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Survive the sight of a crazy man. How to survive the sight of a kokhan? Allow yourself to drink forever: virishuvate already nothing, do not need to drink

With the entrance of a kohano people, they begin to give up, they cut off half of their hearts. I want to cry and hurt myself. A whole lot of natural fuss, like a need for obov'yazkovo satisfaction. Ale scho robiti sweat, how to survive the sight of a kokhan? Spend a little more time in separation than if your soul is anew filled with something meaningful.

Why is it so difficult to reconcile with a watchful eye

The reason for the great number of experiences is pretentiousness. Like a little child, like you can’t fall asleep without an expensive medical officer, so you can’t know your own place. At such a moment, it’s smut - to lose jealousy. No need to wander into one of the two last nights: do not call your partner and do not think that you have attachments to the roots of your bid. On the right, not in the fact that you are negligent, tovsta chi is poor. There are no reasons for kohanny - you just love and love you. Everything else looks like the evil one.

Third Way

So, in order to open up a new life, you can turn the approaching strategy: Vytyagayte zі svogo camping maximum melancholy. You are no longer a baby, like a rapt mother, you have grown up a woman. Tsya situation is given to you for a reason. The share itself gives you an hour to grow up, to marvel at your long-term realistic look. In another hour - rіk, two - you can work out the right reasons for what happened. It’s not for nothing that it seems that the truth is basking in the windows.

Know your confession

At the moment, you just need to take a mature life. Once such shocks fall into religion, one should begin to engage in charity. At any time it is important not to zamikatisya, but vіdkryto vzaєmodіyati zі svіtom. To help others, you will be satisfied, but in your own hands you simply will not let yourself be fooled - for sure, entrust it to someone who is rich in the richest camp.

Vibudovyte your special space

So that they didn’t irritate you at the future, requiring us to change the setting before us. Get into some chomus between yourself, and in chomus be indulgent. Vyznachte mezhі, through yaki nіhto not maє the right to cross. It is not possible for all buti garnoy and always step on the throat of your song. For your happiness, you need to choose. If you will be put up to yourself with respect, you will never take an unworthy person.

Don't be afraid of new releases. Stand up to people just like to friends and do not plan far-reaching on them, do not grab for the first zustrіchny. You will not be deprived of yourself, because you yourself will be self-sufficient. And more than that, you, nareshti, you will know a good person, stosunki with which they bring only joy.

And if you were wrong, if your pardon became the reason for this exit? How can I become beloved again for a person, bazhanoy and the best in the world? How to turn the kohan? I propagate the options for the widest women's pardons, as if they were people. If you know them, then you won’t allow it, and your man will be with you forever.

In the first place, it’s still unfortunate trapilos, and your fight is good, then you don’t want to fall into depression and hurt yourself. To endure, to finish a couple of days, then let’s wart rozdratuvatisya on that “goat” and “virodka”, which, having not appreciated all your innocence, and so heartlessly pishov in front of you. So, calm down, life goes on! Not the goodness of a person turns before you. You are a woman, a man! You have a sense of goodness and goodness! In addition, everyone knows the phrase "turn around, I'll work everything out," meaning that I'm guilty of someone else, and this is a robish gesture of good will. Turning around, your groveling acknowledges your fault, which you don’t know. You didn’t change yourself, and you tell you to turn around at your head, in view of these wines. It’s not like a person’s turn of grace turns around, as if you are ruining pity for yourself and the image, and you don’t comprehend the importance of being with a person, and you work to become a girl’s yoga dream.

Never mind pity that blackmail. Do not write SMS to him, leave, do not call, and do not tell him, as if it were your own, nasty, that you cannot live your life without it. For whom, your girlfriend is more beautiful, yak visluhaє, support and please. Cholovikіv pity vіdshtovhuє. We should be inspired by ourselves, merciful and self-sufficient girls. Do not call the person in the fact that you are separated, as I also regret that weakness of character to myself. When you get along with friends, relatives, try not to hang around with those of your interest. Don't tell me what's wrong with everything. Hysteria, aggression, pomsta, form from your side only to confirm the people that you have made the right choice, pishovshi look at you. Speak simply, that you are not wrong, the boules of the boules have passed.

