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Official mascot of the World Cup

Football fans took the mascot of the Russian emergency situation-2018 Vovka Zabivaka

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The Russian Federation was taken as the talisman of the future light of the football world, the state gift, having become a wolf. There are such competitors, like a whale and an Amur tiger.

Replying to the power supply of the leading program "Vechirniy Urgant", as if I'm wearing a talisman, vice-premier, the head of the RFU Vitaliy Mutko vіdpovіv: "Zabivaka".

With whom Mutko fit all three characters: "be kind, athletic, specialize in football."

Zabivaka was painted by a student of the Tomsk Department of Graphic Design state university(TomDU) Katerina Bocharova. The tiger was born by Valeria Taburenko from St. Petersburg, who is studying industrial technologies and design at the St. Petersburg State University, and the cat by Sophia Pidlisnykh, a bagger from Nizhny Novgorod.

At the presentation to Russia, famous football player Ronaldo and a special fan for FIFA football Zvonimir Boban arrived in the past. The president of the football federation, Giovanni Infantino, didn't manage to get in touch with employment.

Behind the words of Ronaldo, Vovk Zabivak will be remembered for a long time by football fans. The sportsman has determined what mascots to love and have grown up and children. “Talismans play a great role in the tournament and bring great joy to the spectators at the stadiums. Today, peresbuvayuchya on this stage, I entrusted Zabivakoy, I’m already thinking about how it’s supposed to be in Russia. I have no doubt that the guilt is remembered for a long time by the sick people in the whole world, ”quoting the Brazilian FIFA official website.

Vovk Zabivak, appeals for pіdbags of the people's vote official symbol ChS-2018, May of Gareth Bale and Lionel Messi's technique, often exceeding the share of matches one by one - the symbol of the Russian championship of the world, perhaps, like Cristiano Ronaldo.

Red, white and blue colors in a playful form Zabivaki symbolize the national colors of Russia, and orange racing eyepieces pull on the over-the-top swidness of this “football player” and give it an image, necessary, so that football fans will remember it for a long time. The first one wins the most honorable vote, the character of Russian folk tales is the most successful competition.

“We spent a lot of time experimenting on the Internet among Russian children. For a year, students from different places painted the characters inspired by children, and three of them made it to the final of the competition, -

Fifa Secretary General Fatma Samura showed up to the organization's official website, voicing her voice on the creative talents of Russians.

The protege of the day, to inspire the most important view, appeared not to be late to save the work of the Tomsk student Katerina Bocharova from the public criticism in the democratic expanse of the all-world's abyss.

At the moment, in the vastness of social networks, the number of humorous creativity is gaining strength, it is assigned as the very symbol of the forthcoming emergency situation-2018, and so is the name. Often Vovka gets away through the football players of the Russian national football team, like, for example, in this tweet:

The official twitter of the KHL also allowed its innocent jarring about the name of Vovka:

The Russian language is great and mighty for the fact that the rich meaning of the word “kill” gave rise to a whole layer of jargon in the style of “troll”:

A lot of Internet humor was inspired by the dissonance of the word "zabivaka", which gives wide scope for amateur puns.

It is possible to know and report on provocative posts that push against the irreconcilable behavior of Russian fans. When you look at the same thing, you immediately think about the big conflicts in Marseille at the European Championship - 2016.

A similar reaction, apparently, could not inspire optimism, the head of the organizing committee "Russia-2018" Vitaliy Mutko, stating that Zabivaka's role is not only in order to gain popularity among football fans:

“Our talisman of calls to kill the killers, get wide masks to play football and ask them to the stands for truly positive emotions,” —

To direct the words of a sports official of the FIFA official website.

Mutko herself on the question of Ivan Urgant, as his name is Vovk, firmly said: “Zabivaka!” Prote pіznіshe vice-premier іz nutrition to sports zіznavsya, scho not є by the author of the name:

“Have I thought up a talisman for me? Hі, tse collective creativity. There were a lot of nuances. Zabivaka is well transferred, and there will be no repetition of the same. I voted for Vovka. Before moving to Moscow, I had a German vivcharka, ”Sport Express reports Mutko’s words.

Brazilian football legend Ronaldo, who witnessed the ceremony of uncovering the mascot, also praised Vovk's candidacy.

“Talismans play a great role in the tournament and bring great joy to the spectators at the stadiums. I have no doubt that Zabivak will be remembered for a long time by the patients in the whole world.

