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You can see pvc pipes and їх zastosuvannya. Wiconu installation of the sewerage system. How to independently install a PVC pipe

Sewage pipes with polyvinyl chloride (pvc) technical characteristics and ductility

The greatest popularity on the market of budіvelnyh materials in nі koristuyutsya vrobi mule polyvinylchloride - PVC. From this material, they prepare anonymous brown beads, starting from the usual disposable mittens and pumping massive spores. Like and be-like plastic - polyvinylchloride may be smelted, tied with physical powers. In order to competently install all the materials, for example, when choosing and installing pipes for sewer systems with PVC, it is necessary to clearly know its technical characteristics.

Physical characteristics of PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

Pipelines of sewage systems made of PVC are crusted over with a wide popit. However, regardless of everything visible, it is impossible to forget that the operational indicators of such pipes lie in the physical power of polyvinyl chloride. This plastic is popular among the industry and many other names: hostalite, vestalite, vinyl, corvik, winel, jeon, secret, sumilit, nipeon, cibulin, norvik, helvik. Tell you not to bless you with a lot of names - in fact - all the same good old PVC.

Pure polyvinyl chloride is a barless transparent plastic. Vіn may not react for a long time to the influx of a chemical-aggressive puddle medium, do not spread under the influx of motor oil and start repairing the operation of other rich acids and rozchinnikov.

Polyvinyl chloride and vrobi z nogo do not burn on the floor. This material is melted already at 65 degrees Celsius, so the sound of hot water is not hot. Also, the pipes from polyvinyl chloride are aired with a slight frost. The stinks begin to collapse already for minus 15 degrees. In such a rank, PVC pipes for winter hour turn off.

Technical characteristics of PVC pipes

The physical power of polyvinyl chloride, as a material, has been added to the technical characteristics of PVC pipes. Pererakhuemo, on the basis of the power of such virobivs, it is possible to exercise respect for the choice of budding material:

Varieties of PVC pipelines

The relative ease of manufacturing PVC pipelines has led to the fact that a wide range of varieties of this type is on the market.

Pipes with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can be divided for the following reasons:

  • Sewage PVC (polyvinylchloride) pipes for outdoor winery. Regardless of the low frost resistance, such varieties can be stagnant for molding the oval sewer contour. With this, the pipes either sink into the ground or are additionally insulated. As a rule, for the installation of external contours, vicory is used with a large peretina.
  • Sewage polyvinylchloride pipes for internal victoria. With this method, pipes of different diameters and different configurations are vicorated. The sphere of current zastosuvannya in the middle of life is practically not surrounded.

Also, PVC pipelines can be prepared for work with different workflows:

In addition, part of the pipelines with PVC can be exploited by authorities, which allow them to work in the middle with increased aggression. For which special additives are added to plastic. Such a warehouse zbіshuє varіst piping and that type of this type vikoristovuyutsya less in special systems.

We buy PVC pipes for pipelines

With all the richness of the choice when supplying PVC pipes for pipelines, it is necessary to consistently pay attention to the following technical and physical characteristics of the pipes:

  • Peretin trumpet. In different villages of sewerage systems, vicorist pipes have different cuts. So, for organizing a shower from a bathtub, a pipe with a span of 5 centimeters is needed, and for connecting the system to the main riser, a pipe with a span of at least 10 centimeters is required.
  • Dovzhina section. Promislovistu trumpets are let out with different lengths of sections. When folding the project of the sewerage system, it is necessary to take into account all the elements. More shortly, as on direct plots, you will have a whole series of pipes installed, without additional connections.
  • Working middle. It is possible that your sewer system will have aggressive drains. Tse, for example, is important for small virobnitstv. In this case, it is necessary to look at the characteristics of the pipe with a possible warehouse waste water.
  • Mindfulness. The minimum width of the pipe is to produce to the point that it can sag on long stretches, especially in the stave. Therefore, for the installation of such cutters, it is necessary to install additional brackets.

An important value may and more precisely, it is declared the marking on the pipe to its real values. When piping pipes from polyvinyl chloride, please provide a quality certificate. This is the same way to respect, as if the products were transported before the sale. The transportation of PVC for pipelines at low negative temperatures can lead to up to 100% before installation.

How to independently install a PVC pipe

Maybe, the most important advantage of PVC pipes is their ability to self-assembly. The process of doing it is simple. After all, the services of third-party mastrіv from the installation of such installations are cost-effectively inexpensive.

Again, the installation of PVC pipes follows the following algorithm:

Piping and sewerage pipes with polyvinyl chloride or PVC stitch by stitch to vintify the traditional chavun sewer pipes. Tse obumovlyuєtsya їх vіdminnimi tekhnіchnimi characteristics and great ease of installation.

PVC sewer pipes Technical characteristics: video

PVC is an abbreviation for polyvinyl chloride - a polymer with excellent performance characteristics at high pressures and temperature differences. Pipes made of PVC today are widely known in the living room, and may be a great drink in the segment of the communication industry of the modern market.

As a rule, stench vicorist is used for sewer lines (both external and internal laying), plumbing, drainage systems, as well as the basis for laying electrical cables.

Polyvinyl chloride: features and power

PVC is brought to the class of plastics, which saves building before re-processing, after the process of molding the completion, including pipes. The material begins to melt at a temperature of 165-200 C, and may not be weak to deformation, including mechanical stresses. Such authorities are concerned about the structure of polyvinyl chloride and molecular water.

