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The most popular budmaterials. What to sell on the wake-up market

Thursday 19th 2010

Thursday 19th 2010

I think this market is not in line with Novobudov, so like firms, like they will buy their material in bulk, so that it will be cheaper. You can organize a budding team as soon as possible and ask for an object at Novobudovs. but instead I think to sell not everyday material, but tools (drills, perforators, screwdrivers, straight lines, tape measures, rulers, you can use mittens too)

I won’t wait for you ... firms will be new buds, and the apartment will be repaired by the Lord himself:!:
so I think you can sell a lot of something ... varnishes, farby, laminate, putty, gypsum and so on.
and the object at Novobudov will not give you anything, there must be your brothers

04 Aug 2010

Good day! I hope that your future market has already opened up and started trading.
I'm on a weekly market and selling stores and selling budget radiators. And from the recent feast of cement and cement sumish - more the great one will drink. The seasonal one will drink on that other product - here is a lime-zhovten. Wanting to write correctly here about repairs - є at the repair of the cob-nі in the repair of the end, to that and the payment of the mіy-navesnі slowly take.
If I want to deal with radiators and cement - I’ll write, I’ll throw off the proposition. Warehouse with us near the Moscow region and in Krasnodar.
Notice to Maryna: 05 August 2010 - 09:27

06 Aug 2010

Population area 80 ths. (a lot of novobudov)
Vidkrivaєtsya budіvelny market.
I would like to hear your thought, what can you trade?

Everyone can trade. The visibility of trading depends on the spivvіdnіnіnіnі pіt / proposition. As the whole market trades in farbs and dry sums - visibility under sums.

In addition: Novobudov - skyscrapers or the private sector?

Early chi pizno whether a kind gentleman sticks to food about everyday life. Who wants to indulge in a camp, who wants a garage or a barn for all needs, and who wants to swing a whole house on self-hand. Obviously, blame the food for the choice of budive material.

The main part of the life, so do not take to respect the pouring of the foundation, the construction of the walls. Post food, from what material you will be. Obviously, I want to make life cheaper, the walls were soft and warm, and, obviously, don’t forget about the aesthetic look of your controversy.

It's a pity that not all budive materials are suitable for us. Let's take a look at the most popular budmaterials, which are the most popular among everyday life.

First place: Solid profiling timber.

The beam of profiling is solid, like a budmaterial from a tree of coniferous woods, as it has gone through a special processing. Zavdyaki high in the place of wooden tar, the spore from the profiled beam is more durable, less shy to the influx of an aggressive aggressive middle.

Twenty years ago, such everyday material was not particularly popular, as everyday life took a lot of time through the need to fit the bars at the hand. At the same time, the beams are turned into verstats so that they ideally fit one to one with minimal gaps.

The profiling beam is environmentally friendly, it saves heat well in the booth and it is not expensive. In addition, the windmills of the workbench of the wall of the house from the beams can be made in just a couple of days. It’s enough just to pick up the houses like a puzzle.

Other place: The deck is cylindric.

Like a bar, its kind of budmaterial is so prepared from the villages of coniferous woods, and then the material was given a richly old spring of its own form.

The galvanized deck is environmentally friendly and may have low thermal conductivity.

Budіvnitstvo z deck so itself does not take a lot of time.

Third place: Silicate chain.

Vіdmіnny budmaterial, mіtsny i pryyatny zvnі. Budіvlі z tsegl nadіynі, dovgovіchnі, ecologically not shkіdlіvі. Ale є nedolіki.

When transporting, it is not uncommon to blame the waste, it could crumble. In addition, the price for such a material is too high, and the building to keep warm in the middle of the booth is even lower. Walls with zegli easily accumulate heat, and it is also easy to give out yoga. As a result, the walls heat up in the scorching summer and the excess heat begins to come to the premises, where the temperature is lower, lower on the streets. The payment of the same process is going to the next day.

Fourth place: Pinoblock.

Even cheaper and water-based everyday material. Pinoblocks can be poredly small, they can be high quality and heat resistance. With sharp temperature drops, the walls of the foam block do not expand and do not crack. Another important thing is the quality of the foam block - low heat conductivity, the bulbs in the middle of the block itself reach the veins, as if they serve as a bowel. Ecologically safe in the world.

P'yate mistse: Frame thermal panels.

This everyday material is even more popular due to its low quality.

Up to the pluses of thermal panels, you can see, especially, low heat and noise transmission, folding and ventilation. To the minuses lie the vіdsutnіst of naturalness. Rooms from thermal panels can look beautiful from far away, but near the houses it is more like an installation, lower is a quiet house. In addition, as fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, building thermal panels see shkіdlі speechovina.