In the official group of the championship of the world - 2018 "VKontakte" commemorated the similarity between the Brazilian football player and Zabivaka:

“We thought and lied that Ronaldo is tezh Zabivak (having scored more than 500 goals for his career), and Zabivak is obviously, tezh Zubastik, vin vovk. More like their feet, the stench obviously knew one of the other.

How could it not be there, Zabivaka has another second fate, to earn the favor of Russian football fans, and the best help in this difficult right for Vovka, becoming a far-off vistup of the chosen Russia from football. Before the kiddkrittya Chekmontatu Svitu Pospasenterіgati for the guise of the team of Stanislav Cherchesov, you can be a lot of comrade matches, Niblizhі zhyki to pass 10 ta 15 leaves, Yamіrno, zbіrnimi Moldovy, Ta Macedonії, and torze at the Cup of the Confederates Cup, I am kinded to buy a 17 Chervnya 2 Lipnya 2017 ROK in Russia. .

And while the Russian football players work for the benefit of their clubs, Zabivak in points interrupts the matches of the chosen victories to bring, that he himself changes into a garniy game form, and even the next day after the victory in the voting viishov on his first training.

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US mascots for world football championship

Before the world championship - 2018, the mascots of the world had six animals, five men, two fruit-vegetables and one alien family. Now, up to a regiment of talismans-creatures, it has arrived, even if Zabivak has become a symbol of Russia. "Championship" virishiv guess all the mascots of the main football first on the planet.

1966, world championship in England. Talisman: Lion Willy

The first talisman of the championship of the world of inventions in England, he became the king of the beasts - the left of Will. The lion is a traditional symbol of Great Britain, because of the images on the emblem of the English national election, which was worthy of the football players. The British ensign "Union Jack" was on yoga Maytsy, and he himself stowed the ball with a cheerful smile. Shanuvalnik football zm_tali z police be-like products from the image of a pretty left with a ball, and її chimalo. The organizers got a colossal surplus of zavdyaka Villi, and the English team won the championship of the world. From that tournament, the history of mascots was born.

1970 World championship in Mexico. Mascot: boy Juanito

The merry Mexican lad Juanito became the next mascot. Vin, wearing a great sombrero, grinned a bit and gravitated towards football. It's funny, but the artist has shown that a boy can't be without a bare navel, and painted yoga on a short football shirt. Juan is the most popular name in Mexico, and thousands of talisman-like cottons showed themselves in yoga roles.

1974 rіk, championship of the world at the FRN. Mascots: two boys Type and Top

Type i Top - two lads, dressed in the uniform of the selected FRN, hornwort, cheerful and, obviously, with a football ball. The organizers robbed the talisman from over 10,000 robits and scribbled on the version of the artist Otto Rauch. Two lads with the guise of right-wing men and in unnaturally large boots cheered the hearts of the batsmen. The FRN team won the championship of the world, and the creator of the talisman earned over 7 million German marks.

1978, world championship in Argentina. Mascot: shepherd Gauchitto

The Argentine shepherd Gauchitto is similar to his Mexican colleague. Vіn buv robes at the T-shirt of the choice of Argentina, wearing a braid on the neck, the shepherd's nozzle and loving the ball. Father Gauchitto was a famous hero, the shepherd Gauccio, who protects all the poor and unfortunate people. I realized that such a kind image simply guaranteed the success and love of the killers.

1982, world championship in Spain. Talisman: Naranjito orange

The organizers of the tournament in Spain have taken as a talisman of cute joys and stiglia... orange Naranjito! The Spanish "naranja" means "orange", and the Spanish oranges are considered the most delicious in the world. Unparalleled talisman, dressed up in the uniform of the chosen Spain, being worthy of bollyniks, protesting becoming the cause of discord. A lot of lovers of snakes dabbled in yoga images of attachments political subtext. The stench argued that this fruit is nothing else, like a protest against the dominance of foreign comrades in the Pyrenees and a cultural attack from the side of pіvnіchnyh susіdіv. Possibly, the very fact that the orange did not become a lucky mascot for its national team and won the choice of Italy.

1986, world championship in Mexico. Talisman: Pike pepper

Pike pepper has become a right symbol of one of the most fun championships in the world. The Mexicans took the idea of ​​the front mundial and destroyed it national stravy cicavi cartoon talisman. Im'ya Pike wine otrimav in the Spanish "picante" - I will name spices. The namesake of the defender of "Barcelona" laughed, wearing a sombrero and a great vus, like a few voices on yoga laughs. Tsikavo, that the Brazilian artist became the author of Pique, and Argentina won the world championship.

