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Like the structures of the body are formed from the mesoderm. Scheme of seven rivnіv strangled and the development of ailments, behind the vijaykar. Development and subdivision of zones

The mesoderm, with some kind of development of all organs, is composed of twin parts: dorsal, axis subdivided into somity; lateral, non-segmented - bichn plate or splanchnotome(Greek: splanchnon - fillings, tomos - vіdrіzok).

Two fundamentally different types of mesoderm anlage have been adopted. The first one - teloblastic - is sharpened in the most pure form in forms that are spirally crushed. We have already guessed about blastomyria 2d and 4d, as they took half an hour to crush the entire polar plasma. Two great cells of the progeny of the 4d blastomere, symmetrically spread in the empty blastocoel in the blastopore lips, give the ear of the so-called coelomic mesoderm of the larva. Qi blastomeres are called mesoblasts, or mesotheloblasts. Dribnish mesodermal clitiny are derived from these great blastomeres in a series of subsequent subdivisions. As a result, a couple of mesodermal husbands are blamed. After all, the stench lingers on the guys around the city - somity, at some paths of the diversity of the cells, the litters of the second empty body, the whole of the body, are established. The method of making empty the way of the passage of the clitin is called schizo-purpose, or cavitation. In this way, with the teloblastic method of laying, the coelomic mesoderm is established with two blastomeres with a single genealogy. The mesoderm is not associated with endoderm, which is established by other blastomeres.

The laying of the mesoderm with the last signs of blastomeres before that in May is the same in most round chrobakiv, some cancerous ones, and in a number of other groups of primitive creatures. In different systematic groups, the genealogy of blastomeres, which give rise to the mesoderm, is also different.

A fundamentally different - enterocillary - way of initiating mesoderm is observed in the most clear form in the gourds, lancelets, intestinal, brachiopods. Here, the material of the possible mesoderm turns together with the endoderm at the warehouse of a single gastric insufficiency, and in the process of invasion, the cordon between the two with bookmarks, as a rule, is inconsistent. Only a fraction of the bookmarks in the retrospective order, so that going through the stages of development back to the early ones, it is possible to understand that the material of the future mesoderm is part of the gastric expansion. Such an example, which includes the material and endoderm and mesoderm (and in chords, it is chords), is called the primary intestine, or the archenteron. In these cases, the gastrocil is usually called the empty primary intestine, or the empty archenteron. The mesoderm is seen behind the archenteron with a path of vipinannia of the yogo walls and laces of the viniclic vipinan, or rather - a path of directing the walls of the archenteron or immigration of the cells from them. After the removal of the mesoderm at the warehouse of the wall, the archenteron is already deprived of purely endodermal material, and the archenteron is converted to the empty secondary (definitive) intestine.

Like an empty somite of primary mouths, an empty mesodermal bulb that was laced (a part of a large empty archenteron) is called a qilim. Further differentiation of the mesoderm is seen below.

It has already been said that the teloblastic and enterocillary methods in pure form appear in small forms. Aloe ci forms can be seen up to two different creatures of the creature world - up to primary and secondarily rotten creatures. As per the course of zoology, they call creatures primary-rhythmic, in some blastopore openings without intermediary transformation into oral openings, and secondarily-in some oral openings, they are laid down suddenly, on the side of the body, to the proteopore blastopore (blastopore often transforms into anal).

The "core" of Stovbur primordial is formed by the group Spiralia with a teloblastic anlage of mesoderm. The majestic type of arthropods, in which the teloblasticity may be lost, is naturally derived from the typical Spiralia - some of the hrobakiv. On the other side, beating the base of the stovbur, a second-mouthed line should be placed with the calves with a clearly pronounced enterocoelism. Chordovia, in most of them, enteroclism is obscured, no doubt, it can be seen before the same Stovbur.

Development of the retarded mesoderm

Axial mesoderm, In all spinal ridges, axial mesoderm and biceps mesoderm, moreover, the axis mesoderm is subdivided into somitis (metamerized). The way of bookmarking and differentiation of somites in different classes of chordates is not the same. In the lancelet, somites form at the look of the enterocillaries, archenteron, and from the very cob to sweep the coelomic emptiness. In most of the ridge somitis, the buds are laid in the sight of the succulents of the mesodermal cells and they are blamed for the empty path of the diversity of these cells.

As a result of the distant development of somite from yogo clitin, three main anlages are established. Zovnіshnya, stunted to ectoderm, the wall of the somіtu forms a skin leaf, or a dermatome. For some reason, a happy part of the skin is represented by fibroblasts.

The inner part of the somite, which adjoins to the chord (lower ridges) or to the chord and the neural tube (the other ridges), satisfies the sclerotum - the rudiment of the axial skeleton, which unpredictably breaks up on the edge of the cleft. A part of the somite is separated between the dermatome and the sclerotome, the myotome is the rudiment of all transversely swarthy muscles. In different classes of ridges, the rate of development of these elements in the somite is not the same. In the lower spines, the main part of the somites, as a rule, are myotomes. In viscid vertebral somites, the humerus divides into the dermatome and the mass of sclerotomy clitins, and the myotome (to be more precise, the cluster of embryonic mucosal clitin-myoblasts) settles down on the inner surface of the dermatome. The authors note that the myoblasts are blamed for the growth of dermatomal cells, and in others - that the stinks move to the surface from the larger internal areas, water-creaming from the masses of sclerotomal cells.

The back of the axial mesoderm metamerizes not only in the tubers, but also in the head part of the body of the germ. In some ridge smuts, somіti disintegrate without delay after their vindication. The main part of their clitinum establishes the cartilaginous anlage of the posterior part of the skull - the parachordal. In this rank, tsya kіtinna masa, for their potency, gives sclerotomes. The anterior ends of the parachordals, like the anterior ends of the chord, are located on the ventral crease of the brain. In front of it, two more guys of L-like cartilage anlages of the skull - trabeculae - stand out. The posterior part will be from the mesenchyme of the prechordal plate, and the anterior part will be from the neural crest clitinum (like the visceral skeleton).

Tulubny somіti of all vertebral ridges also disintegrate, but the metamerism of the body is indicated by them in mature creatures. In other words, it is connected with the fact that the somitis signifies the expansion of the cerebrospinal (spinal) nerve ganglia, in another way, the nerve endings that emerge from the spinal ganglions, grow through the anterior, posterior halves of the somites, turn on the somite ° how about the axis of the body of the embryo (In the rest of the nerves, there will be sprouts, like before, through those parts of the somites, like the back of the head were straightened forward, and now - back). Thirdly, metamerization is fixed in the rotting of the bodies of the ridges: the skin ridge vines from the anterior part of the posterior somite and the posterior part of the larger anterior somite.

