"

Tsіl: date of notification about the activity of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nazarbayev N.A. Develop understanding of “Batkivshchina”, form a statement about the Republic of Kazakhstan, like a country with rich natural resources, with a variety of plants and creatures, add love to the people, respect to the peoples, who live in Kazakhstan, develop recognition activity, mist. yat, vikhovuvat a little patriotism.

Ownership: little children, a map of Kazakhstan, coolies, symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a portrait of the President, a book exhibition, a laptop, a presentation, a musical supremacy.

The end of the high school year

Sound Sovereign Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Enter the word of the teacher.

Lads, today is a good year for the better part of the riddle.

Guess what to go?

Get warm on the right side,
Good and light is remembered out,
I me, rich indistinguishably,
I give a share of grace.
How not to love me more and more!
Adzhe shіst Nіmechchin to settle with her!
Altai - cob, Caspian - completion.
Axis de lie the nest of my share!

2. Kolo vіtannya “Forecast wait”.

3. Rozmova.

What did the verse say about riddles?

It is correct to say about our Batkivshchyna - Kazakhstan.

Let's guess a little about her.

On the map there is such a republic,
Great, mighty, dear,
Kazakhstan - the center of the country,
Kazakhstan - the name of spring,
Kazakhstan - tse im'ya will,
Kazakhstan - tse sonyachne light,
Kazakhstan - tse krila overcame!

Vaughn is great from Altai to the Caspian Sea,
Vaughn is wide, like the soul of the people.
There is Europe, there is Asia
First wind of the Urals, and splash of the Irtish.
Rіdna land, - that old age is young, -
I sing about you and live by you!

I’ll look at the pivnich - I’m brewing the greenery of the trees,
I will marvel at the pіvden - vіtry to dry the grass,
Everything is in you: foxes, lakes,
I blue glybini navantazhenih river,
Borderless steppe, high mountains.
I am your master, and your people!

Do you guys know the verses about Batkivshchyna?

4. Teacher:

Truly great is the land of Kazakhstan. Here at the world that zlogodі live already for a hundred years over 120 nationalities. Over 16 million people live in our country! Mustache people of equal rights! And we all live at the sleeping booth, under the same shanirak.

5. Warm-up "We are good."

We live in Kazakhstani, (killed hands)
Є at the skin of your buds, (hands with a bud)
E robot, (cam on cam)
E friends, (splashing at the valley)
Mom, tattoo, e and me! (Hug yourself)

6. Intellectual game "I know Sovereign symbols".

The skin people have symbols, connected with their own history, tradition and culture. Є stink th from Kazakhstan. Tse є Sovereign ensign, Sovereign coat of arms, Sovereign anthem. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan may respect Sovereign signs.

Sincerely, we rozpochinaemo gr, dedicated to the Sovereign symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Gris rules:

Class of subdivisions into two teams. The first team has black color tokens, the other team has yellow color tokens. If the team has correctly entered the supply, they are allowed to put the token into the treasury. After the end of the gris, the treasury was opened and the tokens were repaid. Which team of tokens is more likely to lean on the skarbnichtsі, that team won.

Question about ensign.

1. What is the form of ensign of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. Name the ensign.

3. Continue

4. What does the sun symbolize with change, what do you part?

5. What is the detail of the ensign to know about the culture and national identity of the Kazakh people?

6. A straight eagle on the ensign of the Republic of Kazakhstan symbolizes ...

7. What is the golden color of the ornament, the eagle that son?

Question about the coat of arms.

1. What is the shape of the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. Legendary horses…

3. Color of the national coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

4. What is the word written at the bottom of the coat of arms?

Question about the anthem.

1. Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the words:

A) sriblo; B) the sky B) gold.

2. How can the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan sound the Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the hour?

4. When the composition “My Kazakhstan” was given official status to the national anthem? (2006 r. Inauguration of the President)

Question for testing. "Ta ni"

1. Moscow RK - Moscow. -

2. An eagle and a sun are depicted on the ensign of the Republic of Kazakhstan. -

3. Our flag of green color. -

4. The coat of arms has an image of a deer. -

5. The depicted coat of arms has shanirak and uiki.

8. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - N.A. Nazarbaev. -

9. The hymn has 2 couplets. -

Pіdbitya pіdbagіv gri. Zhuri open a treasure chest. Secure the tokens. Reward the victors.

7. Reader's speech about the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Our President, having chosen the right path,
Smilingly zoom far away.
Knowing Nazarbayev, how steel is melted,
Believing the people and zapovіt far away...”