For a complete understanding, what is the price of a PVC pipe - it is necessary to add, the price is non-combustible, stable to the influx of rich acids, chlorinated, aromatic and aliphatic carbohydrates. The material itself is thermoplastic, it is good to perform mechanical tests, and for this brewing, heat up to 200-300 C.

Porіvnjano z mіtsnіstyu material tsey pokazník y z'ednán, arrogantly according to the method of their jointing (gluing, zvaryuvannya), reaches close to 85-90%. Zavdyaki power imperviousness to electrostrum, polyvinylchloride is a good dielectric and zastosovuetsya for the preparation of smooth electrotechnical vibrations. It should be noted that the power of the polymer is consumed when heated over 85°C.

Electrical pipes made of PVC are victorious as a protection for different types of computer, electrical and TV cables. For chlorine at the polymer warehouse, the rest may be good indicators of fire resistance. According to the melting temperature of the viro- bic material, polypropylene or polyethylene analogues should be transferred.

PVC pipes: features, characteristics

The trumpets are made to state standards:

  • R 51613-2000 - the production of virobi;
  • Р 52134-2003 – terminology;
  • 18599-2001 - characteristics of PVC pipes outside the scope.

Virobi z polyvinylchloride can be resistant to accumulated storage, high indicators of elasticity. The stench does not rust and wash the smooth surface of the inner side, which ensures the stability of the pressure, the cream of the yogo reduction. What is the cost of electrical pipes (gray / white color), which allows you to seamlessly stretch the cable.

UV changes, micro-organisms and blazing streaks also do not pose a threat to such viruses. A pipe of a white color vikoristovuetsya when the insulation of the electric wire is damaged, as it is protected from damage by an electric jet.

Classification of PVC pipes

In this hour, a small sample of such types of viruses with polyvinyl chloride, dermal ones show their own signs of classification, including for technical characteristics, a similar look and other indications.

There are three types of smooth PVC floors:

  • sewerage (outdoor/internal);
  • casing;
  • electrical engineering.

Rozpodіl sewer pipes into two subtypes - ovnіshnі and vnutrіshnі - carried out fallow vіd roztashuvannya system. Zavdyaki to the characteristics of the products for the internal sewerage system, it becomes possible to install them for the introduction of wastewater from households and apartments. Zovnіshnі trumpets vikoristovuyutsya for water inlet spores and zvedennya kanalіzatsiynyh merezh zі znachnym peretina.

Fallow in the radius of the bend, such a pipe can be:

  • gnuchki;
  • already gnuchki;
  • harsh.

Small, medium and large varieties are found in the fallow type of the typical size.

So the stench podіlyayutsya at the sight of a working middle, like a stink to serve:

  • beznapirnі (transportation without a vice);
  • pressurized (transportation under pressure);
  • for rozrіdzhenikh middles.

In addition, the corrugated balls can be two-ball: the stench is formed from a smooth inner and a corrugated ring ball.

Gnuchki pipes with polyvinyl chloride: features and characteristics

The technical characteristics of such fibers lie in the power of the main material, from which stench is prepared - polyvinyl chloride. Vіdmіnіstu tsikh chimneys є vysokі pokazniki kіl'tsevoї zhorstkostі, zavdyakim stink zdatnі vytrimati znachny vise (upper boundary 120 atmospheres). The increase in the heating of the pipes is 5%.

Gnuchki trumpets are released in different colors, zokrema lucidity, which is due to the high light penetration of the polymer. PVC products in porous layers with analogues made of plastic materials can have a higher resistance to UV changes. As you stand on the surface of the flexible pipes, then the inside and outside sides are smooth. Reduced hardness of such pipes is possible at temperatures above 78C above zero.

Square pipes with polyvinyl chloride

Square slabs to wash the wall 2-3 mm. Zavdyaki sruchnіy form is really widely used for pipes made of PVC, stinks of stench are used for building greenhouses, greenhouses, systems of nipple filling and others. At the top of the greenhouses, the stench burrows into the frame with the stepping bracing up to the wooden foundation.

At the top of the round pipes, the pipeline from the square pipes superimpose the entire system in a vertical position. special respect vmagaє vstanovlennya n_pelya, yak can be perpendicular to the line of rozashuvannya pipes of a square shape.

The assortment includes the variety of varieties at the great diversity behind the tovshchina of walls and sizes. Follow the respect that the standards do not contain the preparation of profiles for additional supplementation of the pigment. In this way, trumpets are made in orange or white color.

Pipe pipes with polyvinyl chloride

The main responsibility of these chimneys of other types is the presence of a socket with a narrowed collar. Zavdyaki osoblinosti budіvlі it is possible to turn off the zastosuvannya zavaryuvalnyh devices at the process of installing the system. Like and pipes from PVC, roztrubni vikoristovuyutsya for water supply. Also, they vicorist for sewer lines.

The main material for their production and non-plasticization is polyvinylchloride, which has the highest strength and durability to the point of aggressive mediums.

Under the hour of sticking such pipes with smaller vibrations, a seal is established, the width of which allows vitrimati low and high pressure at the pipeline. The great assortment is another advantage of pipe fittings made from polyvinyl chloride.

Criteria and features of the choice of PVC pipes

The main characteristics of the skin virus are indicated in the marking, for the deciphering of which one does not need any special knowledge.