Development of the organs of vision. In the anamniya, two visual organs develop sequentially, which change one of the other: the head nirka, or the perevag (pronephros), and the tubular, or the primary, nirka (mesonephros). In mature anamnіy funktionuє sound mesonsphros, wanting in larvae and navіt in mature cyclostomes and deaky cystic ribs, the pronephros also takes part in the function of seeing.

In amniota, following the pronephros and mesonephros, a caudal pelvic nirka develops - metanephros, which is functional (although in marsupials, the mesonephros reaches state maturity). All three types of nirok are established in the mesoderm, which is found in the region of the lower somites. The pronephros develops from the inferior anterior somites, the mesonephros develops from the inferior may of all tubular somites, and the metanephros develops from the expanded caudal clustering of the nephrogenic mesenchyme.

The most pronounced metamerization is seen in the development of the pronephros. The walls of the yogo tubules are established without intermediary between the walls of hundreds of nizhok. That is why the tubules of the pronephros are driven by their internal kinks into an empty whole. Tsі kіntsi may look like funnels, covered with veins, - nephrostomy. Protilezhnі kintsі kanaltsіv zaginayutsya and zlivayutsya each with one in the guy's late tyazhi, among them wolffian channels develop, chi primary sechovod. The Wolfian ducts continue to grow backward, inducing the closing of the mesonephric tubules in the posterior segments of the body.

The tubules of the mesonephros are also blamed for the mesoderm of the somite nizhok, but in more spinal mesonephric tubules for an hour, the mesoderm of the nizhok is ligated into the somite and transforms into mesenchymal tissue. From the tissues of the tissue and metameric mesonephric tubules are formed, in which the number of vaginas and ducts are formed. In germs, the anamniotic internal canaliculi of the mesonephric tubules suddenly close together for the help of the ventral funnels, and in the greater vertebral tubules, they blindly end in the mesenchyme. Zovnishni kіntsi; the tubules open into the first sewer, which induces the very establishment of the tubules.

In the greater spinal species, the mesonephros are overgrown with only small appendages of the stave shafts - epoophoron in females and epidimis in males. Functional nirka in the spinal ridges, as it happened earlier, is a metanephros (pelvic nirka). In the future, the metanephros does not already have the usual traces of metamerism, and the wines do not show signs of illness at the same stage of development. Prote nephrogenic mesenchyme, like a metanephros of urges, resembles the same dzherel, which is the material of pro- and mesonephros, - from low somitiv.

An important role is played by the development of the pelvic nirka in the first sechovod. Vіd nіgo to skupchennya nefrogennoї mesenkhіmi growth vіdrostok іz dilzhennym kіntsem. The seedling itself transforms into a second seed-breeder, like expansions end - to the Nirkov Bali. On the surface of the balls, vipinanyas are also established, among which the upper branches of the most prominent paths of the nirka are developed.

Later, the stench is expelled by the sechovy tubules, which are already established by the nephrogenic mesenchyme, but under the induction flow of the secondary sechovoda. Sechovі tubules closely stick with the glomeruli of blood-bearing capillaries, which at the same time satisfy the malpigієvі tіltsya - the filtering organs of the spinal ones.

Articulation and articulation ducts. The walls of the vertebral ridges develop from the visceral leaf of the calf plate only on the level of the lower somites. The number of sweats took away the name of the germinal epithelium far away. Not a lot of this term, which is rooted, lies in the fact that wine is like a bi transferring the influence of state cells from this epithelium. In fact, the state of the cells is blamed on the primary gonocytes and only later populate the state of the vine. The germinal epithelium is a somatic tissue that establishes the wall of the stave. The fold itself, at the early stages of its development, is a fold that goes into the empty body - this is the name of the state fold. Tsya fold step by step zapovnyuєtsya with a superfluous mesenchyme, for the rahunok as the inner (brain) part of the ridge develops. Before the singing stage, the development of the hall may be the same for both articles. Then, under the influx of the first state clitin, which penetrated into it, and also in the fallow, in the hormonal balance of the body, it differentiates either into the family or into the ovary. For the ovary, there is a characteristic overdevelopment of the kirk part (for this reason, the follicular epithelium is established, which leaves the oocytes), for the sim'yanika - the cerebral ball. It is not the same in the beginnings of a different state, there is a development of visible ducts of the state of the arches. In males, on the tubules, spermatogenesis deviates, they connect with the wolf channels, as if they accept the functions of the sim's ducts. In amniotes, wines are the only function of the wolf canals, the shards of the pelvic ridges are developed from a special growth of the wolf canal. In anamіy, de-functioning nirkoy є mesonephros, wolffian canals combine the functions of the sciatica and sim'yaprovod.

In the embryogenesis of the vertebral canals, one more pair of canals appears, which run parallel to the wolf - müller canals. In males, stinks degenerate later, and in females they save and transform into oviducts. In rich anamnіy, prinaimnі, upper vіddіl Müllerian canals develop behind the rib cages of the resorbing pronephros. For this reason, the canals are injected into the empty body (whole) by one of the pronephrostomy, which has turned into the virva of the oviduct (this is a good example of a substitute - a substitution of functions, which, according to a number of authors, is one of the main ways in the evolution of organs). When ovulating, the egg enters the ovary into an empty body and then chokes on the funnel of the oviduct (Müllerian canal). Pokhіdnі bіchnі plates. The ventral lower limbs of the somitis are ripped out, the plate is too early to be subdivided into the parietal and visceral sheets. Between them there is a second empty body (whole), and insulting leaves make up a winding. Vіdpovіdno until I become a parієtalny leaf forms a zvnіshnu vistilka of the whole, and visceral - vіdnіshnu. Having offended the leaves, one by one, along the middle line of the body, behind the auxiliary back and neck breeches.

Let's look at the back of the development of the later visceral leaf. The heart, blood-bearing judges and blood cells can reach them. In addition, according to the tribute of P. Newcoop, in tailed amphibians from the visceral layer, the primary cells of the cells (gonocytes) are established. All bookmarks for full development require contact with the endoderm. So, the presumptive hematopoietic mesoderm does not form blood islands without contact with the endoderm, but the appearance of such contacts will accelerate the process.

The development of the heart. In birds, the young rudiment of the heart is incubated in the middle of the other, incubating in two symmetrically folded sweats of the visceral layer of the mesoderm, which is closely connected with the endoderm. The left and right rudiments swell less after the larynx of the entoblast into the tube of the head intestine, moreover, ventral to the rest.

