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Beautiful formulas of physics. Formulas from physics.doc - Formulas from physics. Rozrahunok signal frequency

Formulas of mechanics. mechanics divided into three divisions: kinematics, dynamics and statics. The following kinematic characteristics of ruh, like ruh, quickness, quickness, are considered in the kinematics division. Here it is necessary to select the device of differential and integral calculation.

The three laws of Newton lie at the basis of classical dynamics. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the vector nature of the forces that act on the body, that enter into these laws.

Dynamics is so nourishing, like the law of conservation of impulse, the law of conservation of total mechanical energy, the work of force.

With the development of kinematics and dynamics of the wraparound movement, there was an increase in respect for the connection between the apical and linear characteristics. Here, the understanding of the moment of force, the moment of inertia, the moment of momentum, and the law of conservation of the moment of momentum is explained.

Table of basic formulas for mechanics

Speed ​​vector module:

de s - vіdstan uzdovzh traєktorії ruhu (way)

Medium speed (module):

Dear mitteve:

Vector boost module with rectilinear Russian:

Compassionate in curvilinear Russia:

1) is normal

de R - radius of curvature of the trajectory,

2) tangential

3) outside (vector)

4) (module)

Shvidkіst i shlyah pіd h ruhu:

1) equal

2) equal

V 0 - Pochatkova dryness;

a > 0 for an evenly accelerated move;

a< 0 при равнозамедленном движении.

Kutova swidkіst:

de - kutove relocation.

Kutove hastened:

Zvyazok mizh linear and kutovymi values:

Impulse of a material point:

where m is the mass of the material point.

The main equalization of the dynamics of progressive movement(Newton's II law):

de F - resulting force,<>

Force formulas:

rubbing Ftr

de μ - coefficient of the rub,

N is the strength of the normal vice,

elasticity Fpr

de k - coefficient of springiness (hardness),

Δх – deformation (change of body length).

Law of conservation of momentum for a closed system, which is composed of two bodies:

de - Shvidkosti tіl to vzaєmodії;

Swidkosti tіl after vzaєmodії.

Body energy potential:

1) lifting above the Earth to a height h

2) elastically deformed

Kinetic energy of forward movement:

Constant force robot:

de α - cut between straight lines of force and straight moving.

Povna mechanical energy:

Law of conservation of energy:

forces are conservative

forces are non-conservative

de W 1 - energy system tіl at the cob mill;

W 2 - energy of the heating system at the end of the mill.

Moment of inertia tіl mass m how to axis, to pass through the center of inertia (center mass):

1) thin-walled cylinder (hoop)

de R - radius,

2) suctile cylinder (disk)

4) a haircut with a length of l, so that the entire wrap is perpendicular to the haircut and pass through its middle

Moment of inertia of the body about a sufficient axis (Steiner's theorem):

de - the moment of inertia of the body how to axis, how to pass through the center of mass; d - move between axes.

Moment of force (module):

de l - shoulder strength.

The main equalization of the dynamics of the wrapping ruh:

de - kutove priskorennya,

resultant moment of force.

Moment of impulse:

1) a material point like a non-destructible point

de r - momentum shoulder,

2) a solid body with an indestructible axis wrapping

The law of conservation of momentum:

de L 1 - momentum of the system at the cob mill,

L 2 - momentum of the system at the end station.

Kinetic energy of wrapping ruhu:

Work in obertal Russian

de Δφ – change of the cut of the turn.

Absolutely necessary for the fact that a person, as a virushila vivcha tsyu science, having become aware of them, could feel in the world of physics like a fish in the water. Without knowing the formulas, the task of physics is unthinkable. But it is practically impossible to remember all the formulas and it is important to know, especially for a young mind, to know that other formula and if you stop.

Raztashuvannya physical formulas in specialized assistants rozpodіlyaєєy call for vydpovіdnym razdіla middle textual information, that їkh poshuk there you can pick up a lot of time, and it's more, yakscho raptom you need terminovo!

Submissions below cribs from physics take revenge all basic formulas in the course of physics, yakі will be corny teaching shkіl and vishіv.