As a rule, they indicate the following data:

  • tovshchina of the wall;
  • polyvinyl chloride type;
  • outer diameter;
  • state standard(vіdpovіdno to what the pipe was prepared);
  • expansion of peace;
  • recognition;
  • type of pipe.

What does the color of the trumpet mean? The new one has information about the stagnation of the viroba:

  • blue / white - vicorous for planting the Sverdlovin;
  • zhovtі/pomaranchevі - vicorist for zvedennya zvedennya merezha;
  • sіrі/black corrugated - prichenіnі for vikoristanny pіd h sporudzhennya kan_izatsiynyh vnutrishnіh systems.

On the inner side of the corrugated pipe, light gray or white color. Detailed information about the characteristics of the virus can be found in documents, depending on which wines are prepared.

Fallow indicative of the quality of the pipes are subdivided into:

  • legends (indicated by the letter L);
  • middle (marked with Latin N);
  • important (designated as S).

Vykhodyachi іz mіtsnostі class, rozrakhovuєtsya boundary depth zalagannya trumpets with underground laying of the pipeline. For example, the signification of the light group like SN-2, to talk about those that are vitrimatic 2kN / m 2 medium SN-4 and important SN-8 - 4kN / m 2 and 8kN / m 2 is obvious.

For the laying of ground pipelines and cables, as a rule, vicorous materials are made from polyvinyl chloride in black color, the remaining power to reduce the influx of UV-lights.

Vikoristannya PVC pipes

The technical characteristics of such pipes ensured their wide coverage in various galuzahs, the skin of which is distinguished by the type of wool. So zastosovuyutsya as a basis for communal water supply, where the upper limit of the operating temperature is allowed to reach 45 ° C. So it is also vicorous for the supply of sewerage (for example, self-fueled).

Reinforcement of PVC-slabs is a spiral-like frame, which is reinforced with a polymer. The stench knew a wide zastosuvannya in the possession of high level vibrations (these are the same as industrial aggregates, and th butt technology). The smut recognition of reinforced PVC pipes in the possession is the safety of the nadiy zakhist of the lancer of life for the minds of the influx of the trivaly vibrating vanity.

The peculiarities of the design are so likely to advance the mentality in order of flexibility. Such a budova allows expanding the range of installation of such pipes, for example, in slopes, if there is a problem of static installation. So, during the protection of electrical installations, the laying of reinforced PVC slabs is zastosovuetsya, at budivelnyh materials - that subterranean is attached. Krіm tsgogo, the stench of the vicorist is on the plots, where you need to turn that vigini (the bellows of the bellows of the pipes).

A smooth, hard PVC pipe has become widely used for building sewer lines and laying electrical cables. When it comes to wiring the cable on the basis (all levels of combustibility), then the series is easy to win. Krim tsgogo, it is suitable for prihovanoy cable laying in horizontal and vertical surfaces acceptance. Heavy series of zastosovuyut at cement and concrete screeds for admission.

Zvichayno, before that, how to choose the most common type of PVC pipe, you should become familiar with the characteristics of the pipe and other information that is added to the choice. It is important to remember correctly to decipher the marking, understand what the color of the trumpet means. The range of options allows you to choose the option for the improvement of specific vimog and minds.

At the rich galuzy of the communal state, pipes made of PVC came to replace the steel and chavun pipes. Plastic pipes make a number of advantages: the stench is more durable, not shy to corrosion, resistant to the influx of chemical and organic speeches, growths do not settle on a smooth inner surface. So varto signifies such a non-peripheral goodness, like unscrupulousness to blazing streaks. Pipes PVC st_yk_ to low temperatures and navit for povnogo freezing do not ruynuyutsya. Іsnuє kіlka types of PVC pipes, yakі vіdrіznyayutsya with their technical parameters and the scope of zastosuvannya. Plastic pipes vicorist when laying outdoor and internal sewerage systems, cold and hot water supply systems, drainage systems, for laying electric cables, internet cables and telephony. Let's take a look at the PVC pipes in the report, to understand how to choose and install them.

PVC sewer pipes

Sewage plastic pipes miraculously proved themselves to be both at the hour of laying new pipelines, and when replacing old ones. Their main function is to transport the land by self-fuel. In this case, the temperature is not responsible for exceeding 60 ° C. Also, they are stopped not only for the transportation of significant effluents, but also for technical gardens, for lining pipelines of technical significance in taverns and other galleys of industry.

See PVC sewer pipes and their features

For lining the sewer pipeline, the following pipes are vicorated:

  • PVC pipes for internal sewerage(Zhorstki).

  • Orange PVC pipes(Zhorstki).

  • Gnuchki corrugated sewer pipes orange color for the ovnіshnyoї kanalіzії, including zlivovoj.

The modern sewerage system is installed from pipes and fittings in orange color. The construction of such pipes between each other and with fittings is carried out in the so-called pipe method - a leather element of a pipe with a security pipe, which expands the diameter of the pipe with a mitznoy gum gasket. Enhanced humic rings miraculously ensure the tightness of the air and safety.

Sewage PVC pipes in buildings show great interest in transportation and operation, for example, a vice of an earthen layer. Also, the stench may have a low expansion coefficient at a sharp change in temperature.

Diameter of PVC pipes for sewerage from 110 mm to 630 mm. For the ultimate zamіskogo booth install standard pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.