But speaking about the state, it is impossible to promo about the head of the state - the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - N.A. Nazarbayev. The word president in Latin translation means “sitting in front”! Shake the President, so that the laws of the Constitution are not violated, the President is protecting the sovereignty of the state! 1 breast 1991 N.A. Nazarbayev became the first President of sovereign Kazakhstan. And now Nazarbayev is already the first President of our state, the leaders of the growth of our country will do well, there will be sports complexes, children's gardens, schools, breeding centers, health complexes.

1. Historical proof

Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on June 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan, Kaskelensky district of the Alma-Ata region of the KazRSR, in the family of Abish and Alzhan, who worked in the sphere of the state power. Resemble the Shaprashti clan of the Senior Zhuz

In 1960 he graduated from vocational school No. 22, Dniprodzerzhinsk. In 1967 he graduated from a technical college at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.

In 1960, he opened the Labor Path as a worker for the management of the trust “Kazmetalurgbud” near the metro station Temirtau, Karaganda region. Then I worked as a chavunnik of bottling machines, a blast furnace furnace at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, a dispatcher, a gas operator.

Have 1973 p. buv appeals to the secretary of the party committee of the Karaganda metallurgical plant.

In 1977 - Secretary of the Karaganda Regional Party Committee.

In 1984 - Head of the Radi Ministers of the Kazakh RSR.

March 3, 1990 - President of the Kazakh RSR.

1 breast 1991 the first nationwide elections of the President of the Republic were held, in the course of which N.A. Nazarbayev won 98.7% of the votes.

On December 16, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of the Kazakh RSR adopted the Law on sovereign independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country was renamed the Republic of Kazakhstan, obviously, N.A. Nazarbayev became the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On March 15, 2010, Nazarbayev was officially assigned the status of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation.

On April 3, at the pre-schedule presidential elections, the fourth was re-selected by the President of Kazakhstan until March 2016. Depending on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 42, paragraph 5), one and the same person can be elected as the President of the Republic for two or more years, but the exchange does not extend to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Childhood of Nursultan. family

Nursultan Nazarbayev from his childhood knew his ancestry up to the twelfth generation. The direct ancestor of Nursultan in the eighth colony was the Karasai batir, who in 1640-1680 had a lot of feats in war with the Dzhungars.

The date of Nursultan - Nazarbay buv bієm і behind the documents of the Central Archive of Kazakhstan in the 1880s, the fate of a possible person, volodіv with watery milk and "arik, we will carry 100 sazhens of the head of the house to her." And so, N. Nazarbayev from young rokіv tezh was thoroughly in the house of birth shezhiri on the mother's line.

Druzhina - Nazarbaeva Sarah Alpisivna - engineer-economist. In this hour, the International Children's Benevolent Fund "Bebek" ("Malyuk") is very special. N. Nazarbayev has three daughters: Dariga, Dinara, Aliya, and two great-grandchildren.

In 2011, a number of films were shown on the screen, as if they depicted the image of Nursultan Nazarbayev in cinematography. The film "The Sky of My Childhood" dedications to the childhood and youth of the first president of Kazakhstan

3. Tsіkavі facts

    The record holder from the knowledge of the government of the middle post-traditional lands. Since 1989, the fate of the planting of the first individual of the republic. One of the oldest kerivniks in the middle of the krai kolishny SRSR - 72 years. Islam Karimov is older for nothing. Also, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are the only lands in the Soviet Socialist Republic, where the head person did not change for hours of independence.

    Day of the yogi people zbіgaєtsya іz sovereign saint Moscow Day. And the 7th of May is Dariga's National Day? Zahisnik Vіtchizni. Offended by weekends.

    Monuments were erected to you at the Presidential Park in Alma-Ata and in Ankara.

    Yogo im'ya wear the streets in Jordan and Turkey, as well as the university, schools and pik

4. Burrowed

    Great tennis.

    Hiking sports.

Nazarbayev was awarded with 2 sovereign cities of the USSR, 36 cities of foreign powers , 10 Kazakh jewelry medals. May

Over 20 scientific titles, 5 honorary titles, including “People of Rock” and “People of the Century”. Let's honor the hulk of the 7th country and city, rewarding with 28 hromadas

8. Reflection:

What did they know about you?

What is important to you?

What was new for you, unknown?

9. Visnovok.

You are young generation of our republic. Do you want to live in a legal state?! So build a mustache, so that life around you was fair. Dotrimuyte that shanuyte zakoni RK.234

Join the discussion
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