Usі formulas for the school course in physics from the site
I. Kinematics download
1. Basic concepts
2. Stop folding swidkost that quickly
3. Normal and tangential acceleration
4. Tipi ruhіv
4.1. Rivnomirny Rukh
4.1.1. Equal rectilinear ruh
4.1.2. Rivnomirny Rukh on the stake
4.2. Ruh іz fast roots
4.2.1. Rivnoprikoreny ruh
4.2.2. Rivnoupovilneniy Rukh
4.3. Harmony Rukh
II. Dynamics download
1. Another Newton's Law
3. Newton's third law
4. Sealy
5. Gravitational force
6. Forces through contact
III. Law save. Work and tightness
1. Impulse of a material point
2. Impulse of the system of material points
3. Theorem about changing the momentum of a material point
4. Theorem about changing the momentum of a system of material points
5. Law of conservation of momentum
6. Robot force
7. Pressure
8. Mechanical energy
9. Theorem about mechanical energy
10. The law of conservation of mechanical energy
11. Dissipative forces
12. Calculation methods
13. Average by hour strength
IV. Download statics and hydrostatics
1. Wash jealousy
2. wrapping moment
3. Nest_yka r_vnovag
4. Center of mass, center of gravity
5. Power of hydrostatic grip
6. Tight home
7. Tisk at be-yakіy point rіdini
8, 9. A vice in the same homeland, where to rest.
10. Archimedean force
V. Thermal phenomena
1. Rivnyannia Mendeliev-Clapeyron
2. Dalton's Law
3. Basic alignment of the MKT
4. Gas laws
5. The first law of thermodynamics
6. Adiabatic process
7. KKD cyclic process (thermal engine)
8. Nasichena couple
VI. Electrostatics download
1. Coulomb's law
2. Principle of superposition
3. Electrical field
3.1. Tension and potential of the electric field created by one point charge Q
3.2. Tension and potential of the electric field created by a system of point charges Q1, Q2, ...
3.3. Tension and potential of the electric field, created evenly charged on the surface of the coil
3.4. Tension and potential of a uniform electric field, (created by an evenly charged area or by a flat capacitor)
4. Potential energy of the electric charging system
5. Electricity
6. The power of the conductor in the electric field
VII. Constant strum
1. Ordered shipping
2. Struma power
3. Thickness of the struma
4. Ohm's Law
5. Ohm's Law
6. Ohm's law for a complete (closed) Lanzug
7. Last appointment of conductors
8. Parallel appointment of conductors
9. Robot and the power of the electric jet
10. KKD electric lance
11. Mind's vision of maximum tension on tension
12. Faraday's law for electricity
VIII. Magnetic phenomena
1. Magnetic field
2. Rukh charges in a magnetic field
3. Frame with a strum at the magnetic field
4. Magnetic fields created by different strumas
5. Interaction of strums
6. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
7. The manifestation of self-induction
IX. Download
1. Collivannya, appointment
2. Harmonious ringing
3. The simplest coliving systems
4. Hvilya
X. Optics download
1. The Law of Vibration
2. Law broken
3. Lens
4. Image
5. Possibility of changing the item
6. Interference
7. Diffraction

Great cheat sheet of physics. All the formulas were written for a compact look with small comments. The cheat sheet also takes care of the correct constants and other information. The file was divided in such a way by physicists:

    Mechanics (kinematics, dynamics and statics)

    Molecular physics


    Electrical and electromagnetic phenomena

    Electrodynamics. Constant strum


    Kolivanya that hvili. Optics. Acoustics

    Quantum physics and the theory of visibility

small spur of physics. All the best for sleep. Narration of the basic formulas of physics on one side. Not aesthetically pleasing, but practical. :-)

The session is approaching, and it's time for us to pass from theory to practice. On the weekends, we thought that it would be bad for the rich students to do the basic physical formulas by hand. Dry formulas with explanations: short, concise, nothing fancy. It’s even more beautiful thing at the hour of the cherry day, you know. That one in sleep, if from the head you can “viscochit” the very ones that the day before were the most beautifully visualized, such a kindness to serve as a miraculous service.

The most important task is to ask for the three most popular branches of physics. Tse mechanics, thermodynamicsі molecular physics, electrician. Їх i take it!

Basic formulas of physics dynamics, kinematics, statics

Let's start from the simplest. The good old loves are straightforward and rіvnomіrny rukh.