From the tubes that have united, the visceral mesoderm is called the m'yazova wall of the heart - the myocardium. The inner shell of the heart-endocardium is also the result of two tubular primordia, embodied by mesenchymal cells, which migrated along the entoblast and myocardium. A single heart tube passes at the wide vein of the zhovtkov, which carry blood in the post-natal system of blood flow from the wall of the zhovtkovy bear. The heart tube lies at a wide pericardial empty, which is part of the whole. So, like a curly, the heart develops in all other amniotes.

When the cytodifferentiation of the heart m'yaz vіdznyaєtsya in the skeletal tim, so here myoblasti do not get angry and m'yazovі fibers do not settle. Protyazhu uho histogenesis tsya tissue on zberіgaє kіtinnu budovu.

Blood-bearing judges of the spine develop, maybe, including mesenchyme. The stench is laid as if they were not tied to one bloody island - clerical stinginess, in which enlightenment is established. Then the okremі tubules rage into fluff. The middle stage of development is especially well seen on the edge of the blastodisc of the embryos of birds, but in fact they are not visible in other ridges. The outer cells of the islands (angioblast) are flattened and come into contact with each other, satisfying the endothelial wall of the judge, and the inner cells (hemoblast) are transformed into blood cells.

The first great judges of the embryo are the young zhovtkovi veins, which fall into the tubular parts of the heart germ from the back and carry (in amniotes) to the heart of the blood in the post-natal parts, as well as the aortic stovbur, which comes out of the anterior end of the heart germ, which divides into two arterial. The rotting of the blood vessels, which is blamed far away, is mainly due to their distinct morphological structures. So, in the head region of the germs of all spinal ridges, 6 paired arches of the aorta are established - behind the number of zygomatic arches. The greater ridges have more of their vessels degenerate with the year. Vzagali on the cob rozvitka vinikaє nadmirna kіlkіst drіbnih vessels, some of them far away launch or transform into capillaries. Only those judges, directly showing the anatomical features of the body of a grown creature and passing through the yak to suck the bloody sweat, transform into a blood-bearing storm. The most dynamic development of the circulatory system, V. Roux is ahead of the principle of equivalence: the same plan for the life of the circulatory system of a mature organism is created by different paths from the barren, variable "vision" of embryonic blood vessels.

Development of boys' movies. Parents of spinal kinks develop from mesenchymal cells that hung from the parietal sheet of the mesoderm and the curvature ectoderm. In early amphibian germs, the beginnings of kintsivok may look like humps.

At the embryos of the amniotic scapula, double folds are formed, stretched in the anterior-posterior direction (wolf crest), as if laterally they are folded at their middle part; from their anterior and posterior endings, the anterior and posterior endings develop in a similar fashion. At the early stages of growth, the ectodermal epithelium is passively expanded by the mesenchyme, which multiplies; Nezabarom and the ectoderm begins to take an active part in the growing kintsivka. In amniotes, the ectoderm of the top of the kіntsіvka sweats, thus establishing the ranks of the apical comb. In the world, the growth of the ending is changing its form: the apical part is expanding and flattening, the rudiment of the ending is twisting until its long axis. Finger rudiments appear on the apical surface. In the amniotes, the fingers are tied up because of the death of the clitin in the gaps between their rudiments.

At once, from the oval differentiations of the kіntsіvka, the internal skeleton is formed by a path of cartilage in the thickening of the mesenchymal clitin. The first to be seen is the rudiment of the proximal cartilage - the stylopodia, from which the humerus cyst opens in the anterior end, and the stegnova in the back end. Then the cartilages of the foot in the distal direct part - the zygopodia (ulnar and promenevian cartilages in the anterior end, the great and small gomilkov - in the back) and, nareshti, autopodia (cartilage brushes or feet and phalanges of the fingers) are established. The cartilages of the shoulder and pelvic girdle are formed later than the stylopods, and earlier than the autopods. Blood-bearing judges and myoblasts from somites germinate in the kіntsіvku.

In case of differentiation of male kinks, intensive epithelial-mesoderm interactions are observed. At the cob stages, the development of kintsivki, perhaps, the main thing is the injection of mesoderm onto the ectodermal epithelium. Under the influx of the mesoderm, the epithelium begins to grow actively. Nadal normal differentiation of the distal veins of the tip (finger closure) signifies the vein that emerges from the sweated epithelium of the upper part of the nirka of the tip (instead of the earlier apical ridge), onto the mesoderm of the tip. When the apical ridge is removed, the phalanges do not differentiate, and when it is transplanted onto the presumptive mesoderm of the proximal part of the tip (for example, in normal conditions, the stegnovian or humeral ridge can be differentiated), the distal parts of the tarsus develop from it) (a flank). Tsіkavo, Shaho proximalna Mesoderma Kіntsіvka is not a lot of "Read" Signals, Scho to view s Gobintsya, and Yak Intrpretuє ї "in-you": Yakschko Mesoderm for proximal Surgery Kіdtsіki (legs) Gerk Srika Perezaditi Pіdovinets the distal part, but not a krill, but a posterior tip. Later, in the "interpretation" of the induction slurry, the role was played by the nature of the most reactive material, taken as a back tip.

Another morphogenetically active zone of the primordia of the bud is a small area on the posterior margin, along the base. If the so-called “zone of polarizing activity” is transplanted to the front edge of the tip, then it will become a mirror-like submilitary: another rear crane will appear in front of it with visible fingers. As well as the zone of visibility - the tip becomes symmetrical, the posterior-anterior vіdminnosti at the її structure appear. It was revealed that the zone of polarizing activity is characterized by an increased concentration of morphogenetically active speech - retinoic acid (similar to vitamin A).

Rice. 18. Chotiri of the last stages (A-D) - development of the later mesoderm (according to A. A. Zavarzin): a - aorta; vk-wolf channel; vm – visceral sheet of mesoderm; gl-glomus; dt - dermatome; mt, myotome; ni-nephrostomy; nt - nephrotome; pm-parietal sheet of mesoderm; X - chord; c - whole

Rice. 19. Scheme of the development of the anlage of the skull in the primordium of the spine: r-hypophysis; gk - intravenous capsule; ok - sniffing capsule; ph-parachordalin; sl.k. - auditory capsule; tr - trabecula

Rice. 20. The last stages (A, B) of the development of the nirk of amphibians: mez - mesenchyme of the nirk of kintsivka; pm – parietal sheet of mesoderm; ect - ectoderm.