1990, world championship in Italy. Talisman: Cube Man Chao

The Italians did not foresee a talisman, but a reference text of modern art. Yogo body is similar to the Rubik's Cube puzzled by the national colors of Italy. The deputy head is a mascot of a football ball, for which there were no happy emotions. The Italian word became popular as a name, as it was taken away as a result of the vote, and the author was not just one artist, but a bunch of people. Unfortunately for the Italians, the most fashionable talisman Chao could not help his choice to win and win the FRN football.

1994 rіk, championship of the world in the USA. Talisman: dog Stryker

Stryker's creations were taken care of by the Walt Disney cartoon company for the whole world. Marked by the best traditions of American animation, the dog became another talisman-creature after the English left. Dyagnenii vіn buv u form kvіtіv national ensign USA and black boots. The organizers spun their talisman to the full cat, like the stench of Hollywood. Brazil became the champion of the world, and income from the sale of souvenirs by Stryker was over $11 million.

1998, world championship in France. Talisman: Pivnik Futix

Becoming a talisman at the championship of the world in France, having become Piven, it could not be otherwise. Having omitted our name from the English "foot" from the endings "iks", let's take it from the cartoon character Asteriks. Futiks buv blue with a bright red comb and tail. The hospitals do remember me, as if they were juggling at TV screensavers. The founders of Futix organizers took away the biggest profit in the history of talismans - $ 27 million. The creators of Frank Letory chimed in plagiarism, but the trial ended in a new victory. France won the home mundial, and added Futix to him.

2002 rіk, world championship in Japan and Korea. Talisman - family Atmo (Nik, Atmo and Kaz)

The mascots for the championship of the world in Japan and Korea were painted on a computer and struck the world with their looks. The organizers came up with a Kazakh narration and a colorful family of Atmos. On top of this stood the great leader, the golden Atmo. So there were two yogo blues who loved football - violet Nick and blue Kaz. Energy shone in the middle of the skin character, like the creators called it like football, because of which the mascots were made alive. At FIFA, they were afraid that the stench could be stinks of small painkillers, but then, navpak, they fell to like the greatest success of the atmosphere in children. Brazil won the world championship, and the mascots became more interactive.

2006 rіk, championship of the world near Nimechchyna. Talismany: lion Goleo VI and little boy Pille

The best talismans were the lion Goleo VI and the friend the little boy Pille. The creators of the famous Sesame Street foresaw it. Goleo of crushing at the look of the lyalka, and Pille of the ball. The talismans of the greatest football players were presented - Brazilian Pele and German Franz Beckenbauer. The characters were thought of more realistic and long biographies, and a lot of effort was put into their development. Only it didn’t work, and the talismans were not small for the great success of the patients. Italy became the champion of the world, and about Goleo VI and the ball, to say the least, the killers try not to guess.

2010 rіk, championship of the world at PAR. Talisman: leopard Zakumi

The organizers of the world championship in Africa did not repeat the pardons of their German colleagues and turned to the classic talisman. A leopard with a bright green mane took off his white T-shirt and named Zakumi, which can be translated as “Pivdenna Africa 10”. Cheerful painting character with flames on the shkіrtsі at the sight of the ball was once worthy of the volleyballs. Tsikavo, what

Zakumi was born on 16 March 1994, on the day of the victory over apartheid and the establishment of Pivdenno-African democracy. So 16 worms - the whole day of youth in PAR. Spain became the champion of the world, and on 16 March 2010, on the day of the match between Spain and Switzerland, which became the 16th in the tournament, Zakum won 16 years.

2014 rіk, world championship in Brazil. Mascot: battleship Fuleko

The merry that yaskravy armadillo Fuleko sacks near the other part of Brazil. New body, shell blue color that green shorts and that white T-shirt, which symbolizes all the colors on the Flag of Brazil. Im'ya Fuleko came from the word "football" and the beginning of the word "ecology". You love dancing, especially samba, and if you score a goal, spin on your shell. “My goal is to unite the world to help football. My life is dedicated to the zahist of the nasty nature of Brazil and the preservation of it for the coming generations, ”says Fuleko. Nіmechchina became the champion of the world, and Brazil took it as a talisman of a right fighter for ecology.