Kinematic formulas:

Obviously, let's not forget about the momentum, and then let's move on to the dynamics and Newton's laws.

After the dynamics, it’s time to take a look at the minds of equals tіl і rіdin, tobto. statics and hydrostatics

Now let's introduce the main formulas on the topic "Robot and Energy". Where are we without them!

Basic formulas of molecular physics and thermodynamics

Let's finish the mechanics with the formulas z kolivan and hvil and move on to molecular physics and thermodynamics.

Coefficient of core value, Gay-Lussac's law, Clapeyron-Mendeliev's equivalence - all the hearts of the formula are chosen below.

Before speech! For all our readers at once 10% on the.

Basic formulas of physics: electricity

Hour go to the electrics, want yoga and love less thermodynamics. Let's start with electrostatics.

І, pіd drumming, ending with formulas for Ohm's law, electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic colivans.

On whom everything. Obviously, it would be possible to bring a whole mountain of formulas, but not to much. If the formulas become too rich, you can easily get lost, and then melt your brain. Come on, our cheat sheet of the basic formulas of physics will help you to fall in love with the task of swidshe and efficiency. And if you want to clarify if you didn’t know the required formula: ask the experts student service. Our authors memorize hundreds of formulas and click on the task like a pea. Roll back, and be sure that the task will be "too tough" for you.

Rozmir: px

Start showing from the third side:


1 BASIC FORMULA OF PHYSICS FOR STUDENTS IN TECHNICAL VNZ. Physical foundations of mechanics. Swidth of the mitt dr r- radius-vector of the material point, t-hour, Modulus of the mitt of the swidkost s- retrace the trajectory to the turn, Dovzhina's path Accelerating: mitt of the tangential normal to the outside τ- single vector that trajectories stop; R-radius of curvature of the trajectory, n-single head normal vector. SHVIDKІST Kutov ds = S t t t d a d a a n n R a a, n a a a n d φ - Kutov displacement. Faster apex d.. Link between linear and .. apex values ​​s=φr, υ=ωr, and τ=εr, an=ωR.3. 4. Impulse. material point p mass material point. The main equalization of the dynamics of a material point (another Newton's law)

2 a dp Fi, Fi Impulse saving law for isolated mechanical system Radius-vector to the center mass Force of dry rubbing μ-coefficient of rubbing, N-force of normal pressing. Spring force k-spring coefficient (hardness), Δl- deformation..4. F G r - masses of particles, G-gravitational constant, r- stand between particles. Work force A FdS da Intensity N F Potential energy: k(l) of elastically deformed body P= gravitational interaction of two particles P= G r body in a uniform gravitational field P=gh

3.4.4. Tension of gravity.4.5. fields of the Earth g = G (R h) 3 masses of the Earth, R 3 - the radius of the Earth, h is the distance from the surface of the Earth. Potential of the Earth's gravitational field 3 Kinetic energy of the material point φ= G T= (R 3 3 h) p Moment of inertia tіl masoyu osі, scho to pass through the center of mass: thin-walled cylinder (kіltsya) to radius R, so that all wrapping zbіgaєtsya z vіssyu cylinder J o \u003d R of the suts_lіndra (disk) to radius R, yakshcho R coulis of radius RJ pro \u003d 5 R of a thin shear of a zavdovka l, so the entire wrap is perpendicular to the shear J pro \u003d l

4 J - moment of inertia when parallel to the axis, to pass through the center of mass, d-pass between the axes. The moment of force, which is directed to the material point along the cob of coordinates r-radius-vector of the point of force reporting Moment of the impulse of the system.4.8. how to axis Z r F N.4.9. L z J iz iz i.4.. Fundamental equalization of dynamics.4. what wraps around JT= LJ A relativistic update to the hour t t t about your hour. Relativistic mass o mass calm Energy calm part E o \u003d o s

5.4.3. Povna energy relativist.4.4. parts.4.5. E=.4.6. Relativistic momentum Р = 4.7. Kinetic energy.4.8. relativistic part.4.9. T \u003d E - E o \u003d Relativist speed between total energy and impulse E \u003d p z + E з і (sign -) or alternatively їй straightened (sign +) uuu The displacement of the material s Aos (t) points A-amplitude of the oscillation, - the power cyclic frequency, the pro - cob phase. Cyclic frequency T