Corrugated sewer pipes stand up to innovative materials. Їx vicorist for laying plank, sanitary and primary sewer systems, as well as drainage pipelines and reclamation systems to the rural state. Corrugated pipes do not lose elasticity at low temperatures, resistant to aggressive speech, can be operated in a wide temperature range. They are laid without intermediary at the ground and concreted for the need.

Corrugated sewer pipes with underwires: the outer pipe is made of HDPE (polyethylene of low pressure), on it there are hardness ribs, the inner pipe is made of PVD (polyethylene of high pressure), and the walls are smooth. The reason for such a design is a two-ball corrugated sewer PVC pipe with a bent building to let through a great amount of drains and, at the same time, to take it apart, to spread a great amount of water to its surface.

Advantages and shortcomings of PVC sewer pipes

Perevagi PVC pipes for sewerage:

  • Virobi of high mentality.
  • The smooth inner surface of the pipes is overgrown with hard linings in the middle.
  • Easy to tolerate low temperatures. Navit for total freezing, for mind, that in the middle there is no water, the stench will not be broken.
  • Resistant to various chemical and mechanical infusions.
  • Tightness. The ability to get sewage water near the soil is minimal, on the surface of steel pipes, as a result of corrosion, it is easy to crumble, burrows appear.
  • Durability.
  • Environmental safety.
  • Light weight, which is important for transportation and installation.
  • Low price.

Insufficient PVC sewer pipes:

  • For high temperatures, they spend their mіtsnіst. The limiting operating temperature of PVC sewer pipes is +40 °С.

Short hours are allowed on the pipes of the river, the temperature is up to +80 ° C, but only short hours. After a successful contact hot water the term of exploitation of PVC sewer pipes sharply shortens.

How to choose the right PVC pipes for sewerage

PVC sewer pipes are ventilated by their technical parameters. In order to choose a pipe for specific minds of exploitation, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Pipe diameter (internal and external).
  • Dovzhina section.
  • The class of merit.
  • Additional rice.

So varto perekonatisya, schobi vykonanі z urakhuvannyam usіh vimog GOST, and also went through all the necessary tests for mіtsnіst.

As we wrote, the pipes are cut down in a stale manner in recognition. For home vikoristannya pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used. Dovzhina section is also chosen stalely by the minds of the project.

Sewer pipe class vplyvaє those, yak clay її can be buried. Submit 3 groups of zhorstkostі zі to their marking:

  • Light group (L) vitrium 2 kN/m2 (designated SN-2). Marking SDR51; SN-2; row S25.
  • The middle group (N) is visible 4 kN / m2 (indicated by SN-4). Marking SDR41; SN-4; Row S20.
  • Tie-down group (S) - 8 kN/m2 (marked as SN-8). Marking SDR34; SN-8; row S16,7.

Blow lightly you can roztashovuvat on a relatively small depth in the zone, where there is no great vanity. For example, they can be laid under the green zone, the parkway and the sidewalk.

middle trumpet laying under the zone from a small traffic of vehicles. For example, under the parking lot of a car at the station of the zam_sky booth under the roads with little vanity.

Heavy trumpet vikoristovuyutsya for the laying of the pipeline in the industrial zones and on the plots with high traffic, under the motorways and the houses. Under the roads, important PVC pipes can be laid at a depth of 8 m.

Features of the installation of PVC sewer pipes

Works on the installation of sewage pipelines from PVC pipes can be safely done independently, there is nothing foldable.

Installation of internal sewerage:

  • At the same time, pick up all the necessary details: sections of pipes of the necessary length, fittings, knees, rotary sections and other.
  • The PVC sewer pipe for internal pipelines may be equipped with a special gasket for the installation of parts, but the gaskets may or may not be used. Remember, inner trumpets of a gray color. Let's take a look at the option of connecting pipes without laying a conduit.
  • Then we revise, as the details go in one to one. On dry land, the part must go into the socket of the element at the top by 2/3.

  • I will top the details, then insert them at the socket, cover with special glue.

Important! In order for the glue to stick to the surface, it would be more slick, you can put a shortness on the surface of the pipes, slightly tattered.

  • After applying the glue, the part is inserted into the socket of the element at the top.
  • In a similar order, all elements are connected: long sections between themselves, sections with knees, rotary elements, sections with fittings, sections with tees.

  • After the pipes are closed, it is necessary to check the tightness. In order to turn off the possibility of the appearance of a leak, the revision is due to take at least 1 year.

Installation of outdoor sewerage:

  • At the same time, we pick up all the necessary details: pipes take orange sewers with a rose pipe, equipped with a humic ring of the killer.
  • The laying of PVC pipes for the sewerage system is to be carried out under the foundation.
  • K_nets details, which goes into the socket, smear with butter or nice.
  • Then insert into the socket and close by hand.

  • For insulation, the pipes are inserted into the special heat-insulating material.
  • Pipes are laid with a bunting 2 div per 1 m of the pipe. First trumpet zadnuyut іz head ієї, yak go out of the house. Sounding trumpets are laid on a food pillow.
  • To ensure the turn of the pipeline, it is possible to twist the turning elements by 15 - 30 degrees, but not more.

  • The skin of 15 m of the sewerage pipeline is mounted a revision well.
  • Farther, they twist the pipes and sip with a squeak, lightly tamping the squeak from the sides of the pipe.
  • Seize the trench with soil from hot.

The sewerage pipeline is laid to the sewer or septic tank.