Rice. 21. Ancestral amphibians at the stage of early tailing in sagittal projection:

A - view from a distant curved ectoderm; B-view of the rosette in the sagittal plane; an - anal opening; rah.p. - hearing pad; ch.p, - full-time mikhur; toad - zyabrovі shіlini; w.ent. - Zhovtkov endoderm; zach.psh. - Rudiment of hypophysis; c.c. - Hind gut; m - brain; mesoderm-mesoderm; N-tr. - neural tube; p.m. - anterior brain; PC. - Foregut; baked in - liver virist; p - the place of the future company; in. - pronephros; c - heart; som-somite; sr.k. - midgut; x - chord; toad.d. - zyabrov arcs; s.m.-middle brain

Rice. 22. Development of etching organs and similar ones in amphibians; A-frontal; B - sagittal view of the embryo at the stage of early caudal brunka; B-scheme of the life of the anterior part of the intestine at the greater stage of development (sagittal projection); gl - forging; g.c. - pharyngeal intestines; DV K. - twelve gut; g - shlonik; Zhovchn.p. - chewing mihur; l - the beginning of the legend; p - liver rudiment; printable - liver virus; - empty foregut; cf. - midgut; x-chord

Embryological foundations of seven equal strangulations

The human organism can, in essence, be 7 suffocated, appreciating the order of growth for their importance from the bottom of the hill, based on the embryological journey, that is, from the skies to the nerve tissues.

A human egg, like a backbone egg, already in the bud has been planted on a different organ of the system. The first stink to penetrate into the organs of the system itself, in the egg there are 3 main germinal balls:
a) ectoderm,
b) endoderm,
c) mesoderm.

and appendage ball of specialized ectoderm (neuroderm or neuroectoderm).

Ectoderm:- Old germinal leaf of the embryo at the early stages of development. From ectoderms, skin epithelium is established, nervous system, the organs are sensitive, the anterior and posterior ones of the intestinal tubes, so that all the organs are connected with the outer world, or even better to the spleen (they cover the outer surface of the person, as you can see in the shape of the trumpet). She is the least important and that is our first ball.

Endoderm: fixing the dichal paths, the duct-intestinal tract and the sieve paths. Vaughn is also tied up with the worldly light, or is shy to the hilt, but with it, it is in the middle of the body. It is similar to the inner surface of the inner tube of the “two-pipe” body of a person. Endoderm - a friend for being important on the cob and making our other ball.

Mesoderm: from it we blame internal organs or parenchymatous tissue of internal organs, such as legenia, heart, nirk and skinny. These are the organs that are established with the mesothelium of the mesoderm.

The fabric is happy: obviously, there is no link between similar endoderm and similar mesoderm. This connection is made by tissue, which is to blame for the mesenchymal mesoderm. Qia fabric is called happy fabric. Healthy tissues include blood, lymph, bones, cartilage, muck, skin, fascia and organ membranes. It will establish a ball between the endoderm and mesoderm of the internal organs according to our scheme.

Neuroendocrine invasions: morphologically similar to ectoderms, endoderms and navit mesoderms. But for their functional nature, being secretory clitins, they either have a neurocretinal journey, or they look like neuroectoderms too.

Deyakі z tsikh kіtin can be detected by spreading through various tissues of the body - in the legs, intestines, etc., which is seen by neurotransmitters. Therefore, all the cells that determine the function of seeing neurotransmitters or hormones, such as in endocrine glands, or in other organs, are seen in our scheme up to the level of the APUD system (APUD - Amino precursor uptake decarboxylate).

Nervous system: central, peripheral and brain є similar neuroectoderm, like itself є specialized ectoderm.

The development of the embryo is already similar to the growth of the place. Place growth at once in all directions. Under the hour of this growth, the future and additional materials come from the most important markets and varieties, and also from the less important peripheral areas.

In a similar rank, in the world the development of the embryo, eating should be from the first organ, which, having settled, plays the role of the main dzherel.
The first is the prechordal plate (the ectoderm plate, which sank into the middle of the germ and is splayed in front of the head end of the chord; the rudiment of the epithelium of the anterior intestine and the dychal passages, the ovnishnіh m'yazyv of the internal apple, part of the successful tissue of the head),
Cephalo-caudal vіs є vіs vіd bіlsh vysoký vysoký to nіzhchogo vіnja znachnostі (Whether it be a line, scho go vіdovzh axis of the body).
widening of the mesoderm across the central axis in the middle of the name and in the dorsal region to the ventral one also indicates the importance of this directly.

Otzhe, we have named 4 direct rejoicings:
a) from more important to less important,
b) upside down,
c) in the middle of the name,
d) from the center to the periphery.

The ectoderm is the least important, if it establishes the skin, but the most important, if it establishes the brain and nerve tissue. The endoderm and mesoderm are responsible for organs that are important for their importance.

From ectoderm - to endoderm - to mesoderm - to neuroectoderm - and again to ectoderm.

The least important is the skin, the epidermis, owing to the ectoderm and it is stitched at the very bottom of our scheme, and above it all the more important equals.

Leather rіven maє pіdrіvnі for its importance. For example, the dical paths and the duct-intestinal tract are located on the same level (entoderm), but the transfer of ailments from the dical paths to the duct-intestinal tract is strangulated.

Emotional changes are on all equals like a satellite. Emotions, blues, behavior, anxiety, commemoration of the last secretion in the limbic system, demonstrating different biochemical reactions on the humoral and neuro-endocrine levels. Secretion of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine (sum, grief); ACTH (fear); encephalin, endorphin (diseases) just, can be stimulated or disregarded on all levels in different proportions in different individuals, which allows you to approach the disease individually.

Psyche - tse somy rіven strangled. Vlasne kazhuchi, the psyche is not the emotion of love, fear, restlessness, illusion, rozcharuvannya and hallucinations. Psychic damage - means a breakdown in the main clitin code. The skin tissue has a genetic code that is made up of two parts.

a) The main clitin code, the most important code for all living clitin - roslyn, creatures and people. Vіn ohoplyuє functions that dominion, dominion in all living things, like, for example, the function of breathing, accepting zhі, etching, seeing, zahistu, vodvorennya meagerly.
b) Falling code, falling off in the same mind. Here you can see the character, stature, vibrancy, spontaneity.

Significantly, the symptoms of the disease are manifested in tissues and organs, debilitating immunity. Lyudina, as a weakening of the immunity of the wild roads, often suffers from coughs, colds and catarrhs. If the immune system is weakened to move to the intestinal tract, people often suffer from carrying chi dysentery. Tse weakened immunity on the musculoskeletal and tissue levels generate toxins, as they are transported more and more through 7 layers for the help of the so-called active intercellular transfer.