6 T period of coliving - frequency Swiftness of the material point oscillating Accelerating oscillating of the material point kx coeffi cient of hardness of colivanation A sin(t) dv ET Ï A os(t) AAA sin (t) os(t) ds t) T Logarithmic decrement ln TA(T t) decay, relaxation hour ds ds Differential equalization s F ost Pendulum swing period: spring T, k

7 physical T J, gl - mass of the pendulum, k - stiffness of the spring, J - moment of inertia of the pendulum, g - acceleration of the free fall, l - distance from the point of movement to the center of the mass. Equation of flat stubble, which expands straight ahead axis Oh, v swidness of the swell of the stubble Long stupor T- period of stupor, v- swidness of the stupor of the stubble, frequency of the fluctuations , R- mol. N A - post_yna Avogadro - mass of speech M molar mass. Rivnyannia Clapeyron-Mendeliev p = RT,

8 p-pressure to gas, - yogo volume, R-molar constant gas, T-thermodynamic temperature. Equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of gases Р = 3 n<εпост >= 3 no<υ кв >n-concentration of molecules,<ε пост >- The average kinetic energy of the forward movement of the molecule. pro-mass of the molecule<υ кв >- Mean quadratic speed. Average energy of a molecule<ε>= i kt i - The number of steps of freedom of Boltzmann's k-post. Internal energy of an ideal gas U= i νrt Velocity of molecules: rms<υ кв >= 3kT = 3RT; arithmetic mean<υ>= 8 8RT = kt; the largest imovirna<υ в >= Average free time kt = RT; passage of a molecule d-effective diameter of a molecule Average number of spots (d n) of a molecule in one hour z d n v

9 Razpodіl molecules near the potential field P-potential energy of the molecule. Barometric formula p - gas pressure at altitude h, p - gas pressure at a level taken as zero, - mass of the molecule, Fika diffusion law gas mass, ds-elementary maidan, perpendicular to the Ox axis. The law of thermal conductivity Fur'є j is the thickness of the heat flow, Q j Q dq ds dt = -æ dx dt is the temperature gradient, dx density, dz Diffusion coefficient D = 3<υ><λ>Coefficient of dynamic viscosity (internal rub) v 3 D Coefficient of thermal conductivity æ = 3 cv ρ<υ><λ>=ηс v

10 s v -)= ν R(T -T) to isothermal p А= ν RT ln = ν RT ln p to adiabatic ACTT) γ=с р /С v (RT A () p A= () Poisson's equalization Coefficient of coryar dії Carnot cycle. 4.. Q n і T n - the amount of heat removed from the heating and th temperature, Q х і T х - the amount of heat transferred to the refrigerator і th temperature Change of entropy during the transition of the system from the mill to the mill Т γ р - γ =onst Qí QQSS í õ Tí TT dq T í õ

Apply a summary of the tasks Example 6

Speed: Defining the destination F-ka formula F-la - formula Pr - butt 1. Kinematics of the point 1) Physical models: material point, system of material points, absolutely rigid body (Opr) 2) Methods

1 Basic formats Kinematics 1 Kinematic equalization of the movement of a material point in the vector form rr (t), air axis x: x = f(t), de f(t)

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8 6 balls are fine 7 balls are good Zavdannya (balla) On the horizontal board lie a bar of masi. Doshku povіlno nahivayut. Signify the fallowing of the force by rubbing, which is on the bar, in the kuta nahely

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Dynamics of the wrapping motion Plan Moment of the momentum of the part Moment of force Equivalence of the moments Moment of the moment of the momentum Moment of inertia

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1 Kinematics 1 The material point collapses on the x axis so that the coordinate of the point x(0) B Find x (t) V x At At the cob moment The material point collapses on the x axis so that ax A x

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2 6. Number of tasks in one variant of the test 30. Part A 18 task. Part 12 zavdan. 7. Structure of the test Partition 1. Mechanics 11th day (36.7%). Section 2. Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory

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Zіtknennya particles Strike MT (frequently, tіl) is called such a mechanical interaction, when it is with direct contact for an infinitely small hour, the parts are exchanged with energy and impulse