Plumbing PVC pipes

Vodoprovidnі piping povinnі buti zdatnі vytrimuvati dosit great pressure on the system, so for the organization of the water supply system such type of PVC pipes, like for example (PVC) are used. Such pipes are made from non-plasticized PVC, which can achieve resistance to chemical resistance. Tse Zhorstkі PVC pipes of gray color with rose pipes.

Advantages and shortcomings of PVC pipes

Advantages of PVC water pipes:

  • Low toxicity to the material.
  • Resistant to chemical resistance.
  • Stіykіst to reproduction of flowers and bacteria.
  • Small wag.
  • Security clearance.
  • Vіdsutnіst vіdkladen zhorstіh fractions on vіdshnіh sіnah.
  • Do not light the fire - every hour the fire will go out at once, as if to tidy up the fire.
  • Environmental safety.
  • Durability.
  • Unsharpness to the point of corrosion.
  • It is allowed to work from PVC-U pipes on rough soils. The tightness is ensured behind the help of the socket and the ring of the breaker.

Insufficient PVC water pipes:

  • PVC badly vitrimuє high temperature. The maximum allowable value is +65 °С, for a short time you can skip the home with a temperature of +85 °С. Sound PVC pipes vicorous for hot water supply systems, where the water temperature does not exceed +45 °С.
  • For regions where the temperature drops below -15 ° C, the water pipes are insulated in the same way as they are laid in the ground.
  • At lower temperatures dovkilla the plasticity of the pipe decreases.
  • With the appearance of mechanical failures, for example, nicks, cracks and chips, the building is heavily used to repair support for mechanical problems. To this very fact, the construction of the elements was fenced in a threaded way, including with a steel pipeline.
  • Foldable disposal.

From the redundant shortfall, one more one stands out - trival and expensive installation of the pipeline, in which PVC pipes must be stuck with metal pipes.

Installation of a water supply system from pressure PVC pipes

Let's aim an example, how PVC pipes are closed for pressure glue:

  • After that, as all the elements of the system are selected, it is necessary to reconsider the accuracy of the adjustment. The edge of the element must go into the socket of the element at least 2/3.

  • For the consumption of cutting pipes, remember that PVC water pipes can be cut perpendicularly. For whom you can vicorist budіvelnі nіzhіtsi, roller razak and zvichaynu hacksaw for metal.
  • After trimming, clean the edge of the pipe with a file.
  • Then we remove the thyrsus from the surface, degrease the surface.
  • The surface of the elements, which are being treated, is treated with the so-called primer - cleaning. Vіn is necessary not only to remove excess wood and fat, but also to loosen the surface of the pipe and improve the adhesive warehouse.

  • An adhesive warehouse is applied on the surfaces that are connected: in the middle of the pipe socket of the fitting and on the butt end of the pipe.

  • Run the pipe all the way into the element at the top.
  • Let's rotate the pipe along the axis by ¼. It is necessary for a short cut under the adhesive warehouse on the surface of the parts. As a result of this procedure, a circle of glue may appear on the stick.
  • You see excess glue behind the help of a clean ganchirka-ganchirka.

The time of hanging the pipes to lie down depends on the number of factors: temperature and moisture content of the middle core, as well as the diameter of the pipes. Before speech, with vikoristan pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and more, it is necessary to vicorate a special tie-down attachment.

PVC pipes for cable laying

Without a doubt, you were informed that when laying a power cable, it turns out like a corrugation. Indeed, corrugated PVC pipe is used for laying low-power and power lines, which are operated at a voltage of up to 1000 V - for the purpose of insulating darts, cables, cords. It is also necessary to win for laying the Internet, telephony, computer local and other networks.

Characteristics of corrugated PVC pipes

Pipes PVC vikoristovuyutsya for laying the truss, to secure the mechanical protection of the cable from damage, as well as additional insulation, protecting the electric jet. The middle part of the main corrugated PVC pipes is the main one - self-extinguishing, and ale є th іnshі:

  • Do not expand the mountain (screaming from the head water).
  • Waterproof.
  • Dovgovichna, not wasting her powers from time to time.
  • At the process of installation, the temperature regime can be -5-60 °С.
  • The operating process has an acceptable temperature regime of -20-80 °С.
  • The color of corrugated pipes for electrical wiring sounds sir. Marking RAL7035.
  • Step up to IP55.
  • Opir until stiff to lie down in the series: light - 320 N / 5 cm, mat - 750 N / 5 cm, overlay - 1250 N / 5 cm.
  • The dielectric power is 2000 at a frequency of 50 Hz (the frequency of the struma is 15 quills).
  • Isolation support 100 Ohm at a voltage of 500 with a pull of 1 quill.

How to choose a corrugated PVC pipe

For laying the cable, a PVC pipe with a broach is used, of a different diameter in the fallage according to the needs:

  • 16 mm - to lighting accessories.
  • 20 mm and more - up to sockets and vimikachiv.
  • 25 mm and more - laying between rose boxes in different spaces.
  • 32 mm and more - installation between electrical panels.
  • 40 - 50 mm - laying between the tops.
  • 16 - 20 mm - coaxial cable, telephone wire, signal cable, etc.

More information on the selection of the pipe diameter in the fall over the cable cut, which will be laid in it, can be seen in the tables below.