Do not blackmail the big one with words, or speeches, not with children, as if they stink. Squeeze on the Batkivska a little at the Bazhanna turn the man - stay on the right. So, it is possible, for a short period of time, you will turn yoga to sіm'ї, but not to renew your stosunkіv, cheering that warm emotions. Don't swear by the yoga about the one to whom you're screwed. Don't joke around with her, don't call her, don't write. Wisely, that the parity may not appear at your greed, then you will become even more painful. In addition, there is a general discourse about your man, and I will be on the її bek. Everything that you need to work out at once, let it in and bud this hour. To understand, who is the hero of your novel, who is just a sound? Rest the hour, and you understand, chi vіn vіn vartiy all your worries and zusil, to turn yoga. And with a stretch of an hour, you can work on yourself, as in the old one, so in the inner plan, change to a better one, and become a good woman. It is important to understand that you can turn a person, but your faces will not be the same as before. You will be able to become a new, different, will be your stosunki zovshim in a different key. But to know your own. Ale, if you don’t change anything for yourself, if you don’t splurge on the old visnovki, then you risk stepping on that same rake again. Otzhe, the hour has come to rob the visnovka and read on your pardons.

Stop thinking about new! Take care of others, know yourself hoarsely busy, for an hour you don’t think about the past and the amount. It’s not easy, but if you see in you, once you become easier. In a miraculous way, forget about those who have become an admission, a trip for a place, a change in the situation. If you are given a lot of thoughts, then move on to the positive. Think about those that everything is wonderful in you, ti garna, successful, healthy. If you want to get in touch with each other, or call on the phone with a lot, come on, everything is fine in you, be cheerful, laugh, tell him about your new trouble. You can breeze a little, so that it was more plausible. Ale, don’t talk about your successes in the love field, talk about those, skilki and kim tibula on the sidelines and what you were given. The man will understand what you are saying out of anger. More richly, as about the significant changes in your life, it is known from third parties.

Our expert - medical psychotherapist Tetyana Nikitina.

Reserved insight

"Raptom" doesn't go anywhere. Zgaryachi, after welding, at the peak of the emotions of a person, pull out a jacket and go to a friend, a woman picks up a bag and goes to her father. Really, such a bet and not to think of disagreement - the rise of hundreds of days after such "native hurricanes" is already high. As you can see, "mildly barking - only hushed": the links between them not only do not collapse, but become weak. Golovne - do not remake similar to the system.

The most unfriendly for forecasts (to put a speck in the family life, or to see what they have accumulated), look out for the future, not burning, but only on a cold, cold head. The decision has matured, all the “for” and “against” have been called, the plan of “leakage” has been prepared. Lost on the right for the malim - now it’s worth more than half.

Quite often, psychotherapists smell the same phrase “everything was good with us, why didn’t you get it?”

These words are repeated and the housewife with the great experience of family life was confirmed, and the young lady was sown, and the evil jealous, and the true man, and the father, what to love. To the point, the man Hanni Karenina, who put himself to the rest, buv schiro zdivaniyu nevyachnistyu his squad and putting himself the same food, navit not guessing that the squad vvazha yogo “machine” and їy don’t get such drіbnitsa, like ... Love. This textbook butt of the zayvi once brought, the people of the skies, how to live entrusted, can be far away, one in the same. Those who for one store up earthly happiness, for another - bliss, disunity, respect for the war.

To be brought to notice: Separation does not trapleyutsya through the short-hour divine of one of the partners. For those reasons, half of them simply don’t know about yaks until the singing hour of a friend. It’s a pity for the one who doesn’t listen enough to her partner and doesn’t try to understand (because you just don’t, or maybe not), once you can be alone.

“I realized that we weren’t created one for one,” Galina, a pretty, intelligent woman of three for fifty, told me, “but we have children, a family, and I wouldn’t ruin our hundred for nothing. And vin zrobiv tse і pishov to іnshoy.

The situation is typical. Zhіnka most pragna save your family, get accustomed, zvichne sharpened. The person is more smart before experimenting and inventing adventures, not against conquering new heights ... To the one who can’t win both, the first to open up the wine itself.

Dot chi coma?

A short standard phrase lulled. And in the distance - spiritual pain, shock, destruction, apparently guilty ... I at once - images, anger, self-love, especially if you get married, because the cause of the separation was love stosunki with kimos on boots. Those who would like to have lived through the break-up in life once, sing-songly, call the moment after separation one of the most difficult periods in their life. Yogo without rebіlshennya can be treated with a right mental trauma.

Sometimes in a long time, if mutual zakid and unreasonable accumulate, I make friends, that the best way out of a deaf kut is a separation, but to inspire a “fall of rice” in your mood can be even more painful. Well, let's talk about the quiet, who respect their own stosunki with a partner, as if they are not ideal, then accept them as tolerant.