Ticket 1. 1. The subject of mechanics. Spread that hour at Newton's mechanics. Tіlo vіdlіku that coordinate system. Yearbook. Synchronization of the Yearbook. Vіdlіku system. Ways to describe the rush. Point kinematics. Reincarnation

6 Molecular physics and thermodynamics The main formulas for determining the density of the skin molecule of an ideal gas is the magnitude of the drop. The function of the thickening rose under the ymovirnosti vipadkovy

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Students of Physics Lecturer Aleshkevich V. A. Sichen 2013 Nevidomy Student of the Faculty of Physics Ticket 1 1. Subject of mechanics. Spread that hour at Newton's mechanics. The coordinate system is the same for the body. Yearbook. Vіdlіku system.

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Lecture 3 Kinematics and dynamics of the wraparound swing The wraparound swing, when all the points of the body collapse along the stakes, the centers of which lie on the same straight line. Kinematics of wrapping

Lecture 6 7 June 011 Topic 3: Dynamics of solid body wrapping. Kinetic energy of the wraparound motion of a solid body Kolesnikov Yu.L., 011 1 Vector of the moment of force about a non-violent point.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Nutrition before sleep in physics MECHANICS Progressive movement 1. Kinematics of progressive movement. Material point, system of material points. Systems to look at. Vector and coordinate methods to describe

Numbers of tasks CONTROL ROBOT in molecular physics Options 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Table 8. 8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 . 8.8 8.9 8.30

The head of the Kulka from the height hm falls vertically onto the flat area and springs up. At some point in the future, will I again hit that same flat? Kut nahely surface to the horizon α3.

Department of Physics, Pestryaev E.M.: GTZ MTZ STZ 06 1 Control robot 1 Mechanics 1. A cyclist having passed the first half an hour of his traffic with a speed limit V 1 = 16 km/year, another half an hour with a speed limit

I. MECHANICS 1. Global understanding

Ekspertiza 2 OPTSIKI TAKS TANDANYA OPTSIYY NUMBER DANGER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 209 214 224 232 244 260 264 275 204 220 227 207 243 254 261 278 207 217 231 236 249 251 268 278 202 218 235 235 246

Federal Agency for Education GOU VPO Tula State University Department of Physics Syomin V.A. Test tasks in mechanics and molecular physics for carrying out practical tasks to take and control

Laws of an ideal gas Molecular-kinetic theory Static physics and thermodynamics Static physics and thermodynamics

SPECIFICATION for the test of the primary subject "Physics" for centralized testing in 2017 roci

Approximate task on computer Internet testing (FEPO) Kinematics

DYNAMICS OF AN ABSOLUTELY RIGID TIL Dynamics of an overturned momentum ATT Moment of force and moment of momentum for a non-violent point

1. The method of developing discipline is: the formation of a natural light look, the development of a logical mind, intellectual and creative abilities, the development of a smart zastosovuvat knowledge of laws

Ticket 1 Oscilki straight speed is constantly changing, then crooked ruh - start ruh from accelerated, including, if the modulus of speed is permanent

A R, J 00 0 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 T, K 480 485 490 495 500 505 50 55 50 55 T, K 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 50 50 50 5 temperature

Working program of physics grade 10 (2 years) 2013-2014 introductory note Basic rіven" compiled on the basis of the Healthy program

SPECIFICATION for the test of the primary subject "Physics" for centralized testing in 2018 roci

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Autonomous Lighting Installation of Higher Lighting "National Successive University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology" WORKING PROGRAM

Apply the solution of tasks 1. The volume of the body with a mass of 1 kg is given equal to the importance of the coldness of the stock and the speedy time. Calculate the force that is on the body like another second. Solution. Mittev shvidkist

Lecture 11 Moment of momentum Law of conservation of momentum of momentum of a solid body, apply it to show Calculation of moments in inertia of bodies Steiner's theorem Kinetic energy of a solid body, which wraps L-1: 65-69;

TYPES OF NUTRITION BEFORE THE TEST (hours) Maxwell's equalization 1. The exact system of Maxwell's equalizations for an electromagnetic field can be seen:

Ticket 1 Ticket 2 Ticket 3 Ticket 4 Ticket 5 Ticket 6 Ticket 7 Ticket 8 Ticket 9 Ticket 10 Ticket 11 Ticket 12 Ticket 14 Ticket 15 Ticket 16 Ticket 17 Ticket 18 Ticket 21

Calendar-thematic planning of physics (middle school lighting, profile day) Grade 10, 2016-2017

Crying with the natural light and the laws of its functioning and development is natural and correct. For that very reason, it is reasonable to give respect to the natural sciences, for example, physics, as it explains the very essence of the formation and development of the All-World. Basic physical laws and it is not important to understand. Already in the spirit of the young Vіtsі school to know the children of these principles.