It’s also important to respect that for laying an electric line, you need to use not only a corrugated pipe, but also a hard pipe. Sound them out in the installations under the wall or industrial undertakings. Such a pipe can be twisted for laying either by hoisting, or in the same way, as well as in the middle of a concrete massif.

Laying in corrugated pipes is carried out in the middle of the walls, at the gates there is a lining made of non-combustible materials. Vidkritu wiring in such pipes can be carried out only in the middle of the room, so as PVC pipes do not blame the influx of wet sleepy changes.


  • The pipe and the necessary supplies are purchased on the spot. Sound the stench of constructive power - broach, as it is easier to tighten the cable inside. Cable length in bay 25 m, 50 m and 100 m.

  • In order to stretch the cable inside the corrugated pipe, it is necessary to tie the cable to the end of the broach and pull the cable to the end of the broach until the cable appears salutary side trumpet.
  • Rіzati trumpets can be a kind of rіzalniy element.
  • When mounting in a corrugated way, fasten the corrugated pipe to the wall or other surfaces with special clamps.

When installing hard pipes, as a cable channel for electrical wiring, vicorist pipes are 2 - 6 m long. There are special details for the order.

Okrema category of PVC pipes - casing pipes. stinks with virobs blue colorїkh schіlny PVC with trapezієpodіbnіm іzblennyam on іntsyah. On some elements, there is a pattern, on others - internal. The diameter of the casing for the drill hole is 85 mm to 250 mm, the thickness of the walls is 7 to 20 mm.

The non-perforating edge of the PVC casing pipe is resistant to corrosion. As a rule, through steel pipes the water is consumed by soil water and oxydisolism at the time of damage to її іrzhey, which is inevitable.

When choosing a casing pipe for a borehole, it is necessary to focus on the diameter of the pump, which is inserted into it. The diameter of the pipe is due to the buti 4 mm larger.

Casing installation vykonuetsya on the difference in the diameter of the drill:

  • First 3 - 5 m Buryats with a diameter of 140 mm.
  • Dali to the depth of an aquifer with a diameter of 130 mm.
  • Insert a pipe 125 mm (external diameter). Vіdrіzki z'єdnuyut rіzbovim z'єdnannyam.

To restore respect, the sverdlovina can be evenly vertical, otherwise problems can be blamed from the shutting of the casing pipe. In another case, if you apply a zusill for proshtovhuvannya, blow into the sverdlovina, the pipe can crack. It’s worth trapping often, so professional companies without special equipment for drilling equal Sverdlovins do not like to beat PVC pipes.

Pick up bags, I would like to say a few words about saving PVC pipes. It cannot be assumed that straight sleepy shifts were used on pipes, they can only be transported in a horizontal frame, PVC pipes cannot be moved by dragging, they can only be transferred. It is often necessary to finish the purchase of the trumpet before the sale in the process of transportation, which is not much more than a savings, so before buying it is necessary to look around.

What is PVC pipe? Under such an abbreviation, the name of the plastic polymer is called polyvinyl chloride. This type of plastic has a few characteristic powers:

  • fire;
  • frost resistance;
  • low melting point.

PVC pipes can be drilled on wake-up market in a wide range. Basically, stinks are divided into two groups:

  • for example;
  • without pressure.

The technical characteristics of such types allow them to be used in various industries:

  • water supply;
  • ventilation;
  • sewerage;
  • drainage;
  • water supply;
  • transportation of rіdin.

PVC pipes are manufactured according to GOST R 52134-2003. According to GOST 18599 2001, the exact dimensions of PVC pipes are expected:

  • diameter;
  • tovshchina of the wall;
  • mass of 1 linear meter.

Technical parameters of the above parameters are regulated by GOST R 51613-2000.

Technical characteristics

Even more often the PVC of the hawk, yak, yak, or else see such a viroba, at its base may be physically powerful, characteristic of polyvinyl chloride. The same type of pipe will take its own technical characteristics:

  1. High kіltseva hardness. Behind her rahunok, the chimney is built to vibrate a vice, which is 120 atmospheres high.
  2. Low frost resistance. Therefore PVC pipes are heat-insulated. Smooth PVC resistant to -15°C.
  3. The pipe is smooth and highly resistant when heated. Її increase in your own to become less than 5%.
  4. Pipes PVC v_dr_znyayutsya low thermost_yk_styu. The PVC beetle begins to lose its toughness when the temperature reaches 78°C.
  5. The PVC bellows breathes in its shortness. Tsya pipe is smooth like a middle one, and ringing. Zavdyaki such a viciousness is protecting the pipeline from the slurry.
  6. Polyvinyl chloride has a high light penetration. To that, the PVC of the lamb is often clear. Ale, in the greater part of the fall, the pipe is smooth different colors. Navіt pofarbovana pvc gnuchka maє visoku stіykіst up to ultraviolet vipromіnyuvannya (pіvnyа z be-yakim іnshim plastic).
  7. A smooth pipe does not in any way have the characteristics of a rod, as to pass through it.

In other words, plastic communications allow you to pump through them like a motherland. It doesn't matter if you'll be drunk or technical.

The head of the plastic virobu is vvazhayutsya:

  • neutral setting to the middle, scho to pass along it;
  • high indicator of ring hardness.

Such authorities give the opportunity to create pipelines from such types of pipelines, which can be Pitna water under a high vise.