A lot of psychologists, like they work with family couples, think that the greatest pardon, like they are admitted at the first moment of the next, - ce pragnennya with all the forces - entreaties, threats, obitsyanki - try to turn around as best as possible. Tsey thoughtlessness, impulsive movement, it was supposed to be correct, even if “it’s not too hard”, you can change it, correct it. Ale, this tactic is used less with a partner with a “blackmailing partner”, if a person / team does not dare to go anywhere and lakaє razluchennyam, if you want to achieve something like this: the team will move to the okrema in the father’s robot apartment, and the friends will see the apartment baby. In times of well-thought-out and behind-the-scenes planned vision, no tears, no vmovlyannya do not slip in, but threats can increase to even more risky ones and no longer deprive you of the ability to enjoy normal vidnosini after separation.

For the sake of a psychologist: what is not possible and what is possible to work after a glance?


Repeat, start unscrupulous z'yasuvannya - "why" that "who is guilty", shave the phone, write reminders and fill up the electronic screen with sheets, pidsterigat on the streets. Such activity will not lead to positive results. The one who is being followed, begins to feel like a “driven game”, to that one, it’s easier to get closer. Guess about pride and pride. Deyakі "shel" and sometimes look at their vchinki and turn around. Only more often the stench turns to quiet, who does not forget about a little wetness.

Posipate your head with ashes and zamikatisya in chotyroh walls, weave your waste. As a whole, it may be that those who respect you in the end, really appear on the cob of other vines, where they are bright and significant. Wise people seem: "If one door is repaired, others will be fixed in a similar manner."

Stop listening to your call. , and the dressing room and beauty salon - behind the layout. And also solarium, gym, swimming pool and more.

Revenge for the inflicted image, ring yoga / її new ї pasії, threaten chi namagatsya rozladna їhnі stosunki. So let them give a lot of kohanim zayviy privіd be confirmed in the correctness of their decision to leave you.

Tell friends, susides, colleagues, guides about the big ones. Aje stink you vlashtovuvali, if buli order.

Start a new romance. As long as you don’t feel free to see many love eyes, as long as your heart still lies with you, you won’t tie warm and sweet romantic stosunkiv in a right way.

It's possible, it's possible

Do not imagine yourself as a “snow queen” or a “tough macho”, but live and feel like, like, tight. Let there be tears, do not need to be afraid of them and fight, the stench helps to heal spiritual wounds.

Question. To help the robot, yak, as it seems, “there are three dashing us - nudga, ice and evil.”

Experiment. A rich woman, to please cardinally remember your image, for example, transform a strict chestnut haircut into golden curls. People to rob other ways: one "many man" after that, as the squad went, changing the situation in the apartment again.

Create. If you ever dreamed of mastering the guitar or dancing flamenco, did you always miss the hour? The moment has come - sign up for a course, know the dance studio. It will be important to back off, but it will be difficult for you to turn it into the experience. And as you know, it’s possible, without any difficulty, you will compose a beautiful lyrical song, or hang your love and hope at the dance.

Know quietly, who needs help: bring toys to the child's house, bring food from the summer self-sustaining, bring your mother and grandmother to the theater.

Get back on the road. Changes in the situation always help to cope with stress and give a neo-energetic boost. In addition, the very hour of distant mandrіv іnоdі vіnkayut miraculous romantic chants, yakі - yak nobility? - Can grow into more.

“Problem and let it in,” like a song sings. You don’t see the death, but the hour is rejoicing. The day will come, if you see that you are letting people in, that suffering has brought you joy. It’s just that you don’t have guilt, and you, trample on everything, respect your yogo choice and yogo right to live your life.

We all think that great inaccuracies trap here and with us, but not with us. We ourselves are not ready for that before the bida comes. A bіda come raptovo - vіn іde, i go not just like that, but to your woman, I phrases like: “Not you - persha, not you - the rest” do not help, they hurt more.

Then a wiser joy will appear in the wild - try to make the person understand. Most often, it’s better not to come rapt - there are reasons for this, and the reasons are serious, and it’s not obov’yazkovo rapt’s predilection for bots. It could be your hour, or just marvelously moving - all the signs were there. No one is to blame for the disintegration of the sim's, the two of you are crimson, and the reason for the obligatory language needs to be understood. And if you didn’t care, first, what you need to work on - analyze and understand your pardons. It’s really easier - shut yourself up in the light of the world, worry, cry and think all the time, how to survive the sight of a person and do not despise. Ale z soogo tsgogo correct diya - only crying, which is necessary for skin people. In a first way, it’s more like a discharge, and in a different way, tears elicit toxins from the body. Korisno for the psyche, and for health. Alya does not need to cry in public and in front of people. People are fooling around, but in such a pity you want to cry and swear even more, and then you can forget about those who have not ended their lives.