For rich people, science is taught from the assistant "Physics (grade 7)". The basic concepts and thermodynamics are revealed to the schoolchildren, they should know the core of the basic physical laws. Ale chi can I know to be surrounded by a school shop? What are the laws of physics and may know the skin of a person? About tse and timetsya far at the stat.

science physics

A lot of aspects of the description of science are known to everyone from early childhood. And it is connected with this, that, in fact, physics is one of the areas of natural science. Vaughn tells about the laws of nature, which infuse them into the life of the skin, and richly in what to inspire you to be safe, about the peculiarities of matter, about the structure and regularity of the movement.

The term “physics” was earlier fixed by Aristotle in the fourth century BC. The back of the hand is a synonym for the concept of "philosophy". Even if the insults of science are small, the only place is to explain with the correct order all the mechanisms of the functioning of the All-World. And yet, in the sixteenth century, in the wake of the scientific revolution, physics became independent.

Zagalny law

The deyakі basic laws of physics zastosovuyut among the various folly of science. Krіm them іsnuyut so, yakі accepted vvazhat zagalnymi for vsієї nature. Mova go pro

Vіn maє on uvazі, scho energy of the dermal closed system during protіkannі in nіy be-yakah phenomena obov'yazkovo zberіgaetsya. The protein can be transformed into a different form and effectively change its calculus in other parts of the named system. At one time, in an open system, the energy changes for the mind, the energy is increased, whether there are waters or waters that enter into interaction with it.

The crime of the induced ignoble principle, to avenge the physics of the main concepts, formulas, laws, like the necessary clouding of the processes, like the needy world. Їхнє dolіdzhennya can become neimovіrno hoary occupations. Therefore, in this article, the basic laws of physics will be briefly reviewed, and in order to explore them more deeply, it is important to give them full respect.


To teach young students a lot of the basic laws of physics of the 7th-9th class of the school, so that such a fool of science, like mechanics, is taught more and more. The basic ambush is described below.

  1. Galileo's law of watertightness (this is also called the mechanical law of watertightness, or the basis of classical mechanics). The essence of the principle is that in analogous minds, mechanical processes in any inertial systems should go through identically.
  2. Hooke's law. Yogo is the essence of what is bigger, having poured a body on the spring (spring, shear, console, beam) from the side, then the bigger one is deformation.

Newton's laws (є basis of classical mechanics):

  1. The principle of inertia reminds you that whether it’s a body, it’s not enough to rest in peace, or it’s to collapse evenly and straightforwardly only in that fall, as if in another body, don’t spit on it with any rank, or just compensate for one rank. In order to change the speed of the movement, it is necessary to add to the body with some kind of force, and, obviously, the result of the injection of the same force on the difference for the size of the body can also be taken into account.
  2. The main regularity of the dynamics is solid, that the greater the equal force of forces, the more it is to pour in the body at once, the more we take it away. I, apparently, that the greater mass of the body, then the show is smaller.
  3. Newton's third law povodlyaє, scho be-yakі two bodies zavzhdіyut vzaєmodіyut one after one for the identical scheme: їхні forces mаyut one nature, є equivalent by magnitude і ob'yazkovo mаyut prolongation directly uzdovzh straight lines, scho z'єtіla.
  4. The principle of visibility affirms that all phenomena, which appear for the same minds in inertial systems, must pass in an absolutely identical order.


Shkilniy tutor, who teaches the basic laws ("Physics. Grade 7"), to know them and the basics of thermodynamics. Let's take a look at the principles briefly.

The laws of thermodynamics, which are basic to the science of science, may have a wild character and are connected with the details of a concrete speech only on equal terms. Before speech, qi are important in principle for physics, but also for chemistry, biology, aerospace technology, etc.