Talisman of emergency situations for football 2018 rock - ce vovk. Yogo was robbed of the middle of three applicants, they ate to the short arkush. The name of the so-called victory in such races was announced on the live air at the program “Vechirniy Urgant”.

Voting was carried out for a month. Maidans for the reception of votes were: the official website of the football organization FIFA, social media and the special page of the First Channel. Following the words of Ivan Urgant, voting for the mascot of the Emergency Situations-2018 was pinned on July 20 about 20.18. Specially for the viewers of the First Channel, that broadcast of Vechirniy Urgant, zokrema, was continued for an hour on the air.

At the result, over 1 million TV viewers voted. Great victory for the results of otrimav Vovk. Over 50% of the participants cast their votes for this candidacy. The Whale and the Tiger, as practice has shown, did not show good competition for Vovk from voting.

The mascot of the emergency situation for football in 2018, as the vote showed, falling to the soul of the greater half of the people. Now, if we have known who is the person of the future football saint, how it will be in Russia without a bar, let's get lost in history. We need to be vigilant, for some time the practice of choosing a talisman has become an invisible part of the Mundial, and also tell you about those who stink like before.

The history of talismans, obranih shdo Mundialey

Let's just say that the creatures are like a talisman - this is a practice that has taken root. the rest of the years, then, starting from the 70s of the XX century, they became like not people and fruits, then pepper. On Tuesday, 1966, at the Championship of the World in England, Leo became a representative. Yogo's nickname is Willy. So, it’s immediately clarified that any talisman has its own power. Since the lion is a symbol of Great Britain, the English did not have a chance to think for a long time who would be chosen as a Mundial specimen to be held at home. This is the first time, if the practice of choosing a talisman has gone wrong with the children. Fatherland football, yak-not-yak.

Through chotiri rocky in Mexico, the lad Juanito became a mascot. 1974 on the fields of the FRN - already two boys: Type and Top. In 1978, a roci in Argentina - again a boy (without "helpers"). In Spain in 1982, the orange was chosen as the symbol of rock. They called the stink yoga - Naranhito, vlasne, orange. The Mexicans of 1986 at the home Mundial in the form of a tournament hardened red pepper Pique. Gerard, hello!

In Italy in 1990, they turned to the practice of choosing people, it’s true, they stylize their little people. Named Yogo Chao. In the United States, after 4 years, the dog Stryker became special, which, to the point, was developed in the Disney company.

France, 1998 rec. The symbol of the World Championship is the Gallic piven. Wetly shining symbol of the Republic itself, as it were. So, the axis of im'ya for the new one is Futix. Ato, Kaz і Nіk - tse yakіs wondrous things, yakscho already frankly: chi creatures, chi nі. All the same, stench is a mascot for Mundial, which took place on the fields of Korea and Japan in 2002. Behind the words of their creators, the stench reinforced the high technology of the two Asian powers.

The German Mundial 2006 turned the fate of Goleo into its guise. The new one has a companion, Pille, but the ball. The mascot of PAR 2010 is Zakumi the leopard. Brazil in 2014 has the battleship Fuleko.

Vovk Zabivaka, what's on your name?

Vlasne, the talisman of the World Football Championship 2018 in Russia. Vovk Zabivaka. Anthropomorphic virility. Let's talk about a new one. The new one has brown-white hair. Sam vin robes at the T-shirt. On it is written: RUSSIA 2018. Even so, Zabivaka can still wear eyepieces. The stink of sports, orange color. And so, they are rarely drunk.

National colors Russian Federation- white, blue and red - you can easily see Zabivaki with a casual look. The shirt was white, the sleeves were blue, the shorts were red.

When choosing a FIFA talisman for 2018, Vitaly Leontiyovich Mutko, the head of the RFU, that Ronaldo, the one that “Zubastik” came to the recording of the TV show “Vechirniy Urgant”, which was broadcast live on the air, came. Before the speech, Ronaldo awed the Organizing Committee for the preparation of Brazil to the home Mundial 2014.

Vlasne Vitaliy Mutko and gave Vovka a prize after asking for Ivan Urgant. In principle, Zabivaka is a bigger lower name in the distance, for which the greater number of Internet-merezhs came in handy.

Applicants who have overthrown Zabіvak

The symbol of the moment of expression is the Amur Tiger, and the Cat, but he spared the lesser world. In the meantime, the voting did not spare the other participants, because they did not go to the shortlist: the Bogatyr, the Alien, the Cosmonaut, the Robot, the Bear, the Firebird and the Far Away Leopard. The first stage of voting will end on February 11, 2016.