And in order to guess that life is more beautiful and marvelous, it is necessary to simply behave correctly.:

  1. Cry a little, calm down, think about your pardons, analyze them, don’t think fast, how to survive the gaze of the kohanoi people and continue living. Believe me, yakby vin died, or having fallen ill on a fatal illness, he would have been richer.
  2. Think about it, but what about shkoduvat? Our memory is vlashtovana for our zakhistu - all the trash out there is in a box in the farthest corner of the world. Ale those nasty things you can get away - guess it and write it down on paper. Indeed, it may turn out that a person is far from being a gift, so don’t let yourself suffer more often.
  3. Today it is a miracle possibility to turn all your lives on someone else's people - trust an anonymous phone number. It is often necessary to just speak up, but such a service is a guarantee that you will be listened to and brought to give you an obedient pleasure.
  4. Go to the store, buy a cloth, then paint at the salon. Vikidayuchi old іmіdzh, zhіnka vikidayu old life. It's time to sign up for a pool or a fitness room.
  5. At the same time, don’t go to your friends for a pity - it’s risky to fall into depression.
  6. Think about the pomst - if you think that your supergirl is a filthy woman, then spreading tiles about her or slandering everything to save your life, you don’t just do it wrong, but sink to the level. Be smart and wise. Those same stuєtsya and cholovіka - not varto yogo image, neither you, nor yomu will not be better.
  7. If a person accepts a decision, he accepts it forever. It’s necessary to deprive yourself of the chance to turn around - it’s better to create your own stress. Do not break your head with an obsessive idea about those who are.
  8. If a person does not accept a clear decision and continues to rush from one place to another, it is necessary to put food - or person pishov іz sіm'ї, chi nі. You can’t read clearly - see for yourself, start a new life without a new one, fix a new person’s jokes. We can help you with our help about those.
  9. Don't manipulate children. Children are also very important to experience the separation of their fathers, and to fight against their father, or vimagati, so that they are constantly familiar with a child, with whom they suffer from ailments in their own relatives, it is not possible for another time. Tsim vi and sіm'yu do not lie, and children are inflicted with psychological trauma.
  10. To get a dog, or to sign up for a group of embroidery - it’s better to think about a new composition, or a new composition, less about a poor person. Until then, similar activities can bring peace of mind, which after experiencing stress is not so common.

To be honest, like a waste of money, while you are still young, your situation is certainly not hopeless. Kohanoi people can obviously try utrimati, robbing yourself enchantingly,. Ale, better for everything, continue for the next hour with the results of your pardon. Already better scold, survive yogo death to your woman and zovsіm forget about the new one. The words here are more - not a helper, and nothing, they can’t help or tell about the kazkovo string of vіdnosin, not a word about the old path, smashing at once, but let it go and start living new lives.

You can’t get lost in yourself, you can’t take revenge and hate the whole world - it’s necessary to love yourself less, talk to your mind about this unearthly beauty. I don't know anything better, how to survive the sight of a person virushivshi in the road. Whether it be - for the cordon, along the Golden Ring or in the court of the city by bus. So what else, the price of new damage, and, therefore, one more reason for understanding, that life is trivae.

Win pishov. It's a tragedy, and I won't say anything else. Ale, a tragedy back in the day. І її need to survive. Yak? - Energize you - if the earth goes s-pіd nіg, if the world turns into hell, does everyone become stupid, empty and useless? So, in such a period, even if a person is able to survive, it’s not enough. With a skin day, everything will be easier and easier, so that you can go the right way, and not drive yourself into a restlessness, a cut and a break. Exit є i vіn tam de vkhіd. If you were able to see at the blue, then you can get out of them. The correct exit is one, and the axis of the wrong ones is two. Let's start from the rest.

Two wrong exits

1. Mustache men are goats.

Mabut, everyone knows this phrase, and richly someone її victorious in life. We were taught what, entreating that you are not the first and do not stop. We were told that the peasants are not less than goats, but dogs, drones and worthless, that in them alone the thoughts are thin. We were so often told that the bazhannya mittevo in tse believe - not strimne. Zupinіtsya! Tse wrong path. It’s so hard to believe that all men are dogs, which means that all women are bitches, including you. Skin creatures by the pair. Like your companion "vovk" - then you "vovchitsa", like "lion" - "levitsa", like "kibel" - "bitch". There is no other option here. If you want to be a princess, joke the prince. And for the cob, yogi has a reason. With the phrase "all the men of the goat" you reinforce your own option to speak like a good man. And wine! So-so, that one, yours, which you don’t want to fall under the designation of the “kibel” or bring to you that the wine is not like that.