The main power of plastic:

  1. High firmness. Under the hour of sewerage works, sewerage risers are installed, which can have large diameters.
  2. Vitrimuyut high temperatures.
  3. There is a small coefficient of thermal expansion, which is similar to PP virobs.
  4. Stays until melting, do not be afraid of thermal degradation.

The laboriousness of the labor under the hour of rework is important for the head of such labor. If the mountain starts, polyvinylchloride sees rotten speech, which is even worse for the people. However, it can happen in more than one drop: the temperature of the superfluous middle can exceed +400°C.

Plastic virobs have a lot of positive qualities, but you can see:

  • varity is available;
  • no one knows corrosion;
  • trivalent term of exploitation;
  • Easy installation.

In addition, the vise of the building vitrimatization of plastic pipes, plastic pipes is subdivided into sprats:

  • without pressure;
  • for example;
  • conductors of distribution of the middle.

Basically, as has already been said above, a variety of these details should be deposited in their current location. That pressurized pipelines can carry their own, unpressurized - their own:

  1. Unpressed groups.

Such pipelines are made from a number of pipe fittings, so they are selected and fixed for additional strengthening pipes. In such a way, it is possible to install a sewer pipeline. It doesn’t matter, as a vin will be (internal chi zovnishnim).

On the basis of such a technology for installation, non-pressure parts are shaped, so that one end can be sweated. The most common is the diameter, which is 110 mm. Rozmіri kanalіzatsіynogo virobu roztashovanі in the range of 63-315 mm. The original types are regulated by GOST.

The biggest vice, which can be used without pressure pipeline, reaches 0.63 MPa. At the same time, the plastic pipe is vitrified by more than 20 MPa.

  1. Napernі groups.

Such pipelines are guilty of vitrimuvat high internal pressure. The very same, if such systems are chosen, glue-type PVC pipes should be installed. own with a sultry look the stench is already guessing the trumpets. The ends of the details of the troch of potovshcheni (the so-called roztrub). The maximum diameter of such a virobu is 110 mm. It is required to say that 11 types of such parts are presented in the GOST standard, which are used for the adhesive socket.

Introducing water treatment

Such details may vary. The most popular choice is the one with a diameter of 110 mm. All the details are indicated in the її markuvannya. For example, "NF PVC EU - 110 x 3.2" refers to those that such a PVC pipe has a diameter of 110 mm (with a wall thickness of 3.2 mm). Zgidno with GOST, it is assigned for the introduction of sewage waters.

If the sanitary system fails or the wicked collector fails, plastic parts can have different diameters, varying from 32 mm to 63 mm. Sewer descents require great openings. IN to this particular type zastosovuyutsya diameter, pochinayuchi vіd 75 mm і up to 710 mm. In case of private ownership, the diameter is 110 mm.

Parts designated for sewerage robots have a straight tip and a special pipe stick. Because the diameter is small, they are less often surrounded by a straight tip. To determine the minimum internal diameter, it is necessary to look at GOST, where all the dimensions are indicated in the tables, which should be checked. Vrakhovuyuchi promoted the expansion of details on the market, zastosovuyut:

  • for washbasins - 32 mm;
  • for the soul -40 mm;
  • for sewerage - 110 mm.

Specially for universal installations, GOST has set up a checkpoint. The dimensions of the pipes that are sold often do not match the standard ones. Therefore, making a purchase, it is necessary to choose such a diameter, so that it will expand by a little more.

If the sewerage details are selected, the criteria for the selection are the comradeship of the wall.

On the right, in the fact that all unpressurized pipes vibrate independently from the internal vice. Mayzhe be a sewerage system without pressure. Therefore, the best option when choosing such a detail is to ensure the high quality of the wall of the virobu. She is guilty of vitrimati the whole volume of the river, which is to pass through it. For her, it’s not the fault of the terrible mechanical ones, as if they could strike a splendid middle ground. Therefore, if sewer pipes are selected, it is necessary to insure two signs:

  1. Inner diameter, through which we pass all the drains.
  2. The tovshchina of the wall ensures high mechanical strength.

Pipes for internal sewerage

Sound for such robots vicorist plastic virobi, stuffed in a gray color. The number of details may be characteristic:

  1. The wall is forever smooth.
  2. Z'ednannya is carried out only in the socket.

The most running є PVC 52, PVC 110, PVC 50 at maximum time 3000mm. Pipe PVC 25 vikoristovuєtsya more.

The tovshchina of the wall is selected according to the necessary minds of hardness. Sound in all self-fueling systems, details are installed with a thickness of over 1.8 mm. Usі rozmіri can be looked over in the GOST tables.

Zovnishnya sewerage: features

If the sewerage system is fluctuating, pipes of different colors are laid for these purposes:

  • orange;
  • zhovty.

The stench is practiced by especially hard minds. Specially for them, seperately up to the diameter, the vіdpovіdna tovshchina of the wall was broken up. For example, for virobivs, the diameter of any kind is 200 mm:

  1. When laying on a depth of 4 meters, a torso of 3.9 mm is taken.
  2. For a 6-meter depth, the wall must be 4.9 mm thick.
  3. For especially important minds (with a depth of 8 meters), the tovshchina is obliged to change 5.9 mm.

All data should be directed to GOST. If sewerage systems are being designed, the values ​​are specified in the project.