More recently, five of the most popular everyday materials for everyday life are presented. Give the priority to the naturalness of the price, the longevity and the aesthetic qualities of the virishuvati only to you.

Without a kitchen table, it is important to show the kitchen. It would be used, such unimportant furniture, carrying in itself the floorings of an important sense in the obshtuvanni of a comfortable life. You can get a yakіsny and a superb kitchen style near Kiev by seeing the site You will sing-songly select the appropriate order for the style status of the presented assortment.

May 27, 2015

At the moment, we have land in a new area of ​​the place, which will be, a pavilion of 45 sq m + free land of 1 weave. we plan to open a budiwell base/shop with a wide assortment of budiwell and government goods. The basis of the plan is to work on metalwork.

I ask you to be happy if you can help your business, and also trade in budmaterials, state goods, goods for the house.

The investment in the goods is 600 tr.

03 Sep 2015

Now to assortment
Fastening: black self-tapping wood, packing boxes of 1000 pcs. don’t take dry packing yet, the stench comes out richer. For sale it is possible to winkoristi elektronnі vagi. For example, having asked the buyer for 200 self-tapping screws, they counted 20, they counted, multiplied the credit by 10, and reached the final figure. it’s more convenient, just send it to your vase, it’s better to spoil 20-50 pieces, tk. there will be a great loss on Teresa with a small number. markup on metal wares 100%,
reckon with such a quantity:
19, 25, 32, 35, 41, 45, 51, 55, 65, 75, 90, 110, 127 - 5 boxes each. What more dozhina tim mensha in a box of pieces, for example 75 in a box of 200 pieces, I have the largest running 51 self-tapping screws.
The position of the black self-tapping screw on the metal is coming, and the vicorist is for fixing the drywall to the profile.
Take 3.5 * 11 - 2 packs (1000 pcs each)
3.5*19-2packs (1000 pcs each)
3.5*25 - 5 packs,
35 and 51 for two boxes, not running douzhini, but for an assortment of wines.
Samoriz with a press of hot galvanizing, then I will drink on the same line with a colorful droplet, I don’t have any.
The biggest move is 13, you can take 10 packs. reshta 19, 25, 38, 51, 70 in two boxes
Samoriz iz pressshayboy z sverdl so rozmіri, scho and hospitality in two boxes.
Obov'yazkovo dowel flower mushroom and sweat
Rozmir 6*40 - 5 boxes (200 pcs each)
6 * 60-5 packs (200 pcs each)
6*80 - 2 packs (100 each)
8*60 and 8*80 2 packs
Self-tapping concrete 7.5*72, 7.5*92, 7.5*112, 7.5*132, 7.5*152 2 packs (100 pcs)

03 Sep 2015

Zvichayno colors, bolts, frame anchors, with a washer and a bolt. I need you to tell me, I’ll tell you
the basis of the assortment for fixing, then we will drink and buy from the improvement of the client’s favors: maybe there will be covering screws, or carabiners, or capercaillie, hairpins, maybe otherwise I started everything step by step, now I’m just trying to sort out the assortment. will write food

03 Sep 2015

I know from the bottom of my head that the firms are different in the region, I have knauf and іn. I recommend these positions:
Plaster for internal work 2-3 types
Plaster for outdoor work
Putty for internal work 2-3 types.
Putty for outdoor work
Adhesive for tiles for indoor use
Adhesive for tiles for indoor and outdoor work, for water applications
Adhesive for porcelain stoneware
The main assortment of potim in the world will be delivered to those who need it, for example, glue for stoves and fireplaces, glue for drywall and other.

04 Sep 2015

region Nizhniy Novgorod, budget 1 million

Countryman U PN has a good penetration of the Internet, also for the region will give exact figures for the advances.

07 Sep 2015

And what about "reality likeness" de take? It’s very topical, high school, de main client for 40-50 years, there it is, wordstat can be better, but in the average service it gives good statistics for analysis.

Notice to the editor Spiral: 07 September 2015 - 11:58

07 Sep 2015

"Real likeness" of my purchases, I have a store of budding materials.

Ahh, well, statistics are good, just need to be tied to your clients, region, assortment. Wordstat here has more rozmity, just ask in Yandex for great people if you want to buy those chi else.

19 Sep 2015

According to kripil I will add, like zamіske budіvnytstvo, then the necessary perforation, go with a bang.