2. I'm rotten.

Tse another wrong way. Do not belittle your advantages, remember, there are no ideals. And if you were separated from a person, not to the one who is not happy, ugly, tovsta, ailment, blonde, karooka, string, sensible ... I specially overcame and worried, even throwing such people. Throw be-yakah! Ale, do not start not all. There is no panacea for the misfortune of the "broshenko". As for the life of an average statistical woman in the age of 80 years, it is easy to get a lot of blue, for which they “were thrown away”. The word "vikidali" stands at the paws and not without reason. Read yogo like this - they fenced, they sacked, they took kaidani, they released them into freedom, they turned their wings. Ale, our heroine remembered it in another hour. On the back, obviously, all the bells rang the cost, tragedy and grief. Mustache women feel the same range of feelings, emotions and feelings. It's hard for everyone. The hour is not rejoicing, but in this mood, it allows you to marvel at the stoks from the other side, to sing “scold” with a hard look, without the dependency of a foreseen kohanny.

Correct visnovok

Vin is not the one.

“Why did they leave me?” Don't vote! It's just that it's not the right one - everything is so simple and obvious. The halves of the vigadan are not us. And if it’s really your person, then you’ll be the same according to your appointment, tobto. relentlessly messy. And if you drank in the fallow land, gave your soul to your closeness, put the whole world before it for yourself as a supplement, then it’s better not to take wine somewhere earlier and send a place for your people. Before the wrong one, before you come to Vin herself. You must remember, while you convulsively try not for your own people, here your soul mate suffers, for which it is possible to try. What is the result? And as a result, some unfortunate individuals - two bets, like living one with one, not according to your heart, but behind the furnishings, the star, the status of that other fool.

You can’t go by some way:

1. Masochism.

Zhіnkam tsey slyakh pritamanny. It is necessary for us to suffer, to skil, to stay for a month, and to live to death. The stench is full of salt and wants to let go. Let in not the person himself, spend it yourself a little. Stinks hundreds of times splutter their photographs, walk around their places and listen to their music. Stink to drag a person at his sleep, at his cellar and martin, take yoga with him to girls' evenings and put it in his heart. You can’t sit all evenings on your own and sort out the puzzles of your teethers from memory. Do not cultivate, do not grow those who need to mow down the roots and burn them in their garden.

2. Black magic.

Such an easy way to live and such an important way to live. The blackness will never turn before you with a white smug. Black, she will be in thoughts, in vchinka, and in kohanna. You can drink to your grandmother, perform a ritual and turn the body of a person, but your soul will never be with you. She will vibrate from the yoga of the flesh, in view of which the rest of the sick. Are you asking for an impotent, why is that alcoholic? Then go to the black magician. Vіn virve your kohanoy life and turn it with a sheep. Take yoga and do what you want. If you want, preserve yoga in a three-liter jar, if you want, plant it near the ground, otherwise just smear it. You can’t turn the hutch, you can feel the body get lost at the closed stake. But still not all. Black magic sooner turns sickly to the one who gave birth to it. At tsomu vipadku - up to you. Є zovsіm іnsha magic - magic look, gesture, sleepy light in the middle, charisma and privablivostі. Master the science. Won you exactly pіde to reproach.

3. A free way of life.

If a man goes, the woman begins to feel not just empty, but worthless. Її self-esteem is called lower for the plinth, "girlfriends" giggle, talking, not like that princess. Bazhannya swidko turn yourself to the name of your companion, women-vamps, tієї, for the sake of it, even a little star from the sky - shtovkhaє zhіnka on all hard. You can easily visit dating sites, remember all callers and use your skin bar. Їy need natovpi chanuvalnikіv, prove її prioblivostі that vіdchutya life. This way is not yours. With such a reputation, you are definitely going to the first point of the wrong exit, turn to bet, then. you will become a woman of free behavior in the eyes of right people.

4. Intrigues, pomst, vorozhnecha.

A woman and emotions are one goal. Ale emotions are necessary to gamble and us in front for yourself. Do not joke around with the new image of your greatness, do not squash it on your eyes, do not wander into hysterics and do not cry. Do not salt their lives. Aje їhnє zhittya ve only lightly salt, and you have a ton of salt. And then you will be able to scoop everything with a great spoon. Vіn vіrishiv pіti? Movchki, take the bag, open the door and say goodbye to you. And in your hearts, harm that friend who still lives with him.

What a way you need to go

There is only one way - to love yourself. In a right way, love, value, respect and know, singsongly, that you will obov'yazkovo educate your people. Allow not only your own, but some other people to be happy. To let out not one's own vdachnistyu and to let in life a right sack. Remember, don't go with your own, but you don't need strangers.

Be happy!

Victoria Shtelmakh

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