Tse active transfer through the cells is carried out for the help of internal and external proteins in the cells. Actively transferring, as a rule, is against the gradient and that will require more energy. Tsya energy is taken from ATP, which is in the mitochondria of the skin cells. So, too, if the ailment is taken care of, the toxins "wish" uphill. The energy reserve of ATP, appointments for the normal natural activity of the cell, is shown to be important. Zvіdsi appearance of weakness in the sick. It is possible to harden, whether it be elation, which is accompanied by the weakness of the ailing, which means strangulation. First of all, be like a likuvannya, which gives the daedals a greater strength, which changes the weakness, which vishtovhuy toxics down the axis, which will help to potentiate life-giving gradients, leading to glee.

In this manner, often similar faces are less likely to know the symptoms of illness, but rather to deprive of weakness. And the only correct constitutional simillimum is to heal the ailment, giving people a sense of good growth, the joys of life, the strength of that power to practice, to win over their own clothes - but the most important signs of the correct homeopathic exaltation.

First rіven strangled ailments

The first equal ailment is the weakening of the immune system in the ectoderm (Dr. Hahnemann said that psora is the root of all ailments).
If the weakened immunity is less than due to the ectoderm, then it is customary to treat the first stage of the disease. The ectoderm is the largest distance from the center and the least important organ of the body. Although the immunity on the clitin level is low here, then the support for bacteria, viruses decreases. This gives the bacteria the opportunity to attack cells and tissues and settle in them. The stench vibrates toxins and toxic speech. Blame the inflamed, and even so bad ectoderm are considered dysfunctional, so they are ill.

Ectodermal diseases, de ailment may begin to come:
skin (epidermis): eczema, fungal infections, bacterial (streptococcal, staphylococcal) infections, nonspecific boils;
outer epithelium of the horn, outer epithelium of the conjunctiva, epithelium of the iris of the eye;
crystal of the eye (tobto cataract is the first stage of illness);
hairy (but not out of the roots), nails, tooth enamel;
outer auditory canal, tympanic membrane, last part of the rectum (anus), last part of the human urethra, outer part of the penis thin;
ruin, shocks, clear, the old part of the tomgdaliki.

Keep in mind that psoriasis and lichen planus may have a dermal appearance with epidermal manifestations, and with leukoderma, melanocytes may collapse, which resemble the APUD system. Qi ailments are the first stage of ectodermal diseases.

Psychic individuals: boils, visipi, bumps, eczema, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, afti, otitis externa.
Sycottic individuals Key words: warts, calluses, ringworm, blepharitis, aphthous stomatitis, internal otitis.
Syphilitic individuals: ridges (with uneven, jagged edges), cracks, horn ridges, atrophy of the mucous membranes, rupture of the tympanic membranes.
Вік: those children do not suffer, the main rank, in the case of ailment ectoderm.

In some patients, especially in children, after the exaltation of the upper limbs, acute spasmodic pain may develop. empty stomach, and not problems with dyhal paths Khvoroba moved from the ectoderm (shkiri) to the endoderm (dishal paths).

Another riven strangled sickness(From ectoderm to endoderm.)
It is important that the disease is at a different stage, if symptoms appear in similar entoderms:
the epithelium of the wild ways,
epithelium duct-intestinal tract,
epithelium of sich veins (epithels of sich michur),
epithelium of zhovchny mіkhur and ovnіshnіh zhovnіh ducts,
endodermal cells of the hepatic parenchyma
In this case, it is blamed on the functional elements, i.e., in the endothelium of the mucous membrane, and not in the structural elements of the parenchyma.

Note: such an illness, like legenevian tuberculosis, atelectasis, chronic nirkov insufficiency, tied to the parenchyma, do not lie here.

Illness, or symptoms that are blamed on the first stage, are different in fallow miasmatic tightness.
Psychic individuals Key words: acute rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, dry cough, alveolitis, bronchiolitis, hepatitis, gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, increased acidity, intestinal fever, appendicitis, infections.
Sycottic individuals Key words: polypi, deformity of the nasal septum, asthma, wheezing, laryngospasm, chronic catarrh, gallstones, swelling, chronic gastritis, gonorrhea.
Syphilitic individuals: destruction of the nasal septum, hemorrhagic catarrh, virazkovy colitis, Crohn's disease, invagination, virazki.

The Third Riven of Suffocation
It is important that the ailment has passed into the third stage, if the symptoms are manifested in the mesenchyme (Mesodermal parenchyma, or the mesenchyme of the embryonic tissue is rich in a large number of bugatoclitous creatures and humans.

Tissue, blood-bearing vessels (endothelial endothelium), smuts, visceral skeleton, pigmented cells and the lower ball of the tissue part of the skin are established from the mesenchyme. The fabric is happy, as if the name itself, functioning as a lack of lanka or connection, a link between the endodermal epithelium and the mesodermal tissue of the internal organs.

This ball is made up of somіtіv and shells. The three shells are like this:
dermatome (daє cob dermis, skins),
myotome (give an ear of m'yazovoї stromi),
sclerotome (give the cob to the bones and cartilage).
These include tendons, fascia, aponeurosis, cartilage, cartilage capsules (mesothelial vistilla).

Illness, or symptoms that are blamed on the first stage, are different in fallow miasmatic tightness.
Psychic individuals: arthritis, synovitis, pain in the back, rheumatic pain in the knees, hair loss.
Sycottic individuals: chronic arthritis, inflammation of the ligaments of the larynx, psoriasis, lichen planus.
Syphilitic individuals Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, vocal cord destruction/paralysis, syphilitic arthritis, psoriasis.

Vіk: ailments of the third equal are sick people for 20 to 40 years.
If the patient has pain in the back and swamps, he starts to suffer from headaches, buttocks with physical ambition, heartbeat, etc. There are no list of symptoms that the patient develops hypertension; after the death blood vise I am categorically stating that the wine can now be brought to hypertonia and is guilty of calling to the point that the potential “core” is guilty and is guilty of the accumulation of allopathic diseases, which reduce the pressure. Such a patient is in the fourth stage of strangulation.

Quarter rіven suffocation ailments
It is important that the disease has moved to the fourth stage, if the disease begins to manifest itself in the endothelium and tissues similar to mesoderm.

Mesodermal pokhіdnymi є: legenev parenchyma, nirki; m'yazi, to fix the trachea; similar angioblast tissues, yak, for example, heart, blood-bearing vessels, blood cells (from mesenchyme). Krіm them, mustache shells of internal organs, yak, for example, pleura, ocherevina; pericardium, dura mater; m'yaka tunic; spleen, liver (illness of the capsule and fibrous tissue).