Tse kutki:

and also stronger:

105x105x90. The presence of a good mother pieces of 200 minimum. Also crepe plates, 80x240, 100x240.


How would the materials be able to drink the most?

Yaki wake-up work can the population drink the most? The first ones are the life of private small-surfaced houses. Others - insulation of the Moscow apartment (private booth). Otzhe, let's dwell on these two moments and look at the budmaterials, like you can drink in a private life.

Building walls

Nayvіdomіshy budіvelniy material, from which until the rest of the hour, more budіvels were made. Undoubtedly, cegla maє vіdminnі mіtsnіsnі (the term life of a house up to 150 years), heat-insulating and noise-resistance characteristics. But it's also an expensive material. It is also necessary to pay additional expenses for the preparation of the foundation of the house, it is necessary to bring it to the vault and the valor of everyday life. Є in the new іnshі nedolіki. For example, as if the wake in the cold season had not been heated for a long time, then having arrived in such a house for a couple of days, it is necessary to spend a lot of money on the renewal of heat. And the fee is not singed looking at the booths You can drink cracks through the cycles of freezing-out in the walls of the water. That permanent operation of such a booth will require additional insulation. Also, for information, more and more materials come to change the clay.

- Pinoblock

Blocks of lightweight concrete are an alternative to traditional concrete blocks. Ce expanded clay concrete, foam concrete, aerated concrete and so on. Such blocks may be small to pet vag, high quality, high temperature resistance characteristics. Ale smut, the stench is the best to trim the heat. In addition, the block is larger for the ceglu, so the hour and the cost of spending on everyday life are reduced.

Wooden beam and cylinder deck

All the more popular material for summer cottage and cottage life is wooden profiling timber. After that, the technology of bench processing of corrugated timber appeared, and its performance significantly decreased. And now the main power of the tree, such as heat capacity, longevity and ecology, appear in the first place. In addition, picking up the houses from the timber is much simpler and faster for looking. Vіn nagaduє childish constructor (only with great details).

- Sandwich panels

Of the traditional materials for everyday life, sandwich panels (Canadian technology) are gaining more and more popularity. Tse ready trisharovі walls, folded from mіtsnih balls (inner and outer) and heat-insulating prosharka between them. The benefits of such panels are obvious - the walls are ready, with the finishing touches, they practically do not require additional processing. And the ball of insulating rozrakhovaniya pratsyuvati in the minds of any climate zone. Individuals can put up a wall with such panels for 15 minutes without stopping the budding equipment.

Wall insulation

Another task is to insulate an abandoned booth. Won є relevant and for the Russian apartments. That is why the materials that insulate are especially widely peeled with a drink of vzimka. For warming, call zastosovuyutsya:

— Styrofoam and materials based on polyethylene

The material is not afraid of moving moisture, it is flexible during installation. It can be creaked like a middle place, so even to the oldest part of the walls, including those dowels for glue. Low flammable.

As long as a person needs a living, the materials will always be needed in the market. Repair people start when they move into a new place of residence, otherwise they can’t live, absolutely everything wants to live in normal comfortable minds. Business from the sale of budmaterials becomes popular and in demand among the people. Who needs cement, farba for repairs, sheets of plywood. Everything is carried by people home at the great kіlkost. Ale, be it a product, we can buti yakіsnim, even if it’s the same in the new place, there’s a possibility of improving the room, and other uses. Yakіst goods lie on sovіstі prodavtsіv, even if people cry pennies. The niche for the sale of materials is needed, regardless of competition, as it is not small today.

Steps to encourage business with the sale of budmaterials

Pobudova whether or not the business starts from the folding plan, navit the project. It is important to know beforehand the new pidkhid, which is visually viable in the face of obvious propositions on the market. You can invest pennies in your own business, buying goods and reselling yoga with a supplementary product.

You can start a business without a contribution, acting as an intermediary between employers and clients. A future market requires a clear analysis, even a commodity that is not necessary for people, which can occasionally fall in your warehouse without bringing any special income. Get to know all types of materials nearby, even if it is important for the better to bring goods from other regions. Possibly there is a lower price, even if your viruchka is stale in the case of purchased goods and then sold goods.

Vyvchivshi market, drink buyers can go to the process of selling. Often, sales of budmaterials are passive, so that after placing mass advertising on the Internet, newspapers, the seller sits and checks, if he calls the client and closes the goods he needs. Winning this method manually, otherwise active sales will not be taken. All you need is to get a couple of agents to analyze the singing territory, so that you know the people who will be, or to carry out repairs and promote their products to them with delivery to the city of life. Today, there are few brigades that are engaged in the improvement, repair of various premises. Great drink may єvrorenovation of apartments, offices. Potsіkavtesya, yakі budіvlі nearby - axis znesut. Zruynovanyh budіvel will be new and leather budіvelnik will be protected on slabs for recreating, cegli, cinder blocks, buying material, which is used in vikoristanni.