It is significant that the talismans were created more importantly by the students of mystetsky visivs. All the same, they still managed to take away the zest of their robots. Particularly spared the students of that visa, in which Vovk was created, without a hitch.

Emergencies-2018 in Russia: the first Mundial on the territory of the Kolishny SRSR

Let's guess that the World Football Championship 2018 in Russia will pass from 14 worms to 15 limes. Tse will be already the 21st Mundial. The country-gospodarka has already approved 12 stadiums for the tournament, as they function on the territory of 11 cities of the Russian Federation. At the final part, spend 32 coins. The final will take place at the Luzhniki stadium near Moscow.

It will also be the first world championship in FIFA football, which will be held overnight in Europe and Asia. It seems like it’s been so long since the middle of autumn 2016 has set in the yard, but it’s just like that, believe me.

Video with the new mascot of the emergency situations-2018

In keeping with the historical tradition, talismans are presented at the “Vechirniy Urgant” on Pershoi (website below). Krim obov'yazkovogo rozvazhuvannya, three girls-students, "authors" of talismans-finalists came to the air.

At the paws, for the stench guessed only an idea. Well, there, "tiger-cosmonaut." And all the same style was seen by professional artists.

Ale cim divin of all that is seen, did not separate. The skin girl Ivan Urgant was talking about football, and she couldn’t say anything about them.

The finalists of the mascot competition are not boom-boom in football. Yours.

Do you support this club?
- No...
- Well, what about the money? (with obvious interference, - site note)
- There is no...

For whom do you bolіvatime on emergency situations?
- For the team from St. Petersburg

At the result, let the girls beat us, the stench put themselves far from the shortest light. As such, it could have happened - food without food.

Why is it that none of my friends and relatives want to give a basis for what football is and the championship of the world? None of them wield and wield encyclopedic knowledge. And just like that at the finals of the competition of talismans to the championship of the world, please be kind enough to roughly understand what is for the tournament and who is playing there.

Everything has robbed the appearance of unhandedness, non-seriousness of everything that is seen. The beginning of an emergency is a solid start, and not a championship of a water pump, a rich pool of vitrati, and here it is.

How can you show your own final to the competition at any cost, how the finalists forcefully show what the stench was robbing?

Okrema song, like talismans "looked around". “I have a dog living in my house, I saw Vovka for that.”


And everything can be bulo probachiti, yakbi mascots were on the heights. Ale, it's bad here.

You can sort out the smakivshchina “befitting or not befitting”. But what can’t be figured out, is it “like leather from three talismans-finalists” associated with Russia?”. The answer is simple: "No way they started."


Marvelous istota with sparkles on the forehead. Have mittens, but not a collar. Graє tail.


Vimir. Vіn the space suit, maybe, even if it's not enough to fill the vacuum of "Russianness". The video-presentation of wines is already without sholom, but with a knapsack behind its back.


At the high-angle eyepieces, which are fastened under the ears. Vie, if you score a goal.

What else is hotter (where else!), all three talismans do not avenge one's own ideas. It's just like cartoons, here in the style of pokemon, animals, they put a football ball in it.

Vovk Zabivaka

Football itself, Russia - everything is not beaten. Turn on any childish channel with cartoons, there are hundreds of talismans, and nothing else.

Mutko and Zabivaka

Residual holy zіpsuvalosa, if the studio came svіzhopіdvischene Vitaliy Mutko. Vіn mav buti when the results are announced and give them a chance.

Obviously, Urgant could not help but remember Mutko, for whom he voted. It suddenly dawned on the senior politician why Mutko, after everything, having become vice-premier: “I think that the right choice will be made today.”

Maybe, this model has a button “violating the regime of an official”, and in such an innocent situation, we felt those who feel it are dirty words.

A win at Vovk's pouch, having scored over 50%. It is especially significant that the sum of all votes was 100%.

And, for example, it didn’t happen again without pretense and instill falsehoods. Urgant asked Mutko: "How to name the nameless talisman?" I Mutko, not thinking for a moment, seeing: "Zabivaka".

So. Vіn type vygadav tse so, vіrazu. I’m sorry that the official twitter of the organizing committee once posted a ready-made picture with an English transcription of this word: Zabivaka.

Forget everything, do nothing. Zabivaku!

With a talisman, that yoga presentation did not spare us any more. Spodіvaєmos, want to have mercy on football.

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