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PVC pipes for pressure lines

It's an hour, if the sewer pipes were overly metal. The stench was important, for today's day it was necessary to brew. And it means that the laying of the sewerage was right-handedly serious, like a vimagala zusil fakhivtsiv.
And this year, pipes from other materials, as a way to relieve the richness of the shortcomings of the old sewer systems. One of the most optimal options is pipes with polyvinyl chloride. Just kazhuchi, tse special plastic. Pipes made of PVC are used not only for the installation of sewerage, vicorous stench for water supply, and for other purposes.

Why did the PVC trumpets of the current rulers so vouchsafed?

Nadzvichayna lightness buttya ...

We can only let it run like sewer pipes live, no doubt, PVC is an even lighter material. Tse Persha win plastic pipes over metal pipes. A small mass of PVC pipes allows you to install them to fahivtsu. With this plastic pipe, finish the mіtsnі, it’s not varto to be afraid of harming them when you get it; so the stench can be planted on the great clay under the earth. Installation of the pipeline does not require the installation of folding fasteners and expensive tools.


Weak place of metal pipes - the chain of strength to corrosion. Іrzha, oxidation and other similar problems of obov'yazkovo will be, so the term for the service of a metal pipe is perceptibly low. Navit as a material covered with an anti-corrosion warehouse, but it does not guarantee total relief from the threat of corrosion: it will all be the same, high and signifi- cantly worse.
And the axis of the pipe made of PVC relieved some of the shortfall. Plastic is not irzhavіє, it is more suitable for vikoristannya in systems that are connected with water (if you do not start clean).


Zavdyaki that plastic pipes are easy to install independently and for which you don’t need folding equipment, the installation of sewerage will be cheaper for the Lord.

An added plus is that PVC pipes themselves can be made cheaply, similarly to metal ones.

Metal vzagalі ide in the past, accommodating plasticity, and the difference in vartosti is an even more important factor in this type of change.

The versatility of plastic pipes

However, PVC pipes are not the same for their technical characteristics. The stink of lying down, in order to de-same vikoristovuvatimutsya trumpet.
For example, trumpets, designated for internal sewerage systems, may have a smaller diameter and an average volume. The stench will sound like a Syrian color. And the axis is easily recognizable for its orange color and larger diameter, even if it passes much more sewage water. Sounding trumpets are made from materials with greater signs of spirituality.
The trumpets are blown and behind them, like a working middle of the stench of the building, vitrimuvat. At the time of the "working middle" - the main waters.

PVC pipes without pressure

Non-pressure pipes are recognized for systems in which the middle is collapsing by self-fueling. The material for them is more cheap, so the price of the pipes themselves is lower.

pressure sewer PVC pipes

Pressurized trumpets can vibrate up to 10 or more atmospheres. Koshtuyut stench, zvichayno, more expensive, prote v_dryznyayutsya significantly more mіtsnіstyu.

Technical characteristics of PVC corrugated pipe

Corrugations are also recognized for systems with a strong core. The stinks can zginatisya under the be-yakim kutom, scho to rob them with irreplaceable under the hour of laying sewers with a folding configuration.

Main characteristics of plastic pipes

In order to choose the right PVC pipe for your house or apartment, it is necessary to insure anonymous factors.

  • First, diameter. On the market there are pipes of various diameters, which are recognized for the transfer of various discharges of sewage waters. The actual actual diameter of non-pressure pipes can be changed from 50 to 1200 mm. Minimum diameter sufficient for private houses and apartments; Prote for connecting the toilet bowl with a wide pipe - up to 110 millimeters.

PVC pipe internal and external diameter

  • In another way, dozhina sections. Won to lie down in the system, the configuration is too thin.
  • Thirdly, the community of walls. Vaughn appoints a stock of trumpets. The minimum thickness should be less than 1.30 mm, in some cases it is sufficient. The maximum thickness of the plastic pipe wall is 36.70 mm; such systems are installed mainly on industrial undertakings, de obyag lead, what is passed, great.

tovshchina wall trumpet

  • Fourth - the temperature of the working medium is permissible. After all, plastic is a material that is scalable to a high temperature. For such a system, it is allowed to vicorate water with a temperature of 0 to plus 45 degrees.

pipe working temperature

  • On-p'yate - a robotic vice, for which razrakhovaniya virib. Apparently, for example, unpressurized pipes are victorious in systems with a maximum pressure of 0.160 megapascals.

The value of the coefficient K and the working vice fallow in the temperature of the middle (heat)

Revised and tested

Blow the trumpet, scho є to the market, when preparing to pass a special test for the assessment of authority and characteristics. And during their transportation and packaging, they are also subject to the same rules.

Sewer laying

The laying of a sewerage system starts from the layout of the scheme. On it, they indicate the length of the windpipe, and all the plumbing fixtures that are connected. In addition, the scheme allows you to estimate the exact number of required pipes.

When choosing a pipe, follow the respect for the community of walls and diameter

Let's get ready to blow our own trumpets. Plastic molds can be repaired immediately. Fight in the same way at the pipe. It's important that the skin rash is bulo. The creaking surfaces can be smeared with silicone for easy adhesion.
On the highway, where the pipe passes, the soil is strengthened and the pillow is shaking out of the sand. The trumpets are stacked and fastened behind additional clamps. With this, all the pipes are laid under a deaky stubble, otherwise the water simply cannot run the sewers.
As if it were a tras dovga, then through the skin 30 meters it was necessary to vlash vіkna (revision wells). Tse allow perevіryati system at zasmіchennya that at times need to repair її, not vykopyuchi all piping.

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