Viroblyat materials and sell them at once tezh vygіdno.

With an increase in the range of your products, you will need a place for saving. Sales of budіvelnyh materialiv tezh maє pevny regulation, vydpovіdno until the decision of the Rada of the Russian Federation for No. 55. It is important to pack the products in order, sort them out according to the varieties, clean up the hats, and then put them together and save them from specially introduced minds. Danoї decide varto dotrimuvatisya, shchob avoid problems when realіzacії your product.

Yakshcho vy volodiete dodatkovimi penniless, then you can open your own shop for the sale of budmaterials in Golovna, properly organize your business and acquire customers.

Before opening, it is important to pay attention to the low nutrition of the store, the expansion of advertising, the visibility of the assortment, trade maidanchikiv, the promotion of partnerships with the postal workers. It is important that the place for the store was comfortable, spacious, zhvavim.

Business can be legal, so prepare the whole package for that required documents. The place of roztashuvannya to the store can be moved in the distance: - with close chewing transport costs- for the presence of Novobuds nearby - for the presence of people coming from the parking lots.

You can rent an accommodation, moreover, near the distant center of the city. As a rule, for large-sized materials, people come with their vehicles. Rent will cost you cheaper, sometimes you will find more. The area is to be deposited in the assortment and financial possibilities. For a starting capital of $ 15,000, the area must be at least 100 square meters. meters With 15 - 60 product names, you can redeem on the average goods order up to $ 8000 per month, and the net profit in the warehouse is $ 200 - 300.

Rizikovanno, ale promising to put the koshti out of the sweep. Having spent 30,000 $, and using goods up to 100, you can name a large profit up to 5,000 $. But such an option is already comparable to a supermarket, which takes into account the presence of great bays, warehouse facilities.

If you choose to be admitted, you need to check food with documentation, register in tax, take it from the fire service, sanitary and epidemiological station, it is also important to install an alarm, put an insurance policy. All this requires a penny, $ 3,000 is required for sure.

The store is responsible for maintaining cleanliness, rigor, and special attention to detail. Shelves, showcases, podiums are responsible for successfully roztashovuvatisya and good look at each other for buyers.

To the standard assortment, you can include products with lacquers and farb, plumbing, tile flooring, budding sumish, cover for pidlog, material for cover. Prices are due to be insured for the purchase price, with their protection, the material is stale, come into disrepair for the exactness and demand.

Do not forget that it is more correct to arrange the goods on the police and on the racks - a pledge to save sales. Request for this marketing specialist, the wine will help you with the master's registration.

Pіdіydіt competently to the choice of staff. Personnel with qualifications and the knowledge of the robot will help you to increase the number of sales in the country. The sellers are responsible for sorting out the goods, knowing competently and understanding for the buyers.

Do not go to the store without a vantager, cashier, equipment and security. To pay the staff of practitioners 20 osib per month, they will get up to 5000 - 6000 $.

It is necessary to think well over the schedule of the work of the store. Wine can be handy for buyers. Maybe, wisely organize 2 changes, it’s even more important for the number of sales, especially at the first stage, you happen to work for the whole month, so that you can get up and get back on your feet. Don't get hung up on one postal worker. The more it is, the better you can bargain, but the presence of a class manager at your disposal is also necessary. Shukayte postachalnikіv, yakі proponuyut znizhki, vіdstrochennya paymentіv, taking goods pіd realіzacіyu. The greater the selection of the assortment, the greater the number of customers will be at your store, as well as the supply. Having turned around, you can buy the goods for a ready-made product, you can accept an order for the delivery of a rіdkіsny product.

Business advertising

Don't worry about advertising, it's the engine of trade. You have all the right ways to see: booklets, leaflets, newspapers, television, Internet, outdoor advertising, wikis. It is recommended that you become familiar with this victorist as the main instrument.

With a zmіtsnennі pozitsіy you can think about the expansion, the creation of a number of stores, and on the right, just going uphill richly swidshe. It is even more important to develop everything correctly and put it on the cob stage, improve your strength and ability. Think over everything to the last detail, put together a business plan report, buy running goods, insure the thoughts and favors of your customers. Only with a reasonable approach, you can rely on the profitability and development of this business.

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