Illness, or symptoms that are blamed on the first stage, are different in fallow miasmatic tightness.
Psychic individuals: NCD, angina pectoris, transient hypertension, myocarditis, lymphangitis, nephritis, alveolitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy.
Sycottic individuals: stenosis, ischemic disease heart, chronic hypertension, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, heart enlargement, filariasis, nephrosis, benign swelling of the leg, sweating of the pleura.
Syphilitic individuals Key words: varicose veins, valve prolapse, heart infarction, Hodgkin's ailment, chronic nirk deficiency, nephrotic syndrome, emphysema, intestinal fibrosis, tuberculosis (cavernous legenia).

Week: 30-50 years.
In a patient who takes away the specific treatment of other symptoms, for example, cardiotonics, hypotensive disease, or after alopathic and homeopathic treatment, diabetes or problems from the thyroid gland develop step by step.

Fifth rіven suffocation ailments
It is important that the disease has moved to the fifth stage, if the disease manifests itself through a weakened function of the neuroendocrine system and the APUD system (“APUD” - an acronym, solutions from the first letters English words amine - amini, precursor - front, uptake - conquered, poglenannya; decarboxylation - decarboxylation) proponation by E. Pearse (Eng. AGE Pearse) in 1969 roci, emerging from the development of clitin of the APUD system to acquire amine precursors (monoamine L-dihydroc5 -HTP), decaroboxyluvatate and synthesize peptides for the necessary regulator amine. ).

The APUD-system consists of a group of hormone-secreting clitins, not surrounded by endocrine lesions. The stench is widely distributed in rich tissues, synthesizing peptides, which act like hormones and neurotransmitters.

APUD-system cells, or neuroendocrine cells, can be divided into three types.
1. Clitini neuro-rowing trip, tobto hits:
thyroid gland,
medullary speech of epidermal folds (what do you see adrenaline and norepinephrine),
upper melanoblasts,
urogenital tract, which secretes 5-hydroxytri-tamin.

2. APUD-clitiny of neuroectodermal movement, tobto injury:
hypothalamus, parathyroid cavities,
hypophysis (oxytocin, vasopressin, tiarsotropin, which is a visible factor).

3. APUD-clitiny of a spirited march, tobto strikes:
pancreatic islands of Langerhans that secrete insulin (diabetes), glucagon, enkephalin, motilin, cholecystokinin, neurotensin, secretin, natriuretic factor, etc.

Ailments or symptoms, which are blamed on the fifth stage, are different, fallow miasmatic tightness.
Psychic individuals: diabetes and thyroiditis.
Sycottic individuals: hypothyroidism, goiter.
Syphilitic individuals: leukoderma.
Vіk: vіd 40 roіv i vishche.

Shostiy rіven strangled ailments
At this stage of the illness, the function of transferring to the nervous system is impaired. On the back on the sympathetic, and then on the central nervous system, like a neuroectodermal poochzhennya.

Ailments or symptoms, which are blamed on the sixth stage, are different, fallow miasmatic tightness.
Psoriatic individuals: peripheral neuritis, neuritis, diabetes.
Sycotic individuals: swelling, neurofibromatosis.
Syphilitic individuals: roseate sclerosis, Parkinson's disease.

Somiy rіven suffocation ailments
Psychic, in to this particular type, mean emotions of love, hatred, fear, perelaku, anxiety, anger just. n. The skin tissue is responsible for the mother "psyche". The "psyche" is encoded in the genes and is called the genetic code. This genetic code is nevertheless present in all clitins to paganism and gives character to the individual as a whole.
The genetic code essentially consists of two parts: nabutium and basic.
The pridbany code decreases in the case of the father and is specific for the skin type. Vіn is also the power, stuffed like a reaction to the influx of the navkolishny middle.

Another code is the main (basic) code, which is responsible for the revenge of the skin clitina (chi clitin of the human, animal organism and aborosline). This is the code of functions, like the skin tissue is guilty of viconuvating, such as homeostasis, protection and reproduction.

Homeostasis includes functions, necessary to ensure the life of the client and the individual. Here one can see the functions of eating, eating, mastering that vision. All these functions are controlled by both normal work and normal secretion of the physio-neuroendocrine mechanism or the control system.

The damage to the function of the function is the result of the damage to the functioning of the organs and systems and is called the "psoric characteristic". Pathological damage to equal organs is caused by functional discord organs, as well as on the limbic or neuroendocrine level, stench stimulates or suppresses the secretion of neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline, epinephrine, toshcho, calling for a severe emotional strain, typical for "psoric characteristics."

The "mechanism of defense" functions for the intimidation, defense of the people and individuals in the presence of shkidlivih swells of the outer world. Vin also helps with homeostasis. More important is the weakness to the weakening of the mechanism of the defense to the point of hitting the organs of the prosecutor's office and the fabrics, and, hence, the model "syphilitic characteristic". This is a destructive tendency, її influencing the body, forming a syphilitic miasm, which is a defect in the function of the infection of the cells.

Renewal of the power of the skin cell. Skin clitina to replace the code for rozpodіlu less on two daughter clitini, and this mechanism is called mitosis. When the code is broken, a bagatarase is created, the clitin is broken by 3, 4, 8, 10 clitin, which leads to the supra-world expansion. This trend, її pouring into the body, is called sycosis or “sycotic characteristic”.

If the ailment reaches this stage, and there are serious damage to the activity of the limbic system, it is manifested in schizophrenia, obsessive psychoses, god-villa, manias. Yakschko Hyvoroba reached a bouncer Rivnoye, Shahu Veda to Matnaya Ruynuvanna, Coda Mechanism Zahista, Won to call to the unwitter Sideways and such a rhodes, Yak Gangrena, Khvoroba Parkіnson, Zakhvyuvnya Rukhoviki Nerviv, Rosіyaniy Sclerosis, Ruinatsiya Pancreatious Ospіvtsіv Langerhans (Chronychny Dіabet).

If the ailment reaches the soma equal in a person, if the sycotic characteristic is overestimated, it provokes the development of cancer, fibrous puffs, atherosclerosis and this is easy.

In contact with

Mesoderm (synonymous with mesoblast) - the middle germ layer, which is composed of clitin, which lies at the primary empty body between ectoderm and endoderm.

Mesoderm (Greek: mesos - middle and derma - scruff, ball; synonym: middle germ layer, mesoblast) - one of the three germ layers of rich-celled creatures and humans at the early stages of development.

Topographically, the mesoderm occupies an intermediate position between the outer germinal layer - the ectoderm and the inner one - the endoderm. In embryonic sponges, that greater intestinal emptying mesoderm is not established; tsі creatures dovіchno zalishayutsya dvolistkovymi. As a rule, the mesoderm appears in representatives of the higher types of creatures in the process of development of the germ of the ecto-entoderm, moreover, it is blamed in different creatures for the rahuna of one of these leaves, or for the rahuna of both (it is apparently necessary to separate the ecto-entomesoderm). In the vertebral mesoderm, it is established as an independent (third) ball of the embryo already in the other phase of gastrulation.