For example, in the name of the galaxy, there is no logically assigned rule, that in a closed system, zvnishnі mind for some unimaginable, an evenly important camp is established. And the processes that are going on in it, inevitably compensate one for the other.

Another rule of thermodynamics confirms the system's progress, which is composed of a colossal number of particles, which are characterized by a chaotic rumble, to an independent transition from smaller ones for the system to more fluctuations.

And the law of Gay-Lussac (yogo is called a stverzhuє, scho from the gas of a singing mass for the minds of a stable grip, the result of rozpodіl yogo obyagu on the absolute temperature invariably becomes a constant value.

One more important rule of temperature is the first law of thermodynamics, which is also commonly called the principle of conservation and transformation of energy for a thermodynamic system. Behind him, be it a quantity of warmth, as if it were brought to the system, it will be culled exclusively for the metamorphosis of internal energy and the creation of her work according to the introduction to be-such innate external forces. The very law became the basis for the molding of the scheme of robotic heat engines.

Another gas law is Charles's law. We can’t say that the greater the pressure of the singing mass of the ideal gas in the minds of the savings of the constant tax, the greater the temperature.


Vіdkrivaє junim vchenim cіkavі basic laws of physics 10 class school. At the same time, the main principles of the nature and regularities of the injection of an electric stream, as well as other nuances, are being developed.

Ampère's law, for example, affirms that the conductors, connected in parallel, like the flow of a strum in the same direction, are inevitably attracted, and at the same time, a strum, in a straight line, is visible. I will also name the victorious for the physical law, which signifies the force that in the current magnetic field on a small conductor’s plot, which at the present moment to carry out the strum. Її so i call it - the power of Ampere. The first half of the nineteenth century (and itself was born in 1820).

The law of conservation of charge is one of the basic principles of nature. We can’t say that the algebraic sum of all electric charges, which is blamed on any electrically insulated system, must be saved (becomes constant). Regardless of the name, the principle does not include the blame in such systems for new charged particles as a result of the passage of existing processes. The proteoelectric electric charge of all newly created particles can invariably reach zero.

Coulomb's law is one of the main ones in electrostatics. Vіn vyslovlyuє the principle of force vzaєmodії mizh non-violent point charges and explaining the calculation of the number of charges between them. Coulomb's law allows you to round up the basic ambush of electrodynamics with an experimental order. Vіn to say that the unruly points of the charge are not controlled by each other with the force, as it is greater, the greater the increase in their values ​​\u200b\u200b, it is less, the less the square is between the charges, which are looked at, and the middle, in

Ohm's law is one of the basic principles of electricity. Vіn to say, what is the greater power of the constant electric stream, what is on the singing distance of the lansyug, there is more voltage on the її kintsy.

Name the principle, which allows you to designate directly from the conductor the strum, which collapses in the minds of the magnetic field in a sing rank. For whom, it is necessary to expand the right hand so that the lines of magnetic induction figuratively stick around the open palms, and the thumb is pulled straight at the explorer's hand. At such a time, the decision is made to straighten the hand of the induction strum.

This principle also helps to improve the accuracy of the linear magnetic induction of a rectilinear conductor, which will conduct the strum at the whole moment. It should be done like this: to place the great finger of the right hand in such a rank, to show the wine, and figuratively go around the guide with the reshtoy chotirma with your fingers. Raztashuvannya tsikh fingers and demonstrate the exact direct line of magnetic induction.

The principle of electromagnetic induction is a law that explains the process of robotic transformers, generators, electric motors. Tsey law is applied in the offensive: in a closed circuit of induction, which is generated, the more, the greater the speed of the change in the magnetic flux.