In a number of backbones, steps are being taken to change the way the mesoderm is dissolved. For example, in ribs and amphibians, it is not blamed on the near-cordon border between the ectoderm and the ectoderm region, which have been created by the flank lips of the primary mouth (blastopore). Ptakhiv, Szavtsіv Ta Lyudy Klіtinniy Materiva Maybatno and Mesodermi Spine Zibery Zovniki Gerodinno Smears at the Warehouse Warehouse Snow Garrifier (People - On the 15th Detaway Internal Shipping Squint), and Potimo Zakhnozhki Mіzh Zovnіshnім the rudiment of the dorsal string (chordi), entering at once with it and the rudiment of the nervous system to the warehouse of the axial complex of the primordia. Closest to the germ of the chord of the part of M. (axial) enter the warehouse of the body of the germ and take part in the established permanent organs. Peripheral wells grow in the middle between the marginal parts of the ecto-entoderm and enter the storehouse of additional thymic organs of the embryo - the zhovtkovy bear, the amnion and the chorion.

The mesoderm of the trunk of the embryo of the backbones and humans is divided into dorsal lamellae - dorsal segments (somitis), intermediate - segmental lower legs (nephrotomi) and ventral - lateral plates (splanchnotomi). Somity and nephrotomy stepwise segmented straight from front to back (in humans, a pair of somitis vines at 20-21 doba intrauterine development, the rest, 43 or 44-a, a couple - until the end of the 5th day). The splanchnotomi are filled with non-segmented, but split into parietal (parietal) and visceral (internal) sheets, between which they blame the secondary empty body (cilom). Somiti are subdivided into dorsolateral dilyanki (dermatomes), medio-ventral (sclerotomi) and intermediary between them (myotomi). Dermatomes and sclerotomes, swelling more than the fluffy rhizome of the cells, make up the mesenchyme. Bagato mesenchymal cells are also hanging from splanchnotomies. So, zokrema, from myotoms develop quite a transversely mugast tissue on the skeletal muscles. Nephrotomy to give the cob to the epithelium of the nirok, oviducts and uterus. The splanchnotomes are transformed into a single-spherical flat epithelium, which is twisted in a tan, - the mesothelium. From them, the cortex of supra-nural ridges, the follicular epithelium of the gonads and the m'yazova tissue of the heart are also established.

Neirula (Greek néuron - nerve) is one of the stages of the embryonic development of chord creatures, including humans. Follow the gastrula.

At this stage of the embryonic development, the neural lining is closed and the neural tube is closed.

61) Histogenesis- Development of textiles. (Epithelial - internal empty bodies and coverings of the thyroid gland (lysic cells, mucus, secretory, mucus, endocrine cells. Successful - cells, which regulate the collagen fibers of the fluffy and squamous (cartilaginous and bone tissues), tissue tissues) immune system. M'yazova tissue - on smooth (intestines, dihat. Shlyakhiv) and cross-smooth m'yazi, heart m'yaz. Nervous tissue - її funktsіya - processing, zberіgannya that transmission along the way of information, necessary for the coordination of the work of the whole organism. Klitini is divided into sensitive and ruhov. The dendrites can form a body with a lot of growths, and an axon can be alone.

organogenesis. Skin is a richly clitinous organism - a folding system of subordering units: clitin, fabrics, organs and devices. An organ is a part of a richly clitinous organism that is morphologically reinforced, as it carries a primary function and changes from functional relationships to other parts of that same organism. Dekіlka organіv, united for vykonannya one, more important functions, utvoryuyut apparat. All organs of the spine are grouped differently up to their appearance in one of three germ layers: ento-, meso- ectoderm. Organogenesis - signifies instead of the greater part of the embryonic period, it continues in the larval period, and ends only in the juvenile period of the creature's life. In skin organogenesis, the following processes can be named: 1) water-reinforcement of the cellular material, which establishes the rudiment of this organ; 2) development of the power organ form (morphogenesis); 3) the establishment of functional links with other bodies; 4) histological differentiation; 5) growth.

Embryonic induction is the interplay of the elements of the germ, which develops, when one lot of the germ flows into the share of another house. The phenomenon of embryonic induction on the cob of the XX century. developing experimental embryology.

62) Most organisms have three 3. The outer one is the Ectoderm, the inner one is the Endoderm and the middle one is the Mesoderm. Sponges and intestinal emptying vines are made, in some of them only two are established - the outer one and the inner one. Pokhіdnі ektodermy vykonuyut curved, sensitive and ruhovu funcії; Nervous system blames the development of the germ in the process, skin covering and skin ridges, hair, pir'ya, luska, nails thin. The endoderm satisfies the intestinal mucosa and ensures the frying of the embryo; The mucous membrane of the herbal system, herbal burrows, and the organs of the stomach are blamed for it. The mesoderm forms a link between the parts of the germ and viconuates the supporting and trophic functions; organs of vision, state organs, the circulatory system, serous membranes are established from it, which hang the second empty body (whole) and burden the internal organs, m'yazi; in the backbones, the skeleton is also established from the mesoderm. The same germ leaves in different groups of organisms can be similar to rices of similarity and essence as a way of enlightenment, as well as in life, they can be related to the origin of germs to different minds of development.

Organogenesis is the last stage of the embryonic individual development, which is followed by fusion, crushing, blastulation and gastrulation.

In organogenesis, neurulation, histogenesis and organogenesis are seen.

In the process of neurulation, the neurula is established, in which the mesoderm is laid, which is composed of three germ layers (the third layer of the mesoderm splits into segmented pairs of structures - somitis) and the axial complex of organs - the neural tube, the chord and the intestine. The cells of the axial complex of organs are mutually injected one by one. Such a mutual influx having omitted the name of embryonic induction.

In the process of histogenesis, the tissues of the body are established. From the ectoderm, the nerve tissues and the epidermis of the skin are settled with the skin folds, from which the nervous system, the organs of the epidermis are developed. From the endoderm, the chorda and epithelial tissue are established, with which the mucus, legenia, capillaries and ridges (crim stateevyh and shkirnih) are established. From the mesoderm, m'yazova and happy tissue are settled. From the m'yazovo ї fabrics are established ODS, shelter, heart, nirk and staves.

Provisor organs (n. provisorisch - anterior, timchasovy) - timchas organs of embryos and larvae of bugatocletous creatures, which function only in the embryonic or larval period of development. They can overcome the functions specific for the embryo of the larvae, the main functions of the organism before the formation of similar definitive (residual) organs, the power of the mature organism.