Galuz "Optics" also includes part of the school program (basic laws of physics: 7-9 class). Therefore, the principles are not so foldable for understanding, as you can get at first glance. Your education will bring from you not just additional knowledge, but rather a more lucid and useful action. The main laws of physics, which can be shriveled up to the eye of the optics, are as follows:

  1. Huynes principle. Vіn є by a method that allows you to effectively determine in the skin a specific part of a second and more precisely the position of the front of sickness. The essence of yogo lies in the offensive: all points, like leaning on the path of hurting the front of sickness in a single part of a second, in fact, by themselves, become dzherel spherical winds (secondary), at that hour, as a location for the front of sickness in that very part of a second, identical to the surface , that oginaє all spherical winds (secondary) This principle vikoristovuєtsya with a method of explaining the basic laws that apply from broken light and yogo fermentation.
  2. The principle of Huygens-Fresnel provides an effective method of solving food that is widened. Vіn additional help to explain the elementary tasks related to the diffraction of light.
  3. hvil. Zastosovuєtsya however, and for vіdobrazhennya at the mirror. The essence of it lies in the fact that it’s like a falling promin, so it’s like that, like a buv, and also a perpendicular, prompting from the point of falling, changing, spreading in a single plane. It is also important to remember that when you cut, under which you fall, you will fall, and you will be completely broken.
  4. The principle of broken light. The price of changing the trajectory of the turn of the electromagnetic wave (light) at the moment of the move from one homogeneous center to the next, as it is signifi- cantly shakes up in the first place after a number of indications of the break. The width of the width is light in their size.
  5. The law of rectilinear expansion of light. For its essence, it is the law that goes up to the field of geometric optics, and goes into the offensive: be it a homogeneous middle (independently in nature) lightly expands in a straight line, along the shortest distance. Whose law is easy and accessible to explain the adoption of darkness.

Atomic and nuclear physics

The basic laws of quantum physics, as well as the foundations of atomic and nuclear physics, are taught in the senior grades of the middle school and in the first grades.

So, Bohr's postulates are a number of basic hypotheses, which became the basis of the theory. The bottom line is that, be it an atomic system, it can become permanently excluded from stationary camps. Be-yaké the improvement of the use of energy by the atom is invariably dependent on an additional principle, the essence of which is this: the improvement, which is due to transport, becomes monochromatic.

These postulates are brought up to the standard school program, as the basic laws of physics (grade 11). Їхнє knowledge є obov'yazkovim for the graduate.

Basic laws of physics, how can people know

Deyakі physical principles, even though they can be seen to one of the galleys of science, protect a wild character and can be seen by everyone. Pererakhuyemo basic laws of physics, yakі maє nobility people:

  • The law of Archimedes (belong to the areas of hydro-, as well as aerostatics). Vіn maє on uvazі, scho on whether it was a body, like it was zanuren in gas-like speech or a native land, a kind of vishtovhuval force, like it was invariably straightened vertically uphill. Tsya force zavzhdi numerically more expensive vase with a body of light and gas.
  • Another formula for this law is as follows: body, zanurene in gas aborigine, invariably wears styles at the vase, skilki folded the mass of the rіdini or gas, in some way it was zanurene. Tsey law, becoming the basic postulate of the theory of navigation of bodies.
  • The law of all-world gravity (according to Newton). The essence of it lies in the fact that absolutely all bodies are inevitably attracted one to one with force, for example, the greater the greater, the greater the increase in the mass of the data, the smaller, the smaller the square between them.

These are the three basic laws of physics, which are the fault of the nobility of the skin, who bazhaє rozіbratisya in the mechanisms of functioning of the necessary world and the peculiarities of the overrun of processes, which are introduced into the new. It is easy to understand the principle of їkhnyoї dії.

The value of similar knowledge

The main laws of physics are to be blamed for the knowledge of people, regardless of their type of activity. The stench represents the mechanism of the foundation of all current activities, and, in fact, the only constant in the world, which is constantly changing.

The main laws, the understanding of physics, reveal new possibilities for the development of a new world. Їхнє knowledge helps to understand the mechanism of the foundation of the All-World and the revolution of all cosmic bodies. It transforms us not just into spying on the scammers and processes, but allows us to assimilate them. If a person has a clear understanding of the basic laws of physics, then all the processes that seem to be as good as new, will take the opportunity to manage them in the most efficient way, they will make their lives more comfortable.


The deyakі vimushenі pogliblen vvchat osnovnі nі nіzі nіziki dlya ЄDI, іnshі - dіyalnistyu, and deyakі - z scientії tsіkavostі. Regardless of the goals of the development of science, the greed of taking away knowledge is important to reevaluate. There is nothing more satisfying, lower understanding of the main mechanisms and regularities of the foundation of the world of science.

Don't get tired of baiduzhims - grow up!

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