63) Provisional Organs(Нім. Provisorisch - anterior, timchasovy) - timchas organs of embryos and larvae of bugatoclytic creatures that function only in the embryonic or larval period of development. They can overcome the functions specific for the embryo of the larvae, the main functions of the organism before the formation of similar definitive (residual) organs, the power of the mature organism.

Apply provisional organs: chorion, amnion, zhovtkovy bear, alantois and serosa and others.

Amnion is a thymic organ that provides the water medium for the development of the germ. In embryogenesis, human veins appear at a different stage of gastrulation, like a small puff, the bottom of which is the primary ectoderm (epiblast) of the germ

The amniotic membrane fills the wall of the reservoir filled with the amniotic motherland, in which the plaid is found.

The main function of the amniotic membrane is to vibrate the navcolous waters, which protect the middle organism that develops that scho protect yoga against mechanical damage. Epithelial amnion, beasts at yoga empty, as you see navkoloplіdnі water, ale and take part in the virulence of the smoky їх. In the amniotic region, the necessary storage and concentration of salts are reduced to the end of the capacity. Amnion vikonu also shuts down the function, preventing it from falling into the list of shchidly agents.

Zhovtkovy bear - an organ that deposits life of speech (zhovtok), necessary for the development of the germ. In humans, the veins of solutions have a post-natal endoderm and a post-natal mesoderm (mesenchyme). Zhovtkovy bear is the first organ, near the wall of which blood islands develop, which form the first cells of the blood and the first blood-bearing judges, which protect the fetus from transferring sourness and living speeches.

Allantois is a small sprout near the embryo, which grows into the amniotic leg. Vines are similar to the zhovtkovy bear and are formed from post-natal endoderm and visceral mesoderm sheet. The human alantois does not reach a significant development, but the role of the safe eating and the stomach of the fetus is still great, so like a vessel grows up to the chorion, which grows in the umbilical cord.

The umbilical cord is a spring cord that connects the germ (plaid) with the placenta.

Further, the development of the chorion is connected with two processes - the collapse of the mucous membrane of the uterus due to the proteolytic activity of the outer ball and the development of the placenta.

placenta ( child's place) people are classified as discoidal hemochorial villous placentas. The placenta secures the bonds between the fetus and the mother's organism, creating a barrier between the blood of the mother of the fetus.

Functions of the placenta: dichal; transport of living things, water, electricity; visible; endocrine; the fate of short myometrium.

Insignificant deviations from normal development are called anomalies. Rizki vіdhilennya, scho disrupt the function of the organ and the other organism or make the organism lifeless, are called defects in the development and calisthenics. To the extent of partial deaths from the norm, the population of monoploid organisms should be simultaneously populated by a small number of children, i.e. twins

gastrulation- folding process of morphogenetic changes, which is accompanied by reproduction, growth, direct displacement and differentiation of cells, after which they are established germ leaves(ectoderm, mesoderm

І endoderm) - dzherela zarodkіv tkankin and organіv.

1. In the ontogeny of all rich-celled creatures, two or three germ layers are established, from which all organs develop.

2. The germ layers are characterized by the sing positions of the embryo's body (topography) and are clearly indicated as ecto-, ento-mesoderm.

3. Germ sheets may be specific, so the skin from them gives strictly singing rudiments, however, in all creatures.

4. Germ sheets recapitalize in the ontogeny of the primary organic ancestor of all Metazoa and are therefore homologous.

5. Ontogenetic development of the organ from thієї chi іnshoyї germ layer to testify about the yogo evolutionary development of the virtuous primary organ of the ancestor.

The gastrulation process has two stages:

  • osvita ectoderm and endoderm (two-ball germ);
  • illumination of the mesoderm (trispheric germ).

Fallow in the sight of the creature, the first stage of gastrulation can pass through different paths.:

  • invagination, so that retraction, gastrulation is possible in creatures with an isolecithal type of eggs.

Type of gastrulation, dominating deakim intestinal (scyphoid jellyfish, coral polypi), wide extensions in higher forms. There is a way to insert the clitin layer of the vegetative wall of the blastula, without having consumed the epithelial structure, into the middle of the blastocoel (empty crushing). An empty twist is called a gastrocoel, and what leads to it is called a blastopore (primary mouth). The edges of the blastopore are called the lips.

  • rightnamenation- Rozsharuvannya;

One of the types of gastrulation, which splits the blastoderm into two balls of clitin (outer and inner), as if ectoderm and endoderm. This type of gastrula was adopted by the greater savants, including people.

  • epibolia- overgrowth;

Overgrown with some clitins with other clitins, which are hard to divide, or overgrown with clitins of the inner masa of the yellow (with uneven crushing).

  • immigration- Penetration inside;

Migration of okremic clitin walls blasted in the middle of the blastocoel.

  • involution- twisting in the middle of the germ, which expands in the outer layers of the clitin, which expands along the inner surface of the clitin, which is left out of the bells.

Distinguish two main ways of mesoderm elimination: teloblastic and enterocyl.

Teloblastic method zustrіchaєtsya among creatures that lie up to rich types spineless.

Near the blastopore on both sides of the primary intestine, gastrulation is established along the great clitina at the hour of gastrulation. teloblast. As a result reproduction of tyloblasts, which cremate in the form of dry cells, the mesoderm is formed

Enterocillary method characteristic of chordates. In which direction from two sides of the primary intestine are established vipinanna - intestines(Tsіlomіchі bears). The middle of the gut is empty, which is the prodovzhennyam of the primary intestine (gastroilya).

Silky bears lace up in the primary intestine and grow between the ecto- and endoderm. clitiny material tsikh dilyanok gives the cob to the middle germinal leaf - mesoderm.

Dorsal part of the mesoderm, which lies on the sides in the direction of the neural tube and chord, dismembered into segments. somity. The ventral opening of the mesoderm makes up the succulent plate, which is located on the sides of the intestinal tube. With the first information about germ layers, the science of goiter was explained to the Russian academicians of K-F. Wolf (1759), X. I. Panderu (1817) and E. E. Beru (1828). Numerical records of the development of the early stages of the development of creatures that lie before different types, were victorious in the 70s and 80s of the last century by the creators of evolutionary embryology A. O. Kovalevsky and I. I. Mechnikov. The stinks have pierced the adoption of germ leaves from spineless creatures. In 1871 p. A. O. Kovalevsky visunov theory of germ layers, What vvazhaє vіdpovіdnіst їх at all systematic groups of creatures So it was established the spіlnіst embriologic rozvitku vshogo brіії svіtu svіtu svіtu svyazki mіzh spineless and ridges.

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